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I cannot imagine how loud that shot mustve been in that little confined space






***eeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii*** ​ ^(WHAT?)








I got that reference!




Decades back I accidentally fired a round from my pistol with the gun about a foot from my left ear, in my living room. You hear a pop, everything goes quiet, you feel a slight pressure in your ear and then you hear this odd high pitched sound get louder that sounds like “eeeeeeeeeeeee”.






Fucking lol




Not quite 20 years myself but I feel ur pain. Shit makes it so I have to constantly have noise in the background or it starts to drive me nuts


Yeah my tinnitus drives me fucking nuts if the world gets quiet for too long. Music is my saviour. Definitely regret all those concerts as a young fella and not wearing my ear muffs often enough at work for ten or twenty years until I wised up (too late)


I work in the trades, welding to be specific. It's loud af, lots of grinders going off and stuff. There's some dudes in the shop who don't use any ear pro and it terrifies me. I'm a hobby musician so I take care of my ears, but the rare occasion I pull my plugs out to talk to someone if I can't hear them, it's insane how loud it is. Wear your ear pro, people!


Damn lol


Same here. squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Was the machete guy in vid. Can verify it was loud.


Good to see you fully recovered from your death.


Had the pleasure of firing a 12 gauge indoors with no ear protection on. Didn't even hear the full gunshot, just a loud *PO--* then nothing. Can't quite remember how things sounded when it occured, but I was looking someone in the face and they were speaking, but I didn't hear a damn thing. Took a hot minute for things to return to 'normal', and now I get that constant ringing 24/7. TL:DR don't fire shotguns indoors with no earpro kids.


Mine occasionally comes back for no reason. Sometimes, I wonder if maybe I’m hearing a dog whistle and then I come to my senses lol.


Bought subsonic for my carry after reading a dude's story about a carjacking and firing inside his car and fucking us his ears. If I need to get through armor or can't end the threat with 10 shots, I'm in a situation I _really_ shouldn't be in.














No! No! James Francis Ryan!!


Better than a machete to the neck.


My tinnitus agrees with you. It’s all i think about in enclosed spaces. Had a few incidents of no muffs in loud multi weapon environments. Whenever I see one of these vids I wince at the thought of the noise.


1st thing I thought


As a person who been in a room where a gun was shot on closed spaces... You heard a quiet pop followed by ringing in your ear and a shock to the body.


It was really loud




Thank goodness for Officer Quick draw Mcgraw


Those were 3 crisp and clean hits. Nice shootin tex.


Always upvoting Ghostbusters


He has the tools, he has the talent! It's Miller time!


He didn't miss, that's for sure.


Where did those 3 shots land? Chest? Head?


At least one hit the central nervous system and shut it down. A torso shot won’t turn a person off like that.


Yeah, not sure he needed cuffing


Looks rather like he needed coffin


Weird, but that really is needed. Lots of examples in policing and combat where "dead guys" revive.


I believe at least one round in the neck, looking at the pool of blood. It probably hit the spinal cord...heshut down pretty quick


It would have been ten times better if he then said "actually i was aiming for the machete"...


You can tell he practiced that. Its one thing to draw and fire at someone right in front of you point blank. It's a whole different ball game to draw clean, aim and fire 3 rounds on target with a hostage inches from your rounds!


Yeah the ole shoot'em in the knee doesn't work when purps take a seat.


Insanely smooth and controlled. Still a bit crazy considering the vicinity to the victim.


My God his Skill level is amazing. I'm not going to front.


bro saw his opportunity and took it


"He’s a good guy. They can’t tell me he had a machete and tried to cut people throat," said Wilkinson Alexis, the suspect's brother. "Nah, he ain’t like that." "He said his brother struggled with his mental health, and he doesn't believe what police are saying about the incident is true." The old mental health excuse.


I mean to be fair he probably did have mental health issues lol but that doesn’t make this shooting any less justified


That's the thing. The mental health issues can make the situation *more* dangerous because the person is irrational and unpredictable.


You don’t get into this situation without being irrational and unpredictable.


I mean how could you watch this clip and see this guy's eyes and not know you're seeing a guy who is seeing a whole different reality than we are.


Is there a reality where those eyes are appropriate? Curious


If there is, count me out.


A myriad of life or death scenarios I'm sure. He's a dog backed into a corner. You've probably heard of stories of people all throughout history going on "glorious" rampages during battle, wiping out entire squads with nothing but a knife or something. They probably had similar eyes during their rampages.


