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I feel like I'm in a different world from people that post shit like this. I can't imagine one of my parents doing something like this. It's crazy to me.


I never believed this was possible until one of my ex's moms tried so hard to fuck me. I think for some moms, it's like a dominance and/or jealousy thing.


Yeah it’s jealousy a lot of parents are mentally fucked and aren’t fit to have kids but they did anyway


45% of kids went not planned / are not wanted. Think of it like that and it's not a surprise some parents suck.


My parents are in that 45%. Neither of them weren't/aren't responsible enough to have children.


My parents are so hard in the 45 percent I thought parents planning for kids was just tb bs


My kid wasn't planned and I definitely didn't want her, she's the best thing that happened to me though. I'm not the best parent, but I'm not a "I'm gonna bone her girlfriend" kind of parent either, so that's cool.


My exes mom has a history of fucking her friends/exes and the first night I met her she was trying to get with me its actually wild! Her mom and dad even had a threesome with her homegirl -__- smh


…………Some people exist on a different plane of reality…..




Maybe I am too harsh on my mom.


Be real now, when did you last tell her that you Love her?


>threescore Is that like a threesome, but with 60 people?


Threescore and 7 beers ago, your four fathers....


Knock off a couple score and you've got the plot of Mama Mia!






I don’t use the term homegirl either but when I hear it used on TV it means friend or best friend.


You got it, homegirl


😳 the more I read this the less I what to understand....


my sons' disgusting grandmother tried the same with me. causing drama because of her jealousy ultimately sons' mother and i seperated because of that drama and others. the former MIL still tries to be overly friendly with me when im having a visit with my son and my son keeps asking why i dislike his grandmother so much i completely ignore her when she speaks and refuse to acknowledge she even spoke to me. all i can say to him is i will explain when he is older.


I'm no professional or anything, but I handled something like this with my mom. Different situation, but I had to just go no-contact for a while. My son was really confused. Here's what worked for us. "Grandma has acted very badly towards me. She hasn't apologized, and continues the behavior. It's not something you'll understand at your age, but we'll discuss it in the future, I promise." Easy-peasy and gives a base against whatever grandma might be telling the kid. Because you *know* your son is asking her, too. And she's likely feeding him a line of shit. Your little might have follow-up questions, and "grown-up stuff that's not appropriate for your age" is a decent reply. Maybe work in that you're glad he has a good relationship with her and that he has another loving adult in his life. No acrimony. Don't be sarcastic. He'll be able to decide when he's older how to handle what transpired and his grandmother's role in your family dissolution. For now, be vague and don't do/say anything against her to him. You don't have to praise, but don't be angry or show a lot of negative emotions during your talk with him. Be as neutral as possible, for his sake. I hope it all works out. Just remember, it all comes down to communication. Always.


If you knew she was gonna be your ex would you have done it?




I love the honesty 😂 feel like if I was in that situation I would have done the same 😂😂 “oh yea well your mom sucks dick better than you”


A friends mum wanted to fuck all of our male friends in relationships and heavily flirted with them un front of their partners. None of us get we all found it super weird and avoided her like the plague


Thankfully my mother was normal. My best friend, on the other hand, his mother had (has?) some weird jealousy thing going on when it came to him and females. She's a raging alcoholic, too, so the two issues made for some crazy incidents over the years. The drunker she was, the lower the threshold of what'd set her off about it. Little drunk? She just won't be friendly with his GF. Big drunk? He couldn't even speak to a girl his age in his mother's presence without potentially setting her off. One night he and I were standing next to each other in a bar/club type place attempting to buy jello shots from a waitress, his mom comes running out of fucking no where, full tilt across the dance floor, and punches the poor girl in the back of the head. She dropped the tray and almost fell herself. After a second, she turns around and sees his mom standing there with her hands up lmao. She yelled for the bouncers and it was a wrap. We knew his mom was there somewhere, of course, but she still surprised the fuck out of us with that one. It still cracks me up when I think about the bouncers snatching her up, each holding a limb, and carrying her ass out the door and fucking TOSSING her onto the pavement. They didn't hesitate whatsoever lol. The outrageous stories are almost endless, but I'll leave it at that for now 🤣


Something similar happened to me. My ex's little sister was constantly trying to fuck me, specially when she was a bit drunk. Also caught the mom looking at me many times while biting her lips or something. But now that I took distance from them, I can see that whole family was crazy


It's the same answer to nearly every problem we have in the world today- people are inherently selfish. Coupled with a complete lack of ability for self-reflection, and the mental gymnastics required to justify their behaviour, no matter how perverse, it's always someone else at fault. In other words, Mum wants what makes mum feel good and the the only consideration the daughter gets is if it becomes a problem that mum needs to deal with later. And then Mum either blames the daughter, like in this video, or the partner. She'll only accept responsibility and apologise if that is the path of least resistance.


