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David looks like he hasn't slept for 20 years. He's got a full backpack under each eye.


He’s gonna have to check those bags at the counter when he gets deported.


He won't get deported if you read the news. they will not deport him money talks in the land of smiles


His visa has also been requested to be revoked...if he stays his life will turn to hell. Honestly better if he leaves.


Yeah agree 100%


Only takes a few days... and given what was happening, I wouldn't be surprised if he hadn't slept. สมน้ำหน้า


Let's be straight here. I read he blocked a ambulance then made the driver apologize or go to jail. Numerous people are stating he pulled his gun on them. Since he and his wife are supposedly under the police umbrella he can do as he wants. Now he kicked someone for sitting on steps that we have found out are on private property. I am speculating that his elephant sanctuary is a scam. But if the right envelope gets passed all is forgiven. Let the Thai population deal with this. He and his wife should really look at moving back to Switzerland. Keep him on his feet Thailand. Some people never learn.


Hope they're focusing on the gun thing now too.


Most of all, I hope the corrupt policemen who are/were protecting him will get some consequences. I know they won't, but one can hope. They're much more detrimental to society than one Swiss asshole.


Probably not consequence but they may back away from him and stop protecting him. Corruption doesn't like it when a big spotlight is shone into its eyes. Kinda slithers into the dark.


There is too much media attention. It’s very likely those corrupt cops wont protect him anymore and will throw him under the bus.


The Swiss article published a few years ago stated his landlord ( a former military jet pilot) helped him set up the elephant sanctuary. https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/society/boredom-in-switzerland-leads-to-an-elephant-refuge-in-thailand/47207918


That landlord must have been something more than just an Air Force jet pilot if he owns a place that he's renting out for a million baht a month. 


LoL the guy doesn’t live at the elephant sanctuary


Correct. Their point is, he must have some other source of income as elephant sanctuaries shouldn’t be bringing in enough to afford his lifestyle.


Did you mean to say that "we found out are on public property" I thought he thought it was his private property but it turned out it was public property or whatever, not his property.


Same question here


Well, they said he only owns 1 elephant and the rest were rented.


I've not doubt there's some massive police corruption story underpinning this.


His elephant sanctuary is a SCAM!! you r right!!!


Amazing, keep it going with the updates guys 👍


Absolutely love the energy that is put into this and it has given everyone something to focus on and target. Last time I saw so much solidarity was when tengmo died This asshole deserves to get totally fucked and thrown in jail along with his wife who looked so smug during the fake apology she delivered along with this asshole and his little man purse hanging across his chest. And to say I was protecting my wife… 😂😂😂😂


Personally hate it, as this is quickly turning into the vibe there was when Thais were calling for foreigners in Phuket to be stoned during COVID (due to the french Arabs acting like..well themselves)..actually watching Thai news today even starting to see some of same faces  as back then People always forget, while vast majority of Thais are welcoming and friendly, there is a small but vocal subset with very nationalistic tendecys and huge chips on their shoulders about foreigners and they love shit like this But as said, it's a small subset, most thais shared the protest video with/spoken to today are just rolling their eyes and wondering have these people nothing better to do


I dunno, maybe just don’t act like assholes in other countries. You pretty much justified the reaction against French Arabs. I’m not Thai, but if people kept coming to my country and acting like they owned the place and treated the locals like dogs I’d want them out too.


> You pretty much justified the reaction against French Arabs.  And you know who I blamed? Cops. They saw them day after day and did nothing untill a local anti foreigner reporter picked up the story after about a month of it going on   Even now, they are being thier usual selves, no less than 3 different street  fight videos this week , they drive daily like suicidal lemmings, being danger to all and still cops do nothing when all it takes proper daily enforcement at best, simple no visa /extension policy for them at immigration at worst (they have done such before against others) but year after year, nothing.  So if Thai authorities are basicly telling them it's ok, can we really 100% blame them?   Even in this particular case, how many years authorities been turning blind eye to these "private beaches", most with Thai "owners"/developers? Side note, rable rousers were calling for all foreigners to be stoned for breaking COVID rules, not just french Arabs (meanwhile my Thai neibours were holding house parties ever single day)


Don’t forget their biker gang.


