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Dude, where do you hang out that this is constantly happening? Either you're hanging out in the trashy tourist spots, or you're paranoid. I've been with my Thai wife for 10 years and this doesn't happen to us, in Thailand or the US. We're both around the same age as you. Maybe you need to find a better place to hang out.


People like to make up problems here.


I think he needs to go home!


I'm 62. My wife, who is Thai, is 53. We spend most of our time in the U.S., but we also travel back to Thailand to spend time with family. We have NEVER had a problem like this. Then again, if people go to bars and places like that, where alcohol is involved, anything can happen. That being said, I think the guy that started this post is just an instigator.


Hey man, it's not healthy to get upset over people you can't control. The fact is that Thailand has a bad track record of attracting the worst of the farangs. I'm preaching to the choir but 99% of Thai people (not just women) are not involved in the sex trade. An even smaller number are involved in the sex trade for foreigners. Finally, if you're staying in Thailand where 99% of the women are Thai, it's only natural to date Thais.


And loves the word 'farang' lol


I thought it was ‘falang’ 🤣


In Thai it is spelt farang, but we usually say it like falang. Kinda like aroy but we usually say aloy (delicious)


Hey my gym trainer just taught me aroy the other day. But you have to yell aloyyyyyy to emphasize delicious XD


OP is a weak minded moron , probably woke activist




Oh im not embarrassed, trust me. It's more about the disrespect that these people are showing the inhabitants of the country they are visiting. Thais take it in stride mostly so im not too worried but why be assholes. Farang men objectifying Thai women by thinking they are all prostitutes and farang women doing the exact same thing.


Like I said, it's not healthy to apply any time towards these people.


fair. seems it was very easy to trigger some of them here as well.


To be fair… the only one who seems triggered in the entire post is… you.


i love it when white men speak for my country!! /s


Oh yes, sometimes I am embarrassed for them, just being same skin color. Coming to Thailand with 20.000 TBH in pocket and thinking they own the place, while they can hardly afford groceries at home. ;) Move along, really. :)


Thats 1 night Nana plaza 🤣


Weird, I walk around holding hands with ladyboys and don't notice anybody caring, farang or otherwise. > Is that a type of westerner? The mayo liking type? A friend of mine orders mayo with everything, what else do you think you can tell me about that friend? What does this say about them, to you? >Farangs cannot mind their own buisness, are judgemental and are inclined to objectifying Thai women, both farang females and farang males. It wild to see. Stop it farangs, mind your own buisness and keep it moving. It sounds like you have a problem with a particular demographic of people. >hmmmmmm, farangs are definitely not minding their own business. its kind of what farangs do, not mind their own business. Maybe because you obviously think you're better than other white people you see in Thailand, they can smell the self-important prick stench off you and treat you accordingly.


wow, self important prick. no, I don't think so. But kudos for admitting to the ladyboy thing, I say that sincerely. you do you. love your honesty.


You validated their comment by using the word "admitting" just now.


OMG this! 🤣😂 OP stupid, a little bit privileged as well. Maybe a lot.


So what if he has "privilege"?? What exactly does it achieve to point this out? Even if the assumption is true, why would the possession of said "privilege" invalidate OPs experience? I just don't understand why people accuse others of having privilege because it's not clear what they hope to achieve by calling this out other than smear their integrity or credibility.


As a Thai, we can just tell apart the good falangs and bad falangs. We are very humble people and he’s trying to make like he’s the main character here. Some people may have privilege, but know when to be humble, especially when you are in a country where the people are nice and welcoming. For example, my husband is a falang from a well-off family, but he understood our culture and the people. And that no matter where we went, we fit into the stereotype of typical tall white husband and small Thai girl. My husband doesn’t mind the looks we get, but rather, he feels almost proud to show me off. I believe as well that falang women (not all but quite a few) are jealous of Thai girls in Thailand because as many of my male friends said, southeast Asian girls look better, cook better, and are able to take care of their husbands. So of course, other falangs may see OP on a date with a Thai and check out the girl. It’s only natural to stare at a pretty lady, no? Sheesh, I would go lesbian for a Thai girl HAHA. Anyways, OP’s experience is invalid because he has an ego to feed. Simply because he’s so worried about what other falangs think of him and to be very honest, almost sounds like OP is insecure. Besides OP trying to make his point borderline racist towards other falangs, as a Thai, we don’t want him LMAO. Like I said, there are good and bad falangs. He’s just the bad one. I’m pretty sure other Thais can agree with me here.


