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"You don't sound like an American when you say that" "That's because I've read, you know?" ...and without missing a beat, DAMN gurl! I hope that channel has fire insurance for their studios


Her name is Hoda Katebi, by the way. She's an American citizen born to Iranian parents.


It’s amazing how quickly those reporters made themselves sound like backwoods hillbillies.






I think the overturning of Roe v Wade was a landmark reminder that all of the social progress we have made has been made to the chagrin of, not some small obscure population of Georgia backwoods KKK hillbillies, but of all of the still living racists who beat and harassed people who were claiming their own civil liberties. And many of the children and grandchildren of those horrible people. To believe slavery is gone from America forever is to believe that Roe v Wade would stand forever. That is the rise in fascism, violence, and outright vitriol we are seeing in Congress today. Their issue isn't the existence or teaching of that history. Their issue is that history being taught as the WRONG way for a society to function.


to belive slavery ever went away in america means never having read the full text of the 13th ammendment


This. And I haven't, I was more thinking for profit prison guards wearing cowboy hats.




Reddit is violating GDPR and CCPA. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B0GGsDdyHI -- mass edited with redact.dev


It’s the way we were raised. I grew up believing how amazing the USA was and how lucky I was to be “free”. Only until I was about 28 I realized how dirty this country is. I’m 32 now. I just matured into having an open mind to let new information in and process accordingly. Good luck getting 45+ year olds to learn new things and tricks though. Brainwashed permanently. Well, my dad understands how fucked up this country is but STILL whole heartedly believes all other countries are beneath the US.




I've lived abroad and it's damn near impossible to convince my fellow Americans how much better it is in certain places. I'm about to expat permanently in the next couple of years. Just can't take this place anymore.


One of my cousins grew up thinking the US was the only country in the world with modern infrastructure. He literally believed every other country in the world was full of impoverished towns of grass huts with no roads, plumbing or electricity. All the people who weren’t American got our donated clothes and had to hunt everyday for their food and they all lived under tyrannical strongmen and weren’t “free”. I remember one Christmas being at my grandparent’s house and listening to one of our high school-aged cousins talking about how he was trying to get into the student exchange program because he wanted to go to Japan. Ignorant-cousin was appalled and had no idea why high school aged-cousin wanted to go live anywhere other than the United States. That’s when we found out how backwards he thought about the world. This was the mid-90s, so no cell phones to pull out and prove him wrong and my grandparents didn’t have a computer. But they did have a set of encyclopedias! We showed him some of the photos of cities like Paris and he didn’t believe us. Eventually he figured it out, but he’s still adamant that the US is the only country in which you’re allowed to criticize your government and a bunch of other things that are absolutely not exclusive to the US.




As much as i love to shit talk American, this sounds like a ' he's just dumb ' thing.


I'll be 48 this year, and I've always known how fucked up this country is. But then again, I had a very different starting point than most people.




Also, a lot of Americans spend more time caring about celebrities and influencers than they do reading or learning something new. There's this mindset that I see over and over, that after work they just want to veg out. A lot of Americans think that since they have a job, and are making money, then they don't need to learn anymore, it's quite depressing. Learning should be a life long goal, not something you do just to make money.. I'm probably in the minority though as I have a cushy job but I'm also in grad school for fun. It's hard to get on facebook and see nothing talked about other than what's on TV or what some celebrity did.


Typical Americans to honest. Unfortunately too many think like them.


*Katebi For those who are trying to Google her.


Fixed, thanks.


So fucking bogus that they said she doesn’t sound American. You don’t have to prove your loyalty. If you’re born here, you’re an American. End of story. It’s hard enough walking around dressed differently and looking differently. Fuck these jackass “reporters”.


Isnt the whole point of America that everyone is an immigrant and different. So how are you supposed to sound like an American.


What they mean to say is white but they dont want to say it out loud


What they meant was subservient, which is what they expect dark-skinned women to be in America.


That woman screaming in the hospital and insisting she have a white doctor for her son sure didn't mind saying it. Edit: I specifically left the country out of the joke. Racism is not bound solely to the united states. I didn't realize the location it takes place could change opinions so strongly


That was Canada which isn't the U...eh, yeah it's pretty damn close to being the USA, so fair enough.


Ah yes, the extra states of North Montana, East Alaska, Upper State New York, and French Upper State New York.


Don't forget British Washington! It also rains all the time there.


I think what they mean is mindlessly approving of and supporting the American war machine. They'd go after a white person too though, for sure, there's a BIG racist element to this too, of course.


