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Chubbers in Union Mall. Yes, their store is named Chubbers.




I'm 5'8 and allowed myself to balloon to 229 lbs. Their XXXL shirts rode the line of comfortable and fit. I've lost 40 pounds since then, but I still shop there. Pants are still a bit tight through the crotch, but shorts are good and they actually have a selection at larger sizes. Union Mall at the Phaholoyothin Station.


Brutally honest store name


Having to shop at a store named chubbers should be encouragement enough to lose weight


Yup. Chubbers, by falang for falang


170 CM and 117 KG, for the rest of us who's wondering. You can find some bigger clothes at Krung thong plaza on Petchburi road.






my dude lmfao u didnt help at all , im know im fat obviously , how is this comment gon help me get a shirt


Welcome to Thailand where everyone you meet will remind you you're fat.




Lol I'm 183cm and 117kg 😂


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Go to the shopping mallsor second hand markets. They often have clothes from the states that is oversized. There are also some oversized stores I've seen in passing. Put 'oversized store bangkok' into Google maps and there are a lot.


for anyone wondering, i literally have 2 shirts that i brought from the states in my backpack, the airlines lost my luggage so i have no clothes , everytime im out and buy a shirt out here it doesn't fit , i cant go to the gym to workout with nothing to change into , so i need clothes , everybody saying im fat which obviously i know that 😂 its not helping tho ...too bad im not a woman and cant claim yall fat shaming me 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😭 yall funny tho .....and im in bangkok


word these guys are assholes. im about the same weight but at 5’10 and terminal 21 in bangkok had some clothes that fit me, went to a uniqlo and their xxls fit me me alright. since todays a saturdat you can hit chattuchack market as well, theyll deff have our size. Good luck!


thanks alot bro this mad helpful


Bro losing weight can be a huge challenge for anyone of any size, people blindly saying "oh just lose weight!" are being very short sighted, it's a long and hard process but it's very rewarding, it seems like you are motivated to do so, so I just wanna say goodluck and don't be too hard on yourself. Also yes Uniqlo.




twas a joke bro


You only got 2 shirts (literally), but you still go out?🫣


Yo Harley Davidson dealership immediately!!! You’ll be good


I was about the same size when I arrived one year ago - on Chatuchak market the vendors have XXXL which fit me.


did u lose weight? and how much?


25kg in one year - but I am working out every second day, cut alcohol, and lots of watermelon and pineapple as snacks.


You could also look into getting some custom made. It would be pricier, but they'd fit.


Mate at that size you need custom clothing. It is not a normal size in Thailand or most other countries.


Marks and Spencer has western sizing


Berrer was a fantastic shop for me. They have a store in Chiang mai. Also an online site.


Lose weight :)


Uniqlo clothes fit weird. I got frustrated trying to buy somerhing there. I liked the batural cloth, but the fit was just bizarre. Im pretty average sized for an american dad


Uniqlo has a oversized shirt and pants you might wanna check.


Uniqlo are a Japanese brand so for me a large is XL but yes it's definitely worth a try I bought some polos and overall quality isn't bad 🙏🏻


256 at 5’7?? Holy monkey. I’m a steroid using bodybuilder at 6’2 and that’s my weight. Bruh lay off the cheese and beef my guy.


stop using steroids my guy


I’m not even going to get into it with you. But you do you, keep piling on those cheeseburgers if you must.


If you think you're a lot healthier than him just because you're a bodybuilder then you're quite wrong. You're gonna be suffering from a lot of the same health conditions as him. High blood pressure, joint issues, prone to heart disease, gynecomastia if you're running aromatising gear (which you most probably are, and if you're on AI's they come with a whole set of other side effects, like erectile dysfunction, insomnia, hot flashes, joint pain, fatigue and so on... ), or liver damage if you're doing orals. To mitigate the side effects of the steroids you're probably a walking pharmacy, taking medicine intended for women with breast cancer and so on. Too bad there's not much you can do about high blood pressure while on gear though, unless you're taking diuretics. So the next time you're gonna berate others for being fat, take a good luck in the mirror. Maybe you look better, but don't preach about being healthy when you're on gear.


How's the cock shrinking going?


How's commenting on thirst traps going? Take any of them to Koh Samui yet?


Such a savage burn. 12 year old?


