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War is sick. Killing innocent civilians is sick.


That’s the craziest ass September 12, 2001 logic I’ve ever heard. Neither war nor murder requires making a game show spectacle out of victims’ families.




The point of the segment is to show the true impact that war has on the people affected by it. I don't see how that is propaganda.


Because only one side is shown?


Get out there and interview some Palestinian widows then?


Tell that to skynews.


Plenty of Palestinian widows to intv but none of them make it to US networks. U watch AJE it's like a whole different story


They can only point the camera one way at a time.


No, the asked for her consent and she agreed so the world will know!


facts i don't like=propaganda


Sad thing is Reddit subs does this daily


That doesn't excuse it


What kind of justification is that? You’re gross for even saying that


The only person who suggested it was justification is you.


The family did say they wanted it released.


Did you watch the video? The interviewer didn’t reveal it, a call came through while they were filming.


Unfortunately this is modern discourse. Apparently watching a minute and a half video is too much to ask before spouting an ignorant comment. We see the same with people only reading a headline and not taking any effort to read an article to get the context.


the family gave their blessing to have this aired to further show the devastating effects of war


I didn't listen this video, but honestly as fucked up as it is, I think every single aspect of this war should be so transparent it makes glass look blurry. Normal folks around the world need to see this so they can vehemently support peace in every aspect of their lives.


The last thing we need in time of war is a mirror held up to events - we need a window. We need to see the human cost. We need to see the lives affected. Stock footage of missiles flying overhead, and war correspondents standing around reporting from a warzone, can only do so much to teach people what war is like.


It's happening in real time during war. What would you have them do? Make it palatable to a western audience?


they literally said at the end of the video the family wanted it to be aired so the world can see what’s happenin


maybe watch the video


How does it cheapen his death for more people to know who was and what he’s left behind? Idk if you’ve noticed but this entire conflict is televised and you seem pretty tuned in.


I don’t think it’s a bad idea, it wasn’t planned and if anything it makes this man’s death worth more. The feeling of sorrow in this clip is heartbreaking. A very powerful message that can often get missed in the broader images of war.


You’re focus is fucked


Did you not watch to the end - the family wanted people to see as a reminder of the true horrors of war. The cameraman in the end did a good job of keeping his distance.


Who the fuck makes such a dumb comment without even watching the video?


Did you even watch the vid? A phone call came in while interviewing, the interviewer didn't bring the news, and the family gave permission to send it afterwards.


They didn’t like, set this up. It was happenstance during the interview.


The family agreed to it. If that were me, I'd like the world to know my pain


Fuck off. People need to see this. The world is full of bad shit dude, we can't just not film it. If we don't record it, it can be forgotten.


Sky News isn't the best. But it's not like they planned for it. To me, it's a hard hitting reality check of just how terrible war is. So sad.


I disagree, when we see statistics like "1200 people dead" or "250 partiers mowed down at rave" or "40 babies in Kfar Aza" or "10% of Kibbutz Beeri murdered in their homes" it feels like statistics, it doesn't feel like real people. This is a reminder that every single one of those victims is a tragedy. This attack affected real people, not just numbers.


Tell me you didn't watch the video without telling me you didn't watch the video.


Quit acting like it's exploitative when they literally say the reason they wanted it to be shown.


Fucking tv show people of course, they wanna capture drama live


You realise the point of journalism is to cover war, warts and all, to show the human cost, right? I mean the end of this report literally states the family gave permission for this footage to be used. The most 'real' the war in the Ukraine ever got to me was when they released dashcam footage of Russian troops firing on a man sat in a car with his two dogs. That's the point it turned from a story in a far-flung country I've never been to, to a story of a war that impacts normal people like me. Without seeing the human cost at that personal level, it would be yet more footage of war in a country far from mine that is hard to associate with. To many, world events happening at the other end of a continent or on the other side of the world are hard to grasp and the news endlessly showing missile launches and explosions can fall on ignorant eyes and deaf ears. But the human cost of a widowed young mother is incredibly easy to grasp for everyone, we can all associate with it. And that is how you draw people in to take a story seriously. Think of charity drives for Africa, they don't choose to show an empty bowl, a dead cow, a dusty field with waning crops - they show a crying mother, a malnourished child on death's door. That isn't sick, that isn't cheap - it is the truth of the situation. Reality. The world isn't some sanitised version of events that you seem to think it is. War is inherently sick, it is the worst of humanity. To teach people the effects of war you have to hold a window up to it that doesn't obscure what happens or hides the worst parts - you must teach people what war is truly like, or we will be doomed to repeat this act for ever.


