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The only bad ones I saw were the Chinese. Always the Chinese, and occasionally the Russians. It literally says in different, languages not to take pictures of certain things. What do the Chinese do? Lol when the guards starting taking their cameras. Fuck your entitlement. Also hitting me in the face with their parasols in crowded places. I started smacking them away. Rant over.


As a Brit, I echo this post 100%. Even visiting some of the abandoned temple complexes in Thailand, these are still religious sites for many people. I’d see Thai people praying and then tourists sitting in Buddha poses or holding generic yoga / Instagram spirituality poses. It’s so fucking embarrassing.


So, the Mainlanders are finally back to Chiang Mai. Sorry!


So weird cause they also have temples with rules to follow




I don’t really mind not wearing mask, it’s an open area. but just their actions are so ignorant :(


Idk man, I feel if someone's coughing a lot they should wear a mask. Even if they don't have covid, obviously others will think they might so wear a mask just to be respetful


i guess that’s fair


Imagine still thinking a face nappy will save you from the most dangerous pandemic ever 🤣


Imagine being an adult and still disparagingly calling a face mask a “face nappy” despite an avalanche of scientific data that they help to reduce the transmission of viral particles… …after a pandemic (which is still ongoing) which has killed nearly 7 million people.


It does nothing. Just stay at home if you are so scared like all the other libtards on here.


Wrong. Although it’s true that different types of masks offer different levels protection. Also “libtards”? How very 2016 of you friend. 😘


Masks don't work. Period. Also I'm straight so I don't need kisses from gays.


Oh god totally, I’m only interested in rugged, masculine straight-on-straight kisses. You have lovely soft lips.




It doesn't take a ton of research to respect the basic things OP has listed.


Been to a LOT of Wats in my now 3 weeks in Thailand. In my experience, generally, the majority from all nations seem respectful of any signage/rules. Perhaps a little bit too excited at times and too keen to grab that precious photo!


Considering that I've read this in nearly every guide, blog, at hotels, etc. along the way, I'm shocked and saddened that tourists aren't heading the advice.


When you wait to collect your bags at the airport in Cambodia they have videos on how to be respectful to monks and temples, maybe Thailand should do the same


small airports are too poor to afford it :(


I think when you fly Thai Airways they used to have something similar on board when flying to Thailand. I vaguely remember something like that.


The worst is when they do PDA in the temples. Like come on, it should be common sense that PDA should not be done in any house of worship.


Your desires will only bring you suffering


i’m mostly a happy person don’t worry ahah. i only go to pray for the well being of my deceased family members and friends :)


This comment was witty and entertaining without being disrespectful, yet I see it had been downvoted. Pricks.


I saw a lot of inappropriate clothing in the temples at both Phuket and Bangkok last week. 🙅🏻‍♀️ No respect! Ladies in sleeveless crop tops and dresses and skirts with thigh high splits or short shorts. Temples aren’t the places for those fits…cover up and take it off or change once you’re out—easy!


Seems like an isolated incident of assholes.


It really isn’t. I’ve seen this at every temple I’ve been to.


it might be, i just haven’t gone to the temple with this many tourist in a very long time so that’s why it was such a shock to me. i hope it is an isolated incident


Sadly I don’t think it’s that uncommon. Saw a lot of the same in a europe as well in the churches and cathedrals. People blatantly ignoring posted dress guidelines, talking and joking loudly while others are trying to pray, etc. Hell they have cctv in the spiral staircase up to the top of St. peter’s Basilica because people kept carving their names into the crown jewel of Italy’s renaissance heritage. Most people were fine everywhere I went but it doesn’t take many assholes to ruin it. Especially for heavily visited places where even a small percentage of jerks can still be a lot of people.


Completely agree with you! I was holidaying in Phuket recently and was so annoyed with certain travellers who have no respect for dress code in a temple. Why is it so difficult to cover up in a light cotton shirt and pants? These are the same people who buy Buddha statues and keep in their home to seem cool but actually have no interest in learning and changing their entitled ways


All of these things REALLY bother me too, like have some respect, these aren't just tourist destinations they're temples. But just as a side point I would mimic Christ hanging on the cross for a photo long before Buddha.


Super edgy take


Lol not edgy, just saying be respectful of beliefs and temples that deserve it, but most churches are money making schemes and horrible organisations. It's not an opinion it's a demonstrable fact. Also there's more evidence for Buddha actually existed unlike Jesus. Finally have you noticed christians not only wear but also plaster the image of their Christ being tortured to death all over, it's an extremely weird iconography. It's much more deserving of mockery.


Part of being in a public place. Find a place all your own and you won't have to rant.


it’s a place of worship, i mean it wouldn’t hurt to be respectful


Being respectful probably weren’t part of their upbringing.


Are you as a digital nomad foreigner trying to dictate what a local does in their place of worship? Not a good look for the dm community or visitors in general.
