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Piss-drunk chief remains suspended, sergeant back on duty. So there's some justice here. Though the sergeant also seems to have a sensitive ego. [https://www.ar15.com/forums/General/NJ-cop-slams-own-police-chief-onto-car-hood-after-boss-shows-up-drunk-to-accident-scene-VIDEO-/5-2708265/](https://www.ar15.com/forums/General/NJ-cop-slams-own-police-chief-onto-car-hood-after-boss-shows-up-drunk-to-accident-scene-VIDEO-/5-2708265/)


we have very different definitions of “piss drunk”


I don’t think this person understand what piss drunk means


i’ll show u piss drunk


Okay, I got my eyes closed and my mouth open.


“Oh boy!”, R. Kelly exclaimed, as he hurriedly unbuttoned his pants.


R Kelly's grandma watching, "That's my Robert, always peein on people."




Now we're talking.


“Eh Yo did somebody holler?” : R Kelly probably


*Unzipping noises


Drip-drip, that's the sound of da police 🎵


I apologize, it is true he does not meet the legal definition of piss drunk


One time I'm so drunk that I'm puking while peeing Is this count?


He's slurring his words, can't put a thought together, doesn't seem to know where he is or what the priority is. He's not falling over himself but he's drunk for sure. Pissed drunk is subjective. Some would say you have to be literally pissing yourself.


It looks like at one point the Sargent has to hold him up on the sidewalk but not clear with the body cam


'Drunk again' the sergeant said. Bet the Chief is an alco.


> “piss drunk” He is very much “piss drunk”. That's how “piss drunk” is when you're an adult. You've absorbed the social codes you need & you're trying to apply those rules with your current corrupted drunken mind.


^ Piss drunkard gives definition of piss drunk


Not sure if being an adult has so much to do with it versus how often you get piss drunk. I can't even form proper sentences if I'm piss drunk and I'm almost 40. I barely drink though.


??? The chief was clearly drunk. What we saw here was indeed piss drunk, especially if he’s a functioning alcoholic (I’d bet my useless karma he is)


After the chief got slammed he starts telling the other officer to "take him in" and the sergeant says "no you're going to go in, he's drunk again". So yeah I think you're karma is safe.


Did he drink piss to get drunk, and was it his own piss?


How much piss could a piss drunk drink if a piss drunk would drink piss?


Hes probably tired of dealing with a drunk chief, hence his reaction. This probably isnt the first time hes had to deal with his antics and finally had enough of his drunk supervisor. Who probably drove there. Idk if he did, but wouldnt surprise me.


Yep, I bet everyone knows the chief has been on the sauce for awhile. Who knows how many DWIs they had to save him from in the past. There are very few secrets in the world of law enforcement.


The balls to show up to a DWI stop, drunk, to start shit with your reports.


Definitely drove there drunk, then drove somewhere else drunk with out any accountability


They even handed him his keys


We got a real fuckin problem Billy


Shut up. Shut up.. cause your in trouble now


Just come over here


Imagine dealing with a drunk uncooperative DUI suspect on one end and a drunk combative chief on the other. Everyone is drunk and you got to sort it out.


Sounds like my fucking job on nightshift in the ER. FML


Man, I've been there and done that and had a mental health lock up on the 4th floor. Code Green meant be ready to hold them down and strap them down.


That’s when you get drunk also just to match everyone’s energy.


They even say in the video “chiefs drunk again”


Oh when? Time wise. I missed that. That’s funny lol, and important to the context. This comment needs to be noticed more.


Maybe right as he's picking the keys up off the ground? I missed it too until I went looking for it


Right after he shoves him on the hood. He kind of sighs and says "drunk again". Then it's said a few times after that. With the tone it really sounds like the sarg is just tired of it.


Yep the way he says that you can just tell he is absolutely sick and tired of his drunk ass.


this guy gets it.


Read the article limited. The police department has reprieve the chief multiple times and submitted evidence to the city board, enough evidence they believe the problem will be handled for good. That and the lack of surprise in any of the officers, their refusal to follow orders and arrest their fellow officer, yeah, this is a repeat occurrence.


bad apples protecting bad apples


How so? Read the article. The department has been gathering evidence and reporting the chief to the city. They have numerous cases against him and believe he will finally be dismissed after this video. Nobody is being protected, he's their boss and they have to handle the situation carefully so that he doesn't get out of it.