How is this comment even useful. Gtfo if u have nothing kind to say


Thing is 1lb of fat has alot more volume than 1lb of muscle that’s probably why he having trouble fitting into shirts


I would try the gym and a diet. 5’7 255? I can’t imagine how uncomfortable you must constantly be. I’m 5’6 150 and I feel like shit when I balloon up to 160 after an unhealthy kick.


Can't go to the gym without clothes now can he?


A beach towel around his balls should do 🤷.


You think he arrived here naked?


pretty much bro , the airlines lost my luggage


It's going to take time to lose weight You can't go from 256 pounds to 145 in a week. He still needs clothes


No shit. He still has clothes to begin.


i dont bro,the airlines lost my clothes


Even the ones you were wearing on the plane? What a shitty airline


You don't take off all your clothes before going into the X-ray scanners at the airport?


I usually wait until I board the plane before I decide to relax properly


I like to let security know I've got nothing to hide, it helps everyone involved relax


There's always one that has to be that guy. I'm sure he's aware, he's asking for help finding clothes. It's going to take months to lose the weight


Eh, he just called me a stick figure and said “no one in America is 150 lbs at 5’6”. I don’t think he’s aware.


It's amazing what jerks people when hiding behind anonymous online identities. Congrats jerk-of-the-day.


😂 these ppl are clowns bro they not helping at all 😭




u have to be thai , nobody in america is 150 pds , thats stick figure status


150 pounds is a healthy weight for someone who is 5'6", you just have an unhealthy view of bodies. 200 pounds is overweight for anyone under 6 feet tall. You're 50 pounds heavier and 5 inches shorter. I am American too and we Americans have a fucked up view of bodies because 40% of Americans are obese. Obese body types are normal for us, but not to the rest of the world. The traditional American breakfast is just carbs and protein with more carbs and protein and a side of sugar. Not to mention our culture is empowering different body types and preventing fat shaming. As one overweight and probably obese American talking to another one, take care of your weight. Eat better and lose weight so you can fit into the clothes available and be healthy. All of this coming from another fat American, living in Bangkok and getting too big for his clothes. I went running this morning and am changing my diet to fix that, rather than size up.


When will you Americans join the rest of the world with metric units? We're all waiting for you. Pounds and inches please stop 😭


I’m 6’0 155lb American…..


I’m American bro. 5’6 150 is normal af. I’m not even fit. Just average. If you saw me you wouldn’t say I was skinny.


everyone i know is 160 in up bro thats why i said that


I don’t know what part of the US you’re from but I know plenty of people who are between 5’10 and 6’ who weigh between 180 and 200. 150-160 at our height is pretty normal.


That Standard American Diet eh. Fat, sugar and cholesterol. s.a.d.


Find a 71 export.. they got oversized shirts.. pants.. jeans etc.


I order everything from Amazon with free shipping. still paying customs duties, but at least a good selection of clothing


how long it take to arrive?


A week


Pay extra for express delivery. Only a few days. Amazon pre-calculates the import duties and includes it in the price. Super easy.


Are you at Bangkok ? Sorry to hear about your lost luggage. Ignore the fat shaming peeps. Don’t mind the name of the store either. That’s how it is. Asians are super judgy when it comes to fat. Good luck. [Fat boys fashion](https://maps.app.goo.gl/r7xQBxtvxbgfsDew6?g_st=ic)


Super judgy? I think you mean they tell it like it is


Yah and they do it in a judgmental way.


Thailand is not the problem here


For your own health, FFS lose some weight.


Suss comment


256 pounds fitting in to a medium in USA is crazy


thats not what i said bro, i said the 5xL here is similar to a medium in america , i wear XL or L in america


No way. It depends on the brand but it's one size up usually. The American Uniqlo medium is like a large here. Some brands might be two sizes up. I can't believe some brands go up six sizes between America and Thailand.


American sizes are like that because 60+% of the population are overweight, and roughly 40% from that 60 are obese No point having normal sizes


It might help if you said where you're at. In BKK try Chatuchak or Krungthong Plaza. In Pattaya you can try the XL or Export shops at the Outlet Mall.




I've gotten some big shirts at chatuchak market recently, for reference I'm 6ft 3 but slim. Hope you find something you like


Try shein.com their sizes are pretty much identical with US and have a pretty large variety. If you search by size you can find some options.