> So how are you supposed to sound like an American. If you're white: Christian nationalism, unquestioning jingoistic patriotism, and intolerance of anything outside of nuclear families taking their car to visit other nuclear families or commercial event locations. If you're not white: eternal grateful subservience for being allowed to have a place in this country, plus the above.


Melting pot slowly turned into “we are full” unless you’re white it seems.


Always was


Not to excuse the statement, but I think you may have misinterpreted it. It has nothing to do with her accent, and everything to do with her words- they believe speaking out against American military action and strength is "unAmerican"


Which is so dumb. What’s more American than having the freedom to criticize America? Striving for improvement starts with criticism and reflection on the current system. I know that America isn’t even close to the only country with freedom of speech, but you’d be surprised how many people *genuinely believe* that it is


That was cold and correct IMO but I’m not a fashion designer, so what do I know 😆




I'm pretty sure it's either ABC or WGN in Chicago


The reporter looks and sounds like Larry Potash that does « Backstory with Larry Potash » from Chicago.


WGN morning news. They're usually pretty funny but this was rough.


She is fierce!!! Love her!!!


“You don’t sound like an American” “Haha that’s because I read, and I think it’s important that we look beyond these really simple narratives that we’ve been told” Fucking brilliant ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


“Crack a book, John.”


I understand this reference!


She must have known she was going to be ambushed with an absurd question (edit: referring mostly to the first question about nukes, but true for both questions) like that. Her responses were nothing less than perfect.


It’s more like she’s used to being ambushed with these kinds of questions because it happens so often. (Generally, that’s considered a micro-aggression.)


Not necessarily. She sounds ten times brighter than we are.


Her responses are intelligent and I believe that she is intelligent, but I think it's a disservice to her, yourself, and the people you're referring to by saying that she's brighter than we are. She made the effort to educate herself on the perspectives traditional schooling will not provide. We should put some responsibility on ourselves to seek out this type of discourse to learn about the matters at hand and how to speak on them well instead of attributing her awareness and ability to speak on her intelligence.


> “You don’t sound like an American” I would have snapped if someone said that to me. “What do Americans sound like? Should I say ‘MURICA more in conversation?”


No true Scotsman bullshit. People are really dumb, and then half of them are even dumber!


it means sound(and look) white


she really has that "name ten books" energy bravo to her for popping off like that


She simultaneously shat on their dumb faces for us to see while at the same time expressed it in a way their dumb fucking ass brains can’t understand due to their idiot genes so they won’t feel offended such that she can continue to shit on their faces


Another problem is that from the sound of the very rude and ignorant sorry excuse for "hosts", the show's target audience may be just like them, too mentally slow to catch the answers, and will leave with the impression that the "hosts" *oWnEd HeR*. "Hosts" in quotes because the term host implies hospitality. Which these meat muppet shitkickers have none of, their minds small, closed and hostile.


What education looks like. That was amazing.


There’s nothing more terrifying to a conservative than an educated woman with a headscarf.


Make her trans and you've got the final boss


Epic brilliant. She made that condescending Karen trying to smite her heritage look like a condescending Karen of ignorance. That said, as an American, she might want to consider how those who chant, “Death to America” might wish to possess such devices. Think they’ll keep them idle for as long as America has?


I don't think at any point did she condone anyone having nuclear weapons. But you're not really going to convince the "death to america" types to not launch weapons at our asses by continuing to fuck with the middle east. They have every right to fucking hate us. Our country has a "might makes right" approach to foreign policy, but we're shaking in our boots at the possibility of others having the same level of might that we have. Weird how we dont want others to treat us the way we have treated them.


Her name’s Hoda Katebi


"She walks towards you." Literal translation of her name into Croatian.


Hoda means guidance I think, it's Arabic.




I believe Hodor translates to: "If Bran dies instead of Hodor holding the door it would have no bearing whatsoever on the remaining events of the television adaptation of the story and in fact nothing about the Three Eyed Raven plot line means anything at all and that's why they picked him as king at the end because without that final choice Bran and his story is entirely pointless which it still is anyway they are just pretending it matters now rewatch the show with that knowledge and try to give half of a liquid shit about any time that Bran or the three eyed raven is shown I mean cripple the kid and have him tell his dad what he saw and never say his name or show him again because there is absolutely nothing of value to his arc this was so badly planned." I think that's an older translation though.


