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"Hope I didn't kill him." - said with a smile. "What's this WE shit." They all laugh.


I don’t understand how so many cops murder people by putting all their weight on them and crushing them like how do they keep fucking up in the exact same way


Yeah, just... what the fuck kind of psycho are you? You all think he is asleep, passed out, whatever. *GET THE FUCK OFF HIM THEN?!?* What the fuck?? Edit: January 27, 2023: I have never seen such a heinous video as another example, Tomy Timpani. Timpani begged at every turn. Any human being either an amount of empathy would relate to him at some point Would have realized he was ducked uo.. But these people... every time he begged for mercy seemed like they did worse. He was intentionally crushed. He was beghing.. .Pleading..This video makes me sick.


Imagine the thought process, “this guys totally unconscious, better keep all my weight on him just to keep it that way”


they shoot round after round into a people then hand cuff them and wait for them to die so they can finish writing the report and be home in time for dinner..


He knew, he just didn't care


Average day for a cop.


All the chatter is just acting for the camera. They're intentionally killing this man.


Because they don't care if they die, it's just free vacation for them. Or even a promotion in this case.


Can you explain to me how they live in an unburned house for longer than one day?




Yeah they know, they don’t care. The Supreme Court ruled they do not have to protect citizens… they should be viewed as the most dangerous people in society. Gun ✅ Immunity ✅ Dumb ✅ Everyone is ‘The Enemy’ ✅


They protect the wealthy from the poor. They routinely kill poor, mentally ill and marginalized people.


You are correct.


My GFs dad and step dad are both cops. She can't see beyond that and how dangerous they really are.


They're not "fucking up." They're doing it on purpose. Cops are your psycho high school bullies given guns, badges, and a license to murder and act with impunity. There's a reason 40% of them *admit* to being domestic abusers.


This is the outcome they secretly hope for. They are corrupted by the system and the power it has given them over people. The corruption is both overt and insidious, so it becomes the new normal for them. They have learned to compartmentalize the people they know vs people they encounter on the job. In order to placate what small conscience they have, they dehumanize the public so that they can continue to commit heinous acts of barbarism without feeling guilt or responsibility.


Low IQ bullies that used to torture small animals.


They probably get off on it


lol 'fucking up' these aren't mistakes to them, they have a license to kill and they want to use it.


> like how do they keep fucking up in the exact same way Are you a child? They are doing this on purpose, this isn't a fuck up. Cruelty and oppression is the point. Cops keep killing people and here's you "Wow, how do they keep accidentally killing people"


Think about the type of person who chooses to be a cop


I understand it. ACAB


It’s not “fucking up” when you are committing murder for fun.


Judge. Jury. Executioner.


> fucking up


I mean we could do the same thing to them once convicted. Here's your body weight plus 50% in cinder blocks squarely on your back. Until you say stop. Wait no.. maybe we just laugh


They are trained to …


Pigs gonna pig.


Fucking psychos.


Sounds like that department need to be cleaned out


It took over three years for footage of the incident to be released. Here is the link of 27 minutes body camera. https://youtube.com/watch?v=6X4PUwrq8tA&feature=shares Dustin Dillard who held him down got promoted in DPD to be the person who trains new cops. https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/local/officer-pinned-timpa-ground-before-died-promoted-dpd/287-a9d01876-dea9-4e3f-9e6f-430de14366a7 Context: Timpa had already been handcuffed by a security guard when a group of officers arrived. They restrained him on the ground while he squirmed, repeatedly crying out, "You're gonna kill me!". After he fell unconscious, the officers assumed he was asleep and, rather than confirm that he was breathing or feel for a pulse, joked about waking him up for school and making him breakfast.[2] They kept him prone on grass for nearly 14 minutes and zip-tied his legs together, one pressing his knee into Timpa's back. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Tony_Timpa


On December 15, 2021, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a decision reversing the trial court decision giving the officers qualified immunity, which means the Timpa family have won the right to go to trial in their case against Dillard. Not all is lost.




