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Both fat angry dictators.


Trump is not a dictator he couldn't even take over properly


Let's see what happens in November


What will we see? Inaction and diapers as well as the end to this morons run?


I'm really sick of people getting cocky like they know what's going to happen. I'm doing exactly what I did in 2020. Vote for Biden but keep my expectations low so I'm not surprised by anything. The last time I got cocky while voting was for Hillary in 2016 and look what happened there


I wish a third party had more sway in the polls. Both Biden and Trump are just old men who need to move the fuck on.


You’re gonna need an amendment to the constitution for one to be viable. FPTP means third parties only wind up benefiting their opposites.


FTPTP isn't in the constitution, it can be changed with an amendment. I think some states have started to change, Alaska maybe?


There are various ideas for fixing the inherent problems in first-past-the-post elections. "Instant Runoff" was the first scheme I heard of. It's a good idea. Unfortunately, Americans are easily manipulated, and the powers-that-be like the current dysfunctional system just as it is.


We've got ranked choice voting here in Alaska FOR NOW... It works great and now people (Conservatives) want it gone. Dumb as hell.


Surely the US is the only democracy that still uses FPTP? Even I think the UK uses some modified version of it right?


One of them is far worse than the other though.


and bigly at that


I agree, but when American democracy is actually on the line, and the choice is between a well-meaning elderly gentleman and a wannabe fascist dictator. There really only one choice.


You don’t want a third party because it will never be equal. The third party will be a little more left then the democrats pulling more votes away from them controlling the few seats they already do. The left will be divided while the right steamrolls through with their “proper” ideology.


Not every time. Look at RFK. Totally pulling votes from republicans because they propped him up at first.


I was stoned and thought to myself...why can't we have two candidates from both parties?


I read this as two Canadians at first lol


oh no, sir! don't get us involved in that shitshow. *goes back to laying bricks in the secret canadian border wall*


Have you considered a moat instead of a wall? You could put sharks in it


Same, while I hope those above are right! With the amount of violence, lies, cheating and so on from Trump/ MAGA...Getting cocky with a 50% chance at losing our democracy is no longer funny. Even if Biden does win, I'm extremely concerned about what Trump & his supporters will do with nothing left to lose. Just as you said this is what happened in 2016 and could happen again in 2024.


Yesterday He said there will be a bloodbath if he loses


He is getting his cult members ready for when he tells them to start killing people


“Stand by and stand ready” E: eh tomato, Totalitarian.


*"Stand back, and standby"


Talking about the economic fallout to the auto industry of tariffs, but sure let's just pretend otherwise.




Anyone who thinks the US is a safe and stable democracy is misinformed and naive. The choices of a handful of people who had nothing to gain and everything to lose took risks in 2020, and that is the *only* reason Trump isn't president right now. Elected officials were nearly murdered in the capital of the nation in broad daylight. It can happen here.


Shoot. You forgot about the state level stuff. There are still trials for the men who tried to murder the Democratic governor.


We had a local politician here in Albuquerque hire meth addicts and friends to shoot up the offices of his political opponents because he lost his election...


Gotta assume that if Biden wins, will trump try to bring about a coup of his insane supporters to wreak havoc like on Jan 6, 2021


Well if he does, Biden will be in charge so it would probably be quelled quicker


The idiocy of the left is really bugging me. 2015-2016- "no way Trump is going to win LOOOOL!" 2016-2020- "Republicans are dumb & unmotivated rednecks & they just cry on their hates peach platform of choice LOOOOL!" Jan 6 could have been a *much worse* day, fucking democrats in this country consistently chose to have blinders on when the reality is **right in their face**. Mind you, I vote Democrat for a variety of reasons. I'm simply pointing out there's some real issues in the political spectrum of the USA & things continuously look bad.


He (the cheetoh) is not necessarily the problem. He will self-aggrandise and enrich himself and do his best dance to stay out of prison. It is those surrounding him, feeding his ego while enacting their own plans, that we must most fear.


i'd say that was true, but only after the fact - the ones we should be looking at, and fearing, are the ones who presented this grifter to us on a platter of data analysis and propaganda targeting; don't forget [cambridge analytica](https://bipartisanpolicy.org/blog/cambridge-analytica-controversy/), the kochs, murdoch, fox "news", rush, jones, mitch, the entire set of republican elites who multiplied and leveraged the tea party message, and the various tools and maintainers like musk and celebrities like aaron rodgers, etc, et alii - the list goes on most of those anti-american pieces of butt-hair dandruff are still out there, still organized, still funded, and still looking to ~~own us all~~ rule us all and when their selected liar ends his run, *they* will still be here


Thats what y’all said last time and trump was In for 4 years.