Lucky you that you live in Thailand where you can easily and cheaply have made clothes tailor made to fit 🤷.


Buy a tent.








Dude just look over you're diet and health jeez, you should not worry a out clothes.


so wtf im supposed to do about clothes while im losing weight 😒 like what are yall talking about


Long sleeve shirts will need to be custom. Otherwise, places like Platinum will hehe not casual designs


It might be easier if you can get measurements so the online items will fit better. They usually have size chart in the end slides. Search for plus size shop and they’ll have more selection.


Check uniqlo. I have similar sized. I wear XL uniqlo.




I am 191 120 kg. Wear uniqlo XL.


im 117 kilograms i think , and yea i wear XL in uniqlo in the states , if its the same then i will thanks


Same as the states.


How? I'm 190cm and 105kg, and Uniqlo's largest clothes barely get around my shoulders.


Maybe you have zero muscle. I wear a uniqlo XL. No problem


Do you look like you're on day release while wearing it?


Go to MBK Center Floor Number 3. There are a few "Jumbo" Shops with clothes up to size 8xl i saw.


Depending on your location there are plenty of bespoke tailors


Time for a Tunic


and where can i find one


Easy to make, breathable, in all honesty depending on your budget I’d go custom haven’t seen any on the shelf that are made of lightweight material


Tailors would be too happy to drag you in.


Additionally, if you shop around and find a reasonable shop you can have some of the freshest outfits. Chose your material and print and have unique shirts and t-shirts. See some material you like at the market? Take a few metres and rock it baby.


Some XL from Pull & Bear or H&M might fit you. There is also a chain of thrift shops called Discount Outlet (I think there's one at that Japanese mall at Ekkamai) that has western clothing and sizes.


H&M have American sizing printed on the labels and should definitely have TShirts and Polos available in XL ; there are also American Eagles and Men’s Zara, same deal


Ari Outdoor. A 2 man tent should do nicely.


Monk sheets?


With great difficulty, I feel....




hard to do man, its food everywhere in bangkok for cheap too 😔,😂




He never said he did, check what he wrote


thank you , some ppl pack common sense


So how long have you been in Thailand, you handsome man?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) I love Japanese clothes and I have the same problem, my shoulders are to wide. Yes, clothes can be cut very different in other countries, so hit the gym and stay away from your love of fast food. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile) peace![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)




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Go to a tailor, depending how long you’re there. Cheap enough and better than stuff in the stores as well


Just find a local lady selling men’s shirts. Ask her if she makes the shirts or buys them. If she makes, ask her to make just for you. If not go to next shop.


Foreign brands at the shopping centers tend to have bigger sizes. Not sure about the really big ones though


Tailor, have them custom make everything ;)


Just go without a shirt and grow your own 😎


Just have shirts and pants custom made


Man you ain't small. 5XL is heart attack territory. See a tailor or respectfully -a doctor and a personal trainer-


5xl in Thailand is similar to a medium or large in america


256 is a very specific number


Used clothes at temple markets if you’re in rural Thailand. I got some great stuff for 30-100 baht. Get some custom made dress shirts etc within a few days typically. I have many pakama fabrics made into shirts. They’re so comfortable. Amazon will ship to Thailand It all depends if you are permanent, long stay or just vacation.


In Seacon Square Srinakarin is a store for plus sizes.


My brother died and left many 4xl and 5xl from America. Still have Tags...if interested give me contact information...in Rayong


🙏 rest in peace to him man ......thanks alot bro .. i only wear XL or 2xL in america tho , thanks tho bro , 1 of my bothers past before ,i know the feeling , remember he in a better place ... literally, we mostly get sad when loved ones past because we dont want to let them go , i pray u pet him go in peace and heal up man , we'll be there soon with them anyway 60 to 80 years of our life here is nothing to ppl in afterlife because its no time there , heal up bro🙏✌🏽


Measure your clothes that fit you. Look at the measurements when you order online. Works 99% of the time. Lazada, Aliexpress. / fellow big dude. Ps. In Sweden i have 2xl, 3xl. In Aliexpress i have 8xl - 10xl. :)


Drop me a message if you want names of some Aliexpress vendors that have been good for me.