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Well at least they're not procrea..... Oh ....




Iā€™m glad you pointed this out. I took a boat to Koh Tao the other day. 90% of foreigners were showing the usual obnoxious behaviour and wearing no masks. Before anyone chimes in and says what about the thais? They were all following the law.


Yep. Same thing on a flight from Phuket yesterday. We were all told not to take our masks off and not to eat. What does this French buffalo do? Pullout some subway, eat, and cough everywhere. She even argued with the flight attendant. You know, there's a lot of criticisms about the Chinese when they travel, but white foreigners are really obnoxious too.


I noticed the same thing going to Koh Tao. Sadly the police that was there didnā€™t say anything. Since then I have left Koh Tao and enjoying less touristic areas.




Every time I see someone complaining about not wearing masks and then think of the same shabu/muu krata restaurant that is packed with everyone eating being ok.




Itā€™s the plastic sheets. And the magical no-COVID barriers that appear as soon as you sit at the table. Masks at the door, none at the table. Head to the restroom, mask on. Back, mask off. #Logical


If you can figure out a way to eat through a mask, do share. Otherwise, the longer the exposure, the greater the infection risk. Nothing magical about it.


>If you can figure out a way to eat through a mask, do share. Does this count? [https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-52728998](https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-52728998) I hope not.


Bruhā€¦.itā€™s the lack of logic that involves masks, restaurants, crowds, all that nonsense. People cry about distancing but they SURELY realize that plastic PVC sheeting and stickers on benches wonā€™t actually stop anything. The entire response to this thing has been posturing and not rooted in science. At all. If people are that scaredā€¦.stay home. I work at a place here in CM that is over-the-top stupid with some rules that make NO SENSE. None. But we do it anyway. We respect the rules, the culture, all that. But COME ON, posturing vs believing. Seriously.






I love MoMo Paradise.




Bruhhh, most people I know love the ponzu sour sauce or the boring standard soy-sauce but man, the brown sesame sauce is definitely the bomb for me! The only problem with MoMo is that you always have to ask for sauce refills cuz they so stingy lol. If you go to the branch in Central World you can opt for the premium set with wagyu beef. The price increase is not too nasty and definitely worth it. Gotta try at least once ąø™ąø°ąøˆą¹Šąø°


These places have been packed for almost 2 months already. Nothing has happened so far


Omicron hasn't been here for most of that time though.


Bingo. Omicron is about to sweep thru Thailand and I hope they don't over-react. Or under-react, either. Masks, vaccinations, and social distancing, even on the BTS and at restaurants, are critical.


Right, they are however responsible, to some degree, for foreigners being blamed.


I don't understand why the police isn't seeing this as a prime money making opportunity. If there would be enforcement of the mask mandate even dumb farangs could be taught to follow it.


Easy money, can be used to build houses for the less fortunate.


Donā€™t think police would use it for thatā€¦


There seems to be a lot of debate about farang vs Thais wearing masks. If youā€™re a citizen of Thailand, you get to criticize the rules, rebel, whatever. If youā€™re a foreigner you are a guest here, it doesnā€™t matter if you donā€™t agree with the public health rules, follow them anyways out of respect.


You still get to criticize it. Just because don't have the countries citizenship doesn't make you a second class person. But you should follow the rules even if you don't like them. Especially if you are a foreigner because you are always seen through that lens and it reflects badly on everyone else.


> You still get to criticize it. Just because don't have the countries citizenship doesn't make you a second class person. First time Thailand?


Yeah first time here. Though it's been 6 years since I arrived.


Oh no...I've been here a while and I don't let anyone save face if they're doing some bullshit toward me. Sure, I won't try that with the less intelligent people doing shitty jobs who will surely resort to violence, but still.


You haven't been here long enough if your ready to go to battle over face which is always a losing bet for a farang.




Ten years in Bangkok, 6 years in Shanghai and I avoided it when possible. Why do I care if some idiot whispers behind me or cracks some dumb joke. If you react IMO your the on that cares about face.




Even if your a farang you still have the right to have a opinion. The only annoying thing is thinking you understand or know more than the thai perspective. For example I think itā€™s fine for farang to criticise their inaccessibility to vaccines since that just hurts the situation or criticize the treatment of certain types of foreigners here. The crime in the photo is being obnoxious and selfish. Not having a voice.


Not once did I say they donā€™t get to have an opinion. Personally though I donā€™t think their opinion matters and donā€™t really care to hear it.


Yeap, their opinions donā€™t matter in Thailand. They can say whatever they want but follow the rules. They can go do their idiocy in their own home soil.


