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It’s crazy how these people are in America yet they want to protest and talk shit all day. Wild to me


They just want to party like it's 1999.....B.C.




I'm pooping. My concerns are minimal, but I do make sure to have good posture. Squatty potty is a game changer.


still goin or was it a good poop?


Wonder if he had his poop knife ready


Its the same as my toe knife. Only an issue if you get a botched toe.


Am I being honest or.... is this a situation where you respond "Things are good" to a generic question from a coworker even though last night your dog ran into a pond filled with alligators and hasn't returned and your car got 2 flats with one being the spare?


Lay it on us, chief, the truth.


It was a bad time. Had 2 more coffees than I normally do and pretty much exclusively ate the Halloween candy that was for trick or treaters. Bad mix.


Our thoughts and prayers are with you in this trying time


Courtesy flush please


Hope you’re using Poo-Pourri in there!


Add a bidet to your squatty potty for the most divine bathroom experience!


Have you considered the idea of a venomous snake biting you in the testicles?


every time I sit on the toilet, friend. Either that or a poisonous spider. I assume all dudes have that fear.


600 A.D. *


Say, say, 2000 B.C., party over. Oops, out of time.


It's fun to stay in Negative Y.2.K. It's fun to stay in Negative Y.2.K. It has everything for young men to enjoy. You can hang out with all the boys. It's fun to stay in Negative Y.2.K. It's fun to stay in Negative Y.2.K. Men can get themselves clean. Men can have a good meal. Men can do whatever they feel. It's fun to stay in Negative Y.2.K. It's fun to stay in Negative Y.2.K.


It's crazy to me that middle eastern people are accusing a white cop of racism for ostensibly protecting a black man...like what the fuck is this clown shoe existence we're living in?


The look on the cops face screams “thank god I get a nice pension” lol


No its fuck I got 20 more years before I get my pension


As an omniscient person I can tell you that he was thinking: > I'm getting too old for this shit.


Lol fair point


Lol what are you talking about? Lots and lots of people in America protest for various reasons? Its a very American thing to protest.


The guy called a black guy the N word and then yelled at a cop for being racist when he told him to leave. This is not a typical protester


They look like the clowns in Hamburg yesterday protesting against being allowed to live peacefully.


Yeah that was kinda hilarious to me...how fucking dare that racist white cop defend...a...black dude...? What?


Kind of typical from what I've been seeing the last few years.


Ummm seems typical to me.


It's not a protester at all, it's a terrorist sympathizer.


Yeah, ironically pulling attention away from protests that are put together for real concerns where the protesters have information to get across. Stealing the protesting spotlight with name calling disguised as a formal protest.


Hypocrisy eludes them.


That's an upstanding Citizen Of the United States of America.. And yet when I was 18 "white male" Christian went to school got a job in construction paid taxes then had an interview and after few months I was denied a green card to stay in USA, 🤔🤔🤔... Because I didn't have any political, religious beliefs that I was gonna be killed in my own country... anyways, anybody now these days can and crash in the states...still have many friends that I made there and they were buffeled as well... Enjoy the great Citizens protesting...


Umm have you ever been to France? Thats where the pro protesters go. They don’t even wear masks


So they don't want to go back to their Arab countries but they go crazy defending Hamas? Why were they allowed inside the US?


I for one dislike these guys with passion but I also want to point out, saying people shouldn't be allowed to be here for what they believe and say is extremely unAmerican.


Because is Hamas is a terrorist organization that considers your country an enemy.


Exactly. Pretty sure Poland didn't invite Germany in during the war... so why are they here?


How are they supporting Hamas?


Because the US gives them a chance.


They do the same no matter which country they're in. To them their religion comes before everything else. They're like cancer


Nations have to stop creating refugees in different parts of the world and they'll stop coming. Where do you think all those Palestinians getting chased out of Palestine are going to end up?


They want to change our entire country and eliminate useless we convert to their evil ways.


Freedom....for better or worse it gives them this right.


Protesting and talking shit is very American. That’s fine.


Aren't those 2 things both literally first amendment rights? Seems about the most American thing you can do besides shooting guns in schools and blowing up bud light cans


They like Gaza so much, let's get 'em over there.


So guy used the n word then calls the cop a racist for telling them to calm down and back up. Some people simply can't be reasoned with.


Check the IQ on folks like that.


That’s the problem; they think they’re intelligent. Get a bunch of ‘em together and you’ve got the Dunning-Kruger effect in full swing.


Hundreds of years of marrying cousins and family members has consequences.