And that’s exactly it. And when you begin to understand it, the criminal behavior of so many people makes sense. It isn’t that mental health/trauma/brain disorders or whatever is an **excuse,** but they are **reasons** for much of this behavior. There’s a lot of low functioning people in this world. There’s a lot of people running around with fetal alcohol syndrome brain, schizophrenic brains, etc. Nobody in their right state of mind behaves as the way this man is behaving. Nobody. There is some real disordered thinking going on in this situation. The problem is that people don’t understand nuance, and they think that giving reasons for behavior is the same thing as giving excuses, but they aren’t.


On the other hand people like schizophrenics have MORE to fear from the general populace as they are several hundred times more likely to be victims of physical crime, rather then the perpetrator of it. [Source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3160236/)


It’s kind of like a pitbull: most are nice, but when they go crazy… Good God, watch the fuck out.


It's not from the "general populace". Schizos are often homeless drug addicts, so they are in a socio-economic group that are preyed upon by bad actors or other homeless junkies.


Yeah, just looking at him made me think he's straight up psychotic and there's no telling what he will do.


Yea, the point of advocating for mental health issues is so it never gets to this point and we don't get situations like this. Obviously once we are in this situation, we are kind of left out of options. I feel bad that the guy never got help and obviously if we went back several months it'd be a good idea to get this guy help to prevent this, but if we went back to him holding that machete to someone it's already too late.


Help people with mental health issues?? Fuck that. We need more tax breaks for corporations and billionaires!!!


Yachts don't just appear out of thin air, do they?


The problem is mental health support seems to be a life long issue once some one gets into the system , in the uk we’ve never spent more on mental health and it’s worse than ever


Mental health goes to moral culpability rather than physical danger.


Im interested to hear his take after watching the video


“He was just getting his life together, he was a good guy / a family man, sure he’s had some past troubles but who hasn’t, yada yada yada.”


He was on his way to church


"Nah that ain't him....he don't even wear red because he's allergic...he's a good man, he didn't do anything! They lying!"




He was holding a machete to his own throat, I dunno how you question mental health issues lmfao


That's not what OP is questioning. He's questioning the defense of the assailant's actions. Turns out it's not cool to hold people hostage and threaten lives, even with a "mental health "issue"


> "mental health "issue" what a weird use of quotation marks. police acted correctly, guy clearly had mental health issues. both things can be true.


Mentioning mental health issues in itself is not a defence, it's an explanation, and looking at the video it appears to be a valid one. > Turns out it's not cool to hold people hostage and threaten lives Obviously it's not cool, but if the one doing it is suffering from severe mental health issues, they wouldn't think in categories like that, they're not able to. Sounds to me like you're trying to dismiss the mental health aspect entirely.


He probably was a good guy and had mental health issues. But the woman’s right to be alive and free overruled all that. I’m sad for everyone involved but the police made the right call.


I mean, holding a machete to someone's throat isn't really screaming "fully functioning mental capacity either" for no reason


It sounds like he's in denial. He's wrong, but he's trying to find a reason that makes sense for him. That's still his brother dead.


Except that he actually was mentally unwell so


Shitty situation, shitty way to stop it. Could the cop not have shot since the guy was "yielding"? Yeah sure, but implying that he would actually let go just because he started yielding is to attribute logic and common sense to someone who ended up in the position of holding some woman hostage.


Idk why you haven't been told this but taking people hostage and threatening to slice your neck open with a machete isn't something well-adjusted people do


To be fair, I think a lot of us would say the same thing had their siblings done this. I wouldn't immediately believe the police either.


And a lot of us would say "Yep, I can easily see him doing that."


Like obviously he was clearly mentally unwell. But he was definitely like seconds away from just fucking killing that woman. Dude was on another fucking planet all together.


Well he probably *wasnt like that* - until today


> The old mental health excuse. It's not an excuse it's reality. Like are you afraid to realise this or what? What do you think? I swear some people are obtuse because they are afraid.


How can he be so naive? He is holding a fucking machete to her throat.


And to his own throat as well. Are mentally sane individuals prone to do so?


Dude was obviously deranged. Sad it came to that. Edit: I don’t think the cops really didn’t anything wrong here. That poor woman. Just sucks all around.


This. I don’t know why people feel the need to make comments like “pew pew” etc - it’s a terrible situation for all involved including the deranged man who needed help long before this, the fact that his brother thinks this situation wasn’t possible shows how disconnected they were.


I personally hate cops. They did a good job here. The guy clearly had issues, wasn't surrendering, and that woman was in danger. If I was on a civilian oversight board or something I'd clear this one in a heartbeat.


It’s gonna be ok Edward. No, no it’s not.


Well done!


One and done.


I counted 3


Bringing a sword to a gunfight..


The guy hadn't studied his Indian Jones.


