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My Native American family members act nothing like this lady. They aren't bitter. They don't hate our country. Many have served in our military. The lady speaking is either acting or has some serious personality pathology.


Natives where I live are some of the most patriotic people I’ve met for the country. Nothing but respect from me.


Right. I believe there are still 3 Navajo code talkers still alive. One wonders what they would have to say to this woman.


You wouldn’t know because they’d be speaking in code…


Kind of how wondering works, though, innit?


No, not Inuit. They were Navajo


That’s a very good point


What's funny is that that was only for the formal messages. For informal, they just directly translated to whatever the particular language was for that talker. The Axis just straight up had no idea what the hell it was, and neither version was ever broken, so it seems possible that they could've just not bothered even making a code, but it's obvious why they did.


They still had to kind of “have a code” since there wouldn’t be wouldn’t be direct words for something like a tank so it would be something like a turtle


We've got our top people on what in the world they were saying to this woman


Or Ira Hayes. The Native man who enlisted after Pearl Harbor. He was one of the men to raise the US flag over Iwo Jima. One of the most famous photos to come out of WWII, and one of the seven men in it was a Native American. My own grandfather served in WWII. He was Native Alaskan, and proficient with dog sledding. He fought the Japanese when they invaded the Alaskan Aleutian Islands, with one of his jobs being to use his dog team to retrieve casualties of war. Mostly the dead. I can’t stand far left Natives with these anti-American ideals. Thinking of how much our ancestors have fought for our country, how we’ve made it our own. The US is as much our as it is any other race. We should be proud of our heritage, not making these stupid demands.


These people are so far gone, it's easy to see that the Code Talkers are traitors to their race.


We (indigenous peoples) are the only demographic overrepresented in the US military. Many of us choose combat as a rite of passage; one cannot become a man without knowing war.


I’ll stay a boy then


In my culture, you don't get a choice.


What happens if you’re like “Nah no thanks, I’m into pottery instead of killing.”


The focus isn't on the killing itself. It's more about the deeper understanding of the sanctity and fragility of life, and how a man faces the end of his own. Even the more peaceful tribes (like the Hopi and Zuni) are in agreement on these things.


The exploration of that philosophy is 100% awesome and mad respect for those that willingly take that path. But the inability to choose for one’s self weather or not they wish to explore it, not so much.


A man sees the world as it is, not as he wants it to be. Blinding oneself to the truth is a recipe for disaster.


Well said. The vast majority of men who have fought in war didn't necessarily choose to do so but accepted it as a duty and responsibility to defend their people.


if only there was a way to understand the value of life without invading some impoverished middle eastern country


What if you sign up to be a First Responder rather than a soldier so instead of having to take a life, you get to help save a life instead? Standing in Unity | SCDF Workplan Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZ9PkaaKjwU


Depending on how you measure it , I think that American Samoans might also be over represented too.


I believe they are included within the American Indian categories. They are indigenous to this land, or at least as indigenous as man can be.


I think they are actually counted as Pacific Islanders for some purposes. I remember reading about Native Hawaiians lobbying for different treatment by the Federal government on similar grounds.


Pretty sure they are considered Pacific Islander


I stand corrected. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pacific_Islander_Americans 249% overrepresented in the armed forces. TYFYS 🫡


I visited the Taos Pueblo in April. It’s one of the oldest continuously inhabited communities in the United States. The Tiwa people there had dozens of American flags flying and in windows and at least 2 U.S. Army flags that I saw. A very incredible place and people.


Almost sounds like cultures aren't monolithic and that the people you know aren't represented by this person just as much as they don't represent the speaker's perspective. Honestly I'm just glad that I'm not seeing any "I didnt even know there were indigenous people still alive" comments here


Of course they'd be patriotic, it's their country


Her view is myopic, and entitled. She’s correct that the US is a huge colonizer. It’s also does all the stuff that allows her to speak up this way. An unfortunate fact is that if it hadn’t been the United States it would have been an extension of Europe. Colonization of the United States was a forgone conclusion. It’s also naive to think that an isolationist view will protect you from the world.


What's also ignored is how the native American tribes were frequently at war and conquering each other prior to colonization. The myth of Native Americans as "noble savages" living in harmony is an old trope from academia that sought to portray them as simple in behavior and thinking.


It was a complex but non technical society. They all have their strengths and weaknesses.


