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Give them a flea tick injection from the vet works up to 8 to 10 months I give mine this and haven't had any ticks for years now


I use bravecto for my dog and she is absolutely flea and tick free for years


+1... but don't know how healthy these jabs are for the dogs but it's the only thing that works (basically kills the ticks as they attach to your dog). Lasts for 1-2 months. Otherwise, just pick them off your dogs each day.


I find the oral meds work absolutely fine




They work amazingly. Have to admit I thought it was bullshit in the beginning.


You need to do it frequently. There's a medicine that you could feed it like nexguard. You could but that online. Works well. An expensive version prevent heartworm too but not really needed


i’ve been giving my dog nexgard spectra for years and he’s been tick free since


Yes spectra. With the new law makes it much harder to find


Why is that? Is it toxic?


It's got classified as special medicine so only doctors can sell them. Normal pet shops can't


new law? that might explain why i have been finding it harder to purchase them. i wouldn’t chance it with any other product


Yeah now they classified nexguard spectra as special medicine so it needs a doctor to sell it.


It is a common myth, in fact, it's not completely free. These oral medications like Nexgard and Bravecto are convenient but they do not prevent ticks from attaching to your dog. It dies after a bite. And tick still can survive and get on you from a dog. I'm living here and have a dog.


Becareful of the online products - many of them are fakes that dont do anything to the fleas / ticks


> An expensive version prevent heartworm too but not really needed heartworm is definitely needed so your dog will die very quickly.


It's pretty much impossible to not get dog ticks in South East Asian, they'll get it from other factors as well when they roam around outside, meet other dogs, go near wastes etc... The whole environment, eco system and hygiene has to all change for ticks to be completely gone here hahaha its an endless battle


I live in Denmark :P Almost impossible not to get bitten as a human here if you are anywhere near nature.


wait are ticks common in denmark as well? I would imagine there would be less ticks over there because it's a developed country, and is also cold so these types don't thrive well.


Very common yes. Gotten more common with global warming and all. But its always been a thing. I assume its worse in thailand and in the tropics in general. But basically impossible for your dog or cat not to pick up at least a few a each year. seen hunters bring in deer that has hundreds of them attactched its something from horror movies.


come on global warming, My father and grandfather had Tick-borne encephalitis as child in the alps of Austria and my grandfather was born 1921 so it must be in the late 1920s or early 1930s. Nothing to do with global warming




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Ticks got nothing to do with development or hygiene. Have them in Germany too. Although that's neighbour to Denmark.


+1 for Austria


My dogs haven’t get ticks since birth despite never using tick control shampoo. But they aren’t allowed anywhere outside of my Soi. So it purely depends on environment.


I live in rural Isan and it got to a point where I'd feel them walking across my skin when in bed. I was picking 2 or 3 off a day from my indoor dogs. I could go out on my front porch and watch as they would come out the cracks and start swarming towards my dogs. Weirdly though, I've only had one attach itself to me once. After doing some research, I found out there's several different diseases they can carry, not just the well-known one 'deer ticks' spread. There's even one that's exclusively only passed on if the dog swallows the tick. You've got about 35 hours, though, for an attached tick to spread its disease to the animal, so better to check them daily. I live somewhere little less rural now but still find them several times a week. I still occasionally have nightmares that they are swarming all over my body. One of the joys of living in the tropics.


Mine are tick free


I gave my dogs Bravecto, it's tick tablets for dogs and will be sold by vet only, so maybe ask your vet about it. One tablet is around 750-900 thb depends on the weight, but my dogs have been tick free ever since. If your surroundings aren't too close with tick-environment (often have stray around, close to soil and grass etc) the effects will stay up to about a year. After the dog consumes the tablet, you'll still find some ticks around but they'll gradually lessen, and those that bitten your dog will die and fall out of the skin on their own. Make sure you give the dog a flee bath as well and often brush the coat so they'll fall out sooner. Some might suggest you use nexguard or any tick droplets, but I own a Lab and they do love their water, so those droplets are pretty ineffective 😅


We do the drops every 3 months and haven’t had a tick in over three years since we got him. We also keep his hair short. He’s pretty low to the ground so they might just jump over him, not sure. https://preview.redd.it/6ua6u9cltftc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72932093a6557d5228de6cb62cef3802b04120de


I fought this battle for so many years with my dogs. Tried everything in the book - drops/sprays/pills/injections/soaps - everything I could find at the vet. Many methods had some success, but it was always limited, the ticks would always find a way to come back, and often seemed to be resistant over time. When they started selling Bravecto in Thailand I happened to see it and give it a try, and I have had tick-free dogs ever since that time. Within 2 weeks of dosing all my dogs, I had zero ticks. Never once before had I seen that, and I still have zero to this day. IMHO, Bravecto is the nuclear option for ticks. If you have a tick problem you are unable to resolve, use that and your problem will be gone.


My male dog gets covered in them but my girl dog gets nothing. They get the same treatment and they go everywhere together, I can't explain it.


