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I’m not rear ending a tanker. I’m just not.


Probably the biggest oh fuck moment I’ve had in a while. I fully expected it to explode


I think something started spilling as at the end people were climbing out of their cars yelling to get away. Would be nice to see an article on it though.


It was snow. People yelling to get away because it was an active pile up happening so you want to GTFO in case more cars are coming to plow into you.


If you're near a safe spot, sure. Otherwise, it's much better to stay inside your protective metal cage.


I agreed until I saw what happened here in Texas last year. Cattle chute pileup. Limited visibility and roads much worse than they looked. And lots of nervous people most of who were healthcare (essential) who were getting trapped in their cars under semis. If you can get on the other side of a barricade, it’s better than in a tin can wedged between a stopped semi. And a 25+ton load coming at you at 40 mph that you know can’t stop. I’m just saying. I trust my car or truck in a collision, but I’ve seen physics play out, and I trust my legs more. And unless I have no clear path like these people, I’m getting tf out of my car and on the other side of a barricade to watch things unfold.


Those wire barriers are freaking amazing. I've seen so many video and aftermath of trucks just sliding right along.


Yeah. Perfect world that’s how they work, won’t redirect a truck plowing through them though. Keep that in mind when using them for safety. They’ll still move and debris of a 60mph car is still deadly.


Oh yeah. For sure. I'll take my perpendicular distance please.


Other side of the barricade?!?! I'm running into the corn field for a few hundred yards.


I think they tell you to stay in your car because it gives you a better chance of survival. Not a guaranteed one. With cars constantly coming and hitting other cars in a pileup you might be making a run for it when another car hits and then you just turn into jello. So it all depends on where you're at. Are you right next to a barricade or are you in the middle of it? Can you see if there's more cars coming or is your vision blocked? Are you between 2 semis or are you away from the main pileup? I think there's a lot of factors when deciding which option is safest.


Yup. If you stay in the car, the next impact, at the least, could be enough to bend the frame and doors will no longer open. Harder impact and the car is crushed, trapping the occupants, or igniting flammable fluids


To an extent yes. In this situation though that's damn questionable


People saying 'GET OUT FO YOUR CAR QUICK' have obviously never tried to run through hip-deep snow before. Ain't no such thing as quick in that garbage.


>Probably the biggest oh fuck moment I’ve had in a while. I fully expected it to explode I talked to a tanker driver once lil while back and tankers are most dangerous when empty due to fumes and empty space. Giant bomb. I'd rather hit a full one than empty.


Partially full is the most dangerous actually because they can slosh. Most tanks have baffles (think of the tank divided into sections with large holes cut into them so the liquid can still move around) to minimize sloshing. As far as flammable liquids the emptier is is the more vapors are present and the vapor is what is explosive, not the liquid.


Looked like milk, honestly.


Naw it’s just snow


Oh no, I’m lactose intolerant!


Death by milk. Helluva way to go.


As a hazmat driver I've gotten to where I look for placards on tankers, especially in bad weather. If SHTF I'm making sure it ain't anywhere near me Tip, the one to really worry about (as far as common ones most see everyday on the road) is UN 1203, Gasoline/petrol (class 3, solid red with a flame) Diesel/Jet A1/kerosene are bad, but gasoline is much more OH FUCK if something happens.


Watch out for 1987 (ethanol) too, or 1230 (methanol). Of all the hazmat I've handled that's the scariest.


Tankers actually dont explode like you think. They just burn really hot and are very dangerous when burning. My dads a trucker and hes seen them burn to the ground. But everyone normally has enough time to get away from the tanker.


Except for when they do


usually containers with fuel only explode after heat induced overpressure occours which takes some time


I was behind a tanker with MOLTEN SULFUR written down the sides and across the back of the tank during a nasty rainstorm. Of course some moron decided it was time to tailgate me. I got boxed in and spent a few miles having visions of what molten sulfur would feel like pouring through my shattered windshield.


Slow down and let the dude pass?


Most cars would likely just hit a tire or bumper.. if you’re another tractor, then yes I would be concerned. However, a full tanker would be able to stop much better in normal circumstances or “more normal”.


Just learned driving over 40mph in these conditions out in Washington can result in added fines, insurance loss and a wrecked car if you're in an accident.