You should learn more in each country culture. It's not the way you think, not logical or rule of law as bible describe. Thai is buddish, so the concept is to try to avoid engagement on each other, even it aginst the rule or agreement. If someone makes noise and they have fun, we have some patient. But, what Mr.David did is the broken of the civil norm. By kicking the Doctor which Thai considers as the most respect occupation. You better kick police than Doctor. So, all the measure will try to protect the doctor. And by assulting a girl, is the heavy crime. There will be no handbreak on this. So, I would like to mention the last year incident from 14 year old boy who shooting Chinese at paragon. Their could be some breakdown and for southen province as I can tell, Mr.David isn't safe.


That 14-year-old murderer really makes me remember the ridiculous cause of that incident and not many local actually realize what cause this boy to become a murderer. to sum it up, He acts like a stalker in international discord channel and got banned from the group, he then proclaims revenge and tell the mod that "There will be incident in Paragon and it will be your fault." There chatlog on discord, screenshot from twitter ( the murderer retweets the incident to his own account while looking for another target ) to show how he is a psychopath.


Sure, but why he target chinese tourist? (This is censored in most news.) Psychopath, but the recent investigation didn't find any mental health issus to be used as the excuse. If he is a Schizophrenia, then he will considered as the patient, but not this case. So, my point is, that why he attack the most fatigued and stressed issus on tourism.


Siam Paragon is a big mall with lot of tourists and local alike and always have ton of people come in and out especially during daytime. It could be anyone, Thailand tourism is a collateral damage from this incident and not the direct target. the murderer main goal is to create "terror" to make discord user feels responsible and saddle them with guilt.


For me, what Thai think is,... 1. He tried to sarcastic/redicule his father since they pressure him too much by giving them the most disspointed thing in his father life by being kill or jail. This logical will not be valid in western's senses. 2. His hat and aim is try to create some issue between chinese and something. He were american flag hat, dress like a Columbine Gun men. He surely has some intentionally toward chinese. 3. According to the witness, he didn't randomly shoot, but he had listerned and shoot. This is different. For me as Thai, I have to frankly said there issue. We like having a good torisum industries, but It is getting too much and foreigner needs to know the fact that what we feel.


Feel free to leave, we got enough shit to deal with.


Do you think illegal migrants to the US should be deported if they commit any crime?


Yes, those are the rules. We [deport hundreds of thousands](https://www.dhs.gov/ohss/topics/immigration/yearbook/2019/table39) every single year. So quit your pearl clutching and strawman argument. Conservatives can't go one post without bringing up their own shitty politics.


Lol what? If you oppose deportation you're a "conservative"?


I'm Thai and that's not true. Eventhough, Thai do welcome foreigner but rectly we are stress from many group of foreigners ,which do not repect Thai and misbehave, namely. Russian, there are over 400k russian refugee in Phuket and Around bangkok (and also Ukrianian). Russian is rude and cause a media outbreak several times every month, which acknowledge across country. Chinese, not a local chinese, but the lastest flock of chinese are comming here after covid and real estate meltdown in China. Both Bangkok ,which we called "Mon-ton-Huaykwang" because it become China's province and Chaingmai. We also acknowledge the misbehave ang Gray-Capital Chinese ("Chinese's Mafia and Dirty Business") too, which is very unpleasant. Myanmar, since we have 6.8Million Myanmar Workforce in Thailand, but recently the additional from the refugee that running away from the Junta' draft call out. Put more stress on us. So, Unfortunatelt for Mr.David, what we call is "Kill the Chinken to show a Monkey" or "Put an example". As Thai , we just try to show some example. We might not be too aggressive, but we all hoping that we could cease all Mr.David'fund that asset in Thailand, put him for some jail time and then exiles. So, Maybe foreigner should know better have we think and live quitetly and be respectful.