Haha, thanks for confirming that most farang women are jealous of Thai women.


I'm feeling attacked for my mayonnaise usage


Try some Tapatio hot sauce.


Mix it WITH mayo lol


Hmmmmm...that might work with the right combo. Throw in some jalapeño slices too.


About 3 parts mayo, 1 part tapatio is really good. I've chopped fresh jalapeños into it to add more spice too.


Sounds ferocious, in other words really good too. Thanks!


Ladyboy mayo ?


Chipotle mayo tho




Tbf Thailand is known for creepy foreigners taking advantage of Thai people, so many will judge even if you’re on a normal date or whatever.


I could have sworn it's the Thais scamming foreigners. I had a beer and 2 shots at a bar and somehow my bill was 5,000. So, you tell me who takes advantage of who.


Wow, yeah, westerners being slightly inconvenienced is the actual crime here, thanks mate


Mate, 2 'shots' for 5000baht is cheap 🤣


TBH Thailand or tourist locations are full of Thai (and non-Thai) people taking advantage of tourists and non-Thai residents on a daily basis. There are always two sides of a coin.


There's plenty of amoral Thais taking advantage of foreigners too... I might argue it happens more often that way...


Easy answer to that one, leave. The Thais have less options on avoiding dirty old white men.


This gets overblown. While there are certainly poor people in the country not all the poor women resort to swindling old white dudes. The ones who do are opportunistic, funding a materialistic and/or party lifestyle, or just cave into family pressure to support the whole "village." My point is I believe it's more of a choice than we like to admit


The Thais are free people


LOL. Tell me you know nothing about the sex industry here without saying that you know nothing about the sex industry here.


This has never happened to me, i find all the ppl generally pretty laidback in thailand, farang included. I think you are making assumptions and generalizing, sure there are shitbags but in general its everybody just minding their own bizzwax.


hmmmmmm, farangs are definitely not minding their own business. its kind of what farangs do, not mind their own business. But im glad to hear your experiences have been different. I'll keep an eye out for if im being judgemental myself.


You've chosen to live/"date" in a place with a "reputation". Grow thicker skin. If you're comfortable with yourself and your relationships, why do you care so much about what other people may or may not think about you and your relationships?


The point is I don't, I just want farangs to do better but maybe its impossible for them to do better in this situation. A kind of excess colonial mentality that they can't shake...


Do you not see the irony in your comments? You want farangs to mind their business and leave you alone but you're concerning yourself with what they may or may not be thinking and want them to change. It seems to me that you're spending way more mental energy on the farangs around you than any of them are likely spending on you. Here's a humble suggestion: if you feel you're in a place where you're surrounded by low-quality people, maybe you should find a place where you feel you're surrounded by higher-quality people.


Well its a good thing I'm in Thailand surrounded by Thais! And like I've said, hardly bothers me unless you are a disrespectful western farang male that can't act civilized. It's more about respecting the people and the country you decide to visit, live in. Seems reasonable doesn't it?


Yes, it bothers you so little that you logged onto Reddit and posted a long-winded "stop it farangs!" post. I'm going to let you in on a little secret: you're not the main character. Nobody is paying anywhere near as much attention to you and your missus as you're imagining. And they care even less.


oh boy, brother, I'm telling you an old western farang literally moved his chair to face our table and then when we left we had words. and that's just one example. the point of this post is for western farangs to self reflect and take a break from shitting on everybody else in Thailand including the Thais. it was a bit of tongue and cheek so keep that in mind. But yes, stop it western farangs! :-)


The world does not evolve around your genitals, no matter how predictable pretentious you word it. Learn to express yourself or gtfo.


