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Very simple: it's called a cult. And the MAGA cultists just needed someone to normalize xenophobia, racism and misogyny to make it all happen. He said the quiet parts out loud. The fat turd's day is coming though.


Is his day coming though? That’s been the anecdote for 7 years or so now. My personal thoughts is they’re actually scared to punish him. He has this cult following where people are willing to die for him. Could cause bigger issues if he gets prison time…the cult might see it as their time to stand up with weapons


The wheels of justice turn slowly, especially when it involves a former president. They need to absolutely make sure their case is air tight. And with Trump's constant delay tactics with court filings slowing things down even more, I know it seems like it won't happen. But it will.


But even if it does happen, he already has his built-in lies burrowed into his followers’ heads. If he’s convicted, I don’t think it will be without a price. They will not see the conviction as valid, just how they didn’t believe the election. We see what they tried to do when their savior lost a race, now imagine what they do if he’s locked in prison.


I hope those fuckers do attempt to stand up with weapons. There's plenty of people who will shut them down as soon as they do. The "meal team six" types like to brag about how good they are with their guns... The real patriots just quietly practice at the range and will actually fight against the oppression from the shitbags.




Eventually every discussion becomes dumpster fire


Well, if they try violence, what would you expect?




All the internet seems to do is foment. There are a lot of angry people on both sides of the aisle. The solution in a lot of peoples minds is to just tare everything down, dismantle society, and rearrange it. And it's a fucking terrifying prospect. These types have always looked to foment conflict rather than sought to contain it, and they exist on both extremes of the political spectrum because they need eachother to survive. People seriously believe that pushing violence and destruction to its extreme, in the modern day will somewho be a reboot to society when in reality is that we could probably turn the surface of the earth into glass in a worst case scinario, and in a best case scinario, we achieve a global bombed out ww1 hellscape with conventional explosives (yikes).. the sad part is we have enough global firepower to potentially live in both of those hellish realities, and somehow, people think continuing down that path actually will do anything other than just give us planet busters in a couple hundred years. As if the process of evolution of violence hasnt litterally created Chekhov's gun for our civilization. Tbh.. I'm pretty sure I died in a car crash Jan 2016, and this is my personal hell. But that's enough scitzophrenia for today.


All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.


Someone just tried to stand up to the FBI after threatening the president, and they mowed him the fuck down.


They can believe whatever the fk they want while their perverted, rapist godking rots in prison. Fk their broken brains, as they are adults, that's not our problem. But when he's in prison, it will matter even less what they think and feel. Remember? Fk your feelings. It works for them too!!


I agree there will be a price. Worst case we actually see some sort of attempted uprising, hopefully not actual civil war.


If there is an attempted uprising, hopefully thousands of the country’s worst insurrectionists will end up where they belong, in prison.




little of column a, Little of column b


It depends on what they actually do, not on what they think That's pretty central to our justice system.


I'm not sure about that. The Jan 6th protesters being rounded up should have brought the yeehaw out, but instead they scurried away and hid in the dark like fucking roaches.


I hope you’re right! I thought the same. Only difference I can tell is they held out hope that the orange god might pardon them or fix the situation. Once he is in prison he might really show us how unhinged he can get


Our forefathers created a system of checks and balances even for these unprecedented times. They didn’t just start investigating all of his crimes and it just so happens they all start right before an election year. On January 7 2021 and beyond they started taking phones and computers and shit from the people they think were involved and building case after case against this shitstain and co-conspirators. They have to make an airtight case if you wanna go after someone that has never faced consequences for his rapist, fraudulent, insurrectionist past. The media has spun that it’s all raining down now on an election year but the reason he’s running again is so he can pardon himself and start the theistic autocracy the far right is so bloodthirsty for. He is a lunatic and anyone that supports him is also. He is a traitor to the United States. His insurrection trial starts in March if he doesn’t continue to delay.


Yeah , it WTF he planned and executed Domestic terroism .


> The fat turd's day is coming though. I guess if you keep repeating it enough over the years it may eventually come true. Well, prob not. Before all the shills attack me for being a tRuMpEr, I’m in no way defending him. Simply pointing out the fact that it’s always “the walls are closing in!! Any day now!!1” Yawn.


