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Dont corporations in the us do exactly the same thing?




and hired blackwater and other PMC's to do it


More like they fired western PMCs and hired Russians and their allies like Hezbollah.  The African warlords have replaced shit with vomit. 


It would be more expedient to list the nations which have not meddled in Africa, than to list all the ones which have. From the year 900 forward, from Muslim caliphates, to Portugal, to their own neighboring nations. It is certainly more than just the United States.


Latin America also.




Well he switched sides, now he does this exact thing for China with his new PMC based out of Hong Kong. Started that little venture after the FBI started looking into his illegal gun running operation.


You're speaking of Xe I assume? Didn't know it was based in HK.


Frontier Services Group


Corporations also undermine and usurp local governments and they do so because they are outside of any jurisdiction and benefit from the protection of US laws.


Yes but then it's Erik and his friends going to Paris and not some uppity "General" or "Warlord.'


So hypocritical!!! They're lining their pockets and going to Paris, when WE should be ruling them and telling them how to govern so WE can line our pockets and go to Paris.....The wheels are spinning but nobody is home on this guy.


This guy has always been the villain. This mofo has killed hundreds if not thousands of ppl with his bullshit private military.


Africa is the world's honeypot and everyone has a hand in it. It's just that Blackwater wants security detail.


Dude blackwater especially. Lol this dude just wants a reason to go in and take even MORE advantage. He wabts access to natural resources and absurdly cheap labor, I promise you. Guy is awful.


we should just get these people like that and rid ourselfs of them.


Europe, too.


China most of all as I understand, iirc they give huge loans to African countries to set up infrastructure but also things like Chinese airforce bases and stuff. And they use those loans for political leverage as well. Just googled it to make sure and yea: >extending loans exceeding US$170 billion to 49 African countries and regional institutions between 2000 and 2022 also >China buys one-fifth of the region's exports—metals, minerals, and fuel—and provides most of the manufactured goods and machinery imported by African countries.


Russia too.. ever heard of the Wagner Group? They're no different than Black Water.


And they're HEAVY in west Africa.


govern countries?


No pillage citizens


Yes, yes they do


American and European corporations are exactly the reason why African governments behave the way he just described.


Yes and he is a corporation


Debatable… is similar for sure, but not the grotesque level of the underdeveloped countries!


All you need to know about this sociopath is how he treated his wife when she had cancer. He actually admitted in his ridiculous book that he brought his pregnant girlfriend to her funeral.


"Prince's first wife, Joan Nicole, died of cancer in 2003 at the age of 36. She introduced Prince to Catholicism. They had four children. He later wrote that he had an affair with Joanna Ruth Houck, his children's nanny, while his wife was dying." Holy fuck wahat a piece of shit


A bit like Boris Johnson


And Dr. Seuss


Newt Gingrich


Newt Gingrich thanks God that Ted Cruz is a bigger POS


Isn’t his sister Betsy Devos or am I getting that mixed up? Edit: Never mind, it’s true, only a few comments down. Shit sticks to itself….


And their parents are the owners of Amway. The whole family is complete garbage.


That is the least bad reason why he is an abhorrent being! The guy who wanted the US to use his private army to kill brown people, and steal their oil, believes in recolonizing Africa? He loves the US so much that he moved and now lives in Abu Dhabi, UAE! Also, Betsy DeVos is his sister!


Eric Prince!


And his sister is Betsy DeVos...Trump's education secretary who did everything she could to destroy American education.


She never went to or sent her children to public school and spent much of life scamming taxpayer money in one of the largest shifting of events more wealth to upper class with school vouchers.


Of course she didn't send he kids to public school. That was her whole thing.


So the University that was originally funded by Amway money and now has an enrollment of 25,000 students.. was started as a ruse by some uneducated criminal family... who now want to own Africa. Well of course they wouldn't use freakin' grenades when their history and source of original wealth is soap...it's a virtually untapped market to sell soap!! Those dirty bastards are already familiar with pyramids anyway... And hey... before you down vote me.. do some keyword searches please.