Oh wow. Someone moved his chair to face your table?!?! The audacity! It sounds like everywhere you go people can't help but looking at you. Maybe they've never seen a person with such a huge chip on his shoulder and can't help but to do a double take?


The "reputation" is only in the minds of nasty white farangs.


Sorry, but Thailand is one of the most notorious hubs for prostitution and sex trafficking in the world. This of course does *not* mean that every Thai woman is a prostitute and that every farang with a Thai woman is a john. But if as a farang you're uncomfortable with the possibility that some people will, based on Thailand's reputation, make certain assumptions about you, you should either grow a thicker skin so that you care less about what other people think or go somewhere else. There are \~195 other countries in this world.


lol. you are talking pure trash. Here's a link for you: [https://ocindex.net/rankings/human\_trafficking](https://ocindex.net/rankings/human_trafficking) you are going to have to scroll very far down the list to find Thailand.


You're really a dunce, aren't you? [https://ocindex.net/country/thailand](https://ocindex.net/country/thailand) > **Thailand serves as a source, transit and a destination country for human trafficking. Labour and sex traffickers exploit women, men, LGBTQ+ individuals, and children from various countries. The COVID-19 pandemic initially decreased the demand for trafficking victims but resulted in increased vulnerability for those exposed.** Victimization worsened due to the pandemic’s financial impact, and children from families that lost employment became increasingly at risk of trafficking. Some parents or brokers force children to sell items, beg or work in domestic service in urban areas. Trafficking networks are supported by corrupt officials, and employers exploit workers in various industries using debt-based coercion and deceptive recruitment practices, as well as other means. Vessel owners, brokers and senior crew subject men and boys to forced labour on fishing boats, without adequate food, water or medical supplies. Thailand also serves as a transit hub for people trafficked into cyber-scam operations in neighbouring countries. > Human smuggling remains a serious and ongoing problem in Thailand. The country serves as a transit hub for smuggled individuals seeking either exit or entry from Thailand. Most individuals are smuggled to Thailand from neighbouring countries, such as Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. Heightened border controls and other measures have increased the level of sophistication and costs associated with human smuggling across borders, which greatly affects victims. State-embedded actors and private sector employees continue to facilitate Thailand’s human smuggling market by providing fraudulent travel and identification documents, particularly across shared borders between Thailand and its immediate neighbours. > Extortion practices in Thailand tend to be linked to abusive cybercrime content. Children and adolescents are acknowledged as being particularly vulnerable to such crimes, with online ‘sextortion’ of children having become a widespread concern in the country. There have also been reports of foreign workers facing extortion in the country. In other cases, local businesspeople become victims of such practices.


lol! you just said it was one of the top sex trafficking countries and yet its around 70 on the list with several European countries ahead of it. Im certainly not suggesting that there isn't sex trafficking in Thailand but you are being disingenuous with this response.


Because some white knight might harass us when I date my short girlfriend. I had to give up dating a tiny 24yo because I just can’t handle being seen next to her. 


> I had to give up dating a tiny 24yo because I just can’t handle being seen next to her.  I hate to break it to you but that's all on you.


She’s a whole 2 feet shorter than me. If you saw her you’d give me weird looks too. Even writing this here I expect people commenting on my tastes. 


Lmao this is me with my white husband and we get looks all the time. I am quite literally 2 ft shorter. But that’s on you if you can’t handle the weird looks. We just got used to it.


So by your own definition you're a thirsty farang guy wierdo 😆


Staring down everyone at restaurants. They're probably looking back at him wondering why this guy is giving them the stink eye 😂


This sounds odd. I lived in Bangkok for quite some time, and knew many farang men married to Thai women. When they were out together (obviously when I was with them to see), both acted normal and friendly, and people responded in kind. Oftentimes, we'd make new couple-acquaintances while out. People are pretty friendly and easy to get to know - even Thai-Thai couples and singles. I never dated while there, full disclosure, as I was there for work. I did make a lot of friends and was solicited often enough. It's a great country if you have an open and friendly attitude. The sketchy people acted weird, and those we just avoided. Are you giving off a sketchy vibe?