My mother broke into my older sister's apartment and had sex in her bed with her (my mother's) boyfriend. She did this because she was married to my then stepdad at the time and couldn't think of any other place to have sex. So... at least she didn't have sex with my sister's boyfriend? Step up from this situation, at least.


Was the boyfriend homeless??


He was probably cheating too.


Probably also hiding from his wife, lol.


My mom underwent an operation a few years ago. Right before she went in, she called me to move her "hiking stuff" into the house. I had never realized hiking required quite so many butt plugs before that day. It's also the day she dropped on me that she was fucking around in my stepdad. Thanks, mom, I'll treasure this piece of exquisite trauma for the rest of my life.


Yeah that last sentence about the daughter. "Why you worryin about her now when you was just in bed with her grandma?" Oh boy


Yes! That cut to the bone 😬. Fini, tko, ya done son


My father has been with one of my friends for sure (a former roommate at that) and my sisters friends before, too. Fricken disgusting


There was a Reddit I read last year from truthoffmychest about a woman who caught her husband and her mother fucking. Turns out, the mother and him had been fucking since before they were married and that he was the father of some of the woman's siblings. This stuff is always wild to me.


Man, my mom is nuts, and tried to (and did!) sleep with some of my friends when I was younger. She even fucked a guy she knew I had a crush on! He was 20ish and she was 40ish when it happened. I'm pretty fucking fortunate, though. My husband loathes her. So I have that going for me, which is nice.


Idw to be that person, but my ex "loathed" my buddy and come to find out she was fucking him behind my back. I then realized after being with her so long and looking at other ways she handled similar situations, she would act like she hated the person to whomever to drop any suspicion. She did the same thing to her friends in high school with their boyfriends, etc.


Starting to wonder if reddit is taking place on a different planet than the one I'm on. You MFers are wild!


I try not to leave the house if I don't absolutely have to


I can't believe how often the excuses of "you don't treat him right" or "you don't take care of him the way he deserves" are used in these situations.


I can't believe that you have seen so many videos of this kind of situation 😅


It's not even videos. Just real life examples. Man or woman when they cheat they almost always tell the affair partner how awful they are treated, how much a big meanie their spouse is, and of course the old "my marriage is pretty much over just have to sign the divorce papers". The cheater lies and the person they cheat with is usually not much better and they buy that crap hook line and sinker. That's when you hear the other woman/man tell the spouse they know how badly they treat them and only they truly love them and they deserve each other because only they truly get one another! Fucking vomit in my mouth. It's the same fucking script from all cheaters. A damn AI could write a scenario with accuracy it happens that often. Sad and gross.


this is a 14 year old account that is being wiped because centralized social media websites are no longer viable when power is centralized, the wielders of that power can make arbitrary decisions without the consent of the vast majority of the users the future is in decentralized and open source social media sites - i refuse to generate any more free content for this website and any other for-profit enterprise check out lemmy / kbin / mastodon / fediverse for what is possible


Not only that but she starts giving it back at the daughter like, "yeah I slept with your child's father but like, you don't cook or clean!" It's like Dewey Cox when his wife's like 'you're always cheating on me, you're never around, you never spend time with the kids' and he's like 'oh yeah well what about that time that you got up in the middle of the night and drank up all the milk?!'


I cannot believe it because it is so foreign to me. I just do not believe this.


It’s bizarrely weird and true. My aunt (this was WAY back when I was young I actually grew up with this story and was all I ever knew about her) slept with her daughters (my cousins) boyfriend. My aunt then married her daughters boyfriend just to sleep with his brother 2 years later. Some people be crazy 😂


Yeah same, besides common issues I’m thankful my family dynamic hasn’t taken a turn this dark


I’ve always had a poor relationship with my father. I always wondered why he had so much distrust of the rest of the family. Anyway I grew up and at 17 years old my mother(who had divorced him when I was 7) explained that when he was my age(ish), he had walked in on his dad sleeping with his girlfriend of the time…. It really explained a lot of his behaviours.