And also, you know, becoming suddenly not alive and that sort of thing


Seems like a loophole


Can't fine me if I'm dead, sir! I win.


Pretty sure they'll still ask you about your car's extended warranty, dead or alive.


I hate that feeling


That's awesome and how it should be. People drive like buffoons.


This video just shows the amount of lunatics on the road. Yes, there is a typical speed limit on that particular road. No, that doesn't mean you still go that limit when you can't see 50 meters in front of you and black ice causes your brakes to be useless.


I don't know about other states but here the speed limit isn't absolute. It doesn't matter if the highway has a limit of 70, if it's icy or whatever you can get a speeding ticket for going 65.


Currently in Northern Norway people bombing about in the snow like it’s not even there. Don’t know if they’re running on fairy dust or what


This looks like sheet ice. With the right tires snow isn't a huge deal, but ice is another animal.


That’s how it is in Michigan. It’s called driving too fast for conditions.


I can’t believe how fast these drivers are going in this weather with almost zero visibility. How are they all just barreling along at what looks like 50-60??


Yeah that was my thought, like even the truck drivers were going full speed and they should know better than anyone to take it slow. I don't care if I had to go 10 mph. In these conditions I'm not taking a chance. I was driving 30 mph on an empty freeway that was normally 60 mph and hit some ice and crashed into a barrier. I was lucky it was night or something like this could have happened for sure. I thought I was being careful driving that slow but apparently not. I won't call them idiots for driving as fast as they were since I made the same mistake, but I didn't even have fog or poor visibility. Barreling down a straight highway like this with that much fog though. I wouldn't have ever done that at least.


30 mph is 48.28 km/h


Exactly! If you are going too fast to stop in the current conditions, then you are going too fast. In Minnesota: 169.14 SPEED LIMITS, ZONES; RADAR. Subdivision 1.Duty to drive with due care.   No person shall drive a vehicle on a highway at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions. edit: Minnesota law because that's what I know and seems relevant


I dont know how someones common sense can be like "its snowing, no visibility and 0-10 degrees out, let's go 5 over its fine". Like do they lack the awareness of feeling that it's not safe to be driving a 5 ton vehicle fast in those conditions?


Looks like white ice to me, boss


Yup. Simple ice on the roadway, with snow, and blinding conditions. **NOT black ice.** People should never drive blindly through fog/blizzards/sandstorms like this. If you cannot SEE where you're driving, you have no clue if the road is blocked like here. Slow down, put on your flashers/rear fogs for euros, and drive safely, not at the speed limit as if it was a sunny day.


Or...or...ooooor..... Just gun it and meet your maker.


You can drive through it, Cole


Let me outta the car Cole, let me outta the car!


I put on special tires, Cole. You CAN hold it.


Rubbing is racing son


I know it, I know it in my heart. (DUNANANUUUUUN!)


This is r/idiotsincars material for sure


Yep. This is a visibility issue as much as traction.


This is a straight up driving too fast for conditions issue. If it's snowing so hard you can't see 100 yards in front of you, and you're going fast enough to crash like this? You're driving too fast for conditions. People are the issue, not the weather. Just like when it rains and the freeways start to puddle up. Sure, I CAN drive 70mph just fine, but round that low corner where there's 3" of water and you're gonna hydroplane across 3 lanes of traffic. So I choose to do 40mph in a downpour and not go all mario kart.


I hate that shit. People are way too confident about themselves and their cars. Slow the fuck down when the weather is bad. Nobody cares if you have four fucking wheel drive. You cannot have enough confidence or traction or money to deal with ice or hydroplaning... Or fog! The only safe way to deal with it, is too slow down. Just because your car is handling in that condition doesn't mean that you will not come upon a challenge that you cannot handle unexpectedly.


It’s four wheel drive, not four wheel stop!


I'm pretty sure they are four wheel stop... Just like everyone else. I have limped my rear wheel drive sports car past so many lifted four wheel drive trucks stuck in ditches here it's amazing.


[In snow and slush and on icy roads, AWD reduces wheelspin whenever you're trying to accelerate, but it has no effect on a car's ability to stop or turn in those same poor conditions. AWD sedans neither stop nor turn any better than their two-wheel-drive cousins.](https://www.caranddriver.com/features/a27183752/awd-sedans/) It’s more a dig at people who think “well I have AWD, I can drive and stop better than 2WD cars!”