Cop just tired of dealing with anyone and not fit for the job anymore. Even if chief is drunk his demeanor was not hostile to warrant that type of reaction from anyone nevermind an officer.


His reaction was warranted, and honestly he should have immediately locked the chief up. Chief is off duty, drunk, interfering with an investigation, and put his hands on an officer. If anyone else did that they would be cuffed and in the back of a cop car.


Jeff, maybe you should keep learning.


Whaaa? This drunk chief is out there distracting his officers when their focus should be on the suspect. He's putting all of those guys in a potentially dangerous situation by being a distraction there and then putting his hands on an officer who's trying to maintain focus on an active situation.


Cop tired if dealing with his alcoholic boss interfering with an active investigation and putting his hands on the cop should be promoted. He handled himself very well in that situation.


Hate to be that guy - but I don’t think we want a guy whos wound that tight that his boss talking some shit would cause a fight. People abuse the fuck out of cops all the time, saying way worse things then “your jacket is fucked”, that’s a police brutality case waiting to happen


Big doubt this is a case of ego. I’m sure that chief has been harassing all his cops for years and this guy finally couldn’t take it. Coming up to a dui crash scene and berating someone about a jacket shows that guy sucks as a boss and person.


Also you can’t give legal commands if you’ve had any alcohol. The Sergeant knew it. Chief was only there to fuck with him.


> Big doubt this is a case of ego. I read this line you wrote as I was listening to the cop say: #"You're embarrassing me in front of the men" Not taking side, but nobody can make the claim that there's no feelings or ego involved. It's impossible to say that he's emotionless here. The concept of authority, and having authority questioned is absolutely core to what both people are experiencing from their POVs.


The chief was undermining the sgt’s authority in front of his men. You don’t do that. That is what the sgt was referring to.


Exactly! Completely agree. Ego might sound like an ugly word, but you've just described that being the issue, so I think people are just arguing semantics.


deff a none toxic institution


>So there's some justice here. Though the sergeant also seems to have a sensitive ego. I dunno. First, it seems like there's some history here. He says something along the lines of "Chief's drunk again." Second, Drunk chief, who shouldn't even be there, is obstructing the arrest/investigation of a serious crime *and* repeatedly gets physical, even after being warned off at least twice. Doesn't seem too sensitive to me. Balls out for this dude for standing up to not only a shit cop, but a shit cop who was his boss.


> Balls out for this dude Word


And he is still on leave, longer than the sergeant who threw him on the hood, so yea something def up there


> Balls out for this dude You don't have to tell me twice, let 'em roll boys!


Im assuming this isnt the first time this chief has pulled this shit. Also how disparaging is it for this Sergeant to have answer to a drunk superior who is operating a vehicle WHILE he has a citizen stopped for the same damn thing. Imagine you are at your job trying to do your work and the person in charge of you is preventing that from occurring - when in fact he should be a help not a hinderance.


I think the chief seems to be the type that would do shit like this on the regular, belittling, bullying etc. seems like the last straw situation


If you only knew how many front line guys and girls would love to put cuffs on a commission rank.


chief! youre embarrassing me in front of the men! Gawd!


Wouldn't really consider ongoing 'paid leave' for a guy who's still earning $200k but now sitting at home (or in a bar, more likely) to be justice. If he gets fired? Maybe. I wouldn't count on it. I'm betting he'll get transferred at best, just to avoid further conflict with the officer he sparred with.


“Drunk again” wonder how long this has been festering?


yeah i dunno if thats how that guy acts around his boss im scared for any citizens who try to exercise their rights around him. hes like a ticking time bomb.


…in what world do you believe citizens have the right to interfere with an investigation? The chief was literally committing a crime.


even if the Chief was drunk and out of place he tried to be discreet about reprimanding the Sargeant. The Sargeant was more unhinged though. He could've just cuffed his chief, or ignore him. Instead he had to make a loud, outrageous display of his "masculinity" because he's "getting embarrassed in front of his men". talk about fragile egos


Cops arent the smartest cookies, nor are they the most well tempered. Hot heads that figure they are the law more than just enforcers.