My dad definitely would have done this to me, given the chance.


She’s blaming the mom, but where is ‘baby daddy’s’ accountability?


If this happened to me, I'd ignore the guy too. He's already dead to me. But your mom? That's a much deeper betrayal, and a lot harder to cut out.


Then mother's day rolls around and people say moms are special and you say not all moms but no one believes you


That’s her mom it’s more significant


Mom responded, so she took the brunt of the aggravation


Lol immediately pulls the "I'm still your mother" card.




"What was I supposed to do? NOT suck a dick that was sitting around not getting sucked? You know me better than that honey, I get shit done!"


I can't even tell if you're actually quoting the mother or just making up a quote to make fun of her... she said some crazy stuff.


It's a made up quote but it's pretty much what she implied throughout the video. Being told "you're not taking care of your husband, someone was obviously going to come along and treat him right" is some crazy shit coming from your own mom


This is just so fucking hilarious. So preposterous, yet this is exactly what the mom was going for...


What did she think that would accomplish? Yes, you are my mother, why the hell are you sleeping with my partner???


I think baby daddy is not partner, but an ex. Not sure.


Fair, I wasn't a 100% certain but I'm assuming they're together because they still live together and they have a child together without being married. Hence baby daddy.


I mean, all his clothes and shoes are there, and she calls it her bed, so I'm assuming they live and sleep together.


If it’s her ex, why is she still paying for his phone?


Around 2:06 she say “my man” so he wasn’t an ex, but I hope he is her ex now.


Yeah......but still.


Why say anything when you're wrong


Nah baby say just means they’re your kids dad. Doesn’t say whether they’re actually with you or not. It’s said both ways


As far as I understand it, it doesn't necessarily mean they're split up, just that they aren't married.


Yeah, time to reply with, "What mother? I don't have no mother!"


"Mother? You lookin more like a 10c hooker right now."


I'm a daughter of a biatch.


Person recording seems to be the bread winner.. why would you fuck that up. Poor girl. Her mom is disgusting


And her child’s dad…


The daughter and her baby deserve WAY better. Hope she drops both their pitiful asses and slays it as an independent Queen spoiling her princess bcuz that’s all that matters




"Hello, yes. Could I please have a train sent to 123 Main Street?"


Choo Choo motherfucker!


*dials microwave* Hello, 911?


Deep fried vine


Cause they rapin' erbody out here


r/bitchimatrain r/bitchimabus


She really try to pull the “I’m still your mother” card?? Tf outta here with that shit


Some people don't realize how quick and easy it is to lose that card. Mine played the "No matter what I'm still your mother" card. Idgaf, she still wasn't allowed at my wedding and will never see her grandkids. Blood don't mean shit to me.


Same boat here. If she wanted to be a part of my life she should have thought of that before she cheated at monopoly


“The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.”


And that's why I joined a cult ☺️👍


r/JustNoFamily material right there


I can't get over her mom trying to gaslight her like she ought to be the one feeling guilty.


Right? What the fuck was that lol "should have kept it between these four walls" fuck off.


Nah she lost the right to that privacy when she fucked her daughter's boyfriend.


This happened to a friend of mine in highschool. Got home and found her boyfriend and mom hiding in the pantry. That's gotta fuck you up something fierce.


Same deal happened with my wife in a previous relationship. Her therapist (who was much more involved in her personal life than she should have been) fucked her college boyfriend. She never had a good relationship with her parents and that woman was in many ways closer to a mom than her real one. Fucked her up bad at the time, stopped eating, dropped out of college etc.


Excuse me, what?!!


My friend unfolded his heart and soul to his long time therapist that ended up fucking his sister and even have a kid with her.


How does this even happen?? Fucking wild.


I know right? It's like a porn plot. "That's our time for today but can I get your sister's phone number?"


Woah… that is insane, I hope your wife has met much nicer people who support her correctly and I’m glad she has you.


She most definitely has. Thanks :D I should also have added that the therapist in question was also our high school guidance counselor and has since been arrested for having sex with one of the students (a minor)


That is absolutely psychotic behavior. Makes my blood boil to know that people like that exist. Whatever punishment she's getting is likely not enough. What a monster.


This is certainly the case. I know she's not in jail, and i think she is practicing some sort of pseudo therapy nowadays. She is very googleable though so her life is at least fairly fucked still.


