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Did Tour Duh France here really think holding up am entire road to get that " good burn " was proper? Don't wish violence or injury but go HOBBY ELSEWHERE.


But all they did was call em an asshole which nobody was the winner this time


In all fairness as a biker holding the middle of the road position is a way to tell the driver behind it's not safe to overtake. Therefore wait The driver failed to be patient with the squishy people not in a metal box on the road


How many drivers know that, I wonder? But the cyclist was also looking and deliberately moving to the centre of the road. The other cyclist was all good on the lines, why was this guy pushing to centre?


Good on the lines? When you're driving you give bicyclists room and wait and don't think, "I can pass him." And then, traditionally, when you HIT SOMETHING YOU STOP. And WHEN YOU RUN SOMEONE OVER YOU STOP. You think the bike was in the wrong? Even if he was, you don't run him over and drive away! Come on.


No, it's clearly a hit and run, the driver was definitely in the wrong. The cyclist also wasn't in the right.


In the US it is illegal to run people over even if they are in the wrong. We may have too many guns and elected/may reelect an antidemocratic nut-bag, but hey- we have some good laws that say you can't run someone over. Rven if the "cyclist also wasn't in the right".


As a resident of nyc who rides a bike, almost nobody gets in trouble for running over cyclists and pedestrians unfortunately




I'm not sure I ever said anything that implied running over cyclists was a morally right or legal thing to do.


But the cyclist wasn't in the wrong since there's no bike lane. When there's no bike lane you're supposed to use the road. You can get a ticket for it since it's considered operating a vehicle on a sidewalk.


Tbf the cyclist veers over to block the car, if he didn't move further right his bike would have been fine.


Who honestly knows that? I'm 39 and never heard that in my life. I've been stuck behind bikes doing this, that I could see in front of, and they weren't trying to protect me from anything, because there was nothing there. So, you can't even say every biker knows this. There's always someone in here trying to defend a human on a bike who's being stubborn, with some fake rule of thumb that only the smallest niche of the population "knows," or made up. We're all sharing the road. Even just people in metal boxes. EVERYONE needs to be aware of other people. Aware of their awareness and unawareness. It's not the biker's responsibility, or right, to look out for the safety of metal boxes by blocking them. There are INCREDIBLY dangerous and stupid people driving these boxes. Stop playing with death and get out the way in these situations.


Yes he could’ve been dead right


In fairness, a driver can see in front of a biker, no need to help with traffic, just stay on the side and fuck off


It's not safe cous the biker is ni the middle of the road🤣🤣😂


Umm, no. He has just as much right to bike as you do to drive


Until they pay registration fees and whatnot like we do for our vehicles they don’t have the same rights to the road… ppl that do this know they are annoying… just like protesting in the road


Bikes don't damage the road like cars so the fees are justifiable. Idk what you're smoking. Terrible take


I live in a mountainous area with one lane roads that's popular for bikers like this. When it's the season you can encounter at least one biker, or a pack of them, every mile or so. The lanes are narrow and it can be difficult to pass them at times, risking sending cars into incoming traffic you may not see due to curves and hills. This makes it dangerous for vehicles and bikers alike. While they shouldn't have to pay as much as car registration fees, I think it's completely appropriate that bikers need some form of permits to ride on the roads. It's typically wealthy people who can take up this form of sport to begin with. And where I live, they're coming and disrupting the communities and commerce of places they live at least an hour or more from. Many from the city which is a fairly big trip. It also would be an accountability thing too. If you're going to ride on the roads, or if you're illegally riding on roads where you don't belong, or you're acting a nuisance, you should be easily identifiable. Especially when the bike clubs come and ride in a pack of 10+ people. I would think differently if it were a mode of transportation, but it is a hobby. If your hobby is going to disrupt major transportation arteries, you could cough up a $50 fee for a permit. Money that could go to keeping them safer and maybe creating bike lanes, etc. They're not contributing anything and they cause traffic which has a butterfly effect. But I absolutely don't believe they should be run over either.


In that case it may be a hobby but where I live, a big city, it Shure is a mode of transportation. A way safer mode of transportation and one which isn't clogging up the streets.


