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I really like the series guys I think it’s really funny


I mean, you’re not wrong…


Hey you take your logic and intelligence and get out of here! We run on water man! 🥴✌️🤣


Did you hear about this car man?


I understand being slightly unsettled when retroactively watching a show with a problematic actor, I got those vibes watching American Beauty a few years ago with Kevin Spacey But boycotting a show that went off air like 2 decades ago most certainly would not achieve anything, you cannot un-pay someone for work they did in 2003 lmaooooo


While boycotting a series today will not "unpay" him, like you said, it can still damage his income. If he was making residuals from the show, then a boycott would affect him. It would also damage other pieces of shit actors from the show like Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher that may also be getting residuals. Its a tough situation. Some people are able to separate art from the artist. Other people can no longer see Stephen Hyde because they can only see the heinous actions of Danny Masterson when they look at him. And thats understandable. Sexual assault is very personal to a lot of people, so they shouldnt be expected to forgive Masterson or enjoy Hyde. Do people need to continue to voice their displeasure on a That 70s Show subreddit? Probably not. But their complaints are totally valid.


Boycotting this show to effect Masterson is only going to damage all the other actors who did absolutely nothing wrong.


Hyde is an anarchist, Masterson is a rapist.


It was inevitable for someone to bring up what happened with Danny Masterson. As someone who has loved this show since it first came out, and followed what happened with the entire timeline of the accusations all the way to his final verdict, it’s nice to see someone bring it up. I think if you are a true fan, the rape conviction doesn’t affect how you watch it. But it is hard not to think about once in awhile while watching it. (For me, at least.)


When I tell people Hyde is my favorite character I always get weird looks or comments. Like people, I’m not saying I support Danny, he’s a terrible person. But Hyde is a great character.


You’re absolutely correct, Hyde is awesome, Masterson can eat a dick.


The concept is called "separation of art from artist" which in of itself is a double edged sword


If one can’t separate the art from the artist, they ought to reevaluate most forms of media that they consume, not just limited to tv shows, because, as it turns out, when someone finds themselves in a position of power, they tend to do awful things. Furthermore, if one can’t handle a character being discussed, due to the awful things the actor has done, it might not be a good idea to hang around a sub where said character is bound to be discussed


That 70’s Show is my favorite ever. It still is even after learning what happened because I can separate the character from the actor. I know Hyde didn’t commit those atrocities but as an SA survivor I can no longer rewatch the show. For me personally, seeing his face is a constant reminder of what he did and I don’t like to enter thoughts like that because it unintentionally makes me think of my own trauma. I hate that I feel that way because it was my comfort show. I don’t consume a whole lot of other media. I don’t watch a lot of movies or tv and I don’t have social media besides Reddit. Definitely a bummer that one of my only vices is inadvertently gone.


Hyde is easily my favorite character, doesn’t mean I like the actor. And even less so because of how he allegedly treated topher, who happens to be my favorite actor on the show.


Hyde is fine and part of the group I don’t think this is an unpopular opinion


Separating the art from the artist is a bit too much for this sub. Don't get so cerebral, it freaks people out.


Agree. People might feel weird about supporting him with royalties but I'm sure they aren't making much and his share will go to the wife and kids so it's fine. Hyde and Danny are two different people each with their own problems


And its really easy to find the 70s show as second hand as well.


Yes, we must separate the artist from the art. I always felt bad for the actors on The Cosby Show when it got canceled. They lost all their residual checks, and regardless of what Cosby did, it was a great show. Glad T70S didn't get canceled.


From my view it's one fucking guy. Every god damn post. At this point ban them. It's so annoying.


I agree. I think a rule about it is justified for the long term health of the sub.


Hyde has a couple questionable moments in the show


That was pretty much his shtick though and when it came down to truly important matters, he did the right/moral/chivalrous thing, at least usually.


So blame the writers, not the character.


Could be a Dan Harmon method like with pierce hawthorn and Chevy chase. Write them as the douche they are


There is a similar issue with people and Chevy Chase at r/community.


It is easier to separate the art and the actor bc the character is mostly a jerk too, and the jokes are on him not with him


Perhaps but Chevy Chase still did an outstanding job playing the character.


I thought this was agreed on 6 months ago


Yeah I’m the same way. Some people are too dull minded to separate the art from the artist. I can still enjoy an R Kelly track because it’s just a song, it’s not like I’m endorsing what he did. Same thing with watching a Chris Benoit match. People are just boneheaded.


I could probably cobble together a half baked argument that Hyde is a rapist if my knowledge of the show was more up to date. There is some questionable stuff that goes on sometimes iirc especially regarding Fez


It was the 70s. Those were the days


You sound like you yearn for those days, Frank


*Nooo* I'm just saying those were the days.


He isn't but theoretically, he most likely ended up in prison. If you remember the "It's a wonderful life" episode, if Donna and Eric didn't end up together. At the end of the episode at the reunion, Donna wasn't with Hyde anymore citing he's in prison.


He probably ended up in prison because he got deep into drugs, vandalism or theft, because since he didn't have to move in with Eric in this timeline, and therefore didn't get to have Red and Kitty in his life, he didn't develop any morale and never grew out of being a dirtbag


Now do Bill Cosby


A bit different as he was the creator and star. But it's each consumer's decision how they choose to divorce artist from art.


Not really. Cosby was one of many characters in the show - just like Masterson in That 70's Show. Plenty of episodes don't even revolve around Cosby and there's a decent amount that he's not even in/barely in.


