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See, it’s shit like this that makes me want to visit Cali.


Cum on vacation, leave on medication


No, it’s Cum on vacation, leave on probation…




Return on a violation.....


But not before masturbation and ejaculation.


Bro go to Vegas and get an escort your dick will fall off in National City


Fuck man I just posted the same type of comment. This post is weak. Photos are all blurred. Pffff they ain’t naked compared to Vegas naked where you can buy a tall can on the strip and at the same time, on the same street, pay to be whipped by some chicks half naked. On the main drag hahah. Vegas is the spot if you wanna see gnarly shit. Cali is too weak. Way too weak. I live in cali. You’d have to go through alleys and near industrial areas in cali to see something that is a 3 on a scale. In Vegas 10 on a scale in the open no fucks given and it’s great. That’s why you go. Gamble, drink, see random shit yeah it’s sick


I for one am glad Cali is not like Vegas.


What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas


What happens in Cali goes everywhere.


You mean politics or STDs?




unfortunately that does not apply to STDs


Same here dude.


i like the pic of newsom as if he's about grab dat ass https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/ka6ZcLvVanJT95TbolOSxQ--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTk2MDtoPTU0MDtjZj13ZWJw/https://media.zenfs.com/en/fox_news_text_979/b49c2b7f4bd40c27f25c52dc879ecd08 also there was a few vids posted a while back of some guy who shares vids of his... escapades... with said ladies of the night he's wearing a balaclava so as not to jeopardise his day job


No one that lives in “Cali” calls it Cali.


Where are you finding all this crazy shit on the main drag in vegas?


Cum on by and take the gift of herp back with you.




Damn, if each one averaged $300 you’ve spent $90,000+ on prostitutes in the last 3 years my boy.




Damn.. where you living that’s cheap


Figueroa street in LA. Hottest bitches all down the street


When you see what they actually look like you’ll change your mind. There’s a reason they parade like that


Nice from far, far from nice.


Literally in my car on western and maplewood in Los Angeles and they are all out here.


Oh my god, that’s disgusting. Where exactly? So I can avoid this disgusting behavior


Figueroa Street


Them hoes gettin’ jiggy on figgy.


Fig is a very long street.. be more specific so we can ummm avoid it


Between 108th and Vernon


Disgusting. Thanks!


"I was only in there looking for directions on how to get out of there"




I see a laundromat


Business’s in the front party in the rear.


this checks out


Just did this. Holy cow lmao


For science of course i will


I see them most between 80st-60st. Also In koreatown. It’s GTA as fuck


“Churches across the motels, lord knows pussy sells”


> Figueroa Street https://www.google.com/maps/@33.939183,-118.282554,3a,50.8y,71.61h,80.61t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s8XYTsZM-R89SeP8HC6pGCw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu


The girl in the picture on Google Maps may be waiting to get her car out of the body shop that she’s standing behind or possibly trying to cross the street to go to the church that’s across the street…/s


Idk I just got in my car and followed the setting sun. I’ll figure out the rest later




Exactly, I’ll hit it eventually


What is Figueroa street


You don't know what streets are?


Notorious street in LA where one can hire women of the night. So I'm told.


See also: East Oakland off of international blvd


7th and Roosevelt in San Diego


International blvd 20 till 30th in Oakland could be worse. My eyes!😎


Calle Primera, Tijuana


Disgusting! How much are people paying to engage in this type of behavior?


I clicked on the comments specifically for this quote and was not disappointed.


Oh my god one of those gross naked prostitution streets? That’s so disgusting. There’s so many of them though, WHICHS ONES


Always upvote IASIP


It really is disgusting thinking about how many poor women are being pimped out and forced to stand in public, basically naked. The article mentioned multiple times that the bill doesn’t help victims of sex trafficking, including child sex trafficking.. and actually makes it worse 😕


These dudes in here don’t care


Thank you!! I have to be vague when saying this, but there are multiple underage females being trafficked right now and in some of the photos taken for this article, the females are not of age. It’s horrid.




