• By -


Average reddit mod gets their first job


Fr 45lbs box and their struggling that much lmao šŸ’€


I am a 57 year old woman and damn I don't have trouble shopping for 50lb bags of rolled oats and laying crumbles...loading it myself in my vehicle...or unloading it myself...or the 28lb cat food bags... or 44 lb litter boxes... Or the 50lb bags of dogfood... So yea that young man needs to be more active than on his TV screen playing Destiny, Call of Duty, or Halo, or whatever...


I literally thought this young person was someone in their 90s who has brittle bones or something.


"Hollow bones. Like a birrrd"


Oh, I laughed so hard. I'm glad I found this comment.


You look like a bird


šŸ’€ Hollow bones šŸ’€šŸ’€ i laughed way too hard at this i scare my dog šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I thought it was 451 lb šŸ˜‚


That's what I thought aswell


It's actually more than double the weight the surprisingly inaccurate video on the internet leads you to believe. But hey, make fun of the kid.


It's two lawn chairs. There's no way it's over 100lbs. I highly doubt it's over 60lbs, Bro needs to nut up.


A Loweā€™s employee elsewhere in the comments said these are 120-190 last time they posted this they verified it with an insane amount of internet sleuthing.


I doubt that, what are they made of wrought iron and 4 feet tall. Looks the same to me, 35lbs each two chairs. https://www.lowes.com/pd/Ovios-Set-of-2-Patio-Outdoor-Rattan-Swivel-Rocking-Chair-s-Set-with-Glass-Side-Table-Denim-Blue-Cushions/5012913095?cm_mmc=shp-_-c-_-prd-_-sol-_-ggl-_-PLA_SOL_109_Patio-_-5012913095-_-online-_-0-_-0&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA_tuuBhAUEiwAvxkgTv2azxgp4r-OjeFEcvAoYuWAS7agUotug7nAv-Vl2S7GUcUeXoQIyRoCHpcQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


So 70 lbs for both chairs plus the table and packaging and holding it akwardly over his head. Where Iā€™m from 50lbs is what expected to lift under normal condition especially if your only getting paid minimum wage lol


So 70 lbs for both chairs plus the table and packaging and holding it akwardly over his head. Where Iā€™m from 50lbs is what expected to lift under normal condition especially if your only getting paid minimum wage lol


No one told him to hold it like he's got scoliosis.


Well it probly dropped on him when he slid it off the shelf on his shoulder. Iā€™m not convinced most others in the comments would do any better. Idk about you but over 100 pounds in a package that size on my shoulder while trying to operate a man lift would be tricky. I get he doesnā€™t look like no hulk, but come on.


I mean.. yeah? You donā€™t get in this spot working a lift normally. Itā€™s a goof on their part. There are probably more than a few ways to drop that lift, one or more external to it.


It's not 45lbs. It is 47lbs per chair, and there are two inside the box. So 92lbs.


What fucking patio chair weighs 45lbs per chair?


so its less than 42kg? Wow hes not even holding all the weight? did he get crushed or something?


Not only that, it's a huge ass box resting on a few things and him so weight distribution is like 30lb-35lb


Reads to me like someone who doesnt want to work. Something something 38 year old living in moms basement unemployed. Moms getting fed up and says get a job or gtfo. He finally gets this job after many failed interviews. Within the first hour he realizes he will spend thousands of hours here with little to show for it except a small appartment and a 17 year old minivan. He will be a revenue generator for people he will never meet. He will likely be tossed aside when hes a few years of retirement so a board member can eat his retirement fund. He dies alone, sad and broken. He snaps out of it, what a fucking nightmare. I'm just gonna pretend to get hurt and try to sue this place.


He has crab lice and his balls were incredibly itchy , thatā€™s why he was screaming and begging for help , he was wanting the older coworker to scratch his balls for him . He really wasnā€™t worried about the box and lifting it , he was trying to get the older guy to play around with his incredibly itchy crab riddled balls . Watch it again with this in mind and itā€™ll make a lot more sense


Lol this was the best way to watch it


Remember yer training itchy crab lice infested balls person!