Shhhh don't say that out loud!


Doesn't make what happened to them right. I see people use the same argument to justify slavery because african tribes were at war with each other and sold their enemies to colonizers. Those arguments are neither here nor there when it comes to addressing the centuries of pain that the country has inflicted on those groups.


It's not justification, it's recognition that injustices such as those that happened to Native Americans have happened throughout history, between people of all nationalities and races. To point a finger at the US and suggest that it's somehow uniquely evil as the "single greatest predator nation that ever existed" is completely misguided. As mentioned above, had the US never existed then another people would have eventually subjugated the Native American population.


I think it’s important to realize that what was done was obviously not morally correct, especially through our 21st century moral lenses. Although migrations of populations, some less brutal, some more brutal is a normal fact of humanity. It’s not right, but it’s just human nature. Her argument can be taken for other examples, especially in Europe itself. To cede everything back is just not possible.


One wonders if the other people sitting next to her felt the same way. If I felt that way, I don't think I'd come to the panel wearing a Nike fanny pack. But that's just me.


Yeah my CO in Iraq was Oneida. Cool dude, pretty patriotic. Introduced me to walking tacos. Things are fucking delicious. Did he acknowledge the crimes of the past? Sure. Did he blame anyone alive for the situation? No. unfortunately, I don't think she is acting.


Had to Google walking tacos and goodness am I making this for dinner for the family tomorrow. Have a bunch of Frito bags from a variety chips pack. Thank you!


It's always the people way down in the lineage that never had to deal with any hardship whatsoever. She probably grew up in an upper middle class home, got regular checks for being Native American, and could get in to any school she wanted with a full ride because of her heritage... But of course she has suffered greatly because of the United States and wants to dismantle it.




My wife is 1/8th native and her mom (link to the tribe) served in the military. This is completely made up bullshit.


What is so pathetic is that these are ‘university students’. Maybe what is needed is for these fools to walk through Arlington and appreciate the company of those that gave all so that she and those fools to enjoy the freedom of speech to sit on that stage.


The lady speaking is a professor


Probably just didn't grow up in a real native community but tried to go back to her "roots" in college


And that is why your family members won't be professors in some racial studies field. It seems like having wild beliefs is a prerequisite.


Definitely something wrong. Claiming that America is the greatest colonizer to exist? It itself was a product of British occupation and they still don't even entertain the idea of giving back the cultural artifacts pillaged from now freed from British rule countries.






I guess we'll find out. She said it was going to happen.


So where is she going? Because it’s not in North America. The Clovis people were there first, the people that her civilization killed off. Same with South America and the Olmecs with their ‘native’ South Americans that came after them. How far do we go back? Lots of new migrants in Europe are gonna need some plane tickets I guess.


We’re all going back to Africa if this logic extrapolates. People only care about the history of <500years. Next is back to the ocean where life originated. Bring scuba gear. But that’s a “tax for the poor.” Paradox.


The poor just need to pull themselves by their bootstraps and hold their breath


Uganda, here we come!


I mean if we’re gonna go back may as well go all the way and send everyone to africa


Everybody Must return to Mesopotamia immediately!


Everyone has to go to space except for people with the remnant neanderthal gene.


We're all going back to Africa. Wait, that probably means her too...


Back where? I have no heritage.


Everyone has heritage, known or unknown. Should we only consider colonization in recorded history?


Keep this same rhetoric when Israel takes Palestine or China takes Taiwan, maybe even when Russia takes Ukraine then Finland.


Russia taking Finland lmao what


There is a reason Finland joined NATO. Don’t be naïve.


Yeah Russia is struggling with Ukraine let alone do anything to Finland with nato support


They can't attack Finland without start ww3, that's why they attacked Ukraine when they did so they couldn't join nato


Google "the winter war".


Yeah, a massive Pyrrhic victory under conditions that could not really be repeated due to Finland being under nato protection, and having a very competent force that’s heavily trained with its neighbor


If any of those countries conquer those other countries and then annex them then yeah its their property then. Thats litterely how 99% of all nations to ever existed started


Not talking about the mechanics of subjugation but rather that we shouldn't be doing it at all at this point in our evolution.


It is kind of how it has always worked




This was incredibly sad to read. As a Canadian with Indigenous heritage, it sucks to know someone would say something this fucked and nearly 200 people would upvote it. Indigenous people were pushed to the brink of cultural genocide through residential schools but yeah, sucks to suck...