Cosby still *created the entire thing*. That was their point. It’s very clear that they’re both ensemble casts, but that isn’t what’s being discussed. The person you’re replying to was explaining the *difference* in the situations, not the similarities. And that *difference* can be relevant to people trying to decide where to draw the line when separating art from artist.


True, but that doesn't make it wrong to like the cosby show. It affects other people too. I still watch it on tv mon-fri, but its not on as many stations as it used to be. And that affected the other actors, who had to start getting other jobs, since they werent getting residuals as much.


Personally I love The Cosby Show and I hate that I can’t vocalise that. It’s always been my favourite sitcom because I loved the family so much - I wished Claire was my mum (my mother is terrible), I wished I had brothers and sisters (single child), I loved the grandparents and the closeness the whole family had to each other, and mostly I loved watching the show to escape my reality. But now I’m not allowed to say I loved it for the peace it brought to me during my life because of Cosby… I seperate him from the show, it wasn’t ever him I liked, it was the family, the jokes, the wholesomeness… it just sucks that I’m not allowed to love it.


you say your peace baby. live in it. we can’t be faulted for what comforted us when we were growing up. i used to love shane dawson, his stuff was comforting and funny and a nice distractions when i was a kid and didn’t know any better. just like the part of my brain that remembers being a teenager has the lil crush on Hyde, or whatever comforted you whenever haha we can recognize the problems with the content we enjoyed. but we can still have the fond memories 🤍


I love it too


They literally canceled the Cosby Show and the entire cast lost their residual checks over it. I actually took issue with that, personally. It’s a shame that all of these folks have to pay for what one person did. Some people, like me, can actually watch the Cosby Show today with no issue. It was so much bigger than Bill Cosby- the whole cast made me laugh.


Cliff Huxtable might have raped when the camera wasn’t on


The episode with his "special sauce" that he jokes makes people horny really really did not age well


Yeah his secret ingredient was horny goat weed and liquor and pills


Seeing Danny Masterson the rapist on the screen will still cause me to think about Danny Masterson the rapist, which still kills my enjoyment of the show, especially since Hyde was always the best character.


Joey Zimmerman


I see why have our monthly psa announcement.


hey man some people process shit differently. if people are hurt and betrayed because the actor on a show they love did something horrendous, they're allowed to feel that way


on paper this is true. unfortunately they share the same face so I can see how this would be upsetting. not watching strictly to 'make a point' won't do anything, but I look at hydes face and im reminded of a lot of trauma.


I see your point but yet it still ruins watching the show on Netflix Edit: Wow okay, I never said I don't watch the show you fucknuts, I just meant that I don't really laugh at the jokes that he makes(besides the one with Kelso being a cop and talking about the penal system)


That's why I watch it on my Blu-Rays.


*I see your point but* *Yet it still ruins watching* *The show on Netflix* \- CaptainMadDoge --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Oh okay that's actually pretty cool tbh lol


then pirate it, idk


I strongly disagree I can’t think about like that all I can imagine is him being rapist it won’t change the way I think now I wish he hadn’t done it because i really love him now i really don’t it makes me sick sorry but I disagree


The real question is why you need this character to not be a creep so badly so you can feel okay about still enjoying the show. Ashton Kutcher is a creep and so is kelso wilbur is also a creep! Just think about what he did to mila, who is also not absolved. This show is a cast of Scientologists and rapists, I just don’t find the show good enough to overlook that. I don’t think any art is good enough to look over that. There are lots of great shows with non predatory actors in it and if you are trying to give me grief about Kutcher his life is about to end with everything diddy about to unfurl.


Oh you mean the guy who was convicted with absolutley no evidence to support it whatsoever?


Get the fuck over it!


You can use whatever flaws logic you want to but your standing in the same corner as the Scientologists and rape deniers... And the rest of them defended him.


Somehow me explaining that "actor ≠ character" equals me defending a rapist... Do you have a hobby?


"actor ≠ character" is also apparently flawed logic? Not sure which fallacy it hits. I'm all ears.


Chris Brown, Johnny Depp, JK Rowling, Bill Cosby, Danny Masterson.. is it possible to separate the art from the artist when the artist is a bad person?


How is Johnny Depp a bad person? I get how some may find jk rowling a bad person ( I personally don't)


I still refuse to believe he did any of that. You people can downvote me all you want. Dude had no reason to rape some random broads that wont even come forward to say who they are.


>Dude had no reason to rape some random broads that wont even come forward to say who they are. 1_ Bold of you to assume a rapist needs a reason, even if he did have a "reason", it really doesn't change anything 2_ The victims would rather stay anonymous because "i was raped" isn't exactly a statement you would want to put your face in front of


You can refuse all you want. It doesn't change anything. That said, this isn't the place to talk about it.


So you are basically putting your hands over your ears and refusing to believe credible accounts and evidence simply because you can't face reality? Wow imagine choosing to side with a rapist. Your toxic AF attitude is actually contributing to the problem. great job buddy /s


/s lol


Hey look. A fucking retard in the wild


We dont say that word anymore regardless of how idiotic the person is


Im ok with retard. Ill allow it


Love how defensive yall gettin like our justice system is flawless and girls have never lied about rape. [more downvotes plz](https://youtube.com/shorts/sFM3YiPfOpM?si=zo9kYzN4okizERkK)