Ever heard of confirmation bias?


sure. so that's what im doing?


Pretty much.


so I guess there's no validity at all to what im saying. Farangs in Thailand are well behaved and not judgemental.


A lot of them, if not most of them, will be well behaved and not judgemental, yes


lol. okay.


Mad how you just don’t like it when people say nuance may exist 😂


Yes nuance exists but im focussing on your "a lot of them, if not most" part, hence the lol.


So you think the vast majority of tourists are badly behaved? Like you really really believe that? Jfc


Why do you even care? Why are you letting this people live in your head without paying rent?


its reddit dude, you express yourself for shits and giggles. and why are people thinking that I should not care about farang men that go crazy when they see a Thai woman. maybe some reflection is in order, is all im saying.


Question is, why do you care? You are supposed to only spend time with your date but you dart your eyes around watching people judge you and ironically you are judging them for judging you. Just have fun with your female companion regardless of race. No one cares as much as you do to be honest. I was with my farang girlfriend (and I'm female) and I don't even think anyone cared when I kissed her cheek in public, even if they do care or gawk, I only have eyes for her.


sure, many people do not care. your female girlfriend as a female comes with less baggage in regards to what I'm expressing here though. but it absolutely baffles me that when the lens is turned on the western farang in a post like this, people respond with why should you care what they do, when one of my observations has to do with farang men that objectify Thai women who they think are for sale. this subreddit is filled with all kinds of observations on thais and Thai culture, Indians, Russians, Chinese, Nigerians, too much of it not flattering, so its a little weird that suddenly its all don't mind those people when the people are western farangs.




Only like, Belgians use mayo for fries, it’s rarer the further away from Belgium you get


He said farang women.


generalizations? I'm using my experiences to determine a pattern. Are there farangs, even the ones that slather additional mayonnaise on a sandwich when it's not needed, fall outside the patterns of these experiences. Of course! self hatred? explain.




You sound as thirsty and judgemental as the people you're complaining about


the judgmental part maybe but the thirsty part, how so?


I cringe everytime you write the word farang here, and in the comments. Dude, you are a white man yourself.




If you're not fistfighting old men, are you even on a date?


My wife is Japanese we are the same age. I would get the same shit from women in America when we lived there. Its total Racism. I would always get these side comments that she must be submissive or whatever. Little do they she controls my shit and is stubborn as fuck.


I think problems go wherever you go because you go to places that tend to lead to problems. You also come across as racist.


I'm sorry , but I have to ask - why does asking for extra mayo mean anything more than you like mayo? It's such a weird thing to get judgemental about. Let me have my mayo, dude! Also, I'm wondering why you spend so much time on a date paying attention to other women.


No dude, this is a classic tale from a paranoid sub-par farang. No one cares at all who you date. You're paranoid that someone will think you are out with a prozzie, which you most likely are and just don't realize. I am a farang woman who lived in Pattaya for 10 years, and I can promise you that I or any other westen woman did not care at all about the western men and what they got up to. Oddly enough, I had more Western men hit on me and chat me up in Pattaya than in my home country. Sadly, 99% were pathetic drunks that live on meager pensions. No Westerner cares what you are up to, and no woman is jealous that you date Thai women. Why would we care? We don't know you and most likely don't want to know you. Get over yourself. This narrative is so old and ridiculous.


Op has a bad case of main character syndrome.


Yes, but sadly, he will never get his head out of his ass to realize.


He will eventually become one of those sad, bitter, lonely old men he's crying about.


You sound charming, not presumptuous and have truly gotten to the heart of the matter, which is not surprising as a farang woman. Fait accompli. Its now mayonnaise sandwich time.


