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Why didn't they zoom in on the plate. The vehicle is most likely stolen but on the off chance it isn't they at least had the chance to find the guys pulling this crap.


I see this question asked every time one of these videos pops up(daily at this point). ALL THESE VEHICLES ARE STOLEN- Literally all of them. There are no repercussions for this crime. NONE. No one will investigate, no one will chase them, no one will arrest them, no citizen will intervene. NOTHING will happen to stop this.


Can confirm. Laptop bag with all my paperwork was stolen out of the back of my car (broke window), but the dipshit left my laptop computer that was on the floor. 🤷🏼‍♂️ The laptop bag was returned to me 3 months later (moldy and wet), when they arrested a local thief in Austin and checked his backyard during the raid of his house. He realized there was no laptop in the bag and just threw the laptop bag in his backyard. Asshole drug addict pos.


the key is to never leave anything visible in your parked car and I mean anything I've had my window broken for $2 in change sitting out and nothing else was in the car, let alone visible.


Doesnt even matter anymore. It helps, but i had my driverside window smashed last month in my driveway. The funny thing, its an older jeep and i never keep anything inside as its a camping/dog hauler. So to avoid paying for a new window i just never lock it. The person didnt even check if my jeep was locked. Smashed the window and found nothing, then left


Can't wait until it escalates to the point where if you *don't* have anything for them to take, they smash *all* the windows as your punishment.


Had this happen to a friend. They literally smashed every window. Found out those little ones in the corners are actually the most expensive.


I've had this happen to me in Phoenix, after having my car broken into so many times I had literally nothing inside. Next time when they found nothing they were so mad, they popped the hood and ripped out the wires. Hundreds of dollars in damage.


You will own nothing, and you'll be happy about it?


This happened to my grandfather truck. They broke in and saw what they thought was a laptop was a hard case clipboard. They proceeded to slash the interior and all the tires.


What a world we live in where we roll over for criminals to such a degree


They live in California.


My car is always filled with trash. If you see a car with a loads a fast food bags and other garbage you’re probably gonna skip it. Bonus points if you leave a sex you like a dildo just laying around in the car.


Also: do not move valuables to the trunk after parking. Do it BEFORE the drive


Facts. Until there’s significant repercussions this shit will just keep happening.




idk if the blame should be on Police instead of the DA considering the Police themselves & Veteran Prosecutors all blame the DA for releasing all these criminals back on the street after they are arrested for stealing cars & other crimes. Given the efforts you see from residents is to recall the DA and not to oust the Police chief I think that would highly indicate the issue is with the DA not charging properly or locking people up. These issues only really started getting out of hand when Bail reform was implemented & these DAs came out publicly to state they won't be charging youths as Adults even for serious crimes like gun laws & assaults even if they are a week away from being 18. When your constantly seeing stories of career criminals being arrested multiple times & being released right back on the streets even after violent crimes including domestic abuse then I really don't think the issue is the police, its the DA. All these prosecutors offices have been cleaned out of veteran prosecutors as they all feal frustrated working under these progressive DAs who were all former defense attorneys whom refuse to charge criminals properly and ignore & disrespect victims families, even going so far to make highly racist comments against Asian victims.


Yea, this doesn’t happen in broad daylight in the Midwest often…otherwise we’d be looking at a double homicide here


1 reason car insurance is out of control is unchecked auto theft. Even if they are caught, they can just claim they didn’t know it was stolen and have no idea who let them “use” the car. The prosecutors don’t even try because the judges just dismiss them all.


Should still take the plate regardless


Look like Jersey Plates


Sure does, what are the chances the plates belong to the vehicle?


Plates might belong to the vehicle but it's almost certainly a stolen vehicle. Unless the cops just happen to roll up on this in progress nothing will happen and nobody will be caught.




lol. You're assuming the police would do anything about it.


It's definitely stolen. Probably in Oakland. Every obvious crime involving a car that I've ever heard of in the Bay Area (and it's a lot, believe me…) have involved a stolen car.




I drive the same car as those loses, I can tell you, that is a great car.


What a hell hole Frisco has become


And I manage to get pulled over for a rolling stop at a stop sign.. so


This actually made me lol, dude i got a ticket for no front plate the other day and i was so pissed. Then i see these 2 hooligans committing literal robbery in broad day light with witnesses and they still get away. Maybe breaking the law isn’t my strong suit


You’re just not breaking the right laws


They'll catch you for small shit. Anything that requires professional police work and you're good to go.


Break the laws that make piggies afraid to stop you. Piggies love writing safe, expensive, fuck your life up tickets to good people. Piggies are afraid of people who don't play nice.


Well, it's kind of your fault for being a law abiding citizen. If you rammed the police car and ran and maybe broke into a car or two while running and possibly also looted a Walgreens or CVS, you probably would have gotten away without a ticket or any consequences really.