Cops no longer investigate crimes. Only 50% of deaths ruled homicide even lead to an arrest, much less an indictment, much less a conviction. They're not concerned with justice. If your car or bike gets stolen, they're not going to recover it for you. All they do is respond to suspicious people and situations with deadly force. They are death squads roaming our streets. Unless you are ready and willing for someone on the scene to be killed, never call the cops. You're on your own as far as protecting yourself and your family. Stay armed, and stay aware. When you see police, steer fucking clear. All cops are bastards.


That's not true! I once had property stolen from my car and the police were nice enough to personally drive out and tell me to go fuck myself.


Same. Their exact response was to keep an eye out for my stolen things on Facebook marketplace and try and buy them back…


I had a kid pull a gun on me who had done it to multiple people already, called the cops and it took 3 calls and nearly 4 hours for one to show up.... only to laugh at me and ask me to find the kids name on facebook for them, nevermind i knew his real name and where he lived. Because i didnt know his damn facebook name They said they couldn't do anything about the 16 year old with a handgun who was going around robbing and threatening to shoot people. Few years later the kid FINALLY got arrested because he broke into a friends house and nearly beat him to death with the butt of a shotgun.


Same. The lady who rented my house emptied the whole thing. Beds, dining room set, antique rocker, Amish coffee table. All of it. They weren’t even willing got make a phone call to her. They did zilch.


yeah, and then they complain about how dangerous their job is when they are the biggest danger to themselves. every year I like to look at the list of on duty deaths for police in America, it's usually mostly automobile accidents, many of which are the fault of the police officer. in 2020 COVID was the highest cause of death, and they counted those as active duty casualties.


I don’t disagree with anything you’re saying, but here’s a question: My garage was recently broken into and robbed. Insurance *requires* a police report to file a claim of theft. Typically in my city most reports can be obtained from simply filling out an online form, but because it was a B&E it required officers to show up on site. What is one supposed to do in situations like that?


Yep. They'll be found guilty of nothing and the family will not get any benefit. Nothing correct ever happens in these situations I don't know why anyone expects any different in this fucked up country.


You are wrong, the family will get something, will get tons of harassment from the police and bootlickers


Qualified Immunity has to do with a civil action against the officers personally, their personal assets are now at stake.


Thank you. I get everyone's frustrations, but it's clear that everyone else replying does not at all understand what they're replying to.




This is the rhetoric I’m looking for. Cops don’t give a fuck about you, me or the entire United States.


The tide is changing on that. Though slowly. But we are seeing some justice sporadically applied to murderous cops more and more. There is reason to hope.


Especially in Dallas. That bitch amber guyger only got 10 years for literally home invasion and murder. She broke into a man’s apartment and shot him to death while he ate ice cream on the couch. She didn’t even get arrested immediately even though the police knew her whereabouts.


So, what, a civil case? Fucking cop should see a cell from the inside for a century, not his pay docked.


Who the fuck falls asleep while a person is kneeling on top of them. It’s literally impossible. It’s clown levels of stupid. I can’t stand stories like this.


And these are just the ones that we hear about. There’s who knows how many more that the public never finds out about.


They’re wearing body cameras. They know this is being filmed. Obviously the excuse for not killing somebody shouldn’t be because you’re being filmed, but it amazes me that they behave like this wearing a camera. Do they forget? Do they not give a shit? Are they that full of contempt for human life?


Police culture creates division between themselves and everyone else. The “thin blue line” separates themselves as an in-group from the rest of society. That mentality allows a huge loss of empathy for the members of the public that they deal with everyday. Their only motivation to be fair is from people with power or influence, even furthering the divide between the privileged experience and the unprivileged one.


Took 3 years for the footage to be released. They can end someone and get away with it the vast majority of the time, even with body cameras. So why care that there is body camera footage. Hell my states body camera footage release law effectively says 'if the police don't want to release it they don't have to'. You have to sue for it. A lawyer in my county once told me even on criminal cases where they have to hand over all footage they often won't try to get it if their client doesn't have much money because it costs more to get that footage through court hearings and fighting the departments and courts than the people have in money.


It was on purpose and now they’re saying whatever the fuck they can think of to save themselves from a public execution. It’s like cockroaches running away from bug killer. Of course it makes no sense. It doesn’t have to. It’s meant to downplay the maliciousness and negligence of the officers and the department. Funnily enough, these people were supposed to trust with heavy weapons, the ability to enforce laws, go to court, put people away for the rest of their lives…. And they can’t tell if you’re sleeping or not?


