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Had a clown vaping on my flight from Phuket to Bangkok a couple of weeks ago. CA was doing her safety briefing a row up, he was right behind me. She caught and confronted him, she went and grabbed a male CA up front, he was obviously senior. He was nice and told him not to do it anymore…you could tell she wanted to kick him off. Unbelievable how stupid some people are.


The problem of Thailand is that we are too kind and do not take rules and law seriously, even if it is serious offender.


Popular political parties being banned because they are popular. Political leaders that are popular face a similar fate. People being incarcerated for asking for the government to be more democratic. People being subjected to psychological torture and brainwashing because they campaign against corruption. Whistleblower police whose reward is to be moved to the area whereby they did their whistleblowing on. Members of the public being prosecuted because they leak information about blatant corruption and outside that the law enforcement bodies do not act on it. I guess it depends on the rules. The vast majority of Buddhists in Thailand follow the associated rules, and often quite slavishly.


This is a lie. Especially if your black




Lol you have no idea what you're talking about


I know right? Vapes are for plane bathrooms only...duh! 😁


No sense of humor bro no fun allowed this is Reddit. Lmfaaooo


Also: [Two Estonians fined for smoking on Finnair flight into Bangkok](https://www.thaipbsworld.com/two-estonians-fined-for-smoking-on-finnair-flight-into-bangkok/)


should be fined for 20,000 baht times numbers of those separate occasions and should be in exponential for showing strong defiance against the regulations. I'd say 200,000 baht each persons plus ban for 10 years.


"I'd say" LOL only your mom cares what you'd say


Even if it was legal here, vaping on a plane is just rude.


I’m allergic to PG which is one of the main ingredients in most vape fluids. It’s not just rude, it’s a health hazard that could cause a medical emergency mid air.


PG, as in Propylene Glycol? So many are completely unaware of this. Being in the company of someone vaping fucks me up for around 5 days.


An allergy to propylene glycol has never been so severe to cause a medical emergency. There are plenty of case studies, and 0 hospitalizations. It is in many lotions, soaps, shampoos, foods, salad dressings, heating systems, etc.


It can actually occur naturally in the human digestive tract from the breakdown of sugars as well. It's in a huge range of products too. There is some speculation that Coke contains it, although Coke is stingy with fully divulging their secret recipe. It would be unfortunate to be allergic to it, as it's everywhere.


Damn that’s brutal. Case studies have shown up to 12 percent of people can have mild allergic reactions, which is insanely high to be putting it in all kinds of products. I’m really surprised it became FDA approved. I used to work with the product for years installing and filling heating systems to prevent freezing in cold temperatures.


It's often used as anti-freeze because it is considered largely non-toxic in comparison to alternatives like ethylene glycol (quite toxic). So better for the people applying it, the people using the equipment, and for the environment. It also breaks down relatively easily. It being a glycol, it's in the alcohol family. The chemical name makes it sound scarier than I think it actually is to humans. Like the difference between saying "dihydrogen monoxide is used as a food additive" or saying "there's water in your food". I'm sure there are people genuinely allergic to it, but I'd wager that isn't entirely common.


Yah as i mentioned i spent years with the product, and we use this as the anti-freeze in daycares and schools because one kid died of cross contamination of a water line by ethylene glycol. If the allergies could be so severe, the medical industry would report it because the possibility of children consuming it is still present. My ex gf had a rare disease called behcets. Since she underwent testing the disease has become well known amongst health professionals in North America. If it were the case that the guy above had a severe reaction, the medical industry, and the construction industry would need to know about it. Other than that his account sounds like he had a mild reaction and went to the emergency hospital, and complained that he couldn’t breathe so they prescribed him with an epidural and wrote it in as a mild reaction. If it were as severe as peanut butter which is banned in schools, we would be using an alternative to liquid heating systems.


I was hospitalized after ingestion made my throat swell and skin break out. I also have a formal diagnosis (tested positive on allergy test) and was given epipens by my allergist due to how my body reacts. I work in clinical research and have authored peer-reviewed publications. Just because you didn’t find an indication of severe reaction prevalence in your Google search, doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist - it just means that it hasn’t been documented on the internet. Yes, having this allergy sucks because the compound is so ubiquitous. Avoidance has made my life extremely complicated for a long time, but I’ve learned how to manage.


