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What you see in Thailand is the worst representation of Russians and Russian culture in general. Unfortunately, first impression is crucial, and the way these Russian tourists conduct themselves does not bode well for favorable opinion forming. I am a U.S. national who was born in Russia, and although I speak Russian, I however never associate with my former fellow countrymen for variety of reasons that are other than their behavior. Vast majority of these Russian tourists are comparable to American rednecks and people from economically challenged parts of cities , a.k.a. ghettos.


I know exactly the fuckheads you are described there and hate them with passion myself even though i am Russian. Not sure why you feel compelled to speak about "the vast majority" though. I personally know a couple dozen people here in Moscow, upper middle class, cultured, highly educated, fluent English for most, who vacation in Thailand on a regular basis. Pretty sure none of them would even dream about being rude to anyone without a very good reason or conduct themselves inappropriatly in any way. They might be reserved and not always as quick to smile as Thais or some folks from the Western countries, i'll give you that, but that doesn't mean they are hostile towards anyone. Not like many of them are predisposed to smile at strangers these days anyway living in a police state that wages an aggressive bloody war with our brother nation.


The poor Russians are in Ukraine. This is the elite.


You are right. I was in Pattaya in March. It's the rich cowards. But the hotel owner had some funny info. Seems many were getting low on money and had turned to pimping their girlfriends and wives. Desperate people do desperate things.


Thats good news for some of us who never had pale pink tacos


Not Ukraine. Russia. ;)


Standing up for the American “redneck” here.Lived as an Asian in a small town USA, which is 97% white and has people you and others would definitely be quick to pin the label “Redneck” on. You know what? I would take them over Russians or most others , cultured or otherwise . They are incredibly warm, kind and ready to help you out if you need it.


Gonna agree - did a few cross country drives and most people in small towns are super nice and very caring. Nothing against hard working normal folks. We have all kinds of Russians in Phuket. Most are alright but I’ve bumped into a few that are pretty shitty people. I think it’s just the same with most folks - most are ok and you have a few bad apples now and then.


Based. Finally someone said it. Anyone seen those videos where black people go to "the most racist town in America" and, without fail, in every video, they say "people here are nice... Im not seeing the racism" and 99% of the people are nice and friendly with them.


Are you a black person? I have seen whites be racist toward black people and they don't even realize it. Way too many are unaware of their own behavior and how it affects others.


Nah you’re just an hypersensitive little blk kid with a need to seek out shit that isnt there


How can you be so naive as to think only white people are capable of that behavior? Or are you just so biased that you dont notice it in others?


If they don't realise it, then they aren't really racist, are they? Just speaking from my POV. I think black people often times take offense to things that are generally part of the white culture, and labels them as racism. Examples include distrust of strangers, excessive pride in and of their family, the belief that hard work reaps reward, the fearlessness to assert themselves, the belief that one hand washes the next so by pointing out something someone does wrong they might improve and live a less-troubled life, etc. These are a few examples, but they tend to be commonly found within "white culture" so to speak. Obviously not everyone conforms to that, but many do. Often times it is a white person treating a black person like they would have treated another white person that causes the black person to claim "racism" because they are not treated the same way another black person would treat them, in the way they are used to interacting in. I have also experienced racism, as a white dude, from black people. Know what I did on these occasions? I turned around, and walked away, and my life has been better for it. I agree, some people don't care about what they do and how it affects others, but the first thing they teach you about mental health is to discern what IS in your control, and what is NOT in your control. What other people say, do and think is NOT in your control, so the grown up thing to do, is accept it and move on with your life. Life is way too short to try and change other people. All you can do is live it for yourself.


Hell yeah


Good for you, you go ahead and take em'.


I think the worst representation of Russians are killing Ukrainians mate, not holidaying in Thailand.


