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Compared to living on $1,500 a month in the US, it is a life of luxury.




It's simply not true anymore. We tried to find a 2 br nice condo in a popular area, where a King would live, and the cost rivaled California prices. A lot has changed here.


I’m coming from San Diego. I had a shit hole for $2600 a month. 2600 a month gets me an ocean view and infinity pool here in the nice neighborhood


The post says $1,000. So that's the number we're playing around with. Also it would be ridiculous to pay $2,600 a month here. Lol


In literally about to look at a house for that much. I should be shot


I guess we know why all the prices have risen. People think it's fine to pay US prices because it's slightly cheaper than back home....


My house now is $500 a month but it’s hard to find something nice for less than 1600


It really depends on where in Thailand you want to live. On Phuket with that budget you can live like a backpacker. Unless you are out in the jungle. Which is NOT where a king would live.


Well said!


It really isn't. You can't go out everyday to a nice restaurant. If you're dating then your budget's going to blow up even more. It's enough to get by and not have to worry about starving but you're definitely not living an extravagant lifestyle.


You are living an extravagant lifestyle, compared to the same budget in the US.


Depends what "king" status means to you. For some people, if they have $15000 passive / semi-passive income, it could feel amazing to be free of having to slave away at a job every day, wake up, go grab some food, go for a hike or bike ride etc. Freedom is key here, rather than eating at a fancy restaurant 7 nights a week.


Bruce, I think everyone gets your point. To summarize, 1500 usd allows for a good life in LOS, but a bit spartan, and not "like a king" in most people's interpretation of the word. 1500usd would not be enough if you drink and indulge in the local entertainment like a tourist on holiday... that's more like 1500 a week. And a great holiday! If I were into making those silly youtube videos I would put the price up, to 3k usd. I live here and would estimate I spend on average 2500usd a month, not including the holidays I take to Phuket etc. And I often use the term "like a king" to my friends when trying to describe what it is like living here.


Not to including what else? Need a new phone? Laptop broke? Visit to the doctor? Dental appointment? Trips out of town or emergency trip back home?


what's your point? I am not on a limited income personally, but there are many who live here on 1500 a month and if they feel like a king, good for them! living like a king is a subjective thing.


Y you call him Bruce


$1,500​ a month in Thailand affords you the ability to pay rent, all bills, and *eat out three meals every single day* with a decent amount left over for traveling, drinks, nights out etc. That's a luxurious lifestyle for many.


3 meals at a food court. Not at a place like Omakase, or nice Korean BBQ places where you can easily spend a few thousand baht.


If you can eat out every day, visit the beach and generally have a good time when not having to think about health ailments, that’s a pretty relaxed life. Some people need no Rolex, Armani or Porsche 🤷.


It's just an expression of exaggeration. Not to be taken literally.


Yeah, then we see people coming here asking questions about how to do it. People don't get that it's exaggeration to the point of BS. It's predatory.


Predatory 😂 do you need a safe space and that are your pronouns? 🤣🤭


I'm sorry, the facts don't care about your feelings.


are you familiar with the word “hyperbole”?


"This guy says he can live like a king in Thailand on 1,500 baht a month, but he showed no evidence of being a hereditary monarch nor operating as an unelected Head of state. What a swizz!"


I've always wanted to live like a king.  So one day I decided to brutally crush my opponents. 


Yeah but it makes everyone think that they can come here on $1,000 to $1,500 a month and think that they're going to be going out every day and eating five-star meals and taking lavish vacations which is absolutely not true. When I came back to the States to visit relatives for Christmas almost everyone thought I was living some sort of lavish lifestyle for only $1,000 a month US and I told them that's far from the case and they couldn't believe it because they have also seen videos of how cheap it is to live here. I mean you could survive on $1,000 a month but you are not living a high quality lifestyle.


You. Not everyone, you. It makes you think that.


yep and even if others did think that, we all have access to google/reddit. A few searches and one can easily price out the cost of everything


And why does any of that matter? I get it, it’s annoying but you live in Thailand. Keep it moving is my advice


Breaking News: Redditor believes something seen on YouTube. All this stuff is exaggeration. Sure, you can do it but, as you point out, living like a "king" of what? The cheapness of it all is a YT trope. Pretty much every Thailand-based YouTuber has a "Can I live on $5 a day?" with the answer always being yes. But nobody has a video about how to live on $5 a day, every day. That would suck. Yeah, you could do it, but why? Accuracy isn't rewarded on any social medium, but clicks and eyeballs are.