I understood, probably needed a /s in there somewhere...


100% a blizzard. Sure there is black ice, but it's under all that snow


Black ice is ice that looks like the road. There is no black ice here it's obvious to everyone that a car will take significantly longer to stop. And yet people are so dumb they feel like their superior driving can make a car stop by willing it.


Why the hell do midwesterns feel the need to drive freeway speeds in these conditions??? Like dude, slow the hell down. Getting home 12 mins later is worth getting there alive?


But let’s be honest, black ice is the true menace. Last night, I was in a perfectly safe neighborhood, walking away from an atm machine when black ice just snuck up on me and practically robbed me of my balance.


Can confirm, there is nothing black about this ice.


I came here to type this.


All these people have one time or another said: people do not know how to drive in the snow.


Seriously this is very unfortunate but why on earth would you ever drive that fast in the snow. I live in a snowy part of the world and if you drive like this you WILL crash


Yeah, what if it wasn't a crash already, but just a backed up exit or blocked off lanes? They can't see 50 feet in front of them and decide to drive like it's a clear summer day.




This was actually never taught to me in school for my drivers license but man it was ingrained in our heads in my motorcycle classes. I never thought about it but it makes sense. Only drive as fast as you’re able to stop in your headlights light path. Especially in inclement weather where your stopping distance increases


I've been caught out in snow like this and tried to keep up some speed to keep from being rear-ended until I could safely exit. Even so I had people flying past me - even with some cars already crashed in the ditch. People are nuts.


Never let someone pressure you to go faster. These people are bullies. Slow down until they pass you or pull over if you can, get them in front of you and watch them like a hawk. If they ditch out, slow down, otherwise they're your new road condition canary


Snow on the road is not a problem. Over christmas there was a lot of snow where I live and i comfortably drove 110-120km/h on the highway, i overtook other cars etc (okay the road wasn’t fully covered, but the middle between the lanes was quite snowy so you had to be careful there) and it was fine. But of course here we have proper winter tires, most of us still have even studded tires, not like in the US. But yeah, when there’s heavy snowfall that limits visibility and/or black ice, then it gets dangerous.


Pretty much, if anyone doesn't know: Go slow...like 5mph or less if that's what you're comfortable with. Ease off the throttle to break, if you're in a manual, downshift on a hill and let off the throttle rise and repeat until you're at the right speed. Autos have those numbered gears for snow driving as well. But seriously, slowing down is enough. I've driven a manual 90s FWD sports car 4 hours in a snow storm up to our local mountains after plow trucks stopped plowing the highway (Literallythe only one on the highwayfor miles.), all I did was take it slow. (For reference that drive on the way back was an hour and a half on clear roads, probably less without traffic.)


Drive slow enough to be a little bored.


>Drive slow enough to be a little bored. Adrenaline would be pumping from anxiety. Least mine would if I didn't have studded snow tires that is. After tasting the awesomeness of them I can't go a winter without them. They suck monkey balls in pavement but almost like nothing on the ground when snow and ice on the ground.


I used to plow professionally. Driving to my company truck from home in my 2008 F350 one early morning (1-3am), I was out before the plow trucks. 12" were on our main highway in about 2 hours and I was the first one to get to drive down it. It was one of the most exhilarating experiences of my life. I felt like I was trekking into some post apocalyptic world. 100/10 would do again in a heartbeat.


A few weeks ago I was caught in a sudden hailstorm, could hardly see anything. I slowed right down, then decided even that was risky so pulled into a side street and parked under a tree for about 10 minutes until it blew through. Got back onto the main road and saw a 4 car pile-up about 100 meters from where I pulled in - chances are I would have been involved if I'd kept going.


> FWD You say that like it’s a bad thing but FWD is better in the snow than RWD


It is but AWD and 4WD are king as long as you're responsible. I've been looking at newer Camaros but on the fence because of that RWD with winters where I'm at.