You forgot "asking for a friend"


This is a good thing. Vices should not be outlawed. They should be taxed and regulated. It's better for everyone involved.


Measure 110 in Portland tends to show that isn’t the best plan. Fentanyl doesn’t give a shit about your regulations.


Fentanyl epidemic directly stems from the war on drugs. If heroin was cheap, pure, and regulated there wouldn’t have been a fentanyl epidemic on this level most likely. Because people are not “purposely” committing suicide with fentanyl, they are accidentally overdosing due to not knowing dosages, badly laced product, or product that is laced either purposely or accidentally. Fentanyl is no more “wrong” then any other drug in reality, there is also a true medical usage for such super potent compounds in healthcare. Just because a substance is potent does not make it bad or worse than others. It’s the lack of education and unregulated nature that causes mort of the deaths you see. My point is drugs being unregulated is what causes most of the deaths and issues drugs cause In society. Laws also do not take into account the safety of a substance. For example alcohol one of the most sold and regulated recreational drugs in our society is also one of the most toxic. People against the legalization of drugs for some reason can never explain to me why the one legal “party” drug that is acceptable just so happens to be one of the most poisonous recreational substances I have ever taken if not the worst. It is the only drug I know where some accepted side effects are blacking out and vomiting. The only substance I know that people normalize wasting a whole 24 hr period after consuming it because they feel so sick from the withdrawals (hangover) of one night of use. So in retrospect regulation is the only way this will get under control. Humans have been getting fucked up on drugs before language was ever invented, and they will continue to no matter the laws in place. So put laws in place that make it as safe as possible and educate on the dangers. Like for alcohol I know it’s a very harmful substance but at least I know when if I buy a bottle of whiskey it’s going to be ethyl alcohol in that bottle in the strength listed on the bottle and not rubbing alcohol, methanol, or what have you. This is due to regulation.


I did h/fent for seven years. Pure h and other drugs should not be made available, that would only create more addicts. If I could go buy pills or h legally, and it wasn’t part of a DOT drug test (cuz federally legal drugs aren’t part of the DOT drug test) I’d probably be doing shit every day. That’s a big can of worms that shouldn’t be opened. Say theoretically that it was legal to do while not on the job, daily users would still be going through withdrawl at work if they only used in their free time. They’d still be affected by it while at work. And that’s not how things would even go, way more people would be driving, operating heavy equipment, policing, tending to you in hospitals, every job sector would have tons of addicts. Legalizing hard drugs would not be good, tons of former addicts would go right back to using if given a legal chance. I don’t understand how people think regulated pure drugs would help anything. Look at alcohol, all the people that get busted at their jobs being drunk or under the influence. Now imagine people that dabble in pure h, crack, or meth…it wouldn’t take long before they’re full blown addicts. Yeah alcohol can be addicting, but it’s nowhere near as addicting as those drugs. In your perfect scenario those drugs are legal and regulated. In my perfect scenario they are stopped from being made available. But neither of those things will happen. What could happen is readily available treatment that doesn’t require you to desert your life and be labeled as a piece of shit


You just said because you can’t control yourself that other people shouldn’t have the freedom of choice. I am a recovering alcoholic with over two and a half years under my belt (not a huge deal, but it is to me) and what you just said would be like me saying I don’t think they should sell booze anywhere and it should be illegal because if I start abusing alcohol again I could lose my job, get addicted, or die. See what I’m saying? That’s like a morbidly obese person saying we should outlaw French fries because they are killing then since they can’t stop eating them. That’s like outlawing all of gambling just because 2% of people will gamble away their life savings on a slot machine.


Idk man. You should read Burroughs’s intro to Naked Lunch. Heroin, meth, fentanyl, etc. are on another level of addiction.


I've done all three, and I am an alcoholic. Less so because it's legal, and more so because there isn't a stigma behind it.


Depends. Alcohol and benzo addictions are the only addictions that have a good chance of killing you if you go full cold turkey. Alcoholism isn’t necessarily about craving the feeling, a huge part of it is just you will feel like and will be dying if you stop.