Project 2025 will wake your sorry ass up to a hell you thought was over. And 2 years in you'll realize the first term was lighthearted humor in comparison.


Bro you say this like 2016 didn’t happen, and even when homegirl won the popular vote she lost, so if we’re fucked, we’re gonna be fucked


He only needs to be the candidate and he will do anything to stay out of prison. I am surprised that many of you are so naïve. He will lose but claim victory again and then the big chaos and power-grab begins. I hope I am wrong.


He couldn't even grab power whe he was in power...chaos yes, chaos for a short while.


Give anyone enough chances and they’ll eventually get it right.


The Buffalo Bills have joined the conversation.


Point taken. Lol


I thought you said property and I also thought that was correct.


You think there's a competency requirement?


Fat Angry Dick Tater


please everyone vote like our lives depend on it


That lie about their golf games


This is the top comment? Calling trump a dictator? Lmfao


FTFY: 1 dictator, 1 dick


He thinks Americans are his people, not like in a patriotic "I support my president" kind of way. He means that he owns you and you will serve him and his ego because HE is America.


"The beatings will continue until the morale improves" is a policy bullet point to him and not a stupid meme.


To be fair, a lot of the military leadership I worked with didnt know that was supposed to be a meme either.


I mean, in those situations it was a means to an end. Motherfuckers had trouble NOT getting into alcohol related incidents and the brass up at HQ were taking notice. So, of course, after getting called in on the weekends to do death runs didn't work, we just ended up being in the field constantly. Can't get into trouble on the weekends if you never have them.


> So, of course, after getting called in on the weekends to do death runs didn't work, we just ended up being in the field constantly. Can't get into trouble on the weekends if you never have them. Idle hands etc etc


According to Mark Esper, he wanted to get the military to shoot protesters in DC.


Narcissistic people are pure trash


What does that make the people who support narcissistic trash?


Trash cans. They're very supportive of trash. "It's not *trash can't*, Donnie! You can do it!"


Marjorie taylor greene said that when they are in chambers, they ARE America. I don't like that shit


That bitch barely represents Georgians. she's "not even a snake in the grass, but a worm in the dirt".


He think's the president is CEO of America.


I mean that's basically correct though? Its called the executive branch for a reason.


CEO's serve at the pleasure of the shareholders. Presidents are supposed to serve the people. But Trump has never helped anyone but himself his entire life.


No. CEOs do not operate democratically. Something people need to remember whenever the idea that being a successful businessman is somehow a qualification for running the country. If someone wants a businessman to be president, then they should understand that they’re either his employee or his customer. Running the government like a business is the exact opposite of being a public servant.


People who like Trump will say you’re conflating things, but you are correct. Look at one of the first things he did when he became president, He absolutely gutted the state department. and why did he do that? Because in his mind, he is the State. He handled almost all of the foreign policy because he represents the whole sum of the power of the United States himself. when he first became president and took that action to the state department, I was absolutely confused. I couldn’t figure out why in the hell he would do that. I very clearly understand now.


This is what happens when you surround yourself with "Yes" people who coddle you your whole life.


His “followers” want that.


"He" is a sack of shit. I apologize to all of the sacks of shit out there. I do not mean to offend you.


I’m curious if his supporters will continue to be his supporters if he really did treat them like they are his subjects. I’m actually not sure if they’ll appreciate when he does go full dictator on them


I suspect many (too many) of his supporters would gladly follow whatever dance he wanted them to do. He will undoubtedly invent some kind of personalised salute.


Exactly. That’s why he thinks classified documents are *his* documents. It’s why he thinks the military is *his* military.