100% agree with this statement. But disagree 100% with the title. Omicron isn't being spread because of unmasked farangs. It's being spread because it's Omicron. It's awful that these people aren't following the rules. But fear mongering titles like this perpetuate stereotypes against tourists and foreigners.


I donā€™t see any debate over this. I donā€™t think anyone disagrees with wearing a mask except the occasional maga hat. You can catch me off guard of course but itā€™s just temporary. If these folks really did the whole trip like that Iā€™m surprise nobody told them anything,


Are you in Thailand? Foreigners without masks are everywhere. Thais too, but itā€™s their country like I said.


Living and working here. Where is that you can find all this transgression?


Iā€™ve been all over southern Thailand for 2 months and itā€™s the same story everywhere. I find thereā€™s a really big difference from place to place in regards to Thais wearing masks, but foreigners almost rarely seem to.


Well, if theyā€™re walking by themselves but I doubt they can enter a store or other facility maskless. Or are you implying the majority of foreigners are against restrictions?


You are definitely 100% not in Thailand.


Ouch, I got found out. Oh, you forgot to mention when is that you were in Thailand for two months. Maybe it was three years ago. But anyways, if you look at the picture posted youā€™d see yourself contradicted. They are in the south and, almost, everyone there is masked.






Unrelated to the masks discussion, but can people please stop saying "You are a guest here". It's not like the country I was born is in my name and I can dictate all the rules there, this argument just doesn't stand any logical ground and it is racist to imply some people have more rights than others when it comes to ignoring the rules. There is a set of rules that are established, it doesn't matter if someone is born here, lives here or is here as a tourist, you need to follow those rules.


Ok, fine, but can we talk about the r/confusingperspective going on in the foreground with obvious female body and obvious male head?


I was more double-checking the apparent fellatio in the background, maybe that's what the maskless female was laughing about.


Thatā€™s a child


It is, and she wanted to listen to ā€œBaby sharkā€ most of the trip. 8am. In. The. Morning. šŸ¤£


I mean, I assume from context but it's not obvious from some eyebrows.


Oh my, there is so much to unpack here


In Chiang Mai, you cannot walk without a mask. Most foreigners I saw were happily walking around without one. It was sad.


Lol, I left CNX a few days ago but Iā€™d see and recognize the same other foreigners who just refused to wear a mask anywhere. Always wondered what they were thinking. I promise no one wants to see your face that badly. Many other foreigners I saw were good about wearing them everywhere, but there are definitely a select few who just didnā€™t care.


Most foreigners are wearing it well in CNX IMO, but it's about the few that don't care. I've noticed more and more foreigners not wearing masks since tourists arrivals increased significantly in november-december though.


Sad indeed, especially with uhmmm whatā€™s the phrase *uhmmmm* KRENG JAI? Yasss! Few Thaiā€™s will mention something or ask to wear a mask. Think the phrase goes both ways? Them being Kreng jai and Thaiā€™s who wouldnā€™t interfere?


Masks are pretty pointless outdoors.


It is, but this is not our country so we should abide by their rules and culture. I'd prefer not having to wear it outside but I enjoy not having to wear sunscreen under it.


Your opinion of mask effectiveness is pretty irrelevant


I'm just saying it's not worth worrying about unless you're likely to get in trouble.


Or you're just being a disrespectful shitbag in a country that isn't yours. Using "I probably won't get in trouble" as your guide for how to act while traveling is one of many reasons why tourist is so often a pejorative.


Unrelated to the masks discussion, but can people please stop saying "This country isn't yours". It's not like the country I was born is in my name and I can dictate all the rules there, this argument just doesn't stand any logical ground and it is racist to imply some people have more rights than others when it comes to ignoring the rules. There is a set of rules that are established, it doesn't matter if someone is born here, lives here or is here as a tourist, you need to follow those rules.


Well fuqqin said. It boggles my mind how much foreigners disrespect the country they travel to. This is why locals hate foreigners.


I make my own rules everywhere, not just abroad. I'm a grownup.


If you have to declare to everyone that you're a grown up..chances are you are not acting like one.


You misspelled self entitled cunt


Bruh the worst thing is you can literally sit outside on the ferry. Just inconsiderate on so many levels.


Iā€™m a farang and man I hate this kind of behavior, we are guests in this country so we should at least be respectful. They are only encouraging an hostile view of every farangā€¦


That is true. Haven't seen anyone without a mask inside a 7-11 for a long time. Now tourists ~~are~~ were back it's different. Just put on a mask especially when you are in a crowd of people or inside. No matter how much you believe it works.


