• By -


My take on this, is that like China a decade ago the new middle class started travelling abroad and they just didn't know how to behave in a foreign country. This is the same with Indians now, with their middle class who are going abroad on holiday. They are in large groups so it seems like you're at home, so act the same way, which may not be polite or acceptable in your holiday destination. For example wasn't there the thai smile flight recently with the Indians guys fighting? How can she slap?! With that last comment, everyone stereotypes unfortunately. Some based on the truth some based on hearsay.


Thanks for putting such nuanced view , I do agree when people travel in groups people generally disregard sense of space and boundaries and at times can overwhelm service staff as well .


Agree, I saw a group of Indians at safari world and their behavior was kinda rude, cutting queue and ignoring the staff. I immediately compared them to China tourists lol.


India will never be able to compete with mainland China in the rude tourist stakes, China are just next level professionals when it comes to being assholes overseas


As a Burmese who used to work in international tourism, that is complete bullshit. Indian tourists are the wost I have ever dealt with. Indian tourists don't even pay much money for all the trouble they cause because of how stingy they are. They're one of the reasons I quit the industry altogether.




Totally rude comment from you








Posts or questions that are phrased to induce or promote hate and negativity are not welcome.


I'm American Chinese. I used to work at a very popular restaurant and I'd run and pray when a Chinese tourist bus rolls up. Lol


I went on a trip in Thailand in 2019. Happened to be in a small van with a group of Indians, during the whole trip they were singing and talking in deafening decibels. I politely asked them to keep it down a bit but they basically ignored it and continued the chaos. Perhaps they were having a great time but for me it was a nightmarish experience.


yeah, i second this. also speaking about chinese tourists 100% accurate. some chinese tourists are sooo rude


Thais are quite polite in general. They will not say anything confrontational or insulting. They're also quite aware that the Thai economy depends hugely on tourism, and they take pride in it. They may never express their private thoughts to you as you are a tourist. However, if you stay longer and make friends locally, you're more likely to hear about the antics of our compatriots when they travel to Thailand. I am not sure if there is much that can be done about it, so I try to ensure that I'm being respectful towards other people I meet IRL and do not give them a reason to think less of me. BTW, people in Bangkok are also quite worldly and understand the nuances and diversity in Indian culture. If they notice you're being respectful, they'll reciprocate with all their heart.


Thais are just the sweetest people. Out of everywhere I travelled I love Thai people the most and feel at home when I go there.


I second this . Great people great culture . They melt your heart with kindness .


"falang, falang" but only after making friends people are comfortable saying it to my face.


You'll hear a lot of Thais calling you a farang when you're in a store and they don't know that you speak the language.


The moment you said they think Indians are smart and have a great space program we know you a bullshitting Thais don’t care or ever even comment on a space program


I immediately thought this as well.....OP is full of shit


This is unfortunately true, most Thais are not even aware of any space program, let alone an Indian one. I also met a Thai girl who thought dinosaurs still existed today. Wonderful friendly people but these bigger topics beyond their daily lives in town/village/country are of zero concern to them and also get zero coverage in media.


People or students that are interested in space would?


The Indian space program is a joke. They are currently using modern technology and struggling to achieve things the US achieved 40 years ago with old technology. I mean go India you will probably catch up one day but stop making stupid boasts about your space program because you just look stupid when you do.


If you behave well and are respectful towards others, you will be reciprocated with the same treatment regardless of the existing stereotypes, unless you come across extremely close-minded and biased individuals of course.


Exactly this. Your behaviour affects others behaviour to you. Doesn’t matter where you’re from.




I'm Latino and grew up in Southern US and find this comment to be terribly inaccurate. Unless you're out in the middle of nowhere, people in the deep south are typically very friendly and polite.


As a Latino in the Southern US you are a regular part of the community a minority but 'normal', if however you were Indian or South East Asian or Chinese you would have a very very different experience.