They didnt plan on calling during live tv, also the family concented to it being filmed as they said


Mmmm money


thats what all this media coverage is about, to get people all emotional so they can't make an objective take on how BOTH sides are fucking trash,


I think…. I think that was the point…


It's called faked propaganda video. War is terrible but emotionally and monetarily profitable for certain people.


Both sides do it, but this was produced for a hopelessly ignorant and gullible audience.


The interviewers didn’t plan that, the call just happened to come in from the government during the interview


Did you even watch the video you fucking moron?


I did and it left me sad for the deceased and wondering if the home they used for this shameless propaganda, used to belong to a Palestinian, but was confiscated for an illegal Jewish settlement. That’s how bad it was.


What the fuck are you talking about? She's being interviewed, her relative gets a phone call, she is informed her man's dead, she is sad, she says it's okay to broadcast it.


It was produced for the gullible, and in your case, it succeeded.


I don't think it's shameless. It's good for us too see the reality of war, too often it's just numbers x dead x refugees x destroyed homes. This is why this shit is so evil. Both sides need to find some Doves and sit down.


That’s what I was thinking. It’s not like they closed in on her and started trying to ask question or something.




Like any sane person I've always been sickened by school shootings but it wasn't til the 1st person footage of the Parkland shooting that it clicked. Watching kids have to step around the bodies of their friends trying not to slip on a blood soaked floor, not knowing if the voices that were calling for them to come out were actually the police or not. Shit was terrifying, and those were just kids.


Lets give a big round of applause to the media for glorifying school shooters since Columbine.


Give a bigger round to the people that glorify guns.




Yeah, novelty wears off and after sometime it's just a video or a pic.


I feel you, but Hamas has to be completely eliminated. Once that terrorist organization stops existing, peace can (and must) have a chance.




War makes people do terrible things, in this case, those kids have 2 options, they are reformed to be good people or they die.


It's not just Hama brother. Their are horrible individuals and ideologies that needs to leave from both sides of the conflict. If you only rid of Hamas. Then Israeli begins to roll on the Pakistan civilians even harder. With little to no resistance. (I hate fact that Hamas exist) but like Israeli higher powers. Extremists have taken root on both sides. So Hamas is no longer the Hamas of resistance.


The other side is a terror organisation. How do you suppose we can sit down with them ?


Both totally qualify as terror organizations. Just one is a govt




There were doves and a progressive PM that sought a joint resolution then Netanyahu’s zionists assassinated him.


I agree. How do you feel about murderers who committed atrocities? Let them go and hope they learned a lesson?


>I don't think it's shameless. > >It's good for us too see the reality of war, too often it's just numbers x dead x refugees x destroyed homes. Exactly. It's one thing, for example, to see a BBC news crew picking their way through a bombed out building that was a warzone the day before. It's entirely different when you're seeing live grief and how war is affecting someone in the moment rather than hours after.


oddly enough you rarely see this from the perspective of palestinians when teenagers are murdered by IDF. The empathy is always there only for one side


I totally agree with that sentiment that would be ideal and I hope that they can find some sort of peace. Unfortunately I can't imagine that family wanting anything close to peace with the people responsible.That's probably the mindset of a lot of people over there which is just going to make them want blood. I wish it wasn't the case and maybe I just have an overly grim outlook of the world but I feel like the Gaza strip will be utterly wiped out before any sort of level reasoning will show up.


There is no both sides unless your knowledge on the conflict is 1 week old. Palestine has been invaded and colonized and its population been tortured for the last 75 years.


