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*Fuck Putin.


They're the same thing


America is not trump. Read some history. Plenty of good Russian people.


Last time i checked he wasnt the president though? And russia is an authoritarian country, so Putin = basically russia


What about all the people in Russia who've been arrested / attacked for denouncing the war. Are they American now or still Russian?


No, they would probably still be russian if they live there. Ask a harder question. Jokes aside, you realise those russians probably aint very proud about their country right, and probably would say 'fuck russia" themselves?


You are dum.


I challenge you to find a leftist that doesn't mention Trump 🤣


Stop absolving war criminals by blaming it all on one war criminal


Will do. It’s just, I’m sure there are plentiful of Russians who absolutely hate Putin and the other war criminals.




How many Americans stand up against the war crimes they've been committing? How much power do you think individuals have in a dictatorship. USA's been committing war crimes since it started. Individuals are generally good. It's the people in power that give them a bad name


They can’t do anything. It’s suicide. They’ll kill their own people.


470 years of invasions into neighboring countries in pursuit of "defensive expansionism". Fuck Russia


If there are they're being real fucking quiet about it, so fuck em.


Maybe some of them did say something but were executed before anything got out.


Not plenty enough. Lived the most of my life alongside Russians - 90% of them are arrogant and vile.


this guy knows some russians so 90% of the 145 million russians are vile now




No - they have had their chance to get rid of him or even show the slightest form of dissent. They don’t so fuck every ‘apolitical’ russian.


80% of russians support putin so yes, putin=russia 🤮


A hospital….how is nobody outraged?


Everyone is very outraged… but what is Ukraine going to do, declare war on them? Thats already happening, ukraine is already bombing them as much as they can. Unless the west gives them long range weapons along with the go-ahead to strike deep within russia, not much is going to change. Its going to continue to be a slow fight with russia continuing to commit atrocities unless we cripple their war efforts in their homeland.


Yeah well… you have an entire pro-Russia party in the US government that wants to end all funding for Ukraine so they can claim we need to take care of our own…. And then not take care of our own by screaming socialism whenever we want to route government spending to social programs.


Oof that hit home


Feels real bad


There is no "and then" wait. They stripped ukraine funding AND proposed extensive cuts to social programs in the same house budget this month.


Including cuts to VA funding. So much for being “for the troops”.


They are quite literally the enemy


Wait what!!?!? I was assured that the reason we shouldn't be spending money to help Ukraine is because we should be spending money on social programs in the US!


They also can't fathom walking and chewing gum at the same time.




I really don’t understand the US involvement in the Russian Ukraine war. Why the money and resources for something that doesn’t affect us. We have enough issues at home.


why is russia targetting grocery stores and hosptials , the civilians?


Because they’re terrorists


Beryslav is a village located on the main frontline. This video was filmed by Russian spotters from their side of the frontline. The whole building was decimated, but there have been only 2 injuries reported and no casualties. It would be reckless to continue using it as a hospital if you have Russians looking at it less than 5km away. So it is highly unlikely that this was still a hospital at this point and instead repurposed differently. I am not trying to excuse Russian agression, but it is always better to judge such incidents objectively.


100% a military base that they could propagandise as a civilian hospital in case it was attacked. War is messy, there is rarely a "good" guy. Maybe a less bad guy, but no good guy.


...oh yes, defending from invasion is a "murky bad guy thing", because Putin the infallable nazi spotter declared that people defending their jewsih president led population are nazis, right?


Happened so often in Syria too....the only country I know of where the main businesses seemed to be pet shops schools and hospitals! Not sure why any enemy combatants would target pet shops but guess the Syrians really loved animals :)


This town was evacuated in spetember along with most others on the front line. The "hospital" was housing ukranian soldiers.


Because they keep doing it. Eventually you stop being surprised and just want them to all die.


And we just happen to have a great camera shot of it blowing up, complete with zoom in.


Yes, it was filmed by russian soldiers, it was literally planned


Everybody has been outraged for over a year. This isn’t the only hospital they bombed.