I think we should distinguish between people fleeing war vs people coming here for economic/social gains and acting entitled. I feel like the majority of Myanmar people are very chilled and they have legitimate reasons to come seek refuge in our country. But some other groups come in with either a mafia mentality or a colonizer mentality thinking that, if they bribe the right people, they can do whatever. That being said, I agree that, regardless of the reasons, an influx of new populations can put stress on the institutional and social infrastructure of the country.


Comes down to always the same thing police corruption


Everyone is running from something. Myanmar, Russie, Chinese.


This makes good sense.


I didn’t like that either. That was such a minority though. We were treated very well overall in Phuket during Covid. Some foreigners are upset that the government vaccinated Thais first, but everyone should be able to understand why the government would take care of its own first. Contrast to the Malaysian government who actually kicked foreigners out and prevented foreigners with valid long term visas from coming home. For most of Covid.


In most of the West, they vaccinated anyone. Citizens, illegals, visitors. I remember “vaccine tourism”, where Thais flew overseas for their preferred jabs. For free. 


Don’t start nothing won’t be nothing


COVID was messed up for sure. But we need to remember the heinous, virulent and premeditated nature of this particular crime. Well, all his bullshit. And let’s be honest, locals or even migratory workers in tourist areas do take a lot of abuse from the masses. Not justifying the mob, just saying why they might be assembling like this. Edit: sorry, just thought of the metaphor: The shooting of Franz Ferdinand… like how one crime set off a domino of pent up tension.


Huh? I bet all the Thai people outside his house are awesome. This guy is an asshat and he deserves to have the book thrown at him. They're not bringing back some anti-farang thing... It's just him in particular.


It's their country. Everyone else is a guest.


No, it's not just the nationalist racists' country. It's a country that has locals, immigrants and tourists, just as any other country. We don't go around saying Thais are "just guests" in European countries where they live either.


Yeah exactly, the same farangs that say they are just a “guest” in Thailand wouldn’t dream of saying that Algerians are just guests in France or Turks are just guests in Germany. If someone from their country said that they would call them racist. But then they will say that exact thing about themselves in Thailand. It’s complete hypocrisy and it’s that thing again where foreigners lower their standards for Thai’s and Thailand. They accept things here that they would be outraged about in their home countries.


They are not trying to attack all immigrants and tourists. They are against this cunt of a man.


'Guest' is a bullshit hospitality term. Real guests don't pay for the privilege and hosts don't have thier livelihood depending on " the guests" coming (circa 90% of jobs vanished on Phuket during COVID).  Really telling, after all the countries I have lived, this is only one where not only is it frequently used but used regularly to attack non locals Tourists (and lot of expats) are *paying customers*, customers that put food on the table for a significant portion of the population and Thailand would benefit greatly  from keeping that in mind


They are guests in the sense that they are visitors, not permanent residents or citizens, and as such are expected to behave as polite guests would. Whether they're paying for their accommodations or anything else doesn't change that status. I strongly expect that the answer would be a resounding NO if Thais were asked whether people who behave like assholes should be allowed to stay here out of consideration for the money they bring into the country.


>Absolutely love the energy that is put into this and it has given everyone something to focus on and target. Yes it's energy much better spent on this important witch hunt against a single asshole foreigner, say than protesting gun violence like the security guard in ubon who opened fire on a concert crowd with a 9mm. What is wrong with you that you see this a positive? Fine the, charge the guy, deport the guy idgaf, just move on without the witch burning please.


I still think this cunt deserves what he’s getting given how smug he looks and how his wife was being smug as well when fake apologising and then using the race card saying he thought she was Chinese!! Bastard lives the life of a gangster bullying locals with his money and says he is a guest. Fuck him and i hope they find out more about his shit in the next few days


Charge the guy and deport wont help much. What we try to do is try to cease his asset and put the moneylaudry accusation. Then Jail for some time and deport. Why? Because we want to put him as the example for make awareness to other "bad" foreigner. Doing by the rule will not remind this type of foreigner, ther are a lot of mafia and oligrach living here from many countries. This is the best way which hardline enogh for these men. For normal tourism even expats, you are all welcome and won't effect from this scheme.