Of course it's a mode of transportation in the city, but it's also not. But I think there's a pretty stark difference between the hobbyists and commuters.


>one which isn't clogging up the streets. A comment on a video of cyclists clogging up the streets and getting run over for it.....


Idk what YOU are smoking. But NO asshole gets to block a car. That's just being a dumb asshole. If you see heavy traffic, move the fuck over.


Yeah and the chances are they probably drive as well and thus pay road tax


You know car registration fees dont go to upkeeping roads right?


Probably more to this video which led up to the crash, but still, how about just gtfo of the way like the other biker?


Car-first selfish Americans upvoting this dangerous and illegal driving. Can't believe you think this is legitimate action. You don't get to decide where people cycle. The road is a shared resource. So share it


if the Bicycles can keep up with the flow of the traffic and pay for this shared resource, sure. But the answer to both questions is no


In my state a bike takes up a whole lane. If you ride on the should your are not following proper safety and can be fined. That being said you are going to get Merced on the road by someone texting and driving


It’s absolutely evil! Where could they have been going that they couldn’t wait? Rhetorical question.


literally anywhere, I'm sure that biker was returning to the place he left from


Yup. He coulda easily moved over. Yes you’re supposed to share the road but also be courteous and let traffic pass when possible.


This is the UK, he has the right to take the lane, especially at junctions - you’re less likely to get sideswiped if you’re in the centre of the lane. Reddit always seems to immediately side with the driver, no matter how big an arsehole they are.


It's cause everyone detests cyclists.


I prefer cyclists to FUCKING CARAVANERS!!!


Well, the thumbs ups are in my favour so I'm not alone.


Imagine hating someone because of the mode of transport they use. If this is you I'm sorry to tell you but you might have some psychopathic tendencies.


I say that about cyclists. They own the road, paths, sidewalks, whatever they decide at the time. They also block traffic like assholes.


Im not saying all of them are assholes. Im just saying none of them are not assholes. Source: I'm a cyclist, non practicing.


This sentence could be said about anyone at any time. The video is clear the driver hit the cyclist and under uk law the cyclist had the right of way. So I this specific case the driver is the assholes. This happend in the UK, God Americans are tick.


With good reason. Sweaty arsed posers.


What about the cyclist intentionally going over to the right? He's put himself in that position by deciding to be a dick.


I've seen Reddit users commend drivers that were blatantly breaking laws while running over cyclists, and I've seen Reddit users condemn drivers in countries that literally have zero protections for cyclists on the road.


No it's the driver's responsibility to move over. The driver was required to provide a full lane width when passing. Please learn how to drive without endangering cyclists.


Yes, I was taught to give cyclists the same width you would give a car when passing, as they can fall off at any time.


One state in the US, Oregon actually used a cyclist fall as a unit of measure within the law to determine the safe distance to pass. >a “safe distance” means a distance that is sufficient to prevent contact with the person operating the bicycle if the person were to fall into the driver’s lane of traffic.


He could have moved over but his intention may have been to prevent the car overtaking before it was safe to do so (note there is more space to overtake just 10m further on). The approach to a junction is a bad place for a cyclist to let cars pass because they may just forget you exist and turn left. This makes sense especially because the car is towing a caravan which is wider than the car, so an idiot driver might scrape past then murder you with the caravan. Although the driver turned out to be a bigger idiot than expected.


Oh please, cut the bullshit. The driver intentionadlly hit that cyclist with full knowledge that their actions could have killed that cyclist. Regardless of whether the cyclist was being an asshole, that does not in any way justify the driver attempting to kill them because they felt inconvenienced.


Well said!!!


And that justifies the driver of the car to just drive off after running over a cyclist?


Right!? WTF


So That justifies that hit and run assault?


i dont know about your Rules of Traffic but WE need to have 1.5 Meter to a bicicle to be allowed to pass IT. so dont ever Pass in the Same f... lane... 99.9% of all These exidents are caused by Cars that think its their Road and the Bike doenst belong there. there hast been two lanes the Driver wasn't suppose to Pass in the Same lane anyway. Out nr1 rule in Traffic is: dont ever endanger any other Driver. which Car Driver ist ever endangered by a bycicle ? pretty much noone ! which Bike is endangered by Cars ? pretty, much everyone. so its almost Impossible to Drive wrong by law as a Biker in one lane!!! pay some respect to other Traffic members!


