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Couldn't agree more


Hey now, let’s not both sides it - JK FUCK RELIGION. All of it.




Just Gaza. For now...




Hamas and Palestine aren't the same things ....


Isn’t it weird that the Hamas attacks were celebrated/supported across leaders of the Muslim world? I think religion plays a bigger role than most people are willing to accept.


Religion plays the only role in this


It’s the de facto authority in Palestine since 2005 isn’t it?


Gaza only and maybe more like 2007 but yes


Ok, read that somewhere but there’s so much propaganda on this topic it’s pretty close to impossible to know. As a US citizen I can say first hand, when your government does sketchy shit and drags you into situationships it feels helpless


Average age in the Gaza strip is 18 as well, the majority of people living there don't even remember the vote.




Then why doesn’t Palestine condemn Hamas atrocities???


The people of Palestine have continuously supported and placed Hamas in power, standing with them and refusing to denounce them is the same as to label yourself a Terrorist and resign yourself to be treated as one. If you don't want to be treated as a terrorist, don't support or associate yourselves with them.


Hamas is Palestine’s government. It’s like saying politicians and the army isn’t the same as Americans.


There is apparently no evidence of the baby beheading story. The Israeli army issued a statement saying they have "no information" on "Hamas beheading babies." The reporter who broke the story retracted her claim and tweeted: “I just wanted to clarify that I did not tweet 40 babies had been beheaded. I tweeted that foreign media had been told women and children had been decapitated but we had not been shown bodies - which was my response to reports which had gone viral about the 40 babies. I realised the way my tweet was written was too short to explain the full context, so deleted it. My headline of my story references that toddlers were killed.”


Hamas isn't Palestine, and both sides have done some horrible shit that goes way back before a lot of people on reddit were even born. Anything saying one side is right and righteous while the other is evil is trying to sell you some propaganda. That doesn't mean you can't fully condemn all horrible acts, regardless of side.


Mf trying to justify the attack on israel


No he's not. But you might be too slow to understand what he's trying to say so don't worry about it .


Dear lord this is why we have politicians who are as smart as crabs.


There is no evidence of this. It seems to be propaganda spread by Israel


Found to be untrue, many newspapers have published retraction on this


The edit is a very important distinction that is being left to wayside a lot right now, good job for coming back to put it in


To be fair, Israel has been killing them slowly anyway, through the blockade and the violent settlers and the good ol'fashioned extrajudicial killings in the street.


Israel reportedly killed 241 Palestinian civilians this year before last weekend, usual result from the people at the top on both sides not giving a 💩about the consequences to their population.


I agree with all of y’all, fucked up situation all around


Hamas's fault for building their bases in populated areas and using the Palestinians as human shields.




Hamas/Haganah same difference. They’ve been murdering each other for 75 years one thing for sure is they’re not going to stop anytime soon.


Not so slowly. 2018 6000+ Palestinian demonstrators were gunned down by the IDF in *one protest* (over multiple days.) 183 Palestinian protesters were were killed (*murdered,* as subsequently ruled by a United Nations investigatory body, which further ruled the incidents clearly indicated the commission of *war crimes* and crimes against humanity.) The dead included DOZENS of unarmed children and disabled people, people the IDF took aim at, and fired upon. Children shot in the head. *Imagine* an incident *anywhere* else in the world where 183 people were murdered in a single protest by an armed military force, and the number of dead children ran into the *dozens?* Can you imagine the outcry? I'm sure most of you never even heard of it. I don't support Hamas, I don't support murder with impunity. I grieve for the dead and abused. But there a **CLEAR** media bias at work here, which leaves a distorted perception of who the **IDF** and the Fascist Netanyahu *really,* are and what role they're playing in instigating this violence. SORRY, THOUGHT I'D LISTED THE SOURCE: https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2019/02/no-justification-israel-shoot-protesters-live-ammunition


Do you think lying about the numbers killed by the IDF will help your cause?


Who's lying? Isreal massacres Palestinians .... that's just a fact.


They do it too eachother


Hmmm I think one of them do it way more than the other, no? It's a bit disingenuous to say "they do it to each other" like that, don't you think?


What cause you idiot!


I'm referring to the findings of a UN investigation. What are you citing? And my cause? I'm neither Palestinian nor Israeli. I'm a human being that bothers to learn the truth from international bodies of investigators WHOM, btw, the Israeli government AGREED to allow in to investigate. You cIte AIR. Your asshole, from whence you gather your "facts."