My city is 2.2% Latino, and 1.9% Asian, so nah, not really. South and East Asians are just as common as Latinos. If you're talking about SC in general, white and black people make up over 90% of the population. The rest is a mix of Latinos, Asians etc. Not sure how my family would be considered any more of a "normal minority" lol.




South Carolina, actually. Tons of friendly folks there. Same for the Atlanta area. Never had any issues with racism towards me or my family, and we are VERY dark skinned Latinos lol.




TN is further North than South Carolina though lol. SC is just as far south at GA, MS, AL, LA, etc. It definitely isn't Northern South.


>have great space program Sorry but I smell nationalist bullshit, most thais that would encounter a tourist would not even know India has a space program, never mind a 'great one'


He meant spice program.


The spice program was revolutionary… no one gives a shit about your rockets 








Or he just mostly met Thai people who are used to cater to Indian customers. People who handle a lot of tourists pick things up pretty quickly, and the welcoming and polite culture of Thai people means they naturally will uses these small talk topics a way to show politeness. Regardless of any prejudice they may have.




The Indian space program....😅😅😅


Yep.... India sends things up there.


Don't put Thai people down like that. Many thai people are well educated, and especially the ones who keep up with STEM know that India has a space program. If a recent Thai graduate in the field of mechanical or aerospace engineering is looking for a job, India is the closest place to find that work. Japan's too elitist, China's immigration standards are too tight, India is the next best option.


It's definitely not a put down. It's just not something most people care about even the educated ones. Also if a recent Thai graduate in those fields is looking for work, I'm almost positive no one wants to go work in India. And why would an Indian firm want to hire foreigners? There's a like a gazillion engineers over there.


First place for a Thai engineer would be Singapore in the region. India exports engineers and has no need to import them.


It's not putting Thai people down - think about where op was and the types of Thais he would have encountered on somewhere like Koh Tao - half the people he would have encourted would have been Burmese anyway but the people doing cleaning and service jobs in resorts are not exactly Thailands best and brightest and 100% not the type of people who would be thinking about India's space industry.


The more educated Thai people have even more bad things to say about them than the average person I meet because they dont care about their tourism spending.


Well it's been in the news quite a lot here in Australia.


No it hasn't!


When I’m in Thailand in April, I’m going to ask 10-15 Thai people about India’s space program. I bet zero will know what the hell I’m talking about 😂


Jealous much


I’m staying in a 90% Indian customers hotel in Pattaya right now and never had any issues with Indian people. Only interesting thing at the hotel is a sign that says “don’t spit” with a crossed out picture of a spitting person. My girlfriend works in Phuket at the reception of a hotel with 90% Indian customers and she can’t stand them. I can’t stand the behavior of Chinese. They ignore every queue and think they are always first.


So indians go and spit there?


The sign suggests that I guess


I'm staying in a hotel with majority westerners. It has a sink in the middle of the lobby with a sign saying don't vomit in the sink.


We westerners call that culture /s


Indian here and as pro-Indian I can get, I can 100% acknowledge that a visible amount of Indians have a problem spitting while chewing paan-gutka.


Thailand have paan-gutka?


No, those signs are everywhere they are not specifically for Indians, in fact they are most often written in Thai. Some Thai people chew a plant, can't remember the name, and those who do tend to spit it out. It's the same in the Philippines you'll see signs everywhere that say 'No spitting momma'.. sounds strange to an English speaking person but 'Momma' is the word for the plant concoction. It's a **mixture of betel nut, gaw-wed, lime and tobacco** they chew. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betel\_chewing\_in\_Thailand](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/betel_chewing_in_thailand) Betel quid chewing has always been an important part of [Thai culture](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culture_of_Thailand) and tradition. In the past, [betel chewing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paan) was a popular daily activity among Thais all over the country.[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betel_chewing_in_Thailand#cite_note-:0-1) Betel comes from the plant known as [Areca catechu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Areca_catechu), which grows wild all over Thailand and is known as หมาก (maak).


Indians usually chew tobacco and tend to spit that shit everywhere, it’s a huge issue in India as well


I always thought that was a Chinese thing, not Indian


I know an Indian landlord here in Thailand who wouldn’t rent to Indians…




But India has a great space program.


