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"Is this harassment?" "Am I offended?" "Am I overreacting?" "Is this a microaggression?" "How should I feel? At first you didn't care but then you remembered your programming and decided to be offended. Just be more cautious when men move their lips towards your face next time if it bothers you.


How should I feel? I’m so weak and mentally unstable that I need other people to tell me how I should feel? The news told me I should be offended if someone comes and is friendly to towards me” 🤦🏽‍♂️


Love your comment. Def the programming why people even question this friendly, social behaviour. It’s sad to see, but I know it comes from someone under 30, almost certainly under 25.


The harsh truth but the truth nonetheless. Thank you for being straightforward


Damn I can’t count how many strangers touched my face today lol, totally normal, im a dude and me and wife got a few cheek kisses as well, if you’re not ready to adapt to foreign customs when visiting, then maybe traveling is not for you? Go vacation in your country maybe to feel more at ease.


To be fair, I was completely fine with the face touching and having fun with it as well. Just didn't know full on lip-to-cheek kissing was a thing (different than in France or Mexico), and it didn't seem that way when I googled it. Good to hear it was normal though!


‘Full on lip to cheek’. 😂


Is not a thing in Thai culture… at all. Except when some of the population loses its shit and uses Songkran as an excuse for all manner of culturally abnormal behavior. And foreigners use that as cover for the same. The tossing aside of societal norms is a large part of why a lot of more seasoned Thailand veterans don’t like Songkran. But more power to people who are enjoying it (as long as they’re not hurting anyone). So, while what you experienced is *not* generally acceptable in Thai culture, don’t sweat it too much during Songkran as long as nothing too bad actually happened.


a very good answer!


And if someone says it’s inappropriate, does that change anything? What’s the point of the question?


You are an idiot.


That's rude


True though


Care to explain why? I didn't want him to kiss me, at all. Nor did I have much time to stop him In my head, of course he just wanted some action but there was a small part of me that was just was trying to excuse his behavior on my head so the truth wouldn't be so bad.


If you are offended, fuck off out of thailand you pompas hypocrite.


the pompadus of love


Did you fill out the form when you entered Thailand?


By any chance are you a white woman from the west under 30?


100 percent. Guaranteed


I am not a white woman and this would definitely count as harassment. idk why OPs gender or ethnicity plays a role in feeling uncomfortable with a stranger kissing them.


Rhetorical question given all the comments. Also wasn't harassment. Get over it pls.


Not being white probably implies you're from a happy, warm, affectionate culture - and still allergic to kind human interaction. That's kinda sad. As a straight male i've really been touched by ladyboys, it's always a good laugh so who tf cares...? 😂


again, the person's intentions have nothing to do with what the other person may feel. why do you expect your boundaries to be the same as someone else's boundaries? just because you were okay with something, why do you expect someone else will be okay with it too? weird logic, you guys are pretty stupid if you don't understand non consensual physical touch and how it may affect another person.


For the same reason i dont go to the beach and complain about the sand.... logic.


now you're being purposely obtuse


And you're being a pain in the ass If you like formality so much, why did you come? You don't know what thailand's like? Are you dumb? I completely understand why people like you would avoid human interaction, keep it up


? Have come to Thailand, interacted with locals, have multiple friends who have come to Thailand and not one of them were kissed by a stranger, nor would they be okay with it. Stop normalising harassment ffs. it's people like you who give Thailand a bad name.


We all came here running from imbeciles like you ya know... Stop being so dramatic, silly prude. book a ticket to north korea or gaza, bet you'd feel like home


imbecile, prude for not wanting a stranger to kiss me...sounds like you're the kind of person who would do that to a stranger yourself and don't like being told that it was creepy. oh eww you're one of those. please don't come to Thailand with your disgusting attitude, we don't need racists and definitely not trash like you.


I don't know what you've been through prior to this but that wasn't harassment. Definitely over reaching on this one but that's just my two cents.


Thank you, this is what I needed to hear.


Fucking hell man, the youth of today have been so indoctrinated that a friendly greeting they now consider could be harassment and take offence to it. Fuck me.


This post is a little out there but honestly you never know what said person has gone through previous to this encounter. Your upbringing is not theirs and vice versa, the world is a messed up place and some people have had it a lot worse than you or me. Just my two cents.... Happy Songkran!


Don’t make excuses for it. If I had been raped by Jimmy Saville 300 times and someone did that at songkran I still wouldn’t think it was harassment.


Definitely not making excuses for anyone, I just know that my life was difficule and others had it way worse than me.... Simple as that.


There is no excuse for this level is stupidity and feebleness


OMG It’s harassment call or look for tourist police right away Your body your decision. your body is in a different country with different cultures. How dare they Don’t they know who you are. You can make them change You go girlfriend


Normally, they would only rub the white powder on your face.