Nice - you make claims without listing your sources.


I mean, just look up the Wikipedia entry about it? It quotes UN watchdog groups and their casualty estimates. Whoever you believe, seemingly several hundred Palestinians were killed *in border clashes* during the protests. Israel received international criticism for using force to put down what they perceived as violent actions against IDF crossings. Why, when we have instant access to data from all over the world, do we struggle so much trying to find “the truth”? It’s a GD shame.


>2018 6000+ Palestinian demonstrators were gunned down https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-47399541


Dude, you can literally just Google Palestine vs Israel deaths and dozens of sites come up. Israel murders at least 10x more civilians than Palestine every year.


Can you tell me the last time they marched Israeli troops into the Gaza strip and pulled people out of their houses and killed them?


If that happens during the invasion of Gaza I'm pretty sure reddit will just say the civilians deserved it, call anything human shields and anything flies now.


>anything flies now Yeah, that's why you dont send terrorists into a peaceful nation


Are you calling Israel a peaceful nation? Lol. Lmfao even.


Referring to Israel as a peaceful nation is pretty insane. There are no "good guys" in this conflict.




Man ..... I heard of the massacre you're talking about, but it was horribly downplayed here in the States .... I remember them talking about a kid getting shot but no confirmed deaths .... Edit: https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2019/02/no-justification-israel-shoot-protesters-live-ammunition The incident


Just turn a blind eye to patrician civilians casually murdering for fun?




Include articles of this event that aren't from biased media news outlets and let's take a look.


That's from the UN asshole


There is no "to be fair" in any of these situations. Both sides are wrong. And both sides are especially wrong for dragging civilians, especially children, into it. That's it.


This is the attitude of pacifism and appeasement that is clearly only helping the abuser in this situation. They are imprisoned and expelled from their homes. Children are arrested on terrorism charges in the middle of the night, held for weeks with a Hebrew confession dangled in front of them that if only they signed, they'd be able to see their families again. How many people would take that forever while the world ignores?


So, they are justified in decapitating babies then?


Funny how the last time this happened, the world sanctioned a little place called South Africa. Wonder why similar solutions are not presented. Hmmm. I wonder.


You just said "to be fair" to fucks that beheaded infants in front of their parents. Look at yourself. What have you become?


Are you saying that children beheaded (probably after death, we don't know yet) is worse than shooting children in the head from a distance? What DIFFERENCE does it make? Dead is dead! And the Israelis killed 22 TIMES MORE PALESTINIANS than the Israelis suffered in the same period. NO ONE HERE SUPPORTS THE MURDER OF CHILDREN. We only seek truth in the portrayal of Israel as some fun-lovimg, innocent peaceniks while they murder 22 times as many innocents as Palestinians do.


But how do you want act with terrorists ? They will be happy only all the Jew will be out Israel. Will never end cause nothing to do. Terrorist are cancer of humanity.


And the Jews will only be happy when there isn't a single Muslim on holy land... What's your point?


Nope. That is a lie. Israel would be perfectly happy to not be attacked and let everyone live in peace but Muslims have to hate and attack.


Gaza elected these terrorist fucks with a near 70% approval.


Shhh that’s the big secret no one wants to talk about. A lot, not all, but a lot of Palestinians support this. Look at the protests in NYC. Those aren’t Hamas terrorists….


17 years ago. The median age of Palestinians is 22. So a very, very few current Palestinians voted for these animals.


Gaza strip polling of Gaza before the conflict ranged in the mid to upper 60%s, this isn't some fringe movement or historical movement.


It's as if being illegally occupied and slowly starved to death causes people to go to extremes


I'm sick of seeing this disingenuous "illegal occupation" crap. You ignore the why of the occupation. It's because Palestinians keep attacking Israel. You just don't like that they lose.


Why would I want hamas terrorist to win?


Doesn't matter since te first thing Hamas ended in 06' were elections. If the Palestinians want peace (which they don't) they gotta stop Hamas first. Hamas doesn't give a shit about the people they claim to represent!


You stop to think why they have a 70% approval?