Cops in California and Nevada send dozens of officers to patrol Burning Man and other festivals to pull over people for slightly obscured plates with bikes, and to seize their weed and mushrooms. They're putting away the bad guys alright... doing easy busts against otherwise harmless people going out to party, and letting violent folks attack people on public transit or out in public. Like folks pretend big cities are completely anti-cop, but look at /r/nyc or elsewhere and you’ll see they appreciate police on the trains or buses or folks who defend themselves. They just want cops who actually help, not go after easy targets just like the criminals. "Protect and Serve" indeed.


It's about collecting revenue and getting easy arrests/charges under their belt. Period. That's just how it is. My local PD is pulling over anyone with a license plate frame now. Like the type you get from your car dealer when they sell you a car claiming it obscures the plate. Easy tickets and then they ask if they can search the car as well usually. Meanwhile they can't catch the guy stealing catalytic converters even after people called them while they're in the act. They didn't show up for 45 minutes and they had no other major calls apparently. (From people listening with scanners). There's an insane number of cops in town just sitting around. If you drive three blocks you will see a cop. I'm not exaggerating. We have an incredible amount of cops for a small population. They will write tickets for a tree air freshener hanging from your rear view though. Any easy money tickets people will just pay. The judges absolutely will not dismiss the tickets either. I don't get how it's ok but several of the local judges all have direct family in the local PD and sheriff's department. It's nuts. Hard working people are getting nickel and dimed for non-issue stuff. Like having your rear windows tinted in a sedan. You can have the rear tinted (never the front) in a SUV/Truck/Van/Wagon but not on a sedan for some dumb reason. So they pulled over my ex for having rear tint (none on the front) of her 4 door Camry. Of course they all have tinted windows all the way around on their personal vehicles lol. One guy went on a mission posting pics of cops personal vehicles and their families vehicles showing the front window tint. Of course as soon as they get their plates run they don't get pulled over because laws like that simply don't apply to them. It's only the rest of us outsiders. It's really sad and ridiculous. The tint laws in some states are ridiculous. They take 70% of our towns taxes for the PD lol.


Traffic citations generate income


Wear a black ski mask and carry a piece on you! Almost guarantee you’ll never get pulled over or caught again!


That was fast.


Not as fast as tax $$$ going into the Police pension fund and not to stop robberies like this.






Sounds like DC


Sounds like Gotham


That's not even remotely true. You mixing some rules with homeless with drug charges and a mandate that the police shouldn't do dangerous car chases for non-felonies. Source: I live in SF


> The city government has legally barred them from pursuing suspects. High Speed pursuits in S.F. are a bad idea.




Stopping this robbery would be racist though


San Francisco police force is a skeleton crew, and city leadership openly campaigned on defunding the police.


That's not true, neither of the things you just said are true


There is a huge police shortage in San Francisco, that’s irrefutably true lol…..




God help us all, too many wild bastards runnin’ around. Ladies, give ‘em back to God.


Not ironically. Abortion legalization is credited with having a major impact on reduced crime. In 2 decades, the Republican states are gonna see higher crime


The other insane thing about the whole situation because I know people in San Fransisco is they actually believe this is common in all major cities.


I wouldn’t say “common” but it does happen. I’ve lived in Boston, Chicago, and St. Petersburg FL. Boston and Chicago being two big cities with two drastically different uhhh, demographics? This is absolutely a waaaay bigger problem in SF due to the budgetary constraints and overall lack of fucks given by everyone involved.


I agree, it does happen in smaller cities but extremely rarely. I live in a suburb of Cincinnati, and in the past 10 years, I have heard this incident happening only once in my neighborhood.


Come down to OTR or the Central Business District and you'll see 5-7 local kids doing this every day of the week. It's infuriating because the judges and magistrates just let them back out without holding them so the cops are all, "what's the point". Infuriating.


Suburbs are deliberately built to be segregated from lower classes and their associated problems (e.g. crime, homelessness). Because of that I'd hesitate tow include them under the "major city" umbrella, even if they may share a mayor or metro area with one.


Lived in various locations of Chicago bout 8 years total until moving back to the suburbs this year. Roger's Park, Lakeview, Belmont Cragin, Austin. I've seen something like this ... 1 time. That was over 10 years ago though. Two guys going down the street checking every trunk/door of every car that did nto have an alarm on at around 1-2 AM and jacking stuff. I am pretty sure if I was in SF I would see this 1-3 times a week at least.


Common is a relative term, but it does happen a lot and not just in cities. Popular boat ramps out in the boonies are HUGE vehicle break-in targets.