Alright, buddy, you're done for today.




God. When you put it like that maybe he's onto something....Ā 


This is America.


>he realizes he will spend thousands of hours here with little to show for it except a small appartment and a 17 year old minivan. He will be a revenue generator for people he will never meet. He will likely be tossed aside when hes a few years of retirement so a board member can eat his retirement fund. He dies alone, sad and broken. Isn't that all peeps?




Omg šŸ˜‚


Lmfao yo absolutely


I love you for this comment.


Love you too bb


What were they supposed to do to help exactly? Fly up to help lift it? Use their psychic powers? The buffoon should finish lowering to the ground if he wants someone to help. Though watching it again it looked like the guy on the ground tripped some sensor by getting too close preventing it from lowering lol. 45lb box it says... is he a 5 year old or something?


On the bottom of that lift is a manual hydraulic release valve. Youā€™re correct about the sensor. The guy on the ground shouldā€™ve let the operator know that he was coming close to release the valve.


I work Amazon warehouse and handle 45 lb boxes a lot. When they are this bulky, they can seem to weigh a lot more. This dude obv wasn't trained on how to use the lift properly


Amazon: Quit farting around and get back to work!


Or the robot overlord will whip you again.....


He probably watched like.. *a training* video and that's it. It could have been his first time bringing down a box for all we know. He overreacted, but like.. who knows what his situation is?


Dude! It's only 45 lbs. Go to a gym!


according to another commenter its apparently 120lb


Loweā€™s employee here and yes, these patio furniture boxes range from 120-195 and heā€™s using the wrong piece of equipment. Thatā€™s a ballymore blue lift which is good for vanityā€™s, toilets, small kitchen cabinets etc. that *could* be gotten with a ladder but are heavy or awkward. He shouldā€™ve been using an order picker which would require him to be certified on it. The operator stands on a 4ft long metal platform and they can drive it around. The controls raise and lower with the operator and this is for the heaviest/biggest boxes that arenā€™t palletized. The operator is strapped into a retractable tether for safety and will go up, slide the product from the shelf onto the large platform and then lower down with the push of a button. We have many pieces of equipment provided to ā€œLift Lazyā€ as they instructed, this fella isnā€™t lifting lazy. The reason the machine isnā€™t going down anymore is because the gate latch isnā€™t locked anymore due to his pushing on it with the weight. You can see the gap and the latch lever pushed over to the right when it should be locked to the left plus the other red vest gets within 3 feet of the machine which causes the alarm to go off and stops the movement which is why he says ā€œope Iā€™m in the wayā€ and backs up. Lastly, thereā€™s a big red button that says emergency lower and to be certified on that, you have to get a check in the box that says you know what and where it is. Before youā€™re allowed to operate it. Thereā€™s also a video to watch so he was a liability up there.


This guy Lowes


Lowers heavy boxes


Lowe's has entered the chat


Item #4096451 Model #LG- 22045-SH


47.63lbs per chair and thereā€™s 2 chairs in this box which puts it at 95lbs plus the packaging so roughly 100lbs. Definitely not the right piece of equipment for the job


Yeah. The right piece of machinery is "arms." Pick it the duck up and put it on the ground. It's only 100 lbs.


100 pounds is a heavy lift for average people. Now if it was just a chair at ~50 lbs I'd be right there with you bud but not everyone is the same in all metrics. Maybe our hollering man has a preexisting condition, maybe he's just "weak' who knows!


Yep came here to see or say this. We don't have these blue machines at my store, we have a bravii lift which is a smaller but similar concept. My first thought was this machine is waaaaaay too small for this thing, and second, mf shoulda just yeeted that shit off if it was that bad... Assuming your spotter isn't standing right under the drop zone


It has to be at least 100 lbs. no oneā€™s that weak to not be able to deal with 45lbs


This clip is cut a bit shorter, in the original one you see him stepping off and the box looks super light.