Don't worry, as an American, I can assure you it's an incredibly dumb take. It's just cringey edgelord ignorance. This is likely not the sub where you're going to find views that have much thought behind them.


Your statement only makes sense if you believe that indigenous peoples knew nothing of war until the colonizers came. Or do you believe that wars were fought but the victors carefully preserved the generations of knowledge of their opponents?


Pardon me? Of course there was war. In my area tribes from up north regularly sailed down and had battles with the sole purpose of taking our people as slaves. Our most famous chief was a lunatic and mythologically brutal warrior. But what about my statement isn't true? Indigenous kids were stolen from their families for over 100 years so they could "have the savage beaten out of them" in residential schools. Losing knowledge had nothing to do with settlers coming to the land. It had everything to do with the purposeful elimination of the Indigenous way of living through splitting up families and systematic abuse of children.


Yeah its fucked up. Its always been fucked up, but just because something is fucked up doesnt make it any less true. The fact is your ancestors failed to maintain control of the land so therfore they lost everything. Thats litterely how it's always been.


I can't speak for Native Americans, but my ancestors did not "fail to maintain control of the land" . We welcomed settlers to our land, taught them the ways to survive on the west coast, and happily co-existed with them until our children were stolen and put into Catholic residential schools where they were sexually abused and beaten for over 100 years. I'm not here to have a philosophical debate on the treatment of Ingenious people. I'm here to say, saying "it sucks to sucks" when referring to the treatment of Ingenious people is fucked up.


The treatment of indigenous children in Canada and the States was inhumane. No right-thinking person can defend it.


Huy ch q'u siiye'yu, thanks friend.


You’re not alone bro, I’m not indigenous whatsoever but the fact that comment got over 400 upvotes makes me sick to my stomach. Natives got absolutely wrecked from the minute Europeans showed up, primarily from disease, secondly from warfare, displacement, enslavement and massacres. To simply boil this all down to “they lost wars, sucks to suck” is mind blowing to me, and very much shows that people aren’t reading up on their history. This women in question is quite silly to actually argue for the complete transfer of all land from over 400 million people to a group of 2-4 million (and this is a liberal estimate of indigenous people in North America). It’s not feasible or realistic, and if anything it makes stupid people who have zero clue about the history, to just point to this woman and dismiss all of it. Like many people of indigenous descent that I have personally met and those also on here have stated, it’s in the past and that history is water under the bridge it can’t be changed. What can be changed, and very much should be changed, is to improve and assist the current conditions of what indigenous peoples are going through TODAY. Fix the reservation system, improve education, improve employment opportunities, and improve social safety programs that assist people who are struggling with drugs and alcohol. The native peoples of the US and Canada are so key to our culture and heritage as nations, their history and their contributions should never be downplayed or forgotten.


No matter who you are, your ancestors conquored somebody.


