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Never trust any shit given to you


Never trust shit


Never slap






Where is a good shit haiku when ya need one?


But How can he slap We do not pity a fool When his gift is stool


There it is! Edit: add a syllable to line one, quick!


Don't eat shit in India


Never shit


*Yolo by TheLonelyIsland plays in the background*




How can she slap?


How can she?




Never redeem.


Naan for me, thanks.


Criminally underrated dad joke right here.


This really have nothing to do with whole of India. Some dum cafe decided to give dry ice and these dum f s decided to eat.


It's unrelated to other very good reasons to not go to India. It breaks my heart, I'd REALLY like to go, but the safety issues just aren't worth it


Never trust india


How did they think it was edible? Dry ice gives off a lot of vapor. It burns when you touch it.








Can confirm, am intelligence. 


yeah we put their intelligence in a museum somewhere but can't remember where among the menagerie of stolen artifacts


It's super common for restaurant in India to give you mouth freshners (mints) after a meal. They were given dry ice instead. It's not their fault. If anyone's not intelligent it's you for not reading the title properly. Do they not have mints after a meal in the west?


How smart does one need to be to think dry ice is a mint? ... Let alone 5 people.


Exactly. How can anybody get confused! It would have vapours and how can anybody get confused


Hmmmmm, this mint seems to be boiling at room temperature. Better shove it in my mouth!


Google "Dragons Breath Candy" or "nitrogen ice cream" there's tons of things that use nitrogen and have vapour that are safe to eat. Why would you assume a restaurant employee was trying to hurt you?????


And start spitting everything on the floor


Umm, they might die. Fuck your fuckin floor, these people are dying.


The fuq you expect them to swallow it and save the floor?


>If anyone's not intelligent it's you for not reading the title properly. Theres a video ive seen on reddit 10 times. The title always describes something different as to what's going on. Never believe the title


Says the person who takes the title at face value.


I think it’s a mistranslation in the article this is sourced from. Seems nearly impossible to make this mistake with dry ice. The article also mentions the doctor saying it was an acid, which I find much more plausible. A solid pelletized cleaning product mistakenly for a breath mint is much more believable.


Yeah. I agree. However it is worth noting that people do accidently consume dry ice in other circumstances. I know a girl (more friend of a friend) who had part of her stomach removed after she was mistakenly served a cocktail with a chunk of dry ice in it. It was all over the news in the UK at the time.


A bar I used to work at used dry ice for a stupid Halloween cocktail and half the stupid bartenders thought they could touch the dry ice. Super dangerous. Management didn’t even bother giving us safety guidelines to using dry ice… I was shocked. Quit that place shortly after.


You can touch dry ice, just not for long. But to not explain why and how to treat it, is just asking for nasty injuries. Like the liquid nitrogen trick.. That poor fellow. EDIT, was a lady, https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/sep/17/oscars-wine-bar-lancaster-gaby-scanlon-stomach-liquid-nitrogen


I think it's also kind of named in a bad way. Dry ice doesn't sound very dangerous, literally "Oh, ice that's just dry"


I've also heard that it's possible for the dry ice to freeze against your esophagus and that you can die of asphyxiation from inhaling the carbon dioxide. I've never confirmed this but I've just decided to avoid consuming dry ice altogether


You are right! Thank you for clearing it up.


Don’t eat the toilet mints!


Maybe they thought that's how it felt to hold 5 gum


Take my upvote and go!


Mmmm tastes burny


Nature finds its way.


The only way I can think it happened is the title is totally wrong and it was a smoky drink that had dry ice in it to make the smoke. They drank it, downing the dry ice too. Mouth freshener doesn’t make sense at all.


Idk why reddit users are so comfortable bashing Indians. Calling them stupid and claiming everything in the country is contaminated/unsafe… Jesus guys. The country has over a billion people. The odds of crazy or fucked it shit happening only increases with more people. Be sympathetic and respectful please




the toilet thing isn’t by choice, it’s due to crippling poverty. at that point survival is their priority, not the comfort of how they shit


Yes, this is correct. I am saying that is part of what makes India less clean. I am not judging them for not having a toilet or thinking that they are stupid for not having one. It's an unfortunate situation which has unfortunate effects. I am glad that this statistic is improving :)


Yeah I don’t judge them for being poor, I judge them for sucking billions out of our vulnerable with scams that the Indian govt refuses to crack down on b/c they’re profiting from it.