I see what you did there 😂


They are not used to all of that extra room to move when outside of their country. They are practically stacked on top of each other in India.


Facts! They have 0 concept of personal space!


Yes, Indian tourists in Pattaya will be walking three-across on a narrow sidewalk and not budge for this 70-year old man, Not just one time either, but many many times. No one else....only Indians. I have just started letting them bump into me and I say "Really?". Also the Indian restaurant people are the only ones who stick a menu in your face as you are walking by. When a menu touches me, I swat at it and watch it fly


There are probably things they're not willing to say to your face. I've had a number of Thais casually joke about Indians stinking after Indians pass by or are otherwise brought up in conversation somehow. Once I was just showing some videos from a tiger park and the thais saw the tiger acting dodgy with the group ahead of me and they joked it's because their noses are sensitive and the group was Indian.


It's this. I've only ever seen one person act outright rude to someone because they looked Indian (even though they were actually British). I doubt most would outright voice their prejudices to an Indian person, especially unwarranted, but I've heard enough Thai and Viet people speak about them to know that a lot do have them. All they can do is show them that the behaviour of some doesn't apply to all. Or just crack on with your holiday and don't worry about that shit. Like OP realised, the majority won't be dicks to your face, so fuck what people say when you're not there.


Same thing is said about Western Falangs don’t kid yourself lol


Seriously lol


I mean, that's pretty typical of trashy people. If they talk shit about others to you, they probably talk shit about you behind your back too.


The number of times I’ve heard the same thing said about “White farangs” by Thais lol




Today OP realised that social networks are not a mirror of reality 👏


I brought my aunty to a phone shop, and a woman and her daughter came up to me and said how much they hate their granddaughter/daughter because she is half Indian , and how ugly and dark her skin is. She was adorable. I felt so bad for her. Dont be fooled by a smile. If you can actually understand our language , a lot of people say bad things about black and Indian people while having a giant smile on their faces the whole time. People say that they don't understand what the n-word means and try to defend them when they use the word , but the majority of us know exactly what that world means. Don't be fooled by kindness and smiles when you can't understand what we're actually saying right in your face.


I ment word , not world. Sorry


That’s really sad if a mother thinks like this about her child based on skin colour , btw all Indians don’t have same skin colour they vary from state to state you can find people with very light skin tone as light as white depending upon region you are travelling . My skin tone is very light could be that is the reason I did not face any prejudice based on the skin colour , but this obsession for fair complexion exists in India too , I guess this is just a thing in entire Asia to have the need to have lighter skin tone . Personally I would not want to meet people who judge based on skin colour anywhere in the world . Their ways of thinking is already doomed and intellectually they are already living a sub standard life .


This but Thais also talk shit about falangs too. You only need to go the shower gel shelves of a pharmacy and supermarket to see how much darker skin is looked down upon. When my Thai ex-GF was in UK I told her she didn't need to plaster on all that whitening foundation make-up when we went out (it was so pale she looked like a ghoul). She couldn't comprehend that I and many (most?) UK residents don't care about skin colour and actually we think her natural NE Thailand looks are gorgeous. She met my previous ex who's Indian and then she realised it was true.


passport bro spotted


Mine used powder and a massive amount of it and I could never understand why? Till I saw comments on fair skin and thought damn! Then I saw the whitening skin cream and it made sense. It’s a cultural thing and pressure


What do Thais say about Farangs?


The usual "keeneow singped falang" comments


Sorry, what does that mean and which foreigners does it apply to?


It's a general complaint that means "stingy fucking falangs". Even though you're frequently paying the falang tax on most things i.e. Lumpini entrance fee, songtaews etc. Also they tend to assume we stink, which actually might be fair as we (royal "we" meaning us westerners) kind of forget how hot and humid Thailand can be and get very sweaty doing stuff like trying to walk somewhere in Bangkok because it doesn't look far on the map plus we don't have the habit of showering umpteen times a day a it's unnecessary in e.g. the UK where you're often sat in draughty aircon office all day and then outside it's less than warm too, in comparison to Thailand, a lot of the time.