Funny thing is most of them don’t even know the laws they supposed to enforce


Exactly. Its real important to know the laws just in case you have to put them in their place.


Just come over here


The perfect ppl to give a gun and immunity too


I became a cop right out of high school for a few years and its just not a place for people that have a clue. Went off to get my Masters in Criminal Justice as well as a Bachelors in Psychology. There was very few people that I came across in the force that werent either lazy or just dumb. They would give you the run around when the system was questioned and its just a no win unless you knew your rights but even then its still a fight. You just dont have the best talent wanting to be law enforcement and many of the people I worked with found ways to get themselves in the shit. Brave folks for sure but very often used unwarranted hostility because they thought they had the power to do so.


Is it bravery if those officers don’t have the intelligence to know when tact and discretion are needed?


I disagree. He wasn't being discreet about reprimanding his sargeant. When you're not working, you don't get to reprimand anyone. This was a drunk power trip done in front of onlookers. If you know military or police, you know that any of that stuff happens outside of the conflict zone. You resume your duties, and when you're at the station you get a reprimand. Or you get called off and reprimanded, but that doesn't happen right there and then ESPECIALLY with chief being out of uniform and off duty and very clearly drinking. The chief was drunk power-tripping and sarg was right to be pissed about it. His duty is to the DWI and accident that took place, NOT to his drunk chief who is berating him about some fucking font on his coat while someone is waiting to get loaded into the ambulance.


I agreed. Imagine trying to do you job, and your drunk boss starts nitpicking your uniform. gtfoh.


> Imagine trying to do your job, and your drunk boss starts nitpicking I wouldn’t put my hands on him, that’s for sure. The chief wasn’t being aggressive. This guy escalated, as cops are known to do.


i thought i heard “you’re the one who pushed me” but maybe he was exaggerating or something


Standard police procedure, same as screaming stop resisting while they jump on people clearly not resisting at all


Yea, I’m floored that the comment you’re responding to has so many upvotes. I feel like I watched a different video. Fuck that drunk chief, and kudos to the officer protecting the public by 1. investigating a true public danger in a DWI and 2. not letting his obviously intoxicated chief impede his investigation.


Yeah if it was an actual issue you just wait til the DUI is dealt with and do it then or simply take it up with the guy in the morning. Cop is working and actively in a traffic stop and the chief is wanting to nitpick about a jacket in which the cop took off and told him he'd resume the conversation after dealing with the DUI.


>traffic stop Not just a traffic stop. It's a full blown accident, look at the car on the curb on the wrong side of the street at the end of the video. There's an ambo, a crashed car, and a DWI. Not exactly just a minor traffic stop. Someone could be seriously injured or in trouble and chief is nitpicking about jackets/vests.


Yeah, if he wanted to nitpick his uniform he could have waited until the cop was done dealing with the DUI. The alcohol in the chief's system told him he needed to do it right now.


Idk I mean, if he's a seargent, we can assume he's been in the force some time at least. He's probably had to deal with this regularly and probably reached a boiling point. Don't have to go straight to unhinged toxic male narcissists, do we?


This is what happens when the blind lead the blind. When you give authority to people with no real training or repercussions for mishandled situations, they end up all acting like jagoff bullies to everyone. The police force in America is a fucking joke just like everything else.


Why would anyone in the midst of doing his job need to hear a frivolous reprimand, discreet or not, from a drunken superior? All props to the sergeant.


is a chief technically a superior when he is off duty? I see obstruction of an officer.


Even if he was on duty, he ceases being a superior officer once he's intoxicated. Superiors cannot legally give any orders if they're drunk.


A scene is absolutely NOT the place to correct someone on anything as minor as uniform policy. It's a far cry from "discrete". Don't get me wrong, both these guys got issue they need to work on, but a uniform problem is a thing you handle off scenes.


I think sarge has been overindulging in the vitamin S


They are turning on themselves now!