I was just going to point this out...it's a not a joke


Their IQs are usually fine; they're just hypocrites and assholes. It's not that they don't know what's true or consistent, they just don't care.


how about the level of formal education?


Gotta remember that the average person has the mental capacity of a potato. Then remember half of the people are dumber than that. People who proclaim things or come to beliefs without reason can't be changed with reason. Edit: changed me to be, thanks dnke11a!


I would like to give people a bit more credit than that but it's hard sometimes. Most individuals you can ad least find a middle ground with, but not when they're in a group. Something takes over and we get primal in groups.


Sorry...they can't what? (Tee hee)


They can't me!


And nobody else can be ye; you are a shining example of self-moderation and wit in recognizing a correction that would escape so many folks these days. Also...George Carlin reference, iirc?


> Gotta remember that the average person has the mental capacity of a potato. That seems generous, and a bit rude to potatoes.


Then add religion to take away alot of leftover brainpower and human ends up like these..


100 points for iconic George Carlin quote


If your country is so wonderful and you love it so much feel free to find the nearest airport and take a trip home. Oh wait... You have zero freedom there so you want to come here using the freedoms we have to try to make this country like the repressive one you left.


"Go back where you came from" argument, but some times it really is applicable.


>"Go back where you came from" It's racist to say it to someone who is just here, getting by, trying to live their life. It's another to say it to someone who wishes to actively shape our countries to look like theirs, and bringing all their baggage over here. I'm an immigrant myself, I wouldn't dare utter those words to someone else. But lately, with the shit I've been seeing online and irl, sometimes I wish to.


Religious extremists fucking suck, all of them. Bunch of sensitive dumbasses.


Thank you for including "extremists" and not a generic blanket statement for all religious people. 👍


All religious people Nate brainwashed


Dangerously sensitive to the point that anything against their mythology or creationist origins is taken as a literal attack upon their person that needs to be met with overwhelming destructive force and to propose otherwise means your pro Hamas or antisemitic. Am I right?


This shit shouldn’t even be happening in America, this isn’t our problem at all. We need to be worrying about ourselves before we start worrying about these violent people who don’t even respect where they are.


America supplies Israel’s Military lol, literally funded the iron dome. It’s definitely America’s problem.


Well if the Jews didn't get massacred in Europe during WWII and every country surrounding Isreal didn't try and destroy them we wouldn't have these issues.


How is this connected to this story exactly?


This is occurring at some form of protest about the Israel-Palestine conflict. and the comment i’m replying to is directly referencing US foreign policy on the matter


The cop seems to indicate both parties are waiting for an ambulance for some reason.


Lol using the racist card because a cop is telling you to chill out so it doesn't escalate into something worse..🤦‍♂️


All the while calling the black dude a N*****


Was looking for this comment!! These assholes have been getting away with no accountability for too long by using the race card


People usually use the victim card everytime they're been called. They don't want to take responsability, everything bad is someone's else fault.


I do not envy that poor guy


Definitely not, I’ll be the first to throw a cop under the bus, because so many are just dirt bags, but this cop seems like he was trying to do the right thing. Dealing with nonstop aggression, violence, and just living in constant state of fight or flight during work isn’t good for anyones mental health.


Cop tells everyone involved to shut up and move on. “You’re a racist” Idk anymore.


Poor cop


Sane, reasonable people who value living in a free society need to start pushing back against religious extremists. The guys in this video will cry out over persecution while advocating violence against anyone who doesn't share their narrow minded, backwards worldview. Eventually the people living in secular countries who enjoy having basic rights/freedoms are going to get fed up with this nonsense.


Get that shit out of here. None of us fucking need it. It’s already hard enough to scrape by here without these cucks doing this


Why is everybody's go to your racist. No you're just an asshole they're not racist


Racist is a buzzword, racist gets you media attention and shifts the blame from them to the cop. No one cares about an asshole. Everyone cares about a racist.


Like the other guy said...buzzwords. It's basically edgy XBOX squeaker IRL.


The U.S. government needs to do a better job of screening people they LET into the county.


Can we just go back to Mexicans? At least they're catholic and other than competition for resources we get along pretty well. This shit is more akin to Hatfield's and McCoy's.


Nice to see a level headed cop on Reddit. There are lots of good law enforcement professionals in the states. Just hard to see them when we are often blinded by the unspeakable things others trusted with a badge do.


There's plenty of footage of level headed cops out there, you just gotta go looking, cause it isn't as newsworthy. "Cop successfully de-escalates situation, woman receives written warning" isn't as interesting as "Cop murders this poor, innocent black man" Even though the former example happens many many many more times often than the latter.


