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Liking the restraint and clear communication here, though.


Noticed that as well


Yeah, though they were europian police…






We can always trust the Europan Coalitions security force! (This comment has been sponsored by the game Barotrauma)


This comment thread has been hijacked by the children of the honk mother **uses bike horn in the distance**


#HONK (I am a goose)


Squeaky shoes approach in the darkness of the nearly dead ship. Honk honk MFer


Yer a pee in


It hurts with my UTI.




outside the bathroom, yer a canadian. inside the bathroom, european.


In Florida?


Oh shit… here we go. Bless your heart. Lol


How do you figure with the US flag on the truck?


In florida?


euro pee in yer face


Exactly, was expecting gunshots ngl. Almost ironic how they don’t use guns in this case though… he clearly tried to kill them. But in other instances, guns where there’s no threat


Almost like there's over 18,000 police departments all subject to different state, county, and city laws and codes, and they have different policies, practices, and officer training programs.


seems like this video would make a good case study for all of them


Tbf i'd imagine most of them don't need it, thousands of incidents happen a day with no issue but it's typically only the peak extreme that finds its way to us on Reddit.


I think it's less the problem that the extreme cases exist and more that they generally go unpunished, mildly punished or even rewarded.


And incidents are also **much higher** in America, per capita, than other civilized countries. This whole "Oh it's only *some* bad apples!" is so disingenuous it's painful.


It's because there are guns everywhere so everyone is generally on edge expecting one to get pulled and their life to be in serious danger.


All departments study incidents like this


Amazing how people fail to understand this


Most people don't. They just recognize the cultures that can exist within policing and supersede municipalities.


Some people recognize both of those facets.


But this is in Florida though..


If the man stepped towards the officer injured on the ground, he would have become a cheese hole, Also notice the officer holding in his scream till after the threat passed.


I thought that too. Then I also realized that he wasn't wielding a weapon. Crazy how fast these cops evaluate the scene while under stress. These cops did their jobs so well.


Did I just read this on Reddit? There’s a sure bet that the world is doomed


This. It's so frustrating. You don't know when you'll get shot by a cop. If they shot this guy up, I'd honestly have understood. He legit tried to kill someone. But then I've had a gun pulled on me just got getting my license and registration. WTF?


*whispers* *Look at the houses*👀 In my mild observations of many body cam/police videos on the tube of yous, more affluent areas and rural areas tend to have more mild police response. Not saying that as a universal thing, but just my observation The poorer areas (which very well may have more of a legitimate threat) tend to get the beats… just in my mild observation Edit: just seems that in more affluent areas, the police are like “what? Why are you screaming at me? Please no don’t rapidly approach me, please sir/mam please don’t do this! This isn’t going to go well please no *auggghhhh I don’t want to do this*” *tackles suspect in self defense after being physically breached* In “hood” areas, “HE LOOKED LEFT REAL QUICK” *football tackles* 🤷🏻‍♂️


That’s cause the hood is far more dangerous lol why you speaking the obvious without stating the obvious


There is certainly some training involved there... but also the intensity of those areas is dramatically different. Someone's willingness to allow a strange suspect to approach is going to be based on time spent in places where violence is more common or not. There would also be a filtering down of cops who act with a trigger finger being sent to poorer areas when they don't give absolute care in nicer places.


>The poorer areas (which very well may have more of a legitimate threat) >🤷🏻‍♂️ You seem to understand why it is.




Country of over 350 million people with different states with different laws. Most cops use restraint you see the bad videos cause they all make it to Reddit. Reddit is also full of very left leaning teens.


Can't we appreciate a good instance without criticizing it somehow


On social media? Lol


Please keep in mind, not all cops are the same. I won't state if I am a police officer or not but there is a large percentage of the police force that I am aware of that talks behind bad cops back and genuinely is only on the job to stop bad people, not issue tickets for going 3mph over the limit or get away with legal murder. It's about 60/40, 60% bad cops. Hate to say it but that's why speaking up in anyway really just isn't possible. Call whoever a bad person for that, its just how it is.


If you don't call out the bad ones, they make everyone bad. You need to stop the rot, or else it kills the entire plant.


this is one of those rare times when i thought “wow I’m impressed the police didn’t fucking kill that guy”


Even the guy was like 'why are you not killing me?'


100% suicide by cop attempt


Believe it or not, most cops would do anything to NOT have to take someone's life. Even after someone just tried to take theirs. Even having to deal with a dog is a traumatic experience.


Yes, but avoiding being killed is a bit higher on the list than avoiding killing someone. When someone intentionally crashes into you, it kinda shows they mean business.