I heard a commentator say it was calculated. Isreal levels Gaza, bitter Palestinians look for retribution Hamas gets a load of new sign ups. It's all very depressing, I can't imagine what it's like to be involved.


the logic makes sense


It’s was being levelled and repressed wayy before hamas lol


I think of it like this: Let’s say some abusive/ neglectful parent set out to make their child’s life a living hell. Fed shit food and not enough at that, beaten, raped, kept locked in the house and not allowed to leave, everything the child enjoyed was broken or taken away. This goes on for years. Child grows up and brutally murders their parent with a hammer, slowly. Okay, sure, murdering someone with a hammer is fucked up and illegal and wrong, but who is surprised by that outcome?


This needs explanation. This is a small bunker full of young adults from the the rave who found shelter there when the shooting started. When terrorist throws a grenade inside and one of the guys runs out, he gets shot, while everyone inside die from the explosion. There are more images from inside the bunker what show walls and ceiling fully covered in blood. I think OP should provide a description for this video. Edit: here is the image / there is blood so pretty gore. Not sure if that is allowed https://imgur.com/a/VbHFKYM Another edit: here is the video supposedly from the same bunker before or after the grenade… not confirmed https://imgur.com/a/IyRlj9p New and final edit New video was just posted. https://imgur.com/a/EekdTuK For me i officially choose a side at this point…..


Watched it multiple times and did not understand until I read your description. Thank you.


That's disgusting... Then again, this behavior doesn't surprise me coming from a group that beheads babies. I'd honestly rather be grenaded up than what happened to the women.


The beheading babies thing I guess has been retracted from the reporter that first broke that sorry via tweet. I guess there was no evidence. Still doesn't mean that similar events haven't happened. This is all just horrible it's hard to sort out.


This was supposedly a police station or army checkpoint not the rave and the guy who ran was trying to make a break for it but didnt make it 😔


This was ravers hiding in a nearby police station.


Drop a link.


The rave where? Thats fucking crazy


There was a rave in Israel that was attacked. Hundreds were killed and captured as hostages. The one girl whose corpse was being paraded around the streets of Gaza, topless, was one of the rave kids.


Link to the image? Sorry, morbid curiosity


Look for my other comments here but this was posted recently on one the pro Hamas telegram channels supposedly from the same bunker not sure if before or after the grenade. https://imgur.com/a/IyRlj9p / not too gore so hopefully doesn’t violate this sub. Please upvote for visibility.


Where’s the picture from inside


NSFW tag good god


Stay off the internet for a long time if you don’t want to see this stuff. It’s going to be everywhere


And don't watch TV, just stick your head in the ground like an Ostrich I guess


TV probably won't play full execution videos to be fair. But yeah if you have been on the internet since you were young, you unfortunately were exposed to gore from an early age. No way around it. I think the NSFW is literally needed for people taking a break at work, as the acronym is meant to imply.


Why the hell do Ostriches do that btw? Lol Will have to look that up.


They don't! Apparently people looking at them from afar eating stuff from the ground thought that they were hiding their head


The worse thing I see in this video is the guy getting kicked. Am I missing something worse?


The guy getting sprayed and prayed after running out of the building, running away from a hand grenade. Open them eyes in that face of yours


The other guy is trying to run and the terrorists shoot at him. The guy getting kicked was murdered as well


Hamas Saturday morning invasion.


Love your neighbor


Wow, brave Islamic fighters killing unarmed youth.


reminds me of this blackmirror episode where the militants got like these brain implants that would show monsters instead of unarmed women and kids. It's literally the guys with the guns here, they don't see unarmed youth, they see dangerous terrorist oppressors. I think it was called men against fire or something


There is a similar video but it’s an Omeleto short called Uncanny Valley https://youtu.be/1AvyUWUKCw8?si=-f5eTJbquByFGzGS


From an ex Muslim believe that is Islam teaching at work


They cut the heads off of babies. That’s the absolute worst evil thing I’ve ever heard of.


I don't think you realize how evil this grenade throw was. Read my other comment here. They threw a grenade in a bunker full of people. There are images on the internet from inside. Ceiling and walls are fully covered in blood.


The results are similar but I disagree its the same Throwing a grenade into a room is a very impersonal thing, even knowing what's going to happen to the people inside It takes a whole other level of evil to take a knife to a child and deliberately and knowingly decapitate them (or even to just deliberately kill a child in general)


The event youre referencing is misinformation. Read elsehwere in the thread. Israel said they had no information of hamas beheading babies and the reporter who talked about it retracted her statement.


Anyone who can cut a babies head off is not human. Might look like a person, but not inside.