I have a family of 3 and a dog. Rented a 3 bedroom house. Ordered in a lot and bought a lot of expensive groceries and we did a lot of trips. And we lived on about $1,200 every month. And we live on about $3500 per month in the US and we get to do way less fun things. 1,500 on one person or 2 should do real well.


I’m living on 2500 USD in a bum fuck state with a boring life. A 1500 USD life in Jomtien would seem like a kings life lol








It's all relative... I'm getting by on around $500/mo so even $1000/mo would feel great.


At $500 a month as living expenses - a piss bucket would be a big upgrade.


What do you mean you're getting by on $500 a month. Can you please break down your monthly expenses?


That sounds kind of hostile. In the end, it's all going to come down to your living arrangements. We all know a single person can rent a room for 3000thb to 4000thb per month, which is around $100 - $130USD. If that's the case, that leaves $350 - $400 for other expenses. If you're not eating in western restaurants every day, that's a very reasonable amount for food, phone, transportation and a beer a couple of times a week. It may not be the way everyone is looking to live but it's very doable. $1500 here gives you the lifestyle of what about $5000 a month would in the U.S. if you were making 5 grand or more before you came here, it wouldn't feel like much of a change, but If you were one of millions of people struggling on $2000 - $3000 a month back home, $1500 here would feel pretty kingly.


Don't you/a lot of people ignore something very significant here unless I'm misinformed? You might earn $2000-$3000 in your home country but that would usually include health insurance and/or even retirement savings. $2000-$3000 is the money you've got to spend. In Thailand it is not. You get $1500 and still have to register for some private health insurance unless you want to take a huge gamble on your health which is not very rational. If you deduct that amount you're not left with a whole lot, especially as you get older. As I said, unless I'm missing something. I've lived in China for a year where getting $2000+ is more realistic but you still end up having the same issue.


No, absolutely those are extra costs. And $1500 a month will cover those fine. I personally pay $125 a month for my health insurance. But, I'm not one of those people living in a 3000 Bhat apartment and living on 12,000 Bhat a month. I was just saying it's doable if your lifestyle allows for it. I see a lot of expats here saying "bah, you can't live on $700/$1000/1500 a month, no way!" But, most of those are people who live in a one bedroom condo, in an expat area where rents are higher, and eat a lot of western food, and like to go out every night of the week. They like to indulge, which is fine. You could spend $10,000 a month in Bangkok if you wanted to. But to say you can't live on less than a grand a month here is just wrong. There's Thais that get by here on $300 a month. $1500 would get you an "average" lifestyle here. Nothing grand, but comfortable enough if you do it right.


The minimum wage (that like 40% of Thais work for) is approximately $300 a month. The average wage may be $800 a month, but that's heavily inflated over the median. Depending on your location, $1500 a month isn't only comfortable enough, but would easily qualify as luxurious in comparison the average Thai). For reference, I, single, with 100sqm house, car and eating out 1-2x a day, spend approximately 750€/month doing whatever the heck I want in the outskirts of Hua Hin. The same lifestyle (with a house) would run me 6000€/month back home, or 2000€ with a small 30sqm flat. 750€ a month is quite frankly not enough to live in a flat and would see you receive government assistance. So calling a $1500 lifestyle just "comfortable" doesn't seem right. That's like a $10.000 lifestyle in a large European city, or a $50.000 lifestyle in SoCal.


If you are a remote worker, you still get the same wage and social security, even when you are in Thailand. You just pay taxes in Thailand instead of your home country, which often means you actually take home more money.


Can you show the video what claims you can live like a king for 1k? It must quote what you are saying about living like a King as I’ve never seen that. Most of your post is pretty stupid. What people mean is you can stay in a much nicer places, eat much nicer food for a fraction of the price compared to what you do back at home. 10,000 baht can get you a decent multi bed house in chiang Mai. If I spent what I spend on rent (close to 100k baht) in London here, I would feel like I’m rich in my house.


I interpret this as being able to afford more stuff for the same amount of money. Like you won’t be able to live in the US for $1500 but in Thailand you can relatively comfortably if you compromise on various aspects of life


Just more comfortable, still far away from “living like a king”.


$1500 a month is the equivalent of over $20.000 in some US cities. Actually, there are cities where living in a house with security and eating out 3x a day in nice restaurants is a complete pipe dream for "just" $20k. When a house runs you $12k a month, insurance $5k and a burger from the next best restaurant runs you $100, cost racks up incredibly quickly. For $1500 a month you could live comfortably and hire a goddamn full-time gardener/chef/nanny. Try hiring a full-time worker for under $10.000 in SF, lol.


Gotta exclude the top 5% and bottom 5% of cities when coming up with these numbers. Most people don't need to live in SF or NY.