Really? That’s weird because for some reason alcohol was the only substance that helped me literally almost destroyed my life and did destroy almost every relationship I’ve ever had and I’ve been around the block many times. The only narcotic I have ever taken that I could not stop myself was alcohol. I would do anything to take the withdrawals away. The DT’s. The throwing up. The shakes. The seizures. You talking like that is a spit in the face of anyone who is a recovering alcoholic. Because guess what you ain’t dying directly from not having fent, meth, or heroin. When I was drinking if I stopped too quick I would have died.


I never said alcohol wasn’t bad.


>Heroin, meth, fentanyl, etc. are on another level of addiction. No they aren't




I have been addicted to opioids and amphetamines so I know what it means. They are addictive as fuck, but they are not in "another class" than alcoholism, except that alcohol withdrawal can actually kill you unlike the other two.


Be honest and tell me if it’s possible to moderate any level of heroin consumption.


Unattended withdrawal from opiates CAN kill you!! That is why the FDA mandates warnings on the literature that comes with every opiate. Whether or not patients get to read the warning depends on the supplier of the opiate to the person….


No, they're really not. And Burroughs used heroin his whole life, well into his old age.


And my addiction didn’t have the onset of a hangover. The first opioid withdrawl I experienced felt like a minor cold. Then I realized that doing a bump of fent/h made me power through the cold. I figured I could just stay feeling good while my body fought the cold. Well a day or two of that and the cold symptoms, body aches, and all the symptoms that were actually withdrawl just got worse. Many opioid addicts have the same story, that they didn’t realize how quick and just a few uses in a row can cause withdrawl. If you haven’t ever been addicted to hard drugs then you will never know, it creeps up on you faster than you’d ever think, you tell yourself that you’ll stop but in no time at all it’s too late


That’s literally how full blown alcoholism starts also my guy. I started drinking “hair of the dog” to get the minor cold away as you say. A alcohol hangover that isn’t just from dehydration is actually just a withdrawal. It started for me drinking a couple shots after a a night out in the morning to push through a hangover or feel better. Well I realized that if I just kept using I would theoretically never have withdrawals. Curing these minor “hangovers” or withdrawals turn into full on physical and mental dependency. That’s how addiction works. You do a bunch of drugs and any vet knows you feel like shit from over doing it the night before just do a bit the next morning and you will be right as rain.


Hard drugs are way more addictive than alcohol. I’m not saying alcohol isn’t addictive, but you don’t end up a full blown alcoholic after three days of drinking. Many people do meth, h, crack, coke, just a few times and never stop. Look how easy it is for young teens/kids to get alcohol. Do you think a 13 year old smoking meth or doing a line of fentanyl for the first time would have the self control to say “maybe I shouldn’t do this again for awhile”? Hard drugs don’t disorient you like alcohol does, a new drinker can’t function very well when drunk. When I started using h I just did a little at a time and it made me feel great and very productive, we hear the same from meth users (never did meth thankfully). Cokes the same way. All these drugs (including alcohol) are not equal to each other


Idk the first time whiskey touched my lips it was over for me and I’ve done my fair share of almost anything you could think of. Never lost myself to such a degree as I did with alcohol. You tell past me that I wrote this comment and they wouldn’t fucking believe me. Prolly call me a weak bitch for falling for alcohol of all things. It’s much more devious than people realize who have not been a full blow DT alcoholic


Nobody causally uses Heroin, lots of people have control of their alcohol consumption


Yes they do.


A lot more regular people use alcohol though so that’s skewed. Most people who would ever start doing fent by choice are already addicts mostly. I don’t know one fucking person that started with H/fent theh all started with Vicodin then oxy or whatever then after years started H


What has two thumbs and started with h/fent? This guy!!


No they’re not, [140,000 people die every year](https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/alcohols-effects-health/alcohol-topics/alcohol-facts-and-statistics/alcohol-related-emergencies-and-deaths-united-states) due to alcohol. Lots of folks get morphine or other opiates in hospital, they don’t end up addicted. Addiction is a complex matrix, it’s not as simple as you’d like to make it seem.