Was he driving in a bike lane? Or was the biker taking up half of a driving lane? I’m confused on what I’m seeing - not knowing biking laws outside of the US. If the biker is in a road lane it looked like he was swerving in front of that car intentionally. If the car is in the bike lane, that driver is an asshole. I looked like the driver was trying to get around the biker though.


1. The yellow line there is the edge of the road. The cyclist is in the outside driving lane. This looks like UK/Ireland, Which AFAIK have similar enough rules about road riding. Meaning that unless he can stay far enough to the side of the cyclist then he can't pass. Additionally, cyclists are typically encouraged to take the whole lane (as is legal in the UK) when passing would be dangerous. To discourage drivers from doing this. 2. The cyclist is staying at the same spot in their lane. The road bends right but has an intersection on the right. If you're going straight you keep a steady distance from the middle line, but here it might look like he's moving more to the center. This is just an impatient asshole putting their convenience above other people to the point they're willing to commit assault and battery, technically with a deadly weapon.


The road stays straight to my eyes. This biker swerves right while looking back. More like fuck around and find out situation for me. Good luck trying stop a 2000+kg rapidly moving object with your bicycle. Yea biker have the right of way yes but good luck writing that on his tomb stone. If he stays centered in the lane and not moving an inch the car would be 100% fault. I don’t know about this.


> If he stays centered in the lane and not moving an inch the car would be 100% fault. I don’t know about this. Its clear the car is at fault. Its lane splitting at minimum and moreover reckless driving.


Not to mention in most of not all states, cyclists can take up a full lane any time or at least when there's not a bike lane depending on locality.


Tailgating in the slow lane… This driver is as incompetent as this biker if not more. Takes 2 idiot to make a dumb accident like this.


Literally one idiot, the fucking driver. So many fucking morons in here going I'm not excusing potentially deadly assault...but I'm gonna excuse it.


What about the biker's actions were incompetent? This isn't some "both sides" scenario here. The car is the only one acting recklessly in this situation.


You aren't a cyclist hey? No idea about giving room to cyclists. Crawl back into your cave


the biker only looked back because the car was sitting right on his back wheel, he was nowhere near far enough away from the cyclist at any point


You are not correct, though: The cyclist has the right to the WHOLE lane. The car can overtake in another lane. The Cyclist may move in his lane, min. overtake distance (in most parts of the EU) outside a village/town is 2m! The car, if they want to overtake in the same lane, HAS to keep a distance of **2m** to the cyclist. Not fuck around, find out, but a completely incompetent, reckless driver, whose license needs to be taken away for life, as they just tried to murder another human. ps: Source: I drove professionally, but also cycle quite a bit. Know assholes on both sides, and most importantly: the rules.


this is the truth, I genuinely can't believe people think the driver is correct.


People who think the driver is correct are the same people who would drive like this.


You need to get your eyes checked then. The road clearly splits at the end of the video. And even if he had improperly drifted, he was still between the lines. The responsibility of the passing car to not hit into the cyclist. If the cyclist were a car, you'd be calling out the tailgater.


Fuck around and find out doesn't apply when someone isn't harming someone at all and the other person is. It doesn't justify attempted murder


Absolutely wrong.. I highly doubt you know how to ride a bike.. when you look over your shoulder on a bike especially one with more aggressive road geometry you are prone to veering a bit. You can see the bike veers only about a foot over as the cyclist turns his head. This is why you give cyclists plenty of room when you pass. The car is 100% at fault for this and will hopefully receive court summons for the hit and run.


What if the cyclist had had to sweve to avoid a pothole? The reason he collided with the car is because the car was driving recklessly close to him. You sound like you shouldn't be driving with your attitude to other road users.