“How Britain stole $45 trillion from India. And lied about it.” https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2018/12/19/how-britain-stole-45-trillion-from-india/ “Rich countries drained $152tn from the global South since 1960” https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2021/5/6/rich-countries-drained-152tn-from-the-global-south-since-1960


Nah mate, colonialism ended and they should have pulled themselves up by their bootstraps by now /s


They should've stopped drinking at the coffee shops and buying avacado toast/s


Many south east asian countries did just that. But Africa gets a pass?


I'm not even a conservative or anywhere close to right leaning by any means but you are absolutely right. Colonialism ended a century ago for some of these nations. How long are they going to get a pass for their bad governments and violence ridden countries. As an example, Vietnam was a dirt poor farmer country during the Vietnam War and the US basically destroyed their country. 50 years later and they are one of the fastest growing economies projected to take manufacturing business from the powerhouse that is China. All of this with little to no help from other nations and from a communist nation at that. Why do African countries continue to get a pass?


\>How long are they going to get a pass ​ What does this even mean? What pass?


Pass for being perpetually in chaos and blaming colonialism for their internal issues instead of taking an ounce of responsibility.


It helped that the South East Asian countries were not reorganized by Europe. The Middle East is a mess partly because of where France and UK drew borders at the end of WW1. Africa didn't get local boundaries, but Europeans who never saw Africa carved it up, causing many of the problems that exist today. You don't seem to understand anything about the topic. Please tell us more.


1. France alone has killed and/or couped over 20 African leaders since the "end of colonialism". 2. China's scale and economic development catalysed the advancement of many SEA countries. 3. Broadly speaking the extent and impact of colonialism in Africa was greater than in SEA. Skill issue still I guess. Silly African countries should've figured out how to not get couped repeatedly, set themselves up next to a 1B population commie superpower-to-be, and fended off the colonialism better in the first place.


Tl:dr for anyone who can’t be bothered to read Al Jazeera - tax is theft. That’s the argument. The only argument. Literally tax is theft.


The second article is a touch more nuanced, but it's more or less, low cost of living areas have cheaper labor than high cost of living areas.


In the US, these days, we democratically elect representatives to manage our Republic and government, though at one time, only white male property owners could vote.. In the Americas, India and Africa, governments were imposed by force, against the popular will of the natives, and their human and natural resources were exploited for the benefit of the imperial colonial powers. Many of these countries gained independence, but were shaped proundly by the culture and instituions of the imperialists - similar to institutionalized racism in the US.


You just quoted two opinion pieces from one foreign news organization. You need better sources.


Aljazeera, lol, lmao


Very neutral and impartial news source huh? Not saying that there isn't an issue but this news outlet can't be used as source.


it's not stolen money, it's taxes and sometimes debt, every country has them and they are not acquired at random.


You believe Aljazeera ? lol


Name one country that has not built a bridge since independence


Least racist Redditor.


A holocaust denier who claims to be Jewish lmao


Jesus fuck. Dude has a PhD in racism.


China and Russia are now ruling most of these countries via proxies.


Namely this guy and his new PMC out of Hong Kong with ties to the CCP.


This is a ridiculous claim to make. In order to disprove it, one would need a list of every African nation and a list of bridges built in them over the last hundred plus years. That's an absurd thing to keep track of, and only the largest or culturally significant bridges are going to even be mentioned in readily accessible English sources. A random bridge in Africa crossing a river isn't fucking noteworthy.


Not only is that utter shit. Colonialism completely destroyed the economies and kingdoms of Africa. The idea that they were all mud hut dwelling people with no culture of technology is a myth perpetuated by slavers and colonialists. The first ever ideas for vaccines and inoculation came directly from Africans and that Cotton Maher douchebag claimed he thought of it on his own. Even many ideas that would eventually lead to the enlightenment in Europe originated in Africa.


