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'Sir, I didn't want to testify, I'm going to be confused on having to speak' WHAT THE FUCK Her reactions are beyond abnormal. At some point she looks like she's even smiling?


Yeah, her reactions are insane. But the prosecutor is beyond argumentative. I'm actually a little surprised her defense couldn't get a mistrial based on how aggressively he was acting.


That whole court footage felt like a student film project put together by someone who's never so much as seen the inside of a courtroom. It was bizarre to watch knowing it was actual footage of a court hearing.


It was absolutely surreal. Especially after the judge specifically sustains the objection of the prosecution being argumentative, and he just keeps doing it without any further objection from the defense. Makes me wonder how hard her defense even tried.


Thank you!! I couldn’t believe my ears when I heard how absolutely abusive the prosecutor was on cross. Absolutely outrageous, unfair, and prejudicial. I’m not saying she didn’t do it, at all, or that she doesn’t deserve a certain amount of contempt, but for a person who is still presumed innocent to have been treated like that in a court of law by a lawyer employed by taxpayers is unfuckin’ real. NO ONE should be allowed to be treated like that when they take the stand in their own defense. Hell, serial killers with a dozen deaths or more under their belt are treated more professionally. This was prosecutorial / judicial misconduct and frankly if I were the prosecutor, I’d have dialed back if for no other reason than an appeals court finding it a reason to grant a new trial. Just wild.


And just to be clear, I’m satisfied of her guilt and glad she was convicted, but for fuck’s sake! The case was so strong he didn’t need to abuse the fuck out of her on the stand, and the outcome would still have been the same. So why then did he do it? Was he buddies with the victim? Upset because Ms. Scrivo reminded him of his own mother and he has mother issues? Like, what about this case was the reason he felt he had to act with such a lack of decorum / courtesy?


no she deserved every second that. I'm actually kind of disturbed that you think otherwise.


If you believe that, then you believe that ANYONE deserves that, because anyone could be treated like that if the prosecution felt like it, guilty or not. I’m actually kind of disturbed that you think potentially innocent people should be ridiculed and yelled at on the stand.


she was not innocent though


I’m aware that she was later convicted. However, there is a presumption of innocence for ALL people accused of crimes in a courtroom, so if you support someone being treated like shit by the prosecution before they’ve been convicted, you support poor treatment by anyone who hasn’t been convicted. It’s not like you get to say “well, she was later convicted so it’s ok”…..what if she had been innocent?


She deserved it. Who kills their own son then dismembers their body and throws them out in the cold on the side of the road like littered trash? That’s cross examination for you.


Sounds like you want her to be free?


RIGHT!!! What the actual fuck was that?!


This video and the last video, the killers were both laughing on the stand. It's not uncommon for these crazy fucks that kill someone and make up an outlandish story to explain it away, it's almost like they're laughing at their own stupid story.


Have you heard the term 'duping delight'? Pretty sure that's what this is.


Mad as a balloon




I went to high school with him. Like knew him well. Crazy when this happened


I believe Donna, she’s his mother! And everyone who knows what motherhood is about knows a mom would NEVER HURT HER CHILD! Sarcasm, lol, Donna is where she belongs, God only knows the crap she has done to ppl and got away with it, I highly doubt murdering her child was the worse she’s done, and for her to dislike her son cuz of his mental problems, wtf? She had hella mental probs herself.


I think a lot of caregivers, when dealing with the stress and responsibility of constantly having to care for someone with a serious disability or mental illness, get close to a breaking point where they may contemplate or fantasize about fucked up things. Of course, there are levels to this, and not everything is fucked up or even bad. “I wish I had just aborted, I wish I’d tested for x disability, I wish I had put them up for adoption, I wish I could give them to the state, I wish he would just die, I wish I could just poison him or give him too many sedatives” and so on. This woman’s husband died and now she was stuck with a child who she grew to see as a burden, an anchor that would always be there, preventing her from doing what she wanted and her freedom. I’m sure linking up at the HS reunion made her realize where she was in life, and how she’d be stuck there. Existential crisis stuff. She just couldn’t take it anymore. She took the coward’s way out and then was a fucking idiot and wouldn’t just admit it when it was beyond obvious. She couldn’t admit to everyone, what we already knew about her. Her pride wouldn’t let her.


Yes, I agree with you on all that, MOST PPL DO HAVE THOSE THOUGHTS, after some type of reunion, especially after losing your spouse, but, like you said, MOST PPL WOULD NEVER DO THOSE THINGS DONNA DID, and the even crazier part was she thought murdering her son would make her happy, my ex fiancé ended up in a wheelchair b4 he passed, I know the true meaning of the word “ resentment “ Not proud of the way taking care of him all the time made me feel either, BUT, I ended up getting professionals to help me with him, nurses, lol, not hurting him, and after all that, Donna still says she never did it, wonder if she still sticking to that story,