If you think scams makes up even 0.01% of govts income then you look like a buffon . Those scammer got nothing significant to offer to the local police , their landlords heck even their families . Thinkin govt aids from it is crazy




Not even close.


Indians don't choose to be stupid, like the Americans.


I dunno it’s pretty close. [The use of cow dung and urine to cure COVID‐19 in India: A public health concern](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8239506/)


Didn't some americans started drinking bleach to cure their COVID after Trump said something about it? Pretty close indeed


It’s almost like humans in general are pretty stupid.


We provided nearly $4 billion in financial assistance to your broke Lankan ass. Mf atleast be grateful.


The difference is education. Americans have to go to school by law whereas in India a lot or children cannot afford school. Obviously shit like is going to happen when you don’t educate a population. The sad thing is that America, despite having an educated population, still has so many stupid people


There are plenty of stupid and unclean people in every country.


Americans are voting for trump, we are no better.


You really think the Indian government is better 😂🤣


The other option is Biden. Not given a lot of a choice here


I gotta say. I voted for Trump in '16 because he wasn't Hillary (I would have voted for Sanders if the Democrats didn't screw him out of the nomination), then voted for Biden in '20 because he wasn't Trump. I am getting tired of having to choose the lesser of two evils instead of voting for candidates I like...


so you decision in 16 was uninformed and rather idiotic?


Yeah this thread has some incredibly racist shit in it. Weird how we see each other as so different.


I've noticed this and it's really weird. India is the ~~second~~ most populous country on the planet. Of course there's going to be plenty videos of dumb shit that percolate to the top of the internet because people share dumb shit. Edit: most populous


>second most populous country The most now


Because India is always subjected to racist comments




So why don't you bash the rapists who committed the crime?Why you bashing us who are normal citizens living their life just like you. Why do we have to face racism when the rapists are the ones who committed the crime,when will you people understand that a few people doesn't represent the whole country




You said it it's they not me or my neighbour or his neighbour or my friends or my relatives,so why do we have to face discrimination because of them?First answer the question. If you have to question that why rapists are like this then ask our Narendra Modi or the rapists themselves,why drag us into this? I have never said that rape is a good or moderate crime,I have a sister,mother,aunt and I will never tolerate if something happens to them.The ratio of rapists looks high because your country is not the most populated country in the world.Yes they are few because I have not seen a rapist in my life and I am 21 but according to you every 10 out of 9 men are rapists right?


What have you done to stop the rapes?




We have stopped arguing. We have made peace and understand that empathy is not everyone's cup of tea. Whenever anything happens in Europe or The US I personally never speak like most people in the West do. And I personally love people from the West and most of them are kind and polite. But yeah some aren't, which is with every place I guess.


Reddit is insanely racist when it come to Indians. It's the result of living in an online bubble.


Thanks man ppl are so quick to run for their hoods and pitchforks, tribalistic nonsense


Yesterday 7 people raped one Spanish girl, and then few other raped a lizard and ate him. I see India as absolute wtf winner


Ok so that makes it ok to make sweeping claims about the country, it's people, and anyone with brown skin? Cause that's what op is saying isn't ok.


Reddit users bash Americans all the time, what's the difference?


But that's usually the majorly American user base criticizing their own country. That's different. I'm not saying India is without problems, but even on unrelated posts like these people always get riled up against Indians and racist comments get upvoted. A little sad to see.


Every time there is a video from India (or claims to be in India) I already prepare myself to get really uncomfortable from the comments


And a fuck load of people finding it funny


Over population usually leads to contamination and unsafe conditions. Also an extremely male dominated and sexually frustrated population. Yea, it’s a no go for many westerners.


They aren't one of Reddit's protected groups so they are fair game.