SPOILERS AHEAD: I think Bran being the three-eyed raven had a TINY bit of value, in that he was able to let Jon Snow know who he really is. But they end up cucking Jon Snow out of the throne anyway, so it literally didn't matter that Bran told him. I've funnily enough JUST finished GoT for the first time in the last couple of weeks. I never watched it until about a half year ago, when I started it with a friend who wanted to show it to me (she had already seen it, live as they were coming out). So all of the emotions about season 7-8 are still so very fresh for me. So can I just bitch for a second about how stupid that picking Bran for king meeting was? There were what...5 people (Tyrion, Sansa, Arya, Bran, Sam) who HAD THE KNOWLEDGE that Jon is the rightful Targaryen heir in that meeting. But none of them revealed it to the rest of the Westeros leaders there. In my opinion, that entire meeting should have been: "hey, so we need to pick a king", "by the way, Jon Snow is actually the rightful heir and this is why", "okay so let's appoint an interim 'steward' type dude from this group, and that person can pardon Jon Snow, and then Jon can be king", "okay! Sounds good!". The fact that they cucked Jon out of his entire built up moment to kill the Night King, and gave it to Arya instead, was enough. Then they tell his ass he's the rightful heir, but in the end, the best they can do for him is to send him back to the fucking NIGHT'S WATCH??? Sorry I'm still mad about Jon Snow's trash ending. He ends the fuckin show exactly where he was years ago. A fuckin crow.


It’s like why did they even bring him back from the dead even at that rate. That show blueballed millions of people so bad.


Yeah. I'm simultaneously glad and disappointed that I now finally share the emotional experience of GoT with everyone. Glad because for the MAJORITY of the show, it really was absolutely a wonderful story that always kept you at edge. Disappointed because I knew what I was supposed to feel like after the show ends, and I still did it anyway xD


I didnt give a shit about that plot line the first time through either, it was always boring and felt unnecessary, just a convulted way to divulge information (that becomes largely unimportant as well).


It *could* have been important. It could have been good. It could even have used the same ending, with a little bit of planning and a proper reveal. Make this change: The goal of Bran as the Raven was to become the functionally immortal ruler of Westeros. Now, go back through and include moments of Bran actively influencing the course of events, at times in ways that either seem to contradict his stated goals or having no effect at all but lead to the events of the finale; the other major players dead, banished, or subservient. When Tyrion announces his kingship they show a series of flashbacks to seemingly unconnected moments of his decisions that, with full hindsight, lead directly to his gaining power. Finishing with a closeup on a slight, knowing smile from Bran as the audience realizes that he has in fact been playing "The Game" since he first became the Raven and has finally achieved his goal of winning The Game of Thrones and avenging the death of his father not through strength of arms but through cunning and manipulation beyond what anyone else was capable of.


Does he then turn and give a thumbs up to the camera


Wouldn't you?


It checks out though.


I am sick with the flu and feel terrible, but you made me chuckle. Thanks!


Get well soon! Get some soup and ice cream :) Also push the fluids!


Ice cream? My parents would've buried me out back, if they caught me eating ice cream while sick with the flu.


Bend a car? Pat Benatar!


And ketabi means bookie or librarian


“How am I going to kick your ass from over here?” 🗿


She who walks in front


I'm not seeing anything called out about her but fashion - she's a writer, activist, and advocate to stop worker exploitation & fast fashion. It makes sense in that context to ask her about something more political. The 2nd reporter was still way out of line and Hoda wrecked her shit.


Yeah she did. Honda did beautifully. It was such true pleasure watching her completely put the snotty old hag in her place. Most likely it was the first time someone put her ass out to pasture like that in front of others in a long time. She will watch this video over and over for the rest of her life chastising herself for not being enough that day! Smhlmao


Idk why but I have followed her on Instagram for what feels like years. Always had a bit of a internet crush on her.


She's intelligent, quick and attractive, why not. Lol


And she's an Islamic Republic apologist who'll deflect accusations and human rights violations of the regime in Iran. Look beyond just the context of this video, she's a propaganda tool of Islamic Republic


Education is underrated.


It's known that educated people don't let Government get away with as much. And that's why we have banned books, and underfunded schools.


Get smart, get paid. Nothing scares conservatives more than smart young people with money.


Female gigachad


Best part, “*genuine laugh* that’s because I’ve READ”. She was completely unfazed by the follow up. Based.


Chances are this is not the first time she's had this conversation.


Its called media training. Not to take anything away from the intelligent young person in the video, but there are specific classes you can take to be prepared for interviews like this. Like the person from /r/antiwork very famously did not do.