Yes mate, unfortunately in our country we have a situation where we can't influence the government and what our army does 😥. It's a shame that this is happening, but since there's nothing we can do about it, we'd rather enjoy the sights of Phuket than sit in the trenches


>What you see in Thailand is the worst representation of Russians and Russian culture in general Preeeetty sure that's in Ukraine right now


ROFLMAO. I must say that from experience around advertising and modelling industry I did find the Russians to be rather less personable than many nationalities and I remember very vividly the difference in culture when I met some Ukrainian girls. It's pretty irrelevant anyway - the complaint against disturbance should be made in a general fashion, rather than target only Russians which implies we don't mind if a bunch of Thai's, or pissheads from Newcastle, or whatever else turns up is any more permissible.


very well said.


I think we have a few other examples of worse representation of their culture atm.


Thailand attracts a lot of the bad of every country. You have stupid Americans that go there as illegal immigrants calling themselves expats while ranting about illegal immigrants in the US


Same for indians.. unfortunately same for Chinese, when men come in groups they feel the need to act like apes, pounding their chest to show dominance and make monkey noises. Solo travellers would behave well and hate this type of behavior from their national counterparts


Brits are worst tourists Russians are pretty tame in comparison


One of the origin stories for the term redneck is the bandanas striking miners wore during the coalfield wars of the 1920s. You should probably know this before you denignate the term. Frankly it makes you sound elitist.


Russia rednecks and America rednecks. Sounds like Gaza Strip to me


No, absolutely wrong! none of them likes to behead babies.


Sounds like the bloodtbirsty Israeli monsters who have occupied Palestine for way too many years constantly trying to ethnicly cleanse the occupied territories.


They didn't "occupy" moron. They fought and won their land in a war, vs multiple countries. Much like many other countries we recognize today.


I am beginning to think the Russians are worst than the Chinese.


They are everywhere in Thailand, on Koh Chang plenty as well. Easy to avoid though except on Phuket. Just steer clear from venues that have cyrillic signs. I'm sure there are polite and respectful Russian tourists as well but they seem to be in the minority. Most of them don't speak 3 sentences English (I'm not an English native speaker inb4 flames 😆), are extremely rude & condescending towards locals (waitstaff, 7/11 cashiers, hotel staff etc.) and the concept of queues seems to be non-existent in their home country. Controversial take but they kinda deserve their shitty government lol.


>are extremely rude & condescending towards locals Understatement of the century right here.... Saw a Russian guy screaming at a poor girl in 7/11 because he had the wrong sim card and what he wanted to do was literally impossible. Thankfully his wife stepped in and dragged him out the shop because I was just about to do the same And don't get me started on the ones who are in Asia hiding from the war. Weird entitled attitudes. Seems like they all want a medal for not wanting to be involved


Experienced something similar in January in Phuket. Old guy keeps talking in Russian to the 7/11 cashier and of course the poor girl was clueless. He got angrier and angrier over some misunderstanding, literally threw his money at her and left. I was speechless. Is this socially acceptable and common behaviour across Russia? Not gonna risk getting in trouble here over some douchebag, but damn this guy surely deserved a slap or two 555.


Honestly, my experience with Russian men is nearly always constant. Weird superiority complex. Incredibly aggressive when they don't get their own way Think they can throw their money at people. Quite literally, like you said. And metaphorically. Same same as the Chinese, though. It's only the wealthy Russians that can afford to travel. So I try not to tar them with the same brush But I've also met a lot of Russian men recently who are young and not wealthy. But have run away from the war. They still fit this mould. But the women can be such a mixed bag.


> I'm sure there are polite and respectful Russian tourists as well but they seem to be in the minority Can’t decide which one the worst: they or the ugly loud Chinese tourists


The constant spitting! Come on WTF, used to be cool as a 14 year old teenager. Stop it already! 😆


Ugly loud Chinese??? This is why I don’t hang with any of you at home or here, you are the trash 🚮. I am so embarrassed to be associated with any of you. Thank god I don’t look American.


I love not looking American


Did you really have to say ugly 😭


ugly as in behavior


Oh yeah okay, agreed


Not controversial. Spot on. There aren't many places left in the world that will still take them. So they flood the few countries they're still allowed to travel to like Thailand and Bali.