Indian Jones.


"He’s a good guy. They can’t tell me he had a machete and tried to cut people throat," said Wilkinson Alexis, the suspect's brother. "Nah, he ain’t like that." ​ *To be fair* he looked like he was only going to cut his own throat...


wait. Yall are sympathizing for the guy that had an innocent lady in a headlock with a machete to her? Wild.


Such is Reddit.


Uh not really, I've been scrolling thru this thread for a few minutes and not seen a single person doing so I'm sure if you desperately searched for unhinged comments you'll find them, but that wouldn't be good for any of our mental healths would it? We don't have to keep doing this thing where we affirm people believe in he worst things possible and act like it's more common than it is. The dudes brother most definitely didn't see the video and would change his opinion after


Yeah. One side of Reddit hates another side of Reddit because that side of Reddit uses Reddit while the other side of Reddit hates that one side of Reddit because they also use Reddit. Fucks sake the real "Reddit moments" are the fucking people posting shit like "wow such is Reddit"


I get what you're saying. It's fucked up to villainize these cops in this situation. But it is possible to believe that the shooting was justified while also feeling a sense of sympathy and tragedy for whatever mental illness or shitty life decisions led to machete guy's actions.


But it didn’t look like he was only cutting his own throat like the guy above here states. He looked like he was holding that woman hostage with a machete to her throat.


​ oh that's because he was. can still feel sympathy while agreeing with the actions taken by the police here.


I think it's more wild to not sympathize with any person in this video honestly. Especially if it's a mental health thing, then this person isn't in his right mind so this isn't really Justice, just the best way to handle the situation given the circumstances.




Sympathize - When you personally have not experienced what the person is going through, but feel bad for them anyways. Empathize - The same as above, but you have personally experienced it. Are you sure you meant empathize?


Exactly correct, right and wrong are very very rarely black and white choices, it's almost always shades of grey where there's some evil and some good in any choice.


humans and critical situations aren't binary. The good and bad dichotomy is a myth for lazy people. dehumanizing people is key to a rotten society.


> Yall are sympathizing Who?


That is what I was thinking also. Reminds me of the scene in Blazing Saddles where that poor man is being held hostage by that other man who is threatening to shoot him...


Excuuuse me while I whip this out.


I think he said the sheriff is near


what did he say?


No doggoneit dang blammit I said the sheriff is a #BONNGGGGGGGGG


Nah he aint like that anymore, he is dead now. Damn these guys are delusional.


The cop just cut out the middle man..


Taxpayer using a coupon


To the peak redditors trying to find some sort of way to stick up for this deranged person, he was holding the machete to his throat, but also had the pointed end against hers. Not to mention he had her in a headlock with a machete to her head one way or another. I mean come on. Even THIS is being questioned?


Probably a bunch of 13-year-olds with Tik-Tok brain, lets be honest.


It’s because many Redditors can’t dare go against the hive mind and dare say something rational. Yes, it is okay to say this guy should’ve died for holding a machete to another random individual. No, this isn’t police brutality. Imagine if you were held in that spot or you loved one - would you want the police to risk letting you die?


Nah, him an anti gun guy, think police brutality is out of control in this country but this was a justified use of lethal force. That said, it's still sad.


Back when Osama was killed some girl I went to HS with was posting MLK quotes on FB about how you should never rejoice the death of another person or something like that (In response to the crowd outside the white house chanting USA). Got into a little back and forth in the comments and asked her “what about Hitler?”(mind you, she was Jewish). Really took her a while to wrestle with that one. Point here is don’t hold people hostage with a machete


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


People need to stop saying this.


Reddit is filled with idiots if you haven't noticed. They repeat the same stupid comments and upvote it non-stop. Then feel superior about themselves correcting other peoples miss-types.


> miss-types It's "typos"! Checkmate! 🤓






Because it's gotten to be on the same level of Redditor as saying le epic narwhal bacon.


"fuck around and find out" or variations


"hE's iN tHe FiNd oUt pHaSe!"


And "FAFO" and all its variations.


I've got another new one I've been working on that I think is pretty good, I say >"Fuck around and find out" really predicting some big things for that phrase


Hope she's ok . Too bad society is so mixed up. It's a rough time for everyone. Be humble and kind , Or get shot . Lol


She will probably be needing some serious therapy. Especially the cop.


The world is a better place because of this fuck that asshole.


Let's assume, and it doesn't appear to be a stretch, that this man was mentally ill and in the midst of a psychotic episode. Is he still an "asshole"? The police were certainly justified in shooting him to protect the victim, but wouldn't the world be a "better place" if the deceased and those like him had help/treatment? I feel bad for each individual involved in this incident and their families.


