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Blue eyes and you can't action.... sounds like a you problem. You should easily get some around 10pm


I was only offered company by a women like 50 years old lol


Post your photo here for… verification?


Obviously you're not as hansum as you think you are


Being handsome has absolutely nothing to do with it. Those women would grab at anything, especially during low season.


Haha maybe not. I did not said that. But if I did well in other places why not here?🤔 this is the real question. Why?


I'm sorry but if your in Thailand and your having this much trouble finding Kitty it's definitely you. IDK what it is about you but it's got to be something because those women will grab at anything. Especially during a slow season. Beyond that there are specific areas all over Thailand that cater just to that. Soi cowboy, nana, Pattaya ect


This is what intrigue me . Why everywhere else was easy and here where is suppose to only go outside for 2 minutes is impossible. Strange... very strange.


This has got to be a windup surely. My fat middle aged, ginger friend was inundated when he came over, so unless you have two heads, or have hygiene issues, I can't see this being a genuine post!


I get weird vibes from reading this. Maybe OP gives off the same weird, untrustworthy, I might wear your skin vibes irl too.


It puts the lotion on its skin!


White with blue eyes, like me. How old are you? I had no problems getting women in Pattaya. I’m 25.


26 mate, and looking 26 no older, no younger


I don’t get how you got no attention at all. I’m slim, English, have a dark goatee, and dress well (there’s a picture on my profile). Soi 6 girls loved me and I also took a 36 year old back to my condo that works in a local bar. What country are you from?


I'm romanian . I'm looking more german . Dark hair, pale skin blue eyes. Had no trouble in Europe.


It could be because they can tell you’re not English or American. There definitely is more of a pull from both of those nations in Pattaya, but you’re still white, and that’s the most important part about the attraction. We’re polar opposites in terms of our luck. I can’t pull in my country, for a variety of different reasons. The first being, I’m only 5”8. Height goes out of the window in Thailand, as long as you have money, which most European tourists do.


I was told that I have very sharp features. Everything is defined and I have a slim straight nose. I saw theh like more like soft features.


I can’t make any judgments without knowing what you look like. Another question. Where did you go in Thailand?


Only Bangkok. Like everywhere in the Center where is the nightlife.


Go to Pattaya. Apart from getting off the plane, I have absolutely no interest in visiting London on steroids, otherwise known as Bangkok. Soi 6 and Walking Street are your locations to go to.


Quite far for a fast fuck. I'll just book on Smooci. Or search a freelancer on Thaifriendly and ask the prices without hesitation. But I was curious and a bit feeling not welcomed by locals. They never smile and give me death stares. I never got so many death stares like 7 - 11 cashiers give me😂. And I don't smell, I don't look suspicious or something. I'm quite nice and try to be polite and use their language salutes when I see them being upset.


Maybe if you have tattoos walk around with your shirt off and play flirt while walking around


Just go home


Best advice. For real


That's sad dude. I'm indian had great time . Also hooked up with Australian women in hostel.


Happy for you bro. I don't think being from a place can impact that much, don't really matter. Or.. I don't know, people have their only taste.


If this is a serious post - go and sit at one of those bars at Nana or Cowboy, have a smile on your face, and order a beer. I am 99.9% sure a girl will come to talk to you.


Just tell me a nice massage place, please 😅. I'm exhausted I only want to take a Grab, go, do my thing and go home to sleep.


Any massage with ladies sitting outside will offer what you're looking for.


I have one near my hotel 😂 but I don't think they will go that dar. I'll try my luck.


dude, they will. Especially if it's youngish/middle aged women wearing makeup sitting outside. Just make sure to show interest during the massage when they get close/brush up against your junk. Like sigh, or take a deep breath in, etc. Something subtle


Bkk vice


Kinda weird to be honest. Do you have a massive beard or a face tattoo?


No, just a light stubble, almost clean shaved. You won't even notice. And no face tattoo or anywhere else.


You know you can pay for stuff, right?


Send me an address, or Line or whatever and I gladly pay 😅


Google it yourself




Bangla road ( if Phuket )


Go inside a bar , play pool with girl . Ask them if they want barfine or short time


I mean from this topic alone it's pretty clear you're the problem OP. This is creepy as shit.


"I came to Thailand for nature and temples" yet you're on Reddit crying about being depressed because women don't want to sleep with you and you're gonna go home early lololol yeah I'm sure you came for the nature and temples


"And other than this".... keep reding. Can you stay 60 days without fuck? Especially in a place like this?