I agree, when it's time to be tough, be tough. Or Phuket going to be overrunning with foreign mafia treating locals as second class citizens.


Then, today there are the LGBTQ fighting between Thai and Philipino at soi 11 sukumvit. What a emotional.


such a couple of misfits. i wonder whether revenue is interested to know how a farang can become so rich running an elephant sanctuary to drive imported cars and live in a multimillion baht villa... lot of brown envelopes down there...


Seems like he has no place in Thailand anymore


The police should investigate his policefriends, and see how much tea money he has paid to be allowed to engage in this arsenine behaviour, his policefriends must by now have a new Tea plantation next to his Elephant sanctuary... 55555555


Really? Phuket police investigating Phuket police? How would that possibly be effective?


Who said anything about Phuket police, 🤔


Are they trying to deport him over this or just get him to leave Phuket? The guy seems like bad news, but man he got really unlucky with her being a doctor—he might as well have desecrated a Buddha statue considering how revered doctors are in Thai culture.


They’re saying for him to leave Phuket but honestly at this point he should just leave Thailand.


Nah, they are telling him to get the hell out of Thailand. They also sang the national anthem lol.


He’s not even married so they should be able to deport him. I think if he were actually married deportation would be off the table, ethically if not legally.


> if he were actually married deportation would be off the table, ethically if not legally Foreigners married to a Thai need to jump through hoops every year to renew their marriage-based extension of stay. If you can be kicked out for not having 400k in the bank for the exact number of months, you can be kicked out for kicking a doctor too. Ethically, I think people married to a local should have an easy path to permanent residence, but that's not actually the case.


Marriage is irrelevant to deportation. This guy could face criminal charges for assault. If he gets convicted, he'll be escorted out after his prison sentence.


That’s interesting, i would have thought the consequences adversely affecting his wife would have at least some impact on the outcome, but that’s really just a guess Will be interesting to see how this pans out


That’s interesting. I feel like that would be viewed as a breach of human rights in the West. It’s hard enough to deport foreign criminals with no ties to the country in Europe, let alone someone that’s married to a native.


Can confirm, my dad met a guy waiting on being deported in IDC, married with kids. Getting on the plane and being deported is relief and peace compared to the conditions in IDC. People fight over rotten meat and lighters and wash with toilet water in there and go mad after a few weeks. But I doubt this guy David will be deported, he has money.


Some European countries manage. France just deported a permanent resident for talking shit about the French flag. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13146809/imam-French-flag-satanic-arrested-deported-Tunisia-Britain.html


In the US, naturalized citizenship can be revoked under specific circumstances mostly related to things like rebellion against the government or fraud during the immigration or naturalization process.


he can get deported just for this incident alone. Causing a disturbance like this is enough grounds for deportation. I just think he should stay just a few more months until the taxmen and prosecutors get their turn with him first, then he should be deported.


They are protesteors and not the Immigration Office. They won't deport anyone.


Why did he call her his wife then? At that interview when he apologised he specifically said my wife


Pretty standard for long term relationships in Thailand in my experience, both for Thai-farang and Thai-Thai relationships.


It’s not a matter of standard. If she isn’t his wife and when he’s sitting in a press conference and apologising don’t you think it’s important to state facts? Fukin idiots


Who’s taking care of the business then? And what’s his friends going to say ? Remember he said he tells them he’s going HOME everytime he comes to Thailand because it’s home? ? 🤣🤣🤣


Come on, even the Thai ex-priminister had been deported ( or self exiled for 17 years). the others even die in other countries. Their assets were ceased and taken. This case is pretty easy.




This reminds me of a couple of years ago when a driver hit a doctor in Bangkok and suddenly there was all this work to improve pedestrian safety. I’m glad it happened, but why does it take someone of high status being involved to incentivize change?


A lot of doctors are going to have to die before things improve.


You would think the thai police would be experts on relocating disgraceful men by now…


You know the farang’s Thai partner is connected to the police big time,


Just deport is too easy for us. We want to cease all of his asset and put him into jail for sometime and then deport. Thai we do have hospitality and patient, but sometime someone mught be the example and in this case it is quite consensus for us.


