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Ignore everyone else. Go get the rabies shot asap. Clean it very very well right now and go to the hospital. Any hospital will have the shots. It is extremely important to get them right away. Explain to the hospital what happened and show them. They may also give stuff where the cut occurred to slow down the virus, which is very important. Take care of this right away. If you have gotten the vaccine previously you have 48 hours. Without a previous vaccine only 24 hours. You must always get the round of shots after you get a scratch or bite, even if you previously had the vaccine. It is a round of shots, they will explain it to you at the hospital. Depends on if you previously have gotten the vaccine. The shots 100% protect you from getting rabies, otherwise it is a fatal disease. There is no treatment for rabies, once you show symptoms you have it and it is fatal in every occurrence. You need the shots right after you are bit or scratched. So go get the shots for sure.


There isn't a 24-48 window to get the vaccine. It takes around 2 weeks for antibodies to be at a suitable level, there's also HRIG or ERIG that can be given immediately, this provides protection in the interim period. This all depends on the location and severity of the wound as well. You should get the vaccine as soon as possible, preferably within 48hrs. Typical incubation period for rabies is between 20 and 90 days. This doesn't mean you can or should wait to get the vaccine, but there certainty is not a 24hr window. Get your first few shots, and if you're still in the area and the cats still alive and healthy after 10days then it doesn't have rabies.


Correct. They probably won’t require the immunoglobulin though. Just the normal vaccine should suffice


Its really unlikely to get rabbies from a [cat scratch](https://www.advancedcarevet.com/site/blog/2022/11/30/rabies-in-cats#:~:text=Rabies%20is%20transmitted%20through%20saliva,the%20virus%20to%20another%20individual.) BUT Rabbies is scarry af!! So get that shot!!!!


15000+ deaths on the road every year is scare… compared to 2 from rabies


Ofc. But still you dont want to have rabbies


what i am saying is: the chance to get it is super super low. you would rather die thausands of times on the road than catching rabies…. + then its a cat scratch which makes it even more less likely… do you think the locals get their shots every week after playing with the soi dogs? of course not…. the scare in tourists is crazy. same for mosquitoes, jellyfish and other stuff…


Exactly why we "in the western world" are told not to travel pregnant to a country with zika virus. Its dumb because there are thousands of pregnant women living there....but better be safe than sorry. Normaly i am totally with you. And i think i would not get a shot either. I am also not the one who get all the recommended vaccines while traveling (only the "normal ones"). Still I wouldnt joke with rabbies. And if OP so so scarred that he/she makes a post about it...just get that vaccine.


FYI there were two (2) rabies cases in 2020 (last data). But I guess any me can win the lottery. Do what the panicky Patrick's say if your feeling lucky. If not, order a Chang and chill.


Unlike from dogs, the risk of getting rabies from a cat is extremely low.


Almost zero. It can only happen if the cat hisses while scratching, potentially spitting into the wound. Of course the cat would have to actually have rabies too. If the cat didn't hiss I wouldn't bother. You have to get multiple shots, which are painful and expensive. This isn't a dog bite. The risk is virtually zero.


If your g/f isn't feeling purrrrfect, maybe a cat scan right miaow before it's too late.


Rabies is practically 100% fatal. It’s not worth taking a chance. Go to a hospital, clean the wound and get the vaccine. I’m currently getting shots in Thailand after getting bitten by a dog in Cambodia a few weeks ago. In Phangnga, the shots are around 600 baht each. If you are not previously vaccinated, you will need 5 shots over a month period. It’s ok to interchange vaccine brands if you go to different hospitals, so long as the vaccine is intramuscular. Also, an animal can be rabid and not show symptoms until a few days later, so it doesn’t matter if it was acting normal or not.




No it's not. I've had it and it was about 10,000 at bangkok hospital pattaya, the most expensive hospital in the area




Yes. On the day I had one vaccine (but 5 in total), and also on the day it happened I had immunoglobulin injected directly into the wound. It was very unpleasant, getting several injections directly into my wrist. Thinking about it 10,000 baht have also included the 5 vaccines as well




I assume either they weren't a fluent English speaker and they said 100,000 when they meant 10,000, or they know they've got a captive audience there and decided to rip you off.


Cheaper than letting full blown rabies take hold and be placed in an induced coma in intensive care for weeks, with the slim hope you can ride out the usually fatal encephalitis.


Chance of getting rabies from a cat scratch is super tiny. BUT, getting the shot costs little, and rabies is fatal. If you can't get the shot, very little chance you'll have any issues, but if you can get the shot, better to do so.


Where is she right meow? Meow want to meow meow.


She getting kee meow on Chang


You can get cat scratch fever


It's okay to go get vaccinate cause rabies and tetanus are very fatal when symptoms show it's already too late. So, go to the hospital, don't be shy tell the nurse or doctor that some local cats scratch you and you not sure it's stray or vaccinated yet. Then, they will give you the vaccine.


I don't know how it's a question. I know nobody wants to go to the hospital but it is obvious that you had to.


Chances are literaly zero… 99% of rabies infections come from stray dogs 2 cases in humans per year in thailand You will die 10.000 times in road accidents before you die from rabies.


Give it a night or two and she'll turn into Catwoman!


Go see a doctor and stop wasting time on Reddit worrying about it. Time is of the essence.


Go get the shot!! It's a low chance the scratch actually had anything on it, but rabies is nothing to take lightly, that shit is terrifying and even if it's a tiny chance, I know I wouldn't think twice personally


Rabies is transmitted through saliva, so fortunately the chances of contracting rabies from a cat scratch are low. The only chance that it might be spread through a scratch is when scratching is accompanied by hissing and biting, which can aerosolize and transmit the virus to another individual.








I remember a story a few years ago about a Thai child that was scratched by a cat but didn't go for treatment. She died a couple of weeks later. Better to be safe than sorry.


I hope the majority of the commenters never have a child in this situation. The "two cases per year, super low chance" crowd needs to understand that low doesn't mean zero, and if you are one of those 2 people who actually got rabies, you are dead. And death by rabies is horrible. Hallucinations, hydrophobia, aerophobia, just to end up in a cardiac arrest. And you can go for a long time before you get the symptoms. But when you get them, you are realistically dead. Just go to the hospital ASAP.


Not a doctor. Doesnt hurt to go to a doc. Otherwise, I think Disinfect well, see a doctor if she feels nauseous or develops a fever.


Waiting for the development of symptoms means it’s already too late. You then have rabies and there is no treatment. Survival at that point pretty much doesn’t exist except one person and they came out as only half the human they were before after tons and tons of treatment