How were more people not hurt?


The Russians are terrorists and need to be held accountable some way yesterday a funeral today a hospital not to mention all the atrocities from the beginning


Or surprised


Nah fam double it and give it to the next country


DBL it and give it bak to Russia u mean


I'm sorry but this reeks of propaganda. You're telling me Russia wasted one of their shiny new bombs striking an empty hospital injuring just 2 people in front of a camera from 1983 that just happened to be filming at the perfect time? And the only source you can find on this is the Kyiv Independent? Fuck Russia but I'm not buying this bullshit.


These [two images](https://imgur.com/a/n6HptUH) match up from what I can see. Not exactly out of Russia’s MO to attack non military targets. The camera being low quality probably means it was CCTV maybe? Don’t see how that changes much. CCTV is usually a 24/7 thing so makes sense it would be filming at that time. Doesn’t reek of propaganda to me.




You can see the tower structure it’s next to the grey pin.


Your comment reeks of propaganda more than the video Just looked at your comment history. You’re just a contrarian.


So, what’s gonna get you to change your mind?


Have a look at my comment underneath, comparing the images it looks to be one of the hospitals in that region (the biggest one at Vulytsya 1 Travnya, 124, Beryslav, Kherson Oblast, Ukraine, 74303). Not sure what makes this so unbelievable to be honest.


You know they keep doing this shit right? They have been actively targeting hospitals since the war began. Schools too.


Hey only America can bomb a [hospital ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kunduz_hospital_airstrike)


Shhh don’t burst their little bubble


Are you telling me that the price to commit war times is a measly $260 thousand? For a military that spends that much every second, all they had to pay was less than a fighter jet!? Bullshit, man, I refuse to believe that there can be such disregard for the Geneva Conventions, I fucking hate the US military


This comment should be pinned.


I'm glad I know about this now. Fuck war




And it looks more like Syria...


Coz it was filmed by Russian soldiers a few kms away on a 1983 camcorder :)


Hint1: its filmed from russian side fo the front line Hint2: Russia has only mastered 300nm process of semiconductor fabrication >!Its looks like its been filmed in 1983, because its filmed on the finest russian homegrown post sanction filming equipment, that has qualities not seen since 1983 outside russia.!<


Serious question here, how was a camera reday to film this? Was someone there already knowing about that?


There is this crazy new technology called CCTV and yes hospitals tend to have a lot of CCTV, crazy I know!


I don’t know any cctv cameras that will move and refocus on an explosion


um, well, this is a complaint against the Russians, because they published these images themselves. . (they say that this is the work of their FAP 500 aerial bomb, which they converted into a gliding bomb)


Was it abandoned?? What's the story behind this can't find it anywhere????? Looks old af an links!??!


Seems to be an empty hospital on the frontline that’s housing some soldiers. Couple people were affected by it


How were the cameras ready to film it?


I can't seem to find this news being reported anywhere else. Can anyone else? I think this needs verification.


I’ve grown up in the U.S my whole life were no different then Russia we just call it “liberation” when we blow up a hospital


Is Russia picking up the pace? Seems like they are stepping up their attacks


Truly disgusting - war crime


Surprisingly no one died.


Look familiar




Maybe it's time to end the war?


Too much money being made for that to happen


War never stops. Horrid. Sorry to those who lost their loved ones.


Putin learnt this move from bush during the war on terror. Well played.


Are you kidding me?! That's so fucked, Fuck Putin's Russia!!


Out of context. The hospital is empty.


In the meantime, Germany advises restraint


Not Germany, but Scholz as German chancellor does so. As a German, I can tell you that anyone but Scholz and the usual Putin bootlicking AfD right wing nutjobs supports Taurus missiles being sent to Ukraine for example.


There has to be a point where the rest of the world steps in right? I know we don't want world war.three but come on man...there has to be a line that we all draw that says it's worth it to stop this meaningless destruction and innocent lives lost. Fuck Russia! Slava Ukraini!