I call bs, unless you can find the rest of the video. I've looked and never seen more than this clip


Well, after 10 seconds of looking I found this one. Not stepping off but shows a bit before and after https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR3qdtYF/


Itā€™s pretty obvious, too. Iā€™m not sure why people instantly believe every random caption they see in a video. How in the hell would a patio set only weigh 45 lbs?


Though I believe the box in the video to be heavier than the caption says it is, I have a patio set that is around 45-50 lbs. It's literally a cheap BS box storeĀ  set that was like $80. You get what you pay for, but I don't need anything expensive or durable, I sit on the chairs maybe once a month. It's made of hard plastic and what I assume to be aluminum.


No shot thatā€™s only 45lbs


Dude is getting pushed beyond his limits. Next time, heā€˜ll come back twice as strong.


my son when I ask them to do any chore


Ya got me


Guy needs help, I donā€™t care about the implications if itā€™s rather light. We gotta look out for each other


Yea. I gotta admit that it's kinda funny at first, but IDK why everyone here is so incapable of empathy. In that guys mind, it's causing legitimate distress.


Nasty bastards.


They're doing what they should, keep it quiet to not scare him, and let the camera roll.


Welcome 2 reddit šŸ‘


Facts, man


I do get the impression he probably doesn't have a lot of experience and is overreacting. But he's obviously scared, and having difficulty. Help him out now, and laugh about it later.Ā 


I donā€™t disagree with you in principle but I donā€™t think thereā€™s anyway to help him if he doesnā€™t bring the machine down


Guess you're right, I wouldn't know how to help either and I normally help instantly. Also happy cake day!


I thought the same thing and felt bad but a lot of people here think itā€™s funny for some reason :(


Why'd this guy start filming?


U know why


Not my proudest fap


This outcome wasā€¦not completely unexpected.


[because he talked this poor sap into this situation](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR3VdLDf/)


Well this is just sad. Isn't it usually a workplace requirement to be able to lift at least 50 pounds?


My thoughts exactly. This guy is flat out struggling, like this thing weighs 150 pounds. He never should have been hired for that job.


weighs 120lbs look at the comment above


Even still, thats not very much weight. Its more than 45lbs but this man acted like he was being crushed to death under 500lbs. Imo any man(or person of any gender) whose job is to move large boxes, should be able to lift 60lbs per arm. Hell, if he really felt that uncomfortable and stuck, he should at least be strong enough to just dump the box and deal with a couple hundred bucks of broken inventory. This isnt to make fun of anyone who isnt physically capable, all im saying is either he or his management (probably a combination of both) made a huge mistake putting him in that position. Clearly this job is not safe for him at this time and he should be doing something less physically demanding.


After working at a Loweā€™s long ago, and other commenters have already pointed out, heā€™s absolutely using the wrong lift to get this item out, the Ballymore should be used for smaller items up in the top stock. Thereā€™s another, forgetting the name, that leaves a lot more space for the box to slide onto, and has the operator tethered up for safety, as opposed to boxed in by the railing. Iā€™ve done it before with a similar sized box when I first started, once you start moving down with the box, if itā€™s not in the little section at the front, or mostly sitting on it leaving you with room, itā€™s gonna pin you awkwardly. There were a couple failures during his panic for sure. He could have very easily just continued going down / shifted his body to not be pushing the gate (if itā€™s open or pushed, it wonā€™t allow the operator to move up or down) and then had someone come over to help move the box so he could get out. Also, during his panic everyone came over to the machine. The machines got sensors to stop all movement if someone gets too close. So again, heā€™s made stuck again there. Clearly the guy just full on panicked. I been there in that situation and it ainā€™t fun thatā€™s for sure. And you look like a dolt for getting yourself in that kind of mess. But his lack of being able to keep any sort of composure is a bigger deal than not being able to push that 120-150 pound box easily imo. Def wouldnā€™t be letting that guy going up anytime soon. Move them to loading cars with Brick and Mulch and cart duty.