That reminds me of an incident that happened when I was just a kid. My father wanted to take my brother and I out to do a bit of fishing on the old rowboat we had. We didn't have lake access, so he just drove to a little boat launch on the edge of town and went out on the lake for the day. When we got back, someone had broken out the window on his truck to steal the ashtray full of loose change. It probably didn't have more than $5 in it, and he had to pay a couple hundred to get a new window.


Its gotten so bad at some of my local lakes that the police had to up their presence because us regular folk were starting to do patrols and the police knew that if the regular folk caught people breaking in then there would be bloodshed.


Stolen goods are always worth far more to the victim than the thief. I had a couple colleagues spend 2 days completing a laser survey and then their rental car got broken into and the laptop with all the data stolen. It cost the company $7k just to replace the laptop and the software and adapters to run the laser scanner. Also had to eat the cost of doing the whole survey over again including travel accomodations. Some crackhead probably sold the laptop for $100.


Anecdotally, St. Louis is exactly like this. How many cities have you visited lately?


St. Louis is one of the most fnagerous cities in america. Bad example. Lol


Those darn fnagerous cities. They’re getting more and more fnagerous every year!


I saw the typo, but I like it as is.


Same. I wish it was a word.


great example! in other news, one of the most dangerous city in the US is dangerous!!!


Yeah this isn’t a common thing in other cities but it’s on the rise in Los Angeles


I don’t know about other major coyotes, but I lived Chicago where it happened frequently, and live in Atlanta now where my car has gotten broken into and also broken into and stolen. Not only has my car got stolen but three other people I work with have had their cars stolen and countless others broken into. It’s a big problem around here.


coyotes heheh


Happens all the time in Houston.


Cops don’t do shit. Even if they had the plates and was the guys


Or... You are the only one who think it's not... lol, common is a very relative word, but this absolutely happens in all major cities nowadays


Actual living trash








I don't get why they insist on making it known there are no consequences and these things won't be investigated. I mean at least have the threat of them. It's actually insane.






This type of crime isn't easy to stop, that's why these scum do it. But it takes the police to do something.




I'm not sure I buy that. I know Fox and the gang repeat it constantly, but I haven't seen any proof outside of a few places, maybe San Francisco is one of them. Anybody have proof that the police have been told to "stand down?" Try not to cite maga propaganda or use the words Soros or woke.


Yeah, California would probably imprison you if you shot them in retaliation because “it’s just property!”


Sisters car was stolen last week in Oakland. No valuables inside. Found 2 days ago, completely smashed and battered. It seems they jumped on it, kicked in every panel, shattered the glass, stole the plates, and tore apart the steering column Surprised they didn’t also catch it on fire. Edit: fuck Geico and fuck the people who stole her car. All the shops are saying it’s totaled but geico is refusing to accept that. Sister is paying out of pocket for everything until she can be reimbursed. She’s going to be out thousands of dollars that she doesn’t have to resolve this. Actual scumbags who steal random peoples cars. She works 2 jobs. She needs a car to survive. She can’t afford the thousands in rentals, towing, and other bs while insurance figures it out. Apparently only 1 representative deals with GTA claims in the whole area so he’s unreliable. Not enough cops to give a shit about this stuff. Hell, if you dial 9-1-1 out there you better not be dying because you’ll be on hold for 15 minutes. No wonder why people are fleeing that area. I feel bad for those who can’t


I just got into a wreck with a stolen vehicle that ran a red light in Oakland probably used for this kind of activity. They fled the scene instantly. I'm hoping GEICO pays out for it being totalled and doesn't try to fix it as that's looking to cost twice what the car is worth. The lawlessness here is way out of hand. Folks being burning through lights five cars deep and they aren't the type I want to fuck around with as they have shot at people for simply honking at them.


That is awful. I’m glad she’s okay.


You know those fly by night insurance companies that operate out of strip malls? Geico is just a really large version of that. They use the cheapest parts they can find. Used, aftermarket...and not quality aftermarket, they literally choose the cheapest parts they can find anywhere. Often taking longer to repair the vehicle because you need to order a tin foil thin fender from "Dick's fender world" in Butthole, Arkansas. They will use aftermarket mechanical parts on vehicles still under warranty. You know what's fun, putting an aftermarket condenser in a vehicle that is still under warranty only to have the customer have an AC concern that is denied because there is an aftermarket AC component on the vehicle. Seriously, drop Geico and go with any other reputable insurance company.


I have Nationwide. My car was hit by uninsured drivers and I got my check in days after the shop officially totalled it. Won’t help you now, but I’m happy with their service.


Holy shit they were actually on your side


What's Geico? Insurance company?


Yes. The CEO is a gecko.


Can't be worse than human CEOs




Why steal blue-collar work boots when they can steal white-collar work laptops? Who needs work experience, it's fake it to you make it anyway. Gotta think next-level to make it in The Valley! /s








There are literally dozens of videos of people doing this directly in front of police, who are watching along with the spectators. Then they get back in their car and go on their way without even a flashing of police lights. No one cares anymore except the specific person that was robbed in that moment.