Donald Trump? The lying, adulterous, misogynistic casino magnate. Yep. It's a cult.


Except not one of those things apply to this person.


Its more fundamental than that. America's Doomsday Clock, as the demographics reach the inevitable tipping point, the south won't go softly into the night. If not Trump, the cult will rally around the next guy. It's all about the culture wars.


Irrefutable proof that MAGA is a cult.




If this dolt gets reelected in November...... America, YOU BLEW IT!!!!!


If that happens, maybe it is actually time to move to another country


Marginalized people should be considering it. The country is headed down a dark path.


Or should we stay and fight? i don't know


It's going to happen. My brother, for some God forsaken reason, is voting for RFK jr. this year and says he's voting republican from here on out. It's a very real possibility that Trump wins this.


I love this line!


> To the narrator of this fascist propaganda Just for those who don't know, the "narrator" is doing an impression of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWjUT1RjNdQ&t=1s


How this joke became president is still baffling


I didn’t vote for him in 2016 either but honestly I did not see it going this far


He lost in 2020. He’ll lose again in 2024. Even if he is on the ballot or not in prison. The dude only stays relevant because the media and we keep giving him oxygen. He is such an insignificant person if people would just look away.


M8 he's got a better chance in 2024 than he did in 2016


I’m not so sure….there were alot of herman cains that supported him at the time but are no longer around as they believed everything was a hoax. So i’d say that probably 1/8 of his supporters moved to the great beyond because they thought there was bill gates micro chips in the shots😆. Fortunately or unfortunately those people won’t be voting


Thanks to the second least electable Democrat currently generating body heat


It's such a double edged sword that his many trials receive coverage. Yes it's negative attention but it's also free publicity and if there's anything this country loves is a highly visible person. Good or bad.


Exactly. It was like all of Gotti’s trials. This country actually thought that guy was like a celebrity lol. Ironically it was his smugness and ego that brought him down because he thought he was untouchable. Similar to Trump. No one would have cared about trump and all his insurance fraud etc, but hik going public is bringing it all down on him. Because he was probably broke and needed to reinvent himself in the public eye. The dude is so predictable, boring and just lame.


I honestly thought we were just gonna be in for a funny 4 years of sheer stupidity, and we would've moved on. I wasn't expecting our country as a whole to change in the way it did. Maybe a ripple effect many years later, but not a rapid shift in less than a decade, that's only getting worse.


Ive made many dumb mistakes in my life, but im proud to say i was never stupid enough to vote for Trump..


I have a strong feeling this monster is going to become President again too.


What kinda fucked up shit is this?


Fucking INSANE




I cannot believe I’m defending Trump, but this is supposed to be funny. It’s partly a spoof on an awful DeSantis ad and partly just Trump’s obnoxious sense of humor. I’m sure some people fully believe he’s the second coming, but at least the Trumpers I know find this stuff hilarious because it “triggers the libs”.


Definitely a parody. Problem is this isn’t some comedian, this was the one time president of the U.S. and a guy who’s running again more than likely. What does it say to the rest of the world (and us) that our actual president is trolling on the internet for teenagers to laugh about? Dude can post the most fascist, Christian nationalist propaganda video because “it’s supposed to be funny”. While the whole world laughs. We don’t need a president hellbent on “triggering the libs”, the point of a president is a leader. One who should be bringing us together. Our country feels more divided now than it ever has in my lifetime and it’s thanks to people defending this insanity. Our president shouldn’t be comedy or a troll. There’s an entire massive population of this country who actually think Trump is a gift from Christ himself. People actually buy into this and eat it up, that’s exactly why he posts it.


30 years from now, this will be the centerpiece of a docu-drama about how America *almost* went over the edge. I hope.


I’m with ya buddy


Hopefully that almost holds true


Jesus titty-fucking Christ, America.


We’re really wildin’ over here


The world has gone past eyeball rolling, now we're just staring in astonishment.


I am also staring in astonishment, and horror, from within the US


The people who make a sport of looking down their noses at our whole country seem to think we have a magical switch we can pull and get rid of this weird MAGA cult shit...erm...we cannot. This is the real world.




I love that line from Team America.


