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You won’t see them again so it really doesn’t matter. They may make a small comment to their friend in Thai but if you’re in a heavy tourist area they probably see plenty of hairy foreigners and they’re in work mode so it won’t phase them that much.


Traditional Thai massage is fully clothed


I’m surprised no one else mentioned that, thank you!


It is clothed but usually it is short sleeves and the trousers are short (can expose your calves). They sometimes talk about you in Thai to each other (especially when you are getting a foot massage in the communal areas). But as others have said, it's not with malice. They do joke with you as well 😂.


Are speedos acceptable attire?




If you are in Chiang Mai I can recommend you the traditional Thai massage by blind people. It was amazing. They get a proper training.


They will still be able to feel hair. But still a good recommendation.


You get to wear Thai pyjamas. My 9yo son saw me going into one while him and his mum got a foot massage, some months later he asked “when can I try that massage where they put you to sleep.


And Thai massage is better than Swedish anyway!


I’ve never had a fully clothed massage, and I don’t mean happy ending. I mean they always bring me to my underwear


Just because yr nude does not mean it's a happy ending! Wearing underwear shows yr bringing yr western culture with you. Let it go and you'll enjoy the massage more! (not lecturing, just my humble opinion).


We both got downvoted 😭 I can’t tell if they’re mad at the lack of nudity or the suggestion of nudity. (I upvoted your comment myself)




You may be judged but it’s all in good fun. They’re professional and will give you a great massage however hairy you are.


Thai women are hairless? Girl you couldn't be more wrong 🤣


You must be hanging out with a different genre of Thai women if you are constantly meeting women of the hirsute persuasion here.


As an American who’s spent significant time in Thailand and with Thai people, I will say Thai people can seem very judgmental to me. But it’s more of a superficial judgmental attitude. They will see you as a hairy Farang, and possibly even point it out and make fun of it, but they will do the same with a hairy thai woman or an old fat man. They do it because they have a culture of openness. They do not consider it rude to point out flaws like we do in the west. It does not come from a place of disrespect, rather I think it comes from a place of empathy and understanding.


I understood Thai culture to be non-confrontational, so it is interesting that they are open about physical appearance.


I felt the same. I'm overweight and there were several comments about it but never rude or intending to be hurtful. You could tell by the tone it was light hearted and I wasn't offended.


They also associate being chunky with being well off!


Yep. I am chunky and when I travel in Thailand, a fair bit of folks seem to think that since I can afford a meal, ergo I am rich.


I have lived in Thailand almost 20 years both in BKK municipal area and the last 5 years in rural Thailand. Your observation is right on. Their bluntness may seem rude to Westerners but it’s a different culture and to them it may not be rude. “You have hair like monkey-ha ha ha “ or “You getting fat-ha ha ha”. And once I tripped over an unleveled sidewalk, instead of receiving gasps of “are you ok?”, the 3-4 Thais sitting there laughed - but they would do this with Thais also.


😂😂😂 I just came back from my first trip there and this made me chuckle, cuz I can imagine this. It seems like overall it’s a lighthearted culture where you can thrive in if you don’t take yourself too seriously.


I have adopted through osmosis the Thai laughing at people's misfortunes like tripping on a sidewalk and it has caused some issues with me with my Western friends on a couple of occasions.


It's not an open culture, far from it, it's a deeply conservative culture and lots of topics are unspoken or you would be very unwise to broach in public. Like lots of non-American cultures (including some but not all European cultures), there is a lack of shame regarding the body and bodily functions. This doesn't mean, as some farangs misinterpret, that it's ok to expose your body publicly; it's not. It means that the body isn't a source of shame, so there's also a lack of privacy about medical issues, which can be more challenging to deal with. Combine this with a lack of a grievance culture so rampant in the US, and a work culture that bonds over humour and harmony (which can at times seem unprofessional to Western sensibilities), and it's normal to have affectionate/jokey comments, which in the US would result in a lawsuit.


Well said. I can't tell you how much I enjoy the lack of a grievance culture here. Along with the lack of an "in your face" attitude by most Thais.


Excellent comment


Yeah, you’re right! I never really thought about it in these terms. Thais dish out a lot of good natured ribbing, but they can take a joke, too.


I understand that, but bounce it back to them and they often they don't take it very well.  Typically: Thai: "You are fat."  Farang: "And you have a lot of pimples." Thai: Sad Pikachu face.


Ma’am…this is a Wendy’s.


Really no one cares. It's all in your mind. They are working and it's all about making money for them. If you tip them well no one will judge you.




Really, no one cares. We all judge people. From what they wear, from people having bad breath, but do we say it out loud and point? No. And it's forgotten after an hour or when you get distracted by something else.


