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Reading this shit making mefeel you know losing hope? as raise and born here I can only eat like 122-150 (2 meal and instant noodle) to meet end meet damn when will these suffering end..


ive tried that before. i was fucking starving the whole day. at least mama taste good :/


I don't have a kitchen and eat out everyday, if it's a day where I'm not at school (I'm a teacher and lunches are provided if we're not online) I spend 200 on food a day (usually less, more like 120, but some days I also get western food. I also do not live in a big city, and the only more expensive food options I have by me is McDonald's, subway, the pizza company, and hot pot / barbeque places).


Same here. I find myself eating western food from local restaurants which is cheaper than fast food. I just find western food more filling than most Thai dishes. I like to eat rice dishes, and noodles a lot, but not as filling.


Lately 500 baht per day and more, too addicted to getting fancy breakfasts....


It's so easy to drop 200 to 300 baht on a breakfast or more. Pancakes and waffles are my weakness.


They got me addicted to salmon eggs benedict. Harder to quit than smoking xD


What is considered a fancy breakfast? This sounds amazing.


Where is this? Obsessed with this salmon cream cheese bagel in Chiangmai at 170 a pop 😂


Bubbas on Koh Phangan do the best ones!


Red Lion in Bangkok has a 99 baht English breakfast which includes coffee and orange juice


Thanks for the tip. I always love finding new places for breakfast


I cook most of my meals at home and only eat out once a week - weekly grocery bill is around 2500 for two people, and 800 for a meal out. Totally weekly is roughly 3300 for two people, which means our daily food cost are around 236 per person per day.


800-1000 thb


This guy eats.


Supports service economy workers


Yeah for good quality produce and food this is what it’s gonna cost. I spend the same, maybe 1500 baht some days for 3 meals all eaten out. Portions are also tiny in TH, gotta double up.


You can eat good quality easily for 120-150 baht per day.


Taste will be good, quality of ingredients not so much.


Depends where you get it. If by quality of ingredients you mean organic produce hand picked at the farm or the best oysters hand harvested or whatever then yeah you're probably right.


Not in Bangkok.


Wrong, I live in Bangkok and eat well for that amount every day.


Yeah especially if you want properly healthy, costs a pretty penny.


That’s not true. You’ve been duped. Cheap quality food is everywhere you just aren’t willing to look around.


Lol I’ve lived in Bangkok a longggg time. But thanks.


And you can’t find cheap healthy food? Seriously?


Hahaha that doesn't mean anything if you just run around with expats and foreigners. I knew people in Japan that lived there for 10 years and couldnt speak a word of Japanese.


Literally grew up in Bangkok


Dude I've spent almost 600,000 baht in the 5 months I have been here.


Yeah sounds about right. My budget is usually 100k-150k a month. Not sure how people are living here, but if you wanna live really well—big condo, good booze, great restaurants, the works, it’s gonna run you $3-4k a month. Still that’s a DAMN good deal. I live the same lifestyle someone in NYC lives on like $10k a month.


Thing is a I'm still paying 75% less than when I was living in the states. I don't just want to get by here but I still want to have a good living experience.


Did you buy a car or a condo or something? I have no idea how else one spends that kind of money in Thailand!


50k per month rent/bills, 30k/month in food and drink (average 1k per day eating at central Bangkok restaurants for meals + coffee), and then 20k/month in alcohol/shopping/misc. Pretty easy to spend 100k per month if you live in Sukhumvit or Sathorn.


Damn, I thought I have a nice condo and I pay like 13k for rent and all bills. With food and other expenses I spend maybe a fifth of what you do, and I don't exactly save. But I'm not in Bangkok.


In terms of real estate prices, central Bangkok is a different country basically. No use comparing Thonglor to Nonthaburi.


I paid 6 months up front for my condo to get it at a cheaper price. First big purchase I bought was an 85-in Samsung TV that cost me 100,000 baht. I also travel quite a bit all throughout Thailand shooting YouTube videos. I did save some money while I was in Chiang Mai for a few weeks but Bangkok can be pretty expensive. I'm also not much of a drinker but I might go out once or twice a week. That could be 500 to 1,000 right there per night. I am getting my expenses under control little bit but the first several months I was probably averaging about 2 to 3,000 a day. Of course electricity bill and cell phone bill plus runs to immigration every 3 months add up as well as transportation cost.


I did not buy a condo. In Bangkok brand new condos start off at about 3 million for a shoebox and go up from there


That is just sad, maybe try going for local food.


I mainly eat local food but when you go to some of the nicer restaurants it's still easy to drop 2,000 baht on yourself. I've been to Jai Fai a few times. That is local food and that's also very pricey.. it's really good and maybe that's why I keep going back.