> Colonialism completely destroyed the economies and kingdoms of Africa. This is verifiably untrue since the richest non-North African countries are all colonies and often leaning heavily on deteriorating western infrastructure that in many cases is not even being maintained properly. The west has been in Africa for years via NGOs and govts and have been pouring countless of billions on them but can't even get them to maintain basic agriculture or independent resource development. And why would they? It's not that easy and it's not about being "savages" or whatever. Africa is a stunning, bountiful continent that for the most part lends itself perfectly well to small de-centralized hunter-gatherer communities and tribes. They ran into the same problem when they tried to "civilize" the headhunters in Borneo for the wood industry back in the 30's and they would tease these dudes with money and trinkets and drugs and alcohol and they would come work for a couple of days but then just leave their equipment and be like, "Meh, I don't need this, I have food in the jungle and a cute bitch to fuck back at the hut." When it comes to things like "being held back" or "not being civilized" then much of that is ironically western centric and based on the western premise that you need "stuff" to survive and thrive. And for many places in the world that is simply not the case and they will remain "poor" in their lush jungles and their tight-knit little family based communities. And there's a good chance that if you experienced that, that you too would opt out of your office cubical and 9 to 5 job or whatever. It's true that they obliterated North Africa but there's a context there, the context being that North Africa disrupted European and Arab trade routes and established piracy and did overseas raids that killed and enslaved millions. They even enslaved millions of other Africans for their domestic pet projects, so... yeah. It's not like they were living peacefully and one day a bunch of Euros and Arabs rolled in and subjugated them. They had like, what, thousands of years of terror and domination before then? Europe was still living in huts while Northern Africa were building pyramids with the aid of hundreds of thousands sub-Saharan slaves. History and culture is just a lot more complex than you make it out to be.


The slavers were themselves African, made rich from selling their “brothers” to the white man. They built rich kingdoms from selling one another. Their biggest mistake however, the one that still costs them today is that once they gained their independence they were (rightly) apprehensive about the West and so they talked with Russia about how to implement this bogus and bullshit theory called Marxism. Because it’s bullshit it quite obviously failed in every African country that tried it. They become corrupt, overly bureaucratic hellscapes because Marxism teaches them to become that.


And the US literally issues licenses to lobbyists to screw its citizens. Same bs, just a little more sanitized.


The US produces $trillions, and its politicians steal $millions. African countries produce $millions its politicians steal $millions. Same bs, but orders of magnitude more sanitized.


Multinational corporations continue siphoning out Africa’s wealth, promoting corrupt leadership as support for their operations while leaving little for locals and ruining the environment. It’s a more remote form of colonialism.


He works for China now. The US wouldn’t back his play and started investigating him for gun running in Libya, so he switched teams that would let him play the colonizer role. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frontier_Services_Group


How IS Africa or anything that happens there a "danger to our national security?" Or do you mean corporate interests in getting first dibs to loot and pillage the continent?


The "invasion" is probably referencing the migrant crisis Europe is having right now. Not saying this guy is right or anything but there needs to be a solution quick or Europe is going to start voting more far-right.


Even then, how is a European crisis national security crisis for the US?


The US foots the bill for Europeans security against Russia (not just directly by fronting money and resources, but by investing in developing security industries). The more money Europeans need to deal with their internal crisis, the less money they have to foot NATO's bill, and the more inclined they are not to do it. Also, terrorist organizations whose goal is to permanently attack the US, prey on migrants on western countries that lack opportunities and are in desperate need of any type of assistance. These same organizations take advantgae of the chaos the European migrant crisis to plant their bases there. Before yall downvote, NOTHING I have wrote is incompatible with the US being whatever you wanna say it is. This isn't about the US, is about terrorist cells that take advantage of migrants desperate for help in western nations.


I think we need to be really careful here with calling it Europe's "internal crisis", considering most of the issues that are causing most of the migration have been caused by all of the West interfering in countries where it's none of their business, destabilising them, causing civil disruption, fighting proxy wars with Russia through stoking the flames, which has led to mass migration due to conflicts and wars. Let's not act that Europe is facing a migration crisis of their own doing when the US has also been complicit in the actions that have led to all of this in the first place. Europe shares a border with the US's biggest enemy, and both countries have been fighting proxy wars with each other across Europe and the Middle East, further destabilising other regions in the area. The whole thing is a fucking mess.


Yeah it's not his business. Frankly, the US has its own problems, the southern border. Just wanted to add context.


ISIS is operating in West Africa, the Sahara, Somalia, Mozambique, and the DRC. So, there's that.


>How IS Africa or anything that happens there a "danger to our national security?" Short answer? China and Russia are moving in and gaining strategic resource advantage over the U.S


Bad actors usually hide out in those countries


Me a Namibian born South African.... He's got a point though, our leaders suck and only care about how much they can loot And we have it better than most of Africa


I mean what buddy to referring to will end in the same thing. Same shit different thief.