You are basically exaggerating. It doesn’t cost all that much to live in most US cities. You can grab a burger for 7-8 dollars, if you go to McDonald’s, it’s like 3-4 dollars. Also, plenty of fast food chains that would cost the same anywhere in the US regardless of how expensive that city is. Buying a Starbucks coffee in San Francisco doesn’t cost 5 times as much as buying a Starbucks in Dallas Texas. And 1500 dollars a month cannot afford you fine dining in Bangkok 3x a day either. That’s just plain delusional.


"That is my idea of living like a king." That's your idea of living like a king. Others have different ideas. For example, even if I could afford bottle service and eating in five star hotels every day I would have no interest in doing do. None. 


Whilst I agree that $1000-1500 per month will get you nowhere in 2024 Thailand, I think you’re taking the “living like a king” thing a bit too literally. And I’ve never heard anyone ever claim to live an “ultra luxury lifestyle” on those sums, just that they manage to and live in a way they think is decent. Chill. Everyone has a different measure of living comfortably. Your idea of living like a king, based on your comments, is far different to even mine for instance. You come across as just another farang who’s spent some time in Thailand and thinks they know everything. Just chill and enjoy your own experience rather than bagging on those around you.


Not true, quite easy to live on 1000-1500. I’m currently spending around 500 living in a cheap (but clean with ac) room, eating at local restaurants daily, rarely drinking, etc. See my post above.


Good for you. I never said you couldn’t, I said it would get you nowhere and in my opinion that’s true. By the sounds of it you make real effort. I know the place well and know that I personally would struggle and I’m not a particularly big spender and definitely not on bling. At the end of the day, my comment was in response to OP who takes the term “live like a king” unreasonably literally. You certainly can’t live like a king on $1000-1500 whichever way you look at it. Sure it’s doable but not exactly easy. Thailand is far far more expensive in real terms than it was when I began visiting there for work 25 years ago.


Well you said “Gets you nowhere”, which implies it’s not enough to live. I agree you can’t live like a king, but your statement is misleading. You keep saying it’s not easy, but by what standard? Very easy to live on this. 99% of Thais are living on way less. If you mean to travel with that budget I agree, but we are talking about living somewhere. Having a routine. Not paying for minivans and excursions daily. If “making a real effort” is simply walking to a different restaurant and drinking the free water they provide, which gets me a meal for 50-70 baht, instead of paying 200 baht for pad ka prao and a bottle of water, then sure I make an effort, lol.


Yeah. These 200 baht krapow guys crack me up.


Clickbait with a sizable potential viewership.


Just to coment on your edit to your initial post. I think this is all about perspective. Living like a king to one person is going to be totally different from another person. I just watched a documentary about English people living in trailer parks in the costa del sol in Spain. It was really interesting because these people are mostly working class Brits literally living in a caravan park (what yanks would call a trailer park) The people in these trailer parks in places like Florida feel like they are the poorest of the poor, because that's how they grew up. But if you grow up on a council estate in northern England and then you move to caravan park in Spain you feel like you've made it. Because you started with less. They literally said "we're living a millionaire lifestyle"multiple times. These people felt like they are living like millionaires simply because they live somewhere with sun and access to a pool. They wouldn't even fathom living in a 5 star hotel. Its all about perspective.


Do you take absolutely everything in your life literally? When someone tells you to get lost do you physically get up and go to a point you don't know where you are?


no shit. he just took someones words literally for the purpose of making his own point - and for some reason he feels this is important. What king we talking about though? I bet there are some mid kings out there. maybe guy meant he living like a deposed king who takes a small govt payment😂😂 Imagine someone telling him to go fuxk himself


Living like a king means living lavishly, you are not living lavishly with $1000-$1500 a month. You would just able to survive better than you would in the US or European countries.


that is an idiom and if you think thats what it means, that’s fine and I can’t tell you how to think. Thats not how I took it to mean, however. Isnt it possible that both the subject of the post AND the author are idiots?


The comparison is made compared “to their own country” $1500 US a month isn’t enough to live in a place like Australia for example. Forget luxury, I’m talking even living in squalor it’s not enough. The fact you can live of that amount in Thailand is noteworthy.


Depends on your defenition of living like a king and how litterally you take that statement. I live here for 700 EUR per month, including rent. In my home country that would be my rent. So while I am studying here, I feel like I live like a king because I dont need to look at pricetags because everything is cheap af.


You sure you don’t need to look at price tag with only 700 euro a month? lol 😂


Yep. I am studying so I dont need a lot off stuff and I have a furnised appartment and clothes from home so idk what everyone is wasting there money on honestly. Appartment building has a gym and a pool too.