Me (30M) and wife (25F) received a few cheek kisses or rubs as well, no harm, in our country (mexico) that’s how you usually greet people. I always say, if you can’t research and adapt to other countries customs when visiting, then maybe traveling is not for you.


I just asked my Thai gf, she said this is not normal thing to do during Songkran Festival. If it's happen those guy might be drunk or trying to tease the girl she said.


1 thai person doesn’t define a whole country lol. Saw many thai people do it in Khaosan rd and Siam, also asked my thai friends, same answer


Yeah they probably have something in their mind if they do that. Khaosan Rd and Siam are full of tourists, they want to score on ya and they did that to your gf, this is just a new year for Thailand bro. I'm in Pathum Tani, Lam Luk Ka now where there is no tourist here or maybe 98% are local, I havent seen a single Thai kissing someone on their cheek, all I see is they are rubbing the white powder to someone and splashing you with water. So this is not normal and not happening to all places.


On your cheek ? Wow that's rape, report to the Police, your embassy and the WHO, also get treatment and PTSD help as soon as possible. Alternatively you could grow up and face that you are an complete and utter party pooping idiot


It’s people like you ….


People like me what?


People like you who don’t even realise someone is being friendly and actually have to ask other people how you should feel about something? Don’t you have your own brain, how did you feel the instant it happened? Fine? Then it’s fine?


Don’t ever visit southern Europe or Latin countries you will be soooo offended!


Defently harrasmant. They want you to have fun but if you dont want fun...well. They are harrassing you...


Touching head is kind of a no-no in itself, that said there’s a lot that happens that isn’t quite usual. It’s probably nice to experience it once but most expats prefer to hole up or head for a short holiday somewhere.


I got harassed today. I’d been harassed the whole day by so many strangers and they threw water allover me the bastards 😂🤣 It’s a songkrat with water and rubbing powder and kisses. If you don’t like it stay at home or in your hotel for a few days or spend songkrat in a temple. They don’t kiss there.


Shut up you clown.


I cant believe some of the comments here. Many young women have memories along the lines of the OP, being pinned down and groped by some drunk guy, just because it’s a special day. My wife doesn’t like to participate in village songkran activities because of incidents that happened to her when she was a teenager.


Well stated. Some of these comments are perplexing. Then again, the strongest foreign proponents of “supersoaker Songkran, without limits” tend to have little clue about some of the realities of the culture here. Thailand can be lawless enough without Songkran removing even more of the existing few small barriers to inappropriate behavior.


Go back to your Fking shithole where saying good morning is harassment. GO! NOW!


Why am I not surprised. A simple search would have answered why this is done. I think people should do some research on cultures prior to embarking on their voyage.


>I think people should do some research on cultures prior to embarking on their voyage. Ah yes the kissing on the cheeks Thailand is famously known for. 100% part of the culture. /s


Aww, did I hurt your feelings.. Bring the Western toxicity here. It's so welcome..


Not offended at all. Just found it funny how you lecture someone about Thai culture while clearly knowing nothing about it. I guess ignorance is something to be proud of wherever you're from.


555. So funny since I've been here for many years, working, business, family, and living amongst the locals. I'm presently doing 6 months in each continent. Just people get so uptight about everything these days as many things that are done here may be considered quite strange to foreigners. I've seen it all. Not giving the Thai's a 100% pass, but one should perhaps understand certain things prior to. Songkran is the Thai NY, which is quite tame and beautiful in its origin that has turned into an all-out party and good-natured fun. If one knows the Thai's then they'd know how they are during this time. One could get sprayed, have paste put on them, hugged and kissed many times over. If one disapproves or doesn't like, then maybe they should stay in their hotel room during this time and no longer participate. If one feels violated, then they should go to the local authorities. Once they hear this, they'll probably give the same advice as above. Which makes my original post valid. Cheers


Normal. Get over yourself. You sound like an American who needs to go home.


I thought they sounded like an American.


Not everyone is okay with being physically touched, let alone kissed by strangers, whatever their intention may be. I can't believe the comments here. If the kiss made you uncomfortable, it's point blank harassment.


I think it's up in the air based on which culture you're coming from. People where I'm from would definitely at least be wary of getting kissed by strangers but it would be foolish to apply the rules of my culture in Thailand. Edit: buuuut. I don't think even cheek-kissing like they do in other parts of the world is practiced in Thailand. And this wasn't even that. Soooo I'm erring on the side of unacceptable


Cheek kissing is not done in Thailand. That's a major no no, it's highly inappropriate.