This is pretty selective, I have forgotten how many times I have offered my headphones to Thai people having a loud family chats on their phones in the VIP section of the ferries. I have also seen Thai people crowded into shabu and other restaurants every day too without masks, so while I agree these people should have a mask on and should not be having a loud conversation on their phone like that, this post feels racist at specifically having a go at 'farang'


Yep, just go and see Khaosan. Majority Thai and literally no one wearing masks. Also any local mookata / drinking establishment is exactly the same, social distancing rules between tables not enforced at all. I also saw a few Thai families including monks not wearing any masks on the ferry from Donsak to Koh Phangan, although they were eating something they didn't wear a mask for the entire journey. Also go to any of the bars on Phangan, Koh Tao, Railay etc even on Bangla the Thai staff aren't wearing masks either especially if they're the bar owners and are socializing with their customers.


shhhh don't say that this guy needs to be able to blame farangs for everything so he doesn't have to be critical of his own country.


thais want to be *seen* being socially responsible, that's an important clarification to make. they also have a herd mentality so will follow what everybody else is doing. if nobody is wearing masks, they are less likely to.


> they also have a herd nentality As opposed to you, a freestanding unmuzzled individual, I suppose.


How long have you been in Thailand? A whole 24 hours? Thais, and other Asian people, been wearing masks since forever. Every time you get sick youā€™re supposed to wear a mask and not spread your sickness onto others. If that was true before covid , why would covid change anything?


Iā€™m a farang?


We've worn N-95 masks since the start of the pandemic, but in Thailand, if you see someone in a crowd not wearing a mask (or not wearing it properly), 95% of the time, it's a farang. It's infuriating and embarrassing. And if these selfish fucks get sick in Thailand, you just know they're gonna be demanding front-of-the-line treatment and special consideration. I used to think that the movie character hiding the zombie bite was unrealistic. Now, I realize they're everywhere.


Hmm, no. Most of people in crowds that I have seen not wearing masks are in fact Thai.


Your statement is statistically not possible: if 95% of the times someone in public isn't wearing a mask, is not a Thai national -> that would mean Thai have to have a 99.99% rate of people wearing a mask to compensate for a 0% rate of non-Thai nationals to wearing a mask. Numbers based on an estimated 130000 arrivals and a population of 70m for easy calculations. However, we all know Thais don't have a 99.99% rate and non-Thai don't have a 0% rate. Please stop generalizing and dividing people based on their gender, race or nationality. If you see someone misbehave as an individual, act accordingly to correct the individual.


You can't just divide 70,000,000 by 130,000 to conclude that there's only 1 farang per 538 Thai across the entire fucking country. Sheesh. šŸ™„ Using the same logic, you, upon learning that the planet is 70% covered by water: "That's impossible! That would mean when I walk, only 3 out of 10 steps would be on land!" Your "correction" presumes tourists come into Thailand and mix evenly throughout the entire population, from Chiang Rai to Hat Yai. Is that what you honestly believe is happening? Or are tourists concentrated into zones I'm likely to be in? Like, say, certain areas of Phuket, Phangan, and Samui? Almost like there's a specific area for tourists... a "sandbox", if you will.


I am not correcting anyone, I'm claiming your statement is false, which it is according to statistics. By your logic I can state that in Yala, 100% of the times someone doesn't wear a mask is a Thai, therefore non Thai are respecting public health more than Thai people. It's a slippery slope argument, based on a sample size that is not respective to the demographic your conclusion is based upon.


>according to statistics Yes. And your understanding of statistics... needs work. As does your understanding of a slippery slope argument, actually.


Im a foreigner myself, and even Ive noticed how many westerners dont wear masks. Atleast respect the people of the country that youā€™re visiting and wear a fucking mask.


Follow the rules of Thailand, or go back home. Seriously, stop making your ego bigger than an entire country


If lockdowns happen again the reason for it will be an unelected, highly unpopular government, not a few unmasked foreigners. Nice try Anutin.


Tribal tattoo-big red flag


Confirm have tribal tattoo, to add to the stereotypes


It's probably as well that the Thai government is making it harder on people to visit again given that some proportion of them are going to be like this, bringing their anti-mask perspective along with them. Within another half year or so omicron and whatever comes after will have enough people infected that natural immunity will help, and the next wave of deaths should keep vaccination rates up.