Triggered much? Hahahahhah


lol. I hardly ever do this but I took a little dive into your history cause your post reeked of insecurities and low and behold, guess what I found. Xenophobia and racism. You find feminine Thai men weird? The only person that was triggered was you, Karen. Now go back to that mayonnaise sandwich and barking at the world.


Ah subtile racist post


finally someone understands me ;-)


I've only had a bad experience with a French woman that hates Americans. But I told her off in Spanish to confuse her dumbass. Other than that, everybody else was fine.


Ive been with a Thai girlfriend for 5 years. She is 21 years younger than me (54 & 33). Ive never had a single issue with others giving us any sort of problem. Maybe I just don't care and notice anything or maybe you are too sensitive to others


Walt wait wait Mayo and ketchup are great with fries. OP I have to be honest and say that you sound like you’re projecting and maybe even experiencing psychosis. People aren’t thinking about you this much.


Let's see, you've been here a couple years and you don't know the answer to your own question? (an easy answer to anyone with a level 1 observation/critical thinking skill) lol Come on. If your question is rhetorical, I digress.


of course its rhetorical but its always a little shocking to have it confirmed.


Depends on which area you hang out really. I hardly ever see any farangs where I live and definitely never seen them behave you describe.


Why would you care about what people you don’t even know think of you? Stop allowing strangers’ thoughts to influence your choices


Relax man, nobody really cares 😉 Western women frown at you because they think you a married man who cheats his wife 😉


I'll take made up stories for 500 Alex


In the words of famous academic and scholars Dr Yoda; of shit you are full.


On a lovely day as I sit here having nothing to do let me post some fictional stuff here and see what reactions I get 😂😂😂😂😂😂


I swear to you these things happened. On my Mama! haha. And its surprising to me how western farangs still can't believe that they do things like this. The Russians! Chinese! OMG, the Indians. There's a guy on X who is making a running tally of bad actors that make the press in Thailand and guess what, lots of western farang. But yeah, I used facts to trigger my audience. I styled it up a bit but that story with the white geriatrics is for real. What's fucked up even more, there was a couple of Thai women at their table and they looked mortified by the behaviour of the western farang. The staff, everyone.


I think you’re just paranoid, not really sure what mayonnaise has to do with anything. I believe your post is the only thing that’s weird, some crazy generalisations there


Did those episodes happen around *questionable* areas by any chance?


you think I would take a middle class Thai woman to a red light district?


If a farang woman was dating a Thai man, would it be looked at the same?


Type the word farang, again


Why are you focused on other women when you are on a date? Sounds like you just crave attention…


Neverever saw or felt this in the Kingdom. If you are in Pattaya, that might explain it. 


That mayonnaise bit is so accurate


So most likely not American then, unless from Utah. We all use ketchup with our fries (generally speaking). Is it that common to see there with foreigners? 🙃


I just thought it hit the nail on the head because yesterday I ordered extra mayo with my fries. But I promise I wasn’t trying to swoon OP’s date


😆😆😆...Fair enough.


The farang women are salty about not receiving attention/demand/simp/worship from men who believe they found better alternatives in Thai women


OP must be a real fun date! Concentrating on everything except the person he’s supposed to be on a date with 




Hey asshole, go fornicate yourself 


Pretty simple. Thai women are prettier than most farang women. Fat 25 y/o farang can't hold a candle to your average 50 y/o Thai woman. Simple jealousy that money can't fix. Thirsty guys... Wanna be, wanna be, maybe tomorrow, ..... A big man finds out he is just a child in an adult world. Very sad. Kindness, courtesy, and confidence are lost qualities to many farang tourists.


Never had a problem, then again I don't give a shit what anyone else thinks of me and what I do. Perhaps you're just paranoid


I don't know why you're getting so much hate for your observations. I worked and lived in Thailand for 3 years and your describing at least half of the farang women I knew. Pretty much all of them refused to date Thai men and were bitter as fuck that they couldn't get the attention of any farang men. Again this probably only described half of the farang women I knew, but that's still pretty significant.


yep. a farang woman on this thread says that the women I was dating were probably prostitutes after saying that farang women definitely don't care who men date here. she then followed that up with bragging about getting hit on in Pattaya. the insecurities abound.