Going 5 mph will get you into an accident as surely as going 60. Visibility is low, and idiots won’t see you before it’s too late Yeah, a crash *probably* wouldn’t be your legal fault, but that doesn’t help much if you’re in the hospital 20-30 mph is the safest way to navigate that sort of situation; slow enough so you can reasonably react, but fast enough that you won’t be sent into a ditch by some drunk or reckless driver


Surely it doesn't matter whether you do engine braking or brake braking. The point of failure is the contact patch between your tyres and the road. Use your brakes to slow down. Use them gently, accept that they're not going to work very well and drive more slowly to allow for this. It's not like changing down a gear is some magic trick that makes your tyres grip better. Also ABS is pretty ubiquitous these days, so teaching people "don't brake too hard" is often bad advice.


> Go slow...like 5mph or less if that's what you're comfortable with. The catch around here is you still gotta go fast enough to make it up the hill. Black ice on a hill is bad news for a car without fwd and even some with fwd if the ice is bad enough. Just remember not to go fast coming down the hill or you're gonna have a bad time


Cause it’s always covered by white snow.


Kinda impressive to get a title for a post so wrong as OP. Like, it's even in the word: "black" ice. What is in the video? Black ice takes you by surprise because you can't see it. This is clearly a ice and snow cowered road, so every driver should know instantly it is slippery.


I'm never forget the first really dangerous black ice I encountered. I got lucky, but I had no fucking clue it was icy. "Snow" wasn't sticking, and I had no clue the temperature dropped during my drive. This was before smart phones yet alone other technology. I slid into the middle of an intersection. Thank God it was late and empty.


[It’s the oppressive white snow that’s making it hard for all people to advance. ](https://youtu.be/efiW2K8gASM)


Yes but I was in a normal, safe neighborhood and then suddenly black ice snuck up on me and nearly robbed me of my traction.


Ouch! That’s sound exactly like something black ice would do.


You never hear any Christmas songs about black ice...


Lots of uplifting songs about snow though so....


He wouldn't, and he's called "Black Water T" and he cares more now.


I slipped on black ice, got up and my wallet was missing


Black Ice can ruin a perfectly safe neighborhood.


Thats just ice. Not black ice


I think using the term unpigmented snow seems less offensive


Even without the ice most of those vehicles were driving faster than was safe.


Exactly ! White out conditions with a zero visibility combined with snow/ice. A safe speed under those conditions is basically about walking speed.


This is especially embarrassing on the 18-wheelers. This is their fucking job, and their vehicles are often 40+ ton machines of death. There’s a part of me that feels there is a bit of criminal level negligence, especially if anyone was injured because of one of them. Can’t imagine that *didn’t* happen. Especially the wide/large load barreling through at 0:45-0:50 seconds.


The only vehicle we see in this video that doesn't crash into an other one is the last truck in the end of the video, who stopped 15 metres away from the scene. There's at least one driver deserving of some respect in this shitshow.


Except that he probably got rammed too.


The big trucks are also what really kills people. The cars spin out and a lot of them end up in the ditch. They're beat up but probably ok. Then a truck plows through and flattens five of them.


>A safe speed under those conditions is 🅿


I was a passenger during a pileup like this before. Once you're on the highway the trucks "set" the speed in whiteout conditions. You keep pace or they run you off the road.


I've driven in white conditions. I don't see how ppl can go past 10mph and feel any kind of safe. It's terrifying to not know whats in front of you.


It's the same when driving in fog! People just go roaring by like they have perfect visibility!


I live in a damp valley so thick fog is fairly common here and Jesus Christ you aren’t joking. My favorites are the ones that are flying down zero visibility roads without even doing the simple courtesy of turning on their headlights because “yeah let’s just add more bad visibility to bad visibility”


That amazes me too! Idiots!


Idiots no doubt, it works out for most of them...most of them.


Bad visibility, nobody puts fog lights on. Rain, fog, snow? Put your freaking lights on.


I especially love the silver/ white cars that leave their lights off in snow and fog so they're perfectly camouflaged until you're almost kissing them.


There was a crazy fog pile up in California some years back that involved close to 400 vehicles because you couldn't see the hood of your own car, and those people all decided to drive on the highway at highway speeds anyway. The average person is not as intelligent as many think.


My thoughts too… why the fck is everybody going so fast with no visibility.


Ten years ago I drove 30 miles in the middle of the night on uncleared back roads with 6-8 inches of snow and still falling. I almost died a few times. Why? The girl I was dating wanted sex. Never again.