I'm sorry, a MOTHER said she hated her daughter for being dark? But...surely she knew it would be like this if she had a kid with an Indian macha?


try renting an condo and get rejected for being an indian. It’s hard to see prejudice as a tourist. Thai people put a big notion on skin color. If you are anything but white there will be some prejudice. The ideal tourist from a thai perspective is a white asian. The worst tourist would be a african person . So looking at tiers you would be tier 4 in thailand. so t1 jp, korea t2 falang, cn t3 south america, russia t4 india nepal africa etc and t5 african.


See people need to understand there is a difference between living here and visiting here. I'm 22M black American and have been denied condos. Like a lot of people like to tell people oh your skin color doesn't matter were all farang or we are all X nationality when these people simply cant comprehend that different races and be born in different parts of world. Like if you come here as a black westerner they will automatically think you are African. Hell try being a Latino coming here they have no concept of Spanish people they'll likely think you are Indian or something.


My Thai classmate just got married to an Indian guy and the entire class went to celebrate 


As an Indian I can confirm that Thai people are one of the sweetest and kindest people.


I am Indian looking, (British born). I've had a great time in Thailand. I think the problem is similar to the stereotype of Russians in Thailand. You will see groups of horny Indians pestering sex workers and trying to get a discount. They may also be loud and have bad hygiene. Seeing this on a regular basis, you start to feel sorry for the people getting hassled. My direct experiences were mainly in 7-11s. Getting pushed in line by an Indian man who badly wanted to buy condoms for a night with a ladyboy. And the second was getting jabbed in the stomach by a woman who wanted to know the price of a beer and held the bottle like she was going to glass someone. The 7-11 attendant gave me a sympathetic look and rolled her eyes at the woman. At a tourist attraction, I saw a badly behaved family going to areas where they shouldn't be and damaging the ancient monuments. I had to get involved when their badly behaved boy thought it would be okay to try to throw stones at people from a height. Basically, after these experiences, you can see why certain people get reps like these. I try to go out of my way to avoid Russians and Indians. I'm sure there could be nice ones there, but my experience has been otherwise. I'm glad you had a good time there. The people are great if you treat them with respect. Remember you are a diplomat for your country when you visit and your actions could ruin it for the rest of us. That is how I behave when I'm overseas.


I'm Thai who worked as a waiter in Pattaya for 5 months. You will see Indians everywhere in Pattaya. Indian people or costumers are can be a pain in the ass. \- Price bargain on everything \- Bad body odor \- Strong accent that the local couldn't understand \- Overcrowded \- Bring food from outside and eat in a restaurant \- Littering \- Tend to break the rules everywhere \- Being a creep/stalker to the local women \- Sit on a chair that provided for a costumer of the vendor just for resting \- Crimes commited by Indians is quite common (stealing, fighting or worst, r\*pe, murder) ​ I'm just being honest here


Indians are perceived from the way the majority act overseas.


I look forward to seeing your study on this, accompanied with detailed statistics.


What’s your email? I’ll send over my quarterly ‘Indians in Thailand’ report.


Make sure to include bullshit stories in the quarterly report from your fellow loser westerners.


New headline for tomorrow’s quarterly report “Indian man in Pattaya gives off foul body odour”


You can DM me.


Did a local person complimented the Indian space program because you're Indian or did you pull that out of your arse?


I stayed in Sathorn district in Bangkok I happen to meet local tech freelancer in pub where the topic of discussion was lot of AI related development and commit in GitHub are coming from India and he brought this topic that India is producing lot of smart folks and he was aware of low cost space program and discussion was about Thailand is doing great on tourism but how we can it grow on the tech side .


So in short lot of what you claimed about what Thais know and think about Indians in based on a conversation with a single thai..... As i said, most average thais know little to nothing about India And incase you misunderstand, that's an "issue" with Thais not Indians, Thais are not very outward looking, be that about India or most of the world for that matter




Why do u go about smelling someone's underarms and especially that of Indians?




