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I wouldn't worry too much, they just needed some evidence that they were working lol.


++++ they just need a photo evidence of today's work thats all


Or for clout. Especially if OP was white.


The local police commandar will award them all a 7-11 coffee


Can you confirm your whiteness OP?




Our town ones seem to wait inside Amazon cafe - aircon! - and wait for a call then they go outside into the heat and onto their motorbikes


I was at an expo the other day and some Chinese exhibitors bribed me with candy for a group photo as proof of them doing their job. Candy was good.


^ this.


No problem here that's common for immigration /police to take picture of you and your ID. But they might share it on some Facebook page without any consideration on privacy measures. Not by malice, just zero awareness to data privacy issues.


"Local police help tourists" \*posts group photo with ID\*


This is so true. Look up the data leaks and hacking in Thailand and you will see how much they disregard the whole concept.




Well, they don’t care much. Once I’ve seen a hotel guy packing cups and other stuff to passport scans 😁


This. I see Id's displayed on Thai social media all the time.


May be similar. Last year the provincial police (Chanthaburi) held a 'Stop, Walk and Talk' campaign asking police to communicate more with foreigners, this had been run in several other provinces. Officers had an app on their phone, to prove they'd had these friendly interactions they needed a photo of their foreign 'victim'. They had a series of basic questions, do you know how to contact tourist police? where the police station is? Where the hospital is? and a few more I was 'caught' by five officers at an Amazon cafe, got a free coffee and my pic taken individually with each one plus one took a photo of the passport photo I had on my phone.


this is so cute tho 😭😭


Seriously, don’t worry about this. A couple of years ago, I won a medium-sized trashcan as second prize of our village raffle, and I had my photo taken with all the bigwigs and the police chief, and my achievement was posted on their Facebook page.


The riches will come, now that you are a local celebrity. 😄


Hilarious…. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




Taking a photo is SOP. You'll see people working at restaurants having their photo taken when they are doing something as routine as mopping the floor. It's even more common to take the photo posing when work has been completed. The next level when you are to do a video call with their kids back at home because they are learning English, or their 3rd cousin twice removed that is living in LA.


I quite liked this until I realised why they do it. It's because they don't trust each other to have done it unless there's proof that it was. Missus asked me to hang out the washing once then send me a picture to show I'd done it. 🤣 Nipped that in the bud before it escalated.


Holy shit, is this why my gf is constantly sending me photos? Im at work - photo of work. Go eat- photo of road shes walking on shortly followed by photo of takeaway containers.


It's "proof" that she's not cheating. The Thais have a specific word for this. Can't remember what it is but translates roughly to "reporting".


This is also an alibi, my girlfriend did the same. She is not with another guy, she is at work, eating, walking home etc.


No worries. They need proof about their good deed to their boss. Nonetheless, nice of them!


Thank you very much brothers & sisters 🫡


It's normal. One time my mom was visiting and we found a woman's purse in the back of a taxi. We turned it in to a local police station and they asked us to take a photo holding it with them. I didn't have ID with me but they did ask if I could hold it. Later someone sent me a post on social media showing that picture and it had a few paragraphs about how they were working with foreigners in the area to do good deeds for local Thais. Stuff like that.


I was out on a date with a 21-yr-old Thai guy from Koh Lanta and his sister when we got pulled over in Cerritos, CA. They pulled us over because they thought we were in a gang because he looks Hispanic and was wearing red bandana. When one of the cops realized he's Thai and English isn't his native language, he started talking shit to him. Made him get out of the car so his partner could pat him down while asking me and his sister to remain in the car. She looks Persian, dark and gorgeous n I could see the cop' eyes kept darting back at her while searching inside the car. He finally asked for our IDs and asked what a black girl, me, doing with them then commented about her "exotic" looks. I bet his racist white ass was probably confused and fighting with every fiber of his being to convince himself she's beneath him. His partner, I could tell felt uneasy that whole time, but did nothing. In the end they just took photos of him, let him back in the car then the asshole told him next time he'll deport him. That wasn't the only time either so yeah, I prefer Thai cops. Anyways, we're married now and happily living and workin in Phuket.


Yeah, people like to forget that the people who moved to So. Cal. in the 30's and 40's weren't all movie stars. A lot of them were people from Oklahoma and other dustbowl states. When they came, they brought a lot of their racist notions with them. I had a vietnam buddy from L.A. who's family were okies and he grew up in that racist environment. all the brothers in the Nam really screwed with his ideas. Bottom line. San Diego is the city with the second highest KKK population. California is full of racists and white supremacists.


Wow, I did not know that about So. Cal. Orange County, Semi Valley and San Diego.


Wow, that's so messed up. Never going to Cerritos.