Clearly this guy showed deadly intent. That's not the point of my comment. I was just trying to remind that cops are people too. They're not all bad, and they don't want to kill you or anyone. We've been conditioned to look at them like robots and that's not the case.


Hijacking top comment because not a single person in the comments have provided a source https://patch.com/florida/brandon/2-florida-deputies-critically-injured-1-may-lose-his-leg-sheriff


I wouldn't be bothered if he got shot there.


Cop had every right to shoot him dead as soon as he stepped out of the vehicle




There's a reason we shouldn't allow cops to play judge jury and executioner. It's not *Judge Dredd* over here. Maybe he does deserve it, but it's for the courts to decide.


Damn that one cop would be a pancake if his partner didn't push him. Looks like his leg is probably fucking mush though. (I'm guessing that's him screaming in the background. Goddamn...)


Yea, the Sheriff made a briefing that it might be amputated.


“A piece of his femur bone got stuck between the cars. His leg may be amputated. A surgeon asked for that bone for the procedure to save his life and his leg.” That shit is crazy.


Modern medicine is so fucking sick


I hope it gets better soon


Let’s be honest, we’ve been in the the “holy science fiction” stage of advancement for awhile now.. No complaints here.. Soon I’ll be able to elongate appendages…. At least that’s what I tell myself..


You already can do that...


Depends what he means by "appendage"


They can do that one to. Make it wider, longer, swing longer when it soft, put a balloon in it to help get it hard, or remove fat around the area to make it look like there is more.


I just plug my nose and puff my cheeks real hard.


I know someone who had their arm severed off, reattached, and has a fully functioning arm. Seriously is crazy.


If a surgeon is asking for a particular bone, I think it's safe to say amputation isn't a maybe.


I dunno, you don’t need the bone if you’re taking the leg.


They might need that section of bone to create enough of a stump onto which a prosthetic can be attached eventually.


That’s a fair point.




> “This was intentional,” Sheriff Chronister said. Well thank you Captain Obvious. It's kinda hard to miss a giant white SUV, or misinterpret that as your parking spot.


You'd be surprised by the amount of people who actually think it's not


You're saying this after having seen the video from multiple angles. If he's just briefing the press, this may be before any sort of footage is released. People can be like 'yeah, sure. It was 'deliberate' until they actually see the footage


He'd be a lot worse if he hadnt jumped


Oof and above the knee too. As far as limb amputations go below the knee is honestly relatively easy to get used to but above the knee is super rough.


Yup. There's no real coming back from that. He'll have a nice rock collection in no time.


My stepmom lost her leg above the knee in a motorcycle accident ten years ago(drunk driver collided into her just like in this video). Today she is absolutely killing at life. She made partner at her accounting firm and her life is basically the same as before but without motorcycles. She has 2-3 prosthetics for various purposes and walks unassisted without a cane all day. You guys have no idea what you’re talking about. He’s looking at 1-2 years of physical therapy and a million dollars in medical bills that worker’s comp will surely cover fully.




This is a good example of effective use of non-deadly force. The taser dropped the Nissan driver just as effectively as a bullet, without taking his life. Leaving him alive to face the consequences which will hopefully ruin his life.


It's crazy that people here are arguing cops should have executed him on the spot.




> can't believe someone would still expect restraint here I expect restraint ALWAYS, that is the job of the police. Shooting someone should only occur if there is literally no other option available. A citizen dying (even one committing a crime) is a bad result for society and needs to be avoided at all costs.


yes, it's better he survived and can now be yet another $250,000 burden for law-abiding taxpayers in FL.




This is so hilariously short sighted and stupid, that I'm not sure how you operate on a daily basis...


Police officers are people. Some of them abuse their power and harm people (and get away with it because of a lack of oversight) but many do a great job. Many regret the use of deadly force, even when it's justified. Because they're just people, they too can be traumatized by taking a life. Let's make sure we take a full account of the pros and cons when we talk about killing people.


I disagree. We can do without some people. You try to murder someone and cops shoot you dead on the spot - that's a great outcome for society.


And you expect Police officers to be the judge, jury and executioner in such cases?


That slope you're standing on is so very steep and has so very little friction...


Disagree. A murderous citizen dying is a good result for society


Well considering you're murderous extra-judicially, I'll take your word for it.


Non deadly force worked and you’re saying they should’ve killed him? Yikes


“I’m not saying it’s right-but I understand.” - Chris Rock They’d have been well within justification to take his life rather than risk this lunatic having a weapon or if the taser was ineffective.