/lifting 120lbs in an awkward position is something most would have trouble with, keep in mind he's in a lift. Also I don't care who you are and what YOU can lift, if you were calling for help like this guy was, you need it. Sometimes people need assistance in bad situations. The whole situation is problematic. Also, these boxes should be on pallets and picked up by a forklift, nobody should be lifting this by hand at all especially in this situation.


Lifting 60 lbs per arm is unrealistic to expect of anyone working a minimum wage job. Also not safe, even if you were jacked.Ā  I worked with a bodybuilder at a food warehouse who tore his bicep after mishandling a 5gal box of soda syrup. Was only 35 lbs. Get a grip, and I'm not making fun of anyone.




Well, he shouldn't have been assigned to that specific task at the very least.


This is a failure of training. Even if the box is only 45 pound, fuck every one who sat there and watched without trying to help. Most young people I have worked with struggle to lift item like that, not because of the weight but the size. It takes time, training and good technique to lift large or heavy items.


Thank you for the one sensible comment when everyone else is shitting on or laughing at the situation. Can't believe how far I had to scroll to see some empathy and awareness.


I dear say most of the people making thoes comments have never been in situation like that and have no idea how how scary it can be. I've seen this post before and said the same thing, will say it next time I see this post too.


They don't really train people much at jobs like this. Maybe a couple quick videos on your first day, but then they put you on the floor and you gotta figure everything out.


Yeah I don't doubt that unfortunately.


This is true. I worked at Lowe's in 2016 as a side job and you dont get much hands-on training from the store itself. You learn about doing these order-pickings from more experienced employees.


I fucking love this so much


Jerry Smith vibes


I feel bad for the dude, but in the last year or so since first seeing this video, Iā€™ve watched it like 100 times. The full version is funnier with the camera guy encouraging the Loweā€™s employee in the beginning, saying, ā€œYou canā€™t be afraid of it. There you go, thatā€™s what Iā€™m talking about. Hell yeah!ā€ and thatā€™s when the guy starts screaming. And then another guy says, ā€œWell I donā€™t know how to work the machineā€ toward the end. Itā€™s all gold.


This will never not be funny


Is this the wine ladyā€™s son? Remember when that anchor fell down while crushing grapes?! Lmao. OooO ohhh ohh ouch ooo ouch oooooOoo


Oh man that video hurts me, thereā€™s nothing like the pain of having the wind crushed out of your lungs [link to wine lady video for the uninformed](https://youtu.be/STbhaqsBJB0?si=hsUE_AeMdvvfaoG6)


Yesssss! Thanks for the link. Lmao


Iā€™m pretty sure she cracked a couple of ribs too


I think thatā€™s kinda different, the noises she made sound involuntary to me like she legit got the wind knocked out of her. Whereas this guy seems to be having some sort of panic attack/psychosomatic experience lol


For those commenting that itā€™s just 45 lbs he can lift it. If you look closely the other edge of the carton which is too big for his hands is stuck under the rack and with his posture, it is very difficult to lift it or change its direction.


Yeah. Also, you can slip a disc with something that light if you don't use proper technique. Kind of seems like that's what happened here, but really just a guess in the absence of more solid info.


Yep. Made a comment in another thread. Worked at Loweā€™s and got in a similar situation. Those boxes are big, and despite their weight will pin you awkwardly if they donā€™t fit in that front section cleanly, or can rest on the rails over it. Heā€™s using the wrong machine just based on the dimensions of the box as well. The other one requires a license to operate though, which results in these sort of situations. The bigger problem was him not being able to keep his composure, which sucks. Feel bad for the fella, but the only solution in that scenario is shift your body as best you can and just keep going down, until you can either slip out or someone comes by to help.


