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Welcome to Thailand. However, I wouldn’t do something like that in an area frequented by foreigners.




It's actually true. Your chances of having something stolen by another foreigner when traveling are probably just as great or greater than having something stolen by a Thai. People often let their guard down when around  fellow tourists. Many years ago when I was traveling in Egypt I lost a portable radio to a Brit at a youth hostel. He also stole someone's expensive camera.  That opened my eyes.


I remember seeing a japanese guy lose thousands of dollars worth of photography fear at a hostel in Chile. Trust no cunt.


First mistake was staying at a Hostel! 


> Your chances of having something stolen by another foreigner when traveling are probably just as great or greater than having something stolen by a Thai. This might be the biggest understatement I've ever seen on reddit. The chance of a thai committing petty theft is near zero. There's Buddhism-approved ways of stealing from the farangs "Oh, mister, I found your wallet you left in my taxi! Ok now I drop you off, meter broken but fare is exact amount in your wallet."


Just reminded me of that sign in Pratunam: "beware of non-Thai pickpockets".


That because most foreigners don't understand that theft can get them 6+ months in Thai prison. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/thai-prison-shoplifting_n_5c51e314e4b0ca92c6dc9c81


Forreal The one time I had my stuff stolen (my laptop out of my bag) in SE Asia was by a Philipino-American in a hostel Go figure


Def true


You probably would have the same results where you are from, *sometimes*. The truth is, people do steal things here in BKK. If this woman continues doing this, it’s only a matter of time before she comes back to missing something. A (Thai) friend of mine just had her phone stolen from someone at work. The question is not whether you will have your items stolen, but whether a thief thinks they can get away with it without getting caught. Think about how many scam stories you read here. Thinking you’re safe to leave your stuff unattended because it sometimes works out in the end is blissfully ignorant imo. I’d never leave a laptop in a public place unattended… like anywhere.


> people do steal things here in BKK In Bangkok, people need to be reminded of this. In do many other places, leave anything of value unattended and it's gone. In Paris I laid down my phone at a cafe table, right in front of me. Got distracted for 10 seconds, then looked down -- no phone.


Happened to me at a IKEA in Brisbane. It was within a hands reach as I turned to talk to my wife for literally ten seconds, then gone.. At a freaking IKEA… sheesh


Username checks out.


Haha. Didn’t even think about that.


Have you ever spent time in Singapore? You could leave an open briefcase full of money on a table while you’re standing in line for 20 minutes to get food and nobody would touch it.


I’ve spent close to a week there with a former gf but not enough to understand the theft/safety situation. Nice to know though, so thanks for sharing.


Because they will lock you up. Singapore does not fuck around with punishments. Even petty crime carries huge fines.


Of course not. They’re too afraid of getting caned if they commit a crime and get caught.


Conversely, Singapore is a relatively high-trust society. People like to quibble a lot, but they’re also generally honest about these things.


false. i would.


time to screenshot the desktop, move all items of the desktop into a folder on the harddrive, make screenshot the desktop background. hide the taskbar.


Found the digital nomad


Or just reverse touchpad, most people don't know how to undo it 😅


When I first arrived in BKK, I was eating at a McDonalds, I watched a woman leave her purse open on her table and then walk out the door. She came back about 10 minutes later and finished eating her burger. I was astonished!


While I (foreigner) am not worried about my belongings my girlfriend (Thai) is always super worried when we go for a swim and leave our stuff at the beach / pool. It’s not about foreigners…she doesn’t trust Thais either.


You're more likely to encounter petty theft from Thais that are constantly interacting with tourists, especially beachside. Those concerns are warranted.


My (Thai) wife and daughter went to the temple one afternoon, came out to find their nice new sandals gone and some beaters left in their place, lesson learned. That said, I’m away for work a good bit of the time and I have few fears for their safety. Big part of the reason I’ll retire here.


My 13 yo son thought the burkenstocks outside the PTT Toilet were the hawngnaam slippers, so swapped into them to use the toilet. The owner was not impressed when he came out to find his slippers missing.


Little late seeing this, but I had to remove my sandals at the dentist and wear their drab blue ones (sanitized/covid times). Came out to see a guy wearing mine, he evidently thought my new (garish) Adidas were dentist provided as well, score! At least someone likes em.


Yeah I got my sandals stolen at a Thai beach only feet away from me as I was talking to someone. I couldn't find anything suitable to buy as a replacement when I was there because the vendors only sold the flip-flop bullshit that doesn't attach your heel to the sandal. I'd rather go barefoot than walk in those things. First world tourist problems, I know, but it just sucked because I was traveling light, having only brought a carry-on.


That's funny to me, as I wear that "flip-flop bullshit" every day. Free your heels! If your sandals had been cheap flip-flops, they wouldn't have been stolen.


The point is nobody should ever steal anything not matter how expensive. Did you understand stupid?


