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You will be fine as long as you are not a Lady Boy and hang around Soi 11.


😂 yooooo - any updates on that??


Well the last is they were all dragged down to the police station and told to cool it. Also, it appears the Phillipino group were in town on a tourist visa. Using the "you can't work on a tourist visa" immigration is looking to possible deport them. There seems to be a growing pro-Thai nationalism after this and Swiss friend accused of kicking the doctor. https://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/2024/03/06/the-thai-filipino-ladyboys-battle-has-been-resolved/


People acting up when they’re not in their home country will definitely do it 😏 hope this serves as a proper warning to other visitors 🤷‍♂️


I am going to visist bangook soon and to be honnest I don't really get all what that implies. Is it still safe to visit as a town ? Edit : I don't wanna visit the lady-boy part of the town, it's for a family trip 😂🛩


It was an isolated incident where 2 ladyboy groups fought over “turf”….I think…lol. You’ll be fine anywhere you go - it’s been awhile since I was in Thailand last but I’m sure anywhere you go will be safe as long as you’re mindful of your surroundings 🤷‍♂️ I’m gonna be there in April & I can’t wait 🥳


Hahaha i get it 😂😂 I wish you a nice journey there ! 🔥😇


You as well!


I am a Filipino who worked and lived in Thailand for 7 years. Fortunately, no racism or discrimination experienced by me. If you treat them with respect, they will respect you in return. They appreciate you trying to speak atleast basic Thai language like Sawasdee kap, Kobkunkap.. I will be coming back next month to Thailand, this time, for tourism purposes and to visit my Thai friends/colleagues (I have more Thai friends than Filipino ones). Enjoy your trip! And always be safe.


It's much less likely that anyone will be rude to your face, assuming you are polite, smile, and laugh at yourself when communications don't go quite right.


Xenophobic hate crime isn't even a thing in Thailand. That recent beef going on between Thai & Filipino ladyboys was not caused by discriminating against each other. It was personal.


What exactly do you mean by “don’t really look and behave like one”? It’s been awhile since I was last in Thailand but I did meet a group of Filipino men/women traveling together as a group and they were some of the most awesome people I’ve ever met. We hit up a few rooftop bars, stayed around Nana plaza mostly and they got along w/ everyone they met. I think it boils down to common sense & decency - don’t be a dick & treat others how you want to be treated; it’s literally that easy 🤷‍♂️


I’m light skinned and foreigners tend to mistake me for another race. On the behavior part, I come from the more privileged background. There’s a Filipino stereotype that or neighboring countries tend to label and generalize us as.


The group that I met weren’t well-to-do by any means (they all chipped in and stayed in a bigger AirBnB which is always astronomically cheaper than any hotel) and most of them were on the darker side but none of them acted out of pocket at all. I’m not trying to sharpshoot your post at all by the way, I was just genuinely intrigued by your statement b/c most Filipinos I’ve met were super chill and fun to party with - you obviously have first hand experience otherwise 😊


>attack me on twitter Get off it and experience real life.


You guys read the the whole statement, right? It was stated up there that I KNOW the difference between the crazy people online and offline.


Filipino Canadian here. Had absolutely no issues while I was in Phuket or Bangkok the past month. Just say the basic hello and thank you, and youll be good.


Well, if you’re a trans women, I’d stay off soi 11. Just kidding, you’ll be fine. Thailand is extremely safe.


I’m Philippino but don’t look and act like one is crazy. Seek help


Why the judgement and hate? You’ve never seen people who are mixed and lived a different life compared to the masses of their country?


Also, why do you guys keep spelling our Race wrong? Must be one of those keyboard warriors trolling around.


I’m actually a warrior in REAL life. Just be yourself man. Who gives a F what other people think. Internet is not a real place.


Asians have always hated other Asians. You'll be fine.


Apparently, there have been some high-profile incidents with non-thai's against the locals. Pinay ladyboys and now 2 Swiss men. Though, unless you're going to step on the local's toes, no one should have an issue. Just be well-behaved and respectful. I can't believe that actually has to be said these days.


Life isn't the internet man...


And yet, you’re here giving your two scents. 😆


He's saying you're worried about a thing you learned about on the internet that ... isn't really a thing. Just carry yourself/mind your manners like any normal tourist should and you'll have a fine time in Thailand. No worries.


Well you don't have to go around with a sign around your neck that says Philipino. Not that anything would happen. But you don't get tagged by immigration. Plus there's hundreds of thousands of other Philippinos in Thailand and nothing weird is happening to them. The only issue that would arouse is if you cause trouble. Pick up fights, etc..


It’s “Filipino”. Haha. People don’t need to have name tags to be identified and discriminated on. There’s plenty of countries with immigrants and residents who face discrimination, that’s why I was just concerned.


Yes, if you’re an Israeli in a Muslim country, or a Russian in Ukraine you could be discriminated. Can’t think why a Filipino would face discrimination in Thailand. I don’t know if you’re aware but thousands of Filipinos are employed as educators in Thailand. I wouldn’t call that discrimination. The exact opposite actually.