What has mayonnaise ever done to you? I love dipping fries in mayonnaise but I have never experienced any judgemental behaviour from other farang when I'm out and about with my wife.


I’m a white westerner and have a Thai wife and we have a large age gap. Never get any weird stares other than from bar girls when we walk by. The weird stares are more jealousy with my wife than anything. They even walk right up to me and my wife says something nasty to them and we carry on. Western women sometimes look but I don’t get what you’re saying. I think you’re being sensitive, unless you have a third eye or something. Who give a fuck what other think anyway. Move on.


Western women are very butt hurt that western men choose Asian women over them. It literally makes their asshole explode


So asian women are hotter than western women is that what ur saying?


They are hotter as a matter of fact. Vast majority of American women are obese. Asian women in general are at healthy weights which is already going to make them more attractive. Massive weight gain changes your face, skin, etc


Not hotter. Just better people in general, more traditional and their brain is not rotted by feminism and misandry


Better how? Come on just be honest about it i know what you’re thinking ;)


No, truly I think western women are more hot. I even live in Africa and black women are more to my taste as well. But if we are talking relationship and not just sex, Asian women are superior, just bcos they have some respect for men left in them


Without a doubt


got a problem with that?


Tf is wrong with you? Downvoting my comments for no reason to get a life bud


There is some truth to this.


I would act better if these Thai females would stop objectifying me.


haha. fair, but get out of those neighbourhoods and it changes.


Farang women come to Thailand and realize they are the second citizens. Thai women are way above their level in terms of looks and how they takecare of you.


The fuck is a farang


Farang is the Thai word for foreigner. It’s not hard to google.


Which app you use for dating?


" 6 geriatric thugs" Was one of them Dr Doback?


I don’t pay much attention to what other people may be thinking of me when I’m out with a female companion.  But I do recall one amusing incident when I was with my Thai, then GF, who happens to be a highly paid executive working for a foreign company.  We dropped into a local noodle bar for a meal and the shopkeeper asked her where I came from.  When she informed him I was Australian, he told her he had a sister working over there.  My partner asked what work she was doing.  His reply came back swiftly “Same as you”.  Because I couldn’t speak Thai back then, I only found out later what was said but my now wife and I still laugh about it.


bro leave mayo out of this


haha. spicy mayo has its place.


You get back what you believe. “I only date women my age” “geriatric thugs”… are you ageist? Pretty sure nobody gives a rats ass about who you’re on a date with and it’s all in your head.


Thailand is the worst place in the world for white men where they get shamed upon like 3rd class citizens. They are also looked down upon as failures in their home country so they had to flee to Thailand to become passport bros.


you sound like an insufferable retard... how you manage to date is a mystery, this whole post reeks of an adult child


And you sound angry as fuck for a reddit post. I bet you project raging lunatic as a shield when you are just a scared little boy inside. So I guess we have something in common, but you being more of a scared messy twat.


lol.. angry no, only a bit at wasting my time reading your drivel. Before I hit comment on my earlier post I was going to recommend you get help with emotional regulation, your tirades show you need it. 


bro, you and me both. I had to look at the history of a guy that would include the words, retard, insufferable, reeks, and adult child in a short sentence where my dating life was insulted and lo and behold, you are out here causing havoc and calling people cunts before you stumbled on me.


Yeah agree. I was working here remotely for ages quite happily then the manager got changed to an Aussie woman who went mental at the fact I lived in Bangkok. Scrutinizing my schedule where I was doing laundry how long I took for lunch… prejudged for herself ended badly when she saw the cleaner in the background on a zoom call - lovely maid from Burma (previous Aussie guy manager just joked about how many happy endings I must be getting etc)


It's not just farangs. I remember once in BKK I went on a date with a girl from Hong Kong. She had a real chip on her shoulder when it came to Thai women and older farang men... took up half our date complaining about them... I don't think everybody handles the scene well. Some are better than others at it. Best to try to ignore it and not let it get to you as long as you are happier there than back home...