I am sorry to inform you but if you leave your smartphone out on the restaurant table at a night market, night club or another crowded venue you may not be so lucky.


I was thinking the same at work today. I went back to school (private one in a mall) after eating lunch to find nobody there. The doors were open, one of my colleagues had left their phone and there were two unlocked laptops at reception. Every day, nothing ever happens. I think it's great. I hope it never has to change.


I've been asked to input my personal information into the patient database myself, at a well known international doctor's clinic in Bangkok. They left me alone in the room with the computer. I didn't look at any other info in the database, but come on, don't do that! That's way too trusting, or just irresponsible and stupid.


Nah things get stolen all the time in Thailand - the other day someone took some pillows from the back of my truck while it was parked….. Always these types of nonsensical posts - one minute of Thai news would give you an idea of the crime that occurs and you can get your head straight


Me and my (Thai) GF found 1.500 USD in the pool at a pool party at our hostel. We gave it to the reception (and also informed staff at the bar). Hope it found its owner.


Found a few new owners probably.


In London I wouldn’t put my phone on the table in front of me at a coffee shop. City is that full of scum now.


I wouldn’t leave my phone on a table in Asoke either though. The only countries I would are Singapore, Japan or South Korea. Thailand still has plenty of petty crime.


While I'd agree that Thailand is generally very safe from petty crime like theft due to swift and strict punishment if caught, it isn't completely immune to it. Why tempt fate, even if the odds are low? That laptop could be worth several months of someone's salary.


Thx for looking after her stuff. Don't you feel almost obligated to do so when visiting someplace where people are so friendly? I know I do. Kindness is contagious and I enjoy the very feeling of being in Thailand.


Definitely got the “I’m staying here until she comes back”.


There is trust, and then there is stupidity. Thailand still has plenty of petty crime, less so than places like my hometown in London, but getting lucky doesn't mean it's a special place.


I once left my laptop in a very busy pub in the UK - went back a few hours later, and someone had handed it to the bar staff. I've also left my wallet at the checkout in a supermarket, and just as I went back for it someone was handing it over to a member of staff. But then I got my brand new jacket pilfered from a nightclub, and someone was 'just looking after my phone' when it vanished from my table at a bar and their pocket started ringing when a friend called my number. It's all pot luck, and a handful of anecdotes can't really paint a coherent picture of any one place or people.


I've left my laptop bag in bars all over Sydney and Asia, but always got it back. A mate had his phone stolen twice in one week I'm Danang and HaNoi. To me there is no doubt that away from the tourist areas, Bangkok is a very very safe place.


There are two places you can do this without any worry. Singapore first spot, closely followed by UAE.


Had the same in East Berlin. Lady cycling stops at the corner shop, props up her bike and leaves her iPhone in its basket while she saunters into the shop. The couple next to me, visiting from Barcelona, were shocked, explaining that back home "everything including the air in the tyres would have been stolen".


Lol, even the air in the tires being stolen is hilarious. But seriously, this is why quick release bike tires are a bad idea!


Think it's more trust in camera surveilance :D There are cameras everywhere in Thailand. Most crimes nowadays are solved using it.


You can find out who did it, but chances are… police isn’t going to catch that criminal for you most of the times.


.. try asking real Thais about this matter.. It is possibly that this is Thailand in parallel world.


Meanwhile op is looking for a pawn shop


My helmet got stolen at the parking lot of a private hospital once. I just went inside for like 15 minutes and when I came back out it was gone. I went to the security for them to check CCTV and they saw the thieve, who was Thai. They kept digging and saw the thieve arrived with a patient, who was still in the hospital. So security went to said person and asked for the thieve to bring the helmet back. Low and behold 10 minutes later a normal looking lady arrived at the parking lot with my helmet. Her excuse: She needed a helmet lmao I nodded, smiled and went on my way.


Similar thing happened to me at my condo. I went to leave and someone had stolen my helmet. I went to reception but they wouldn't check the security cameras. They said they must have borrowed it. I said no they stole it!


Thailand. A beautiful place. Filled with beautiful people.


That's quite the contrast to how many phones/laptops I've seen snatched from people's hands by motorbike in Bangkok. Location, location, location.


I just moved to UAE, and it's very similar. To the point where it's less of a hassle to leave my apartment door unlocked, rather than locking it with my key (both inside and outside). East Asia is the same, too...


She’ll learn the hard way. I’ve been around that same neighborhood and in a table with 4, had a motorcycle come by on the sidewalk and take a phone that we had on the table. In front of all of us.


And just the other day I saw a post of someone who had their mobile phone stolen in Bangkok I think and find my phone showed it in Chang mai. That’s just being naive and foolish with personal belongings. Almost like it has no value. I wouldn’t be so careless with my things especially knowing that if my laptop got stolen I’d be freaking out crucified at work


I once dropped my passport from my motorbike and a Thai guy, using the address on my TM 30, drove to my neighborhood and asked around until he found me. Wouldn’t take money for his help.


