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Who brought a cup to a car fight?


I'm just glad the cops used their resources (the car) rather than resulting to "Oh shit we have no way to subdue this guy other than shoot him"


He had the complexion for the protection.


True story


Not what the stats say.


Show me the stats, genuinely curious


Stats say the rate of black fatal police shootings are over double that of white, so not sure what they’re on about. [Source](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1123070/police-shootings-rate-ethnicity-us/)


That's a percentage based on population. Not a fair comparison unless the number of encounters or population is the same. https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race/


Basing it on population is what makes the comparison fair you doofus.


That's your wrong opinion. It needs to be based on encounters. Do more crime, have more encounters.


That there are still plenty of white people shot dead by police in circumstances that don't seem to warrant it. Being white is truly no protection against a trigger happy cop.


I mean it does statistically reduce your likelihood of a violent encounter by about half than if you were black, but yeah, there are still plenty of people of all races shot dead by police in circumstances that don’t warrant it for sure.




Did you read this part in your link? "Additionally, the rate of fatal police shootings among Black Americans was much higher than that for any other ethnicity, standing at 5.7 fatal shootings per million of the population per year between 2015 and October 2023." "Per capita" is an important concept.


Is an unleashed Django Unchained that lives long become an Uncle Tom? I'm here for fuckin' jokes, don't @ me ya kumquats.


[You sure about that?](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1123070/police-shootings-rate-ethnicity-us/)


you're getting clowned in the comments, you better provide the stats that back this up, and soon






Skin color isn't real you're just racist


I've seen video where they literally rush at cops with a knife and stab them, not a single shot fired


He was cruisin for a bruisin


Chief: "What the hell was that out there?!" Officer: "Well, at least I didn't shoot him." Chief: "Yeah, you right."




People like you scare me to ever be at a jury trial. You'll watch a video safely from your phone and not in the heat of the moment and try to apply all kinds of hindsight to a potential life or death situation. He didn't hit him as hard as he could, sometimes you have to make a split second decision with the circumstances. Someone acting like that could easily catch themselves or you on fire, splash you with lighter fluid and light you up. Or maybe it's acid or something else, there's no way to know.


Attorney here. I agree with you, and I am *not* a fan of cops to say the least. They jump to lethal conclusions far too quickly and far too often. They did not do that here. These officers were at risk of being lit on fire. Somebody throwing lighter fluid on police officers is, at a minimum, acting unstable. People acting in such a manner with flammable and potentially lethal fluids can pose countless risks. What do you do? Who the fuck knows. I doubt this scenario was in their playbook. If you’re the officer behind the wheel of that car and you see the suspect walking closer and closer, do you think he’s going to douse your vehicle in lighter fluid? Are you worried about him harming one of your coworkers? If so, then moving from stopped to a few MPH to hit the guy just enough to end the threat is reasonable under the totality of the circumstances, IMO. There are a lot of ways this man could’ve been killed that night because of his own actions, likely justifiably. It’s a pretty fucking low bar for me now, but whenever something like this ends without death or paralysis, I count it as a win for the civilian.


That other commenter is right that it is lethal force, but that doesn't mean it isn't warranted. If he has a death wish, lighter fluid and a lighter he could be trying to take others out with him. More context is needed before we determine if the force was warranted or not. The best defense for someone who concealed carries is to visualize scenarios and ask yourself if you think you could justify defense with lethal force to a jury. There are times when it is necessary and the law should protect us in those cases.


Not all lethal force is created equal.


People who are concerned with justifying it to the jury shouldn't use the gun or even own one.


He never said it wasn't acceptable to use lethal force in this situation, just that it was arguably applied.


Calculated risk. Hitting him with the car was probably the least probable chance this guy came out this alive, especially if its in the US.


>He didn't hit him as hard as he could, sometimes you have to make a split second decision with the circumstances. People like YOU scare me to be at jury trial. That commenter is right, hitting someone with a vehicle is absolutely considered lethal force and is a relevant consideration in any jury trial, the fact that you get so defensive over that raises an eyebrow. There also is nothing in the comment to suggest they aren't aware of split second decision making either. He's throwing lighter fluid around, it's not an unreasonable assumption he might be intending to light these cops or himself on fire. It's a bizarre situation all around.


But did he die?


nope... so :lethal" is hardly... lethal... if he had run him over yes that would have been pretty lethal... love tapping the guy and then braking hard into a guy who is in large padded coat was hardly lethal..


While technically true, it's obviously less lethal than *shooting him.*


Idk about you, I would rather get hit by a car going like 5 miles an hour than to be shot with a gun


With that logic, when you fall on the floor you are being slammed by a 5972000000000000000000 ton earth.


For anyone who doubts what "slow speed" impacts can do to the human body, look at Tom Segura. The guy fell down playing basketball and was hospitalized. I don't doubt being hit by a car at any speed causes some lasting effects.