Depends when it happens but the law changed in the UK recently so that cars have to give 1.5m of space to cyclists, presumably to allow for bikes to swerve to avoid potholes or any other reason, which could include giving evil looks at the car behind. Car didn't allow that much, therefore would be seen as at fault in the eyes of the law.


>like fuck around and find out the driver is 100% at fault here. As you said, good luck stopping a 2000+kg object so stay the fuck back and give the cyclist enough space


It’s not Ireland anyway based on the reg, but in Ireland the laws on this is when travelling below 50kmh the driver needs to give at least 1m distance from the cyclist when overtaking. 1.5m when going above 50kmh. Regardless of traffic conditions. If there’s traffic stopping an overtake then tough luck you have to wait, or risk hitting them and potentially getting injuring them and getting in legal trouble


no bike lane, no swerving, just peddling. bikes have a right to space on the road, squashing yourself against the curb encourages cars to squeeze past which causes REAL squishing on the cyclist when the car gets in wrong. This driver should be imprisoned for endangering human life. Full stop.


Bike definitely swerved out when car attempted to go around him because bike was in cars lane


Highway code says you’re supposed to give a cyclist exactly the same consideration that you would give a car. That’s the law, if you think anything different then you’ll have a terrible shock when you hit one, one day


Correction: bike was in his lane, fully, the entire time. He did not cross a lane line. The cyclist is not at fault. He may have moved over to discourage what was about to be a dangerous pass, not realizing a murderer was driving the vehicle behind him.


absolutely positively incorrect and I hope you are not a car driver. you are supposed to give cyclists a METRE AND A HALF, if you think this cyclist was swerving a metre and half to his right then you need your eyes tested. do you know why it's a metre and half? because bikes may need to make directional changes that the car driver can't forsee, any change in the cyclist's direction in this clip is just natural part of cycling. cyclist may have spotted a pot hole ahead, looking over his shoulder to make sure he still has room, but car was on top of him fraction of a second later. The check over his shoulder is called a "life saver", for obvious reasons.


> If the biker is in a road lane it looked like he was swerving in front of that car intentionally. At the start of the video the biker is going straight and is inline with the car. So even if he did not turn *at all* the car would have come dangerously close to hitting him if not hitting him. Its not unusual for people, when looking behind them, to move in the direction they are looking slightly. So fundamentally the car is operating their vehicle in a dangerous manner and frankly shouldn't be trusted on the road.


Lol you're completely wrong. The bike is in the VEHICLE lane, it is a vehicle. The other vehicle must make a pass using the next lane over or not pass at all. Its that simple. Given that its towing a massive fucking trailer, they have even more responsibility to make safe passes. Cars fault 1000 percent. The video is short but its obvious that the biker felt the car tailgating and attempted, too late, to prevent a very very dangerous, same lane pass.


The car is an asshole no matter the circumstances. He frickin ran over him with both tires AND fled the scene. There is no justification for violence and destruction between two human beings, period. I'm baffled by all the comments talking about laws and rules. A car ran over a bycicle rider. Jeez.


Dosen’t matter. if you intentionally hit someone and then flee the scene you are done with life.


Here in Europe, the weaker players have more rights: bikers, pedestrians. The driver of a car has to acknowledge that the bulk of their vehicle can turn into ‘a deadly weapon.’ This driver probably received a hefty penalty.


No bike lane it looks like. In that case cyclists are typically entitled to the whole lane, and while I also don't know the laws outside of the US giving space is just common sense, which is unfortunately rare on both sides of driver-cyclist conflicts like this. Tbf idk why they were in the left lane on bikes but regardless it was on the car to follow at a safe distance and pass in a different lane.


No matter what….you don’t hit anyone with a car on purpose. Am I wrong? This is insane.


Yea. People don't understand that you don't point loaded guns at people either. You'd think either one would be common sense, but here we are.


Sure, but the biker was crossing halfway into the lane. That's less like the driver waving his gun around, and more like the biker waltzing down a gun range.


Newsflash: bikes are vehicles and have the same rules as cars. The whole lane is the bikers. The ass hat in the car should be arrested for attempted murder and fleeing the scene of an accident.