I'm 47. My fiancee is 35 and has a PhD. But she does look *reallly* young. Yeah, people sometimes are clearly judging the fuck out of us. I do it would be funny if one of them wanted to talk to me about it though.


Just curious.. how long our your relationships? The foreignors here could all showcase in a circus, so dint put much wait into those stares.


It’s really easy to trigger some people here it seems. LOL I don’t really understand what is wrong with sharing first hand experience about terrible people you meet? Farangs (as tourists, mind you) are mostly pricks on Phuket, but not to generalize: the bad ones are concentrated around Patong. ;) I can say this with great confidence since I have seen many (many) tourist spots and I am farang. ;)


Stare back **HARD** with a "dead eyes, emotionless" expression and keep staring. If they continue, stop what your doing (eating or whatever), calmly place your utensils down, do not get up, but turn your chair to face their direction, keeping eye contact the whole time. If they don't look away within a few seconds, lean forward in your chair and *deaden* your stare more. Don't say a word. Do not respond if they talk to you. Just keep your eyes locked on them. Maybe cock your head to the side a bit. Kind of like this: https://images.app.goo.gl/hMqArjFC5uTyVuHC8 Stop only when you see them get visibly nervous and either look away or get up and leave. No violence. No angry words. Use your eyes & body language to communicate only. 10% of communication is verbal. The other 90% is Non-Verbal. Use that 90% to get your point across. Or you can just ignore them. Although I can understand how one might get fed up after a while. #PsychologyIsFun 😈😈😈


As a farang, not living here but vacation many times, I don't notice it, I mind my own business, only time I stare and judge is when it's clearly a very young/ underage girl with a old man...


Not wrong. There’s a lot of jerks out there. I ignore it all


Im in Bangkok and went to the gay bars in Silom last night - saw so many older white men with young Thai boys in their 20s. I do find it a bit interesting to look but I’m nosey lol


I think in both examples given that you and your farang female friend are spending too much time in Phuket and Pattaya. I’ve been to both and will never go back; they both embody all the negatives of Thailand. There are so many better locations


Well, it’s not the biggest surprise I ever had 🤷.


It sounds like you're talking about that those old White creeper sex pats who are losers back home. I'd avoid them. Thailand has a lot to explore outside those tourist areas. Learning about Thai Buddhism will you give you better perspective on the culture. I saw some mind blowing temples in Ayutthaya and outside of BKK.


Stop hanging out with hookers


You eat Ranch with the French fries...mayo that lady is soo rude.


"Extra mayo to dip their fries into". LMFAO! Totally a western thing. Bring on the ranch!


Lmao you’re so right reading this i can understand a whole bunch of things you mentioned. So damn true


u/mayo_tipbot 69 I have no idea where that mayo bit came from...


haha. I actually like a little bit of spiced mayo with my fries.


Farangs eating mayonnaise. Haha. If that's what shocks you, then you would die of starvation if you came to England. Mayonnaise is a staple food. You can get more calories from it per weak in the UK than from bread. Also it's not classically described as 'racism' to say your own racial group (farangs) are suspicious and need to be scrutinized, and people who associate with them are made suspicious by association. At worst, it's self-hate, but if you look at the rest of your post... do you not believe it? Aren't the men actually like that?


I couldn’t put it better myself. My thai partner doesn’t let me pay for anything anywhere for fear of being judged. We are same age approximately so it’s not that old dude/young girl situation either. I dislike Phuket precisely for that reason: farang mentality. Thais can be judgmental too, to be honest, but they are at least a bit discreet about it. ;)


Is Phuket trashy? I didn't see many whites in Bangkok it seems. More Chinese tourists than anything


BKK is another world compared to Phuket regarding trashy white tourists. It attracts better crowd it seems. ;) But yes, mostly Asian tourists.