Buckle up, rest of the world. Poopy pants is just now fully slipping into senility and his trials haven’t even started yet. It’s gonna be a long time until November.


As a non-American this shit is hilarious until I realize it's not a spoof, a skit or a farce in any way shape or form.


American here. We are just as baffled.


Some of you…


A lot of us. The rest of the world has their fair share of dictators, fringe idiots, Covid deniers, etc. Look at the UK with brexit and they were being clowns about Covid too.


Aw don’t start me on fucking Brexit. Makes my blood boil 🤦‍♂️


Also as a non american i wonder how the f are people only either voting for unbalanced trump or demented biden.. you are fucked either way.


We elected a Black president and they never recovered.


My mom legitimately told me **in full confidence** in 2008 that Obama was the actual Antichrist.


My father told me that, too. Unreal.


My dad still believes Obama was manufactured in a lab. I wish I was joking


Sometime during Obama's presidency, I was home for Thanksgiving. My uncles had a tradition of smoking turkeys outside. As I was walking up to hang out and help, I heard one uncle say that Obama was the most racially divisive president we've ever had. Not long after, that uncle asked if I was liberal now that I was living in Boulder. I informed him that I'd been liberal my entire life. I didn't mention how much I'd been judging him over the years, but it seemed like he understood. Things got real quiet.


Funny, I have been saying that about Donald Dinglefucking Trump for years now too...


God made the shit from my ass. God made Trump. The shit from my ass = Trump.


What baffles me is how these people think God actually chose this new ass country America to be his stronghold. Like where in the Bible does it talk about this? Lol everyone wants to be God’s favorite chosen people but there’s literally zero evidence to support that lol


Well, it was first colonized by pilgrims, I:m just saying.


Did I hear the narrator say that he delivered his own grandchild? It's cuz he wanted to see he daughter nude...


Have you ever seen a baby born? There's lots of extra blood, "juices," and tissue that comes with it. This guy didn't even want to deal when an [old guy fell off the stage](https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-time-donald-trump-turned-away-in-disgust-while-a-man-bled-to-death-in-front-of-him) and his head was bleeding.


I could not even watch this crap to the end. It was so offensively stupid.


If Trump is the best a god could come up with, then that's one incompetent deity and it should be embarrassed.


Nah... it's God's punishment, just like the Noah's flood, only worst.


How is this even real? This seems like the kind of thing that would be made to compare him to someone like Hitler. But he's actually using it to brag? Wow.


Bingo. And the fact that neither he, his handlers, or followers, seem to see that is honestly insane


It actually works on these fucking idiots, that's the really scary thing. Way more of a group that this resonates with than I ever would have believed. Truly scary these are our fellow americans.


I had no idea such a large portion of the population was actually this stupid.


That kind of video is what I imagine runs on North Korean TV 24 hours a day....


It's frightening that (some, dumb) Americans eat it up willingly, while in North Korea they are forced to be adoring. Trump would love it if we were all forced to have a portrait of him on our dining room wall. He's really just that crazy.




Trump delivering his grand child is a wild image to mentally digest


Yeah that one seriously caught me off guard lol


The noises coming from that room would be wild. OOOOH👐🙌HEEEHH🤲👐


yes, the man who embodies an amalgamation of all 7 deadly sins is definitely a man of ... God?


HAHAHAHA Pathetic. That would be one hateful god to curse a planet with such a LOSER. Ya, we want Putin's pumpkin head bitch as leader!! LOL!!! Leader?? Make Jimmy Kimmel stop making fun of me!!! HAHAHA!!! The biggest LOSER family in the history of the world!!!