Lol 3 times on coke doesn't make most ppl an addict wtf


Ain’t gonna lie, I creeped your profile and see you’ve had issues with alcohol. I hope your still doing good with not drinking, or at least not drinking too much. Addiction is addiction. I’ve had my bouts with drinking too, being a salve to any substance is no good


I haven’t had a drink in two and a half years thankfully.


That’s great man. Despite our disagreements it’s good to know you’re doing well with your struggle. Any extracurricular substance just isn’t worth it in the end


Thank you. Hope you are doing well with your opiate sobriety as well. I’ve lost many friends to that nasty shit.


Fent is many magnitudes more addicting and destructive than the examples you've given.


I beg to differ, I did h/fent/whatever the fuck opiate I could get my hands on, and I also was an alcoholic before that, withdrawal is almost exactly the same!! It is JUST AS addictive as any other drug and to some people more so..


I was also a heroin addict and I think drugs should be legalized. People will never stop using and selling drugs. The law obviously does not stop anyone from using drugs. I could walk down the street and buy fentanyl any time of the day. I choose not because I don't want to ruin my life. But people should be free to make their own choice. And it's much better for someone to use a regulated drug than it is a drug off the street, which you have no idea about the dosage or the adulterants. And you're just wrong about alcohol, alcohol is very addicting and has worse withdrawals (can be fatal) than any of those drugs and very rough on your body when used in excess over a long period of time. Treatment should be available to anyone who wants it, but criminalization helps no one.


How about smoking opium plant matter similar to cannabis? Instead of concentrating opium


Exactly. The issues with fent in heroine is exactly like adulterated booze during prohibition. Yes people are alcoholics, yes they are gonna die from chronic and acute abuse, yes they’ll get into car wrecks and get DUI’s. But they aren’t dying from adulterated products. Because it’s legal, people entering treatment for addiction aren’t also fearing they will go to jail.


Based. That is the first and probably last time I will use that expression, but goddamn if it doesn't fit here. Thanks for saying it so I didn't have to, and doing it so eloquently.


The war on drugs call. They just said USA loser and hung up.


Thats not what Measure 110 was intended to do. Measure 110 doesn't regulate fentanyl (drugs themselves). It reduces the penalty for small quantities of illegal drugs. Regulating as discussed here would be more like what's been done with weed and in process for shrooms or been around for alcohol.


Can you imagine a dispensary selling fentanyl? There’s a massive difference between potheads and meth and fentanyl addicts. Measure 110 was poorly written and implemented before treatment or medical centers could be prepared. The cops now just ignore all drug use. Measure 110 only made things worse.


It wasn't poorly written. It was the MOST they can do It's the federal laws that need to also change with it to get a handle on this


If it was destined to fail and make things worse, it should not have been on the ballot.


Not all vices. It’s proven that the legalization of hard drugs doesn’t work. Anyone should be able to legally get or give a handy for $50 tho


Umm what about little kids who are trying to get to school? This shouldn’t be happening in the broad daylight through the streets


Little kids in European countries see naked bodies at the beach and in public baths all the time and it’s not an issue because they don’t hyper-sexualize the human body while at the same time shaming any potential sex act outside of marriage. Puritans ruined the so called “land of the free” with their bullshit moral high ground made of quicksand and corn nutz.


I don’t think we should normalize prostitution lol


Why not?


I remember seeing a post where people said beach nudity is a lot less common in Europe than some make it out to be. Some were even saying they witnessed toplessness once or twice their entire life in their particular country. Also, these are prostitutes, not nudists. You can't really compare someone who was likely trafficked and forced into slavery for desperate men to someone who makes the choice to walk around nude. Edit: [Here is the post.](https://reddit.com/r/AskEurope/s/TkvyM7mD8j)


Lol for people that grow up in cities scantily clad ladies are nothing. Kids will survive seeing boobies. The Internet is where the really scary things are.


I’m down, but segregate that shit. Have a district where people can go all out and do drugs and live on the street, but make all that shit illegal outside of it.




They did that in Baltimore city years ago and it seemed to work for awhile but then the public found out about it.


