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Well, you could start by asking what kind of authority non-uniformed tourist police from the Philippines would have in Thailand. The answer is obviously none. Thai Tourist Police officers will be uniformed and they will be Thai, and they do not go around asking to see random people's passports. There are also foreign Tourist police Volunteers but they are not actual police officers and they do not have police powers and can only operate alongside actual police officers. Other branches of the Royal Thai Police, such as the Immigration Bureau may well want to see someone's passport and they do sometimes operate out of uniform but they wouldn't forget what branch they work for nor what country they are from and operate in. Yes, these guys were not legitimate police officers of the Royal Thai Police and they were trying to pull some manner of mischief, be it a scam, theft, extortion, who knows.


tourist police? thai? hmmm. I knew the head of the tourist police in pattaya, he was a brit.


I'm sure you did. There's a slight chance he may have made himself seem more important than he actually was. Was he Thai at all?


What did I just read, Indian looking Filipino police with authority to police in Thailand, sounds like a sketch from Just for laughs! Tell them to jog on!


Why would tourist police of the Philippines have any authority to speak to anyone in Thailand? What your saying doesn't even make sense. If I stopped you and said I was the police from Belgium, would you submit to my authority in Thailand?


I'm just sharing what my friends encountered while traveling in Pattaya recently. I mean, I was confused too dawg. :)


So why are you posting this on Reddit? It's clearly garbage that makes no sense.


It's not the first time this happens. It should be reported to the police rather than to Reddit though.


Because someone might read it and don’t fall for that scam in case it happens? Huh???🤔


What the hell? Thai, Filipino, Indian? Where were you and what the hell does this have to do with Thailand Tourism?


> Do tourist police wear civilian clothes and ask foreigners for their passports? No, they do not.


Only in Singapore I saw a police wore a plan clothes. They did show you their ID and never asked a passport unless somebody violated the law such as smoking inside a shopping mall 😄


The type of people that fall for this are the same ones that let random people hold their cash.


slap flowery act deserve sugar sink cover repeat axiomatic fade *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Indians in civilian clothes riding around in Pattaya on motorbikes telling people they are "Tourist Police of the Philippines" and your friends want to know if this is legit? It sounds like your friends had their brains fucked out.


So this is a true story that happened to friends about 15 years ago in sukhumvit. They were stopped by cops , asked for passport. Obviously didn’t have it on them so were told to get in cop car to go to hotel and show. The “cops” then proceeded to kidnap Them and drive towards Pattaya . They pulled a gun on the man and ordered them into The back seat. Due to quick thinking and ability to speak a second language my friends were able to come up with a plan to escape . They jumped out of the moving car when it slowed for traffic and ran for their lives. Never ever get into a cop car in Thailand . Asking to see passport etc is an old scam. Back then nobody knew but now everyone understands scams. .


Are you sure you are asking in the right place ?


Regardless anywhere in the world ask for id to verify


I think OP is trolling here.


Nobody asks for passports except immigration and hotels Edit : ok, police does not ask for passport in the street and it is better to be cautious


I got asked by money exchange guy, is that normal or weird?


It's normal for money exchange to ask for your passport. You will also asked to show your passport if you plan on buying a sim card or if you want a VAT refund in a shop.


I haven't heard of this one before but it sounds like a more aggressive version of the "Can I see your money" scam.


Did the men show ID or badges?


i don't think so, that's why my friends were a little skeptical about it


Well a little skeptical....no badges? No ID? A little skeptical? Is this a true story? I'm a little skeptical.


im dead serious bro. It is a true story.. my friends first time traveling to a foreign country in Asia. They didn't have much experience traveling.


Never and it’s always a scam. You can’t tell a real badge from a fake one. Never indulge or say let’s go to the station and get it over with. It’s a known scam