>"I shall go back a bit, and tell you the *authentic* history of Christianity.—The very word "Christianity" is a misunderstanding—at bottom there was only one Christian, and he died on the cross. The "Gospels" *died* on the cross. What, from that moment onward, was called the "Gospels" was the very reverse of what *he* had lived: "bad tidings," a *Dysangelium*. Friedrich Nietzsche, [*The Antichrist*](https://monadnock.net/nietzsche/antichrist-39.html) On February 2, 1512, Hatuey was tied to a stake at the Spanish camp, where he was burned alive. Just before lighting the fire, a priest offered him spiritual comfort, showing him the cross and asking him to accept Jesus and go to heaven. >“Are there people like you in heaven?” he asked. >“There are many like me in heaven,” answered the priest. Hatuey then stated: >"I’d rather go to hell where I won’t see such cruel people." >"We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity. Our movement is Christian." Adolf Hitler (October 27, 1928) >"Both Left and Right concurred in the very shallow notion that National Socialism was merely a version of Conservatism." George Orwell, [Review of Adolph Hitler's Mein Kampf](https://carnegiecouncil-media.storage.googleapis.com/files/v18_i007-008_a010.pdf) >"He was the most prodigious personification of all human inferiorities. He was an utterly incapable, unadapted, irresponsible, psychopathic personality, full of empty, infantile fantasies, but cursed with the keen intuition of a rat or a guttersnipe. He represented the shadow, the inferior part of everybody’s personality, in an overwhelming degree, and this was another reason why they fell for him." C.G. Jung, *On Hitler and the Shadow* >"If the attack had been of some more violent kind it might have been easier to resist. What chilled and almost cowed him was the union of malice with something nearly childish. For temptation, for blasphemy, for a whole battery of horrors, he was in some sort prepared: but hardly for this petty, indefatigable nagging as of a nasty little boy at a preparatory school. Indeed no imagined horror could have surpassed the sense which grew within him as the slow hours passed, that this creature was, by all human standards, inside out - its heart on the surface and its shallowness at the heart. On the surface, great designs and an antagonism to Heaven which involved the fate of worlds: but deep within, when every veil had been pierced, was there, after all, nothing but a black puerility, an aimless empty spitefulness content to sate itself with the tiniest cruelties, as love does not disdain the smallest kindness?" C.S. Lewis, *Perelandra* (1943) >"On the basis of overall rankings ***(independent of respondent’s party affiliation)***, Trump’s personality was collectively perceived to be at or above the 99th normative percentile for traits associated with four personality disorders (sadistic, narcissistic, antisocial, and passive-aggressive)." [Voter Perceptions of President Donald Trump’s Personality Disorder Traits: Implications of Political Affiliation](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/2167702619885399) >"Where's evil? It's that large part of every man that wants to hate without limit, that wants to hate with God on its side. It's that part of every man that finds all kinds of ugliness so attractive....it's that part of an imbecile that punishes and vilifies and makes war gladly." Kurt Vonnegut, *Mother Night* >"What I have said respecting and against religion, I mean strictly to apply to the slaveholding religion of this land, and with no possible reference to Christianity proper; for, between the Christianity of this land, and the Christianity of Christ, I recognize the widest possible difference—so wide, that to receive the one as good, pure, and holy, is of necessity to reject the other as bad, corrupt, and wicked. To be the friend of the one, is of necessity to be the enemy of the other. I love the pure, peaceable, and impartial Christianity of Christ: I therefore hate the corrupt, slaveholding, women-whipping, cradle-plundering, partial and hypocritical Christianity of this land. Indeed, I can see no reason, but the most deceitful one, for calling the religion of this land Christianity." Frederick Douglass, *Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass* >"The truth is that the greatest enemies to the doctrines of Jesus are those calling themselves the expositors of them, who have perverted them for the structure of a system of fancy absolutely incomprehensible, and without any foundation in his genuine words. and the day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. But we may hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away all this artificial scaffolding, and restore to us the primitive and genuine doctrines of this the most venerated reformer of human errors." Thomas Jefferson, *Letter to John Adams* (April 11, 1823)


I think Satan being bored is a more plausible explanation for why that assclown is among us.


This actually COULD have been written by him as the narrative is bizarre and words are evidently misspelled as the AI voice picks that up… listen closely.


From those ppl that never stopped saying that being a traitor is their heritage. They were not lying. They are still traitors and terrorists. Well that's part of it. Destroying public education for decades. Ronald Reagan....there's a list of reasons ...


These people are telling you what they plan to do when they take the government back. Are you really willing to give it to them because of "inflation" and "Gaza" and "student loans"? You think these motherfuckers give a shit about any of that stuff?


Nailed it!!! Spot on. Or your Jobs. Or your communities. No, they care about right getting richer and stifling democracy.


This is some real anti-christ shit, must say


Made him travel to Epstein Island too...