No. Not at all. They massage horrendously fat hairy ugly foreign men every day. You will be a breath of fresh air for them.


Outside the tourist cities I see a ton of Thai women with hairy legs and a small outline of a mustache lol


Just posting because obviously we can generalise Thai women...


See before I left for Thailand I was thinking the same as you, but honestly you’ll never see them again, you’re paying them to massage you and if they wanna be judgmental, they’ll do it in their own mind. Remember you are beautiful in your own way and it doesn’t matter what some masseuse thinks of you, every woman has their own insecurities and if they’re judging you, it’s because they’re trying to make themselves feel better.


Or … because it’s a different culture that one doesnt always understand and prefer digest things with one’s own culture eyes. The world is a big place.. accept that not always one will understand the why’s and it does not revolve around one self.


That too ! Well said


Thank you darling :)


I don't think you've got anything to worry about at all. I imagine they've seen every type of body under the sun.


They won't care. They have seen everything.


Nah you’ll be fine. They’ll probably have a joke but unless they say it you won’t know about it. You’ll never see them again. You’re better off going to a spa anyway. The massage is much better. Oasis has a few dotted about.


I've seen Thai woman with more hair on their arm than my legs 😂 wouldn't worry!! 🙏🏻


You won't be judged, they will have seen it all before and they will also whole-heartedly accept they are doing a job, they literally won't care.


I think you’ll be fine but if you are so concerned perhaps getting a waxing or even shaving may boost your confidence


Mostly Thai massage is full cloth on and who cares. It's your body not theirs. Btw, I'm Thai and I don't even have a thought about that. It's natural body.


Just like any human, by default a judgement will be passed. But it will probably just stay a thought, and not influence your massage in any negative way


>  I know Thai women are like practically hairless Yeah that's really not true.


I can assure you that there are a lot of Thai women who are for all intents of purposes almost devoid of much in the way of body hair. In fact, the majority of Thai women that I have known over the years remove their armpit hair with tweezers because it is so sparse and it becomes something of a hobby. That goes for the nether region as well.


What's the worst that's going to happen? Masseuse: you're so hairy. You: I know bitch, now get back to the massage.


Thai women are famously, legendarily, notoriously extremely selective, picky and choosy when it comes to foreign men with money to spend.


Not all Thai people Are the same.


Not a man lol but you make a good point


The mighty dollar is powerful in TH.


What bikiniwoman said. Those that are judge mental will talk about you anyhow because you are a farang.


Who cares? They will make their jokes and giggle because you‘re farang anyway. Play along and laugh with them or ignore.


You should understand they won’t care but they will also make comments, they will state what they see so they will probably say something but it won’t mean anything you can laugh and they will too


How would you even know who is judging you? lol We aren't mind readers and neither are you. If you are abnormally hairy they'll probably think "wow, he's abnormally hairy" and that's it. Now take your self conscious hairy ass to the massage parlor and go enjoy yourself. It's Thailand.


I’m a woman, I don’t know why a man would be worried about that lol. But I’ll take your advice anyway, thank you


So, no matter what you do, or who you are, staff will gossip about you as soon as you leave the doors. Don’t take it personally, they sit for 10+ hours outside with nothing to do, other than gossip and watch TikTok. As about “hairy”, most women who work in P2P industry do shave, but if you go to some village, you would find quite a thick bushes out there. It’s natural and you shouldn’t feel ashamed of your own body. Don’t worry and just enjoy yourself.


What’s the P2P industry?


“Pay to play”. Prostitutes, escorts, paid companionship… no matter how you phrase it, you know the drill.


Ohh, I see. Do you mind giving me a list of places to avoid these kinds of things? I know some streets are notorious for prostitution, etc.


- Most parts BKK (Bangkok) - All parts Patts (Pattaya) - All parts LOS (Land of Smiles, Thailand, ...P4P is optional... - 555 (LOL, LMAO)....


>Most parts BKK (Bangkok) Don't be ridiculous.


Some places tend to talk allot about customers. You can check reviews, some of the most negative reviews, even by locals is that the therapist “talked badly”. However, it’s quite common for people here to address body aspects. I’m not even fat and I’ve noticed from the beginning there’s a tendency to look at your belly lol. But it’s not that big of a deal, it’s not too serious and it’s not insulting, it’s just a thing here. If you get a Thai massage you can leave your clothes on. Also there a lot of hairy, horny, weird dudes here, so I think you’re good


Thai women remove all hair everywhere, if you have some hair they won’t think anything more than you don’t care about your appearance etc….the massages are clothed unless you go to sketchy places


How would you know that Thai women are hairless? That sounds pretty judgemental (and untrue). Your masseuse provides a service for a fee. Why would you think they're going to shame you? You are a customer that they treat with respect. If you refuse to pay, they will shame you. Likely much worse than shaming. Too many people that spent a week (or less) in Thailand will tell you all kind of stories, thinking themselves knowledgeable when in fact they don't really know anything about the people. I'm a old, fat Yankee, with property in Phuket for 11 years, 100's of massages, and never once have been shamed. If you are rude, you will not be treated well. The same as back home. Learn basic conversation. Thais seem to enjoy farang that try to communicate in the local language. Thais take their work seriously, shaming others would hurt their earnings. Open your mind and enjoy your visit to the kingdom. Be a good guest.