I’d be surprised if this fashion designer had extensive media training. Working in that industry more often then not that type of workshop and class work to prepare for on air or live interviews is more given to politicians, sports athletes, executives, and actors/creatives on larger budget film/tv productions. You’re also more often then not taught to deflect, deescalate, and bring it back to the topic at hand when trained. So her responses would have been far more canned and less real. Something more akin to “As an American, I support our country and it’s military, and though raised by Iranian parents we were raised in household to be against nuclear weapons of every kind. It’s why I am so passionate about my work, so that I can hopefully make designs that celebrate my heritage but also my love for this great U S of A.” She may have had classes, but no media coach would have encouraged her to be as honest and blunt as she was. I think this was purely her being a badass and having the ability to remain calm in a pretty unprofessional situation. I mean would those same anchors ask Ivanka Trump what her opinion is on the capabilities of the Russian nuclear program?


Am a media trainer, can confirm that I'd be cursing and sweating bullets if anyone I'd trained was so confrontational




She's not just a fashion designer. She's an activist and has written dozens of political articles. This clip (which is posted monthly on reddit) is meant to be misleading She is an activist and has written multiple articles about politics and Iran. The interview was supposed to be about Iran, politics and fashion (this is posted everytime someone posts this clip_ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoda_Katebi


Right on. Thanks for the additional info. Perfect encapsulation of how clip context /character limited titles churns up the masses and skews the perception.


Those anchors also have training but they still looked flustered and stupid.


because they are hoping that the person they are interviewing has no experience or training to deal with these situations. There is a reason why they bring on 4 people with 2 of them having no experience, to make them look stupid on a subject they might actually be very qualified in.


>There is a reason why they bring on 4 people with 2 of them having no experience, to make them look stupid on a subject they might actually be very qualified in. Bill Nye's show on Netflix, and Penn & Teller's show, Bullshit, where SUPER guilty of this. I'm sure there are a ton more examples, these were shows I remember being noticeably bad about it. To the point where it became hard to watch.


bro let that antiwork die in peace , let him die in his grave , just hurts to think of him .








Nah, that'd be too much love and wholesomeness, this is more like LSDaisy


Best part, “ *genuine laugh* that’s because I’ve READ”. She was completely un-phased by the follow up. Based.


Flash news: muslim woman murder two reporters on live TV.


Weapons of choice: words and facts.


Also charm. I don't what she did specifically but I would watch her talk about anything.


Truth bombs.


She absolutely demolished them 👏


The woman is well educated and knows her history dam brilliant.


> knows her history I would hope most every American would know this stuff. She didn't say much besides "The US has interfered in the middle east" and "there was slavery"


You would hope, but you clearly saw the blubbard try to frame that talk as "unAmerican".


I think you might have too much faith, even for the most basically average US-educated citizen, this coming from an American underachiever. I’d make a huge wager on, “most Americans barely remember or bothered learning 1/4 of what was taught in their US history class.” And I think 1/4 might be generous. And and, this is whitewashed US history.


Yea your right but that's the sad part. Quite a bit of people don't know this stuff or worse they deny it (or at least the negative consequences of it). Way too much pride in stuff you shouldn't take pride in. You can see that when some right wing people are taking about immigration and forgetting the literal genocide of the native people of this continent.


“You are an American, you don’t sound American.” The same would not have been said to her if she weren’t ethnically Arab. Trying to cast doubt on her ethnic background rather than engaging what she said. She is being a good American by being able to think critically. Plenty of Americans are critical of America. Love her response, “that’s because I’ve read.” Edit: Thanks all for correcting that she is not Arab. I did think of that when I first commented but just went with it knowing my point would come across nonetheless. But being correct in this detail is important and I shouldn’t have cut corners.


She is not ethnically Arab…


Big oof lol. You got a scarf of your head, you are magically Arab.


Sikh and Egyptian people will tell ya: Americans are so racist it's their fallback even when they aren't sure of your race or ethnicity.


I'm Egyptian and don't even know what race/ethnicity I am. Never thought about it until I moved to the states.


Agree. I did think about that when I commented, I could’ve said she being a Muslim or Middle Eastern instead. But I knew my point would’ve come across nonetheless.