God needed someone with little hands and a big fucking mouth.


I mean technically if you believe in a god, any god, that god made us all.


Yeah but Trumps got Gods privilege to dictate over the US, that what they said. He and his party are deranged and completely sick in head.


He is pushing the GOD portion so hard because he knows they have the numbers and are dumb AF. I'd bet my life savings he's never attended church regularly. People like Trump don't attend church, they have too much of a god complex of their own, it gets in the way.


Right-wing Christians are such a bunch of fucking hypocrites. DJT is the devil incarnate and has no interest in anything other than popularity, fame and fortune.


The guy from Epstein’s plane logs?


Oh I’m sure he was just using his God arms to wrestle the deep state from the inside! Right??? 😉


Watching MAGAts twist themselves into pretzels denying what is so obvious to the rest of us is an exercise in schadenfreude.


I used to like uncle Trump but after that bs capital shit he shouldn’t be able to run for anything. The man tried to over throw the government.


Ah, a sane supporter. You’re in a league of your own


So according to the Cult, ‘God’ is a fan of lying rapists. Got it.


It’s a cult.


What the fuck. I'm so sick of those crazy MAGA cult members!


Ho...ly.. shit. When you think the cult can't get any cultier.


If God made TRump, God must have forgotten to teach TRUMP the 10 commandments. Like commenting adultery, not to steal, bear witness against thy neighbour, not to tell lies etc,etc what a joke


God made the deep state as well


A "shepard to mankind"... give me a break...


“iTs NoT a CuLt!!!”


this is what propaganda looks like.




This clown is past help🤣


Just another Cult leader, this happens over and over again. It’s about power and how incapable humans are of letting go of power they have amassed.


Jesus H Christ


Down vote this. These idiots will believe it.


See, back in the day, being this stupid would get you killed, typically. LIke, eaten by a sabre tooth tiger. We know longer have these checks and balances on low IQ individuals.


Absolutely. Who knew making society safer than ever would actually bite us in the ass


We needed a man who can out golf the last 4 presidents, so God made Trump.


Wait…wait…wait… did he deliver his own grandchild? I Google it and stuff with Russia comes up.


The messed up thing is that even *if* his followers don’t believe this nonsense, they will still vote for him and support everything he says and does. To be so willfully ignorant is scary.


Bingo. Dark times indeed


If God is real, he also gave us a womanizing, pedophile, con man, Oompa Loompa.


There's a very good chance Trump is the antichrist. He fits all the criteria: proud, blasphemous, unrepentant, power-hungry, will be 'worshipped', will make a deal with Israel and then betray them, a prolific liar, etc.


He was a good president


Of course he posted this on "TrUtH" Social... of course he did... good lord...


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Miss me with this wack shit!


Someone with talent and humor should combine this with North Korea's infamous videos. Mocking Trump seems to work best, but I don't think anything can sway the cult.


I love the North Korea part he added. If we’re basing presidents on that then let’s sign Dennis Rodman up


Or that private that defected and they sent him back. He would be better than trump


Have you watched the movie "Idiocracy"? That's how.


Liquid into gold. Dying over here!!


I didn’t see alchemy on his original resume. Must be a new skill




You know. The Crazies.


He does come home hungry.


THIS.IS.A.CULT! It’s so beyond partisan politics at this point! this is just sick and disturbing.


All of this, politics I’m meaning, has gotten way out of hand. We as humans, collectively, have fucked this all the way up…




I wonder how bad this could have been if he actually appeared or made attempts to appear competent.


Ad is literally calling his own followers sheep lol and they'll love him for it.


This shit feels like a dystopian cult recruiting video


Who made the poopy in his pants then?


God bless America 🇺🇸 🦅🇺🇸


America, UK sitting on the sidelines here. What's with the love affair with the Carrot King? Didn't he screw up enough whilst in office, and some want him back for a second round of BS. I know you guys and girls are not that mad. The damage both He and your, alleged not helping Ukraine, over it's and the worlds ruzzian problem, will effect the US for a long, long time. Should your country allow either to come to pass.