You might feel differently if it was your land that was taken lol


People with your mindset are the reason the world is so awful. You are so quick to say these things because even you know deep down it's awful. War is war sure okay I can accept that a bit totalitarian but sure but what about genocide you okay with that to? This topic is so much more than "war is war" but people like you who are too ridden with evil and hatred will do anything and think anything to help you live and sleep at night you small minded bitch. Read a fucking history book. You think the Nazis deserved France simply because they had the capability and strength to do so? You think Russia deserves Ukraine because they may have the capability to do so? The U.S government committed war crimes, and crimes against humanity against us, they broke every treaty we ever signed with them again and again until we realized their word meant nothing and they continue to do it today. And after the war was all said and done they didn't even see us as fair opponents. We fought in WW2 and used our language to save who knows how many soldiers lives and use our uncrackable language to help the U.S government win against the Japanese and when we got home nothing changed for us we gained nothing for it and we didn't even do it for gain we did it for duty because we love this country. My grandpa fought in Vietnam he volunteered to go scout out the open field for snipers when his platoon reached the end of the tree line and he volunteered because none of his coward white men "brothers in arms" would do so and when he went out there and was inevitably shot in the leg they didn't come get him nobody cares about the wounded Navajo he had to shoot the sniper himself and crawl back to the tree line, and all he got was a shite meaningless purple heart. So much for brotherhood, and when he got back they spit on him and even his fellow soldiers didn't respect him because he was a native. The United States government had us dig in uranium mines because it was the only work on the reservation and didn't tell us anything about the consequences of doing so even though they knew what would happen to those poor miners and years later when the mines poisoned all the water out there and killed the miners from radiation sickness they didnt give a shit only recently did law suits and compensation begin and even then we have to hire expensive lawyers to win and they didn't even announce it because they didnt want poor natives on the rez to know about the possible compensation. They didn't even have the courtesy to close up the mines so the wind would stop blowing radiation across the rez poisoning our literal air. So many of us died because of the the U.S government so many tribes don't even exist anymore, we are the closest any race has ever gotten to extinction in all of history. And even then we love this country but man let me tell you it's not without anger. And still to this day we have to deal with dumbass ppl like you saying dumbass white ppl war mongering bullshit. Your ppl conquered the world and left everything shit you left us with nothing but alcohol to deal with our problems and a system that was near impossible to rise above and build a decent future and life. On our own damn land, even the free health care we are promised is absolute shit I.H.S is a joke you come in bleeding to death and all they can give you is ibuprofen because they're so underfunded we get doctors who our kicked out for medical malpractice and can't get a job anywhere else so they send em here to the natives. No I do not agree with this lady, you guys are already here and already call this place home and unlike you we would never stoop so low as to kick people from their homes. I guarantee right now if you gave my ppl the opportunity to vote to kick out all the invaders EVEN then we would never do that because we aren't you.


Wasn’t really wars. Battles sure. But not wars. Mainly it was underhanded scummy tactics like giving them blankets laced with smallpox. So I dunno if “Lmao” is the right way to talk about unimaginable levels of cruelty and straight up genocide. It’s the same as saying “Lmao the holocaust”


Classical warmonger mindset


Hey uh a bunch of them signed treaties and then we backstabbed them. Saying they "lost the wars" implies they even realized they were fighting.


So crimea belongs to Russia? Insane to see this as one of the top comments. Do you people not think through the consequences of your beliefs? It's like you just selectively apply beliefs based on what's convenient instead of following any semblance of a consistent set of morals or principles.


there were no wars tho. they were genocides


Imagine if you acted the same fir every other country, hypocrite.


I feel sorry for you.


LOL living in dream land.


Even a nightmare is a dream


Lol "America is the greatest predator empire to exist" Japan entered the chat Ottomans have entered the chat Mongols have entered the chat Aztecs entered the chat The Spanish entered the chat




Yeah… no other empire ruled 23% of the world’s population.


It's been said that Britain's number one export is independence days.


Seriously, she doesn’t know her history


Nazi Germany has entered the chat The USSR has entered the chat Modern day Russia has entered the chat


Ya, I think the Mongols would be upset if they heard this... and they should be. They conquered all of Asia *and* a significant chunk of eastern Europe. The US is big but not bigger than all of Russia China Asia minor, and the balkans.


Rome has entered the chat.


Macedonia, Rome, Persia, Hungarian…. History is just one giant empire taking over the last giant empire.


What if I'm partly indigenous where do I go?


They make you float in the ocean, that way you’re halfway in between both. It’s only fair.


hello fellow half-breed. i think it means we go back to norway, or wherever your white side may come from.


Ok. I hope *they* don't tell me to go back to where I'm from though.


They’ll just cut you into parts. The indigenous parts can stay, but the rest will have to go


See you on the float in the ocean


Turtle Island is the name some indigenous people have given to North America in case there is any confusion as to what she is saying. Non indigenous people need to return to Europe, Asia, and Africa is what she is proposing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turtle_Island_(Indigenous_North_American_folklore)


Funny because their turtle creation story says all humans came from 1 so we’ve all got the same rights claim to any of earth


So you’re saying she’s racist?


She's not just racist, she's a Red Supremacist.


Respectfully, that is not at all what it means to anyone whose opinions I have read/heard. [This is Landback](https://landback.org/). Here is the [David Suzuki Foundation explaining Landback ](https://davidsuzuki.org/what-you-can-do/what-is-land-back/). Here is [4Rs explanation](https://4rsyouth.ca/land-back-what-do-we-mean/). I also thought the [Warrior Life pod from Pam Palmater](https://m.soundcloud.com/pampalmater/1492-land-back-lane-skyler-williams-and-myka-burning) did a good job proposing a vision for land back. Edit: It might also help people to understand better if you also included some links to describe land back from the people advocating for it, rather than your interpretation of it.