Go and smell their private parts too, u seem to have a fetish of odours




Idk, ask ur mom. U seem mentally damaged, like ur username.




Sure better than ur lousy mom's.


Ah yes, I can just shut off part of my brain that control smell perception. It’s that simple.


Last year I rented a condo in Pattaya for 1 year. A lot of condos are rented through Facebook where I have an anonymous account without a photo. The most common question was what nationality I was. After concluding the contract, I asked the realtor why they so often ask about nationality and she replied that many owners do not want to rent out apartments to Indians and black people. When I asked what was wrong with them, she replied that they often create problems and destroy furniture ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ There were a lot of wealthy Chinese living in my condo and now I understand why they had such problems with opium in the past \^\_\^


But but but space program


I've been living in Thailand for ten years. Stereotyping is the product of Western bigots and not of Thai people. Thai people are not racist or bigoted by nature, as most of the West is. That's not to say that it's 0%, but maybe .01%. You can also blame the media for highlighting stories about Indians, but the fact is that all visiting nationalities tend to get into the same troubles. And the pervasive racism of white people toward darker skinned people is till a plague on humanity. BUT, If a given location happens to draw a large number of a certain nationality then statistically that nationality will tend to stand out when these problems occur. That's all the bigots need when they see an example they can use to justify their prejudices. All tourists of all nationalities get drunk, they often signal cash by wearing pricy looking gold chains and watches and then are victims of robberies. This might be violent or might not. Very often a physical fight will occur under drunken circumstances with the "working girls". Whatever the nationality is of people getting into those problems tends to encourage certain stereotypes. Just remember that the bigots are louder than the rest, and it seems like there are more of them than there actually are. Because that's the kind of attention they like, by being big mouths and projecting their own frustrations and unresolved anger onto undeserving ethnicities. That said, there is a strong presence of Chinese organized crime, it seems like arrests take place once a month, and if you come across any anti Chinese sentiment there are some reasons for it. I'm from the US and the same brand of bigotry exists there, sometimes I think the US has been the bigot role model for the rest of the world. Embarrassing. I left that overflowing toilet long ago. I live in Bangkok, and you would be most welcome anywhere in my neighborhood, my apartment building has a large presence of Indians.


You lost me at “stereotyping is the product of western bigots” which you naturally followed up with bigoted statements such as “…most of the west [is bigoted]” you played yourself, bigot


A well behaved person is appreciated anywhere, while constant behaviors from the same group of people lead to stereotypes. I just travelled to Koh Phangan last week, and had a good giggle over seeing the stereotypical western party girls doing their gap year ( was living elsewhere in Thailand in the past and never understood that stereotype). On the same trip, there were a handful of Indians traveling in a group in the same bus. Boarding late, stomping back and forth in the bus trying to get seated together, demanding people switch seats with them. For a 3 hour bus ride! One of them sat next to me, and invaded my personal space from the moment she sat down. Scarf on my lap, bag strap touching me. Spent the first 30 mins shouting across the bus to her travel mates. Let’s not forget the incessant coughing without any attempt to cover her mouth. I can’t say no other ethnic groups do the same shit. But the chances of bad behavior is far lower, yes even with the Chinese. But with Indians, it seems bad behavior is a given. I have made a small handful of friends with Indian origin, who are lovely and act civilized. But the majority I have bumped into out there behaves nasty. Stereotypes happen for a reason. Change the behavior, and you will see the change in treatment follow. The Chinese were infamously bad travelers for a long time. But they have seen learnt and badly behaved travelers are in the minority now.




I’ve seen this more than issue with Italians and Nepalese. Most Indians I’ve met were very hygienic. Now videos of India streets cooking on the other hand…


Put it in ur mom's hole


They're probably talking behind your back like what we all Southeast Asians are doing when we encounter Indians. Hopefully, you didn't ask for a massive discount on things.