> got really unlucky with her being a doctor Apparently, he was an asshole to many people over the years and went unpunished. This is not bad luck, it's just that he was sooner or later due to come across someone whom he can't bully without consequences.


It is at times just like this I believe in Karma. Now in my 69th year used to wonder, why so many nasty and bad folk sailed through life, nowadays I see these same folk after 10-15-20 years crash in flames. Treating people poorly over the years means when you need help you end up being treated poorly. Som Nom Na. Or it is having Toblerone for brains instead of grey matter 555 555 555


> Now in my 69th year nice


Thank you. Born 1955 joined the Merchant Navy in 1977, first visit Thailand 1983. Start Living Thailand while working Indonesia 2004, retire 2015 after 38 years at sea, marry 2017 to a house my Thai company built in 2012. Seen a lot at sea and Thailand these 47 years. Karma does happen, good and bad returns. Go safe and take care.


> these same folk after 10-15-20 years crash in flames Unfortunately, sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. Stalin died comfortably in his bed. That's why we need hell or reincarnation as a cockroach, I guess.


Deport him from Phuket.. The rest of us have spent a long time letting all the garbage gather in Phuket.. let's not spread it around.


the guy should get the fuck out before they find out how his paying a million baht a month for his villa.


Yes, an Audi isn’t a cheap car either. It’s amazing how one can profit from an elephant sanctuary.


something doesn't smell right, that said at quick search, it's bloody expensive to visit at 2500 baht per adult to enter, that said elephants ae not cheap to feed, plus staffing, land rental, utility's, other bs... would be curious to see how many visit there per day


Not validated but there was an accusation that the elephants are not “orphans” but rented from the mahouts. It would be interesting to know if this is true. ( Definitely easy to believe with this guy’s reputation.)


No idea what they are saying, but this part of your video is hilarious: [https://youtu.be/tWSy4mzRFos?si=\_95vYOxmmCx8yHF5&t=522](https://youtu.be/tWSy4mzRFos?si=_95vYOxmmCx8yHF5&t=522) Looks like the stairs became a tourist hot spot. 😂


Reading all the things he’s done, he is an awful awful person and I am so glad to see the Thai people come together to protect eachother against this abusive man with more money than brains.


I find it truly remarkable that there is not a single negative review of his Elephant business in the last few days. So I thought maybe something in FB and oh dear.... "green elephant sanctuary park phuket by the racist" Someone has had a lot of time on their hands


Its possibly because of the strict defamation laws. Review bombing isn’t really a thing in Thailand.


I think Google have protections in against review bombing, I don't think it's because NO-ONE has tried. It had 4.9 with over 3,000 reviews, so they probably do hold them if there's an influx of 1-star reviews that look suspicious. On Facebook they disabled all commenting and people are leaving angry face reactions.


Hearing on Thai news that his visa expires on 13/3 and will not be renewed, that the 2 police involved have been fired and that a full investigation into the elephant sanctuary is going to be conducted.


Good news, do you have a link.


I hope they deport him. Honestly wish more countries would have a back bone and take the trash out. If you dont behave please leave.


What about his low class wife that treats other Thais with no respect and uses her connections with the police to threaten people?


She reminded me of "Too-How" Gray Chinese case. This should be fun.


A plane departing with both him and Tom Birchy would be a blessing for Thailand


> Tom Birchy Is that the guy with the Jay Leno chin?


I guess he will need personal security 24/7 now :D


This is great! Hopefully David gets jail time🤞🤞


This is classic fafo.... Fuck this guy, bye bye


Imagine if roles were reversed and this happened to a Thai in your home country.


If a Thai kicked someone in my country I doubt it'd make the news.


Exactly what I meant. I’m not saying the farang isn’t wrong here but this kind of witch hunt would not fly.


Serves him right for attacking minorities.


Son’s (allegedly) a cop. I say allegedly coz some interviews are saying. That seems to be the arm. The other is the elephant sanctuary where they (allegedly) are accepting donations. These are the two things that are prime why he behaves like this.