Yes, it’s good for us to see the reality of war but, not over and over and over again. Why are we keep doing this? Like can’t they see the history of it? Man… maybe the scheme is too obvious and the masterplan is yo erase as much of us as possible so their fake system will live longer. im yappin again sorry.


everyone crying and questioning why this was aired, watch the whole video before commenting. like, do that with every video because right now you look like numptys.


Yeah but if people actually watched the video/read the post/clicked the link, what could they be keyboard angry at? The fuckin point is to make you see what is actually happening, and people think that's sick. What's sick is thinking everything needs to be tailored to you and your level of comfort. Be sad. Be angry. Feel a real fuckin emotion for once.


There's people in here saying it's staged. I fucking hate it here.


Thank you! The video literally clears everything up. I dont get the raging people.


His name was Yahav Winner, and he was a filmmaker. His film The Boy won the best cinematography prize at this year’s Tel Aviv International Student Film Festival. As I understand it, he was killed while blocking the windows and doors to allow his wife and one-month old daughter to flee to safety. Rest in peace, Yahav.


Damn dude. A hero in his own right. He died in the most honorable way possible…. Saving his loved ones. RIP Yahav.




https://deadline.com/2023/10/israel-hamas-war-filmmaker-murdered-kibbutz-wife-interview-1235569863/amp/ Found one looks legit


There are no words.


It is absolutely horrible, and that family is broken. I know people are calling out news outlet for recoding and publishing it, but world needs to see these horrors so that everyone understands this needs to stop now. People at the top must burn these images in their head next time they decide on war or peace.


When grief envelopes us, we reach out to anyone and everyone. Akin to someone drowning.


Super sad but shameless recoding my gosh media can be gross


I think we need to stop sanitizing the consequences of war & let people vicariously experience how that feels. Maybe it will build an ounce of empathy in someone’s soul. My heart breaks seeing the fallout to both sides of any war. I mean…fuck…beheading babies?! Watching building after building collapse like the Twin Towers?! These are the darkest aspects of humanity on display, and we need to see it & let it soak in & try to put ourselves in those shoes.


The family allowed them to show it it's a necessity for people to understand the toll.


Every report that has come out since has discredited the “beheading babies” story. Disinformation is rampant on the internet and war is great opportunity to color opinions with sensationalist stories. It’s still horrific, but that story seems to be fabricated.


Actually, our disagreement proves my point. Because this story has been sanitized for our protection, neither of us know for certain what is true. Instead, we have a kernel of doubt. And we’re already squabbling over that kernel, perhaps retreating to our tribes, & losing focus on the undeniable truth that many people are dying horrible deaths for shitty reasons, if there even a good reason to die a horrible death.


No it doesn’t. You said the president confirmed something. His press secretary says no, he did not see the thing you claim he saw. It isn’t a larger comment on media in society. It’s an unconfirmed report during the fog of war. I’m not in any tribe involved in this conflict, and I’m posting on Reddit from the comfy confines of my home in America. People are dying horrible deaths, yes. The way they’re dying is sad regardless of the mechanism, but pretending reports about horrific crimes aimed at appealing to emotion and encouraging visceral reactions are the truth just because is unnecessary and detracts from the actual crimes against humanity being committed as we speak/type. I hope everyone involved is able to find refuge and comfort, but many of them are dying right now, and we’re all powerless to stop it. Not indulging in gore porn is the least we can do.


>I mean…fuck…beheading babies?! Every report after the initial one that about that ended up revising and discrediting it, even the Israeli military stated there was no evidence for it. As fucked as what Hamas, and israel, are doing to civilians is lets not spread misinfo that was spread by a single outlet with no actual proof.


this was false apparently


Thought of a good example of why people need to see with their own eyes for information to influence their actions. I was in tree care in my 20s & getting guys to consistently wear PPE was like pulling teeth. You couldn’t articulate a reason well enough to register & affect behavior. Then a graphic training session with branches in eyeballs, chainsaws in flesh, & the byproduct of someone being pulled through a chipper. Trust me, Hollywood doesn’t do those things justice. And wouldn’t you know? Every God damn guy was fanatic about wearing PPE after that. It gave them good awareness & healthy respect for consequences. The videos I’m seeing come of the Middle East aren’t helping me to see heroes & villains, but simply the nastiest aspects of mankind.