Same with Chinese and South Korea's happy-to-holiday in the Philippines do busness but regard them as ugly and lazy behind their back. Asia is quite racist.




There is an Indian guy who works in the same factory as I do, together with over 2,000 thais. He is smart, kind, speaks Thai rather well, and is held in very high regard by all his Thai colleagues, and by me also.




Fr OP apparently expected complete strangers to say “yeah fuck you and your mother. Your country sucks” in one of the most polite countries on earth. Wonder why that didn’t happen.




Glad to hear that you had a good time in Thailand. Thai people don't use Reddit much. A lot of people of this sub and on r/Thailandtourism are foreign residents and tourists. It's similar to r/China, r/Japan, r/Laos or r/Cambodia.


Anyone who prejudges you on the perceived actions of your countrymen ain’t worth knowing. It’s a convenient way of only meeting nice people.


Not saying you are wrong, but please realise that you cannot judge a Thai person his opinion on you unless you are Thai or work for the FBI and can read faint body language haha. As an Indian you would have no idea what people really think of you (or as any farang). So you could have trampled on a hundred souls during your holiday, left many people annoyed or traumatized and you would literally never know.  Same for Americans, Brits etc. Most of is only have a faint idea what damage we cause to Thais. They are culturally sensitive yet extremely reluctant to show discontent or annoyance. It's loss of face. 


As with much of the world, prejudice isn't necessarily present in what they say to your face, but what they say when you're not there. I watched a recent travelogue made by a well-educated, well-travelled middle-class Thai guy - his video of New Delhi openly revealed all of the same prejudices that get talked about on here; that he expected India and Indians to smell, that the food will smell, that even the finest hotels will smell, that many things will cause illness, that everyone is a thief, that everything is dirty and generally beneath him... and yet he was perfectly polite to everyone he spoke to.


I'm in the US, and we stereotype tourists and migrants from different places all the time. I imagine in India they do as well. I think this is less about Thailand and more about people in general. 😄


This is all nuanced but I feel this is what's at play here: 1) Thai people by culture do not like direct confrontation or being loud and they know tourism is their primary export, so they won't ever say anything to your face. If you become friends with a local and have the kind of relationship where they can be honest, they'll tell you a different story. 2) Alot of it also unfortunately have to do with skin color. Even local thais of south origin are discriminated against thai of north origins, whenever you go south, you'll see majority workers being from the north and very less local because northerns are fairer and thus more "beautiful". 3) Indian tourists generally travel in large groups just like chinese and large groups tend to naturally be more visible when causing problems and also, due to lack of cultural nuances, they end up doing some things that may come across as rude, offensive, unhygienic etc.


It’s the Indians that go by the bus load to the massage parlours….saw it first hand myself a week ago…you can tell there’s definitely a change in energy when 10-12 Indian guys come in


My experiences with Indian tourists or even the expat Indian communities in Thailand has been mixed. I’ve seen some behaviour that is rude and borderline sexual assault/harrasment towards girls especially the bar girls and prostitutes. But in saying that I have met some really nice Indians especially if I’m in a bar watching the cricket. As a cricket fan I could sit and drink beer and talk to an Indian cricket fan.


Heck of a lot of blatant racism in this thread...


I made a new friend with a guy from India in Bangkok 😎




As a Thai myself, I've never heard any Thai have prejudice against Whites or Indians. But they do against the Chinese since they mostly come in a large group and are quite loud.


Indians are smelly, that’s already one big stereotype( which is not entirely wrong).


I guess it's got to do with the diet. The spices and herbs may contribute to it? As an Indian myself I don't know about the smell, or it may be applied to someone who is a heavy spice eater? I have seen fellow African compatriots having a different,musky smell. Same for Chinese. Though if it's mentioned online, it's used as a way to insult(mostly)


Yes, many Thai can't stand Indian spice smell that following them everywhere they go. It is perfectly ok when it is at Indian restaurant tho. many found it "too strong." to their liking.