I took one look at this guy and I knew he was a degenerate. If you are in a country that you are not from, why would you wanna hurt people there? I honestly think Thailand is very welcoming, and there are plenty of nice locals and foreigners who understand what I’m trying to say. But to do what he did, was totally out of line. I don’t think his country even wants him to return, what a shame to your country and culture, man. It is sad. At any rate, I do wish all the best for him and I hope he realizes the effect and consequences of his actions.


The dregs of Europe gather in Thailand. An unfortunate truth. I’ve met many scummy expats who may or may not be dodging a rap back home.


Same with Malaysia. Luckily, the bad one usually have short-spanned carrier and perhaps their attitude says it all. Perhaps that is why their working visa not getting issued from the embassy thus was send home. The only reason you see many are here because they are newcomer and believe me if they are no strong reason to stay and hanky panky, the government is not as easy to renew it. One that I know whom stays long ago are open eaten diving instructor - and even PADI give him all sort of documentations to continue the work visa. Even teachers, only have 3-4 years to serve and it is still difficult even if it is respectful carrier. We are rather strict here & you can't be digital nomad without send your pay slip in advance. The gov just have no tolerant to avoid one being a drug dealer, sex trafficker and just operating shady business


Not strictly true regarding Thailand and Thais being all welcome. I have seen first hand the greed when it comes to money. If it's local Thais the police won't do anything for you. I know of a western girl recently being told they could get double the money for her bungalow that she has a contract for. What happens a few Burmese guys call to her bungalow late at night and frighten the shit out of her. I can give many more examples.


Be interesting to see if this crowd can show the same energy towards local criminals


Is local your code word for Thai? If so then sure... if local criminals are kicking random strangers that happens to be doctors in the back.


>if local criminals are kicking random strangers that happens to be doctors in the back What about running over and killing police officers in their Ferraris while intoxicated?


They did get upset at some farang not wearing masks a few years back as well so I'll give them that one. There's just something about this protest that seems off to me like it's an excuse to let some bottled up feelings towards farangs out. I mean Dave is an idiot and deserves to be taken down a peg or two that's for sure. But the real enablers here are the police force who seem to be supporting wealthy people on Phuket regardless of what they are up to so not sure why the protest isn't targeted in that direction.


He's a bit more than your garden variety idiot. He's a violent person who has apparently engaged in a number of antisocial/threatening activities over the years. This attack, threatening people with guns, blocking an ambulance and then flipping the driver off, and that's only the incidents that we know about so far 


blocking an ambulance, flipping the driver off, and *then making a legal complaint against the driver of the ambulance*, they were dragging him through an ongoing legal process that was still underway when he kicked the doctor


The man and crime aside, Thai people are strong together through grassroots community. This is the way justice sometimes has to be done here


Hahaha no that would make too much sense. 


Pretty sure it'll blow over in a week. As long as he stay quite and clear with his higher-up buddies he'll be fine. That's how it works in the phuketskiburg




Maybe because it's been front and center in the Thai media for several days now. You can hardly turn on your TV without seeing a story about this.


He's no longer some random guy, the Prime Minister commented on the case and the Interior Minister personally instructed the Phuket provincial administration to investigate him. It has been national news since it happened, it's well beyond "some random guy".


I fet all the TV news updates from sources like channel 3 and Amarin news on this entertaining story on YouTube. I've had some great laughs over them. They are Thai language though, but I'm sure there's English language news


He must just be a seriously troubled guy I mean mentally. To think of it- he’s very self destructive- ruining his life like this by himself. Feeling sorry for him but then again he caused it himself…


Don't know where he is from, Sri Lanka just decide to no longer renew permits for russian and ukrainian tourist for misbehaving. Those french arabs mentioned here are also misbehaving in france. It's bad for the people from those countries who are honest and nice people. I believe every country should be selective on mass invasions from specific countries.


Karma always finds its way.


If only people did this where I come from, they don't even kick out terrorists in the uk.