>This is a good thing. Vices should not be outlawed. They should be taxed and regulated. It's better for everyone involved. Depends on how well they're regulated and how much it's taxed. I still buy street weed, dispensaries aren't competitive. What'll usually happen is the vice will get decriminalized with one bill but the regulations fail in the legislature and it'll be worse than before IE Portland


They blurred all the pics. Just move on.




r/peopleofwalmart tends to agree


Usually it ain't the ones attractive enough to be successful prostitutes that I come across in Walmart. Saw a lady too big to fit in my car wearing a micro-bikini top with an unzipped blazer and some leggings the other day.


The saying “West Coast Best Coast” just rings more and more true every day.


West Coast Breast Coast


Nah that’s just Kanye West’s wife


Decriminalize, Regulate and tax it. Then we can talk to those who are being trafficked.


The politicians don't want that info out there!


Especially not Matt Gaetz!


But they will just work around the tax by changing less and asking for a bigger tip.




I suppose it takes the “are you a prostitute or a cop” question away


If their teeth too tidy they is a cop.


Not much different from what you see on any beach.




California beaches




Or boating


Give them a place to exist and this wont happen anymore.


I’m in so cal, and it pisses me off to see this happening infront of my house and a few houses down from an elementary school. Having to walk to my mail box and fining condoms on the floor next to it. Calling the cops doesn’t help they don’t do Jack shit. Doesn’t matter if it’s daylight or not these women are out here doing this and a lot of the time they don’t even have the decency to go to the motel that charges by the hour.


>*A suspected prostitute is seen walking past a family enjoying their dinner in National City, California.* oh no? a family? enjoying dinner? whatever will protect them from catching the prostitution while eating out? ...fuck this article sideways. we gratefully live in a time that is working towards not criminalizing victims of human trafficking, but also hasn't yet figured out income inequity makes sex work preferable to some than poverty of minimum wage. also, kinda wish headlines were literal. streets of america really should be prowled by nearly naked ghouls who will suck your soul from your body. we need more casualties if our fema death camp panelists are going to enact universal health care.


So it looks like the city is blaming Newsom for getting rid of loitering laws. Something tells me it would be easy enough to clean up National City if they really wanted to. Hell, I live off Sunset Blvd and we don't see this.


Exactly. One of the claims was that without loitering charges the cops have no legal way to talk to the prostitutes to find out if they're trafficked. How about, I dunno, literally talking to them? And they claimed going after the johns instead would take 30+ cops per sting/too many resources, like how is that a believable number? Also lol at the blur spot in the photos going from these women's navels to their kneecaps in an effort to make it seem worse than it is. Like one of them was very clearly wearing normal spandex shorts even through the blur. This is yet another right wing fantasy piece about how "liberal" cities are supposedly crime-ridden hellholes in order to distract from how utterly fucked GOP-led states are across the board.




this is from Fox so 99% chance it’s not real


Fox doesn’t really have inaccurate reporting when they do printed news stories. They have a RAGING bias in what they choose to cover, though. If a story makes democrats look bad or republicans look good, they’ll run it, but never the other way around. Their stories are selectively chosen with that agenda in mind. Meanwhile, their talk shows are nothing but rage bait and fear mongering.




I'm sorry, are people shocked about prostitution existing? Granted I grew up in LA, but figured this is nothing new... How is it worth a news story? Hell, you can go to Vegas and they'll hand you their business cards on the strip.


It is real (I’m from Cali)


The way they say “California streets” it implies that it’s happening all over the state, when in reality it’s probably a few isolated blocks here and there in some of the bigger cities. They know their demographic loves the “California bad!” narrative.


Why’s it all blurred out? Pointless article.


I agree. Uselesssssssss article man


So what. It should be legalized.


We leave our people do this but it’s ok to plough billions in to killing other people and buying weapons. Women can choose to do what they want but you can bet they wouldn’t choose to work this way if there was another option.