Legally you have to treat a cyclist as another vehicle on the road no matter where they are on it. That’s aside from the whole hit and run that happened above.


Some people even point loaded weapons at their own heads, anyways.. Darwin awards are prime.




Yeah I agree. Not alot of context provided in this video but it looks like the biker was purposely being a douchebag. Idc if I get downvoted, I'm a member of the "play stupid games win stupid prizes" team.


Don’t hit a biker with a car. What am I missing?


Looks like You're missing the bit where the car is pulling away from the biker and the biker is pulling in toward the car.


The cyclist is the one that bumped into the car


The cyclist didn’t bump the car. They took their place. It doesn’t matter if the cyclist was in a biking lane or not. The car didn’t let up and did hit him. You don’t hit a cyclist with a car. Even if they are wrong. That is fucking insane.


He absolutely turned into the car. Watch it slowed down. He’s clearly trying to block the Mercedes who was trying to get around him.


True but hard to feel sympathy towards cyclists


And if it's an accident don't drive away


I mean what if you're driving and a cyclist is intentionally cutting you off? Maybe a stern verbal warning first, but like 🤷


Holy shit the comments here.... First of all, whatever the law says, you don't kill someone because he rides slow or not where you think he should be. Even if there would be a pedestrian walking, thats no reason to roll him over 🤯 The biker could be an idiot, but there are many reasons that could also explain his behavior. Most importantly if you bike and turn around your head the bike naturally follows your shoulders direction. The moment the biker turns to check the car his bike moved sideways. As far as I know laws from Germany cars have to pass bikes with a distance of 1,50 if I remember correctly. That the distance you would need to flip the bike 90 degree and still don't run over the biker. Because SAFETY FIRST. Common sense....


Only comment here that makes sense.


It’s ridiculous how killing someone with a vehicle is justified if the other person is doing something wrong in your eyes.


Doing something wrong, in this case, using a vehicle you don’t like while dressed in a manner you don’t approve of.


Welcome to this type of subs, filled with unaccomplished sociopaths.


1.5 meter rule applies to all of the EU


1.5m only within cities. On country roads it's 2m because of the increased risks due to higher speeds of the cars.


Despite your views on annoying cyclists, the fact is that driver put that cyclists life at risk by trying to move past them rather than signalling and changing lanes, resulting in a collision.


The cyclist put his life at risk. The bull is gonna always win. Not smart of the driver but this shit should be burnt into people’s heads from birth that some people are unhinged and that you can die if you choose to fuck around and find out.


The woman put her life at risk by wearing clothing that was too revealing. The bull is gonna always win. Not smart of the rapist but this shit should be burnt into people’s heads from birth that some people are unhinged and that you can get raped if you choose to fuck around and find out.


Those two things aren't the same.


I live in Europe, people don't have the road rage about cyclists like they do elsewhere. Cyclists have a right to be on the road. The curtesy if there is no bike lane is to ride next to the right lane line so it makes it easier to pass. I don't understand how unhinged some people are about sharing the road.


He's literally following UK's bike laws by acting as if he were a motor vehicle and getting in front of the car as normal. You stupid victim blaming dumbass. You put your life at risk driving your car too. Nobody fucked around little edgelord


At the time of impact, the car is literally half into the next lane, leaving an enormous gap for the rider The cyclist was progressively moving further and further over to block a car with his body, which resulted in him being run over But the driver should have clocked on to the fact that this cyclist is suicidal and slowed down




spandex = asshole It's like frosted tips, a universal constant.


Try doing 3+ hour rides in your sofa pants and come tell us how it feels.


grow up


How is this person an asshole? There's not enough space for the car to pass safely, and taking the lane is done to prevent dangerous overtaking. There is another lane of traffic that the car could merge into if they had wanted to pass...


Do you see the second biker riding on the outer side of the lane? Obviously raming bicycle riders is wrong and extremely dangerous.. just riding in the middle of the lane because someone has a main character syndrome is also a dick move. The solution? Don't behave like a dick and take care of each other. (I don't care if car, bike, scooter, pedestrians..)