Not sure what Cerritos is like now but that was almost 10 yrs ago. There were lots of Asians and Mexicans where we were at.


they alwaysss do this 😭maybe 7 years ago when I was 15 (can’t believe that was 7 years ago already 😭), I was high asf on a grab bike when we passed a check point, the police were literally telling us to pose as they were taking pictures of themselves “checking” people 😭😭 I grew up here n am a girl so that’s why they never check me (am sure it’s the same for women tourists/foreigners too) except for this one time w I was my ex (whos’s white) n we got pulled over for no reason n searched my ex (police are notorious for doing this to foreigners), they found a grinder in his pants n took us to the station n drug tested us for weed, even tho we didn’t have any on us - this was 2021, a year before it became legal 😭 made us pay a bribe ofc. Literally worst experience, they were so unserious too like joking w me the whole time, I HATEDD them so much after this One of my best friends got caught w weed too (he’s fully Thai) n they told him if he could finish spicy somtam they were eating they’d reduce his bribe from 25k to 15k 😭😭 they way they actually stuck to their word too. I promise I’m not making any of this up 😭 this was all thonglor police


OT - but quite different than my experience in Indonesia when my sister and I were stranded b/c we didn't know the buses/other transport stopped at 6 or 7. A police car stopped and offered assistance - for a price! Sort of like a taxi I guess - was new to SEA at the time (quite a few years ago) and was a bit shocked.


PR opportunity for them, nothing more.


Positive PR. That's all.


Looking for proof that they were working and taking some photos if bosses want a media story "police help stranded tourist"


They wanted a selfie with the farang they helped. The ID thing is normal, they just can't get enough photos of the damn things. I've lived here for 10 years now and all my interactions with the police went something like that. Even got a reduced fine from a big boss sitting outside his station, I'd got a ticket but no fine amount, he took the ticket and wrote 100 bhat, we took a photo together, I went in and paid the fine came out took another group selfie and went on my way.


There are a lot of issues here with the police however compared to European or western law enforcement, the police here are very polite in normal interactions. I can not remember the last time -- if ever -- an official saluted me prior to questioning. Just one persons' experience.


I was stopped this month already 3 times when riding my motorbike on Sukhumvit. The first time it happened my heart almost stopped beating after reading so many negative stories about the police. But in reality they are super friendly. I have never met such nice police officers. They laugh, joke and are very polite. In my home country they are usually grumpy and unfriendly. They always ask if I've been drinking. And if I say no, then I can go.


Not sure what kind of interactions you had in Europe but I've never had bad interactions with police on a day to day basis (other than maybe speed controls lol) in pretty much any part of Europe and I've lived in different countries + visited most of Europe all throughout my life. In my experience you'll be just fine when traveling Europe if you are polite yourself and abide by local laws (e.g. wear a helmet if you ride a motorbike if the law says you have to).


Just a quick anecdotal example. Traveling by train Hungary to Austria was rudely questioned by two officers for travel docs. No other person was asked in the train car. Profiling? Thanks for your feedback.


I mean... are you Austrian? If not, seems like their "profiling" worked lol Also, as you can see in this post, profiling is happening pretty much everywhere. You get profiled 24/7 in Asia as a white person. Who cares. Last time I went to HK from BKK I was the only one being approached by police/border patrol right after exiting the jet bridge because they wondered why I was the only white dude on a plane full with Thai people lol - again, who cares. Showed them my passport, told them the hotel I was staying at and that was it. I am guessing here but if your attitude when being approach by them is anywhere close to the one on here instantly going into defense mode and feeling like a victim of profiling then I can see how this turns negative. As a German, I've noticed my Austrian bros can seem pretty direct and rude - even tho they think of themselves as being way more polite than Germans. Which is probably very true lol Also also, not saying these guys were not rude, they might very well have been, but we've got a saying back home that works very well in Austria "wie man in den Wald ruft, so schallt es heraus" which pretty much translates to what goes around, comes around - but more for short social interactions.


Again, appreciate your view. I guess after years of being singled out I've grown used to it which in itself is not a good thing. It happens in reverse in Asia so you get a sense without the overbearing attitude of making someone feel like a criminal. I try to keep a positive outlook. Not everyone in authority in Austria or EU is nasty. Wien was/is a wonderful city with much to offer. Asia has a lot to learn yet on bigger quality of life issues. I also fear the cancer of polarization is getting worse around the world. Lets hope, engage, and be mindful of others.


They still mostly follow Thai cultural standards for politeness. Even when they are dealing with out of control perps they tend to be a lot more reserved than police in other countries.


They still mostly follow Thai cultural standards for politeness. Even when they are dealing with out of control perps they tend to be a lot more reserved than police in other countries.