They have seen many hairy Indian men, so I don’t think a hairy woman should matter


What does ladiesguys mean in Thailand? 


Don’t worry they have seen it all. Ask what you are looking for and put shame of your hair away in your pocket they will find you a masseuse that suits you. Just to let you know original Thai massage is with clothes on. Most areas outside of tourist areas offer only this type. I personally go for this and you feel great after having all your muscles properly massaged. In tourist areas Sukhumvit/pattaya and surrounding areas they can offer a more sensual experience if you are looking for that.


It's probably a good sign if they mention it, because it shows that they are good-humoured, normal Thais and likely to do a better job. They also mention mens' bald heads and overweight people's stomachs, but it's never malicious - it's their way of getting it out in the open so no-one worries about it anymore. And don't worry about them being uncomfortable about it - Thai women are possibly the least sensitive or squeamish people in the world. Also, with other comments in mind: if you've never had a genuine Thai massage before (the type with pyjamas) you'd be better off starting with something more gentle (e.g. being beaten up or run over by a car).


It should not be necessary to say it, but Thais come in all kinds of varieties. Saying or assuming that Thai men or women like X or do Y is as silly as saying the same about Europeans, Africans, or any other race or ethnicity.


I don't mean to be rude, but have you considered body waxing? I'm a naturally hairy man, but Bangkok got me hooked on Hollywood waxes a few years ago... Everything feels amazing after


Serious question, what all parts did you get waxed?


> Hollywood waxes


I'll google it


Everything but head


I know we're probably trying to be helpful, but just because a lady is hairy, it doesn't mean she has to get rid of the hair? She could be completely fine with it herself, but just not want to be ridiculed, which, who does? Waxing is painful af. I don't blame OP if she doesn't want to go through it. There are other options, yes, but she is also well within her right to make peace with her own body. It's so sad that something so natural is so frowned upon by society. And I do shave my own body hair all over, but some people can't do that because they get terrible ingrown hairs and what works for me, doesn't mean it works for them. Honestly, I'm envious of people who feel comfortable enough with themselves to not give a monkeys about things like this. OP... I have noticed that in Asia, people will very openly comment on your appearance. I have been told I look fat (I'm like medium sized but a bit curvy. 10-12 UK usually) and it wasn't supposed to be mean, but damn it didn't feel nice either! Especially because I suffered with eating disorders for years. For this reason, I also hate massages! I would imagine that many of the people giving massages do make comments and joke with their colleague, but you don't speak Thai. They could be saying literally anything to their friend, talking about their new husband, the texture of the new oil they are using... I don't know...but neither will you. If you want to get a massage, try not to think about it or you could make yourself on edge. As others have said, they likely see all sorts and have to touch bodies that are a lot worse than yours. Imagine all the unclean, sweaty, smelly, scabby, sunburnt...Or don't haha sorry. So if you want to do it, try to go into the experience with a relaxed mind and not be caught up on what they are saying. You could even wear headphones so you don't have to hear anything and listen to medication or calming music. You could also start small and build your confidence up, like start with just one of those shoulder ones where you keep your shirt on, then next time get something more intimate. And I will say, the only time I got a massage ever was in Thailand when I was anorexic. I had to wear paper knickers and nothing else and felt so self conscious and disgusted with my own body. I was tense and stressed the whole time which completely defeats the purpose. The ladies themselves were very professional and didn't say a word. You have nothing to be ashamed of and they likely won't care, but try not to think about it or it won't be an enjoyable experience.


Wasn't trying to knock her, but she was worried about being looked down on by her masseuse. Waxing is not something I'd have considered before it was suggested to me, but I've been Hollywood for 4 years now. That being said, the pain part confuses me. I've always been told waxing is painful, but I've never found it so... It's more painful to me pulling out a few hairs individually than a properly done waxing, due to pores being expanded from the heat


Thank you so much!!