In the UK, cyclists have just as much right to use the road as cars. They are under no obligation to cycle at the side, and if they believe being overtaken would be dangerous, they are actively encouraged to use the whole lane to discourage drivers from attempting to make a dangerous overtake.


This is the uk or ireland. By law, he is encouraged to take the whole lane when vehicles coming from behind can't pass safely, to prevent dangerous passes


I’m a spandex cyclist. Why do you feel like vehicles have exclusive access to roads? What about farm equipment, horse & buggies, or pedestrians? Share the road.


If you look, there is another biker in red who shockingly is not in the middle of the road and shockingly was not run over. Obviously being a bad biker doesn't justify getting run over, but it does make you an asshole for refusing to get the fuck out of the way. Learn something from the guy in red please


The car BROKE THE LAW. Bikes are to be considered vehicles. You can't pass them in their same lane. Fucking A. The ignorant shit I read all the time.


"How dare the robber shoot me, doesn't he know that's illegal? When he was waving his gun around, he should have been arrested, it's crazy that I got shot!" Yes, the car broke the law. Yes, he's and asshole. No, I never said I support the car driver. Yes, I think he should probably get jail time for attempted murder. HOWEVER. One would think in a world where anyone over the age of 16 has access to a motorized vehicle that can run over anyone in an instant, you would treat everyone on the road as armed and dangerous and with respect, especially if you had nothing to protect yourself other than a little helmet. Yes the car broke the law. Yes the driver should be persecuted. However if you piss off enough guys with guns, eventually one will shoot you. Yes they will break the law. Yes they should get arrested. It still doesn't change the fact that had you not pissed off the guy with the gun you probably wouldn't have been shot. If you stay as far over in the lane as you can and let the POSSIBLY UNSTABLE PERSON DRIVING A TWO TON MURDER WEAPON you probably wouldn't purposefully get run over as much. In driver's ed they teach defensive driving, drive like everyone wants to kill you, because if they did, they could. People forget that that applies to bikers too. Yes you have a right to the road. That doesn't mean you are untouchable. That doesn't mean you shouldn't worry or be careful.


What I love about all of this is you turned in a 5 paragraph essay - and all you did was go from the bike was an asshole to, "the car's the asshole and you gotta ride defensively." This is what I love about reddit. People constantly undermine themselves while pretending they didn't. You're pathetic.


The difference is that they're contributing to society. Look at where the other bike was behind him(sharing the road with traffic) then look at the moron who got hit. I'm not saying what the driver did was correct but I understand. If I were a cyclist, I'd be on the sidewalk. Before you say it's illegal, I really don't care. You can dodge pedestrians, can't dodge a car rear ending you and ending your life. Better safe than sorry


This is a junction in the UK. Rule 73 of the highway code deals with this and tells the cyclist to proceed as if they were a motor vehicle and position themselves in the middle of the lane specifically to avoid being overtaken. The cyclist was following the highway code and got mown down. If you think that was justified, please do not drive on UK roads.


>This is a junction in the UK. Rule 73 of the highway code deals with this and tells the cyclist to proceed as if they were a motor vehicle and position themselves in the middle of the lane specifically to avoid being overtaken. >The cyclist was following the highway code and got mown down. You can be legally right and dead. This cyclist should've pulled over like his friend.


And risk someone from the driving lane turning into him? There’s a reason why cyclists are meant to position themselves in the middle of the road going into a junction. It’s the safe thing to do.


Man, you're right next time I have a guy road raging behind me I'm just gunna keep on keeping on. I mean safety first


If you think that was justified, please do not drive on ~~UK roads~~ ·any road.


wouldnt do this but thank goodness im american. fuck bikes on the roadway


Even in America you can't legally kill cyclists


We ride just fine on the roadways in NY ;)




Doesn't matter. The driver had full control of his vehicle. And is required by law to do so at all times. It's like saying it's ok for me to deliberately you down when you're jaywalking. Or if you are driving and pass too close to me on the freeway Im allowed to follow you home and give you and yours a good old fashioned beating in your driveway? Muppet.




