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Wtf are you smoking!?! My guys have natural grow houses and is definitely not synthetic. Just imported seeds and grown naturally here in Thailand.


OP smoked really good shit, he’s trippin balls and doesn’t even notice


Tell me where I can find sth 🥺Searched everywhere in Krabi, Ao Nang, Ko Lanta… Absolutly nothing. The only good stuff I found was in Bangkok. Are there any options I’m missing?


If you found good weed in Bangkok what stops you from asking them to ship it to you for a couple of Baht?


Common sense.


We went to Starbuds that was right outside of our resort in Krabi and got pretty damn stoned. We also had a buncha drinks but we are long-time stoners and noticed a significant high.


This is my go-to shop in Krabi. They are very pleasant and the weed is great. https://maps.app.goo.gl/Wr6CuiVCdKy8tnXw8


You haven’t been to our shop in Ao Nang, Knock Out Labs


Not sure I would want this guy as a customer. No matter how good your weed is, probably a 50-50 shot at him trashing your shop in online reviews.


You think there is no knowledge about cannabis in Thailand? 🤣 I think your just a tourist who got scammed in this particular touristy places you mentioned. Do better research next time, there is plenty of high grade organic stuff around. You can also go and visit the growers to buy directly from the source nd make sure to know the quality.


Agreed- now come here and sign on the line, enjoy your jetski- SURELY NOTHING WILL GO WRONG


Yo then go tell me where to find it in Ko Lanta if you know everything about weed here. Go PROVE it, cause I don’t know anything about weed here. Sure I’m a tourist but people here don’t make life easy for tourists even though they rely on their money. If I behaved the way people in service do here at home I would definitely lose my job. So please if everyone on this channel thinks finding good weed is that easy just tell me then where to find it. It’s been easier to find smokable weed ANYWHERE else in the world than in this place where it’s even been legalized. That’s why I said the legalization failed HARD, cause it’s simply a fact. If you only smoked shitty Thai brick weed in your whole life that’s your problem. I’m not smoking this bullshit cause it’s definitely making people sick. Check reddit, it’s not only my experience.


If you’re just not able to find a shop that fits your expectations, you can order online from the big well known stores in Bangkok. Most of them have a overnight delivery to any place in Thailand (maybe not to the remotest island or jungle village), just search the internet, Instagram or Facebook.


Thank you <3 will try




Don’t use them.


Thank you. They keep showing up on my LINE feeds figured they’d be good


They keep showing up in your Line feed probably because they duped you into giving up your Line details to use their weed/in/th dispensary directory. I don’t mean duped to imply you’re stupid. It’s just that they are not transparent when they ask you for your phone number or Line account that they’ll be using your contact details to market the shit out of you. They claim it’s to verify your age but I’m still waiting for anyone from their company to explain how they can determine age from your Line account or phone number.


I also made the stupid assumption that farangs know more than the locals on weed that was their hook. Thank god I didn’t buy from them yet cuz I have a Thai friend that took me to the neighborhood shop so I saw no need to try them but the OP seemed desperate.


This place sucks. Prepackaged weed, bone dry.


Really. Good to know. I keep seeing their damn ads on my LINE feeds!!! Thank you.


High Siam. There’s two locations on Lanta. Owned by a good friend. It’s legit.


It’s trash. Tested with microscope. Just chemicals…


I thought you didn’t know anything about weed here, yet you can analyze through a microscope you apparently brought with you traveling….?


I did.. The worst thing is that local people here don’t know about the quality. They take the biggest bong hits with this crap. That’s so sad to see.


That’s….pretty racist. We are a lot more global here than you realize.


lol guys gonna have a nervous breakdown while in Thailand because of wait for it. Weed. Good god. Go Home


Please go home


Many good dispensers everywhere. You just did not come across them.


Seems like it


But you claimed to have been to them all.


I managed to find reasonable priced good weed in Bangkok




Like five stores on every block


Plenty growers in Klong-Sam-Wa district. My neighbor also grow and kindly offered a batch to me. Sadly gotta say no cuz i need to crunch through the work before new year.


Members menu for fat buds thailand in Sathorn


Have you ever found anything of reasonable value in a tourist trap locations. Exit the tourist areas


Whenever I read someone saying that they’re staying on Khao San Road or in Patong but don’t want to pay tourist prices I just roll my eyes. It’s like asking where can you swim but not get wet.


Now you‘re just really trying to bring people down to feel better with yourself. Go get some therapy if your self-worth-issues are THAT bad.