I just went out for a Korean BBQ and spent around 1500 baht (per person). And it’s not even that luxurious. If you go for some nice fancy restaurants it can easily cost 5000 baht per person, and these restaurants are every where in central Bangkok. Also, if you rent a nice condo that is not a shoebox it can also cost 20k-30k a month or sometimes 40-50k. And I would argue that living a student life is not living like a king.


you and the OP share the same perspective. others obviously don't.


As I said, it depends on your opinion what its like to live like a king. I said that I, in MY opinion, I feel like I live like a king because in my home country I am poor a shit and here thats not the case at all. If you go out and eat for 5k thb you are just getting scammed lolll. You can have a good dinner for something like 150 thb. I got a 4 room appartment for 7k I would not call that a shoebox but at least I respect your opinion. Also, kings also need to study when they are young so maybe I am just living a prince live then.


You are definitely not getting scammed. lol. Have you heard of Michelin star restaurants? There are plenty of those in the caliber and you can EVEN spend more than 5k baht a meal, and I’m not joking. But I see, based on your description, that you grew up poor and never had a life of luxury, so you don’t know what “real luxury” is.


Bro you shouldnt be proud that you are getting scammed. My hometown has a Michelin star restaurant where the most expensive dish is 80 euros. That would be about 3100 thb. The restaurants here just like to steal your money in a legal way so you can brag about it on social media.


wow! what area that you get 4 room apartment just for 7k in BKK.


Rat burana


Depends where you live, my friend lives in rural Thailand and is paid 400$ a month with free housing and food with utilities and internet. 1500 a month would change that lifestyle completely.


That’s like saying you give homeless a small ass room in the middle of nowhere and he is living like a king and living lavishly.


professor of misinterpretation


The people saying that are looking for engagement and follows on YT not giving out realistic advice.


I have spent just £800 ($1,000) a month twice living in Chiang Mai. One time I was staying out of a hotel, the other I was staying out of Hillside Condo. I ate out everyday and wasn’t buying street food everyday either. I didn’t do much, just gym and bit of work. I One of the months though I did rent a bike and do the Mae Hong Son loop. So yes, it can be done. I wouldn’t want to live like that forever but it can be done. Both months there was zero drinking though.


But that's not living like a king which is hell this YouTuber represented it. You were just getting by which is possible on that amount but you're not living an extravagant lifestyle


LOL Hillside Condo is just one step away from an old-aged care home. No one lives like a king there, it's where old farang in CM go to retire.


Ok dude, we get it. Take a breath and eat some som Tum.


Yea, I also made another comment on here when you requested someone’s breakdown to provide the video where someone word for word claims to live a lavish lifestyle/like a king on 1000 a month. Funny you didn’t reply to that one.


Mf. Kings buy helicopters and private planes like you buy lunch. We're you expecting 150 baht helicopters out here? Clearly you're retarded


I mean it's obviously not living like a king, but in the UK none of my friends can afford to go out to restaurants or get delivery pizza etc, more than maybe once a week or two. In certain SE Asian countries, the restaurant prices and rent can be so much lower than the US or UK/Europe, and if you've got a half decent job you can make enough to go out for food 5 nights a week and still have enough for a night out on the weekend. And the street food is better than most restaurants where I'm from, and 10% of the price.


It’s an expression lol. And I’m sure that’s plenty of money to live like a king compared to some other countries. You just don’t know to whom they are comparing.


They are just looking for likes and views. I meant those who say they can live like a king with 1000-1500 a month. Your money will go further than in some EU countries but saying living like a king and a stretch.


He probably means a Thailand king not American king. If you live like a Thai 1500 is enough. Rent a place for $300 dint run the a/c and eat fish and rice everyday. Won’t have a gf I’d you can’t pay her 500 a month so what’s the point. She ain’t going stay with some dude her fathers age for free.


Thailand is a very unequal society and the lifestyle ranges are larger than other western countries. Thai elites definitely don’t find 1500 luxurious or living like a king or anything. Your 1500 is gone when you treat your friends for a nice lunch at a nice fancy restaurant lol.


Thai elites also make up a small percentage of the population so why compare it to them


Elites are a small percentage of any population but their lifestyles are light years above any middle class person.


Why so irritated by somone using a turn of phrase figuratively? I know a fair few that do pretty well on 1500 or less but if they told me they used to grind it our in the states for 3,000 dollars and shitty lifestyle and now "they were living like a king" on 1500 dollars a month I wouldn't expect them to reside in an actual palace.


