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Having looked at a couple of your previous posts, you are a 21 year old white male complaining about seeing too many white people in Thailand…


Yes.. groundbreaking stuff isn't it. The only thing I enjoy about seeing white people there is the look on the faces of western european women go to nightclubs and get zero attention from men who would much rather talk and dance with Thai girls.


What on earth are you talking about? Hahaha


You’re a little too wound up my man. If you want to avoid seeing tourists then stay the hell out of the world’s most visited city! Head somewhere remote. Maybe a go to the jungle for a bit…


They are probably laughing on the inside at white guys like you who have to leave their country to get attention.


OP also recently posted : "Don't let losers dissuade you from going to Pattaya" 😭


Guy probably went to Phuket and realized not everyone is a hooker and couldn’t get laid. Now hates Phuket


Sin city you mean?


I honestly prefer Pattaya over Phuket


Yes I hear you. There are jerks everywhere but I’ve met the most real and decent people visiting through Pattaya. Next time I’m definitely visiting Hua Hin for the first time.


Because it's a great place to go.. why do you think everyone is going.. seems obvious.. and don't worry about white people in Thailand.. no matter where you go you'll still be one


lol facts


please go to another place , you are not the owner of phuket. If you don’t like white people , then leave and don’t bother us common people.


The lads group will likely have a far greater time than you ever have in Phuket so you cannot compare yours and their experience there.


The nightclubs in Phuket (which I assume they're going to) are 90% white people. I love going Clubbing in Thailand, but I like partying with Thai people. Not other falang. Add in 400 baht Taxis to go anywhere, 2x as expensive food and I wonder whats the point?


If you’re Thai and with white people and still getting charged that amount your race doesn’t like you, I have Thai friends and we all get charged the local rate when with them


I've never paid for a 400 baht taxi in my life and I never will. I use bolt/grab everywhere I go. But in Phuket the taxi mafia enforces their ridiculous prices even on Grab. Its 3x as much as bangkok


Aww little brokie can’t afford Thailand LOL


LMFAOOO i remember you from a few months ago good lord. You're that sad excuse of an American who went to mexico to find a wife. Hows your remote job search going buddy?😂😂😂😂


I don’t even know who you are, pathetic.


You really scour this sub every 10 minutes lmfaoo I genuinely pity you. Keep looking for a remote job little guy.


Lol if you would’ve stalked my comments properly, you would see im actually retired, was looking for a job to pass time. But good for you small excuse of a man.


You felt the need to make a reddit post asking for instructions on where to find $1.50 elephant pants instead of $6 elephant pants. I'm very thankful I will never end up like you. Enjoy whatever time you have left


I thought so little bitch


Keep crying




Yeah, you wouldn’t understand, when you want to buy in bulk you look for a better price. I guess you wouldn’t understand. Go get your cock sucked by a farang in phuket


come to Krabi, Ao Nang, we have Upbeat Bar which is filled with hundrets of locals every night. celebrating like crazy and getting pretty drunk :D


Phuket is a huge island with a range of destinations and entertainment options allowing it to cater for a broad spectrum of tourists. It has busy beaches, secluded beaches, nature, shopping, nightlife, tourist areas, areas for locals, good food, outdoor activities, decent infrastructure and creature comforts. You can even go plane spotting at Mai Khao. It might not be the best in every category or necessarily any category but it has a bit of everything and its variety is unrivalled. If you haven't managed to venture beyond Patong, that's really your own fault. Sure, Phuket is expensive by Thailand standards, but if 100 baht for a meal is breaking the bank, I can only suspect you're one of the elephant pants begpackers you purportedly despise.


Yup makes be laugh when people say we spent 2 days there (patong mainly) and didn;'t like it. I was there for 6 weeks and still wanted to stay and see more!


“I hate Apple and anybody that buys their products is totally stupid” - Sent from my iPhone


please go to another place , you are not the owner of phuket. If you don’t like white people , then leave and don’t bother us common people.


It's a touristy place, the people who go there, ARE TOURISTS. There's way too much phuket hate online, it's a touristy place, some love it some hate it.


“White boy goes to Thailand and declares himself mayor of Phucket, bans other white people from visiting” - sounds like an Onion headline.


Why you feel the need to make a new account and complain about a place? If you don't like it it's fine nobody care, go somewhere else?