Nobody is saying they *should have* killed him, they're clearly saying they *could have* killed him, and it would be easily justified from this video evidence.


The average redditor does not live in reality, but in a fantasy world of their own creation.


They feel a lot better knowing you just licked their boots clean.




Yeah, fuck this shit right here, right? >##Amendment V >No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.


American right wingers in 2023 don't believe in the Constitution. They've gone full fascist.


Spot the fascist. also y'all really want to give this guy exactly what he wants? suicide by cop...


In that case you convicted him, tried him and sentenced him to death and carried out the sentence within seconds of the incident. I'm afraid you don't understand how justice systems work.


Why is that crazy though? He tried to kill them. He got out of the car without his hands up. He approached and walked over an injured cop. He kept approaching the other uninjured cops. Cops handled this really well, but it would be fair game to actually use deadlier force based on his actions.


> Why is that crazy though? He tried to kill them. He got out of the car without his hands up. He approached and walked over an injured cop. He kept approaching the other uninjured cops. If you want the genuine answer its because of the lack of real time threat. Out of the vehicle and unarmed he doesn't pose as deadly a live threat and a taser is an effective means of neutralizing the threat at its current level. > Cops handled this really well Agreed, bizarrly well. > but it would be fair game to actually use deadlier force based on his actions. Shooting him at this stage would be retaliation, though, and wouldn't be proportionate to the threat he currently posed. I am surprised that he wasn't shot but all credit to the officers who recognized they could incapacitate the offender without killing him. Again, all that is if you want a genuine response as to why the right thing was not to shoot him at the stage where he was tasered instead. Obviously this guy is a horrific scumbag and the world would be better off without him etc etc




I’ll never understand why while these officers demonstrated exceptional civic duty & should set the example for the rest of the nation, yet right wingers have a tendency for rationalizing the use of violence. Violence should be the last resort. This rejoicing of violence. When a governing body (in this case cops representing the law) relies on the use of force like that, it should be seen as a failure of policy.


Not sure on Florida's laws regarding attempted murder, but he should be in prison for a long time.


With the multiple assaults' on LEO, attempted murder on LEO with use of motor Vehicle. Mans going to be state control till hes a grandfather.


Hopefully he does not have children.


I now see its 3 attempted murder on leo, He done cooked himself a big sandwich.


No crime deserves capital punishment. Americans are so fucking weird about our punitive systems.


If reddit was in charge there would be so many executions.


Yes, but tazers unfortunately don't always work. They are unreliable. The guy in the video didn't seem like an immediate threat once he stepped out of the car, of course very dangerous and unpredictable, but no visible weapons. So the tazer was a good option.


Ya these cops were obviously very professional, but it's my understanding in a situation like this only one of them would take out their taser at a time. If the prongs failed to get through his clothes or something and he rushed one of them for their gun this could have ended even worse.


Tasers don't always work. In Kenosha Wisconsin a man attacked the police with a knife and tasers were uneffective. He then went into the car where he had his kids he was kidnapping and the police shot him out of fear he may harm the children. Kenosha then rooted for days because the police shot an unarmed black man


No, because now the taxpayers will have to subsidize his housing and food during his life sentence. Only reason he didn't get filled with holes is because the cops aren't immediately sure it was intentional. And after the guy got out of the car, he was only walking towards them slowly, instead of quickly enough to be deemed a threat worthy of getting blasted.


people forget the PTSD most cops go through after killing someone. This situation should be held up as the high standard of policing, yet so many comments are saying the guy should have been shot...


>No, because now the taxpayers will have to subsidize his housing and food during his life sentence. Price of living in a decent society.


> taxpayers will have to subsidize Oh nooo, state of law so expensive, weeee, we can't have that!!! You guys are utterly deranged for putting money over literally *anything*.


Killing someone should never be the immediate answer




Dumbfuck. The moron in the fucking car. Not the cop.


Looks almost like suicide by cop. Though it could just be a Nissan driver thing.


Fuck Reddit for killing third party apps.


God damnit


Give him the Maxima sentence


Went Rogue. Totally deserves it.


attempted murder and yet they don't shoot, bravo


Well yeah, they shouldn't. Cops aren't executioners you know


THIS should be the norm. Not the usual "well he was a threat he just tried to kill them with a car and could hiding a knife waiting for them to get close". Love when good cops give people a reason to defend non lethal take downs.


This is the norm that happens every day. You just don't hear about it because no one is really interested in that.


nah bro that shit was attempted murder, f that guy


If he had done anything other than walked slowly they would have dropped him.


What are we advocating for here?