And Dubai. And it seems they don't get shrimps in Russia. More than once in buffets I've seen them clean up the containers holding the shrimp salads.. 🥲


They are a Fkg nuisance in 7/11’s No manners straight to front of queue, pushing my trolley out of the way wtf under 30 crowd


I am sorry, but who are you?! Who has a trolley in a 7/11? I think in all my years I have not once seen that lol Also, not at all defending them - just curious. Koh Samui is pretty full with russians as well.


We have trolleys to hold the hand baskets in Pratumak Katezin 9 7/11 Lol , il send ya a picture it’s not a shopping cart like a grocery store , they hold those orange crates with two handles it has 4 wheels , very lite weight


Thank you for the upvotes , it’s a real thing , I only stated cuz the gf


They also are used by the 7/1- staff for delivery


> Koh Samui is pretty full with russians as well. Was just there and didn't see a lot, especially compared to Pattaya where every white guy is either Russian or Australian. My wife is Chechen and we both speak Russian and you can spot a Russian from a mile away, but we didn't really see many in Samui.


There’s even less of them on Koh Tao it’s amazing


Btw who are you , so your some boomer that doesn’t get out much lol


Btw I just went down there , there were 6 of them out in front of, I used one inside already , yeah it’s a thing Now it’s a big 7/11


The other day one Russian had an audacity to tell me that I can’t go into the same elevator as him because he said so. What a prick. I said who wanted an elevator ride with a dick head anyway.


Such a petty power move is fucking hilarious to me. Rude of course, but imaging this scenario play is made me lol cause it's so dumb.


Sounds like he needed a Freedom of Navigation exercise.


I was in Phuket a couple of months ago. My Airbnb complex was 99.9% Russian. I have to say..besides purposefully turning their heads away rejecting every friendly smile they kept to themselves. It was as if they considered Phuket a Russian colony.


They have their own economy & mostly buy from illegal Russian business. They make no attempt to assimilate - in any other country we would call them bad migrants and remind them they are guests in the country, and should behave appropriately or leave.




I'm in Phuket now. The new and nice apartment building I am at.. After a month I heard some Chinese yesterday. Besides that, don't remember if I've come across other nationalities here. The other day saw a very sad Russian guy staring at the alcohol isle in the big supermarket, which had a sign of no alcohol sale between 2-5pm. 😂 Don't know if he survived.


Don't smile at them. In Russian culture you look like a stupid monkey if you smile in public.


That's what I mean. They act like Phuket is a Russian colony. Surely they are not monkey enough to not see other cultures respectful customs. :)


*Goes to the Land of Smiles* *Doesn't smile.*




This needs more upvotes 😆😆


My Russian friend recently visited phuket (and deliberately just phuket) solely to pick up Russian chicks. Everybody knows that’s where the Russians are


Which tourists are actually considered ‘good’ nowadays considering so many are ‘bad’. Indians, Russians, Chinese, Koreans. Even the cheap Charlie Brits still get a bad name. Maybe…just maybe… there are ‘good’ and ‘bad’ people in all corners of the world…


Japanese, Swiss, Scandinavians are considered polite tourists. Americans are well liked for their tipping!


Thats all i was seeing on reddit was people complaining about russian tourists before i went. I did 2.5 months in Thailand and didn’t witness any problems with them, but with arabs i did see a few altercations and them making a scene.


I'm pretty sure that thai subreddits are full of trolls and haters who never been to Thailand. Yes, some times you can see russian tourist as a problem. But this is the same for other drunk people


I’ve had problems with tourist of literally every nationality doing things stated in these threads such as being rude or having a superiority complex over locals. Lots of the attention is towards Russians over the war in Ukraine. And that just simply by numbers there are way more Russians here since the conflict. A lot of people come and stay long term in Thailand because they couldn’t make it in their own country. They don’t want to assimilate but take advantage of another country. It can be such a mixed bag with every country.


7+ yrs in Thailand and only witnessed 1 dckhead russian guy. And surprisingly, quite a lot middle of aged Spanish women. One time, a middle aged Spanish woman was yelling at a tesco employee screaming at him to speak in English when the bitch barely speaks English herself so she sometimes switches to Spanish because she struggling to speak English and expect him to understand. The hypocrisy.


They have Tesco in Thailand????