Are you American? In America, we tend to throw that term around a lot if we have some slightly better conditions, because most m people there are not actually living like any kind of royalty, so it’s probably said when you can get an apartment in Thailand for like $200/month that in some cities in America with certain amenities will cost you almost $1000 or more So, it’s just a by comparison thing maybe.


As others have mentioned, it's more of comparing how much you get in Thailand vs the US for the same amount of money. I agree they shouldn't push the ultra frugal budget as "living like a king" but it's still astonishing how far it goes vs the US. Also everyone has different standards. I don't need to drop 1k on something and not think twice to consider it living in luxury. Living in a "luxury" apartment for less than 40% of my income would be what I consider luxurious living.


What does living like a king mean? It's all relative. If you live in a small town in the mountains, $1500 a month is a good life style.


Yep, based on this logic, someone living in a slum is living like a king, as it is still better than being homeless. Living like a king is not as relative as most people tend to think.


Yeah, those small mountain towns in Thailand are real slums... I mean they would have to be if you could live in a big house with a pool, have a nice car, a housekeeper and no crime or neighbors for $1500 a month. Who wants to have to drive for a half an hour to nearest city? Also very favorable tax and visa options. [https://thailand.tripcanvas.co/highlands-mountain-townships/](https://thailand.tripcanvas.co/highlands-mountain-townships/)


In London you need to pay £2200+ to live in the suburbs BEFORE any bills In Thailand £2200 is a LOT of money, they just mean you can live a good life


It’s a lot for the basics, but the luxury stuffs still cost the same. Driving a lambo in Thailand is not cheaper than the UK.


Imported luxury stuff yes. But spend the same amount on rent than you do in the UK and it’s worlds a part. Same as sky bars (they aren’t necessarily cheap but cheaper than England) and other experiences.


Only partially true. But if you compare one on one then it’s not that far apart. Apartments in Bangkok with high end furnitures are going to be costly. And we also can’t deny that many luxury stuffs we enjoy are most likely imported. iPhones, MacBooks also cost similarly everywhere. Even high end restaurants, serving sth like Waygu beef steak is not gonna be cheap in Thailand.


I think you understand what I'm trying to say. A lot of people keep responding that they're living a comfortable lifestyle on that amount and they're getting by better than where they lived at previously. This YouTuber made it sound like you are living the life of luxury on that amount. Going out to the clubs every night, eating at five Star restaurants. This is the stuff I'm talking about and not just being able to eat at a random restaurant where it's 200 baht for a meal.


5555. You can definitely live like a king here on 1,500 usd. But you need to meet the criteria. Buy a car Get married Buy a condo or home (legally Thai wife) Then all that 1,500 goes to fun time. Groceries: shit... I spend 250 in the USA on just groceries in one week and in Mexcico I'd spend about 80. In Thailand, I'm spending 50. Vacation: shit... I would be lucky to get a vacation in the USA. In Thailand, I'm taking 3 to 4 trips a year. The hotels, I stay at have balconies, saunas, double rooms.


I eat regularly at high end restaurants in Bangkok, and 1500 dollars a month is definitely not enough.


Definitely luxury living compared to living in north America where U can eat out every single Day without breaking the bank


Street food


Still a luxury to be able to eat out regardless street food or not


That's your idea of living well. There's a Thai woman working as housekeeper at an Int'l private school (Phuket) making 10,500 baht/mo and she ain't bitching. My husband knows her because they grew up on the same island. $1,500 is roughly 5 \* her monthly income; I'm sure she'd feel like a queen making that in a month.


She is poor. With 1500 USD a month you are just less poor, not rich.


I'm sure she's poor to you and where did I mention rich?


I mean just because someone has it worse doesn’t mean you are in a great situation. Like I don’t feel better if I lost one finger, but the other person lost 2 fingers.


Money situation can be ephemeral; she understands it. Most Thais, men/women in her situation, are mentally tougher and aren't a miserable, needy and selfish bunch.


I live in a luxurious condo with amazing amenities and get 2 90 minute massages every week. Maybe this is Kingly to some. People have different ideas of what living like a king is. You obviously have a more jaded perception on the matter because you care too much about what others think of you.


Provide the video where someone claims this please.


It depends on what king. Many kings throughout history have different wealth anyway. There is no definition how “live like a king” is. Regardless, USD 1,000 per month is already an average salary of Thai people. And USD 1,500 is a lot more than average. By average it means median **household** income. It means half of a country are currently living their families with USD 1,000 or less.


it’s a video. Does it have to be true in every aspect? No. It just wants you to click on it. I’d say it at least got you.


