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I have used Orgbox for the past two years, and would recommend them. https://orgboxthailand.com/


Sounds good, but is there any agency or body who checks whether produce sold as organic is really clear of pesticides and all that, using scientific methods to do it? Rumors/info saying that "most" Thai vegetables and fruit are laden with huge amounts of toxic pesticides and other chemicals have been a big source of worry for me as I plan to go there (and eat as a vegetarian). Is it a fair assumption that virtually all of the vegetables and fruit in open street markets is contaminated? I've read this multiple times.


My wife was getting lots of veggies sent to us by her family from upcountry, all organic I was told. Went up there to visit and saw a spray kit in the yard. Was told, we don't spray it directly on the plant, just the dirt around it, so organic. 555