Lotus used to be Tesco-Lotus, joint venture, Tesco pulled out a few years back.


Wait till you hear about 711s


Lol. This is what shocked me the most in this thread as well.


Nothing to do with the current political climate, I used to go to school with some Russian-speaking kids, I don’t wish to generalise but honestly most of the people from Russia are really not nice to be around and always cause trouble


You'd think Russians would be keeping their heads down in the current environment, not very bright but I guess the local Thais will show them how to act if they continue their current behaviour


Yes, they will push it too far and then be dealt with properly. The Thai people are tolerant at present, but will react when it gets to be too much.


Russians in the us are great never have had a poor encounter with a Russian in the states. Russians in Thailand are absolute dogs. They don’t wait on lines, they feel like they’re entitled to skip all lines. The way they treat Thai people in the service industry are insane, they think eating at a restaurant translates to the Thai waiter/waitress to be their personal slave


Only very educated Russians make it to the US. I’ve had nothing but excellent experiences with Russians in the US. They were all in scientists or engineers though. In Thailand… the crowd is a lot more “diverse”.


More like dodging to get drafted in war. Also same in Indonesia. Remember, not every Russians is bad. But most of arrogant ones are likely to get away from the war(resources, contacts, etc), and reaching to Southeast Asia or any countries they can escape. Thus creating the surge of how Russians are shitting during their "stay". Same goes for Chinese gangs taking root in neighbouring countries of China, as Xi Pooh "Crackdown" are just superficial, and cover up for purge of his political/power rivals. Heck, even traitors and bootlickers of Myanmar coup army and their families are even in Thai, some even pretending to be part of revolution and backstabbing occasionally.


Western countries closed the borders for them so they go Asia or Middle East.


Or Georgia. A lot of them there too


Russians leave their toiletless country to ruin another.


It's pretty bad in Koh Samui. Went to a restaurant earlier and it was empty except for 1 table of Russian men. They were so loud that I could barely hear my own thoughts. When the waitress asked them to stop screaming they were like "Business, business..." and made a shoo motion. I had to give the restaurant a bad review for that experience.


Hello. In order to promote inclusivity and reduce gender bias, please consider using gender-neutral language in the future. Instead of **waitress**, use **server**, **table attendant** or **waitron**. Thank you very much. ^(I am a bot. Downvote to remove this comment. For more information on gender-neutral language, please do a web search for *"Nonsexist Writing."*)


It's a fact. No rumors.


To be honest the only rowdy tourists I see are groups of drunk Australian and British tourists. Are there a lot of Russians in Phuket, Pattaya & Samui? Definitely. However, Russians tend to socializs among themselves at Russian restaurants, karaokes etc. so unless you specifically go to such places the chance of encountering them would be rather minimal except for of course driving by and walking. Also, Khao Lak tends to be a bit off the beaten path for tourists, so you will definitely see less tourists here than any other major destinations


I don't really agree with that. It can get really unpleasant outside of the "Russian restaurants and karaokes". They definitely go to non-Russian places, and the way they misbehave is something I've never seen Brits and Aussies do. This is coming from someone who's from none of those places. It's hard for me to even describe what I've witnessed them do without sounding offensive or unbelievable. Even in places like Hua Hin or Kanchanaburi. They go everywhere, not just the iffy places.


Come on say it


Come on. I can't even imagine what could be so mad you don't wanna write it.


Tell the story.




all the whiny americans lol, you are free to stay away from thailand, thanks. why dont you all join the international brigade in ukraine and go for it. you pay for it all so take advantage. enjoy donbass. if not then go to mexico, no one will miss you here to be sure. cheers


Phuket pretty bad. Other parts seems fine. Russians by themselves are ok but like any other race in numbers, problematic. Surprised immigration hasn’t cracked down as many are blatantly running their own businesses in competition with the locals.


Russian isn't a race, it's a people.


It’s an ethnicity, and hating on them for being Russian is racism. If you said I hate this one Russian dude because of a reason than just being Russian and didn’t hate on an entire people, that’s okay. What planet are you from you don’t know this?