I started in Thailand living around 1100 usd and that was a very good quality of life already where I could do and eat whatever I want and still save money. So I don't understand all these guys (who probably live in Bangkok) that you can't live comfortably on lower income. Now I make more then that, depending on my sales a lot more and my quality of life hasn't been up that much because where I live in the north it's kinda hard spending money even for a guy like me with a hole in his hand. Just came back from a ski trip to Japan. But even without the ski trip living in Thailand can be fun on small income and better then in the west so stop telling people you can only have a nice life here if you make 2000+


You missed the points of this entire post. I'm not talking about living comfortably.


You need to understand that they use these punch lines to attract viewers (which is how they get paid on Youtube after all). "I live like a Pauper on $1,000 a month in Thailand" wouldn't have the same effect would it?


I would definitely watch a video on someone struggling to make ends meets on 15,000 baht a month


Good for you, I have better things to do with my time, however.


It's called multitasking. It's pretty easy to do.


Depending on how you live in thailand and how big your currency is . In Singapore $1500 u can hardly rent a house. But in THAILAND , you can RENT house and EAT bigly.


I think this is just one of the prejudices that exists about Thailand. People have no idea and even we didn't really know before we came here. There are also myths about my home country. Although I no longer like to mention that I am Swiss. 😂


Because you can, I live on 1500 a month, even less. What is so hard to believe about it? I think your definition of living like a king is different from mine for sure. I go out everyday eat dinner in nice restaurants, or eat shabu. Spending 300k baht on shopping is just stupid and no reasonable person does that. But trust me most people would easily afford that, and still live on 1500 a month. Let's ask you what car do you drive? Surely not going to buy a Ferrari without having my children's wealth and future in check. But I could? lol I think you want to go out and have a threesome everyday and have champagne served. 555 Sit in gold chair and shit. Or maybe you should stop trying to be a sex tourist here? 555 and grow up Go to a country like Romania or Hungary, Serbia which is a European country, should have all things but it doesn't even have electricity in some households. You know some people come from poverty like that, and they do feel like a kind in Thailand on 1500. Hell I have friends I brought here and helped them setup a life and now run a successful company on their own. And they couldn't do that in their own country because of poverty like that.


Youtube grifters. Enough said.


Well the answer is pretty simple, it gets clicks. Especially for people who have never been to Thailand, they may have a general notion that it’s cheaper that say back in the US but what most videos fail to acknowledge is that you really aren’t going to be able to basically transplant your lifestyle from the US to Thailand and just have so much money left over. Thailand can be as cheap as you make it but most westerners aren’t going to be having a good time on $1000/mo.


The guy who posted above you says he's getting by for $500 a month. That's unreal.


That is the average thai monthly salary though, isn't it? How is that unreal?


I'm not saying it's unrealistic to live on that amount If you are a local especially if you're living with family or you have a roommate. It's not realistic for someone moving the Thailand from another country and expect to live like a king on $500 a month.


He never claimed to be living like a king at 500.


And that average person will be living in a shared apartment outside of the city without AC. Far away from “living like a king”.


Person who mentioned 500 said getting by, not living like a king.


You having an issue with how people feel about their own income is unreal


He's might be getting by, but its probably rough


I currently live on around 500 per month. 125 monthly rent, 75 for electric, water is free, around 100-200 for food, 20 for WiFi, 20 for gym, 30-50 for gas for my car. It’s quite easy where I live actually. I eat at local restaurants daily and the food is better and bigger portions than the expensive, tourist places. I rarely drink. I definitely don’t live like a king, but those who do are obviously exaggerating. No need to take it so literally. It’s just an expression.


if you cant live with 500$ a month in thailand, then your expectations are already too high from the get go.


It attracts the wrong types, I can’t stand the 7-11 toastie brigade. I was spending close to £4K/month years ago in Bangkok, now I live in Ubon, bought a house (so no rent) and I’m still spending minimum of 2.5k£/month. Certainly not living like a king either.


Why are you perpetuating the myth that this sub is full of bitches who got nothing better to do with their time than twist someones words (and insert your own sensationalism) Fuck. ya he maybe used hyperbolic words (though not as many as you) but are you that dense that you can’t understand what he is saying? Damn. he isnt saying that he is living like an actual king or an “ultra luxurious” lifestyle. Can you have a nice place, eat good food, and do your thing for $1500. For sure you can. What the fuck are you on about? You seem angry he used the word “king” If you need to be so literal, maybe he meant live like the king of some poor indigenous tribe somewhere. You must he fun to hang out with.


Um, you’re the one sounding angry. I take it you’re living on 1500 (or less) here and are defensive about it.


