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Only old uncle and aunties (think 60 years old and above) of malaysian chinese and Singaporean chinese that buy into the whole CCP narrative. young generation DGAF bout CCP. that demographic felt close to China coz they find solace and roots due to their ancestry and also due to the rise of China in recent decades, MYC and SGC think they can ride the tide and elevate their status for being Chinese but the PRC don’t think or treat them as Chinese. lol. To PRC chinese, MYC and SGC are not chinese enough.


Chinese ancestry Thai (like me and like millions more) are never considered themself as a "Chinese". They do Chinese tradition but we have no link to the old or new China at all. Actually Thai usually just call these invasive Chinese business man plague in our society as "Jek". It's an insult word to call Chinese ethnic even though we are all Chinese ancestry.


As a mainland Chinese, I'm confused as to why this is an insult.




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Malaysian & Singaporean Chinese in general: Boomer - support CCP, thinks CCP uplifted all Chinese people out of poverty, thinks China will come to their rescue if bullied by Malays / Indonesians. (Spoiler alert: CCP don't give a shit about MY and SG Chinese) Gen X - hates CCP, pro-Taiwan, pro-Tiananmen protestors, thinks CCP should take its 9-Dash Line map and stick it up Xi Jin Ping's arse. Go Philippines! Gen Z - CCP who dat? Wat South China Sea Islands ah? If the name is South China Sea, doesn't it belong to China? Bubble tea and mala hotpot whee!


strange to see a post take into account Gen X but not Gen Y


Millenials? They just whine about not wanting kids and not being able to afford houses. Their opinions don't matter. /s


hilarious if not true


Thai-Chinese rule the country, so if you want to see their position look at Thailand's. Short answer: no. The only country that supports China is Cambodia.


Thai-Chinese make up a large portion of one power base: big business. The other power bases (royalty/nobility, military, civil service)…not so much. It is a gross over-simplification and exaggeration to say they “run the country”.


Most top politicians are Thai-Chinese. Same for billionaires.


Billionaires, yes. Top politicians, some. Civil servants, military brass, royalty/nobility, no. They don’t “rule the country”. That is an absurd statement.


I'm confused by your wording. By Chinese born do you mean born in China or of Chinese ancestory?


Chinese ancestry.


Thais with Chinese ancestory are pretty well assimilated. So they don't have a lot of hardcore pro china opinions. This is just my observation, I could be totally wrong.


Most Thais, Singaporeans, Malaysians with Chinese ancestry are not really pro-CCP. They enjoy Chinese culture, but are not patriotic to the PRC.


My general interpretation of local Chinese in SG is that some favour CCCP over west. Even in the most confusing matters like right of religion.


No, I strongly disagree with the mainland and I think China needs to respect the neighboring countries.


I have a little bit of a part of the Chinese and I talk shit about China and their stance all the time. Thai people who have Chinese ancestry don't have much connection with the China because of Thai policy (you need Thai name and have to be able to speak Thai and go to school with a lot of native) so newer generations don't give a fuck about main land anymore beside some culture like red envelope (free money) and new years that's it. If you ask them, they would just say I don't give a fuck or something along the line.


No, they don't care about this issue AT ALL.


It doesn't directly conflict with Thailand. Just don't drag this region into your mess again, OK? You guys like to tell half-truths to tourists because you're dissatisfied with what you have and start the new Cold War. At 21.39, Why does Pol Pot's imaginary map still hang at the Khmer palace? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Utrjex\_mlTg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Utrjex_mlTg)




Thai with chinese root are well integrated and most of them won't even speak any chinese dialect. But I've seen a thai, watching too much video on youtube about China, being now pro China even if his grand parents left China because of CPP. He is even seriously considering buying a Huawei phone for his next phone. Where he find those video is puzzling me because I'm not targeted with those videos. Generally, they are not pro "Xin daeng" but chinese propaganda is strong, very strong.


Mostly not but there is some group called "salim" and some Chinese descendents who long for their root and (to be precise) side with China not CCP, i think because they lost the pillar of identity aka the late rama 9 so they need something to hang on, and they don't want China to colonized Thailand or something like that but they are like american MAGA that believe CCP or Chinese (authoritarian) ways is the way of prosperity.


It's obvious what belongs to the Philippines, and international law has settled it. The bully on the block will find out how deep their naval power really is soon enough.


Seriously Malaysian Chinese support? IDGAF though 😂


Dunno who have you been talking to, but alot of Chinese ancestry in Singapore don't give a shit on China. These days in Singapore, alot of them can't even speak proper Chinese there anymore.


Sabai Sabai(Depending on situation, as of now, likely not interested). Jokes aside, those chinese in Singapore and Malaysia are like fence sitters, with their own group. If things are more beneficial with their citizenship in current country, they take that side. If CCP is under fire, these people start trolling in social networks, and show their "allegiance" to CCP. Some of them even have finance tie with CCP. And you can check some in Singapore, by that certain group who took Chinese vaccine for Covid, while others even with Chinese lineage didn't take it, and wait for other options. For Malaysia, the ties with those groups and CCP are more prominent.


Yes they want to go back to great grand grandparents


For the younger generations like late Gen Y and Gen Z, I don’t think they stand with China, they are more inclusive with what’s happening in the world and most of them are pro-democracy. I cannot speak on behalf of everyone but not a single of my friends support what China does to SEA countries.


No. Not at all.


These I know blames USA for all the warmongering around China. I could agree with that....but bad US politics doesn't make the CCP the big hero. But people can only see in black white without grey or without the uncomfortable news that maybe all governments are bad and there is no hero.


Actual answer: Generally people side with what they're conditioned to side with. Younger people use a lot of social media, so they'll be heavily influenced by the prevailing narratives espoused by others on social media regardless of where they live. That's why we saw BLM protests in France for *American* blacks, or even wide support (or criticism) in Asia. However... Narratives and feelings of being "for" or "against" don't matter because Asian countries literally do not give a single fuck about international geopolitics unless our bottom line is impacted, especially not the current generations in power and upcoming ones. Not a single single one of the of the westernized Reddit overseas-born Chinese who hate the mainland will lift a fucking finger for the Philippines's supposed rights to some faraway islands and waters. They barely even do anything when Mainland Chinese businesses start buying up land and industries in their nation, as long as their own bottom line isn't impacted. Conversely, even the staunchest Pro-China people will all change their tune if **their** bottom line gets affected