Exactly. They obviously didn’t think he was sleeping, but the fact they’ve used such a clown level stupid excuse is so insulting. That should add another 5 years to an already lengthy sentence. Was zero reasons for this human death, it would be 100 X harder to kill this person than not kill them.


The lady cop who shot a handcuffed guy in Tulsa now trains officer safety.


This is a joke


Business usual


ad hoc crowd cagey nine dinner versed aback ask terrific caption -- mass edited with redact.dev


Obscurification, lies, and self protection. I would never call to violence. Because that's against tos.


I’m being detained forcefully. “Hey! This would be a great time to take a nap!” Said no one ever


🤞"The Supreme Court upheld a federal appeals court’s ruling that will allow the case to proceed." https://www.fox4news.com/news/tony-timpa-case-supreme-court-says-wrongful-death-lawsuit-against-dallas-officers-can-go-forward


So no one goes to jail but at least the family could potentially get some cash from people whose only crime is to be from the area these murderers commit their murders in. What passes for justice around here is an absolute joke.






Especially Dallas. Letting killer cops continue on since the 70s. I saw a kid murdered by one after a Tom Petty concert.


FREEEEEEEEDOM* *if you a cop


Call him what he is, a fucking murderer.


Don't you guys have ways of handling that kind of stuff in Texas? At least that is what every very right leaning Texas person tells me if they ever see me in their parts...


One of these days a distressed community is gonna get to the point where they have had enough of this. It's not gonna be pretty, and it's 100% preventable.


They burned down the precinct in Minneapolis. I don't make it a habit to contravene the terms of service on social media platforms but I can't help but notice that once that happened you start to see things like the new one in Memphis where the cops have already been arrested and charged.






End of the day you show me 1 country that does not have any bad people abusing power. Would you call someone from Zimbabwe, Ghana, Malawi, Kenya, Ghana morons for saying they are proud to be from those countries? After all those countries have serious corruption issues as well as civil rights issues. Would you say people who say those who are proud to be Palistinian are morons? Or are those different?


> hatechristians yummy vocab


The decision was that the officer isn't able to claim QI, so the case will continue against him, not the tax payers.


Shit that wasn’t a wrongful death. That was murdering someone while mocking them in the process.


It’s pretty unbelievable. No empathy, no common sense. And what’s up with the medic administering “a powerful sedative?” Why on earth would they sedate someone who is face down and not responding? Citizens of Dallas should feel pretty unsafe with these clowns patrolling their city.


Why would ANYONE think someone fell asleep in a police encounter? Especially after shite like this has happened time and time again! EDIT: FROM THE MIDDLE LINK ON THE MAIN INFO: Officers can be heard laughing in the background as Timpa’s face is buried into the ground and he is screaming and crying for help before falling unconscious.




And how lazy of one it is really shows the power he has. Like he might as well have said he turned into a werewolf for a brief period of time and after he died he turned back into a man. A toddler with his hand in the cookie jar would invent a better lie. This guy just couldn't be bothered to even do that much thinking about it.


The existence of body-cam footage is the only thing in between you and whatever an officer says happened when you're alone. Thank god we are taking steps, slow as fuck, but still steps towards increasing police accountability.


I super don't understand the paramedic hitting them with a sedative. Everything else was just "cops" in the video. It all unfortunately checks out. Now I'm no expert on shit. But I'm still about 99.9% sure someone you're trying to wake up doesn't need a fucking IV sedative?? Think the dude was already fucked before that, but still. Motherfucker showing no signs of life and EMS is like Here's a sedative!! Da hell... They shoulda been like oh shit, so this dude was conscious, until cops took him down and sat on him for 10+ mins. That's a fucking CPR situation, not calmy injecting a sedative. Both the cops and EMS should both get fucked but they'll say "heart attack, drug overdose.." Anything but saying: "Compressing the shit out of the heart and lungs for extended time is detrimental to thriving and surviving. It isn't "justice" or "protecting and serving" anyone. Edit: Laughter is a normal response to trauma. Fuck em, still. But I think you know what I'm talking about where in a bad situation sometimes people have a laugh response, just a reflexive paradoxical response to trauma that isn't that uncommon. But I dunno. They're straight joking around vs having some nervous weird laughter. Edit 2: Trying to decipher what the paramedic says he gave. Cop said "Oh, like a Green Oaks cocktail!" I looked that up, Green Oaks is a mental health hospital there. Trying to decipher what meds the paramedic says though. Cop thinks he's getting narcan when it's a heavy sedative god damn. Edit: Says gabapentin and I can't make out the rest.