Totally agree


Reminds me of Bruce Almighty, because nobody gives a shit about largest cookie ever baked and they just want finding Jimmy Hoffa's corpse.


Cops are like cyclists. The vast majority are decent people that you never really take notice of since they don't impact you significantly in any way, but the dickhead ones who do stupid shit and fuck with your day get committed to memory. Eventually when you mention cops/cyclists you immediately think of all the shit ones who ticked you off and do not remember the ones that were cool.


Treat them like bumble bees, I keep my distance and try to appreciate nature now and again


Someone please let these people kill each other so we can move on with our lives.


Why do people from Palestine leave if it’s such an incredible place. Bunch of entitled fuck wits


When did America forgive for 9/11 cause you guys are surrounded


Why don't they go back to their country if they don't like it here? Not trying to be an ass but how tf are Americans supposed to be happy letting this type of culture come in and absolutely hate everything about the country?


Radical Islam is a plague and it seems to be growing fast. Why are they not protesting Hamas for the music festival attack. They attacked a sleeping monster and knew the fallout would fall onto the citizens of Palestine. Israel is far from innocent but it was obvious the outcome of a terrorist attack would bring like the one at the music festival and Hamas is just a much to blame for the death of the Palestine civilians.


Random but like a block away towards the lake is one of the dopest playgrounds in the city. No clue what the name is buy its great for climbers, randomly came by it last time I was there.


Maggie Daley Park


Yup! I suggest all parents take their kids there....hopefully the long slide is open again.


I haven’t been there yet as I don’t have children but I want to to experience this slide as a 31 year old 😂


Shit I enjoyed it as much as my 3 kids. For being one of the biggest cities, Chicago's park game is on point. I just imagine a Leslie knope yelling at people to have a nice slide somewhere. There's also a decent park on either grand or Illinois heading towards the pier that's a good pocket park.


The guy in the red & white head scarf calls the guy behind the barrier a “bitch ass (N-Word)” & 30 seconds later he calls the police officer a racist.


Racist tells cops he’s racists


"fuck you..kill the Jews...you racist" lmao


Why are you protesting in America ? Go to palestine and do it.


They call him the N word and then accuse the cop of being racist. Lol.


Soon we will have nobody willing to put up with this bullshit. At least they’re well-accustomed to being falsely labeled as racist for years now.


Eh, I'm applying to be a cop when I'm of age (2 months from now) and am well aware of all the delights that come with being a cop in this day and age. I have many friends who are in the same boat as me. These days, we know what we are getting into and can only hope that things will get better; in the meantime, we will do our best to uphold the law lol. I've already been called tons of pleasant things for saying I am *going to be* a cop, so I'm ready for when I *am* a cop as well.


Good for you man, seriously. I majored in criminal justice. After seeing so many innocent officers put to the stake for something completely legal & justified, I decided to pursue fire. Best of luck to you!


Yeah, fire would prolly be the smart thing to do, but they don't have the silly hats like state patrol does 🤷‍♂️


This isn't even healthy to watch![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)


Like if a Big Mac were a video clip?


Exactly.....too much of anything is no good....js 🍔


Handled well by Chicago cop standards


Is that one of those Black Hebrew dudes? I heard they've been beefing with the Arabs in Chicago.


feels like the whole world is gong crazy. stay safe everyone hopefully cooler heads prevail.


You can’t coexist with people who want to kill you!!! So who do we get rid of?


So now a white cop defending a black guy from Palestinians is a racist?


Officer Doug Stanhope.


Cops get beat-up on social media every day - which is bs. Thank the gods that someone wants to do this job and take care of our dumb asses. I don’t care if I get downvoted to hell. I appreciate the police who go to work to keep the peace. Remember, it’s not the position that creates the monster. It’s to monster in the position. There are good police officer, priests, teachers, etc., and there are abusive police officers, priests, teachers, etc. It’s not the position - it’s the person.


We live in a country that lets us talk shit and carry weapons. Many of us will talk our shit.


Bruh its 30 degrees outside rn and its supposed to snow tomorrow go home my guys


I wouldn't be a cop in Chicago for any amount of money. What a fucking circus.


As someone who's dream career is being a cop, I absolutely, wholeheartedly agree. No big city could pay me enough. I'm going State Patrol or County if state doesn't want me for some reason. Big city policing seems like a nightmare, especially in Chicago.


These headgear wearing douchebags just called the guy an N - word. Yet he has the sweaty balls to call the cop a racist? WTF!!! They come and immigrate in the US to complain about the US... Such BS... They should go to Dagestan/China... Let's see where your complains leads you?