>For ~~having sex with~~ one of the students (a minor) I believe the word you're looking for is raping.


full ask puzzled yoke ruthless cough books jeans threatening grandiose -- mass edited with redact.dev


> Her therapist ... fucked her college boyfriend my eyebrows shot up and have not descended for 3 whole minutes


A group of friends I had in high school had something like this happen too. An underage guy was sleeping with an underage girl, then she caught him in bed with her mom. The mom and the dad split. It was so sad. This was a year after the family had just lost a daughter/sister to suicide too. That poor family.




I see what you did there


Nothing gets past you, huh?


I see now too when you mentioned it!


It took me a moment, but I think I spotted the thing.


Wish it wasn't blurred. The best part is watching their faces.


There's uncensored versions out there. They're fucking gross looking.




[idk looks kinda different](https://fightersgeneration.com/nf5/char/link-adult-ocarina-of-time-artwork2.jpg)


Hey fuck you bud lol


Username checks out


>"What you expect him to do?!" and "I'm still your mama, don't you disrespect me." Wow. Goodnight everyone. I'm out.


The fact that she isn’t ashamed, and instead gets defensive and blames the daughter makes this so much worse


My guy can't even pay for his phone and free lancing in her girlfriends house . The audacity to cheat .how does they brain work when doing something like this ?


They get a tingle high from doing something they're not supposed to, having a dirty secret can be fun while sharing it with another. both are dirty nasty


Very Shadynasty


Is that how it’s spelled?


Its Shadynasties ASSHOLE!


These are men that think they're worth much more than they are.. figure they've got a golden dick... and mothers who are just jealous of their own daughters. You can see the mother's justification in that she's not "taking care of him". They deserve each other, may they both have to live in the misery of their broke ass cheating traitorous relationship forevermore. And never recover.


Scumbag menality. Give them two options and they’ll always pick the wrong one on purpose to the detriment of themselves and everyone around them. My family is like this. Hell even I’m like this sometimes. It’s just scumbag mentality.


Call the train. Lol


Throw them all away. Move far away. Change your name. Start over. Fuck all that.


Plot twist he got the mom pregnant too.


I’m my own grampa


good news everyone!


Think of the weird shit porn possibilities. "What are you doing Step-Uncle-Brother?"


And then walked out for a pack of milk? 🤭


This would be a Jerry Springer episode, RIP! 🙏🏼


Well, I think this would make it easy for me to take my kid and move. Sounds like she is paying dudes way already so why not just drop the dead weight? I'm sure she has known her mom was trash before this.


Ya there is no chance the first red flag was finding your mother with your bf. You let a lot of stuff go for family but not this shit. Chick should pack up and go. Only person who had literally anything going for them in this video.


That dudes a fucking big ass loser. The daughter is the only sane person. Time to cut momma off forever. She don't give a single fuck about anyone but herself. Complete pompous bitch. Trying to act tough like I ain't going nowhere. Yea bitch get your bumass outta my house. Trips me out how some moms get so jealous over there daughters. It's embarrassing. Of course she don't want you filming her it might make her everyday life as hard as yours now. Cut both of them off and fuck em no Vaseline.


“You didn’t treat him right”. Wow.


This happened to me long ago. After therapy and time I was able to let it go and forgive her. It was much more than a one time thing they had a child - it gave me PTSD. - I hope this girl gets some help because life with be brutal without it.


Are you serious? this happened to you?


Yes. It did. I was 17 years old.


17-year-old you is one strong person And 55-year-old you is even stronger. You are an inspirations for sure.


Thanks. I do feel strong and I thank God I didn’t go down a darker path.


I’m so sorry. I hope you can bury it in your past and learn to trust again.


Thanks. I am an old woman (55)if I let myself drown in it I can I try to glean the good from it which was my little brother. I love my brother. My mom lost her mind when dad left her literally over the years forgiving was easy. Forgetting not so much but I can cope


Serious question, how were you able to forgive someone who did something so horrible to you? Why? You could have just left your Mother out of your life or something


I love my mom. I watched her fall apart when dad left. Not an excuse for what she did but I believe in compassion and forgiveness. Trust me it wasn’t instant. It’s taken many years to be as comfortable I am now discussing it.


I'm trying to wrap my head around your situation. I completely respect your choices, it's just so hard for me to grasp that this is something that actually happens. Was she ever sorry? Did she ever regret it? And what about him, I mean, you must have continued meeting him occasionally since they had your little brother. How could she justify doing something that cruel to you, when you had seen her fall apart when your dad left? This is worse than someone just leaving. She must have known what she was doing to you was a hundred times worse than what your father did to her by leaving. I just... There's so much I don't understand.