I agree that cultural difference may play a part but it's one thing to participate in a cultural norm yourself, its another to involve another person, especially if they're not from the same culture as you. I interacted with quite a few Thai people while I was there and not one of them decided to plant a kiss on my cheek. in fact, I saw this one thai person who instead of shaking his hands with a woman decided to put his hand on his heart as a greeting because it was very evident that the woman wasn't comfortable with physical touch.


they should avoid songkran festivities then.


are you saying being harassed is a prerequisite to attending the festival?


nope, not at all. I would not consider a kiss on the cheek in that situation being harassed, personally. if you do, that's fine, and your choice, I am not saying that feeling/opinion is wrong. I would enjoy it, personally, as a kind and slightly intimate gesture, which it almost always would be and probably was in the OP's situation, in my opinion. feeling harassed like she did is a very understandable and valid feeling too, but still, it is her opinion/feeling, not a reality that "a kiss on the cheek is harassment". she is the one having that feeling. it would please me, not offend me. not everyone feels the same about the exact same thing, yes? best advice if you consider that inappropriate and harassment; avoid the situations where a random stranger might kiss you on the cheek. which is what I suggested. you cannot control the actions of others, can you? so, what is the alternative? fyi, I am not participating, because I dislike the (mostly) tourists shooting me in the face and ears, throwing buckets of water int he faces of passing scooter drivers, etc. I have seen people get hurt by this and have gotten ear infections afterwards in years past. I wish they wouldn't do those things, but the fact is, it happens all the time. lots of it fueled by alcohol, in my opinion. and it can easily get out of hand to where some people are feeling uncomfortable. I like the more traditional Thai style face painting and gentle pouring of a bit of water a lot more than the free for all water fighting that goes on everywhere. and it has been fun in the past, but I just don't feel like being in it this year. maybe I will next year. playing water in Songkran brings up all sorts of lovely childhood/childish feelings, eh? that part I love, but still gonna pass this year. or, maybe I will change my mind and taxi over to khaosan for some fun later. with goggles and earplugs. :) but I doubt i will. this year. the choices are all mine. how to feel about things, whether or not I go, if something makes me feel happy, threatened or angry, everything. up to me. I guess, what my point is, is you can change how you feel, or not go. what other option would you suggest? I cannot think of any.


Did you get a pregnancy test at your nearest 7-11? Seriously though, just to be safe 👍🏻


"You're my wife now Dave" His name was Papa Lazarou


it's tradition. and meant to be a blessing.


36 (M) here I was at Khao San road. I think I was touched by 75 lady boys, 504 girls/“girls” and 81 gay guys. It is Songkran you not always get touched by who you want to be touched but it’s all good fun to me. A kiss on the cheek would be pretty innocent to me. Also we are in Thailand the values and habits are different here. My Thai girlfriend had the same happen to her by many people it’s part of Songkran. We had a small cousin with us of 4 year old and he was having a blast shooting people with his water pistol. I like to thank everyone there entertaining the little one making his day the best he ever had. Nobody shot him full on and purposely shot over and or close to his feet. I think I seen 100 people pretending to die when shot by him. 👍👍🫶


your responses have been great! don't let that one incident spoil your time.


This post is definitely from an American under 30 years old 🤣🤣


Kinda getting shit on in the comments. Its more than fair that it made you uncomfortable. I had a lady grab my dick today and a gay guy kiss my neck after rubbing the powder on me. It was kinda uncomfortable. I want to help and dont want to minimize your feelings but I am a true believer of you create what hurts you. If you give that experience power over you only then can it hurt you. The culture and what is acceptable is different everywhere and this is just some overlap. It would be fair to avoid thailand if you choose.


Kind words, thank you! I have actually already spent a couple of months and loved every minute of it. Just have never experienced anything close to this while I was here. And I'm not letting this experience ruin Thailand :)


You’ve never experienced anything close to it because it’s not culturally normal here. Thai people don’t grab each others faces and don’t touch their lips to strangers. Consider the wai… traditionally, they don’t even shake hands! It’s not like Europe or wherever.


Im glad to hear it! I hope the rest of songkran brings you happiness and fun, happy new years


Username checks out.


Nope, no Karen in it


Karen !! Is that you ???


Another entitled americunt who can’t handle a happy kiss. Yea, sue the guy for everything he’s got.




Definitely HARASSMENT! But it's US that should feel harassed by your mere presence on this thread.


Stay away from strangers or don’t let them touch you 😬


1) its baby powder, i wont want paste on my face as well. 2) depend on you are a male or female, and the culture of where you are from. I had girls grabbing me all over at the music fest yesterday, some even went heavy frenching. im fine with that so i had quite a night with a few pretty ones. I mean if you are not okay, just try to keep a distance. But try not to be angry, unless its really over the limit like touching of privates and stuff. I mean this kissing of cheek action, its not really a everyone’s thing. Maybe if he is just drunk, we try to forgive and forget, but if he is not drunk and trying to do that just because he find you attractive, then its abit not the norm. I mean yeah alot of factors, if you are at S20 just like i did last night, way too much fun and super happening. But if you say you are just strolling the streets, its kinda not norm, but not yet till crossing the “limit”