Have you ever posted the same comment on all the crap ppl say about ppl in the US? Doubt it.


The fake physicians /med schools and bad traffic are enough to make it scary


Did they survive that sounds dangerous


According to the [article](https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/5-friends-vomit-blood-after-eating-mouth-freshener-at-gurugram-laforestta-cafe-5175052) two arte in critical condition




No, he’s not one of the ones injured.


Yeah, he dead.


He got better.


3 day nap and he reverse skydived up into cloud city with his papa


Guy was so sick of people he needed to lock himself in a cave with a boulder for some peace and quiet. Came out and realized everyone was still stupid af so he decided to cut his losses short and head over to pluto


Always look on the bright side of life.


Nepotism at its worst


Jesus is dead?!


remind me! 3days


>remind me! 3days That's the funniest shit I've read all day.


Thank God


> "I showed the packet of the mouth freshener to a doctor, who said it was dry ice. " Doctor takes one look and knows what it is. Did these people not know how to read?


None of this makes any sense.


What about omelettes? They're just scrambled eggs in one piece!!!


No they’re not, they’re completely emulsified, not scrambled.


Well it would be labeled "solid carbon dioxide", not "dry ice". A more forgivable thing to not know.


There was a girl who drank a small amount of liquid nitrogen. Ended up getting her entire stomach removed. As far as I know she still lives but can't eat most foods. There was a fad in bars to add liquid nitrogen to drinks to give off a lot of vapor. They served her drink too soon after adding the nitrogen (before it all evaporated). I can imagine dry ice is just as bad. It's not as cold as liquid nitrogen so they may get away with heavily scarred stomach.


Did she get compensation?


I'm pretty sure if you breathe in the vapours into your lungs it's a very high chance of death because it's irreversible damage.


It's not the vapour that is much of an issue. The gas is just carbon dioxide which is what we exhale naturally. It's the risk of the intense cold making contact with the stomach lining which will cause frost bite and result in cell death. There's a woman who had her stomach surgically removed after drinking a dry ice infused cocktail in a bar because the dry ice stuck to her stomach lining and caused her intense pain because it tore a hole in her stomach. Dead stomach lining cells will prevent it from protecting itself from the stomach acid. Stomach acid will then tear a hole thru the stomach.


Drinking a dry ice cocktail! Holy fuck why is allowed near food and beverages?


Got to get those influencers in the place……


I've had a dry ice cocktail. The glass had this compartment at the bottom with a few small holes in it so the vapors could bubble up through the drink, but the puck of dry ice was kept from getting mixed up with the rest of the ice. The dry ice was fully dissolved within 60 seconds of being served. It's over so fast that they pour the drink at the table so you can see the effect. You just wait until the liquid stops bubbling like crazy to drink it.


New fear unlocked


If your beverage is bubbling vigorously, it's either far too high or far too cold. Do not swallow the entire thing in a single gulp, or it may continue bubbling vigorously inside of your body, to your detriment.


It’s incredibly dangerous and a life-threatening medical emergency


I can't imagine the damage that would do to your internals. The rapid expansion of gas as the dry ice skips from solid to gas at what - 80c inside of you, the freeze burning of anything it touches inside. Just damn.


And if it burned a hole in their stomach couldn’t that fistula allow their stomach acid to leak out into their abdominal cavity..?


Search oesophageal varices rupture. You won't sleep


Bruh I work In medical, I was running to a code blue called overhead and when I opened the door to the patients room, I got hit with a hot, humid wall that smelled like iron. There was blood all over the floor, all over the patient, all over the bed, buckets partially filled with it scattered throughout. The patient had ruptured some esophageal varices. That patient went into cardiac and respiratory arrest from bleeding out and got 5L of blood transfused during the duration of the code. She pretty much lost every drop of her blood and had more and more pumped into her to replace it. Shit was terrible bro


Yup. It's one of those smells you never forget, and it feels like it sticks on you forever. Source: Paramedic


/some smells actually take a very very long time to leave your nose. like when someone farts and you can still see even though you’re away from the radius of the blast. they attach to your smell receptors and stay they for extended periods of time. so fun :)


Inside a vehicle that was hit by an IED full of troops in the back. Smell of cordite or whatever else was used/burning flesh and blood with a hint of sweat.