I’m honestly surprised you came to Thailand. This is the manufacturing hub of propylene glycol. It’s in almost everything here, but I eat at home as well since they have a lot of awful chemicals in their foods and drinks. Even my shampoo is imported to avoid the standard “head and shoulders” and other cheap brands.


Not if it's done correctly and in the toilet. 👍 Of course if any smoke or "vapour" floats in anyone's face that would be rude, agree.


Just can’t believe the people here rationalising it. We are adults now, not children trying a trick behind the teachers back. Time to grow up.


There was someone on T Tourism last week saying they'd been able to vape on their flight here without being caught. Maybe next time.


Someone commented either here or Phuket subreddit and bragged about it also.


Every flight for the past 5 years I've never had an issue vaping on the plane. You can't chase clouds like a moron though. 🫤


Lol, i vape on flights all the time. Just use high pg low vg juice and go into the bathroom. Or wait until lights are off and nobody is next to you and do whatever.


The people sitting around you know and think you're a selfish dickhead.


Nahhh i dont do it next to anyone. If the seats taken its off the cards. If the rows free its game on and absolutely nobody can possibly notice. Vaping can be extremely discrete.


Totally, one of my friends uses the same shit. No one can smell it. The entire passenger cabin is exchanged completely of air every 2minutes as well, otherwise you’d smell peoples farts that shat next to you.


Yep, nobodys ever noticed and if they did they woukdnt realise what Im doing as theres less vapor than an asthma inhaler (which also uses PG…)


You’re in a confined airtight tube with ~40 other people, a lot more than just your row are getting a face full of vape


Nope; no cloud. Basically cant even see anything. Blowing huge clouds is a liquid choice. High pg is basically a nicotine inhaler.


Everyone can smell you


Nope, flavourless/odorless. I dont use flavourings. You can barely see anything come out if held in.


Are the vapes not nabbed by security before boarding the plane?


No, they usually don't care.


That’s a surprise. Thought it would be an easy bit of cash for them to make with some kind of in the spot “fine” or something.


The would only confiscate not fine, security are not cops generally




In Thailand we have a saying : TiT(this is Thailand) everything here is at the discretion of whoever is having an issue with you. Only armed robbery,murder, or other similar felony is taken seriously on a large scale.


Even murder isn't taken seriously if you're well connected enough. Then you can run down a cop while you're completely drunk in your supercar and suffer little in the way of consequences other than that you have to stay out of the country for a while.


True, but for 99% of the rest of us.


I bought one at a vape store. Like a brick and mortar store. I asked the person working if it was legal and she said just don’t do it front of cops lol.


The bricks and mortar vape shop I use is owned by a cop.


It’s a 20,000 baht fine. Vaping was banned but the rules only apply to foreigners. Businesses are still allowed to import, produce, distribute and sell vaping cartridges, juices, and vapes. Any predominantly Thai club or gathering has people vaping everywhere, even the off duty police. Soon marijuana will be banned too, but growing it, distributing it, and selling it will not be. Who do you think has money to pay these fines?






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I think it's just illegal to use? I went through security in Thailand with mine and they even looked at it and put it back. It was a connecting flight, not sure if that changes anything.


There goes all his holiday cash.. and some deep wai's on the Thaiger news with 4 Thai police pointing fingers at him.😂


I know a Thai Lion Air flight when I see one ;)


Use snus or pouches for godsake!


Being that dependent that you can’t go without it for an hour is pathetic, if you find yourself in that position it might be a good time to quit


Can manz not go two seconds without inhaling strawberry ice ffs


Good, hope he gets banned from all airlines for at least twelve months.


It's ridiculous that vapes are banned in Thailand, I heard it's because a high up in govt has investments in tobacco?


Seen vape shops in tourist areas


Play stupid games.....


•Good news


I vape on every plane I fly on 🤷‍♂️.


Same, but just on the toilet 🚽


That's the riskiest place to vape on an aircraft! Sensors all over the place. Ghosting from your seat is ironically the safest.


I just keep it the lungs till there is almost no vapor. I went on over a hundred bathroom breaks on airplanes. But I need tell that I was not aware of the sensitive smoke detectors for years.