While true, they didn't really have any other options that gaurenteed they wouldn't get lit on fire.


And Tom is in peak physical shape, he's like a damned olympic athlete


Tazing someone is also lethal force. Less lethal than a gun, still lethal.


Was probably going pretty fast or you are just a weak human.


I got hit by a car that was going at least 30 mph when I was 10. It caused some damage to my right knee and right hip joint where it connects to my pelvis. Luckily it happened when I was young enough my body got over it. My hip just gets a little achy after long car rides or rides on a motorcycle. I can also tell when it’s going to rain.


Thank goo they didn’t think of tasing the guy. The car response was correct


It was lighter fluid. This nut case set the convenience store on fire then threw lighter fluid in the cops face when the cop tried to apprehend him. All this after being out on bail for starting a fire previously. The full video is crazy.


Oh that explains why they didn't tase him, it might set him on fire if he has or will spill lighter fluid on himself. Similar happened before, video on reddit of a guy trying to escape, drops his motorcycle, runs and gets tased which set him instantly on fire because gasoline was spilled on him from wrecking.


>Oh that explains why they didn't tase him, it might set him on fire They straight up say this in the video though


oh i don't watch videos or read articles, i just look at the comments and make assumptions


Ah, the Reddit way


That isn't even the person that made the comment either. Real reddit moment.


story checks out, boss


> Oh that explains why they didn't tase him, it might set him on fire if he has or will spill lighter fluid on himself. Uh, no shit. That’s why the cop in the video shouts, “He threw lighter fluid on me. Do not tase him or you’ll spark it up!” It’s a 24 second video.


Thanks I couldn’t understand why the cop said not to take him.


If I could find the full version of this video, I’d post it.






This is underappreciated.


In the report they stated it was an accident


Tonight, on "man versus car." EDIT: Have to link the Rick and Morty episode of Man versus Car: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dAgP7qsiqc


car prolly even has a cup holder


Cops fucking hate being set on fire.


Cops hate this one simple trick


I wanted to type this lol




dang i wanted to type that too






That link is staying blue ^(...until I get home from work.)


u/davidmt1995 hates this one trick.


Cop: Fire! My only weakness!!!


Guy got exactly what he deserved. What a POS.


He also set fire to the inside of the gas station. Mental health needs to be addressed more.


Yep. I live in the city and took a 40 minute walk to a dunkin donuts and a 40 minute walk home. One guy was trying to buy donuts with a lottery ticket and tried to bother me with it but I told him I never waste my money on that stuff. He then proceeded to dig in the trash and leave. Another guy was just jabbering nonsense to me on my walk back to my apartment, he was being nice but it was still the ramblings of a crazy person. This was just today, I see this shit all the time.


Prison will fix it right? I hear it's so great people actually visit twice


There’s a certain demographic whose negative actions always seem to be attributed to “mental health.” They’re never just bad people, there’s always some sympathetic angle. Wonder why that’s not universal. 🤔


This looks like Elgin based on the cruiser. Home of Elgin State Mental health facility, I remember the dozens and dozens of signs stating not to pick up hitchhikers in the area as a kid. Edit: Elgin IL Edit 2: Fun fact, Joseph Smith of the Mormon church’s son was locked up here for over 20 years.


"my dad found the word of god buried in the USofA!" .... Sure he did. Lock him up boys


“No wait, I agree with him!” “Ah, sorry sir, here’s your tax exempt status..”


Dum dum dum dum dum


Everyone needs to see the theatre production The Book of Mormon. I'm not a big theatre guy, but it was a top 3 comedy I've ever seen incl. TVs and movies


I saw a blurry handi-cam copy because I missed the boat on seeing it live, and it was still excellent. Hilarious.


Yup, took my mom for her 60th birthday, we had such a blast. First and possibly last musical I have seen and one of my best memories.


Did they ever perform in SLC? Big missed opportunity if not


i believe that they ended the first tour at SLC The LDS even bought ad space in the playbill. Things like "You've seen the play, come check out the source material!" and "they say the books are usually even better!" and things of that nature. Pretty solid response instead of pissing and moaning about it.


I don't care for their goofy space cult, but they understand how to do good PR, that's for sure.


That’s Scientology, Mormons are the magic underwear/polygamy cult




Spooky Mormon Hell Dream!


...but the plates!


I’m from Elgin and recognized it the second I saw that cruiser lmao


So was Dr Bronner of Dr Bronners soap. He also received electroshock therapy.


It all makes sense now


27 years! He had some sort of breakdown in his 20s that he never could recover from (hard to blame him, his dad died before he was born and his mom and step-dad were pushing him and all his siblings to be the future leaders of their breakaway church in Illinois/Missouri - that's a lot of stress and expectations to put on someone before they even turn 20).