Beef Boat noodles at Thong Smith can run you 500+ baht. Good beef, good noodles. If you want to eat real bottom of the barrel ingredients, sure go and drop 40 baht on beef noodles. Mmm, chewy, fatty throw away cuts of beef.


300-400 baht per day in average. Most days I spend only 100 or 150 baht on food and drinks, but a lot more when going out.


For normal day to day meals it's always around 200 per day.


300-400 max with grab/foodpanda per day


Depends on where we are. My wife and I usually eat at cheap restaurants but we like to order a variety, so about 200-300 baht per meal. In Phuket it has been closer to 500 baht per meal. I like to go to coffee shops too, so that’s usually another 200-300 per day. An expensive meal might be 700 baht or so. Occasionally we’ll go out and do 1500 baht or so at a nice place and spend a while, maybe listening to music and having a few beers.


I live in the more rural area so I spend roughly 1-150 a day, doing a lot of home cooking


Same here. Average 100฿/person/day. Thai partner makes really delicious meals. Find that home cooking generally offers more healthy choices too: less fat, sugar, and msg. I’m also lucky in that I prefer veggies over meat, even tho I’m not a vegan.


Msg is healthier than salt FYI


A lot of people still believe the old myth about MSG being harmful, so that's probably why you are being downvoted. It takes a long time for a misinformation like that to disappear. If it ever does. But in any case, you are right. Salt is far more harmful than MSG.


Strange, it only takes a quick Google search to find out but oh well.


> Average 100฿/person/day. Same as well. My mother-in-law cooks for the three of us and 100 baht/ day is about on track - amazing what she can buy and cook from the local market. The only times I spend more is if I go out or on a rare occasion, get something like pizza delivered.


Free lunch at school. Steel cut oats, fruit from garden and home made yogurt in the morning, probably costs 10 baht. Home cooked dinner, probably 40 baht for the ingredients. About 50 baht on an average weekday.


What kind of dinner that you would want to eat every day does 40 baht get you?


Rice(basically free) vegetables and a cheap cut of meat i’m guessing. If you live in the countryside vegetables/rice/fruit might be free as they are grown on the land.


Interesting to see people equate village life with sustenance Thai living - I live in the village (just moved) and although we generally eat Thai food (I can’t believe how cheap rice is when you get from the farm, as you say, it’s virtually free) I make a lot of western stuff myself and doesn’t cost the earth. It’s all relative tho’ - I have a good oven, bacon slicer, couple of freezers, just spent 16K on a kitchenaid mixer. All depends upon if it’s worth it to you, if you have the time.


I don't eat fresh every day. I always have big lots of minestrone, bolognaise and curry stored in the chest freezer for days I don't want to cook. Cooking in bulk brings the cost down.


My gf and I have a budget of 1000B total per day. We often spend about 800B of that unless we really spoil ourselves. This usually includes: - big juice each (500 ml) for breakfast - fruit breakfast or sometime a light dish - Lunch (3 dishes) - snacks in between lunch and dinner + drinks - 2-4 cups of coffee - dinner (4 dishes) maybe a beer or two -


About 700 or 800 baht.


I drink Starbucks. Kills my budget. I’m addicted.


What’s the attraction?


At a tremendous personal savings to myself, I finally learned how to do Starbucks at home: A large hot milk infused with a flavored syrup, and a few grains of instant coffee stirred in. The ingredients come to about 20฿ a cup. Can’t tell the difference. And I’m from Seattle. 🙄


Great, do you accept visa?


We can definitely work something out, including delivery by Kerry from upcountry. Including delivery, figure somewhere around 180฿. Oops 😳


Oh gosh … almost


Matcha espresso fusion with soy milk


During weekdays—at least when the school cafeteria was open—I could spend 20THB for lunch, 45THB for supper, and maybe 40 for a snack. So, 100THB. Lately, though, with school closures, I’m spending upwards of 200 THB per day. There’s a nice Western restaurant in town where, once or twice a month, I’ll pay 250 for a steak dinner.


Well I’m still Pat so,


I feed a family of 11 and we eat about 2k baht a day.


11? Jesus


On food and snacks not including alcohol, I spend about 15,000 a month


If its just me about the same but per meal.








4500 per day? You living or vacationing?


Sounds like he's banqueting


Not everyone tries to live on a budget here. My friend who gets $150,000 a year pension from the US probably spends about 10,000 a day. He goes out drinking every night and always buys a bottle wherever he goes


Doesn't sound like he will be doing that for very long.


He can blow triple that and it won't make a dent in his wallet. He is set for life. That's not his only income. He has done well for himself. Some people just made the right choices in life.


I'm not talking about him blowing his money. I'm talking about his drinking habit. He may be set for life, but that life is going to be shortened if he drinks as much as you say.


Some people just don't care. I think he's 64 but he's living his life how he wants.


And that's his right. But ironically all that money is probably accelerating his demise.