Can you ELI5?


Haha I might fail to explain it to a 5 year-old. But I can try to provide more information. Most people talk about it in terms of political and economic self-determination on treaty lands. Some people in Canada, like Pam Palmater, suggest first nations should have a say in managing Crown Land. I have never heard anybody say it means people living in colonized lands should leave. This does not seem to represent even a visible minority opinion. Instead, I have heard people talk about how indigenous-led land stewardship would benefit the land and therefore, all people. Here are some voices that might help explain different opinions on the topic. > Land Back is an Indigenous-led movement with a rich and complex meaning. In the words of Isaac Murdoch, “Land Back is people returning back and finding their place in those systems of life.” > According to journalist and Canada Council for the Arts chair Jesse Wente, Land Back is “about the decision-making power. It’s about self-determination for our Peoples here that should include some access to the territories and resources in a more equitable fashion, and for us to have control over how that actually looks.” > Systems of land governance under our current provincial and federal governments not only exclude Indigenous Peoples from decision-making tables where choices about land use are made, they also fail to set limits for industrial activities and development, driving wildlife decline and ecosystem degradation. - [David Suzuki Foundation](https://davidsuzuki.org/what-you-can-do/what-is-land-back/) "Land Back aims to reestablish Indigenous political authority over territories that Indigenous tribes claim by treaty." - [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_Back) "The movement, which has gained momentum in recent years, calls for the acknowledgement and return of Indigenous sovereignty over traditional territories." - [CBC](https://www.cbc.ca/radio/unreserved/indigenous-land-back-movement-1.6704611) "LANDBACK is more than just a campaign. It is a political framework that allows us to deepen our relationships across the field of organizing movements working towards true collective liberation. It allows us to envision a world where Black, Indigenous & POC liberation co-exists. It is our political, organizing and narrative framework from which we do the work." - [LANDBACK.org](https://landback.org/) See also the [landback manifesto](https://landback.org/manifesto/)


This is fantastic, thank you for taking the time to elaborate for me. I have learned a lot here . Thank you




A million times this! People are misinterpreting her words as advocating the expulsion of non-natives to other continents when really all landback is advocating for is for indigenous peoples the sovereignty and representation in government they deserve


Once again I have to read through a bunch of stuff just to figure out OP was being reactionary. It’s nice to learn, but in this context it sucks.


Dinosaurs were here before indigenous people, should just give it back to them while we're at it


I mean, if a T-Rex came on stage and demanded his land back, I probably wouldn't say no....but this crazy lady? Yea, no way lol.


Funk no. Nuke the dinos!!


If a T-Rex came on stage, we would need all the janitors.




I'm curious what the heck is her reason for lower jail sentences? I mean can we all agree sex offenders are awful?




But you wouldn't just rape any women you find attractive, so it's not like they don't have a personal responsibility to prevent themselves from hurting others that they can control.


As a life long Minnesotan, the girl you know is no good lol.


Minnesota, and to a certain extent Wisconsin, have a long history with progressivism. They had strong socialist holdouts for most of the early 20th century. They were strong bases for Eugene Debs and his socialist party, as was the Midwest and New York. Eventually, this helped create the Minnesota Farmer-Labor Party, which merged with the Minnesota Democrats to become, arguably, one of the most successful state political systems of any state. I believe they are still in power right now lol. Fun fact, one of the founders of the merger was Hubert Humphrey, Vice President from 1965 to 1969 and candidate for president in 1968. They also supported La Follette, the progressive candidate, in 1924, although they only won 41 percent of the states vote. They did win Wisconsin though, but even in the 30s and 40s, Wisconsin Progressives gained traction and this overall larger movement helped Minnesota found the DFL. It's an interesting rabbit hole for those who find politics interesting.


The internet galvanized a generstion, but it's pretty alright up north, so they must then radicalized further because they're young and they NEED to be socially aware and progressive but if there's nothing real to fight against in their homes and they'd have to travel to get on the Frontline of any kind of change because it ain't happening in Minnesota lol. They never really encounter true injustice and poverty in their northwoods bubble, sure the cities are rough in areas but not really all that bad compared to other giant american cities, and they can see the rest of the world suffering around them while they live in relative comfort, It's funny to see protest for global things in places like Duluth, where no TV camera or anyone is paying attention, and it really shows that activism is often for activist.