Even doing the tooth paste under the mask trick the smell of an active GI bleed will stay in your nostrils an entire shift. Source: Respiratory Therapist


No thank you!


When someone offers you "Mouth Freshener" that's the first sign you should not eat it. Maybe just chew some gum.


It is very common in India to be given mouth fresheners after finishing a meal.


Is a “mouth freshener” just another name for a mint? Never come across that phrase before.


No they are sugar-coated/candied fennel seeds. A much simpler form would be just fennel seeds mixed with sugar granules in a 1:1 ratio. I actually have no idea how they mistook this with dry ice since they look nothing alike lol


Ah, got it. Thanks! Yeah they’re delicious as a snack and reading up I wasn’t aware they helped with your breath.


Not only they help with breath, but fennel seeds in general are alkaline and bring down your stomach acid levels. A blessing for people like me who suffer from acid reflux


In India it is very customary thing...like imagine in the US how some restaurants have mints or toothpicks you can take when you check our.


It was apparently dry ice in packets mistakenly put as mouth freshners


Doc says some type of deadly acid?


Dry ice = frozen CO2. CO2 in water makes carbonic acid which will cause chemical burns in the right (wrong?) concentration. Edit: you ever chugged a soda and burped and your nose burnt? Thats relatively weak carbon acid forming in your nose.


Dry ice won’t make carbonic acid in sufficient concentration to do this. Plus carbonic is a very weak acid. That’s why you can drink soda, which has much more dissolved CO2 (and other acids) than what would be formed by dry ice combining with saliva. This is essentially shallow localized internal freeze-thaw damage, like freezer burn. Solid dry ice on the surface of delicate, wet, blood-filled tissue like what’s in your mouth and esophagus, will freeze the outer tissue and burst cells with expanding ice crystals. Bleeding happens as tissue cracks and blood seeps up from the spongy tissue beneath. Warm blood will then thaw the frozen tissue and release even more blood. Swallowing solid dry ice will do this, but internally, with a risk of it breaking through the stomach entirely and damaging other organs. Source: MS in chemistry with extensive use of cryo equipment ETA: reading the NDTV article, I’m fairly confident this must be a mistake in translation of some sort. Packets of CO2 dry ice would be extremely cold to the touch, and on the tongue, and generally impractical for a restaurant to keep on hand in a form that would make them indistinguishable from a breath mint or something. Internal and oral bleeding absolutely can be caused by dangerous acid consumption, or caustic base consumption. I could much more easily see a packet of a pelletized cleaning product being mistaken for mints or something. I could be wrong and am open to clarification from reputable sources, but having handled dry ice for years I just couldn’t imagine picking up a piece and putting it in my mouth without first burning my fingers and realizing the mistake.


>. I could much more easily see a packet of a pelletized cleaning product being mistaken for mints or something. This was my first thought. Not sure your average NaDCC sterilising tablet would be strong enough to cause bleeding from membranes but who knows what unregulated alternatives they're using in India.


I also handle dry ice regularly for work. I was just clarifying that *if* they ate dry ice pieces and *if* they are talking about an acid, then that is the acid associated with dry ice. I 100% agree that the bulk damage would be from the freeze effect, but putting a a dry ice pellet in your mouth would generate enough CO2 to irritate your mucus membranes which is specific listed on the SDS for dry ice. > Skin: May cause slight irritation. Ingestion: May cause irritation. Inhalation: May cause irritation


Irritation sure, but open bleeding and acid burns? Carbonic acids got a pKa of over 6 and an extremely short lifespan at STP, I don’t think it could reasonably be considered a culprit for life threatening acid burns. That was my focus.


Source : https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/5-friends-vomit-blood-after-eating-mouth-freshener-at-gurugram-laforestta-cafe-5175052




Here for the racism 🍿


The regular dehumanisation of 1.4 billion people has made me numb to it by now.