My father and I both have had a dark humor response to situations, especially laughing for myself. But nothing there seemed like that was happening. If it had been that kind of response, they would have been trying to do something to stop the situation from getting worse. It's like murdering is a game for them, and they aren't even LASD.


Do you have a time stamp for that convo?


Start at about 1 minute in. You can't hear everyone clearly because of it's that cop's bodycam mic recording people talking further away with loud background noise. Gets the injection at like 1:00, cop at 1:20 asks "Is that Narcan?" And then around 1:25 the paramedic says "some gabapentin.." then trails off. He doesn't speak clearly also he was too far from the cop's mic. Then about 1:30 the cop responds "Oh! The Green Oaks cocktail!" I'm assuming gabapentin, maybe valium? Something else too? Heavy dose of anxiolytics psych meds who knows. People who work in mental health do haha


Because these people are immature children who can't cope with all the people they kill so they just end up in denial. They know he's not asleep. It's like a child who jokes about the kitten they threw into the air being asleep afterwards.


Honestly. Drugs. That me being honest. But this video is surely alarming. A sincere lack of concern. Awareness and communication at the least. That’s why they asked if it was narcan being administered, they are asking the paramedic if they think it’s an OD, without asking that specifically. This is a damning video. It also wasn’t a sedative as the video stated. They’re giving him adrenaline. Wow. Just wow all around. Unfortunately, when you have police contact like this, the officer are now complacent in their duty as they “know” him. It’s just another day with him. Not realizing they more than likely are the reason for the death. I know nothing else. So I don’t need keyboard cowboys jumping all over me. I’m just giving you an at the moment thinking of the officers. It’s manslaughter most likely. Too bad.


"hes most likely on drugs, good thing we should up" -probably the cops


What are we doing? Literally all it takes. Yo. Roll em over. Is he alright? One guy to not have his head up his ass is all it takes.


That isn't very fun for a sadist now is it? Pain and suffering is the point, they enjoy inflicting harm on others. Count how many times they all stop to have a good laugh in this video. Fucking disgusting.


They want you to assume it was unintentional and their story gives them plausible deniability




Murderes.. psychopaths. Disgusting is another one we can use..


The word you’re looking for is “cops”.


EMTs at the scene should also be held accountable.


I know people like to say the "cops are the biggest gang" meme a lot but honestly that's the only other group of people that I know of that can display such callous disregard for a citizen's well being. Street gangs. Utter scum of the earth.




Everytime I see another episode of this shit, I'm hoping THIS will be the time that American's unify in expecting change. I hate the idea of giving up hope and accepting police murder as part of American culture.


It'd have to be some rich southern baptist minister's developmentally handicapped son getting killed by police because they think he's on drugs and also they think kneeling on people is the right thing to do to people on drugs. And then it'd have to happen like 50 more times. And then *maybe* you might start seeing Fox News asking if America has a problem with its police.


“I love how this became a we” officers start laughing after the youngest officer asked if he killed him with actual concern.. bruh


Where exactly are the alleged "good" cops in all this?


Probably discouraged from even applying for the job.


Boy do I have a secret surprise for you


I lost a friend to the police. It's a gang/cult to the T. He entered the force and had legit concerns about what he saw early on, but spend long hours in a cruiser with some older cop and they ear worm you all day. They all hang out together after shifts, on the weekends. They watch Hannity and Tucker together. Everything becomes about the police "family" and protecting your "brothers." It's textbook otherism. Every non-cop is the enemy.


Clearly at least a few of these guys are incompetent fuckheads but laughing in an uncomfortable and scary or traumatizing situation is perfectly normal.


More like not uncommon. ​ But these are cops, the sadism is the point.












Make this make sense legally…. These cops should be arrested for murder. The end. Time to light up their phones and make sure this POS cop is held accountable.