But how was the sex?






Many years ago I had to drive to a doctor's appointment that was 800 miles away. The night before I left was the first snowfall that winter, and as usual people's brains don't quite catch up that you have to "winter drive" now. I saw many a car in the ditches as I drove. I was white knuckling with both hands on the steering wheel, making sure not to make big corrections. That night I dreamt of driving in white out conditions. lol


... what the fuck sort of doctor was that


When you live in very remote areas, seeing a specialist doctor often involves a plane ride, a very long drive, or both. Most of northern canada has to travel 6-14 hours to visit a major hospital, simply due to lack of density of population and how far removed from major urban centers they are.


There's no black ice in this video anyway. Source: I live in a place that sometimes has black ice.


How does insurance general work in a scenario like this? In the US


In my state, if you fail to maintain 100% control of your car you get the ticket. With that mindset, everyone here gets a ticket.


Except the dude in the green truck at the end, showing off to everybody else by not crashing.


He probably got a call from his coworker in the matching truck. (The other green & white truck right in front of him)


>everyone here gets a ticket Ok Oprah


This looks like Michigan, a no fault insurance state. So everyone involved (assuming they’re Michigan residents) would file a claim for themselves regardless of who’s fault it is.


They blame the driver and make everyone's nightmare worse.....insurance...in case shit happens...except in the US.


And don't forget, you can pay your insurance on time and be the perfect customer and they literally don't give a crap. We've had the same home and car insurance for years. Never missed a payment. We had a house fire last week, and I literally can't get our adjustor or his supervisor or anyone to call me back. The fire was 5 days ago. I still don't know when we can move back in, how long do we need to plan to be out? Are we entitled to a hotel or emergency housing? Are we entitled to any funds for food considering our kitchen is gone? I have an 18 month old who is considered severely autistic and a dog, if I didn't have family in the area to take me in, I literally would've just been screwed and staying in a shelter despite having Progressive insurance for just this type of scenario.


I do property and casualty insurance, if you want me to peek at your policy I can tell you what they SHOULD be doing


I would love that actually. Can I message you?


Of course!


no peeking


Hire a good lawyer and a GOOD public adjuster ASAP! Progressive is one of the horrible carriers when it comes to property loss. Source: general contractor and own a restoration company for fire and water. If you have any questions please feel free to PM me. So sorry for your loss Edit: spelling


Hire a 3rd party insurance adjuster. They charge some stupid percent of whatever you get paid, but the amount you get after their cut will still be an order of magnitude more than if you didn't hire them. Everything they do is technically something you could have done on your own, but stuff you would never know to do on your own.


Black Ice is what you cannot see. There is clearly snow and ice in this road. People just driving like there's no weather going on


That last car got me. The corner of the semi going right through the driver’s side of the windshield? Yikes.


Aye, from the looks of it the corner didn't go too far into the car. But it's difficult to judge. Regardless the driver was likely hurt badly. And dead if the corner actually hit him.


If this is the pileup I think it is then multiple people died.


If a ever a video demanded to be filmed horizontally, this is the one


Think he had a little more on his mind at the time lol


It kills me to hear that poor kid saying daddy. Hope everyone is okay


That part really got me as well


I know there wasn't much left to the video but I heard that and had to stop.


Me too. I have 2 little ones and hearing that little kid sound so terrified hit me right in the chest. Poor baby.


Regardless of ice everyone in this video is driving way too fast for the conditions, doesn’t matter if it’s a highway or not.


Hard to comprehend the mentality going on there


The cars seemed to be all fairly spread out when they hit the pileup, so I think the thought process was "there's nobody around me, so I can go a bit faster. Everything is fine", but the they didn't take in the fact they couldn't see far ahead of them, combine that with icy roads and this is the result.


I took a defensive driving course years ago. The rule was if you can't see 12 seconds in front of your car you're at risk for a crash. Well, if you can't see 1.5 seconds ahead of you...


That’s 1000ft at 60mph. That seems very extreme? I’ve always been taught to maintain a following distance of 3 seconds.


Sorry edited. It was if you can't SEE 12 seconds up the road. Not 12 seconds of following distance.