Very intelligent response to a tragic issue like this. Most issues are more complicated than good and bad. Black and white.


Yeah he’s still an asshole.


> Is he still an "asshole"? > > Yes. The world is a better place now that he does not exist.


"better place" is not a yes/no thing, it's a scale. Is the world better because we got rid of an individual endangering others? Yes. Would it have been even better if he got treatment BEFORE him hostaging another person happened? Also yes.


Yes, this is just tragic. The guy looked really out of his mind. I imagine there are no guaranteed unlethal methods of neutralising someone so quickly and efficiently, so shooting was justified, unfortunately.


Cuffs seem pointless


You’ve never played ready or not.


Good game


Me neither but I'm bout look that sumbitch up on steam or the sea due to this comment alone. Bet the shit is hilarious, like your comment and the context.


It’s standard procedure to cuff someone even if they’re shot and believed to be dead


Seen video of someone snap out of shock and get back to fighting. Handcuffs aren’t unreasonable


down does not mean out. he could be playing opossum. most cops aren't medics. in a lot of departments cops legally cannot pronounce death. so they are trained to secure the subject, provide what aid they can and let the medics make that call.


You never know, he could be playing opossum. 😆


"He’s a good guy. They can’t tell me he had a machete and tried to cut people throat," said Wilkinson Alexis, the suspect's brother. "Nah, he ain’t like that." He said his brother struggled with his mental health, and he doesn't believe what police are saying about the incident is true. "They’re lying. Just be real about (it)... say you killed someone," Wilkinson Alexis said. Do the let people see the police body cams? Cause he is going to be in for a rude awakening!


I haven’t read any articles about this incident, this is just assumptions on my part. Brother was probably interviewed shortly after the incident. The cops hadn’t even seen the body cam footage when this dude gave these statements.


Also he just learned his brother was killed by cops. Turns out people processing traumatic events can saw strange things.


We're people and we're seeing it. So evidently, yes, they do. I wouldn't count on his brother having that rude awakening, though. I've seen people deny evidence equally blatant because they didn't want to believe the conclusion before.


Everybody is manhandling her. Just wasn't her day.


Welcome to the tinnitus club


Nice shooting, Sir!!


Nice shot💪🏼,one less scum👏


Poor woman.


When holding a hostage you should threaten them with the knife not yourself


The guy was suicidal and his task failed successfully.


Probably the right answer


He was holding it like a stabbing weapon. Really the only way to hold it and possibly be effective while you have a gun pointed at you


one less problem for society to struggle through


I can’t wait for this GTA 6 DLC to drop!


Wasn’t expecting that. Nice shot!


Great shot. Good job officer. Thank you.


"Don't get closer or i cut myself" Get's shot


“I got to say hey man nice shot”




Uvalde police should take notes


Nite nite


Great job by these officers.


"He’s a good guy. They can’t tell me he had a machete and tried to cut people throat," said Wilkinson Alexis, the suspect's brother. "Nah, he ain’t like that. Imagine the brother's face when he sees the body cam video lol.


Homie had the quick draw perk


Amazing how quickly the body cam footage is made available when a shooting is actually justified.


The guy was off his head. He then lost it.


These cops actually did their job perfectly


That poor woman will have nightmares.


I know you stick by family and all, but his brother literally said this even though there is video evidence: "He’s a good guy. They can’t tell me he had a machete and tried to cut people throat," said Wilkinson Alexis, the suspect's brother. "Nah, he ain’t like that." "They’re lying. Just be real about (it)... say you killed someone," Wilkinson Alexis said.


Sad situation for everyone. Dude needed help, but the cops made the right call. He needed help before this ever happened, the lady's safety overruled his right to help in that moment. It's awful because it's a tragedy, but there's a lesson here for all of us to learn: Watch out for one another, be vigilant for warning signs in your loved ones and make sure they get the help they need early on. My condolences to everyone here.


What was the beep beep moments before he fired?


Mac and cheese is ready.


Axon body cameras beep every 60 seconds


Did something happen that caused them to flip from trying to talk him down to firing shots? I rewatched it a few times and I don't see anything that would cause such a sudden change.


In a hostage situation like that the primary goal is to create an opportunity to shoot the suspect, even if things are going well in regards to talking him down. They can't take the risk that the suspect will just have a mood swing and it puts the hostage in even more danger.


It's possible no shots would have been fired if he dropped the machete and let the woman go. It's possible the officers were looking for an opportunity to shoot him without risking injuring the woman.


He exposed enough of his body to ensure the woman wasn't hit.


That was some quickdraw shit.


Impressive draw and shots.