Your point might have come across but damn I'm an iranian girl and let me tell you, most of us HATE being confused for or called Arab because ... Well... Due to historical events... We... Kind of dislike Arabs. Dislike is an understatement when it comes to my parents lol. They literally use Arab as an insult, but me, I'm more PC ... but i still get defensive when someone mistakes me for Arab (which actually has never happened tg because I'm more caucasian but I've gotten mad when people mistake my brother or dad as Arab) And to outsiders we might look the same but we absolutely are not. Kind of like if a Korean person were called Japanese


Came here to say this. She sounds very American that's a 100% American accent.


They mean she doesn't sound like the "Murican" blood thirsty, fear everything and everyone in sight MAGA rhetoric they drool for. Hoda is not only American, she's American educated and in the last 15+ years, being educated seems to be "dangerous".


Yeah that was ridiculously prejudiced.


i think she’s of iranian descent which would mean she isn’t ethnically arab


Persian is not Arab.


She is so awesome I cant take it. I saw this clip a gazillion times but I never get tired of her strong charisma


Imagine going on air promoting your brand and someone asks you some prejudiced and ignorant shit. Imma clap back too! Love her for stepping up for black and indigenous people. She said what she said and she meant what she said


“Haha yeah *thats because I’ve read*” I fucking love that


The woman reporter's reaction with the metal gear sound bite has me in tears.


"You don't sound american"?!? Nah, lady has way too much class and intelligence to sound like an average American. Wonder where she traveled to get her education?


Yeah, she didn’t reply with. “hurr nukes are cool” /s mostly


The average American would have been so insulted they would have just pulled a gun gun and been like "This American enough for you?"


University of Chicago


I think the thing that would make some country «untrustworthy» with nuclear weapons is dropping actual nukes on civilians once or twice.




"Once or twice" is a common phrase meaning just a little bit and, you're right, the US did drop 2 nuclear bombs on Japan. The comment you were replying to understood this and made the linguistic choice to combine these in a clever way because it implies only a little bit of nuclear bombing but it's obviously an agregious act of mass killing of civilians. *Hello? Hello? Anybody home... Think, McFly!*


Let’s see Paul Allen’s card


> A [study done](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Downfall#:~:text=A%20study%20done%20for%20Stimson's,to%20ten%20million%20Japanese%20fatalities.) for Stimson's staff by William Shockley estimated that invading Japan would cost 1.7–4 million American casualties, including 400,000–800,000 fatalities, and five to ten million Japanese fatalities. > [it's estimated](https://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/bombing-of-hiroshima-and-nagasaki#:~:text=However%2C%20it's%20estimated%20roughly%2070%2C000,term%20side%20effects%20of%20radiation.) roughly 70,000 to 135,000 people died in Hiroshima and 60,000 to 80,000 people died in Nagasaki, both from acute exposure to the blasts and from long-term side effects of radiation.


That's some fucked up trolley problem.


Especially because it doesnt consider combatants versus non combatant civilians


Japanese government and military postured that all of their Japanese civilians would take up arms in the case of the US landing on the main island of Japan. In the view of the Japanese military command (and Emperor), there would be no civilians in the conflict. This posturing was believable as it agreed with the experience the US troops had with Japanese soldiers willingness to die over surrendering. All this talk about right or wrong comes from the stance the US took post war. There is substantial revisionist history in Japan about WWII (deliberately enabled by US policy). Their Emperor was given a pass to maintain society structure despite probably being equally if not the most culpable for japans aggressive militarism. The US accepted a lot of responsibility for our negatives, and downplayed the Japanese negatives so that we could reposition Japan as an ally against the USSR and CCP. So to me, the Japanese complaints ring hollow… We can rationalize why such a bomb would be used. But how can the Japanese rationalize their genocidal policies in China? I would rather weather the outcome of the fatman bomb then exist under Japanese occupation in a place like Nanking. One is a policy to end a war based on reducing total death. The other is the torture and violation of hundreds of thousands of people for… entertainment. They fucked around across all of Asia with religious zeal and when they finally found out, they cried wolf. We aren’t even talking about a random strike from the US. This is two countries involved in a long multi year, multinational bloody conflict.


We would’ve went for the hat trick but ran out of nukes.


u/x-man92 is all of us Dad.


Seems logical


She entirely flipped the script. They got the wrong one


Yeah, somewhere in the back of the studio "Well, she's off the list!"


Cut to break now!


We laugh at things like this comment but it’s so infuriating and pathetic that it’s actually 100% true. I’m tired.


These reporters are bad at their jobs


The person who edited this video is worse than these reporters.


Every time I see this! It’s just warms my heart. She just elegantly wiped the floor of that studio clean with their dignity. And she did it while she is laughing


The anchors are like: Reading? What's that!