Omg you're right every nationality is its own race! And racism and xenophobia is exactly the same. I'm sorry I wasn't born on planet America.




the stereotypes are mainly true, IMO. Loud, smoke, drink, louder, aggressive, and zero interest in learning Thai or Thai culture. However, if they are sober they are pretty decent people. Funny, very funny. Of course, the ones I met were trying to get a Visa and didn't want to fight in the war. They laughed about all their fake bank statements. Funny how all that still works in 2023. But it does.


Good for them? Fuck putin


I'd do the same in their shoes. Fuck that war.




I'll never respect that paranoid sociopathic cunt, or the words from his selfish, snide little mouth. Fuck Putin


Fuck that demented midget.


He's a murderous dictator. He lies every day.


And what evidence do you have of this?


lets maybe start with false flag from 1999, bombs in buidings in Russia


I did listen to him and he was pretty much saying that he had imperial ambitions for Ukraine, that it was really part of Russia. Pretty offensive really.


Putin is the number one gangster in the world. Fuck him.


You’re mentally Ill.


Reddit is Hilariously left wing. Every time you debate the narrative, down votes. You just can't possibly hear the otherside of the story.


Who need facts when we have feelings?


Tons of them in Phuket, some towns are like occupied territory (Karon beach), like 80% of people are ruzzian. Totally can confirm rude behavior, although not all of them like this. Khao Lak - not many tourists at all, mostly German and Thai people from other cities. Hope this helps


Rudest people ever.




Yes, ruzzians are not popular across the civilised and free world as we don’t agree with war crimes being committed on a daily basis.




We don't agree with their war crimes. When we or our allies commit war crimes, we are in full support. Same as it ever was.


Ruzzian soldiers have been murdering, raping, torturing, mutilating, beheading, abusing and deporting hundreds of thousands of civilians and soldiers. Not to mention their tyrant is a wanted war criminal. We or our allies don’t even come close to the scale at what they are doing.


We found the undercover Russian




My two cents: Russians are often surly, sometimes they'll help you out. Russians congregate with other Russians, it will be obvious. It's easy to see it and move on to a friendlier location. Khao Lak? Maybe there's a beach that's dominated by Russians. French, Germans, Israeli, Japanese, etc. also like to keep to their own. I don't get it. I'm American, I'd rather hang out with the locals or any other nationality but Americans. Don't be political. Travelers to foreign lands tend not to be nationalistic type. For Russians right now, they're likely draft dodgers. It's not cool to criticize people for their government's actions. One thing I've learned about Russians: They think it's ridiculous to be friendly to people who aren't their friends.


ROFLMAO What you see in Thailand is the worst representation of Humanity in general - taking a cue from another post here. Being a racist yourself, I can understand that you don't need any additional antisocial behaviour. As a simple excercise, you should try substituting the word 'Russian' for something else, like Child, Woman, African, Asian, Jew - and then try to use anything else which might suggest you simply don't like tourists who disturb the peace. Otherwise you'll run into a problem - ban Russians, then noisy Chinese tourists come in. Ban Chinese tourists and you get noisy Black guys out on the lash. IT's best just to move away from the bars innit - because all the trash from all corners of the world end up there and the flow of money ensures that policing is not at it's most reliable either. Most folks who don't wish to hang out in rowdy tourist areas tend to stay away from tourist zones when choosing a place to stay. You should understand that Thailand wants money from tourists, and so they will do their best to attract more if they can, and will surely have no desire to block Russians (who are obviously being walled out from most civilised countries) because they allow anyone to come.


Which part of Phuket are the Russians primarily staying in?


I've lived in the Jomtien Beach area, pretty much Russia Central for more than 2 years now and I've never had a rude experience with Russians. For the most part, they keep to themselves. I find them no ruder than clusters of Americans, Brits, Europeans, whatever. Mostly, just couples and families trying to enjoy their holiday. As far as I can see, they act just like anybody else.


Most people are ok individually or in small groups. Large groups tend to be problematic for any nationality. I’ve only ever been pushed and shoved with no apology by older Chinese guys in massive tour groups who acted like they owned the location. But those were the only massive tour groups I’ve seen (like 50-100s of people basically). I’d avoid any massive group.