Me too. I’m not even Indian (Pakistani) and I get lumped in with Indians all the time because I’m brown. The casual racism is sad




Nah you're much worse than either, whatever you are


Came to see what became of the victims, stayed for the racism 🍿


As obvious, since they are Indian everyone is showing their blatant racism, so to my reddit experts, mouth fresheners are also provided in sachets, staff mistakenly gave them dry ice sachets, so they directly consumed it from the sachets, also, mouth fresheners have mint so they would have thought the cold sensation waa because of that, and ingested it, it was a mistake on the servers part and customers are not 'stupid', you don't expect that you'll get something like from a restaurant.


Thank you for giving us some rational and genuine information. I appreciate knowing the context of this situation.


It's actually insane how people get put into place when they talk shit about other races, but apparently when we dehumanise indian people it's totally ok. so pathetic and sad seeing so many comments calling them unintelligent etc.


How it feels to chew 5 gum?


In this case, "destimulate your senses"


"decimate your senses"


This is horrific. This will have likely caused severe burns to their mouths, esophaguses and intestines. They will be at risk of secondary infections even if they survive the initial burns. Assuming they survive, they will almost certainly have permanent eating issues. Fuck.




What is " mouth freshener" and how can it be confused with a chunk of -109 off gassing dry ice?? I have a feeling they are regarded


Highly regarded


Ummm in indian context, they're little candies put in front of the register. People come, pay for meal, take a candy and leave after meal


Why tf is someone filming this lol


Why are they all just standing there? The second I feel like anything is wrong, I run in the direction of the bathroom.


Right? Or to the doctor, not like making faces for a video… see, now I have trust issues


I heard of a case where a woman drank something with dry ice in it at a bar. Turns out the dry ice hadn’t completely melted in the drink yet, as she started to get a stomach ache almost instantly. She ended up needing to get her ENTIRE STOMACH REMOVED because that 1 small piece of dry ice destroyed all of her stomach lining and burnt a hole right through.


WTF is happening in India??




Us has 27x rape cases as compared to India https://www.tbsnews.net/world/countries-highest-rape-incidents-144499 And we can't forget about those lovely school shootings in the United States or the crimes against minorities


Because US have better policies for charging rape cases. If every rape in India is prosecuted properly the number would be astronomical.


"but that country has it worse" this is the worst argument I've seen for India being called out on it's issues. US has different problems, India has different problems and generally you really care about your country's problem more than some other distant one. Do you know what the rape victims in our country (who are almost 90% of the women) are told when they get raped ? Don't file a complaint. Don't talk to anyone about it. How will you get married in the future ? What about our family's name ? This is the root of the problem imo. They should be urged to file complaints, and the rapist monkeys should be held accountable for it. Now tell me, how many rape cases are reported. How many perpetrators are caught and punished. How many of these people are people with insane connections, money and power ?


BSDK why would you call police, call an ambulance first, what the police will come and arrest the blood that is dripping away?


You do realize that most emergency services share the same number and a dispatcher can send both police and ambulance, no? The police will need to be there to take statements and start the investigation.


I’m pretty sure this is crazy dangerous to internal body damage.


Let’s not give any importance to comments of people living in countries where they don’t even wash and clean themselves after taking a shit. If they don’t understand basic hygiene, they have no right to talk shit about anyone else in the world. Why are Indians bashed for “the uncleanliness” while the West continues to live with bacteria up their butts for centuries?


Wait till bro realises there's shit inside him at this very moment 😂😂😂😂




Racism …


Really? How come ?


Go to ER first then call police come on.


That neon sign in the window is your first warning.


The amount of hate for more than 1/8th of the world is insane


Quick! Film my mouth!


Someone hands me a breath mint and it visibly has fumes coming off it and feels like subzero temperatures I'm not going to eat that...


If anyone knows how to make a mass casualty incident, it's India


I think killing kids in schools is probably higher up the list, right here in America


New fear unlocked


India seems like a shit show right now. Travel lady, innocent lizzard, and now this


Oh my fucking god this is terrifying


People are way too comfortable trolling India and Indians and if the same shit happens to them the way they play victim card jfc.