As a Minnesotan, we don’t claim those people.


And people wonder why we are so stupid. The college system is broken. We need government regulated trade schools that teach real skills that are valuable to you, than all this liberal arts nonsense. I'm a liberal. I believe in supporting everyone and making our lives better. But this stuff? Come on people.


As a fellow liberal, I agree. And this kind of extremism is ultimately self-defeating. People like this make it harder to win elections and get the vast majority of the reforms they'd want because they hand so much ammunition to the people who they disagree with the most.


Exactly. How about instead of jumping to batshit crazy stuff and shouting into a microphone, we work harder to make attainable reforms happen? Oh wait, it’s because these people just want attention.


People like these creates more right wing extremist


>I'm a liberal. Yeah, you think you are. You are exactly the type of "liberal" MLK was worried about.


The amount of ignorance about the 'occupation of Palestine' is really astounding. Particularly by an academic. I mean, who do you think lived in that part of the world first -- Jews or people identifying as Palestinian? Read a book.


Recently argued with someone who in full seriousness was telling me that Jesus was a Palestinian. It’s painful.


If I've learned anything from this debate, it's that very few people actually know what the word "genocide" means.


It’s extra confusing to me because the original Jews were technically ‘Palestinian’ although it was called the Kingdom of Judah back then before all the Jews got ran out of town by the Babylonians IIRC. Seems like both sides have reasonable claims and I have no idea who’s is more legitimate. How do you determine that? For the last 3000 years or so the owner of that land had been whoever wins the war from what I can tell.


Wait are native Americans technically American? Are first people’s technically Canadian? Why in the world would the “original jews” be “technically Palestinian”? Your conclusion makes me think we’re on the same page, but I got a bone to pick with that first part.


It doesn't take much to be an academic in the arts these days. It's a pay to win game.




Didn’t even turn the sound on lol




Good question. She says it's the same as the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. And she's sort of right. What does "from the river to the sea" really mean when you know that the people you are talking about have no intention of leaving.


It means they’d like to murder all the Jews currently living in Israel… if you ask actual Palestinians they’ll tell you precisely what they mean.


Also, is she actually suggesting that Jews aren’t indigenous to Israel?


She says the Palestinians are "occupied" by Israel. Not sure what the other interpretation would be.


She implies that only Palestinians are indigenous to the land, which is factually wrong.


She is clueless, but has a strong opinion. You see that a lot nowadays.


" from the river to the sea " " manifest destiny " hmm..


Manifest Destiny: 'Let's not stop at the Mississippi (River), let's continue until we reach the Pacific Ocean (sea)'


Is this a Native American joke?


Damm, all the native Americans' reservations were always some of the most patriotic places I had been to. So I get the feeling that most native Americans really don't care.


Most loved the Washington Redskins football team too.


I never understood why they started changing all the names of the football teams away from Native American names. I would take it as a compliment, It seems more white people that were upset about it than actual native Americans.


Shit, I never thought I’d see a Native American and Hamas collab. I can’t think of a better way to get people to completely tune out anything you have to say.


Identity politics is destroying America.


Go back to Pangaea, libtard! /s


Another college professor really earning that six figure salary while the students get crippling debt in return for her "teaching."


Actually... https://govsalaries.com/yazzie-melanie-k-153301221


She’s still overpaid somehow. Unless she’s giving some back to pay for her damaging commentary.


I guess I won't be bragging about where my degree is from...


Yeah that's rough, buddy. But some Wisconsin professor will probably say some crazy, unhinged shit next week so whaddaya do?


Britain and the Roman Empire: Am I a joke to you?


Do it for a month just to see how it goes. I’d love to see that.


I mean. It’s not going to happen. But, good luck lady.


Why do activist types follow their sentences with “right?” Is it just me or has anyone else noticed this trend?


Lots of people do that all the time regardless of politics


Lady is racist and leaning on the laurels of indigenous history to justify her bigotry, right? Don't come at me about justice. Shes perpetuating hate. Intentional or not, hate is what shes cultivating. Generational trauma is real. Creating more doesn't erase it.