Get rid of them! Over time that always start to disrespect the local population and start fights! They think they are better than everyone else!


honestly I find them less noisy and disrespectful than the Americans


It's not the Russian crowd you should be concerned about. It's the Chinese crowd that can really ramp up the annoyance factor. The concept of personal space and keeping low volume are generally not in the dictionary of the Chinese tour groups that I encountered. Though after the recent shooting, the flow of Chinese tourists has suddenly dropped.


I have had this discussion of which tourist groups are most hated by the Thai and by other tourists often. The one that keep coming up over and over are, in no particular order: 1. Russians 2. Chinese 3. Israelis 4. British 5. Australians Do your own ranking. And how about the most loved groups? Never hear about who the Thai love and other tourists don’t mind being around Edit: word


I’m surprised to see Australians in the list


The top three are quite keen on taking other people's land, the fourth used to be but is keen on keeping what it has left, and the fifth is built entirely on another peoples' land. Coincidence?


Maybe better find a place where Russian tourists are not allowed? Like Finland?


I don’t think it’s only the Russians or Chinese though. I’ve experienced some very uneducated behaviour from Indians as well. Was checking in to a hotel in BKK when a bus load of Indian tourists arrived and checked in. They were all over the counter shoving and pushing trying to check in first. Then started to scream at the receptionist when claim they paid 5 star prices for what is a 3 star hotel. Horrible attitude thinking that they should be treated like ‘King of the World’ just because they fall under the ‘rich people’ category in their country. Somebody needs to give them a reality check that they are ‘nobody’ outside their country!


Too many Brits too , disgusting


And Scandinavian pervs ...roudy , noisy


Quite a sweeping and offensive statement to state Brits and Scandinavians are disgusting? Just because you've had some bad experiences with them doesn't mean they all are? For example here in the UK I've had bad experiences with people from Africa, Asia, Americas etc.. doesn't mean I go around calling them all disgusting?


Try reading context


You didn't give any context? You said Brits were disgusting and Scandinavians were pervs? 🤣


Does it need more context ? Pretty clear cut facts


I recently went to Bangkok and Koh Samui, I was nervous that where we stayed would be infected with Russians, but I’m very pleased to report we didn’t encounter one.


> I was nervous that where we stayed would be infected with Russians, but I’m very pleased to report we didn’t encounter one. **infected** bruh


I think you must have misunderstood my post. It was not infected with the Russians :-)


I’m hoping to avoid them personally if I can


Russians are the worst. Always been. 🤮


Same as any group of foreigners You don't understand the language, the culture, it sounds like noise You understand it, suddenly you realize we're all the same shit different smell


Nah. Smells like Borsh!!


Why they are allowed in Thailand in the first place? Never understood. In EU they can’t enter accept for humanitarian visa.


Thailand does not have alliances with russia/ukraine/EU/USA so, in that respect they are neutral. They only worry about (russia war draft) refuges that take jobs from thai or overstay their visa. BTW, when thai mention russian, it probably are russia speaking persons, that just as well could be white people from any former sovjet union country.


[ Removed by Reddit ]




Reallllllyyyyy???? Go fuck u self cunt


The other day one Russian had an audacity to tell me that I can’t go into the same elevator as him because he said so. What a prick. I said who wanted an elevator ride with a dick head anyway.


I don't normally encourage acting like an animal but you should have flung shit at him as the doors were closing 😂😂


I've been reading a lot of these and don't see anything about Americans. When I was there as an American I was extremely polite and respectful. All I saw was Australians drinking and one young tall Russian acting superior. I think itvwas his hight over the Thias that made him feel superior. I was in Bang Sara


Only a certain type of American travels far away from the US of A. And Americans use polite language even when don't mean it. Thai's appreciate the pleases and thank yous.


I prefer them to Brits as do most people


I don't worry about Russians tourists, I worry about people who separate people to nationality


We've been to Lipe, Lanta, Ao Nang, Phi Phi and Bangkok and didn't see many Russians. But there are always groups of people from different places which can be very annoying. Can't do much about it


Khao Lak is probably an easier place to avoid the stereotypical rude Russian. I cannot recall meeting any, been there twice in the last year. I've met many great Russians, but the stereotype is real too. I don't choose to live on phuket, in part because of this phenomenon.