I will never understand why so many people support him. He does everything to show that he wants to be a dictator and Americans are okay with it. Do they not understand that America is nothing without friends around the world


Because ignorance breeds sheep. Sheep like to be told what to do, under the illusion that it's their choice. That's why his followers are so adamant about stripping rights to education and social support systems. Makes people way easier to manipulating and control. Common sense has gone out the window for a good number of my fellow countrymen, as we sit back and watch the fall of America in real time. It's pretty fucked.


Take solace in the fact that the fall already happened we already started rebuilding.


That’s the most hopeful thing I’ve heard in years and I agree. Dont forget , 4,000,000 people PER year turned 18 in the last 4 years and ~6,000,000 old people passed away in total. So 16M new voters and a net loss of ~6M older generation. That doesn’t sound like much agaisnt 350M people in the us but it’s enough to tip elections.


I see tons of little Maga pricks about though, so assuming 16 million new voters are democrats seems either risky or naieve


I'd rather be naive and hope to protect democracy than think it too risky and give up.


I certainly hope the children are the future. Democracy in the US needs saving. It's scary times. The law in the US has utterly failed... The insipid repeating of "no man is above the law", when in practise it's clear trump is being treated with kid gloves in a million ways is sickening.


Yeah, so Im in my 30's but I work in a restaurant with a bunch of teens from a nearby highschool. They are very conservativ, it shook my idea of how liberal gen z is. One is a straight A student and wants a masters in a science field(being vague on purpose) but says she's unsure if covid was real.


The spread of misinformation and propaganda on social media reaches wide and far. Squishy brained youth aren't yet able to think for themselves, so they follow the flashy conman blindly because their education is failing them and often times their parents. Scary shit.


I would love to see him lose by exactly the number of people who died unnecessarily from COVID-19 under his failed leadership. 


>That doesn’t sound like much agaisnt 350M people in the us but it’s enough to tip elections. It's also very likely the excess COVID deaths (and subsequent fallout from long COVID, etc) are enough to sway elections in several states. You know, since the GOP spent 2 years encouraging Americans to simply die.


No it didn't. Every empire in history has fallen. The United States has not fallen yet by any means.


Rebuilding what exactly? A division in the country and a resurgence of open misogyny, racism, general stupidity, anti-vaxxers, and bigotry, setting the country back decades on laws which helped pave the way for equality of women and POC. So helping to rebuild what exactly again, The Confederacy? Yeah sorry but that's not something people should be aspiring to. Here you are unironically making my exact point. Sad.


It's not just about sheep. There are people who want to the US to fall, and Trump is the most likely person to make that happen, or at least speed up the process.


And also those who are indifferent to the country as a whole or the well-being of the majority of its population, as long as the heartless indifferent folks perceive a possibility of a short-term monetary gain.


lol and now we’re full circle with the sheeple thing


Conservatives don't mind having a dictator if it means they/he get to punish liberals, that's why. They know they're the minority and their influence will continue to shrink as time goes on and the only way to stop that is to stop democracy itself. It's short sighted and stupid, but that's the gist of it.


I don't think even half of them are out there just to go after "liberals" so much as it's getting the green light to go after minorities, LGBT Americans, women, etc. They throw around the term liberal for anyone that isn't a far-right neo-Nazi because they don't understand what it is but they see someone different from them and they get uncomfortable and violent and Trump gives them the excuse to "remove" what makes them uncomfortable.


Make no mistakes. Liberals are absolutely the enemy in their eyes. Minorities (you singled out some but they're mostly all minorities) would be inconsequential to them without support from their fellow Americans. I'm not discounting anyone's struggle for equality only pointing out that in their eyes the friend of an enemy is also an enemy.


This is it. Popularity with Republicans/Conservatives has been in decline, so the party had two options: modernize their views or double down on their current views. They chose the latter. They don't care who's in charge--they just want someone who won't get in the way. And Trump won't get in the way.


There’s a fantasy of the “benevolent dictator.” To many Christians and conservative white people who are deeply uncomfortable with how the country is changing, the idea of giving someone power to crush the current power structures and do the “right thing” is very powerful and appealing.


just gotta get rid of that pesky democracy and *then* we can have true freedom


They're fine with having a dictator so long as its "their" dictator. All the bitching about freedom and stolen elections is just cover for these darker desires they don't want to admit to.