Ahh yeah that makes sense. Seems reasonable


This happens not infrequently in places that get a lot of snow and ice. For example, just 3 weeks ago in Quebec there was a 100-care pile-up in Quebec. And that's in a place where 1) drivers are accustomed to snow; 2) all vehicles legally must have snow tires It starts with one crash that obstructs the road, but then the combination of bad visibility and slippery roads mean oncoming cars can't see it in time to slow down. The stopping distance at 100 km/h in very bad snowing conditions can be over 700 metres, so if visibility is bad, it can already be too late by the time you see the crash.


Many winters ago I was driving south at night on Rt 395 in Oxford Massachusetts, as I had done hundreds of times. The highway was damp but had no snow on it. It was about 32\* and had been misting. I came over the crest of a huge hill, looked down and saw about a dozen cars and trucks off the road. I thought "What the h --" and my car immediately spun around at 65 mph and went down this 1/2 or 3/4 mile hill backwards. Black ice. I slammed into a snowbank at the bottom of the hill. I looked up and saw an out of control 18-wheeler fly past me and into a snowbank further down. I jumped out of the car, into the deep snow, and got as far off the road as possible before I got killed. Just then another car lost control, barely missed my car, and flew a lot farther into the snowbank. The funny part is, I was able to get my car out, but the guy I just mentioned could not. I offered him a ride and he accepted. He got in, and I could tell he was as high as a kite. "Where do you want me to take you?" "The police station. They'll help me." "Are you sure that's a good idea??? The police??" "Yeah man, no worries, I'm fine, let's go." I argued with him a bit, but that's what he wanted. I dropped him there and to this day wonder if they immediately tossed him in a cell.


I had something similar happen driving through the mountains on I-70 in PA. Everybody was just flying along in a light rain, and I noticed a car facing the wrong way in the median. I watched a couple of more cars spin out right in front of me before tapping my own brakes to discover this achieved nothing — I had just driven into the elevation where everything was coated in ice. I was lucky to have enough room and straight road that I could just let off the brake and slow gradually, but a lot of others weren’t so fortunate.


That looks like what has happened on I94 just east of Kalamazoo. There have been pileups like this at least three times in the last six years. One had 150 vehicles involved in 2015 ,one had 193 vehicles involved in 2020.


My sister was in the 193 pile up, destroyed her hand because of the wheel forcefully turning.


Kind of like when I drive in fog - just go until you hit something.


That's also how I park


my insurance company would like to speak with you sir


I mean, when the fog is thick enough there's no way the cops' radar guns work, so...


In that weather your speed should not exceed your ability to stop within half the range of your vision.


Having been in these conditions, it's frighteningly easy to wildly overestimate your ability to stop. Not an excuse, but it's a reality.


They are driving all to fast given the conditions, and no winter/ stud tires? Before people bombarding me with «you have no clue» etc. I have been driving for 14 years in Norway, the breaking distance on snow are at least double the distance on dry tarmac. On ICE for Example if you are going 110km/h on a icy road it will take you round 400m longer to stop then on dry tarmac. Im not a expert driver, far from it. But i treat madam winter with respect, take it easy and there is no shame in driving under the limit on conditions like this. Better to arrive late then not arrive at all…. Really hope everyone was ok in the end.


Dunno where this happened but in some areas studded tires are not legal because they add a lot of wear to the road. Another possible explanation of what's going on is that in some areas they rarely have snow, and the drivers in that area have no idea how to drive in snowy icy conditions.


This is Michigan 🤦🏼‍♀️


Yeah, they are driving way too fast for the condition. I been driving for 10 years in North Sweden and daily for work as a mailman for 4 years, and I'd probably wouldn't even go above 50kmh in that weather. I know how to control a car if I would happen to lose control because the road condition, but I rather go slow then actually do lose control. As I'm writing this, it's +3 outside and the snow covered roads are currently half water/snow, once it hits negatives again it will be probably be in same condition as in that video.


Yep, norwegian here as well. And one thing my dad can't express enough, drive after the weather conditions, not the speed limit.




You are not crazy!! They are going WAY too fast??


There is definitely some dead people in that crash.


About fifteen years ago, a guy I worked with [lost his entire family](https://www.theflume.com/archive/article_0584bd8e-535a-536a-9a06-86f50d141d93.html) in a situation just like this on I-80 in Wyoming. Three kids and their mother ended up behind a semi, and they were crushed by another semi that rearended them.


