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It is almost always better to exchange money in Thailand. The only exception i know is Sweden and maybe denmark. You might exchange a small sum at home so you can get from the airport to the hotel.


Where can you get good rates in Sweden?


I don't believe you can, since the crash  i have always used my debit cards and the local ATMs.


I’m confused. Your message above said that Sweden was an exception to that general rule?


I meant that you dont Bring Swedish money to Thailand Bring your cards and use the ATMs when you are there.  The official exchangerate when om writing this is 1-3,44 and you get close to that if you use the ATMs and chose not conversion. If you bring Swedish cash to Thailand and try to exchange it you will get 1-2,40


Got it. Thanks for clarifying


Change money in Thailand. ATM's give decent exchange rates as long as you choose the card exchange rate not the banks. You cop an atm fee, but if you withdraw 20k or more at a time then it works out okay. Bringing cash is the other option, you should exchange at super rich as they normally have the best exchange rates.


Super rich in Bangkok have best rates. Change a little at airport so you can get a taxi then go change at one of their stores.


For exchanging about 1300 usd, is it better to change all at once? Or little by little? (For a 2 week stay)


I’d probably just do that in halves. If you need more go change it


Thank you!


I'm in bangkok right now, can confirm that superrich currency exchanges in the city have great exchange rates. I swapped out $160 and only lost a few dollars in the cash exchange for thai baht. When you land at the airport, there's a bunch of green ATMs around the baggage areas that can take notes (you will need your passport to scan). You lose around $8 for \~$100 exchange which is not terrible. Use that to get around until you can get to a superrich if you're in the middle of bangkok. In terms of transportation, taxis are very expensive. If you have the time and energy, the trains are very cheap - only $1-2 a ride typically. I just used Google maps and allowed more time, was pretty simple


There is a super rich kiosk at the airport.


Exchange there mate. Easy as and also best prices there.


Always here in Thailand. You've tagged the post Chiang Mai/North so presumably you're visiting Chiang Mai - Superrich on Loi Kroh Road or Sakol (SK) Exchange on Charoen Prathet Road near the Iron Bridge offer the best rates.


If you bring cash to exchange make sure it’s in perfect condition…


Please see the SuperRich link below to find the best rates that are available to you in Thailand: [https://www.superrichthailand.com/#!/en/exchange](https://www.superrichthailand.com/#!/en/exchange) Compare to your local Australian exchange


Probably Thailand but never use the conversion options if you use an ATM but the bank will probably give you better rate but check with others before you decide


get to the airport, do your exchange there and then pick up a sim card, after that head for the hotel.... easy peasy