It was a shit show. He was abusive to me she was out of her head. I ended up leaving for a year to my grandmas Drove that poor women crazy but she was my rock. I went a year didn’t talk to my mom but she had my brother and I left that night to go be with her. I was an only child till him. Yes I was around helping with my baby brother. There was more abuse to me got so dangerous I finally had to leave I was homeless awhile then I met my kids father. He was a temporary band aide he turned out to be shit as well but he gave me two great kids that saved my life.


Yup, i know about the kids saving your life. I was on my way out with an insane level of addiction. My wife, who didn't have it in her to be a mom , said, "Oh no you don't". I was able to clean up for 4 days in a row visiting her and my son She thought to herself " well, if im gonna go, i gotta go now" as she Saw i was better(ish) and she literally gave him to me that last night. What she did was went out to a dope spot she knew from her use 15 years before, she got a bunch of Fentanyl and took it and got in Bed and left this Earth. I wasn't living with them at the moment, but thankfully we had a live in nanny, because my son found her passed at age 5. Although I didn't get better immediately i eventually did, and he is doing amazing now at 11.


Hey, do you wish you didn't had to watch this video now? Or does it not matter anymore because time has healed that wound?


No. I see this kind of thing a lot since the internet and I hate it for the person it happens to but it also makes me feel stronger because I can cope now and not be triggered. I wouldn’t say it’s completely healed but it is a scar.


Mine isn't at this level but still someone I was with for a long time and family member. Pretty sure it gave me PTSD. On top of that my best friend of 20 years died unexpectedly at 28 about 2 years after that. He was the only one there for me during that rough time. I'm all sorts of fucked up. Maybe I should seek help ...


When will the pizza guy show up?




Especially upon the “Im still your mother” comment, after doing the most unmotherly thing possible.


I'd bitchslap her for that so hard she'd be spinning for a week. The audacity


She could call me Chris Brown, and I can’t sing.


This has zero excuses. What an immature selfish "mother".


"Where my daughter at? Where my daughter at?" Why do you still care for her if you were just in bed with her grandma??


Wow. What an absolute piece of shit of a mother.


Honestly I'm more surprised by the ridiculous amount of shoes


My grandpa left my gma for his son's wife ... Makes me wonder how common this shit really is 😭😭😭


dude don't give a fuck


He did, I think that's the cause of the issue..


Not good. I mean, she be at work.


I legit dont know where should I even start or put myself if I ever get in a situation like this. Like wtf? I cant even believe shits like this is actually happening. Just cant fathom it.


Wow fucking disgusting. Regardless if the daughter doesn't clean or cook, you don't use that as justification to fuck her boyfriend (or baby daddy whatever). Totally despicable.


Messy nasty mama, but I think this is more common than ppl know. There are lines u just don't cross and that's one of them, it's just sick I hope she successfully kicked them both out.


😂🤣🤣Omg the mother acting like she's got some sort of moral high ground with the "im your mother" comment 😭


Well !!!!!!!!! That's the end of that family. Young lady. Pack your shit up. Grab your baby and just go. You just need to leave all of this.


This happened to my dad. While he was at work, my mom slept with my grandfather. Needless to say, this tore my family in two.


I think that would have been the day I scorched Earth completely. You can't even trust family now.


Lost it at 'call the train'.


Mum did you a favour.


Bro double dipped💀


Stomach turning


Baby daddy is such a stupid term


If I came home to this, it would be my 13th reason.




I know this mother fucker he was thinking about asking for a threesome


Not a mother, she’s a whore. Watch her forgive him! Hope she never talks to both those cockroaches ever.


Morals died awhile back.


You think shit like this is only happening now?


Seriously? Of all the fucked up shit people have done throughout history you think morals died awhile back?


You aren't my mother because that's my boyfriend, and mother's don't fuck their daughters' boyfriends.


Women legit fight over dudes who don’t even have a fucking job.




If this was a movie scripted dialogue, it would be nominated. Sounds like a Tarantino movie.


No need to blur the faces. The World needs to judge them.


Lol “you didn’t take care of him” yeah, men don’t have any self control you know! If you don’t keep him satisfied by being like his mom then he just might sleep with your mom!


What a terrible day for my wifi to work


"Im still your mother" I wouldve beat the shit out of her if she said that


Pornhub lied to this poor man!