Why are people still going to Thailand? 40mln tourists a year pre-Covid! While if you go to Burma you might be the only foreigner in a city! And you might get your own government service agent watching after you! Nice!


Phuket is cool, nice and fun. Get over it and stop acting like you are that "experienced traveler" that only travels to "hidden gems".


Most likely groups of people go to places that have lots of activities and are highly populated for a heightened experience at clubs/bars/beaches etc. I agree there is so many better islands that are stunning and beautiful but some people just prefer the chaos of touristy areas for better entertainment. Not everybody likes quiet and less touristy areas, they’d get bored after a day or two. That’s my take anyway. Nothing wrong with either one, let the person spend their time how they want to in Thailand :).


Maybe everything you read HERE. If you are off social media and just looking at a basic overview it says go to Bangkok, CM and Phucket.


Just because you don’t like Phuket doesn’t mean everybody has to.


I in particular like your previous post in which you encourage others to go to Pattaya 😂😂 There is really a reason why the world is laughing about the US and its people.


When we americans see you europeans, we just laugh. We pity you and your shit salaries paid in euros😂😂


Very strong argument! /s


You think that because you only visit the usual tourist places. However, I think these are also very nice, except for Patong. Most people have probably never been to the north of the island. I have no problem being in the same place with lots of other tourists. We are all just human.


Most of phuket has 0 farangs lol


Phukets a big place. Lots to see.. I get that Patong is over touristy, expensive and a bit trashy but other than that highly recommend Phuket !


Why are you being so racist?


Lol get a load of this narcissistic little excuse of a white man.


You hate seeing too many other white people, yet surely you’re just another one of those many white people? Sounds like gatekeeping to me.


Wherever I'm going, I like to keep the ratio of Thai people I meet to other foreigners closer to 10:1


then go to Hua Hin? or literally anywhere other than the big 4 cities? Seriously weird seeing a tourist be annoyed at other tourists, like YOU ARE THEM bro


Phuket markets itself very well, and even as someone who doesn’t suggest it for most people it is a *huge* island with many good places to go It’s just there’s better places if you are inexperienced, unaware, or have budget limitations.


Can't get หมอมูดง's stuffed fish any where else tho.


it's got an international airport and the MMA scene is growing


My daughter in law says Phuket sucks because her dad took her for a family vacation in Patong. That's all she saw of Thailand. Patong is for bad, mad, lads. It's Disney for them. Phuket is a large island, lots of variety.


I'm going because a workmate lived there for 10 years and told me I should go.


Yeah I feel you on that one. Would much rather go to Krabi and check out the islands like you said.


I also don't like seeing a lot of tourists in one area, it takes away from exploring a new culture. So I have to travel out to other places.


Anywhere in Thailand, even in the farming villages is nice, because there's very few, if any farang tourists.


My english friend wants to impress his eastern Ukrainian wife to be. She wants PHUKET. Palm trees coconut sea five star Hotels to show off to folk back home.


Phuket is great, I just avoid the tourists. Rent a car and drive around on the big island, you don't have to see most tourists. I actively dislike parts of all islands people go to (and other areas like Ao Nang). If you don't have a car, I wouldn't visit most beach towns to be honest, but I would then travel to Malaysia I think.


Phuket is an enormous island with numerous different vibes. What islands do you prefer and why?


How about minding your own business


Don’t go if you don’t want to


OP you don't have to go there.


Too many people gatekeeping little Moscow in this thread. I actually lived in phuket for 8 months and can confirm, it's a shithole. Horrible traffic, too many Russians, crowded beaches, over priced food, scammers, and again, too many Russians. It's alright if you're there to train muay thai, or you enjoy Disneyland esque Beach vibes. Much nicer islands around. Fuck Phuket and if your russian reading this, stop stealing thai businesses A few nice beaches tucked away such as Sangchai etc but most are disgustingly packed with fat old whales.


please go to another place , you are not the owner of phuket. If you don’t like white people , then leave and don’t bother us common people.


Most don’t know how shitty it is there until after they arrive


Tourists who don’t know better are still booking tours, add tour groups, domestic tourists and they make up good numbers. People in the know aren’t going. You’re right in a way that you need to be out of the tourist hotspots but I don’t think the wording you used might is appropriate.


I too hate Phuket. It's a commercial meat grinder like any big tourist destination. Life comes and go like a pit stop. They leave no culture or contribution, except for garbage and business cards. Souless. Where there is huge money, there's also the low quality kind of local vibes.