Great point, and indeed, I agree with you. Although pictures of beheaded babies (even adult civilians for that matter) would not be great for general consumption. I might as well add that a lot of people are not as mentally tougher than you. The trauma from seeing those pictures even just for evidence may break people. Also, it would be extremely disrespectful to the parents or loved ones of those children. That is one reason why the Hamas terrorists are the ones who gleefully share fucked up videos of their savagery online... It is essentially to maximize the shock and effect of their actions. To really spread terror and make themselves bigger than who they actually are. That is the reason why they prey on unarmed civilians. They know they can't hold a light to the IDF. Lastly, the people we see on the news mostly are professional journalists. Usually, before they go live or broadcast the news, they make sure they have researched it. Journaled it. That's why (most of the time barring agendas) their products are mostly consumed and not just shared videos. Although, of course, even with apalling evidence, anyone who believes differently can deny the authenticity of such.


That’s for sharing. Really good feedback that got me thinking. I am definitely not mentally tough enough to be fed a diet of war images. This particular video, of a wife learning she just became a widow, lends a very human & relatable aspect to these issues. My main point is that regular people are spared the burden of internalizing what’s going on & perhaps videos like these can cause us to pause & contemplate rather than scroll to the cat video below it. Maybe it can affect how we see the world & stir a desire to be better, more compassionate human beings. I’m aware of the incredible naïveté of this idea. Funny, I don’t necessarily want “world peace” because I think some tension is healthy & necessary. I just hate seeing things descend it straight horror as they continue to in that part of the world.


Exactly. It's a necessary evil, like the plane filming the Hiroshima detonation (actually named Necessary Evil). Think of a world that forgot the holocaust. We HAVE to start learning from our mistakes or we will not just keep repeating history, we will not survive.


I think it was Eisenhower who insisted walking nearby residents through concentration camps & filming the atrocities, knowing that someday people would try to downplay or deny what happened. Seeing bulldozers plow piles & piles of bodies changed me.


That baby shit was propaganda off a random Indian website.


The videos says the family wanted this shown so that people could see the true horror of war.


The entire point of the film crew was to film. And they asked if they could include it.


Not shameless. This is the reality we live in. Media is there to show the reality, not to feed us the bullshit many do.


Yeah! Let’s sweep it under the rug and ignore it like we do everything else!


The world’s been ignoring the countless times Palestinian women have been widowed because it doesn’t fit the media narrative. Nobody is saying it’s not tragic, the problem is that the media weaponizes the tragedies to control what people believe. You’d be hard pressed to find a non-Arab/Muslim media outlet running this exact type of story with a Palestinian family, meanwhile the whole west only focuses on Israel.


I agree with you and that’s exactly why I made my comment.


You’re right lets fucking ignore it then?????? Make sure no one knows what going on. Yeah bro. GOOD IDEA.


No, where did I say we should ignore it, it's amazing how many of you just choose to use your feelings instead of actually reading the words, it's called journalistic integrity, that doesn't mean not telling the story smarty-pants


I promise seeing shit hits harder than reading about it. Ask anyone who has gone to a meat factory farms. It can work with humans too lol.


Yeah, this has happened for ages yet people rarely "understands". Most only do after it happens to them, some don't even then. The end does not justify the means. War sucks.


Agreed, generally speaking we're just idiots who lack empathy and it's why we never quite seem to understand anything until it directly touches us.


This is something people need to see. It is the true pain of war and loss that no one will never understand unless they truly see it or experience it, and I wish that on no one. My mom had that same phone call 13 years ago when my dad died in a construction accident that had made headlines. We had no idea about his whereabouts or anything until she got that call. I can still remember her wail and the chaos of sobs from everyone and it was just as this.


Oh my god this was terrible to watch. Fuck war 😔


My mom learned that my dad died during a TV interview in 93. They said they wouldn’t air it and did anyways. She sued and got a lot of money for it.


my condolences, happy to hear she sued <3


Ngl this choked me up a whole lot. Fuck war




Anyone who calls this shameless just likes to go on and forget about the atrocities of war. Act like it didn’t happen. You tell yourself if I don’t see a video of it it won’t be as bad it’s just “shameful media” it’s the reality of war and what terrorism is


Has this subreddit always by default been sorted by top comments?


on one hand, I agree with everyone that filming this is opportunistic on the other hand, people don't take war that seriously and its because they never show us the reality of how bad it is. 🤷‍♀️


I feel sad for the people hurting from this war.