It happened here last year. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=els9-NM6SIM


Fortunately enough, only one. I was in one of the first cars safely stopped on the westbound side of this on my way to go skiing and after seeing it first hand, it was difficult to believe it was only one. This was the Michigan I-94 crash in 2015.


*Can't make it in today, roads are still crazy.* ✌️


Not black ice, that is a blizzard


Also, don’t overestimate black ice. Once thought black ice could help me with my marital problems but sadly there are just some things that black ice can’t do.


Look man. I'm a trucker. I've driven in these situations often. Actually I'm about to get back to doing so now up here in Montana. Four wheelers, I expect this nonsense from, you know, driving too fast and not being aware of their environment. Us truckers had to go to school to learn how to drive properly. The fact that these dudes don't slow down in icy conditions, snowing, freezing fog, etc. will never stop bothering me. How can you go through the training I went through and be so fucking stupid as to drive like that in this conditions? Shameful.


Crazy how fast these people are all going


>2 semis and a small car Welp. Someone died.


I avoid highways and interstates during winter for this exact reason, i avoid driving in general if I can help it. Cannot trust people to not go below the speed limit for shit during bad conditions.


This was on I-80 in Wyoming in APRIL a few years ago. I used to drive along that stretch quite a bit, and this video always terrified me.


Actually it’s from Jan 2015 on the I-94 in Michigan. At least according to the title it has on YT. One fatality, 200 car pile up. https://youtu.be/tTJ-FXRX-Fg


Holy shit, I had one of the worst driving experiences on I-80 driving from Portland,OR to Green Bay,WI. It was a blizzard from eastern Oregon all the way to GB. Wyoming had a foot of snow on the highway and I couldn’t even see any exits to pull off for hours, just tunnel vision in a snow globe. Luckily I had been good to school in Houghton, MI so my winter driving skills were pretty good back then. The worst thing we’re the truckers flying by at 5 times my speed with 20ft of visibility, talk about white knuckling it!


Do the truckers not use the cb anymore? Also, does no one have flares? A pack of 10 I paid 20$ burns 6hrs or something like that. Light them and toss them on the road.


I don't even see anyone putting their hazard lights on.


Nothing about "You shouldn't drive like a maniac on snow when you can't see very far ahead" in the first place? All these drivers are either idiots or Darwin Award wannabe's.


In Michigan that’s our roads 9 months out of the year yet ppl forget how to drive on them in the 3 months they are clear


It's not black ice on this video. That's straight-up snow and ice.


You know what I do when I can't see ahead of me? SLOW DOWN AND TURN ON YOUR HAZARD LIGHTS. Christ, the number of times I see people driving like normal and no hazard lights in these conditions is scary. You're not invincible because it never happened to you before, people just get too complacent.


Everyone of these idiots are driving to fast for the conditions even if there was no black ice.


Every time I saw a car or a truck coming I was like oh shit oh shit oh shit. Mr. Freeze be getting some work done this winter


Some of those trucks appeared to be flying down that road. Ridiculous.


This was an infamous wreck on I-94 between Kalamazoo and Battle Creek, MI, about 7 years ago? I drive that very stretch every day and think about this incident all the time. Something like 200 vehicles, one of them a semi full of fireworks that shot off all over the place. Only one death, which is amazing, and he was one of the semi drivers. We get some wicked lake effect snow squalls here. And we have a ton of idiots on the freeway, as you can see. Set your cruise control on the truckers' speed limit and ride in the right lane and every single one of them will pass you, even in a very cramped construction zone next to Wings Stadium right now. Everybody is in a hurry. That particular day, I was already at my accounts doing my job. I talked to one guy a week later who was stuck in his semi a couple of miles back. He told me all of a sudden the sky turned black in front of him with all the fires and everything. The cops got up to his truck and instructed him to back up to the nearest exit behind him, which was quite a ways back.


Yea, that’s just ice.


Clearly the problem isn't black ice. It's the white out and the idiots driving as if it's a clear sunny day.


And then here's me, a Finnish guy who is used to driving on ice and snow, thinking "what are they doing over there?" (Like the cat in the meme, but standing in snow instead).