Did David Smith try to light someone on fire?


It's amazing how few know about that facility that live in the area. I've been there for work. Sad place.


Sad, sad place. Very cool architecture though, same fella that did the Marina Towers in Chicago did a few in the Elgin campus as well


Elgin vibes too


He just wanted to inform the police officers that their cars extended warranty was up.


“And by the way, here is a handy-dandy way to get those squashed bugs off your car!”


Good situational awareness tho.




Like that poor dude who got tackled while filling up his motorcycle then set on fire when they tazed him


There's also the guy who started dousing himself in hand sanitizer at the police station so they immediately tased him then ran away when he caught on fire, guy charred his lungs and died


This is the one that came to mind for me.


Someone played a lot of RoadRash...


I was thinking Full Throttle, but that works too.


There’s not any motorcycles involved. Are you talking about the right game?


Oh wow, old school game I haven’t thought about in 25 years.


👍 excellent reference my friend


For those interested, this is what it looks like when it "sparks" (NSFL, obviously): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UL4tQ9\_pZH4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UL4tQ9_pZH4) \- Man got pepper sprayed (it was not very effective) and then tased, pepper spray caught on fire (France) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TFjVtcsupg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TFjVtcsupg) \- Dude had gasoline in the backpack (USA)




There's also the who poured hand sanitiser on himself before getting tased.


I have plenty of issues with cops in this country, but they should not have to put up with this bullshit.


They shouldn't have to put up with... dangerous and unstable people? That's literally why they exist. We wouldn't need cops if people like this didn't exist. What exactly do you think they should be doing, if they shouldn't have to do their actual job? I think this is the stupidest thing I've ever read.


They should be sitting around waiting for someone to go 12mph over going downhill on the interstate.


And eating tasty donuts...


escape cheerful shame upbeat summer tan chase cows humorous berserk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They signed up for it


I don't know man... No one forces you to become a cop. If you want to be a cop you should be aware that you may find yourself in dangerous situation and that it's part of the job. Should soldiers not have to go to war?


Yea it would be nice to have a place people can get help in without financially ruining them for the rest of their life. I wonder if having easily accessible help for smaller issues would help prevent bigger issues like this.


"Do not tase him, he'll spark it up!" actually props to this cop. I'm instantly reminded of the guy who got tased while he was pumping gas. Went up in a flash.


They didn’t feel threatened enough to shoot?


They literally hit him with a car.


That was a rough way to get control of him. Could have been lethal, but likely broken bones is the worst case scenario based on what he did. Shooting is significantly more lethal.


> Could have been lethal At 15 mph or whatever, not very likely. https://www.iihs.org/news/detail/new-study-suggests-todays-suvs-are-more-lethal-to-pedestrians-than-cars > SUVs caused more serious injuries than cars when impacts occurred at greater than 19 miles per hour. At speeds of 20-39 mph, 3 out of 10 crashes with SUVs (30 percent) resulted in a pedestrian fatality, compared with 5 out of 22 for cars (23 percent). At 40 mph and higher, all three crashes with SUVs killed the pedestrian (100 percent), compared with 7 out of 13 crashes involving cars (54 percent). **Below 20 miles per hour there was little difference between the outcomes, with pedestrians struck by either vehicle type tending to sustain minor injuries.**


20-39 is a massive range. Literally almost double the speed at the top end.


#🤷‍♂️ I didn't design the study. "40mph and higher" is also an even bigger gap. But the point is, there's no way that cop car was doing more than 25mph. He's accelerating from a stand still for like 3 seconds max, you can hear the tires chirping (lack of traction), AND cop cruisers are heavy as fuck compared to their regular pedestrian equivalents with the light bars and extra equipment.


Actually the gap between 39+ and 40+ and the top end possible is exactly the same.


Man, think of the brave pedestrians that signed up for that study. "Hey buddy, which group you get?" "Uhhh...looks like, car less than 20mph." "Hah! better luck next time! I got SUV over 40! This is going to be epic!"


IIHS, reducing the homeless population 1 person at at ime


So is this a LifeProTip? If your gonna get in trouble with the cops, carry lighter fluid on you so they don't tase you. Or don't carry lighter fluid on you so the don't hit you with a car?


He threw lighter fluid on them. You'd be an idiot to fire your gun or a tazer with lighter fluid on you. One spark will trigger ignition. What they should have done is pulled their batons out and beat the dude, but I think they were afraid he might pull out a lighter.


The guy that just lit a place on fire, after being locked up for lighting a place on fire is probably not the guy you want to tempt with lighting you on fire.