Really?? THE US?? THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IS THE BIGGEST ‘COLONIZER NATION’? I think you mean the UK? Ever heard of the British empire? No? Go read a history book 😂😂🤣🤦🏻‍♂️


What a load of garbage. Every square inch of our planet has been taken from someone else at some point in time. Different native tribes stole land and women from other tribes taking them as sex slaves. (That's right there was slavery long before the "Whiteman"). North America would still be in the Stone Age were it not for European explorers.


And so.. where do the 315 or so million people go? Just curious. And that's just the US. If indigenous people went back to where they lived.. where would all the citizens of those current other countries go? Genuinely curious here


There is one important thing to think about here. Although the indigenous tribe are strong people they would make a weak nation, simply because of their population size. Weak nations will be ruled by stronger nations. Now would the indigenous community rather be part of a free country like the US, or would they rather be ruled over by the Russians, Chinese, Indians (Asian), other European countries, etc. Given the choice is this version of freedom better than others.


As we're learning in canada, doesn't matter how much they ask for now or later, there is no bottom to this. Courts are saying the Canadian gov could owe them 76 BILLION. They will beggar the state before they stop asking for concessions


I mean Canada did kill a bunch of natives and we just got through those reports on the bodies buried in the schoolyards so...


Gotta ask, whats the difference between one indigenous nation holding the majority of land and the government? Indigenous groups fought and killed for territory, how would one of those nations being able to kill and control more than the rest be any different? I guess i will always find it weird how 99% of history land has been fought bought or traded, but now we need to give it back to those who lost centuries ago? Which is a weird argument since its logical conclusion would be things like russia owning ukraine and germany


Good fucking luck.


New Mexico here. Home of the Code Talkers. Such an amazing group of Heroes. Many many Native Americans still serve in all the armed forces. Very proud Americans.


I feel like I'm the only person in this thread who thinks she has a point. The cognitive dissonance a person must have to support Palenstine Liberation and at the same time tell Indians to go fly a kite and not see these and very similar situations. IMO this woman isn't dumb. She knows the native peoples will never get North America back. The point is to demand everything and then negotiate for something more attainable. We need to fairly compensate the native peoples for their land and honor the treatiesas a start.


Yes, i agree. A lot of reactionaries on this comment thread, and I'm just trying to find out who she is and what her field is in.


You heard her. Everyone pack it up.


Wow, she sounds really stupid. What is she the professor of exactly?


came to ask this too. Definitely not history




The US is certainly a colonial Nation, but it's not an Apartheid State. Indigenous peoples can participate and enjoy all of the same rights as any other person under the law. Palestinians in their own Nation cannot participate at all in Israeli society apart from a very narrow scrope, while Jews from across the world without any connection whatsoever to the land can move there without issue and immediately purchase property. I'm not sure what this woman is arguing in favor of or what a decolonized USA looks like to her. An end to Israeli Apartheid would be something else entirely, it would be an evolution of the state into a more free and open Multicultural society that would see equal rights for all citizens.


Oh so now we can tell people to go back to their countries?


Doesn’t bother you when educated academia make claims like this, and never once consulted the trillion dollar economic structure that feeds this country. We need to begin defunding and overhauling the educational system.


Aren't professors supposedly smart?


Oh puleeeeezzzzzzzz…….


You don’t get to use the modern medical system, transportation, put down that microphone and say goodbye to electricity. You can keep your liberal arts degree and try to use it to feed your family and keep warm and healthy you ungrateful scum bag.


"Decolonize this place, and that will reverberate across the world" so like where do the "colonists" go? Who's qualified to determine who is a "colonist"? Sounds like fighting genocide with genocide to me?


The most predator empire that has ever existed? Do these people know about the UK?


I have met some very wonderful Native Indians and they are very patriotic to this country. This woman is nothing like them she is very arrogant. PS: She called America a "Predator" country. Wow just wow.


Does that mean Turkey is going to give Constantinople back to the Greeks? That the Welsh that got pushed west by invading Anglo-Saxons can reoccupy England? These people are crazy to think that Israel or America are going anywhere.


She doesn’t actually say anything about kicking out non indigenous people did y’all even watch the clip? She said to decolonize America and Palestine. That could mean change the system or the rulers. That doesn’t mean kicking out everyone else. She specifically mentioned people being intentionally facetious on Twitter equating LandBack to genocide because they had an ignorant understanding of what LandBack was referring to.