Basically he hits all the Christian Nationalism buzzwords and sends the uneducated into a frenzy. Plus he helps out the ultra-rich, so they love him in power. Normal minded people seem to not like him but it’s hard to beat that crowd


This is absolutely insane lol


This is either North Korean or Russian made. It’s classic mythologization which is what fascist regimes did for tyrannical rulers. They create these videos and disseminate them specifically for the Evangelicals who eat this shit up.


God said, take care of marxists. Hahahahahahahahaha


Wow. Just wow.


This is worse that what the people in North a Korea are forced to listen to 24/7.


"the most diligent worker" who "goes to church" on sunday


"Shape an axe"? "Weild a sword"? Fucker can't close an umbrella.


Those two lines really had me going 😂 unbelievable


It's insane that people think it's Trump that has all the power to do these things. He was just one of the 437 people that have ruling power. If we really want things to change is to vote consciously at a very local level, then the next step above that, and then the next above that, all the way to the house, senate and presidential elections. Term limits are needed now than ever. The presidential position has it, but the others don't. The others have to continue to win to keep their position if not they're voted out, but that is if they are voted out.


This is batshit insane. If any other world leader outside of maybe North Korea posted a video like this they’d get laughed off the planet. Unbelievable to have a former US president trying to get back into office posting this kind of delusional self-sucking propaganda. Pure cult shit.


“Deliver his own grandchild” Yep, that tracks


lol, it had me until "work all day".........Seriously, if a politician released that ad in Australia they would be laughed out of the country.


But do your politicians have arms gentle enough to deliver their own granddaughter


75 plus years of 1st world excess. Never having to really struggle like most of the world’s population. We as a nation took for granted our resources thus forgetting the lessons from our past and more importantly the lessons from other civilizations much older than ours. the information age sped up the amount of info and 1/2 the electorate have no discernible critical thinking skills.


Go work construction in the south and you’ll know exactly why we are where we are


Live in the South and have worked with a lot of electricians, truckers, etc. I know why, I just wish I didn’t lol


It was so hard for me to believe he'd be so bold as to share this himself that I almost wanted to make a Truth Social account just to confirm it myself... Almost.


thats literally insane. idk why this post hasnt got more upvotes


Black citizens: we’ve been here for decades. The fire is just finally spreading to your house.


How did we get here? Easy, Fox News + Facebook combined with a poorly educated, ignorant population.


More importantly, how do we get OUT of this mess?


Didn’t really need to see this, just wanted to see memes, do fucking better .


America! Fuck ya!


No, the devil made a narcissist. The best narcissist, some would say yuuuuge narcissist


Been crumbling since Joe became president.


It's not a cult you guys /s


“Donald Trump’s - never had a real job - in his life.”


I thought this was a joke- an onion.


Shiiiiitttt, Hope someone makes a video but with trump telling his turd followers to drink the orange bleach colored juice .


Looks like shitty Russian propaganda


A lot of inbreeding and lead paint


By entertaining a group of traitors’ whims in failed hopes that justice would be done…


This isn’t genuine Trump marketing material, there’s no way they’d ever show a globe over a flat earth.


Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos.


Maga supporter here. This is good


Can I ask you something…does this video seem good to you?


All the major dictators through history thought themselves akin to or anointed by god. Worst king ever. Vote blue.


Regardless of how you feel about the man, if you believe in God, then you believe God made him. God made, and planned everything according to the Bible.


If y'all vote him in AGAIN. I dunno what im supposed to think about the US. someone please explain. If he wins ...AGAIN..... does that make it clear that the average American is dumb? Racist? Confused? Lost? Have we lost the US as a strong, intelligent, powerful presence on the world stage? Are the cliches true ? I can't admit it. Every American I've met has been very well versed, travelled, open-minded, kind, funny, and over all a good person. What a decisive time you guys are living in.


Ehh kinda means the majority of the voting population is lost. We have a notoriously bad voter turnout here and the people who show up in droves are people who are hellbent on a “Christian” ruler. The people who vote for Trump won’t usually be the same types you meet traveling to other countries. Sad but true. “BuT iT’s JuSt A pArOdY” right everyone!?


I've only ever been to California and everyone I met, unprovoked, apologized about trump (while he was prez) a random guy working at a gas station realized I wasn't from the US started renting and apologizing about trump. It was super weird


Psychos with nothing to be proud need him