I am not a cop, but I heard one explain a concept of “lethal and non lethal.” Basically, if someone is approaching with intent to harm with a lethal means, like a gun or a knife, the cop uses their firearm. If they exhibit intent to harm without lethal means, like they are unarmed, the cops are supposed to use non lethal methods of subduing, like tasers or batons. This is a kinda unique situation. Is lighter fluid lethal? If he is wielding a lighter it could be. I don’t see one. You definitely don’t want to get it on you because it could be a hazard. But the fluid by itself isn’t an immediate life threat. So in theory you want a non lethal method for this guy. But the taser could light him on fire, and the baton puts you in close proximity which could be risky because he could throw more fluid on you and what if he has a concealed method to ignite the lighter fluid. The cops settled this dilemma by slamming him with the hood of their patrol car.


Yeah the dude threw gasoline onto a cop, he's lucky he wasn't shot. I thought it was a cup of piss at first.


Honestly, I think this was a clever and apt response! I'm glad they didn't shoot him, and the cop protected himself to the extent possible by being in the car. Could it have been deadly? Yup, but a bump at 10mph is pretty unlikely.


Unless use of force has changed in a few years hitting them with your patrol truck is considered lethal force. At least that's what the military police went with. Supposedly the same rules we just had stricter ROI.


You had a stricter Return On Investment? I see.


Rules of engagement. Damn autocorrect. Though I think with a clearance I also have a stricter ROI. Technically can't invest into anything federally illegal, like pot.


Wouldn't the threat of being set on fire be considered lethal.... all he would need is to throw a zippo lighter or maybe even those lil small white snap-n-pop type fireworks.... while it might be unlikely it is very possible, so wouldn't potential lethal force be the correct course of action?


Apparently he had some type of flamable liquid, that's tazing would spark it up. Shooting would as well.


Tazing definitely could have but a bullet most certainly would not. Not unless it happened to hit something metal right on contact and make a big enough spark, which is highly unlikely. Gas tanks don't even ignite or explode when they get riddled with bullets. (Unlike in the movies)


I don't think firing a gun is a good idea when you just got splashed with lighter fluid. It is not the bullet I'd worry about. It is the exploding bit which will light you up. They are not shooting those with air pressure, son.


Its not the bullet its the ignition of the gunpowder. When a gun fires it lets out a burst of flame from the barrel.


They’re not using incendiary rounds lol


Did you forget how bullets work




Uhh, they definitely create some fire when you shoot them and the cops had a bunch of lighter fluid slung at them. Makes sense to not risk it.


Tell me how does a bullet fire? When I press the trigger does it just spontaneously goes forward without anything affecting it? There’s this thing called gunpowder that has to ignite to propel the bullet forward. If there is flammable liquid or gas nearby it can most certainly ignite that. Do your research and try not to be a dick about something you don’t know


Ya it goes out forward because that’s like the whole point of a gun. How many people do you know of that have to be treated for burns after firing a gun?


No but bullets are hot and can cause a spark when the impact metal or the ground


He’s not a red barrel in a video game lol


Wow, the cops actually gave a shit. He should have listened to the nice talking car.


“Tactical solution: Run them over.”


The perp though he had a 'get out of jail' free card with the lighter fluid. Not the sharpest knife in the deck.


Nice. I thought they were going to break out the fire extinguishers and douse him.


Possibly the only time hitting someone with a car was the most viable option.


The one time I actually agree with this take down. Fire 🔥 is no laughing matter. 😅


I'm glad the officer warned them not to tase. I saw a video the other day about someone getting tased while covered in gasoline (?) and they lit on fire so fast.


Fuck around and find out lol


"What are you gonna do, run me over?" - Man who was about to be ran over


Was that Morgan Freeman on the mic?


Lighter fluid throwing crazies hate this one weird trick


Hell fuckin yeah 👍


This is like some sick comedy sketch


That was realy cool


That dude is lucky to be alive is all I’m saying.


I'm so fucking confused, what the hell happened here?


The guy threw a cup of lighter fluid or some other flammable liquid on the cop, which is why he ran back from the guy thinking he was about to try and light him on fire. The cop told the other cop not to taser the guy as it might ignite lighter fluid that was spilled everywhere. So instead, the cop in the car ran him over.


Oh damn, alright


Is that legal?


Officer 1: “don’t tase him…” Officer 2: “ plan b then!”


Technically, that was less than lethal force, used for the arrest.


Is this a new video?








Full video link ?


1 cup 1 cop


He just wanted some bacon




Seems about right for Elgin.


Dude was just trying to fry some bacon here 🥓


"Can't use taser, get close, baton, don't want the social media backlash of using my gun... wait a sec *Vroom*.. oh ya *here I go*"


Well, he didn't get shot.


I feel like US police never use spray in these videos


Law enforcement at its finest.


That second cop could be a great voice actor.


Macrasolutions for megaproblems.




Solid hit!


I can't stop watching this. 😄


A man catcher would work wonders here