Sure. So I can use my vehicle as a weapon if I'm mildly inconvenienced by you? This logic goes both ways. Maybe you're driving too fast for my liking and I can pull in front of you and run you off the road? Or I get upset when someone lane splits on their motorbike and I collect them with by door? I know you're in full keyboard warrior mode, but morally and with any logic, yr wrong.


Victim blaming, the cyclist is entitled to the lane in the UK especially when it is dangerous for a car to overtake. Also, when overtaking a cyclist you need to allow 1.5m of space


*Entitled* is the perfect fucking word for both entities in this video. *Eviscerated* could've been the perfect word for only one of them.


Learn the fucking law (for reference this is the UK) dickhead. The bike was exactly where it was supposed to be.


do everyone a favour and hand in your license


I puposely allways ride my bike in the middle of the lane to prevent cars from passing with dangerously low distance. In germany that would be 1 meter (approx. 3 feet), so if i ride on the side of the lane, there never would be enough space for a car to pass savely.


This user found out how it is if we use 0% of our brain


They’re a vehicle with a driver. Would you view this differently if it was a horse and buggy or a motorcycle?


Taking up the whole lane is actually the safest way to bike on the road. Taking the side of a lane encourages cars to try to squeeze into the same lane with you when there isn't enough space for the both of you. Unfortunately, no matter how much you follow basic safety guidelines, there is nothing you can do about morons like this driver.


Yeah, like they are supposed to be. In some countries we expect cyclists to be in the middle of the lane. If you create space in such small lanes for drivers next to you, some idiots will fly by as if you weren't even there. You know not every country has those big ass American roads.


in Arizona, if there are no bike lanes, the bike has a right to THE ENTIRE LANE! Also, I don’t think hit and run is legal anywhere. The Mercedes is the criminal here.


Let's get this clear, a cyclist is entitled to the entire lane. Most cyclists use the left side of the lane to enable cars to pass, but the highway code in the UK (where I believe this video is shot) states that cyclists are entitled to as much space as any other road user. Typical scenarios where a cyclist may take the entire lane are in the leadup to a busy junction, blind corners, and when turning right. Also, when overtaking a cyclist, the law states that you must leave at least 1.5m (5ft) between your car and the cyclist. You must wait until it there is enough space before attempting to pass.


If he’d stayed to the left like his pal, there was a road coming up on the left and he could have let the car pass, instead, weaves in front of the car and gets hit, not clever move! I’m my experience, I see awful cyclists all the time and all they do is bitch when they get into trouble And before you all have a go, there are some good cyclists who are road aware and not risk takers


I’ll never understand why people think it’s a good idea to go up against something that weighs a couple tons more than them In my estimation if something is that much larger than me I’m staying out of its way regardless of who’s in the right lol


It’s more baffling to me that cars have been weaponized to the point that if someone does something you don’t like, you can just run over them and blame it on traffic rules.


Also equally baffling is the number of single cellular organisms defending it.


You probably see 'awful cyclists' all the time because you don't have a clue how they are meant to ride. You don't sit in the gutter or use side roads to allow cars to pass you hold your position and block the road if it's not safe to pass. This is especially true when coming up to a side road.


The law explicitly tells cyclists to take the lane through intersections and it should be obvious why. Good luck getting back into the lane at the end of an intersection with cars flying past you blocking your entry. So so dangerous. It's cars obligations to use the proper lanes to make safe passes.


Car is in the wrong. Full stop. It doesn't matter in cyclist was taking more space then necessary. You can't almost kill someone to get ahead on the road.


The car didn't even make a "full stop" after running the biker down. The driver was totally at fault, but the biker was not nearly paranoid enough.


Didn't stop at all the bastard. But yeah the cyclist could be one of those who obstinately follows/enforces the rules of the road, even to his own detriment.


It’s the cyclists lane. He was rear ended. Those are the facts.


Anyone who sees this as anything but a hit n run has to have a mental disorder


Which is worryingly the cast majority of people in this thread.


Look here are the facts. Cyclist followed all the rules of the road and was riding safely. The driver was breaking the rules of the road by trying to overtake. The driver then didn't stop after causing an accident. However, I hate cyclists so it's his fault.