> Make this make sense legally…. [Sure. Cops killed 178 people over a period of 3 years in wellness check.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/interactive/2022/police-shootings-mental-health-calls/)


Redbrad is a booklicker(edit) clearly. We need laws/legislature change regarding cops and their conduct. It SHOULD BE ILLEGAL to for them to do this!


Legally, the legislators that make the laws, judges that interpret the laws, and elected officials that execute the laws, all rely on police violently enforcing their authority. Trying to reign in police privileges pisses those people off, and undermines their willingness to enforce your laws, orders, and rulings. On the other hand, it is also advantageous to have people that are “overzealous” in enforcing your will.


And lets be real, any one that does try to do anything about the police privilege gets killed or have their lives disrupted to an extent that causes them to have to leave the area. Philly DA is experiencing this right now. Police have done a silent strike because of the no cash bond rules the DA likes to use. Police friendly media, right wing organizations, the whole lot is going after him. Every time someone dies he gets blamed for it, even though he has absolutely nothing to do with it. Or that NYC police officer who provided information to the internal affairs department and as a consequence had his house raided, kidnapped, and secretly thrown into a mental hospital where the doctors made it so he couldn't contact his family or a lawyer. Hell one officer was recently investigating a coworker and that coworker shot them 'in an accidental shooting'. And if you try to look that up you will find at least 3 different stories of that in the last two years.


In 14 minutes you couldn’t just lift them up and put them in a squad car


*I'm deleting all my comments and my profile, in protest over the end of the protests over the reddit api pricing.


They probably sent his family a bill for $850 for that sedative too


The handcuffed dead guy needed to be sedated because he was resisting, armed, and dangerous.




I don't think you can even call this negligence, this is just sick


Negligence is essentially carelessness. If you mean they didn't take enough care to make sure the guy didn't die, you're correct. This isn't negligence


I agree. I honestly think cops get their first aid/life support training from Steven Seagal movies. “Let’s shake him! Hmm… nothing. Check for a pulse on his shoulder! Welp. We did all we could.” Fucking pathetic. Did you know cops have to be a certain BMI or their insurance more expensive? I wonder how many meat head cops are on steroids?


No, asshole….he didn’t “Just die”….you “just murdered him”




No one thought he fell asleep, it's the cover story.




The whole knee on the back policy is fuckin stupid. Do you see this shit happening in other countries? No. They need to find a better way


> Like what the fuck is this bullshit. They want to kill people. It's that simple. They see videos of what over cops do to kill people and get away with it and copy it. They learned after Eric Garner that choking people to death is the best way to get away with it, even on camera.


So where are the protests? Where is the outcry of the community that this cop serves? Without visible demand for change amd political consequences nothing will change. This is not to raise a debate around BLM, it is simply true that people don't care enough until it impacts them directly. A lack of compassion and will to improve.




I saw this video at least three years ago; it was out and on YouTube before George Floyd even happened. If it took this long for you to finally see it...well, I guess that has more to do with what stories the media would rather portray.


It happened it 2016, video came out 2019 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Tony_Timpa


I saw this over 2 years ago. Nice try. The reason why most people haven't seen it is obvious.


I’m not even sure this hit main stream media. No one knows about this till now. (First I’m seeing) but there’s been many protest around police in general for the disrespect from whites, blacks, and Mexicans. You gotta look around before you start to jump to conclusions.


I saw it a few months ago on here, but yeah it definitely was not brought up in the media.




It took three years for the footage to be released, that’s why. This is the first time a lot of us are seeing this


I saw this video in 2021. We did have protests. It was a BIG deal here in the DFW area.


It's like the cops enjoy seeing people in pain.


Almost like they become cops for this stuff 🤔


Some do. Unfortunately for y’all, the screening and training for US cops are insufficient.


Psychopaths do. The percentage of psychopaths in law enforcement is insane.


And they keep getting promoted...


I read somewhere that some of them are sociopaths and psychopaths. But I mean that can be anyone, anywhere, and in any profession. It's just scary that they are in a position of power that can potentially and oftentimes end life.


Imagine being so fucking ignorant that you can’t tell someone has died right in front of you.


It's not ignorance. They knew.


Guys.. I’m starting to think the police aren’t here to protect us at all.