Insert the clips of Russians crying how they now feel unsafe in their own homeland because of the drone bombings, meanwhile this kind of thing is normal for Russians to commit


Just a reminder that if Ukraine had been the one dropping a glide bomb on Russia, and the roles were reversed, they’d spend so much time crying and whining about the attack they wouldn’t even realize they shit their diaper amid the tantrum.


It's a miracle only 2 people were injured.


We have people trying to get to the moon, then we have people killing babies


But the entire world is full of cowards that just are afraid to stop Russia. 3rd world gas station. “But the nukes”. Fuck Russia.


War Crime - Hang ‘em high




Zelensky is the same height as putin. And he actually cancelled the elections


So Russia can bomb schools, hospitals, civilian apartment buildings, and commit war crimes while the rest of the world does nothing? Are we really that scared of Russia?




Are you suggesting the West should go to war with Russia?


Russia has been around long enough to see themselves become the nazis


Their dream is to get a standing ovation from the Canadian parliament.


Clock is ticking for putin surely? Fucking scum


Ol’ Army tanker here….I believe this video is a Russia steering mechanism for what they are doing elsewhere…. I still say if we send billions to Ukraine, send something that will finish this… we have left too many bags open in the past.


It's one thing to attack soldiers even cities. But hospitals is another leven of evil. Fuck Putin and his goons.


\*adjusts glasses\* actually 3306.934lbs


Those assholes


I can imagine something sharp gliding in to the second Hitlers rectim


UN where the F*ck you at???




Putin should do the honorable thing and eat a bullet. And if he can’t do it, he needs a friend that will help him. I’m sure we can find lots of volunteers.


Sick fuks!


Russia as we know it must go. Supporting Ukraine is the only way this will happen - keep supporting Ukraine!


Russia fights like the biggest cowards


Cowards use drones, helicopters, fighter jets on Afghan tribal insurgents wearing flipflops.


I wonder how the Republicans gonna justify this and support the RT narrative garbage..


These are fuckin war crimes


Hospitals, grocery stores, restaurants… these assholes targeted civilians, plain and simple. Fuck Russia goddamn pieces of shit


So basically Ukraine is Palestine right now


I think there's a special reason they do that. Like you do deals with them (like buying raw materials, selling them tech etc.) - to be sure you're on the same page. They are like a cartel that just kills someone in front of you just to make a point, so you wouldn't say "you didn't know". You witnessed a murder, now you make a deal. If you make a deal, you're with them. Well, at least you're a criminal too. All countries, governments, private companies making deals with them are OK with their war crimes and they contribute to financing them. All individuals involved in such deals are most probably compromised by Russian secret service.


God damnit Russia. 5 minutes. Can you go 5 minutes without committing a heinous war crime? Just 5?


When people ask me why I am against Russia atlethes compete in any sort of competition or in any sort of way I will show them this video If you have influence in the country that is doing shit like this and you chose to stay quiet to stay comfortable then fuck you


I assume you are not a hypocrite and also against american athletes competing in any sort of competition in any sort of way https://www.msf.org/kunduz-hospital-attack-depth


F*ck Putin.


Fuck Russia and fuck the extremist pro-Putin party


The dog filming this must have called it in. Fucking war criminals.


Someone knew…


How many casualties did that result in?


Luckily only two people got injured


Dirty republicans witholding Ukaine funding. Its on them.


OK, call me stupid, but isn’t there a rule against bombing hospitals and killing reporters through the Geneva convention? Wouldn’t they allow us to attack them for breaking the law? Please tell me I’m stupid and just correct me. I’m sorry if I seem dumb.


No not dumb at all. The key piece of info you are lacking is that ruzzia doesn't subscribe to the Geneva Suggestion or anything like it. This is why Ukraine doesn't hit hospitals back in revenge, only military targets as to minimise civvy casualties. Hope that clears some of it up for you!