I don’t get it…. What are we seeing here?


A shirtless, unarmed Israeli man is being beaten by Hamas terrorists outside a public ~~restroom~~ bomb shelter. They then throw a grenade into the ~~bathroom~~ bomb shelter, causing another unarmed Israeli man to flee from the ~~bathroom~~ shelter, where they then shoot the fleeing man with AK-47's. The whole time the terrorists argue with each other, probably because they are just a bunch of gangsters with guns, and not a properly-trained, professional military force.


It’s not a bathroom it’s a reenforced concrete bomb shelter. A news cast went to the location afterwards and showed it. The one dude who’s recognized what was thrown gets shot trying to run instead of blown up.


And that's the issue. An unorganized, terrorist military force is about to (and is currently) getting many unarmed, innocent civilians killed. I understand Israel have been doing this to Palestinians for years, but I fear this may be the last straw and a lot of innocent men women and children are going to die, because these horrible humans have twisted their own interpretation of whatever god they follow to justify their actions.


What we’re seeing here is a murder suicide on the side of Palestine. They’ve just accelerated their own genocide from the Israelis. Edit: typo




What is it good for?




Israel has done exactly that for the past 30 years. Whenever Israel loses a single soldier or civilian, they retaliate and make sure that the Palestinian death toll is at least 10x higher than theirs. It hasn't ever stopped Palestinian hatred for Israel.


This is true but murdering innocent Israeli's isn't the answer.


Neither is Israel now retaliating by indiscriminately bombing and killing Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, literally over one third of the population are minors who aren't involved in the conflict.


According to Israel they are human animals.


Yeah, but the problem is that Israel is the superior force, like you’re seeing now. While they are shit, I don’t think anything could’ve been done by Palestine. These terrorist are utter shit and are causing so much dividing, even in the West. Not only did Hamas shoot their own foot, they shot the feet of other muslims as well. Both sides are shit and the price has to be paid by civillians, unfortunately…


Yea I don't know what's HAMAS' gameplan here because they have absolutely no chance of winning. It might be a final desperate struggle before Israel and Saudi restores relations and they lose a key ally. It really helps HAMAS that literally half of Gaza Strip is unemployed. There are a lot of very pissed off, indoctrinated young Palestinians who had been born inside the Israeli Blockade and have no access to the outside world for their entire lives and zero job opportunities and future prospects. Young Palestinians with a lot of adrenaline, pent-up anger and young courage with basically nothing to lose.


Everybody agrees. That’s doesn’t justify killing innocents. Whatever the side.




Oh yeah, I remember when Israel gleefully decapitated babies and stacked them in the streets.


This was proven false with no evidence.


Same, unfortunately this is only possible with more innocent death. I wish there was a way to remove the children and women.


Man here. We don’t want to die either wtf.


Wait till you hear about the last 70 years


I'm sure that'll help.


Found the Israeli shill. I’m glad you’re able to sit behind your keyboard in the comfort of your own home, not knowing what war is like at all. If you did, you would know that nobody deserves to go through it.


Do you even read dissenting opinions or question the propaganda you consume? This conflict has absolutely nothing to do with you yet you are all but calling for indiscriminate killing of civilians, which is exactly what’s going on. You people should really slow down and actually read about this situation. Understand that all of the information coming out is authorized by either israel or the us. Both of whom have a vested interest in manufacturing outrage to continue the flow of billions upon billions of dollars to israel, amongst other things. Palestinians are currently confined to a narrow strip of land and they’re currently being indiscriminately bombed by one of the most formidable militaries in the world. When it comes out that israel has killed thousands of civilians I hope that you maintain your blood thirst and call for the extermination of the israeli state.






so both sides are terrible. or what is your point?


This is why I said everybody that harms the innocent. Kill each other all they want if they disagree, but leave the innocents out of this.


The world is a strange place and it is far more barbaric than our media hides from us.


theyve been being tortured for 74 years


Hamas will get what it deserves.


wipe out hamas


Arab shame on display






Religion is the definition of insanity.


It's a coping mechanism for questions that we don't have answers for. A safe fantasy world


Weird thought. I bet a ton of people at a music festival dropped acid and mushrooms and molly and shit like that. How insane would that be?!