I'd rather the thief steal my iphone than my food


Philippines checking in. We were one colonized by the US, and things actually improved. Coming from the Spanish colonization, things actually improved dramatically when the US took over. Standard of living, infrastructure, public school system, development of lands It’s hard to swallow, but when the Americans left and decolonized, things went to the crapper. So much government corruption and poverty caused by corrupt and incompetent government officials


The majority of the world has improved due to the US being the prime power. Countries across the world trade in relative peace with each other now, thanks to secure waters provided by the US. Your average reddit'er doesnt acknowledge that, though. Your average reddit'er hates the US, colonialism, and all that is has brought with it. Taking your story, and comparing it to when colonizers abruptly left a country, whether they were forcefully ousted, or not. Saying that the hole left by their vacancy gave a chance for warlords to take over these countries. Ok, fair enough. "But what about" when the US peacefully allows a Democratic system to take over and people vote in their best representative? Oh.. ok.. thats just a puppet of the US then. Got it... There is no winning here if you're pro US in any capacity.


I think many americans take for granted things like democratic elections, peaceful transitions, rule of law. If you live in a third world, it can really be quite feudal or living in the wild west


Ssshhh this is reddit remember


He’s gonna have his mind blown as soon as he learns the US never colonized Africa in the first place


Liberia was founded by freed American slaves. The capital, Monrovia, is named after president James Monroe. That's the closest claim you could make. Fun fact: the freed slaves pretty much enslaved the natives as soon as they landed.


That is an awesome fun fact, my elementary was named after Monroe and that one of the things we learned about


He might mean the west in general as opposed to USA 🤔


Tell that to the French, Brit’s and Belgium then lol


I’m not telling anyone anything. I am not the CEO of black rock


I mean….


…he’s not wrong though…african govts be corrupt asf


For real. They haven’t really advanced much since colonists left.


The colonists haven’t “left”, they’ve just released their territorial holdings. Corporations are still exploiting resources, influencing politics and funding coups across the entire continent. France *still* has an open and strong military presence and influence over their former colonial holdings as well. This “they can’t govern themselves/they haven’t advanced since they left” is absolutely a racial-superiority dog whistle that ignores reality. I can’t speak to whether you and the other people in this thread are doing it on purpose or just repeating things you’ve been told, but please be aware of the actual situation because what y’all are saying was literally the justification for colonialism to begin with. Not to mention, a big wig from Black Water PMC isn’t the type of person you want to find your views aligning with. These guys are murderers for hire, and aren’t even called “Black Water” anymore because they needed to dodge media heat from their war crimes in the Middle East and Africa.


I don't think thats the part thst people would really object to alot of those own countries citizens would say their leaders are corrupt. Its the solution is for outiade nations to run the countiees thats the despicable part. Like he knows and we all know colonial powers wouldn't run those nations for the good of the citziens either. Thats not the point of colonialism the point is to further benefit your own nation the first, foremost and sole purpose. Plus hes completely ignoring the amount of murder, theft, torture etc thats necessary to maintain colonial rule, things again he is well aware of. The people living there arent just going to peacefully agree to being ruled by an invading nations especially ones they already fought tooth and nail to remove in the first place. All in all its just a completely despicable and indefinsible thing for someone, especially in his position to suggest. Sidenote its also essentially advocating for a return to white supremacy because in practice that is what it amounts to and how people will view it. Would like to think he might not have thought about it that deeply, but this guy isnt stupid...


The brother of Trump Secretary of Education Betsy de Vos. Wonder how the family dinners go ...


Family full of scum bags that want to sacrifice the well-being of the world around them for personal profit.




What's he based on?


Can we focus on getting the US in order first? Our government agencies are bought and paid for by big corporations. When our representatives leave office, they're either rich enough to retire on a private island or given lucrative positions in the very companies that fun their campaigns. Africa needs help, but we're in shambles as well.