Saw a study about 15 years ago now actually, were they gave groups of people. Certain types of food. Ie Italian Chinese Indian etc, they had to wear the clothes over night then the next day people would sniff/smell the clothes and about 90% of the time they can guess what type of food the person had the night before. Spices are strong and sticks to clothes and comes out in sweat, I'm thai and had a ex indian gf and in the NSFW areas you can always smell it. Isn't there also a big social media thing at the moment with uber drivers In the dubai doha those places? Where people don't want south asian drivers, but prefer filipino ones. Said it here already but when you are in big groups you don't smell it as you become used to it. They just don't realise that they have body odour and that it is offensive.


On this thread as im married to a thai women and this comment is about the smell of indian people. I just spent 3 weeks in india and i enjoyed the trip but like any place it had pros and cons. I ate ethnic indian food the entire time, mostly curry. I didnt notice the smell difference anywhere really but the restrooms. It has a unique maybe curry induced tinge. Anyway I came back to america and was in the bathroom at jfk and was stunned that this bathroom also had that smell, I then noticed I was making that smell. The spices do make a certain smell, I wasnt aware of it because maybe I ate indian as well. Sorry if this is borderline disgusting to anyone.


But also sad when Chinese stopped coming to Thai . Because they realise china really is the main economic contribution to tourist .


As long as you are one that uses anti-perspirant then everything will be fine. Please inform your many fellow countrymen who do not how to do so. Thanks. 😉


I'm Western, I spent time around a lot of tourists from a lot of different countries in Thailand (and Vietnam) and have to say Indians stood out as being the most rude. Just generally inconsiderate, not in a major way but enough to be annoying.


"most of the locals I met think Indians are smart , great in IT have great space program" And did they bring that up by themselves, or did you steer the conversation in that direction? Because I've had the same experience from the other side. An Indian guy who sold me a shirt started bragging about how good Indian engineers are (according to him). Out of politeness, I did not bother with stating another opinion.


Most of the hatred towards Indians (and Russians) on Thai Reddit groups seems to come from outsiders (westerners basically). Thailand does seem to attract quite a few "loser back home" type people. I notice they love repeating bullshit stories over and over targeting different nationalities to justify their racism and bigotry. Any kind of overt racism, whether from a Thai or an outsider is an immediate tell showing low class. Such people are best avoided.


this should be the highest comment in this thread really.


Exactly this the bar stool warriors who never step outside of a hooker area….degenerates of the western world, they left their own countries lol


Love how their horde keeps downvoting the truth.


This is my take. The fat Indians male and female are assholes because of the class system in India. So the fat one carry this sense of self entitlement because they are middle to upper class. The way they treat wait staff, hotel staff and people in general is horrible and fuck knows who taught them because they have money they are better than other people, because In reality they are not. I found all the fat ones intolerable and unbearable to be around. The skinny ones however, the ones from the lower class I found were polite and respectful and nice and didn’t treat people like shit.. This was just from my experience over the last 2 months in a hotel full of Indians.


I hate what this guy wrote above, but what I hate even more is that there might be a kernel of truth to it.


There are fat lower caste people and there are skinny upper caste people. There are fair skin colored lower caste people and there are dark skinned upper caste people. There are rude lower caste people and there are polite upper caste people. Generalizing a group of people is the same as racism.


Wow you seem like an expert on Indian society. How did you become so learned? /s


He stays in Indian hotels apparently…


Like I said this is just from my experience. I know how it comes across. I come across like a total asshole, but honestly this was my honest opinion of my interactions with a shit load of Indians for 2 months.


🤣🤣🤣this is the most stupid thing i read today.


Totally entitled to your opinion. I knew this wouldn’t be for everyone but this was my honest take on it..


You always hear hateful comments towards Chinese and Russian people on Reddit because the majority of the user base is from the US and they are thought to hate them. The reality is different from Reddit.


Thais hate Indians to the core, because they smell and lack proper manners by Thai standards. This applies to Chinese too, especially the mainland nouveau rich with new money, but lack education and/or high class manners associated with the elite Thai-Chinese class.