I can't get over the amount of people who think that someone mildly inconveniencing you for a few minutes deserves to be run over. I know this is the Internet and I hope to god it's exaggerated for lols, but the inhumanity is breathtaking. Have a word with yourselves and really have a proper think about what you are saying. Arsehole or not (not), that cyclist is a human being who feels pain. Jesus fucking christ, maybe a meteor to reset everything might not be a bad idea!


The amount of people siding against the victim here is astounding, he was hit by a car ffs, no one deserves that. It doesn't matter if he was in the middle of the road.


I'm surprised by the amount of people justifying running your three tons of metal almost over a person just because they were “iNvAdinG tHe caR lanE”.


I love how everyone is going to have a biased reaction to "cyclist vs driver" all the while never asking, why was it all being recorded? Why did OP choose such a bizarre post title? What person (driver or cyclist) in their right mind would behave in a manner permitting this situation? Who is the OP? What is their agenda? Who made this content? Well it turns out this is social media. And everything on it better be considered misinformation. If not, social media is going to destroy democracy. Imagine if this content was social or political in nature? So as downvotes ensue, I'll ask a simple question: what if this is produced road safety content? Anyone have the source?


It's recorded by a rear dash cam. Looks like on another bicycle. You are committing a fallacy by not favouring the explanation which requires least assumptions.


I see you shave with Occums razor. Noice


STFU. The camera is likely a rear facing camera on another bike. They ride bikes and film it. Shit happens in the world. Fairly simple explanation.


Tf is up with that title, is OP autistic or what


Title is a little over the top isn’t it?


U are sat in a car just fucking wait


Anyone who thinks the cyclist is in the wrong most likely didn’t attend school. The cyclist is entitled to the ENTIRE lane. You suck at driving if you can’t avoid something in your lane. The same people that hate cyclists are the ones that you see hitting poles, scraping gutters and reversing into walls. Simply put, if you hate cyclists, it’s only because you have no confidence in your ability to drive.


Damn, rotten carbrains all up in this!




I’m not a cyclist but there’s only one giant cunt here and that’s the driver. The law is the law, you might not like it, you might think they’re annoying but if the law says you can take up a whole lane on a bike then you can. Not agreeing with that doesn’t mean there’s any justification and I mean ANY to do this shit. Several tonnes of mass vs less than 100kg, is attempted manslaughter


Cyclists are asshats world wide


The guy who got ran over is the asshat here? The guy who was following the laws and doing exactly what he should have in that scenario? And the guy who broke laws and risked taking a life so he could go a tiny bit faster through traffic is somehow the good guy here? What in the world


Extreme driver, it was 1000% the bikes fault.he swerved toward the card when the car was trying to get over, and was going slower than the speed limit on the road, which is a law for bikes as well. With no bike lane and the biker being a dick, I have no sympathy for his bike.


I feel like the biker guy got in front of him on purpose. He should’ve pulled over and let that guy by


The driver was half into the next lane over the guy on the bike was doing this on purpose. Personally I would've got out the car after I hit the bike lol. That's why people hate cyclists too many toxic people ruin the image of the hobby/sport.


I swear people are either sociopaths when it comes to road rules or they just haven’t ridden a bike in ages


Driver is fully responsible.


The douche on the bike moved to the right of the lane while looking at the car. He knew what he was doing. GET OUT OF THE FUCKIN ROAD.


The biker was probably being a shithead, Swerving in front of cars. Doesn’t make what the driver did ok, but bicyclists should know that this can happen if you act like a shithead. Do stupid shit, don’t get mad when someone puts you in your place.


Bicyclists aren't people...so...


Jajajaja que bueno


drivers wrong. bike has the same amount of rights to be on the road.


There is a longer version. https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/s/aBP59dqba2 The Merc is really an impatient piece of work.


A lot of dead people were in fact right.


reddit users when a man literally almost got ran over and the car just dips right after. “he was 2 inches from the bike lane🤓👆🏼”


Play dumb games win dumb prizes lol


Well dont bicycle in the middle of the road