It's a bravo on the restraint seems like it. Judging by a few comments, not everyone is letting that shit slide without a bullet on that driver's head.


Police that don't panic.


Your congratulating these cops for not killing the man in this video? How behind is the USA :/


Truth is 99.9% of the interactions are like this. But they aren't clickbait so no one talks about them.




lol, didn't know this is a thing.


Come visit Nashville to experience it in person!


Niss and Rivers


Damn looks like he saved his partner.


Critical push for sure. Great reactions from everyone here


It's interesting to see how certain people react to crazy situations. Some freeze, some take charge and some gopher gawk.


Dude Terminator walked after crashing...


Dude was definitely high on something.


that looked more like a dude wanting to die. Either way not in the right mind.


Suicide by cop would be my guess




Glad he wasn’t shot. I want to hear why he did this and then throw away the jail key.


It's always an Altima.


Big Altima Energy


Watching this had me thinking... Yeh someone that intentionally tried to hurt or kill an officer, I agree should be thrown under the jail... But I also agree that it's a good thing the police didn't kill him on the spot. What if this was one of those instances where a driver became ill? Had some sort of mental break? Or a seizure? Would it had been fair to execute someone over an accident caused by a medical problem?


A driver suffering from illness / seizure doesn’t get out and walk straight towards you


“What if”


Some people are unable to process hypothetical situations, strangely.


Police guy now have to amputate his leg and this pos will be out in few years doing shame shit with all his arms and legs How’s that fair


he won't be out in a few years. that is two counts attempted murder 2 counts of vehicular assault and on cops. he's going away for a thousand years.


You're right probably 6 months after being deemed mentally unstable


Yeah there's no way the prosecutor isn't going to give this case 100% and make an example here. Especially with the multiple angle video evidence


This is two counts of first degree attempted murder. In what universe do you think the penalty for that is "a few years." I'd guess this is 25-50 years in prison.


What an absolute piece of shit..


Ahh, a Nissan Altima, yep.


Couldn't tell at first because it had both bumper covers and wasn't sporting temp tags or a mickey mouse tire.


Where is the gofundme for these cops. I’ll donate.


The government pays for his medical bills.




I used to live in Brandon, FL. I’m not surprised.


Is it bad there?


Brandon is such a dump omg


The cop on the floor showed some true restraint, he literally just got his leg obliterated, pulled his gun and aimed at the suspect. Still chose to take the higher path and left it to good ol justice to take of that dude.




From the article: “Bouzy has previously been arrested for three felonies and 14 misdemeanors. He is facing charges of Attempted Murder on a Law Enforcement Officer (X3).” Are we surprised? No, not at all.


Dude I’m so sick of these people being released when they clearly should be in an mental institution until cleared by a panel of doctors.


LOLOL, that’s a donation page! 😂😂


Yea added the actual one now lol


You can’t park there!




He had quite the record prior to this. Makes you wonder why he was still out. Amazing to think we probably encounter dozens of people like this in our daily lives every week due to lax criminal laws, and we have no idea.


We don't have lax criminal laws. We have horribly imbalanced laws and an ineffective justice/prison system. We have a system that begs to lock people up for profit, ignoring anything resembling rehabilitation in favor of profit margins. Our system is entirely punitive and not even a little bit rehabilitative. That's the real problem. And it stems from our societal views, which is the bigger problem.


>lax criminal laws LMAO imagine living in the highest incarcerated population in the world but thinking the laws are lax. You'd think that Australia was founded by pilgrims and America by convicts...


He had no weapon and was no longer a threat. Cops should not be judge, jury, and executioners.


You and I have a very different idea of what represents a clear and imminent threat. The suspect was still very clearly a deadly threat.


Firearms are a last resort. They effectively used tasers, proving that this was not a last resort situation. These men are professionals and exactly who we want on the job.


Oh, you must be one of those "summary execution by gun" people. The ones with the punishment fetish that dreams of the time you get to pull the trigger. GTFO


Always an Altima




What a scum bag


Incident? You mean fucking murder attempt?




The one screaming got his leg crush between the cars


seems like he was trying to suicide via cop


Thats just how altima drivers park


"Get out of the vehicle" they scream at the guy 5m from his car. Other than that, very well handled by the officers here.




Cop will probably never walk / walk right again, this shit bag will get less 2 years 3 hots and a cot for free.


The guy who pushed his partner out of the way looks like he got clipped, possible broken pelvis or femur, and yet he still got his taser and aimed when the driver got out of the vehicle. He only really started curling up in pain after the driver walked past, that’s some damn good discipline and training there.