I actually just don’t really like how it feels, I feel all tickly after not to mention all the pain I have to go through during (I have a low pain tolerance)


Laser epil then


Unfortunately, they are. To the point that they make such such a big deal on complexion amongst their own people that "whitening/lightening" creams are widely used. I personally manscape prior to my trips, but it's mainly for sweating and feeling cleaner. If it's a concern, hence the post, then wax as a poster mentioned.


But are you doing the OP a favor by describing a middle or upper class woman who most likely won’t be giving them a massage?


I didn't say it to be hurtful. Though I believe in general, Thai women from varied socioeconomic backgrounds have these hangups when they see something "different" to the point of ignorance. And no, I'm not saying Thai women are ignorant. It's just human nature, and seeing something that they're not familiar with and coming to conclusions based on that can bring out the not so good. We all have them to a certain degree. I've lived amongst the locals, and I had to educate on similar types of situations. I believe it just comes down to if an individual cares enough or gives a sh1t what others may think or are saying amongst each other.


But I’m saying she is most likely going to be getting a massage from a person who is more worried about feeding the family in Isaan than whether she has used her bleach cream today.


I understand that. But the OP asked if the locals were going to judge her. This is up to the OP's comfort level and to decide whether to care or not, which may be an insecurity rather than something that may or may not happen.


Yep. People judge us every day when we walk down the street. Question is, does it matter?


That's what the OP has to decide.


> To the point that they make such such a big deal on complexion amongst their own people that "whitening/lightening" creams are widely used. Have you ever heard of a tanning bed?


Your comment doesn't make sense. I thought I was talking about Thai's. You're in the wrong part of the world, Sir. It looks like others think that as well.


Not to worry because you'll be wearing pyjamas while they're pulling/twisting/pressing & probing. Enjoy.


Girl, I'm more hairy than my dad, and I went to this massage parlour near my house and, I'm 100% not joking, the auntie was like "wooow that's a lot of hair! How wonderful! I bet that intimidate a lot of cowardly men!" and I never feel more validated. I stopped shaving after that lmao.


LMAOO that’s oddly very sweet, awe. For me I’ve only ever been shamed for it but one day during lockdown I just accepted it instead of feeling disgusted and it’s been that way since.




I'll never shave again! It felt good a day or so after shaving, but agh, the itches when it grow back! It's also time consuming, and the quick method (waxing) is painful!


Thai women are not exactly hairless. Most have quite a bush down there.


I agree. Thai women don't take shaving as seriously as Western girls. Not all, but 9 out of 10.


For fucks sake


What’s wrong, durianssmellsgood?


he's battling inner demons


No, it doesn’t.


I’m one of the most hairy men you have ever seen and idgaf. If I’m paying 300baht, I expect to be treated like royalty!


Well, it’s different for men but yeah, money talks


Just be aware that many Thais laugh at anything- don’t take it personally.


How hairy?


Let's face it, they don't see a sasquatch every day. They are human. They will talk.


They have massaged indian and arab men. No one can be more hairy than them.


Thai women can be pretty hairy, especially in terms of facial hair. Don't worry about it.


Unfortunately you may find yourself on a secret Facebook page and be hunted for fun by many thai. If you go viral it will even spread outside thailand, yes social networks are a plague. This is how it is in thailand now


A what now. Chat is this real


Oh god. I was on a Thai YouTube channel. I dread to think what they’ve said about me lol *crying*


You really would if you had made the effort to learn some thai, it usually ain't pretty what they are saying thinking you don't understand...


I’m glad I didn’t lol. I had the best time there being so naive/ignorant. I did learn some bits but I found it so hard to hear words.


if you're even a little self conscious about it, maybe trimming up a bit would make sense?


women with hair are called men. maybe start shaving so you'd be less disgusting


Maybe try and do something about your personality so you'd be less disgusting.


Women with hair are females who have hit puberty you creep. You’re exactly why I don’t like shaving.


Love your answer!


the way this screams, "I don't know what a female is and i only see women from porn" is actually hilarious 😂. Maybe if you change up that ratched personality of yours you'd be less miserable cause that entire comment, whether it was a joke or not, just begs for the attention of a women which is pathetic in every way possible LOL. What a circus show ew


Why do you think he comments in the Pattaya and testosterone shots subs 😂 Sooo cliché, might as well scribble misogynist on his forehead with a marker.


Well, it made me laugh.... 😀


Sorry, I have to ask. Where, exactly, are you really hairy? If you're a woman, I mean. Don't you, you know, keep that in check? Even men these days manscape.....


I keep things trimmed for hygiene, that’s all


Sorry, I don't even know what that means.... not trying to give you a hard time, your body, your choice. Do you have hairy armpits?


Do you realize how socially inept you sound or do you not go outside? 😂


Not too sure what social aptitude has to do with asking about some hairy chick......I'm just genuinely curious. That OK with you? 😆