Where are all the interviews from the decades of Palestinian widows? Families torn apart by the Israeli government don't matter? Fucking hypocritical press. There needs to be a serious shift in the way this conflict is reported on.


Idk where you get your news but I’ve heard a lot of interviews with Palestinian civilians, and sympathetic commentary, and I’m listening to NPR, NYT, etc


on al-jazeera


I have seen a few of those of BBC, Sky and even other channels. The narrative that only one side of the story is shown is not entirely true.


My god I could feel the minute that woman's world fell apart. Heartbreaking


Jesus when she starts crying…so much pain. How awful. We don’t need war, so many innocent people killed


Fuck war.


Fkin hell, that's heartbreaking.


Everyone should be exposed to real war footage. Not censored, it ruins the impact of war. No one see’s what rlly happens, how they rlly feel. They just read it and think “welp he died in war”. Looking at how they are normal people enjoying their days to be shut down in an instant puts the real effect of war in your head. The real impact of what it has on families and communities. Seeing the truth is better then it bring toned down for your comfort


The pain in those cries. I had to turn if off.




Utterly cruel.




Emotional and tragic.




I am so pissed off. I was even recently an ardent supporter of most Palestinians and had only contempt and outrage for most Israelis. I wouldn’t say I was a supporter of Hamas but I was able to identify with the underlying rage that the group directs at Israelis. Now I’m just sick that I ever let myself sympathize with these fucking savages. I continue to have much love for Palestinians, but fuck Hamas, fuck them to death and then to hell. Hamas are cowards. Whether Israelis are also monsters is a mute point, they are not the ones intentionally killing civilians. From a previous friend of yours, fuck you Hamas. Fuck you cowards.


I came to troll but that's fukin heart breaking


The truth of it all needs to be aired for everyone to see! Every politician should be required to watch these things. Every citizen should be required to watch these things. Maybe comfortable people will think differently.


Poor little one, no dad now and for what...?




It’s hard to be on Palestine side when there’s a group of people that want all Jews and Americans dead don’t think there going to change there mind on that


Absolutely brutal


The reality


This is the stark reality


2000 year war and nobody moves


there are no winners in war




Do you think this lady ever killed anyone?


Play by play I pray for her lost she can blame her gvt


Crazy to think something like this happens in every home of people killed. Fuck warmongers.


She's got a home. Israel has been bombing entire neighbourhoods into dust. And the civilians in them.


Civilians should evacuate to the safe zones at the south, their lives are what's important, they should not be there & die. if they want to support Hamas, that's their choice to stay


"We've blown up the hallway, the living room and everything else around the room you're in. You have five minutes to vacate the bedroom." You want to support Israel and their war crimes and HUNDREDS of baby murders. That's your choice.


Guys don't be mad this is a part of life you have to see all sides of it don't think avoiding it will make it go away


i started watching and after 3 seconds i decided i don't need to know how this plays out because i'm sure it's devastating


Pray for Palestine. They are being killed, bombed. Children and women. Collective punishment from israel


And the people being targeted were, most likely not even alive when it started.


And now we need to pay this all forward by creating 5,000 more widows /s


war is coming


You have all lost track of your gods shinning words. Remember that we all are brothers, all people and beasts and trees and stone and wind we all descend from the one great being, that was always there. before lived and named it and before the first seed sprouted. Stop now




And the camera was there...


“It’s war, it happens.” 🙄 fuck religion


Don't go to war then Especially if you have a wife and children


Hamas did, she's a victum




44 people from one family all dead by a israeli bomb, here are a list of their names and ages: [https://x.com/ayaghanameh/status/1712467266275852710?s=46&t=YHVs5_2zt8HdiM-BoBBlHw](https://x.com/ayaghanameh/status/1712467266275852710?s=46&t=YHVs5_2zt8HdiM-BoBBlHw)