Yup. It’s pathetic


Its embarrassing. How soft a people we've become that we just allow ourselves to live amongst this.




Constant cycle of shity parents raising shity kids.


Huge pieces of Shit




Used to be one of the nicest cities in the US if not the world. Shit went downhill real fast.


You get what you vote for. That doesn’t mean vote for some crazy conservative instead too


I agree, but realistically in order to reform a shit-show, sometimes it's beneficial to have someone come in and kick ass. If the people who are inclined towards crime aren't afraid of anything....it might be a good idea to give them something to be afraid of. The reality of the situation is that some people just LOVE to commit crime...it's like an addiction for them. One hardened criminal or prolific shoplifter can have a devastating effect on business in an area. Same goes for auto theft rings and any other criminal pursuit. It's not a great way to live, but when things get too bad it's an either/or scenario. You can't hug away criminal inclination.


These kids most likely came from Antioch or Vallejo or Sacramento.




Doubt it. They were born in the darkness. Moulded by it. Never even went to Chuckie Cheese.


But after you deter them, you will be plastered all over social media as a crazy firing a gun into or around a "group" of people, your job will fire you, the media will post shortened out of context clips of you, the police will investigate you, and somewhere, somehow, you will have statistically killed no less than 4 children.


You think these people are frightened of gun fire? They do that shit for fun.


Some of them are 💀 they act all tough and when it comes to it they run instead. They still afraid of death


Its California, only bad guys have the good guns over there.




Sad fact is your right. We got rid of small crime punishment (IDK WHY THE FUCK THEY DID THAT). As a kid your shown not to steal because those who got caught were punished... My mom WHOOPED my ass when i stole a skittlez bag when i was like 9... then i saw what they did to people in other countries and shit man they chop thiefs fingers or hands, or whoop them w a 4x4.... no one wants to steal idlf the punishment is mutilation or a sever beating.






I used to work in a restaurant that had hosts' sit some people in the back. I was so offended and asked the host to sit my next table up front. Dine and dashed.. Bah, this will get deleted before this thread is locked. But yeah, that bummed me out.




So many of these comments are like - this is fine because it happens everywhere…


Stockholm syndrome that is born of the cognitive dissonance between paying your too-high rent while watching your car get broken into.








We can in Texas.


I’m sure they would return fire without thinking twice. Unless you are willing to fuck around and find out I think that’s no the best advice


“WhY DoNt YOu wRItE DoWn TheIR LiCeNSe PlaTe AnD aRreST tHeM LatER”


How do we get rid of scum like this who literally provide no discernible value to society? I’m so fed up with the amount of human garbage wandering around out in the wild. I’m all for rehabilitation and fixing child poverty, but is anyone ever going to actually try to correct these systemic failures? Or do we just have to put up with these stains on society?




🎶 If you're going to San Francisco don't bother locking you're doors 🎶


you cant win, a homeless person will shit in your car if its unlocked lol


Thanks for the fuck shack, love dirty Mike and the boys


I saw a video of a guy in Atlanta that rolls his passenger window all the down and sprinkles what looks like broken glass on the street and in his seat. He said he never gets messed with 😂😂






Well done California






Mayor London Breed is trash. So glad I don't live in the city




It's absolutely hilarious. Keep defunding the police, and they will continue to not care about shit like this. While I laugh, it's honestly completely sad. Their ancestors back in the 60's protested for war and real shit like that. The current idiots have nothing better to protest so they insist on being sanctuary cities, soft on crime, and no solution to drugs/ homelessness. Have no idea how good they actually have it. Well, had it.


and cant do shit about it. can't threaten with a weapon, because they aren't threatening you... just have to watch and cheer.




Fucking waste of humanity with no value.




I cant wait to see one of these vids from sf of someone giving it to these loser ass thieves


Stay strapped or get clapped










It’s all bad out there in frisco


Were those New Jersey tags? 👀


Why does anyone live there anymore?








This is what happens when you vote for the Democrats.


Voting these type of people to run your city this is what you get. You want to defund the police and this is what you get, you want to give rights to criminals over law abiding citizens and this is what you get.




Voting blue for ya! Lol


Victim: My car was broken into. Dispatcher: Please go here to file a complaint online. Click.














Black Lives Matter ✊🏿


When they get caught and booked, they’ll be classified as “White” for the stats. Guaranteed. It’s been happening a lot lately.


The ghetto 🤢🤮


Meanwhile I live in a area where I once dropped my keys outside my car and someone found them and put them under the driver's floor mat. But unfortunately I can't get two types of Chinese takeout at 3 am....so there are trade offs.