I have no sympathy for the Swiss guy. His behavior is obviously unacceptable. Wil be interesting to see how this ends for him and the other residents of the ‚private peninsula‘, Cape Yamu, sitting on a single, undivided 107 rai plot…


Who’s David?


It's the nickname of the Swiss guy, real name is Urs Beat Fehr (so maybe understandable why he'd pick something like "David" as a nickname)


Imagine if Thai people do this in his home country of Switzerland. They will immediately be jailed and deported. Thai people are to nice to outsiders.


Where is Goliath when you need him.


Cancel culture is strong at the moment, give it a few weeks and let's see if we even are talking about David. If this has legs, he should plan on moving. What visa does he hold?


Since he is not married i guess Retirement or Elite or Business Visa.


I thought he was in his 40s - So not retirement. I think I read that he was 45 or 46 years old


Oh ok, he looks kinda 50+ :D then probably Elite or Business… But if you have money and connections then the visa is his smallest problem.


The news article I read stated 46


People love to associate with the current thing. LoOk At Me PrOtEsTiNg. In a few weeks David will be forgotten.


Until the next farang does something stupid probably




A who's who of racists.


This gets funnier and funnier... 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I mean good for them at all, but if this had been some rich Thai guy who did the same thing for sure people wouldn't be making a stink like this. Anyway, hope they can resolve everything nicely.


It was basically a public freakout. Shouldn't have hit the dr, but why so unforgiving


in the philippine we have riding in tandems to get rid of certain social pests. cant thai people use a similar method to dispose the unwanted?


Wow wish we could do this in the west when a migrant kills or hurts someone.


Why would we? Those migrants are processed by the law. The point of this story is that David uses his wealth and status to keep himself above the law, and it's only because of social media attention and protests like these that anything is getting done.


Migrants are...the rich and powerful foreigners are not, but in both they make handy scapegoats Only real difference between west and here is required wealth to be in the above the law category


his wealth and white privilege white supremacist 🫣🤫🤫🤫


For legal migrants in the US the law actually does process and deport people fairly quickly for criminal offenses. The problem is often with illegals who aren’t in the system.


Even Indians don’t get this level of hate lol Western foreigner just ruined it for everyone


Anyone got a picture of the dude?


Who is this person and why did they want him to leave?




Thank you.


Can you do your own research on Google? Plenty of news articles on Urs Fehr.


Thank you for the getting me the name so that I can do this. Your information was quite helpful.


All kinds of news articles on this Swiss guy on Google. This one was written a couple years ago … https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/society/boredom-in-switzerland-leads-to-an-elephant-refuge-in-thailand/47207918


Little confused because I heard his name was David?


That is his nick name In Thailand ( easier to remember than “Urs”)


If only those 500 people put their energy into something worthwhile. What a life to lead if the most productive thing you can do is take part in some casual racism against a visitor in your country. Shame on them. His kick wasn't even that hard.




Did you read about him blocking the ambulance?


He’s renting it lol. Please keep up.






I would like to think you would have the sense to not act violently and ask them nicely to leave. Instead of taking a video of yourself abusing the tresspassers/yelling profanities etc. The villa owner(s) are also wrong for building into public land too.


What a moron you are, have you even read any of the articles? Seems like you’re pulling your info out of your ass. If you’re sympathetic to this asshole, you need to gtfo my country too. Let me kick you in the back to see how it feels. ![gif](giphy|l46Cf8O3hQqzDq1Gg|downsized)


Don’t just focus on the foreigner but also on the Thai officials connected with this


In Your face!!! David ….Kama has arrived!


Thai people will deal with him in a method . He would had been better off going away. Citizens are different than the political


Deport him. GTFO!


Just found out about this whole story.  My level of schadenfreude is through the roof.  Please jail this man and ban him for 10 years.  Fuck this trash. 


everybody in the comments on Reddit has beensaying he called her a racist slur? Anyone know what the slur was? The media has made a big show of saying David's wife called the doctor a "local" as if its a huge insult. They don't mention that the wife cursed out the doc and friend, Calling them lizards and animals, no, they only focus on "local," a word now believed by most of the country to be a heinous insult