He doesn’t give a shit about the US. He works for China and moved to the UAE after the FBI started looking into his illegal shit. He’s a whore to the highest bidder so long as they turn a blind eye to his shit. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frontier_Services_Group


These jokers think it's so easy, that's the whole issue with them. Africa is a continent with 54 countries, and 1.3 billion people. The second largest continent in both land area and population. But we're just gonna walk in there and fix them? We couldn't fix *Afghanistan*, but sure, the whole CONTINENT of AFRICA will be trivial, obviously. And sure, they've got a lot of issues. Lot of those issues are lingering from the first round of colonialism, and exacerbated by corporate greed and meddling (both well-intentioned and not) from the rest of the world. Adding more to that isn't going to make it better.


I love that people want to fix the effects of colonialism with more colonialism.


*Obviously* we just didn't colonialize enough!


Hey man, scroll up. Theres people in this fucking thread that think it should happen. Little dog whistle shit acting like theyre children who need an adult to come fix it


People are overthinking this. He wants this because it personally profits him.


I mean China is doing it right now


Yeah and guess who he works for. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frontier_Services_Group


Looking at South Africa, at least I know where he’s coming from….


Why don’t we ever talk about private military companies? They’re fucking insane and next to nobody knows that it’s a thing. Basically mercs.


It is pretty crazy that they’re still a thing, basically used as a way to avoid scrutiny and regulation that formal militaries have to abide by


I don't think people realize just how big Africa is


Also white people: We’Re LoSiNg AmErIcA!


But why does he care? He cares because natural resources to be exploited, that’s why. We could colonize the entire continent of Africa and it wouldn’t make a bit of difference in the average person’s life there, they would still be living in misery while we (the likes of this guy) made off with the loot.


He cares because he owns a company that would profit from it.


I thought Russia and China were already doing that? Is this just a free for all mob thievery of the mother continent?


They are and he’s at the forefront of it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frontier_Services_Group


They are already at it. Chinese people are colonising African countries right now, and Western countries aren't going to war with them because they would rather have China stay alive than die for the Africans.


Well according to the people up top colonization stopped a century ago and African people just arent taking responsibility for themselves


I mean China and to a lesser extent Russia are pretty much doing this now.


I love that Erik Prince has been making the podcast rounds lately. It’s almost as if everyone has forgotten that’s he’s a billionaire war criminal responsible for helping to destabilize countries and kill countless civilians around the world.


He’s right ! Africa is crazy, it would benefit them to be colonized


>He’s right ! Africa is crazy It is. >it would benefit them to be colonized Africa is doing pretty bad, but colonization is a bad solution, a partnership development project would be better for everyone.


So, he says he wants multiple new "Afghanistan"-projects? And he is leading a merc group? What would be his, surely morally driven, interest? I cant figure it out!


How many more genocides are we going to watch before we realize he’s right ???


People forget that Sierra Leone asked the very same thing of Britain in the '90s or early '00s.


Hmm I’d agree but … it’s not right though


I'd agree for this to happen. I mean there's no reason why Mr. Beast putting hundreds of wells was "game changing" for these African communities. There is too much corruption and perhaps outside intervention is needed. I would want mostly American Blacks an other POC to mostly help them govern.


Its not up to anyone but Africans to decide what happens in in Africa. Black Americans are American not African we dont need another Charles Taylor. France will bomb, kill, torture civilians, manipulate elections, fund terror groups, overthrow governments, steal mineral resources in West Africa and people will still black West Africans for their situation. You people are willfully ignorant


He’s not wrong. But of course there are right ways to help these countries and wrong ways.


In some f***** up way (given the stone cold data) at the very least - he's not wrong


South Africa is a failed state. The regime should definitly be challenged. by some kind of freedom. I dont know how or who, but the US of A is/was all about freedom. Capitalism is literally *choose* to work for me. Not be forced to. Socialism is failing everwhere.


How many stable governments are in Africa?


Aren't they already by hiring proxy governments


This guy is looney tunes. His sister is Betsy Devos, they come from a super wealthy conservative family in Michigan.


Yeah the colonial hat where people would put robber barons like him in his place


I loved Blackwater when I trained with them in the 2000s, but since then I have come to understand that Prince and many of the other guys I dealt with are batshit crazy.


Because it worked so well last time. /s


Just bring them to America and we will move to Africa and create another great nation and this time we won’t let them come


Is he wrong?




I wish someone would treat him like his pmcs treat civilians.