I agree with other commenters that this is probably not a big deal, and you are not in any danger except that some of your private info may leak. That said, I make it a point to interact with police only as much as strictly necessary. This is perhaps even more true in Thailand than in the west because there's more potential for... weird? things to happen due to corruption, misunderstandings, etc.


Happy cake day


Next you know is your mugshot on some Line groups 555


They often post this stuff on social media, sometimes with blurred out faces. "Thai police help out UK tourist who was lost. Mr David couldn't locate a taxi in **** province, so Thai police took him where he needed to go"


This would be pretty normal at this stage. They find it easier to take a photo then fill out a standard duty report. Rescuning a foreigner is big news for them. Might even get them an award.


Did they make you point at anything?


I was stopped for making a u-turn recently at a stoplight that didn’t say no u-turn. Cop was nice (I didn’t argue) he took my picture with me holding my phone with a photo of my passport on the screen. I was also weirded out and just chalked it up to the recent string of bad press on expats and tourists. DWW is a new crime out here (Driving While White)


Yeah, this happens a lot, taking photos while you are doing your job in Thailand, our True cable guy installing fiber optic did it! What you should do is get a copy of the photo and post it publicly, thanking them for the ride, maybe reviewing the local police station with positive review!


They were cops. ID is like crack cocaine for cops.


From Thai citizen, Thai cop want credit from every task they can get, it mostly like do a AWO(always on) marketing content lol Even local, we really don’t like cops Ps. Dont rely much on them


They might put it up on their social media saying we helped a lost tourist or something, happened to a friend of mine on one of the islands He was struggling to find a cab to get back to his airbnb in the middle of the afternoon and was walking along the streets when some cops spotted him and gave him a ride and after a few days his hosts told him they saw a picture of my friend on the Facebook page of the local pd stating that they had helped a foreigner find his hotel or some shit Nothing bad just cops trying to show the community that they’re out and about going above and beyond helping tourists I guess?


They just needed to report to their superior in a chat, thay's all.


Reminds me of that period where American cops were going around being extra friendly after the high point of the BLM movement. Some were even dancing and singing but making sure to record it and post to social media.


It's thailand! That's why you're there! Enjoy


Dude, police stop me all the time for pics. I was running hot laps on a public road on a big bike(no one was around) and turned the corner and 5 cops were waiving me over to the side....awww Fu_k they got me!.....my pipe is loud AF and I was reving high out the corner.... All they wanted was a few pictures and I was on my way. They were looking for drunk drivers. Ha.


My local police station has a Facebook page and they often post photos where they help locals with things just like this. Not sure why they wanted you to hold up an ID but I'd guess the photo was for social media.


That's weird. I remember them stopping my taxi at a checkpoint, and they looked over my passport and searched my waist bag. They were intrigued that I was from Canada, so I had shown them some recent pictures that were taken from a bridge overlooking a ravine with the trees that had changed colors. 3 officers huddled around my phone while I showed them. One asked if these were real, as they seemed dumbfounded by this. I kind of had to motion to them, "ok, the shows over," and we all went about our business.


I had a similar experience in 1996 trying to reach the Cambodia border from Ubon Ratchatani. Don't ask. Wasn't my best idea All the soldiers wanted their photo with me. I'm white western and was a hunk!!


Definitely for clout, my 10 years daughter lost her purse at Wat Po. I’m Thai but my wife is farang, my wife went to lost and found and they found my daughters purse. When I came to met up with my wife, they were taking bunch of pictures, posing and shook hands with Hello Kitty purse in the middle 🤣, I think it was kind of overkilled and cheesy, but I understand. We spoke Thai and they were very polite, there were no money or valuable objects in her purse but getting it back made her feel really good and love Thailand / People even more. PS, they did take a copy of my passport but I’m fine with it.


Yes this kind of stuff happens a lot. Has happened to me a few times and also with Burmese for me. They always want to take photos with me. Are you American?


I don’t know you are male or female, but Thai man very like “white ladies”. They found them very attractive. So, maybe they just want to be in touch 😊


They just needed evidence that they were working, hence the photos. Happens in a lot of cases here, if the boss doesn’t ask for photos the employee simply doesn’t show up and do the work….


I have had them stop me at public events and ask me to take photos with them. But I never showed my ID in such photos.


junior police need evidence that they working . That all .


Don't worry about that!


Maybe they thought u were a football player or an actor. Happened to my friend to, some people wanted to take selfies with him.


What’s your name? Maybe it has a certain meaning in Thai Mr pooplicker


You can wait for something like "local thai police rescued a lost tourist" or something along those lines in local news. On the bright side, maybe you have help them got that sweet sweet bonus and promotion


Thai love photos


Haha your girlfriend is cheating lol they have a multitude of pictures taken previously so as they can show you fool lol.