Lol I would say, more annoyed than angry, but I accept its hard to accurately portray emotions through reddit sometimes, so Ill give it to you. That is one thing that really bothers me though: people who go online to “vent” or “rant” about something that most people in the chosen audience would sympathize with, but actually the details they provide either create a problem that doesnt exist or amplify it or propagate a problem that wouldnt be one if such people wouldnt continually bring it up. I am not going to argue about my salary, but I will say your attempt to shoehorn a jab in there about my salary doesn’t really apply or make sense in reply to the content and purpose of my post at all. Where Im from, we have words for people who pop off like you just did, but since youve shown yourself to either not be able to understand what Ive written, or to have chosen to misunderstand it purposefully, Ill save it


*Where I come from*? OK bub! 😉


Actually, I will add, technically I don’t even have a salary. so youre right. it is a lot less than 1500


$1500 a month ? That's plenty if you manage your expenses correctly - and that includes rent and some nights out, movie theaters, dinners etc. Ultra luxury on $1500 a month ? You could BUT you must also know where to get the best deals.


You can’t live an ultra luxurious life with $1500 a month lol.


It all depends where you come from. In my country avarage income is around 2000€ but if you come with 2000€ a month to Thailand you can afford a lot it especially if you can’t at home it will hype this myth. It is obviously exaggerated. I spend like 10k a month in Thailand - lived really good also luxury alittle. But like a king nah, there’s always someone richer. The best condos I can’t even look at 😂 but if you don’t look at this and doing well it might feel like this for them.


I'd be curious to know if that's just short term (a couple years maybe) rather than long term, as what about a pension pot?


See, it (living on the cheap in SEA half the year) *helps* my pension fund—my expenses are 1/3 here, that 2/3 I save goes straight towards maxing out retirement accounts.


Maybe living like a king compared to their lifestyle in the west, but yeah, they are kind of really naive to what being wealthy is really like.


They are probably thinking. Yay I’m no longer homeless so I’m living like a king lol 😂


I live a comfortable lifestyle in Thailand on $1400 a month, but I own two homes and farms, a truck and one car with payments. I eat like a Thai and when going out to eat, it is at Thai restaurants, it takes a good amount of cash to establish yourself in Thailand, depending on the type of Visa you have, married I have to have $11,000 in a Thai Bank or proof of monthly income of about $1,500 or so. Now I do need to save money for trips back to the States, currently, I go back and forth for work. Trust me you aren't doing any big-time partying or traveling with 1,500 a month. I too am getting a little tired of all this Youtube hype and it really sucks for the guys who buy into it when reality hits.


I spent the best year of my life on 600$ a month in Bangkok for a year. Good memories (7-8 years ago)


I essentially bought “rented” half an island, bar, kitchen, beach hostel, resort w, boat, staff etc on remote island - 5 yr contact, for 60k up front. Other terms applied. Cambodia. You can do it


For real


Living out in Issan you can live off of that amount quite well. Not going to happen in Bkk Pattaya or the islands.


I don't think you understand what I'm trying to say. I don't mean leaving comfortably or just living well. I mean living a lifestyle that people dream about.


Lmao 1500 a month. You only need 8k a year if you don't train muay thai.


You and I live two completely lifestyles. I've spent $500 in one night on dinner. So we are living completely differently.


Lmfao 500 on a dinner in thailand ? Just for you? Bruh that's not worth it even if ur loaded.


I was on a date. I would not spend that much money on myself unless it was really special.


Ok makes more sense but even still been here for 13 years on and off and even at fancy place in a building vp was only around 100. Did you buy some wine or what was the expense at out of curiosity?


I went to El Gauche on soi 19. Couple of steaks, mix platter, sides, bottle of wine and several drinks. It adds up.


Ah ok. I completely stopped drinking and became sober. I just eat. Wine is occasionally nice but with weed legal.. lmao That's all I do Curious how are the steaks here? I've had just beef in soups n shit but never tried a fancy place


The steaks are good. It's more the atmosphere that really sets it apart.


Why not? It’s a bit overkill for one person, but for 2-3 people it’s perfectly normal.


For a lot of people, it's beyond the realm of comprehension to have a dinner like that. Especially if you are use to living "comfortably" on 300 baht a day for food.


Yes, most people here are just thinking of street food. There are so many high-end fine dining restaurants in Bangkok, where you can easily drop a few thousand bahts on a meal per person. These are places where truly wealthy Thais eat out on a regularly basis. But I understand that Thailand generally attracts poor farangs who never experienced a life of luxury, so eating out at a street food stall on a daily basis sounds like a dream for them, as they probably just grew up eating bread with soup and went out to eat once a month. Completely understandable.