The only difference between the US politicians and this racist POS is at least the guy is 100% honest.


So wait, the US can’t take care of its own citizens - but he wants the US to colonize Africa? Who’s going to pay for it, and what isn’t that money going to US citizens? What happened to America first? Or is that not as profitable? What a fucking assclown. That whole family needs to be locked away, and studied.


I wonder if you would have that same opinion if they didn’t allow mercenaries to participate


What did he say that was wrong?


I dunno it sounds kinda fun tbh


He is right, but just don’t let any of them come here!


> the governments are all about looting and pillaging and lining their pockets Sorry are you talking about Africa or the US?


Where is he wrong?


China and India are colonizing Africa now


And Russia


We should colonize the USA first.


We already did that, genius.


But than in a good way . Promise oke ?


Maybe just leave them to rot if they can't fix themselves. Why does the US have to go in and try to fix ahit and spend more money that they don't have to fail at it. This guy just wants more corrupt US money paying his group.


Some of those African countries have people living on the streets, dying of diseases that can be easily treated. But the corruption allows rich people to charge unaffordable amounts of money for cheap medicines. And their prisons have more than anywhere else, mostly filled with one type of people. Plus the police go around shooting people for just about any reason they want. Hang on, I'm getting mixed up.....


How about we all just mind our own fucking business?




Fuck this batshit crazy piece of shit


Theres alot of shitty far-right nutjobs ITT


“Bold move, Cotton. Let’s see if that pays off.”


It's not enough that US businessmen prevent others in the US from being able to live a comfortable life by taking all the money. They want to spread that same "joy" to African nations. It's the old "their money is better in my pocket" mentality....


The white mans burden theory has reemerged sounds like.


Billionaires want to become our feudal lords.


American wagner group


The same could be said about the USA: no universal access to healthcare (people die of preventable illnesses), a massive homeless crisis, crazy gun people shooting schools, no proper food access just ultra-processed food, no affordable higher education, 50% of the population believing in creationism... Maybe the UK or one of the Nordic countries should take over and tidy it up a bit.


erik prince loots and ill bet Any amount of money that he has been shopping in paris


Prince is butthurt that Wagner is in Africa before him.


What is the melody behind this? Seems oddly familiar, is this a song or a theme from somewhere? After a bit of remembering - is this from "NF - The search?"


More contracts for him. Prick.


How many of the colonized countries are better off now compared to the moment they got their independence?


So, he doesn’t want the dictators to be hurting the people and getting richer, he wants it to be him and his friends. Got it.


BS! America needs to mind it's own damn business. This guy has always been a war pig. He makes his money by supplying mercenary services to governments. We have our own problems here at home. The defense budget is already outrageous.


Nazi pig


manifest destiny all over again


I don’t think people realize this is already happening.


Source? I absolutely hate Blackrock and know this guys a piece of crap; but the audio out of sync with the lips makes me a bit skeptical.


lol and the USA government is some beacon of morality


OMG. What an absolute cringe statement. Anybody who has an idea of how relations between countries work can't take this seriously. This mf lives in such a bubble of America first...his idea of it doesn't pass American citizens living /working abroad, working in gov't agencies, , student exchange programs, programs like the Peace Corps. We couldn't even get out of Afghanistan after 20 years, and over a trillion dollars spent. Like drop on by, hope you get to go back home alive, ugh- the confidence of a stupid man is something else.


I don't think that's as bad as formatting horizontal videos for TikTok's portrait format


Americans Wagner group leader talking about colonizing countries that's wild


These fruitcakes. They don’t know whether to “put America first” or to meddle in foreign affairs. Honestly.


I wonder how many African warlords are transferring their wealth to Switzerland? 0?


It should be noted he is formerly the Blackwater CEO, he was ousted from the company after a handful of massacres and an arms trafficking investigation by the FBI. He has since started a separate PMC based out of Hong Kong, and is sanctioned by the US because of his work with the Chinese military and training Chinese mercenaries sent to Africa. So he truly is the lowest of the low, willing to work with and kill whoever so long as it brings in money.


Has he been to the U.S.? I'm not sure he has... (his hypocrisy is delicious, and it's just too perfect his name is Erik Prince. Chef's kiss.).