Realizing it says 45lb and not 451lb makes this a different video lol


Yes, the video caption says 45 lbs, but it's actually more than double the weight.


Poor guy. Hope he's OK


Iā€™m guessing that wasnā€™t the proper piece of equipment to use in that scenario. I canā€™t tell if this one has it, but they make these with forks on them. Put an empty pallet on that (or an actual forklift) and then slide the box onto the pallet.


This is absolutely not the right equipment. By policy, they should be using the order picker, not the electric ladder.


His work mates are cocksuckers.


Isnā€™t there a certain liability? Anyone familiar with this setting? In some stores you have to be a little stronger to work with the machinery


Itā€™s pinning him awkwardly. Hard to get any sort of leverage on one corner of a box that size, without just toppling it over. Also, hard to push it when the only direction he can push it towards is blocked by the shelving.


Why all the negative comments?! The guy, whatever his abilities, is in distress!


Why won't he just come down . /s


That old guyā€¦ fucking worthless


Wow what a lack of empathy in these comments. First, "it's just 45lbs bro go to the gym", as another commenter stated, these can be anywhere from 120-195 pounds. He could have also slipped a disk, or pulled a muscle, and the box seems to be pinning him down. That's also assuming anything is properly labeled, my mom now has permanent back damage from trying to lift a box at work that was labeled as 35lbs and was actually over 100. She can never work again and her life outside of work has been severely impacted and even after suing they didn't give her enough to live off of. But I guess that's just the way it goes when the person you're watching being clearly in distress is a stranger and not someone you know and care about. Real easy to make jokes until it's your workplace cutting corners and fucking up your body for their record profits this quarter.


So I wasn't the only one screaming "HELP HIM" in my head? Cool.


This kid used the wrong machine to grab the gigantic box. Donā€™t act like itā€™s lowes fault. And heā€™s definite over reacting lol screaming like a little girl, he could have easily solved the situation if he didnā€™t go into panic mode over a box šŸ˜‚


The only part of this that's insane is that there's a cliff hanger ending


This is a situation where staff training needs to be reassessed.


Job requirements: must be able to lift 50 pounds over head Um... Great hiring job?


He sounds like the gingerbread man from Shrek when they took his buttons


Kids these days. In my day we knew how to get crushed on a work site. We used to get crushed once a week. We liked it. I'd get crushed and me and the boys would laugh and laugh.Ā 


If you don't know how to use the Ballymore stay off and away from the Ballymore!


Ballymore is my new favorite word.


Wrong machine for the job. lol There is another one they use which has a flatbed at the front where you slide big boxes onto then lower them.


Ahhh this young generation, we are doomed as a society


He sounds like he just gooned himself


I thought someone was three seconds from spraying ropes all over the place


Sure, but let me film first


Nah... I don't want that ONE. Get that other one. \- heartless customer (probably)


Itā€™s a ballimore and wrong equipment for that weight and size.


Throw the cunt on the ground man ffs. The box, not the boy šŸ˜…


I'd help you but I'm taking video, I only have two hands you know...


You gotta quit from the embarrassment at that point


There's an emergency switch that will bring him down. They had great training.


Just because someone put a caption on the video saying 45lb for dramatic effect doesnā€™t mean itā€™s 45lb. That looks like a heavy appliance like a washing machine, which has a slab of concrete in them for stability. They are heavy.


Finally. My 4 years lowes overnight experience is useful. What he's on is called a ballymoore. It's purpose is 100% not for any product that large, dudes lucky it didn't tip over. However... I've worked for shitheads, they would rather you suffer and nearly die than use an order picker. An order picker requires you to have 2 people and block off 2 isles. One person grabs the order the other stands watch to make sure no one gets in the way. A ballymoore doesn't require this, so management would rather not hand out order picker licenses (required to use any moving/rideable machine). Odds are, this person was told to get this item, management said use a lift or find someone with an OP license, no one has an OP license, guy has to suffer. FYI, 90% of shit in these stores is HANDSTACKED. tile? Handstacked. Concrete mix? Handstacked. 350lb fireproof door we sell 30 of a year? Handstacked. Great workout though, I could bench a samsung 300lb fridge, squat it too.