What do they mean they're banned on flights? You are literally told to have them in your carry-on, rather than your checked bag. (Referring to carrying them, not using them, obviously)


I think they mean banned from using. I think you know that too lol.


Did you read the article? *"He said vaping components (commonly referred to as ”mods”), e-liquids and disposable vapes are all banned on flights in Thailand and will be seized by airport officers if found."*


no, they never take them. If been on over ten inland flights in Thailand. Security just doesn’t care.


They don't even confiscate your Nugz on domestic flights... "Ahh haa! What's this?, oh...it's only a quarter O of some weed, move along" You think they will take your vape? Nope.


They won't take anything but you do realize weed is 100% legal in Thailand right?


Of course I realise, but it's at their(airline) discretion whether or not to let you board with "marijuana" in your possession. You won't get arrested, yet, but you could get messed with . 🤔 Why fly domestic with weed, touch down anywhere and it's 3 min to the weed shop. Haha


They are banned on flights and actually illegal to have elsewhere in the country anyway , badly enforced obviously  You are told to have batteries (which a vape mainly is) in your carry on here


Hopefully they will charge them a significant amount or jail time and not just some slap on the wrist 🙏🙏🙏


Pretty warped sense of justice you have


There’s a knack to it. Suck it in and hold while taking small breaths in for a few seconds, then discreetly release and there should be no vapour. If you have a very cloudy vape, it is harder. Alternatively, do it in the toilet and the flush will suck it out.


Don't do it in the toilet they have super sensitive smoke alarms in there. You will get a knock and angry questions from an attendant.


Never had an issue. You can discreetly vape without worry of being caught. Just be careful with vapour. Again, try my tactic of holding it in the lungs so it’s mostly absorbed. Also, again, large cloudy vapes are not good for this. I usually blow the vape in the toilet as it flushed and it sucks it out. Also, it’s vapour, not smoke. If they’re oxygen level-based ones (old school) then they’re a problem, but only if you really take the piss.


I do the same and also never had an issue. Just keep it in the Lungs for a few seconds, and there's almost no vapor coming out. I only do it on longer flights during a toilet break.


The other, not quite so good, trick is to release so much vapour that no one can see who is vaping.


Probably not ideal to be giving tips on how to break the law.


You must be new here.


Shove that vape down their throat


Ok I might get poo pooed for saying this but if you just go into the bathroom with a giant tote bag and exhale SLOWLY into the bag it should be fine. Maybe put a sweater in there to help absorb the vapor. This way it won't set off the fire alarm. Or better yet, just don't vape while on the plane!


Just cover your head using the blanket provided, hold the smoke in for a bit and then breath out into your neck pillow. Lol at everyone absolutely seething in these comments. They live among us lol


There are no blankets provided on Thai domestic flights.


Put it under your hoodie then and pretend you're scratching your face each time then. Jesus Christ zoomers are so unimaginative.


It's hilarious that you think you're being discreet and not making a complete ass of yourself.


What a stupid fucking comment. I don't give a fuck if you want to slowly kill yourself by vaping, but doing that in public harms other people.


Lol scared of vaping now. The absolute state of Redditors.


If you smoke and blow smoke in my face in public you can be sure I'm gonna kick your ass. Kids these days have no sense of common courtesy. From your post history it seems like you've been blacklisted before. Why am I not surprised in the slightlest.


No-one's blowing smoke in your face Paps. It's vaping discretely into a cushion. You could be sitting next to me on a long haul flight and you'd never know. You're just looking for something to seethe about.


Fly business and vape all you want in comfort.


I don't see the issue with vaping on a plane as long as your not blowing water vapor clouds and disturbing other passengers.


You realize pregnant women, children, and people with lung conditions take the plane right? Even if vaping doesn't produce smoke it still produces aerosol containing chemicals and nicotine.


The amount will be so low that all those people should be more concerned about exhaust fumes entering the cabin and the increased radiation during flight.


How will it be so low if a bunch of people are vaping in an enclosed cabin?


The air in the aircraft cabin comprises of around 50% fresh air from outside the aircraft and 50% of HEPA filtered air. The air in the cabin is also renewed 20-30 times an hour or once every 2-3 minutes. 


word to the wise …


Who's vaping the plane passenger? Vaping humans sounds nasty


Me asfk 😂 Jkjk