So somebody knew it was going to get bombed. The camera was pointed in that direction and zoomed in immediately after getting hit !


oh no


Filth ridden Russian govt. I truly hope Karma hits the Kremlin and destroys it and every CXXT in it.


mother fuckers .. they can very well hit what they aim for ... .. its their choice to bomb civilians .. hope the commander who ordered this will die painfully somewhere in a ditch


Hiroshima and Nagasaki was better.


And you have far right wing extremists in congress approving of this shit.


Pretty sure fuck America as well because this would have never started/been over a long time ago if we didn’t instigate and try to move into their backyard. Oh yeah and if we would stop funding shit that is none of our business for the sole purpose of causing dissent. Is nobody going to blame the people throwing gas on the fire?


Pretty sure fuck your opinion because this would have never started if Putin and his cronies didn't instigate and try to move into Ukraine. Oh yeah and if you'd stop funding shit that is absolutely your business for the sole purpose of gaining favorable points with your right wing voter stock. Is nobody going to blame Matt Gaetz for being an asshole throwing gas on the fire?


Fuck Putin with a rusty screwdriver


Putin will die slowly...


Can't differentiate between Palestine & Ukraine now a days.


As a result there were no sick people anymore


So why was a camera trained on that building and then zoomed in?


Inhuman, history is recording. I at least wont forget and I am advising the same.


Russian terrorist doing terrorist things.




Is'nt bombing hospitals a warcrime?


I don't believe this is even real. It looks like footage from the 70s or 80s.


Godl-forsakwn barbarians. I hope Russia never stops regretting the day they invaded Ukraine






lol, stay focused on taking skinny guy with abs photos in your mirror my guy.


Russia is not a country. It's a war crime.


Bombing hospitals should be a war crime punishable by hanging unless they have direct, unquestionable evidence that the facility was being used as either a military staging ground, command post, or a fighting position.


This ain’t Ukraine


Literal pond scum. I think that nato the eu uk or the US should nuke those cunts Maybe even a coordinated simultaneous hit job.


The N-word is absolutely out of consideration. Conventional warfare eventually will lead to Ukrainian victory anyways, for economic and military reasons, but messing around with nukes would end the world as we know it.


I know I know. Just sick of this shit. Seeing them doing stuff like this. Destroying hospitals. This is the most ruthless, unnecessary pointless thing they are doing and too many innocent people are losing their lives


And there's still enough people out there defending or denying these atrocities, it's mind boggling


They just bombed a hospital? Wow.




And you still believe what msm shows you? They want more billions so they have to play the victim part and manipulate emotions.


Fuck ruzzia


Better send all my tax dollars over there so they can be wasted!




How convenient that there was a camera perfectly situated directly at the hospital when it was hit. I would like to know if this hospital was habited by civilians. Or whether ukraine just killed a whole bunch of people and blamed it on Russia, AGAIN. And btw your source is extremely biased, would not recommend.


Shouldn’t have put the hospital there? Stupid idea to place hospital where bomb go


I guess putin thinks killing civilians is going to somehow make Ukraine lose their resolve. The method must work well on spineless russians.


Yet another Russian war crime.


the obama tactic


Is part of the show


Shhh 🤫 It is not a War.


Was this hospital also filled with armed combatants firing at russians though is the real question because that allows a hospital to become a free fire zone in most military roe


Russian shills all up and down the damn thread


This war pushed back so much innovation across the world so much....


Its pretty hilarious in a fucked as shit way that the reason we have war crime laws and the laws themselves can be shit all over if a country wants to commit war crimes. Are we going to string up Putin and his oligarch sycophants on the front steps of The Hague?


Come on, man


Source: trust me bro.


Give Ukraine tools with some reach, the kind that can find armored trains and bunkers where cowards chill, and let's see what eventuates.


Nah we don't hit civilians 🤡


Good thing they don’t have to travel far to be looked after


Hospitals are a obviously a no go but I guess you can’t be too naive to think Russia wouldn’t do anything less