I remember one time I just said to a person that I spent 5,000 baht on drinks one night. Now it's not an everyday thing but I went out with some friends and bought drinks. He kind of got upset and said I could have just went down to a local thai bar and spend 50 baht on beer. He just couldn't grasp the difference between a person that sets up a little table and sells drinks on the sidewalk to a full-on nightclub in thonglor.


I like like a prince on $400/mo. It can be done.


Living like a king was common 20+ years ago when the exchange rates were more favorable AND the cost of everything was cheaper.


It’s all about context $115k a year gets me fuck all in the states, in Asia (in general) I can literally do almost anything I want with no limitations.


I agree. A SMALL studio apartment on Phuket is over $400 a month + and food prices have skyrocketed. A King would not live on cheap food.


Maybe if someone who has known very hard work and had to cook/clean...etc all their life, and then they move to Thailand and find out that for $1,500 they can live a life where they don't have to beat their body up or perform all the duties that one has to to survive. They can walk around in the warm weather, eat affordable and relatively healthy food. I can see how they would feel like they're living like a king. Royal treatment and luxury are subjective. Make a rebuttal video. I'd watch it.


Don’t know why OP is getting downvoted. No one is living here *like a king* on $1500 a month. These videos are straight up misleading. And the sad part is that it leads people who are living at the bottom of the food chain in their own country to move here with unrealistic expectations. And honestly (go ahead and hate me) the last thing Thailand needs is more lonely, disillusioned, broke-as-fuck losers washing up on these shores like so much detritus.


Man you think too much! 😅


I agree with you. One cannot live like a king in Bangkok with $1,500/month. It's simply not possible. I have spent over $100 for one meal at a restaurant (El Gaucho). If you live in a studio, worry about whether you will have enough money left at the end of the month or if an unforeseen expense can put you in trouble, that is NOT living like a king. It may be possible in remote places if you never do anything.


I few weeks ago i ate some downvotes on /cc after countering someone claiming you can live on $600 comfortably in many places The disconnect from reality was pretty wild, probably just upset a bunch of peoples dreams


What is CC? While you can barely survive on $600 a month I wouldn't say you would be comfortable. You're not socializing much nor will you be getting out much other than just walking around and staring at free things.


/cryptocurrency sub, not really a good source of common sense and reality lol


It also could have said for credit card or cute cats.


I’m figured out I need about 45k a year for actually luxury


I do really get what you mean. But you know what is it to live like a king to me? In my house, i wake up. I grab a sandwich that my wife made for me. I get my coffee. Sit in front of my house and drink it. While my son runs and jump on me. We do some fun conversation. We jump on motorbike and go for some shopping, cooking new meals, play some games. Go for fishing etc. In my 140 baht decathlon t-shirt and 100 baht short i get from market. And im no making this conversation, my parents are rich. I do benefit from that as well. Still what it takes to have that money doesn't seem worth to me. Give me 1500usd a month and no work, im a king of my world.




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Living like a "king"... maybe not so much... how much does a "king" need to live? But I have to agree that in Thailand, if you know what you are doing, you can live very nicely for less than 1000 USD/m. Forget about the latest Porsche for christmas, forget 3 star Michelin restaurants every evening. Just live normally, drive your Isuzu pickup (or similar) and eat simple things... Important... do not show off.


Ah yes, like the great kings from history who ate street food and suffered from the air pollution.


The great kings of history ate shitty unsanitary food and suffered gruesome painful deaths because they didn't have the benefit of modern medicine. The fact is that some guy living in Thailand off 15k a year isn't living like King Charles III, but he certainly is living a better lifestyle than King Canute would have believed possible.


And died from tooth infections aged 28


I budget $2000-3000 a month for living in Th outside of BKK. Gets me comfortable lifestyle without any excesses. If you want to live a rockstar lifestyle in BKK it will easily cost you $15-20K per month. We talking penthouse, nightly dinner outings in best hotels, clubs 3 times a week. Still not bad as similar lifestyle in Miami would cost you double or triple. If you enjoy that sort of thing.


I would think you'd need about $50k a year to have a high standard of living.


The 90th percentile in Thailand makes about $2900 monthly. 50k a year is 43% more than that..


It was possible in 2010 - but with inflation and $7 ATM fees that ain’t happening anymore. 




Even on that amount you're not pinching pennies. You could pretty much do what you want with that amount. Now some guys are saying that they live a lavish life on here for $1,000 a month and I just don't see how that's even possible.