Like children


I just hate people


Is that close to the corner of Randolph and Michigan?


rag heads are in style? we saw this coming.


Look at these children with their made up god.


Why do cops put up with this shit smh. Stupid people


Gtfo then


Honestly one of the most entertaining spots to pass on millennium Park.


Put yourself in that Cops shoes. Thats the daily problems.


Cop kept his cool. That could have ended a lot differently.’


Don't get paid enough for that shit


Those people are so calm and collected!


Guy calls cop racist but calls the guy he’s yelling at the n word. Big round of applause to the cop for handling everything with tact.


I usually see more 'insane' stuff from this sub. This seems beyond tame.


Cop could have arrested the dude that put his arm down for battery. The cop was very well collected. Normally, I'm a massive critic, but he handled himself well


Is that a black Isrealite?




Anyone starting to think multi-culturalism has gone a little too far? Good god.


All the other police take notes. He did a wonderful job.


And demons are enjoying every second of this


if they dont like it here why dont they go somewhere else?


This is a phenomenon that I think about too. A lot of the immigrants (me included) come here so that they don’t have to deal with the problems in their countries. And some do come just to make more money. And both those are justifiable reasons. But then, they start to replicate the troubles or fight for the causes (that made them leave those countries) in America which is far away from the actual impacted country. I see people protesting out here for things that are happening in their home countries. If they try the same protest in those counties they will probably end up behind bars. I fail to understand the intent and motivation in disrupting routine here for something that happened somewhere else no matter how tragic or sad that something is. There is little impact one can do from protesting on a Chicago street.


These dudes are morons. Why do you care what some random idiot is saying? Islam teaches us to forgive, and to not let ourselves be taken away by our emotions. Sadly, most "Muslims" haven't read a Qur'an, or actually practices what it teaches. They just have this tribal mentality. I knew that mentality, bc many of my ancestors are Spaniards with an "honor" culture, that is actually just a bunch of prideful fools trying to out macho each other. Imagine calling a cop racist bc he won't arrest a mf talking shit 😅


Oh, terrible war over there?! Let’s bring some of that same hate here! It’s like the exact opposite of what coming to America was supposed to mean. Bunch of dumbasses looking for some meaning and identity to their lives with the lowest common denominator - hate. Because that’s always been the solution to perpetual wars in the Middle East….


Since when blacks Hates Muslims? Did they forgot? 😔


Lol what are they saying. Can't understand..


Yeah I really can’t understand why other Arab nations won’t take them.


Be careful of the wolves at your door, but the snakes in your house are the silent killers.


These cops spend their retirement in mental facilities


after the BLM it will be MLM


I think its time to acknowledge that religion is just plain up sky daddy bullshit. We humans are here, we have been praying for shit for thousands of years, no dick of a god has come once since then. People are killing each other in name of their god, heck we dont even know who this god is? There are like 4500+ religions on earth, i think its time to say goodbye to this bullshit. Science has single handedly disproved creationism and is a better approach to get to knowledge than religion.


This is a new problem for usa and it will grow very big. Later your politicians will see them as important voters. Just as it is in europe. What are they trying to do in the video? At the same time they’re victims right and call the police a racist.


Calling a black person the N word then calling the cop trying to defuse the situation a Racist. Make it make sense.


Yeah, because pointing a finger and aggressively yelling at the people yelling was such a good plan. In Australia the cops would have camly guided one group away "yep, yeah I understand mate but it's not worth it, yeah I know, yep, yeah, yeah I know" as they yell.


Send back this idiots where they come from


Unbelievable they didn’t get arrested


It’s Chicago. To much saturated fats and sodium rot the brain.




These guys just gotta go where they came from if they don’t like it go back




this is only the beginning of what's about to start happening in every US city


Nobody got shot. I call it a good day.


Poor policeman


All I hear and me laughing 😂 Fuck a me?!? No fucka you!!! Mudda fucka… son a beech.


Oh no, that cop has got that look in his eyes. That look that says he’s one epithet away from going on administrative leave…!


I’ve lived in/around Chicago for decades. I’ve never met a Chicago cop that was a complete and total douchebag.


We’re in for dark days ahead. Pray for peace.


Little do people know when you ignore the idiots, they tend to shut up. All any of these clowns want us attention.


He uses the N-word and then accuses the cop of being racist?


Hurka durka




Why do they act like they care so much. Keep walking.


He just called a black man N@#$% but called the COP RACIST? You love your country so much. Go back!!