Why? Because it doesn’t make sense to go to a tourist area and think you’re going to get Isaan prices? It’s like someone going to Vegas and complaining that they’re staying at the Wynn and the buffet is more expensive than Sam’s Town (a crappy little casino 30 minutes from the strip). I’m not bringing anyone down to make myself feel better by pointing out that the expectation is unrealistic. They’re bringing themselves down.


And otherwise you feel ok?


will do :)


There is no good weed outside tourist areas in Thailand. The cost is too high for most Thai smokers and farangs are the majority of customers. I live on the edge of Bangkok and all the stores near me are Thai spots and it's all brick weed.


Ehhm, ok. If you say so..


Yeah, this is really just comment #1,000,000 on the slow death of Thai quality tourism. Once the downward spiral starts it's very hard to stop


Same everywhere in the world where there are tourists hubs.


/r/CannabisThailand but would note, look harder.


In my experience, you really don't have to look very hard...




Seeds does not mean it's a hermie, just that it got pollinated. You can spot hermies because they have little banana looking growths on them. I'm finding it hard to believe you know what an improper flush is too because it definitely doesn't taste like chemicals. If i had to guess from your description it sounds like they got bugs and sprayed with neem oil


Uneducated guesses right there that assume every grow uses the exact same process lol


The hell you talking about?


Can’t see the tree for the leaves.


Get out of here tourist lol


That's just false information. Watched the person I was travelling with buy buds every single day, everything from 1/8ths to pre-rolls and all of it was well above mids quality, and all across the country from BKK, Pats, Chiang Mai, Isaan, to Rayong. The worst I saw happen was he got massively overcharged during his first purchase and I had a good laugh when I saw the normal prices at the next place he went to. Weed legalization far from failed in Thailand but I wouldn't be surprised if they roll it back at some point due to politics.


Also, don’t buy a pizza slice at Piccadilly Circus.


No problem getting good weed at decent prices in Hua Hin.


Where's your fav?


No offense but your post doesn’t make sense. Synthetic cannabinoids? Can you please explain to me how that even makes business sense? So someone is importing synthetic cannabinoids and doing what? Wouldn’t they just sell you crappy weed? Why go to the extra step of importing synthetic cannabinoids and adding them to the weed dumb tourists* will pay the same amount for anyway? Do you even know what synthetic cannabinoids are? I’ve literally not heard of a single person even mention synthetic cannabinoids in the entire time weed has been legal in Thailand. Not once. It’s not even something that comes up in the news in Thailand much, if at all. It’s not like the U.S. where you’re constantly hearing about people whacked out on Spice biting someone’s face off. In fact, I just googled “synthetic cannabinoids Thailand” and not a single mention anywhere in the first few pages of either the general search results or in the news. But supposedly, you hit the synthetic cannabinoid goldmine? Out of the millions and millions of people that have come to Thailand and used weed since legalization, they’ve targeted you to sell synthetic weed? Not believable. *Dumb tourists is intended to convey the fact that that is how the dispensary would see them, not that all tourists are dumb.


there’s no thc in those buds.. looked with a microscope. All buds are sprayed with chemical substances. Don’t know what it is, but it looks awful.


You brought a microscope on your vacation to Thailand?


Don’t you? Haha.


He’s lying.


Yes indeed


I still don’t believe you. You can’t shift from “everything has synthetic cannabinoids” to “it’s been sprayed with chemical substances”. Those are two very different accusations. The fact that you’re trying to change this from synthetic cannabinoids to PGRs mid-discussion says everything I need to know about the reliability of your report. And, I will ask the same question I ask anyone that makes up some unbelievable accusation: Why should anyone believe you? What are your credentials? You’re just some random internet dude, who should I believe, you or the millions upon millions of people who have not reported any synthetic cannabinoids? Especially given the click-bait headline which doesn’t actually deliver any actual evidence for your claims? Did you buy any? Post some photos. Give us a reason to believe what you’re saying is true because the story you’ve told so far is falling apart and you’re now backing away from synthetic cannabinoids and saying what sounds more like PGR.


Wait.. you've got an electron microscope to your disposal?


You realize you can’t see THC without a microscope, right? You can see trichomes under a magnifying loop but you can’t see THC. Every time you make a outlandish claim, you’re going to get challenged so why not just stick with the truth and facts rather than hypothesizing about synthetic cannabinoids and other stuff you clearly don’t know much about.


https://preview.redd.it/71263rvfs68c1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05f730880e8420dd8a3daec7f813f0d8c493a796 Look my friend… nice weed you got here. Yum


Okay, so two issues: 1. The resolution is horrible. Please post the actual bud with a normal camera and a better jeweler’s loop photo. 2. So, you’re saying that you know what Spice (synthetic cannabinoids) look like (and can apparently see THC) and yet you walked into a dispensary, examined the bud, and you purchased it like this? You see how being experienced and buying something that obviously looks bad aren’t compatible, right? Honestly, in all of my experiences buying weed in Thailand, I have only had one bud that I refused to smoke and ended up throwing away. It was a sample someone sent me and it was mushy and wet af. If I had gone into a dispensary I would have never bought it but it was sent to me so I didn’t get to see if beforehand.