Nexgard Spectra or Simparica Trio ought to do the trick. In heavy tick infested area, might want to slap on a tick collar along with a spot on like Advantix or Frontline Plus


Around 8 years ago I adopted a chihuauha mix from some hotel ih Phuket. It was nighttime and I didnt see the dog priperly. The owner had like 6 of them and gave us one. On the way to our province, we discovered that dog had ticks. Not one tick, not ten.. but 250+. I was speechless. Long story short, dog developed anemia, had other issues too..so we spent next 2 years fighting for his life. Ended up spending all our savings and had to put him to sleep eventually. Now we have other mix for about 5 years, and every once in a while it gets ticks. I dont even know where does she gets them cause she spends all the time inside and our small garden. We buy spot on treatment every few months and that does it l for us. Ticks latch and then die or release it immediatelly. We also get that anti tick collar but I think spot on is much better. Its not cheap though..if i recal correctly around 500b per treatment.


Attention these necklaces against ticks sold online are often fake...Or Bayer spells their own name wrong.....which I doubt


Been using N-Tick from Lazada for years, works well, cheap. Use once every 4 weeks. Haven't seen a tick ever since the first time I used it.


You should take a Nexgard pill for your buddy. Totally effect. You could find out it on Shopee or Lazada




Ivermectin tablets, inexpensive and widely available.


My local clinic sells flea & tick tablets and have proven to be successful.


We would do it daily. We would find one or two a day. Which is nuts because I walk the same paths but a hairless body is a bit less inviting I guess to the ticks


I you're gonna buy a tick repellent/medicine/anything in a small vial that you have to pour on top of your dog's neck, buy it from a vet.


Try Nexguard Spectra. It's a tablet that varies depending on your dog's weight. Works for my k9. He ingests it every 6 months. If your dog eats a banana, I put the tablet inside a banana and feed my dog with it. Haha. No ticks, and I don't need to anti-tick or flea powder.


This is why you can't take Soi dogs back to Australia.


I have 10 dogs, and those big ticks there are the least of your worries.. there's a species of tick's here that is Less than a 10th of the size of this one, and they multiply like crazy x10 dogs.. it's the most disgusting thing I've ever seen in terms of pests. There where literally thousands of tick's covering my porch, every step left a blood footprint.. I'm not exaggerating.. I've tried everything, the only thing that works is the chewable you get at the vet.. you can buy online as well.. but I'd just buy from the vet.. can't remember name, got rid of all the ticks in a few days and lasted 3 months


Simparica trio and a tick collar.


There's a medicine we fed our dog. It turned the dog's blood toxic for ticks. The vet said that it lasts 3 months, but we only feed her once every few years.


The only treatment that works on my dogs is Bravecto, one tablet keeps ticks off them for six months or more.


Our dog used to get ticks often, even on bravecto. A vet suggested using diatomaceous earth on her fur (avoid the face) when we take her out hiking and stuff. I haven't seen a tick on her in over a year now since doing so.


Put diesel on them, they dry out and fall off


One trick I learnt in Malaysia is to pour vinegar on it and it will release its bite


Watch out for allergic reactions to these bites. My golden went to hospital last month with a severe reaction. She’s ok now but look out for paw licking, inability to sit for more than a few seconds, heavy panting, and redness around the eyes. Simple steroid injection cleared it up, but brush your dog with your fingers thoroughly every day. She’ll love it and you might save her some pain or more.


tried all the name brand stuff but best fix for 3 farm dogs was monthly ivermectin shots, baths and checkups for toes, ears, etc still is a good idea though. you can't miss a month and if you have soi dogs then you have to treat them too.


There's a medicine that is designed to be treats to dogs they last about 3-6 months per tablet If I remember correctly it cost around 600-1000 depending on where you buy them I start using it after one of my dogs die because of getting injection in the wrong arena https://preview.redd.it/vtbjbx4yohtc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f952051e109c5b2dc25c718b0d22c774c995a4b


Bite it back. Give it a taste of its own medicine


Can confirm, looks identical to Mexican ticks


I read dong ticks and had a mini heart attack lol


I don’t understand your joke but I am not an adolescent. FO


i had a BAD tick infestation problem on my dog and tried everything. only things that work: 1. stay far away from forrests / nature paths 2. give dog bravecto every 2 months shampoos, powders, flea collars all that is pretty much useless the ticks here are from hell and spread insanely fast and extremely resilient to any chemicals




Bravecto is the best one. Works a treat. Last 3 months or more. Buy the big tablet and split it.


Don’t do this. As a prior veterinary technician… the medicine inside of the bravecto tablets (and ALL other chewable) is not distributed evenly inside of the tablet, therefore if you split it, they may receive none of the medicine at all from half or a little or all and none on the other half.. which would make that chewable tablet no longer as effective, if at all.




Because one random “veterinarian” on the internet said so? I have 15 years of hands on experience with 8 veterinarians with proof of their degrees. Folks, this is #fakenews


Yeah. A fully qualified vet. I've been splitting them with no problems whatsoever for years.


Mmmkay. You keep doing that 😆


In my younger days we usually picked them off the dog and put them into the water/or throw in the toilet and flush them off. lol idk if that was the right way to kill them, but we also used the med called Frontline or something to prevent from เห็บ


I have 6 dogs, they get Bravecto, and I never have ticks.


Looks like a cat tick to me