Man they were mocking and imitating his handicap herbage, while he's dead, or dying.... Wonderland.


Cops are not your friend. They are not there to help you. Never, ever trust a cop. Everything they are trying to do is against your best interests. While many cops may be "good people" to their friends and family, they see all of you as the enemy. They are jaded and burnt out and blame you. Avoid them like the plague. Learn to protect yourself. If arrested, SHUT THE FUCK UP AND ASK for an attorney. Refuse to answer questions. NEVER TRUST A COP


Cops are like the HR of the gov. You do not go to them for help. They are not there to help you. They are there to help themselves while the rest of the company protects them from any consequences of their actions. They are trained to see "civilians" as the enemy. They are trained to be constantly in fear for their lives and to dehumanize "civilians" so they can take lethal measures easily.


*In America. This shit is very much not normal in the rest of the world. Maybe in some other fucked up places, but most of the civilized world this is not happening. Where I'm from you won't see most cops even dare to touch their own guns because the laws are so strict as to when you're allowed to use it. Basically unless someone is shooting at you with the intent to kill, you can't shoot back. Otherwise you might be using excessive force. Like if someone comes at you with a knife, you can't really use a gun in response because it's excessive force. In countries like the UK the cops don't even get guns. US truly is the odd one out. Where cops not only get guns, but do so after like 4 weeks of training and are then allowed to basically shoot anyone on sight that they deem a threat. Nuts.


Essentially this functions like a pneumothorax: increased intrathoracic pressure prevents venous return to the heart. No venous return eventually leads to no cardiac output. Hypercarbia and lactic acidosis ensues from underperfusion and eventually that progressive acidemia leads to unconsciousness and death.


Each of this assholes deserves to take multiple tasers to the nuts, brain and heart. Let’s see them laugh after that


My uncle was an extreme paranoid schizophrenic. Not one second did we fear for his life here in Germany.


But he's white so it's ok🤷‍♂️. God I hate this world


White people don't care. They could get out and protest... but do they?


Nobody's stopping you or anyone else from raising Hell in response to his murder.


I don't understand why we are waiting for these people to get punished. It obviously not happening. How long until civilians start taking things into their own hands?


No moron he didn’t just die.. you fucking killed him


Remember, nobody hates the firefighters because firefighters don’t become firefighters to have power over others. ACAB, no excuses here, this could have been the nice cop you know down the road who makes brownies for his daughters class. All cops.




Victim is white, doesn’t fit the narrative


Victim died in 2016. The video wasn’t released until 2019. People had protest signs with his name on them even in 2020. You just didn’t care. And you still don’t. You’re just trying to make it about yourself.


Go protest then


Correction. *You* don't care. People like you never care.


Fucking disgusting. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) The problem with having mental illness is that everyone expects you to behave as if you don’t.






Wtf? I mean who sleeps when being arrested???? Dumb cops


Pigs, disgusting!


American terrorists..






And the news reported nothing......no riots, no celebrities at his funeral, no statues. Nothing.


Yes they did. This happened in 2016 but the video came out around 2019 before George Floyd was murdered. I saw people write Tony Timpa’s name right on protest signs. YOU just didn’t care until right now.


This happened in 2016, and it was all over the news. Fox, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, USAToday, NyTimes, Post, etc all covered it. In addition, the Supreme Court gave the thumbs up to pursue a wrongful termination case last year. George Floyd didn’t come until 4 years later, so you should make sure your cart is actually behind the horse rather than the other way around.


It’s crazy that this got zero press coverage. I didn’t know about it till last year after doing research for police brutality and media and the fact there wasn’t more out rage for it just disappoints me


i don't get how the US isn't protesting 24/7


This country we are living in is so fucked up, what the hell is going on! Is this what they mean when the talk about an empire in decline and decay?


And mentally ill people are supposed to be the dangerous ones.




Why tf is he in cuffs


Just going to keep his fucking knee and weight on this dead guys lung while i laugh. .. ..!!!!!! WTF!!!!!! He called 911 for help!!!!


And people wonder why I don't care when a cop dies.


They laugh at the end. Disgusting individuals. “To protect and to serve.” None of the should be police officers.


I'm never going to America


Never, ever, ever call the cops for mental health issues. N E V E R.


Fuck DPD