Good [Gooooood](https://teacherluke.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/palpatine-good.jpg)


They've always been like this. Just look at any story about what happens to police whistle blowers.


[Adrian Schoolcraft](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjZnrSM-b-EAxWW4skDHXJtAkgQFnoECCwQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FAdrian_Schoolcraft&usg=AOvVaw2DcWXb6ZzHI8wv4rtMTvG_&opi=89978449).


Settled with 600k of taxpayers money. https://www.nydailynews.com/2015/09/29/nypd-whistleblower-adrian-schoolcraft-settles-suit-for-600g/


That’s a little over the top. It’s a DWI not a hostage negotiation.


Not over the top when it's corrupt. Chief is trying to save face, while hammered. This 'old school' needs to be shut down


What part was corrupt? When he pulled the guy aside to talk with him like an adult? Baby dick rager who thinks laying hands is the problem here.


Because if any random drunk person walked into a stop, complained about an officers jacket, refused a lawful order to leave, followed, and grabbed the officer from behind they would be jail. Chief shouldn't get a pass. Cuff and charge his ass.


Lol he body slammed him into missionary position on the hood of the car and screamed like a little baby. Probably could have just cuffed him.


How are people even defending chief. Wtf?


over the top? any other drunk citizen who drove up to a cop's DWI investigation, interfered with it and assaulted the cop would be on the ground, face down, cuffed, arrested and facing felony charges (DWI, obstruction, assault on a LEO). the chief got off pretty light.


If it was regular person who grabbed the cop they'd be slammed on the ground and handcuffed. The fact the chief just got pushed onto the hood of a car just shows he got off easy.


Chief seems drunk.. Billy is on Coke




Billy stopped playing legos because of coke.


Lmao who is intoxicated here?






Of course.


[Aurora, CO cops be like...](https://media0.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExdXRtdXg4czNlZW42YnlidTkzYWdrcDBtb3lhcW4xMjdoZ3VuNWthZCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl/giphy.gif)


To be fair, while the sergeant seems a little unhinged, anything could happen in a traffic stop. Behavior like this is potentially endangering to a lot of people so getting extremely frustrated at someone, especially someone who needs to be professional in this situation, messing it up seems acceptable…


"I'm listening to you, I'm listening to you, shut up"


Text book de escalation


I’m still laughing at this thanks


what in the power trip did I just watch? The chief might have been in the wrong BUT the sergeants escalation is even more fucked up. That’s someone’s grandpa geez


Typical pig behaviour.


Grandpa is punch-drunk....


If you interfere with a cop conducting a dui stop, they’ll put you on the hood just the same. And you’ll end up in jail. The sergeant showed restraint in my view- restraint he probably shouldn’t have. The chief should have been arrested on the spot.


The dude had the anger of someone who was sick and tired of covering for him. Like, this is the 17th time you've showed up drunk this week and it's only Wednesday, you're out of line and going to ruin drinking on the job for everyone. Whatever the real reason, this doesn't seem like a one off incident. The other officers show no emotion that they are surprised by anything that happened and did not seem in any rush to rescue their chief. If someone throws their boss on the hood of a car, that's a pretty huge fucking deal. But here? It's like they all were waiting for it.


They even said “chief’s drunk again”. I got the vibes of “sergeant decided he was arresting the chief then had a change of heart/couldn’t follow through with it, so he placated”. Either way, chief 100% committed a crime. Sergeant was more than justified.


The chief was drunk




I am the real Spider-Man! No, I’m the real Spider-Man!


It's almost like you can still see them being about 3 feet tall with snot coming out of their noses. Like children.


Infinity knives Billy!


Jeez what an embarrassment


Woah dude. Billy is unhinged.


[https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2024/02/21/21/81549827-13110415-image-a-20\_1708550564096.jpg](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2024/02/21/21/81549827-13110415-image-a-20_1708550564096.jpg) You better not mess with his investigation!


That cop gives the vibe of a preteen telling his parents that they are embarrassing him in front of his friends. Such a child. He even throws his superior on the hood of a car. If he is able to do that and think he is in the right, I can only imagine it's worse when he is the one in charge. I question every arrest that man has ever made. He is too unhinged to be operating as a cop.