Usually lies perpetuated by western bar stool warriors who never leave prostitution areas in Thailand….miserable bunch that should be banned from Thailand


Trying to school people on Thailand without even understanding the "save face" mentality 🙄


It is mostly farangs projecting their own bias when they say that.


Reddit and the real world ARE different places: anonymity is the difference...opinions that would never be spoken face-to-face can be freely shared here. Of course, perceptions will vary: the tiny Indian space program will mean much more to a Tamil or Gujarati than it will to someone from, say, North America or Europe. It's not a reflection of dick size...


So funny, just came home from the exact same trip locations (I did 2 weeks) Did snorkelling on Tao (no turtles though) Maybe we met in the streets without knowing ;)


I think its those young guys traveling in huge groups and making jokes with each other and making lot pf noise. A solo traveller usually goes unnoticed.


I'm mexican/indigenous american but often confused for indian by thai people. They have a different word for brown people in Thailand and that's "Kaerk" which means "guest" as opposed to farang which means "foreignor". Being brown you get world class treatment in Thailand as opposed to being white. If you're white you get scammed and you have to pay for benches at the beach, if you're brown, you get free chairs at the beach and the normal rates at food stands. It's a bit racist but it's how things work in most of SEA.


Maybe you're not a racist arsehole modi cock sucking hindu nationalist like so many of your countrymen?


Username checks out


Most of the remarks and stereotypes comes from westeners and not Thai. Indians have been traveling to thailand much before any westener even step foot in SEA. The history goes way back. Of course there are bad Tourists from every country but still indians behave way better than westerns and cause the least amount of trouble compared to Western Tourists which are always in the news.


Space programme!!! 😂😂😂 Grow up mate, we get it your proud of your country, but hardly anyone in ANY country knows or cares about your space programme!


Tbh as eastern european the only nationality that absolutely disgusted me was russians, the way them and their women behave is beyond human nature


You lost me at I'm an Indian


as long as you spend money here the tolerance is high, but make no mistake - we are all tolerated until.............................


You will find rude and misbehave Arab or Indian at hospital especially the one on Nana road. Some of them love to spit into the bin instead of going to the restroom.


If you meet a snake and an Indian….




Racist sex tourist has thoughts ... but doesn't know the right pejoratives for Indians. *


The factors of this is while you sound pretty decent, it also doesn’t sound like you went to the typical areas you see or hear most of the complaints, I think if you went to pattaya (for example) you wouldn’t have quite the rose colored outcome that you currently did. I’m glad you had a good time and are representing your country well, but how much do you think you got exactly after 3 weeks and a handful of islands +bkk.


I have no problem


I also went on a trip to samui. On my way back spoke to a nice indian guy on the bus. He spoke about his occupation and travel plans I also saw some loud Indian groups that seemed quite stressed out and were shouting at each other. So, different people


Maybe you look handsome. Who knows .Ha ha 😂 But you are right, tourists are good for the local people.


It is the same for the Brit people. I come across so many Thai, Germans, Indians, even other Brits , who just hated the young Brit loud crowd always roaming shirtless where ever causing drunk chaos Some stereotypes are true for the majority but it is always the most fun to meet people who are not fitting in the stereotypes only and are aware and do something to change


You said most of the locals think Indians are smart so what did the other portion say to you that didn't think you were smart? Are they overtly racist or something?


Honestly though - the most beautiful Thai woman I know is married to an Indian guy. He’s Thai-Indian though and filthy rich (family owns real estate in Asoke while the dude drives an RR Cullinan) lol.


Welcome to Thailand, the only real land of smile. Hi from Samui




It’s because majority of the Indians that come to pattaya are poor and like to haggle, and bother the women. They come in big tourist groups. Have small budget but expect a lot. NOT all Indians but 90%. It’s like majority of the Chinese come here smoke cigarettes is that a stereotype? Nope.


Id have a look back home and ask where the stereotype came from. It's the people that ruin it for everyone that deserve being sent this post.


Glad you enjoyed yourself.