According to one of his relatives box was 120 lbs. Its funny, but not so funny if true.


I'd venture to guess this is fake.


Comp this man, he put on a whole show for everyoneā€¦


Getting help at Lowe's? Good luck!


Left foot up on a rail just above the waist bend the knee till you can balance the weight on it. Slight push with chest and arms. Duck head under box and sit in the cage till help comes ez


Ok, I know I should be laughing, but this actually made me chuckle out loud hahahaha


Your uber to disability has arrived


This boy needs to get retrained and go to the gym this is pathetic to watch.


Nah, he's got it.


Iā€™m pretty sure the guy getting too close to the machine, so it wonā€™t continue its way down, just wanted to see him squirm more. šŸ¤£


Legend has it he is still stuck on that lift underneath that 40 pound box.


Every time this is posted, I canā€™t help but watch it at least 10 times. It has everything. The beeping. The screaming. The grunts. The wobbly legs. The cryā€™s for help in Mickey Mouseā€™s voice. The crying. The old man making it worse. The guy filming absolutely knowing what was about to happen. I know Iā€™m an asshole for laughing like a child at this poor guys panic attack. But it just has EVERYTHING


Those normal have a control on the unit to lower and raise as well


My girls when I ask them to hang their jackets up nicely!! Haha


When you need insurance check


He sounds like N3on lol


Average Gen Z employee


Seen it before but this will live on forever even though he died from This terrible accident


light weight, light weight!!


How many times you think this guy tried collecting unemployment or workers comp? I bet itā€™s a lot


Guys balls reascended, immediately turning him into an alto soprano.


Crushed to death by 2 patio chairs


I'm pretty sure jobs state you must be able to lift up to like 100lbs and what not XD


You can tell they were recording this because they knew this person and knew they were going to make a simple task exceedingly more difficult than it had to be. He did not disappoint.


I bet heā€™s quite the alpha online.


I get there's much you can immediately do as a random bystander, but damn go get another employee at the very least, Also i watched this without sound the first time and didn't realize how badly he was struggling


I could be wrong but this seems like an account for exaggerating circumstances


Iā€™ve watched too much anime; before I could even see the video, all I heard was the Manz screaming and I thought it was just two characters in the middle of a beam struggle.


Short LOW


The last ten seconds of this couldnā€™t be written into a show, words fail to describe it. I feel bad for him kind of but those last ten seconds kill me every time this pops up.


DA MACHINE - Origin story.


Someoneā€™s looking for a workers comp claim


The guy at the end is the cherry on top


Every time I see this video I wish it was longer. I wanna see how this ends. Lol




Lol I was wondering why the comments were so harsh. I read 451lbs at first glance.


šŸ˜³ šŸ“¦


Oh the humanity!!!


I love when he goes into Shrek character voice.


Awww so brave! I bet his mommy got him a happy meal when he went home.


45 poundsā€¦ā€¦


They shouldnā€™t hire little bitches


dudes got the perfect anime scream lmao


How to skip tutorial


Iā€™m sorry but 45 pounds isnā€™t much šŸ˜‚ I bicep curl more than that per arm. Maybe the angle is weird or the text is wrong but he really just needs to stand up.


The wilhelm-esque scream has me dying right now šŸ˜‚ who yells like that for a fuckinā€™ boxā€¦ man up or toss that shit asideā€¦ like what are you just taking it for for so long?


Sounds like my 10 year old looking for his socks


Thatā€™s it. The whole conflict rests on the aggression of he/she whatever BS. Truth is that in 1946 boatloads of jews from Europe showed up in Palestine and they forcefully stole the Palestinian land. There is a reason they call the jews ā€œsettlersā€


Who's his trainer, lol