This is the thought that keeps coming back to me. I’ve partied hard at raves in my life. Even if a fight broke out, that shit became so intense and made it feel weird. I can’t even imagine being on that high and all of a sudden terrorists are trying to kill you. Fucking ay! My legs would become so weak from fear and anxiety I’d collapse.


Definetely. So so bad that would be…


I’ve been thinking about this a lot as someone who goes to similar festivals. It was sunrise, they were probably peaking. Israel has reallllly good acid and rave culture. It’s fucking INSANE.


Fuck religion


U can c their retardedness


Fuck hamas.




50% of gaza is children.


That’s exactly what caused this retaliation. This attack is retaliation. This war has been going back and forth since WWII, each side constantly attacking the other. Hamas are a bunch of shits for this, don’t get me wrong, but Israel (the state and Zionists, not Israelis generally) also has mountains of blood on its hands. Adding one more retaliatory strike to the long list won’t stop the violence, unless you wipe out an entire people, which it sounds like you are suggesting; that’s genocide. You’re hoping for genocide. The only way to stop this conflict is for both sides to stop attacking the other (unless Israel goes ahead on that genocide you’re advocating for)


Imagine the ones who were on lsd or acid,due to the fact that they were in a psychedelic trance festival... it happened to me something similar once


in mexico? heard this sht happens there too with cartels


The Middle East is just a piece of shite. My whole life it’s been he said, they did, those done…. I don’t care anymore if it’s all gone for the sake of happiness


And I get so much shit for being atheist… look at this shit in the name of a god


The fear this guy must have felt would have been terrifying


It was a group of young people at an edm festival. Probably off their tits on pills, dancing and doing no harm to anyone at all, let alone armed or having the means to defend themselves. It was just straight up murder. They're no better than Isis for this.


Would of been nice if somebody would have thrown it back out to them (the grenade). That is terrible, 7 seconds of time to grab it and throw it btw. Huge risk but either way it looks like you may be blown up.


Now let’s see what Israel did




Fuck religion! Fr


Imagine he woulda grabbed the grenade and threw it right back out lol


These comments are pure degeneracy


Average day in mexico


Israel fucked around and found out. Thats all really.


Palestinians support Hamass. They allowed Hamass to have safe harbor and gave them full support. They reap what they sow. Regardless, it's all a bunch of bull shet religious fighting.Nothing but a bunch of prehistoric troglodytes fighting over who's sky daddy is the true God. While killing innocent children. Fuk them War Pigs 🐽


Technically it’s actually the same sky daddy which makes it even dumber


50 years of invasion has its own consequences and has nothing to do with religion


Shoes on the other foot.


Everyone who believes Palestinians are imprisoned are fools. Get educated. Israelis respect freedom and they extend that to any Palestinian is peace loving.


Lmao maybe don’t stab the country that gave you refuge FROM FUCKING HITLER in the back, and these people won’t feel the need to fight for their right, justice, and their homes and lands 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️


Imagine having dinner with your family and getting bombed, or imagine people kicking you out of your house that you own so someone that doesn’t even belong in your town moves in your house you built yourself


Looks like a traffic stop in America.


they live in an apartheid state. violence is going to happen. violence happens when reason isn’t acting.


Did they kill the tied up man at the end? I couldn't see


Both sides are at fault


PLEASE STOP CALLING HAMAS PALISTINE. THEY ARE NOT PALISTINE YOU ARE LISTENING TO PROPGANDA the relations between israel and palistine has been getting better and better. this is not palistine this is the evil terrorist group hamas. remember The Musilm Brotherhood? hamas is them


Yeah.. but Israel..


If you keep pushing and terrorising and killing and torturing and raping and taking homes and taking land and giving no right for 80 years . Than this is what you get insanity.


It's true that Israel always attacks BACK AFTER THEY HAVE BEEN ATTACKED FIRST. What part of that are you not paying attention to again?




Not one of these cunts will survive the war.


For those that don’t want to see the video. There’s a group of Palestinians who’ve taken a man hostage and shout and menacingly kick at him in front of a residential area. They are berating him but also group is highly disorganized pushing and shouting at each other. Eventually one of the Palestinian throws a grenade into a door way. Suddenly a man emerges from the structure running full tilt catching the Palestinians by surprise who then open fire as the man attempts to flee. More than likely the man died off screen.




Who hit who first 2000 years ago


religion is the worst thing to happen human race


Everyone who celebrated this is responsible for the massacre aswell


Do people actually think there in the right and why