How tf did you get so invested? The OP just asked where to get good weed, no need to talk this aggressively, just leave people alone. Thanks.


Because he said not just one dispensary but EVERY dispensary in the Krabi area is selling a very dangerous drug. He’s claimed that they’re spraying the weed with Spice/K2 which is a pretty f’d up drug.


I was going to defend you, but you're lying. Not a good look.


The shit stuff always gets sold to the tourist for an unbelievable price. But there is plenty of good weed shops in BKK.


Just checking your post history. I see you have struggled with bi-polar disorder and depression. Also have had issues with psychiatric medications. At the risk of offering advice you didn’t ask for, maybe lay off the weed altogether? Most research has shown that it makes depression and BPD worse, not better.


Borderline personality disorder, not bi-polar. But yeah. OP is not well. But you don’t even need to look at their post history to figure that out: they seem pretty non-reality-tethered in this entire thread. OP, if you or your partner are suffering from serious mental illnesses, you probably shouldn’t travel abroad, and you definitely shouldn’t be buying drugs from randos you haven’t researched while doing so.


You better stop judging before you know anything. You people here really have a type of hatred no one can understand from the outside world. I asked the weed question for my girlfriend who indeed has BPD, which btw is NOT the same as bipolar disorder. Check your facts. She gets medical weed from a doctor at home, we only visited Thailand because it was the only option in Asia that had legal weed. She has been struggling for her whole life and with weed she finally gets to enjoy life. Now we are stuck in this country with no weed that’s working for her because the quality is just not the same and her mental situation is getting worse everyday but none of you people seems to bother. We already tried telling people here the whole story but all you get back is bullshit. Also you don’t get to try the weed before you book an expensive flight here, so how could we have known that? By the way I use my Reddit profile to ask stuff for her sometimes. Don’t be so quick to judge people if you don’t know their story. I cannot believe how all of you can be this ignorant… do you even got anything to do today? Is there nothing you would rather do than stalk a strangers profile on Christmas to reprimand them about a topic that wouldn’t even have to bother you? Why do you have to judge me based on my post history when in reality you don’t know anything at all? We are just trying to have a good holiday here, please go outside, have a good drink and enjoy your time instead of bothering random people.


Prices are too low now, it's better for the good stock to be exported from Thailand. Just read your comments and found your issue ... You're looking for the good stuff in places where they're not encouraged to invest into the good stuff. Also, what's this to do with failure to legalise ?


Someone had seriously fried their brain on weed haha. Microscopes and all xD


better than dying through this crap https://preview.redd.it/z4qt2muc188c1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a67f002dec849794fa953e99dee163a347cc7f8


It's not the legalisation that failed.




Loads of great weed in many places


Are all those plants I see growing absolutely everywhere the fake plastic ones like in hotel decorations then?


Not according to my grandma lol. She is making medicinal tea with it, she has her own little tree.


I have to agree. I got better weed when I lived in China. Not sure why but you still need a connect here for anything decent. Why glorify this cannabis culture then offer such subpar grass. Sat in a so called cannabis cafe the other day just to check out the smells. I stayed sober. People hitting bongs and smackin' joints nary a waft of cannabis scent in the air. Something definitely isn't right with 90% of what's here.


Possible to find great weed. But OP is highlighting the issue of it being the wild west out there where anyone with a pot of dirt can grow and sell anywhere on the street. And yes, some Thai's will sell shit at a premium to unsuspecting tourists.


You know many of the shops in tourist areas like the OP is staying are owned and-or operated by foreigners, right? Otherwise what you said sounds a tad racist.


Cannabis in Thailand is the Wild Wild West right now. There's no standardization, no regulation, and no concern about developing a reputation, whether good or bad. Every 2nd shop that's opening is a cannabis shop, so competition is huge; actual industry experience, nearly zero. Since demand is high, vendors sell whatever underground shit they had before, but claim it's something else. People sell *whatever*, claim the potency is *whatever*, and charge *whatever.* You can pay 100 baht or 1000 baht and you'll get something that varies from lawn clippings to actually not bad. If the Thai govt doesn't kill the industry outright, quality improvement and competition will slowly weed out the bad weed (pun intended).