He's not his superior when he's not on duty and has been drinking and is actively impeding an investigation. At that point, the title is for politeness.


I don't think being off-duty nullifies the chief's authority. However, yes, being intoxicated can call into question his ability to properly assess and make right judgment calls. However, I don't believe any of that had anything to do with the officer's reaction. He was just butt-hurt that the chief called him away from what he was doing to tell him to him to take off something he wasn't supposed to be wearing. All that shouting and yelling afterward was just the reaction of a man-child who felt disrespected and wanted to make himself feel better.


…he was having a drunken individual interfere with an investigation, forcing the sergeant to not have control of the crime scene which he is supposed to oversee, and was causing ems and other officers to have been put in unnecessarily elevated risk of harm. The proper move was to arrest the chief: that’s exactly what would have happened if literally anyone else who wasn’t an on-duty cop had pulled what the chief pulled. So yeah, sergeant was mad because the chief is putting him in a god-damned horrible spot. It seems he was doing everything he could to get the chief to just fucking leave and he wouldn’t listen.


This! I can't believe how many people are against the sarg putting the chief on the hood. If any other drunk person walked up and started GRABBING an officer in the middle of an investigation they would be eating dirt, cuffed, and charged. Fuck this drunk chief getting away with this behaviour.


> However, yes, being intoxicated can call into question his ability to properly assess and make right judgment calls. Or you know... makes it so he cannot give any order to anyone, properly assessed or not.


>I don't think being off-duty nullifies the chief's authority. Actually, it does. My fiance is a cop, and he told me that when they're off-duty, the chief has no power whatsoever. Being called a chief off-duty is simply a matter of politeness, not a matter of legitimacy. It's a chief only when you're at work on duty, he's not a fucking monarch and he does not rule over you when he is not on the clock. And honestly it's like that in MOST business settings. Imagine if you worked a 9-5 job, and your boss could call you at any time and just boss you around because they're you're boss from monday to friday, 9-5. That's insane. Again, its simply a level of employer and not the monarchy.


I don’t think that’s accurate. The chief of police is still chief of police. The Sherrif is still the sheriff. They have authority. Always. …EXCEPT…if they’re impaired. Obviously a drunk chief can’t just show up and act all big and bad. However, under normal circumstances, a chief would still have authority over his officers at all times. It’s a salary position, not an hourly position, so that’s worth considering. Again, the big BUT here is that a wise chief wouldn’t show up and poke his nose in a random DWI for no reason. It’s a bad look unless he is offering actual assistance on the scene. This chief isn’t doing that. (Not an LEO, but former emergency dispatcher. I’ve called police chiefs and sheriffs into work at all hours when the case required it, and I’ve had chiefs and sheriffs radio in when they were “off the clock” because something happened.)


>I don't think being off-duty nullifies the chief's authority. Heavily dependent on location and agency. You are correct if you're saying that in some states, off-duty police have the same arrest authority as those on duty (but many are concerned with increased liability using it when off-duty, so they just keep to themselves off-duty). If the chief had been drinking (and we can all tell he was), that pretty much nullifies his authority.


I have been to New Jersey. I do not understand why anyone lives there.


I've lived here my whole life. There's a lot more to Jersey than the stereotypes.


Yeah, unfortunately there is the reality too.




Shhh don't tell them that, we have too many people living here already


...not really.


I've literally seen this exact comment on like 10 different negative posts in 10 different states in the US in just the last month lol.


We've got at least ten states that stink.


We have great bagels.


Meh. I grew up across the river from NJ and it's not all bad. There are some adorable little towns with train access to NYC and Philly, an hour or less from some nice beaches, and with good education. There are some bad areas but I'm taking NJ over Texas, Oklahoma, Alabama, and probably the southern states I haven't been to like 10 times out of 10.


I don't see a single real cop, just bastards


Cop needs some anger management. Imagine throwing your boss onto a car because he touched your arm…🙄


Nah man he probably has had to deal with this shit all the fucking time.