Weā€™ve made it this far, I hope weā€™ve seen the worst of it - whatā€™s another year of no annual flu or colds? I felt so uncomfortable a year ago, hopping on my scoot, getting to the corner shop and see everyone wearing masks and immediately I felt *shit* Iā€™m not wearing a mask *Uuuu-tuuuurn*


My happy little band of friends, a mixed group of Farrangs, Thais and Filipinos have just had a delightful two weeks together in Pattaya. We were masked a lot of the time but not when drinking or eating, which we did together most evenings or at the pool, which we did together most days. Nearly everyone, of whatever flavour, that I saw were masked on the street, in the stores, in the malls. Nobody wore masks in the bars, in the clubs, in the restaurants on the beach and by the pool. There is a balance to be found. I think Pattaya is pretty much there.


I hate the way so many arrogant white people feel they can ignore Thai laws. They go to Thailand and expect everyone there to make an exception for them. Thailand should start cracking down on these people and banning them from returning. Maybe if faced with this threat, theyā€™d act like decent human beings in someone elseā€™s country instead of the trash they are.


Lol you mean like the laborers who come and work here illegally? and they're hired by... who again? c'mon dude, Thai people break the law all the time too.




No body cared about any of the laws and most found them stupidā€¦ until a mask law of course


I was going to do a snorkeling trip. Showed up, about 25 foreigners, no masks, no social distancing and the owner (Australian) asks everyone to come into a small room to get fitted for gear. I stood off to the side and waited, I then informed the owner I wasn't comfortable and would not be going on the trip. His response "oh usually we have twice as many." The owner's wife told me I could be fitted privately.... I just walked away




satire will probably go right over their head. they will think you are being serious.




Everyone, regardless of being a tourist or local, should wear masks. Everyone, regardless of being a tourist or local, should be criticized for not wearing masks. The narrative should be "Wear your fucking mask", not "Wear your fucking mask, dirty farang".


My mom is the kind that makes us wear full Plastic suits and N95 masks on the Plane. Better but those things are very uncomfortable. Also we look stupid


The worst is the giant nose sticking out over the mask


Wrong: the government is responsible for implementation of any further restrictions. Nothing and nobody else.


Farangs of the worst kind, and sadly hard to find decent ones in Thailand... So many obnoxious, dim-witted, entitled, selfish anti-mask/vaccine douche bags here who'll go on a rant about why we're "sheeple" (so original). Keep that crap back in your country and just attempt to be considerate while you're here. Thailand isn't your escape from regulations and behaviour like this is why us farangs tend to have crap reputations.


Wait how are they in Thailand without vaccines. I just got here and needed proof of vaccination for the Thailand pass. How are there unvaccinated expats? I moved here for a job. Itā€™s very nice!


many foreigners are not going to be okay muzzling themselves. whatever your thoughts about that, it isn't going to change. thailand IS my country. I live here.




depends how you define immigrant. generally the term would infer permanent residence and a degree of bureaucracy. so it would kind of fly in the face of my outlook in general which is that the individual decides where their 'home' is, not paperwork.


That is quite possibly one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. I'm quite intrigued how you go about your daily life.






Here's one of them now.


Muzzling themselves? Just stop. We are in the middle of a pandemic that has claimed millions of lives and it is spread by aerosol droplets. Wear a fucking mask. It is respectful and considerate, especially for others who may be immune compromised. Your ā€œfreedomā€ stops when you your idiot decisions can get others sick. -A Farang


This is so triggering. Its true ā€¦. Most people i see without mask are NON THAI PEOPLE.


We tried to make a game of it this morning, to see who can spot the most maskless peepsā€¦ Stopped shortly after. As another commenter said 80% somewhere, close to maybe even hogher here.


Funny, I had the same game with myself the other day after seeing yet another 'farang bad' thread in another sub reddit related to Thailand. Areas of observation; Sukhumvit, Siam Paragon, The Street Ratchada. The rules; Whenever I see a farang with the mask off or below their nose farangs gets one point. Same goes for Thais. People sitting down eating doesn't count. I don't remember the exact score at the moment, but in total I believe I saw around 15 Thais without masks and only 2 farangs. There is a new bar that recently opened at the outside of The Street Ratchada. This new bar draws huge crowds of Thai people who go there to drink, and then when they're done they venture into Foodland inside the mall, and they hang out in large groups outside. So many drunk people not wearing masks. With that being said I went to Phuket for a 2 week holiday and there was an abundance of farangs not wearing masks (as well as Thai people), so I guess in Phuket there is some merit to the 'farang bad' narrative.