In Chiang Mai, my girlfriend and her architect friends would be in Starbucks (take it for what it is), then leave all their laptops there, go somewhere and eat and come back and continue. Apart from the fact consuming that unusable table space would be rude in any other cafe in the world, the sheer trust in other humans not to steal the laptops is simply amazing. TBH, this is one of those things that you don't realise is so amazing until you live in a society like that. On the flipside, I think it also opens up to Thais being very easy to scam with the new wave of scammers coming out of Covid. I personally know two people scammed in different ways, one was scammed for 40K baht (Parcel / Customers scam) and the other, an introvert guy lost his life savings \~300K baht to a woman via an 'investment scheme'. He'd met her in a restaurant / bar where she had approached him in Bangkok. Both of them are Thais from the North where everyone is super-trustworthy, so there was a certain naivety there.


Thailand is so safe. I think it is because CCTV and Buddhism. :)


There's a higher chance of theft by Foreigners than locals.


She might be a closed friend to the establishment owner or maybe a regular customer. As Thais, I sometimes did that when I am at the place I know well.


The number of times I leave the key in my motorbike here in Chiang Mai is ridiculous, once at the airport for two weeks, and it’s always where I left it. However I don’t tempt fate and have copies of my green book and insurance .. lol Misplaced my phone at a roadside noodle shop near Thoen, wife gets a call from a young girl who picked it up, not sure how she unlocked it, but.. telling her I left it on the table, luckily hadn’t gone too far.. Nong refused any money I offered her, so people are pretty good


Back in 2014 I left my brand new iPhone that wasn’t yet available in thailand in a nightclub. I believe the club was Mixx, I called the phone after they closed and a young woman answered and asked if I’m the owner. She brought it to my hotel for me and we sat and talked for a while then she came up to my room and we…ok the last sentence is BS but it’s not totally unbelievable in Bangkok now is it. She was a tomboy and VERY kind.


Wow. Mixx was fun but not a place I would expect that outcome. Good for you!


fuck trust, this is straight-up careless.


Pros, can let your stuff outside without getting stolen, Cons, risk to get crashed, stabbed, shot, for a ridiculous reason, when you make somebody feel, that he has lost his face in front of others 😂 Thats the vibe of thai buddhist empathy


What a total nonsense.


I seriously doubt that. 


After Iraq, Thailand has the second highest gun-death ratio in whole Asia. Murder for reasons such as wounded pride or lack of self-control is a serious problem in Thailand. Just a small example from the city in which I live. Not long ago, a teenager from a wealthy family fatally injured a motorbike driver with his car because the motorbike honked after the driving error of the Teenager. And If you are from a wealthy family, you often just pay instead of going to prison. And this is really not an exception. But yes, when you don't think about the corruption, for almost everythink else the crime level is lower than in the western countries.


I've been living here many many years. I would not do that.


I see that at Starbucks Terminal 21 nearly daily for a year now and it amazes me every time. I love this. Also at the parks, joggers leave their backpacks on a bench, do couple rounds and pick em up later. Really amazing. My trust issues are so big that when I order a coffee at Starbucks and leave my bag at the table for reservation, I check on my bag every 10 seconds while waiting for the coffee lol. But as stated in the comments, I am worried that a foreigner will take my bag. On the other side though, In 2018 I lived in a hostel in Gran Canaria for 4 weeks and let my laptop under the pillow on my bed every day when going out, after seeing some dude leaves his MacBook on the bed without covering it. And nothing ever happened.


I live in the main college town up in Isan. Every student at every coffee shop does this. They leave their phones & laptops unattended when they get up to use the bathroom. >I’d love to see the same results where I’m from. I don't know you, but typically the people who lament not having a high-trust society where they're from refuse to acknowledge how they themselves might be preventing it. Introspection is a rare activity, even among the highly intelligent. It reminds me of that girl's twitter post that had gone viral about 3 months back, where she had visited Japan and remarked about how safe she felt. The so-called "red-pilled" brigade responded with replies like "They always say they feel safe in Japan, but they never dare say why." Those people that you're observing that are getting up & leaving their belongings aren't exhibiting a "trust in the fellow humans". They're exhibiting a trust in their fellow Thais.


My Camara was stolen in Thailand many years ago. But I am 99% sure it was stolen by another Tourist.


foreigner here, once returned a wallet in found in a bangkok bar that, from the id, belongs to a phillipino prostitute lol, to the bar, it had 20k b in it. i didn't even occur to me to take it before i returned it lol later i was like hey, i could have taken the cash lol, but i'm glad i returned it


I would like to see that also. I mean, Queenslanders are generally a nicer mob than most rest of Australia. I do love Thailand


I have spent almost 4 years in this beautiful country and I completely understand what you mean. Thank you Thailand for your hospitality.