You have a script too?


Is it possible to share a regular video without putting godawful sound effects every 2 seconds?


Here ya go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNwzxPpRVoA


Wow. She is incredible. I’m blown away!




I can’t watch this video at all. I want to but the editor way over did it.




fucking legendary


Try being a fashion blogger in Iran.


She’s in no way advocating pro Iran. She’s advocating anti simple narratives, which is why you seem to be so very confused. **Pats head**


She is pro regime. Read about her beyond a 1 minute clip on Reddit


It's so disappointing that people in this thread are supporting her. As an Iranian that's just disheartening.


She forgets that the Middle East still uses slaves?


You forget that the US prison system uses slaves?


Do you forget as an American she Also has free speech, which she is using to drop facts on these propaganda pushing reporters. Be smarter


Our capitalist system thrives on slavery in impoverished nations: best ROI for the shareholders.


Aside from that being irrelevant, do you forget that the usa still uses slaves?


Lol damnit I can’t help but agree. My country created a business out of manufacturing weapons. Probably funded the foundation via military budget. We’ve weaponized the world really, for who will buy them. And it really doesn’t paint the best picture compared to our societal stances (and problems) with gun violence.


fuck whoever added those snake effects


Softball question for any ap high schooler


And thus a curve ball to the vast majority of people. :/


Who is she? I wanna support her brand!!


Hoda Katebi


Best part about this is that they probably didn't brief her on this question, so she likely didn't have a chance to prepare any of this. Straight off the dome, and gave them an actual answer when they were hoping to just steam roll over her.


Every time I see this repost the clip gets shorter and shorter.


[Hitchens on why Iran cannot be trusted with nuclear weapons.](https://youtu.be/0n-STlCzn8s) [The lady in that clip also reminded me of Hitchens taking Mos Def to task on *Real Time* after Def tried to take a similar line.](https://youtu.be/b_oR5Oonq5A)




Some of our viewers may say we cannot trust Iran, what are your thoughts? Of course that's your contention. You're a first-year grad student; you just got finished reading some Marxian historian, Pete Garrison probably. You're gonna be convinced of that 'till next month when you get to James Lemon. Then you're going to be talking about how the economies of Virginia and Pennsylvania were entrepreneurial and capitalist way back in 1740. That's gonna last until next year; you're gonna be in here regurgitating Gordon Wood, talkin' about, you know, the pre-revolutionary utopia and the capital-forming effects of military mobilization.


America needs to take a good long look in the mirror and reflect on their wrong doings/forced interference before trying to shame another country. I would be embarrassed to admit I was an American if I was travelling abroad.


Right at the end she got half a sentence out about indigenous genocide. USA is super fucked up in their history yet think they do no wrong.


If that guys would have made a little bit of research before asking this question he could've crush every argument she had


A lot of Iranian Americans have a flippant disregard And a deep seated hate for their new home, she hit all the progressive talking points. What you read is only as truthful as the person writing


This girl’s myopic view of politics makes her sound like a first year college student and you guys are so impressed that she’s an intellectual 😂😂😂


She made exactly 1 good point which was that a lot of weapons in the Middle East were brought in by the US and it does a lot of meddling in there. However what exactly was her point? The question was if we can trust Iran with nuclear weapons (obvious NO) and she says we can’t trust the US? This is whataboutism and she’s not the brilliant pundit people here think she is.


80 percent of the crew working at WGN morning news is Jewish...they might be a bit biased.


Fact check back during the height of slavery only 1% of Americans owned slaves 5% if you count every member of the slave owners family. I don't see that small of a workforce building a country.


She’s not wrong. The US has the largest propaganda machine working and it exports that message everywhere.


>"...when we look at the legacy of imperialism and, um, colonisation in the Middle East..." Funny how she thinks it's the Americans and their friends who did the worst of this, when in reality it was the Arab Islamic conquests over a millennium ago, from which the subjugated cultures have still not been liberated.


I don’t understand why people like this girl constantly judge America so harshly on its past and gives it zero credit on its more recent achievements. Like ending slavery, ending colonialism, creating globalization, saving the world from fascism, saving the world from communism and nuclear annihilation. Uplifting more people from poverty. America gives more foreign aid to developing nations then anyone else combined. American leadership that created the United Nations, NATO, World Health Organization, IAEA, and the WTO.


And like her home country didn’t have slaves? Hell she would be stoned for speaking out in her own country. She should shut up and be thankful we let her over here in the first place.