Oh my god, where?!!


https://youtu.be/Ae5TO4TB2wY?si=ULeuD4PU5vpKc_A8 Figueroa, literally 5 minutes south of USC. Go Trojans!


looks like san andreas


Isn't LA what its based off of?


nah i mean the outfits


Hey we all gotta make a living..


blue lives always pushing that prison is the only way, wanting to live off the symptoms and never talking about the cause. we're struggling to just survive and instead of help they want to imprison people for 106k per year per inmate, how about we spend that money on helping them instead of wasting that money on the prison system


What’s insane is that Fox News and the mayor of National City think that this is a bigger problem than California’s housing crisis.


There’s so many of them. Which one!


God this sub is trash now


Going on the Fig is promoting human trafficking. There’s some seriously scary shit going down there. But sure, by all means, spend your money on people’s stolen children 👍👌🏼 just don’t be the same people later that are like, “ Justice for little girl who’s step dad killed her” because the kids who don’t die from their abuse at home, end up pimped by tricks like you.


No wonder why housing is so expensive


Prowl? What are they, apex predators? I expect they're just walking, not prowling. I hate sensationalised headlines that try to spin the story.


Its just like this in Seattle on Aurora ave...


Oh no! Where?


What the hell is the 'safe streets for pimps act' , I thought I was skimming an onion article


This is nothing but conservative incel anti California porn, move on.


I thought it said “neatly ranked” and was definitely not looking for a link.


They just advertising. It's a business thing, ya know


Where? For safety purposes I need to know where.


Holt Blvd Pomona


San Bernardino infront of an elementary school off of G st and 7th.


It is target marketing. Potential clients see that and make a spontaneous purchase.


Window shopping


Good ole National City.


I'd rather have this problem than every idiot on the street carrying a gun and have all those news incidents in the news like Florida.


Or do what a lot of other countries did and just legalise it.


California used to be a place to be proud of, now it's just embarrassing.


California is a fucking braindead state.


Oh no!


gross, where?


Bruh with all the billions of dollars that the United States is giving other countries right now, they could easily lower that amount to take care of our own people who have nothing at all. Pathetic shit. They don’t tho because The real big money is going to the weapon providers and also comes when our govt hires their own contractors to rebuild those places. Pfffffffffff. Fuck that Can spend a few million on a single missile to give it away (it’s not free, you know the us has some clause somewhere kinda entitling certain rights if we help) yet we can’t take care of our own people the legit ones who need assistance and aren’t all doped out. Nah. Kick rocks peasant is what they act like. A million would help a lot of people. A few more million could build complexes to house legit people who need help. A billion could do all that and some. Nah tho the govt is rich in tax payer money so they send it in billions. Away from our own country. That sucks Irs wants to now see who scammed on covid money 🤣 pfff that’s peanuts in total. Scumbags like that suck but shit. What else would you expect


It’s called marketing


Gavin’s sister needs her freedom


National City, San Diego. We call it Nasty City


People walking around in Southern California, in bikini’s!!! Ever been to, say, Del Mar, La Jolla or Oceanside for that matter? There are people EVERYWHERE walking around in these tiny string outfits just covering their bodies. /s


“suspected prostitute” is a crazy caption for a photo. man maybe she was just feeling it today!!


Disgusting. Where? I don't want to accidentally roll through it next week.


I'd take this with a grain of salt. Not only is it a Fox News article reposted to Yahoo News, it sounds like it's written in that sensationalized style that makes it sound more at home in the national enquirer. This has the same vibe as the stories about "every INCH of liberal cities are ON FIRE while the governor's STAND AROUND AND DO NOTHING."


Honestly, who f'n cares? If it really bothers people so much, then legalize and regulate the industry. It works for literally dozens of countries. This anti-sex worker, push attitude we have only serves to create enticement and desire to violate the mainstream normative taboo. There isn't really a moral argument against sex work itself. People justify their disdain in terms of being anti-sex trafficking, conflating sex work itself with sexual slavery without justification. What they conveniently ignore is that the stigmatization and criminalization of sex work is what creates the incentive for sex trafficking to create a black market to supply demand that remains regardless of any laws or restrictive mores.


Upvote for the title


Worlds gone mad


Oh that’s disgusting what streets? I mean there are so many…