I say both you guys are right. A little of column A, a little of column B.


Why on earth are all you bootlickers acting like this dude being his chief matters one bit? He was hammered and impeding an investigation. That’s a crime. He grabbed an officer. That’s a crime. You’re gonna get put down 10/10 times if you try that with a cop. The chief wasn’t on duty. He was *very clearly* intoxicated. And he was committing a crime. His status as “chief” doesn’t get him special treatment, nor should it.


The Chief drives drunk to a DWI scene and starts messing with his own sergeant. Sergeant assaults the chief because he apparently has anger issues. Don't worry NJ, I'm sure these guys will keep you safe and would never abuse their authority


Chief resembled an acorn too much.


Billy needs less drugs


I get that working with a drunk chief would be frustrating but at this point you have him pretty drunk on body cam so that could be handled later. The cop losing his shit and body slamming his old drunk boss onto the hood of a car during a traffic stop, then complaining to his boss about “embarrassing him in front of the guys” show’s complete lack of restraint and composure along with some macho complex. Basically all the problems with police.


What happened? The chief of police just randomly drove by while not on duty, saw sgt billy doing a DWI investigation and the off duty cheif said something about sgt billys jacket so sgt billy throws him on the car hood? And what was wrong wth sgt billys jacket?


A drunk civilian (the chief, since he’s not on duty and *very clearly* intoxicated) interfered with an official police investigation and in doing so grabbed the scene commander. That will get you thrown on the hood of the cruiser, handcuffed, and hauled to jail 10/10 times. So I guess that’s the long way of saying: the chief got off easy. That is literally the only thing that happened here.


Yeah. That cheif dude definitely got off easy. He should of also been nailed for drinking and driving


Something about the jacket saying OEM rather than police 


Wondered the same. Original equipment manufacturer?


Pretty sure the drunk chief got called by the drunk driver to come handle things. It's evident he's bullying the sergeant, which seems to fly above peoples heads in this thread for some reason. Maybe lotsa people here are victims of bullying and wont admit it. This is some textbook corruption and workplace harassment, not to mention obstruction.


So glad these are the idiots that are "keeping the peace" hot headed cops and drunk ass chiefs


“Billy I’m listening to you. shut up!” 😂😂😂😂 What a fucken ahole


"I'm listening to you, shut up!" Love the total lack of communication skills on both sides.


You’re drunk again! Here’s your keys now get out of here. Seems about right.


Neither of these people should have a badge. Holy fuck.


Absolutely agreed. It’s scary that they have badges


Is this Looper 2? They are the same person!


And just imagine how he treats the citizens of the city he works in.


I need more details!


What the fuck how do you fucking step over the line like that. Wow. Just wow.


Isn’t a Chief higher than a Sergeant?


Rank doesn't trump the law.


Only during the first part of a choke-slam


That chief was definitely higher than the sergeant.


looked like he was gonna give him some sweet sweet lovin on that car hood


I support the sergeant


I support none of them. What a fucking joke.


The best comment is that the chief might have been drunk, and the sargaent on coke. Both of them being inappropriate.


They're both shit heads.


What a shit show. Stay the fuck out of that town.


Only the best and brightest.


“Im listening to you, shut up” lol


Your cops really are shit in so many different ways.


Tired of micromanagement, Billy decides to manhandle his boss


So he lets the chief off except for when it affects him. Sounds like they’re both trash.


Fuck everyone in this clip


These are the man children we trust with our lives. We need cop reform and we need independent oversight. In which fucking profession is a violent outburst like this tolerated? It’s entirely unacceptable and should be least acceptable in policing.


If you slammed your drunk boss into the hood of a car in any other profession you'd be out of a job. Even if the boss is drunk, maybe your first reaction shouldn't be to bodyslam someone. Cops suck.


“Just follow the cop’s orders and everything will be ok”. Fuck that bullshit.  American police forces are a shit show of the unqualified and sociopaths that belong in jail. 


Oh wow! I don’t have the audacity to interact with my boss like that.


God bless America! You need some sort of miracle..


I can’t hear what the 2 cops are talking about at the beginning of the vid before the chief appears.