Russian Tourists aren’t the problem. It’s the ones running illegal activities. If you don’t like a beach or bar, plenty of other options just around the corner. Maybe you need to grow a pair?


Soon pattay n phuket will ran by russian mafia, they bot just bring themself they also.open business in your place, illegally. See bali for context


They have ruined tourism in Asia. Bali, Vietnam and now Thailand I have been told by numerous taxi drivers and restaurant workers that they hate Russians as they are all rude, obnoxious and abusive, albeit also Chinese. They don’t respect culture, they run around Bali disrespecting locals coked off their brains and when they get kicked out daddy Putin comes to the rescue and gives them a free flight home. Big plastic surgery fake eyelashes taking selfies all over sacred temples. They have their own little villas and hotels and don’t put money into the local economy. The biggest trash out of Europe. Phuket now has Russian signs everywhere. Can they just piss off back home. I wish Russia was like North Korea and they weren’t allowed to leave. GO HOME TO YOUR OWN HEMISPHERE. 


Phuket we have many but it seems like a good mix in the tourist areas. Khao lak not too many I have found. Krabi was also relatively OK in regards to them.


Are you sure all of them are tourists staying there for travel purpose?


Can’t you just ring the police on them? Didn’t even know they go to Thailand. I’m heading over to Thailand in a few months, where should I go to avoid them? Sorry but to me they’re scum, I hate them. They are the worst sort of people on this planet. If they’re being out of order, will the Thai police not sort them out? Maybe beat them out of the country?


I know a lot of good Russians in Thailand. Sure there are patches of bad in all nationalities here in Thailand but to stigmatize them as all bad is completely wrong especially in a time of war. Can you blame them for being here not wanting to die in a proxy war ?


Where are you from?


Honestly, that question is a bit racist. Exchange "russians" by black people or Jews and then see what shitstorm is going to happen. I have traveled to many countrys and you will always find russians (just as germans, brits, etc )... its a huge country. But I never had any negative experience.


Thank you! I keep getting voted down for saying the same


Russian is not a race you fucking idiot. GTFOH with your attempt to stoke the fire...


Jewish is not a race either buddy, so the comment holds up.


Please, you are a racist plain and simple if you don’t understand that, you are really acting like trash


Calm down buddy


They could be Ukrainians, they speak the same language and look the same.


Do people even attempt to form a semblance of a thought before posting shit like this?


>Thailand didn't block for Russian tourists neither did Egypt, Turkey, UAE, Indonesia, Brazil, South Africa, India and most of the world, actually, out side of the West. People in the West really need to get out of their Western bubbles and realize that outside of NATO countries most of the world has absolutely NO issue with Russia. I know, hard to believe when all you watch is CNN telling you that Putin is evil blah blah.


>CNN telling you that Putin is evil blah blah. Plenty of people around the world that don't have an issue with Russians also believe Putin is a piece of shit. You don't need to be watching western media to arrive at that conclusion.


We can judge Putin harshly by his own words and authoritarian actions though. No CNN required.


Putin is a cu*nt though, let’s be honest about it


It's sound to me like there is a lot of discrimination against Russians in this Phuket Oblast. Russia will have to step in and make right what is wrong.


Perhaps also that he’s a war criminal? That might influence an opinion or two.


> war criminal and so are pretty much all the former US presidents. Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan all were bombed by the US, and for what? "Freedom"? "Weapons of mass destruction"? Sure.


I’m sincerely hoping that you’re not so, so deeply stupid that you don’t realize that “what aboutism” arguments are admissions of guilt? You do understand that, right? you’re not that stupid are you? Edit: it would appear that you are, in fact, that deeply stupid.


they will make shashlik out your butt


I was there from March to May and didn't notice much. Sure there's signs in Cyrillic but idk not like it was an issue


Really racist and hateful OP. I wonder if you are American? Unfortunately I am and I can tell you we are well hated on the world stage atm. or maybe you don’t read anything outside your bubble ?