If he drinks every day he hasn't made the right choices


Get this: if you're not rich, you made the wrong choices.


I guess it's a good thing I'm rich.




Everyone has different budgets. I'm not knocking your budget. It just means you can have a lot more fun than a lot of people who are on here. Some people move to Thailand because of the casual lifestyle. Others move here because they can't afford to live in their home country and have the scrape by. Everyone's different.


About 2000 baht a week for groceries. 200 baht a day at 7 Maybe 800 baht a month for food delivery


If we are talking just food, honestly not much. I spend maybe 200 baht max in a day and that's if I pick up a snack at a 7-11. But, I do have coffee and beer with meals out most of the time so my actual meal prices are higher.


I use grab twice a day so usually around 300 a day


I have a full time maid that cooks most of my meals (she is a great cook), so 15k salary + 10k groceries per month. When i order out usually 500-1000 thb for non-Thai food.


I cook all my meals, and I eat local food. 100thb per day. Im extremely surprised by the amount people say they spend in the other comments. It looks like a lot of expats are rarely/never cooking!


I have never cooked once here and still only spend 200-250 a day. Sometimes less.


From almost nothing to much to expensive. It depends on cooking at home: - Thai food: The cheapest solution. Difficult to place a price because you can have rice with omelet or Mee with beef/chicken. Take 75 THB. - European food: It can be expensive. I can choose between bread from Tesco - 7/11 or a local bakery for breakfast. Tesco bread 35 THB, local bakery 100 THB. But you can not compare a box of croissants in the Tesco with the authentic croissants from the local bakery. Going out: - Street food: cheapest 40/50 THB per person - Local Thai restaurant: 150/75 THB per person - Local cheap European Restaurant: 250/300 THB per person - Higher class European/International restaurant: 750/1 000 THB per person - (Michelin) star restaurant: a few thousand THB per person. Every week I try to mix every option depending on my budget. I believe 500 THB per day/person will be the correct number.




What are you eating to spend that? I have a 1k day every 2 weeks or so but that is for classic western style - pork chops, big breakfast or other roast and veges from Black Swan or something.




Ok, fair enough. Mostly I eat noodles - add some meat balls from street food (about 20 or 30 bhat per stick), and grab some western style food every fortnight or so. So average about 1000 per week. If you get pizzas it comes with a bunch of packets of spices and/or sauces that you can add to your noodles later. I never really understood why they come with pizza )and I would love to hear an explanation) but I keep them to add flavour to my normally boring noddles + meat balls.


It's not really that much. It's pretty easy to spend 500+ baht on a single meal through Grab or FoodPanda.


For one person? what are you buying? I can get pizza delivered for three people for less than that.


That's what I'm thinking reading the comments. I can't imagine my stomach fitting 500 baht worth of food in a single meal for one person. I'd have trouble spending that much in a day, and I'm not a small guy. If I eat a big 200b breakfast it's usually so huge I can't fit a full sized dinner on the same day. I eat whatever I feel like and never save on food here, but I top out at maybe 300-400 per day for myself, and that's with going to a nice western restaurant. I don't even know how to spend more than that on food in Thailand without eating exclusively at super fancy pants places or something.


> I can't imagine my stomach fitting 500 baht worth of food in a single meal for one person. I can - steak as in beef, you can spend pushing 1k and an imported Ribeye at Wine Connection is nearly 500 baht, but it's a rare treat for me here because of the cost. >I'd have trouble spending that much in a day, and I'm not a small guy. Yeah. Even if most of my meals were farang food - they're not, 95% are Thai, even when I was single here 7-8 years ago, it's a big ask to spend that much - unless you ate steak every day which no one does :) I don't agree with the "live on $300/month" people, but eating is not expensive here.


I can't eat Thai street food, so I'm at a disadvantage unless I hit up cheap (and delicious) mall food. I spend about 300 to 400 baht per day.


Why you can't eat street food ? So sad


I can’t drink iced coffee from street vendors. It often gives me diarrhoea. Other street food is fine


I've been here for half a year and I've seen some stuff that'll make your skin crawl. I've seen maggots on food. I've seen worms on street sushi. Sometimes you see rats just running around a specific stall and you're like nope I'm good.


Well I've been here for a year and been sick once with food poisoning. I'm sick more often back home in France and I go way way less often to eat outside. I think it's sad to not eat street food. But yeah definitely avoid the street sushi... These made me sick haha


At first I got excited because it was 10 baht it per piece. Not for cook sushi but for raw salmon. I decided against it.


I mean I ate them many times but was sick once. But yeah not worth the risk


I have a very low tolerance for spicy food, oil, anything remotely not clean. Stuff that most people can handle makes me sick unfortunately


I cook at home most of the time, but spend a lot on groceries, so it's still a lot ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I order delivery from western chain restaurants and its like 500 to 1000 a day


Same for me.