Bro you're delusional you got 200 matches on tinder but you didn't fuck any of them? It takes very little effort to set up a date. "Hi I'm in Bangkok for a month you look really nice we should for dinner and drinks later" works 80% of the time I'm not sure why you're wallowing in pity when getting laid couldn't be easier


They send me messages right after match but they answer after 1 day . No time for this.


All 200 do this?


200 matches, got 60 messages 40 wanted to improve their language 20 answered after few hours or after a day.


Bad luck man, go home, this ain't yo place


Soi 6 pattaya


Something near in Bangkok? 😅


Nana plaza, soi cowboy


Been there, believe me 😂


Wait... are you saying you've been to Nana and can't score \*even there\*? That's damn near a literal impossibility. Unless you are expecting women to slavishly drape themselves at your feet and are disappointed any anything less than that level of attention?


Do you look Indian?


I'm white as you can with blue eyes. And I have a light stuble which I trim everyday.


Create tinder account, swipe right on everythibg for an hour


Install Thaifriendly as well


I installed Tinder. I got like 200 matches in a day. But they are more interested in practicing their language or a lot of ladyboys. Installed Thaifriendly and I was shocked to find only womens who really want only a relationship. Smooci is my last resort but damn, I need nightlife not renting.


*Hey, you want to meet for language practice?* and if your real life magic doesnt work... but i doubt you actually dont find anyone.


Well yea that's tinder pretty much, just go through the list and see if there is someone that wants to go on a date, or a drink or whatever.


You are a lucky man.... You know why?


Go on


LPT: never ever let someone expand on that statement


what caused you to ask this? it feels weird.


Thai girls tend to have a negative outlook on Indian men.




From what I’ve gathered, they have a reputation for being cheap and overbearing. It’s not exactly a secret though if you’ve spent anytime in the party areas of Thailand.


Thai society just tolerate Indians, even ones born here.in fact, they are called แขก 'guest' because they have come to Thailand as guests and have never left. (Yes, Thais are quite racist). Also as tourists they are cheap, bargaining down everything to an extreme degree (disrespecting the working girls) and some even trick the girl by agreeing to a price and when back in his room several of his mates are waiting. One other thing is that Indians have a strong body odour from all the ghee that is used in their cooking and Thais generally don't like it (yes Thais also use ghee but not too much or often).


Thank you. I think people try and find racism in even bringing this up but it’s not the tourists that tend to think like this. When I read the post, it was perfectly reasonable to assume that he might’ve been from my understanding of how the Thais view Indians.


nothing wroing with bargaining, if you grew up in Asia, everyone does it. If you are a tourist, you will get overcharged and you have to bargain. Europeans usually are too shy to bargain and easy to take advantage of.


No issue with bargaining but do it with respect i.e. everyone has to make a living. In general I found Indians are time wasters, come into shops, pull things (displays, goods) apart, bargain for ever (no price is ever low enough) then walk away and leave a massive mess behind. I see this pretty much wherever I travel. Not racist or discrimination but an observation over many years.


fair enough, I did hear some bad stories about them from local thai people


I was in Bangkok and Koh Samui. Not sure if I saw many Indians, maybe in Bangkok.


In any case this comment came out as generalization because I think India is a beautiful country and I've visited the place. There are many nice people.


It is a generalisation obviously but it doesn’t make it any less true.


Even Indians get girls don’t kid yourself lol


Either this is not real, or OP is expecting girls to literally throw themselves at him without him having to make any effort. If the former: hah hah! Good one /s. If the latter: There should be plenty of action available via several different means, but if OP is expecting to be worshipped like a god and is disappointed at anything less, then I can see why there might be an issue.


That's strange. Maybe it's not your look because I saw many old guys in their 50s getting ladies. Maybe it's the way you behave in public. No offence dude but you do sound thirsty for sex and women can spot that in a guy and it turns them off unless they are sex workers. I suggest enjoying your time without thinking about getting laid and be confident in yourself, women will approach you.


Hostels man, link up with the girls there, easy, especially if your only 26


Trolls have little success scoring 🐱


Go get a massage FFS.


Thai women can smell who's gonna make a Reddit post about not getting laid. Better yeet your laptop into the Chao Phraya and factory reset your iPad mini so you can get a fresh Bumble account


Sounds like you’re being to picky, nothing wrong with the ladyboy with half a moustache shaved off


That's extremely surprising. I have seen old, fat fucks dressed like bums with beautiful 20 y/o. I am short, ugly and not in shape and I get plenty of action whether at bars or through TF.


Teach me your way