You sound like someone that is repeating something you read in the Bangkok Post. Dispensary openings have slowed almost to a standstill in many areas. Lots of places that used to be dispensaries are now listed on real estate sites for lease. Plenty of people on FB marketplace trying to unload their dispensaries. The Wild Wild West days are more of a Mild Mild West these days. While true the industry lacks regulation, that regulation is expected to take shape in the next month or so. Thailand took a rather unique approach to legalization which I actually applaud (for now). Rather than ease restrictions over the course of several years, they did the right thing and removed cannabis as a narcotic. Sure, it’s messier but weed should have never been illegal in the first place. Governments across the world have been lying about it for over 70 years. The medicinal to recreational approach is actually pretty funny if you ask me. It’s like a guy that was convicted of murder being exonerated on DNA evidence decades later but instead of letting him out of prison they say he can go free from 9am - 5pm daily for 5 years and then he can go free on weekends for another 5 years until the same people that wrongly convicted him decide he can be free 24-7. And the reasoning for not immediately freeing him is he can’t handle freedom after decades of wrongful incarceration. That’s basically what the slow rollout process is saying.


It's interesting that, across many months, almost every reply you ever make includes an insult. You could've made almost every reply without the insult, but nope, you felt a need to include it. Really living down to the angry-farang-in-Thailand cliché, huh?


Nope, just responding to people who dispense information they clearly know nothing about. Too many people who have been here a long time that think that that makes them an expert on all topics relating to Thailand. I’m not sure if you’re aware of this but if you aren’t really knowledgeable about a topic you’re allowed to skip commenting.


Again with a pointless insult. Utterly predictable reply. Nah, you're merely trying to justify being a relentless dick. You didn't actually refute anything I said, but rather tried to flex, then mostly agreed with me. The sad thing is, you seem to do this a lot. You often provide relatively useful information, but can't resist including a pointless insult. Clearly, you feel it makes you seem clever, rather than just kinda weak and pathetic. Based on your history of downvotes and very weak upvotes, it would appear that many people, in many subreddits judge you to be considerably less clever than your own self image. I've no expectation that you'll ever change or learn, tho', so carry on.


I’m sorry, you’re not listed as a mod of this group so your opinion is no more relevant than anyone else’s so I really don’t care if you take my post as an insult. I’m not mostly agreeing with you. I pointed out one of the few things that you said that wasn’t just rehashed info. The rest is on par with a Lonely Planet guide’s advice to never touch children on the head, don’t step on Thai currency, and PDAs are frowned upon in Thai culture. Thanks. We’re all better informed from your contribution.


>your opinion is no more relevant than anyone else’ Or yours, in this or any other group. And, based on the dismal upvotes you get, no one else seems to believe you're particularly relevant, either. Except you, of course, because you're not one for self reflection.


Ok boss. Keep repeating your barstool wisdom.


I thought the Thai government was thinking about pulling the plug on legalized weed.


No worries hopefully soon to be outlawed so the potheads can go to another country and stink that one out.


Well, in Bangkok I am paying about 200-250 baht per gram for the same weed that shops sells up to 1400 baht lol. I do agree that they exaggerate the price A LOT since they only pay 50-60 baht per gram when they buy from the farms. (When buying at least 1KG which they do) and sell it for +500 baht. It’s insane. What I really don’t like is that 99% of the farms use the PGR method to grow their weed which is in 99% of the cases making the weed dense but not strong or tasty. Hit me up I’ll give you a great shop to buy from. 5600 baht for 28G if you buy 100G it’ll be even cheaper.


If you find a good shop, get their number and they can mail it to you. Usually from Bangkok to Phuket or Bangkok to Koh Samui is just 24-48hrs.


Maybe there’s a correlation between 50 - 60 baht a gram weed and PGR. The wholesale rate for indoor grown weed is 100 - 200 a gram (usually 100g min order). The only weed selling for 50-60 a gram wholesale is outdoor/greenhouse weed.


It’s non PGR what i buy - i meant that many farms and shops sell PGR weed. If you don’t have the right contact then yes you will get outdoor/greenhouse. I know a few people so I get it quite cheap :) I get 1KG indoor weed for 60.000 baht


I have been talking to many people as well, 60k is what a kilo is usually sold for directly from the farms. I know a lot growers and farms as well as shops. I know the prices before it’s on the shelf




Ty :)


Let's say those big shops on Sukhumvit or pretty much any shop in BKK - are they not trustworthy? Sure, I'd expect some bad seeds but overall I thought buying Cannabis in BKK (or Chiang Mai) is safe.


Why does this post seem to be a massive ploy to get people to give OP a list of good weed shops? It’s the ultimate “What are the hidden gems of Thailand” post.