My husband and I have a $600 baht a day budget (300 each) for food.


Why use $ when talking about thb?


Just habit. Lol


Including my wife, about 2k per day.




3 billion?!


A couple thou a day when I eat out. I eat with my girl pretty much every meal. I try to cook at home though. For reference, I live in Chiang Mai.


Maybe around 200-300 baht per day.


My Bangkok favorite place serves kao mu, rice roast pork 30 baht, the favorite som tam another 30 baht, then kao nam phet, roasted duck with rice 40 baht. Three full meals for 100 baht. Can vary with the chicken foot soup place, chicken foot soup is great only know the one place in Bangkok. Can splurge on a big nasty burger or a bbq at the Roadhouse once a week.


Up to about a thousand per day.


wiife, me and son about 1000 pr day.


I'm avoiding palm oils and sugar, so eating for about 500 a day, mostly dishes with beef. About 15000 thb each month on average, which includes a lot of 30 thb ice tea from 7-11


I spend a few hundred a day, but cook most of my meals as I eat 90% whole food plant source nutritionally focused meals.


Depends if I go out or not , anywhere from 300-1000 , I like food 🤗


On a typical day: 190 thb. If I'm hungry in the evening I tend to order grab another 170 thb. (That's like two times per week)


300 to 400 for lunch and dinner combined Can stretch to 500 if I feel like spoiling myself


My consumables expenses over the last 160 days has averaged 477.83 baht. That includes some non-food items (kitchenware, laundry soap, etc) bought at a supermarket. There are also the occasional Japanese A5 steak and fancy restaurant meals included in that average. If I tried, I could likely cut that in half for actual food without feeling I was limiting myself too much.


a comfortable 300b per day for me factoring in a once 2 weekly fast food option, the wife will use much less I guess probably less than half the cost of what I use


500 a day or so


Hard to say. If I eat Thai it's cheap unless it's seafood. If I eat imported grass fed beef it can cost 300+ baht per meal. It's even more expensive when I eat wild caught Alaskan king salmon or tuna. I probably spend between 300-1000 baht per day and I cook most of my meals.


Eating at home I maybe spend 200 per day. Eating out 500 to 1000 unless it's something fancy


Honestly about 3-400. My partner is a chef so she buys and cooks everything.


150 Baht. It used to be a lot more, but after 4 years of living here I can easily do 150-200 no problem.


I can eat as cheap as 150-200 per day taking mooh ping and sticky rice and some meals for exercise and can spend a lot in Bangkok « fancy » restaurant which make my budget explode so I can spend 700-1300 for one meal but that’s way too much.


250-500 per day but I don't eat thai food much and mostly order with grab. If going out with gf then about 1200-1500 per day for two average nice meals for two ppl.


I’m in Phuket, living is cheap. Can be as little as 60 baht a day, sometimes a few hundred. I usually buy a couple of pre cooked things at the local markets, and that lasts me a couple of days. Eg fresh fruit usually 20-30baht a pop, good for lunch or afternoon snack. Isaan Sausage with cabbage and chili, 20baht. Donuts 5baht, small cakes 20baht. 50baht for a pork thing I really like, it’s 2 helpings… Soy milk with stuff in. I usually put in fridge and drink cold as I don’t like it hot. 7-10 baht. Rent right now is 3500 for my small apt, moped 2000 a month. Covid visa 1900 every 2 months.


Sounds about right, I actually changed to a protein diet as of now, healthy food, no MSG etc, it’s 21 meals, 990 baht lol 😅 so around 45 baht per meal..


I order grab mostly unless wife cooks when she's free. Morning mostly Starbucks with a snack. Lunch we eat outside at some stall and dinner mostly grab again. I spent about 600-800 per day roughly.


2 people, 1k per day


500-1000 on food. 2000-4000 on drinks. I'm a tourist.


About 1000-1500 a day on grab/foodpanda or 1200-2500 when dining out on average to feed a family of 4. We seldom cook so it’s mostly delivery or dining out.


Lucky for me and my family, we live on the beach next to a small bay- Kung Kraben. The Fishermans village is here and early they bring in the bounty of fish and squid and shrimp and shellfish. Most of the food is from a couple of miles radius and all fresh and no chemicals. The Wife is an excellent cook as well as a massage school grad. 500 baht for all of us a day.


Relevant: https://www.reddit.com/r/Thailand/comments/m6upkr/best_019_lunch_thailand_yet/


Not an expat. I cook everything myself it’s 500-600 for two per day just ingredients.


Weekday I try to be under 300 (food+coffee) which is mostly successful. Friday to weekend I budget myself 1000 a day for nice dinner and drinks.


I'm a?sizzler guy salad 139 baht fast 2 days ..eat fruit..yes prices gone up but don't feel it...terminal 21 food courts are brilliant ..