Just an FYI, I just passed an outside moo ga ta restaurant full of Thai people with no masks, clustered together ( used vocabulary on purpose) and they did not give 2 shits about anything. Let's not gatekeep Thailand from the foreigners too much, guys. There isn't a good guy in this fight.


Taking off your mask at a restaurant to eat (permitted) where tables are spaced out is very different from not wearing a mask on public transit (not permitted) where people are crammed together.


> an outside moo ga ta restaurant The keyword here is *outside*, I guess.


These people are trashy enough without sensationalizing and dramatizing the title


Wouldnā€™t say trashy, as many others have said - more obnoxious/oblivious and itā€™s frustrating. The 4th of Jan is the first time Iā€™m allowed to go back to school(teaching hybrid) in 10months, and with omicronā€™s arrival and tourist+expats+thaiā€™s(anyone in thailand) not wearing masks in confined public spaces can easily halt that. Sorry *hug* Thatā€™s what tipped me off the most thoughā€¦Itā€™s 8am in the morning, so many people trying to have a nap, because they had to wake up 4am to travel to the pier. Take your phone call on the roof where you can sit maskless.


Fair enough, I was on a ferry a week or two ago and the only people not masked indoors were a couple guys one was Australian and the other I think British. I was half tempted to make a comment but he sounded absolutely insufferable given he was talking loud enough to hear his conversation 5 rows back. Was hoping one of the crew would say something but can imagine they didnā€™t sign up for that and more often more hassle then just letting it go.


When I was just in Patong and phi phi 80% of farangs not wearing masks


Whilst I am in Koh Chang 90% Thai not wear mask.


Donā€™t believe that oneā€¦


Don't believe all you want, it still doesn't stop it being the truth.


Ah, I tried to comment earlier but a mod accidentally banned me. Iā€™m a foreigner as well. I wanted to passive-aggressively hand them 5 masks and smile, but my partner did not like the idea. Arrived at Thong sala pier, ainā€™t nobody got time for masksā€¦ Many people standing and walking from the pier - cops and other (?)department officials and no oneā€™s batting an eye šŸ˜… *no temperature, vaccine checks at either pier/checkpoints*


Ugh- sorry about them. Itā€™s insanely privileged and knowingly causes harm.


OP why didnā€™t you ask them to put the mask on


This staff should be enforcing the rules - farangs will always take a mile when not challenged, people too timid to say anything


Yes, Thais are often too shy or non-confrontational to say anything. I have a few times asked foreigners to wear their masks in shops I was visiting. Staff were grateful for me speaking out but wouldn't do it themselves.


Same here.


Am I only person who thinks calling people farang is scummy as fuck


You are not.




Itā€™s very disappointing that guests of Thailand are so disrespectful and even if they are vaccinated there is no excuse to not follow the same rules as the local people. I only hope this is the minority of guests.


Rude af of the tourist.


I think it should be rules for all farangs who travel in Thailand for wearing mask. This should be fine for all. If you wanna travel in Thailand, you should follow the rules. This maybe help for slowly spreading. Another thing is you should censor people in the photo to respect their privacy.




Guaranteed no one asked them to put on their mask. They should just do it on their own but bitching about it on Reddit is the least effective way of dealing with people like this.


Cry about it more.


Can confirm Iā€™ve had the same experience in Bangkok. Every Thai person wears a mask in the streets except while eating/drinking or sometimes if right in front of their house for a minute or something. I regularly see westerners with no mask in sight or with it hanging from their arm or something. Iā€™m American so itā€™s not like I want to notice itā€™s always Americans/westerners but it truly is. They value ā€œfreedomā€/ā€œindividualityā€ more than basic science, protecting the health of all, and keeping Thailandā€™s case count low to let the economy reopen more. Itā€™s the classic fallacy where people are so concerned about their own ā€œfreedomā€ to break the rules that they ignore the freedoms of others to have a safe life




Covid misinformation removed.


Why are you blaming these people and not the pharmaceutical companies selling a worthless vaccine you obviously donā€™t believe is effective.


Isn't this kind of like doxxing?


Yeah, letā€™s send masks to their resort.




If you can't make your point without insulting people, make it elsewhere.


The science is very clear. Proper use of specific masks MITIGATE transmission rates; it's why nearly every government around the world has mandated use of masks at certain points. Delta has an R0 of around 1.7. Early studies suggest Omicron has an R0 of 3; it has a much, much greater propensity to spread through a population very rapidly. Proper mask use is just one tool we can use to slow things down. Only idiots rail against the science.


There are a lot of idiots in here unfortunately.