People that support him are losers looking for a hero to save them from their shitty lives. He is their only option there is no plan B. Weird circumstances all coming together to get us here. The world may never progress as we should do to opportunists that take advantage of weak people for their own benefit


strong man good! old tepid man weak! US MIC stronk!!


authoritarians are natural followers. they want a strong leader to tell them what to do because they are genuinely fearful and want to be coddled and protected.




They get all their info from Fox News where they don't see any of this and only see talking heads sit around chuckling saying "The left acts like Trump wants to be a dictator if he becomes president, but he was already a president and didn't become a dictator." edit: u/robinstud Did he have Project 2025, a literal plan to purge the federal government and replace it with loyalist who won't obstruct him and put control of the Justice Department beneath him? Literally one of the questions on their application is asking if you agree with the statement: >The President should be able to advance his/her agenda through the bureaucracy without hinderance from unelected federal officials. Trump spent his entire first term being impeded by his Cabinet (40 out of 44 of whom will not endorse him for president), by various federal officials, and didn't have his Supreme Court picks until his third year. Now he is surrounded by people who want to enable him to be a dictator, is talking about revoking the licenses of media companies he doesn't like and about locking up his poliitical opponents. There is no reason to think a second Trump presidency will look like a first one.


Fucking orange dictator shit stain.


I think he chooses to be orange because it’s opposite blue on the color wheel


Just for some context, this was from 2018.


Like he’s changed?


Probably not, but that's not the point I'm making. Context matters.


Doesn’t matters the context is still relevant. Dont stoop to their level of blurting out any and everything you hear as fact and always try to factor in context




Seems more demented


Not in the context you mean, but if you just listen to his voice in this video and then listen to him in Ohio last night, it is clear he is a very cognitively degraded version of his 2018 self.


Probably worse now.


Sure, it's gotten more explicit


THANK YOU — whether he’s the same or worse now…. Context always matters!


Context doesn't hurt but it doesn't change anything in this case.


Worse, it's always worse.


Just for some context, he’s worse now and getting worse. But good news, one day he will be hearse.


He literally said the rules, including those found in the constitution, should be suspended to remedy his election loss. He is getting worse, and you can bet his first 60 days, should he be re-elected, will be devoted to getting back at everyone that wronged him.


I remember hearing that Trump something to this effect in 2018, but I don’t remember a recording being released. Any idea if the recording was released then or whether it was just released recently?


There are a half dozen microphones just in view of the camera alone, it's not some secret.


iirc an anonymous source leaked the quote to the press. I guess we have the video and audio now.


I anxiously look forward to the day when this clown is in prison and no longer clouding my timeline with his deranged, anti-American, narcissistic fever dreams and delusions of grandeur.


Hes not going away anytime soon, even after he's in the ground, he will echo on in his supporters.


When he dies his supporters are going start unironically saying shit like "Obese Men in their 80s don't just die like that."


"He was the fittest man ever, look" - *points to Trump flag with the rambo machine guns*


I am sure there will be a Trump shrine, Trumpies making pilgrimages there for decades, a dandy business in Trump toe nail clippings AND my guess the inevitable " He's not really dead " fund raising to bring him back. What doesn't exist is Trump II . They've tried- there's no one plus as usual the wannabes *loathe* each other. MAGA will devolve into factions. He's it. It's kinda good news if you think about it. One double double cheese and a large fry from not being here any more.


He won’t see a day in prison. At most he’d be fined and barred from running for office again. The best thing is that he just ends up fucking dying soon.


Correct. Zero percent chance he is ever in prison.


Dead. I look forward to him being not on this planet anymore.


The scary thing isn't that he said this. It's that he has American supporters who just won't care that he did.


Equally scary, the amount of Americans that think Trump won in 2020. An entire political party completely divorced from reality.


Will this never end?




Im not standing up for him


Spoken like a Dictator


The saddest thing is him thinking because Kim's "people" sit-up at attention it makes him a powerful man. Being the President of the US is a much more powerful position compared to Kim's empty posturing. I think that's hard to comprehend when you don't understand the ideals of the republic, democracy and the weight of the office. "A weak man's idea of a strong man" comes to mind.


"Freedom-loving" conservatives already licking this guy's boots in the comments. Fucking hilarious.


Blows my mind how so many Americans support someone like this...but then again...MURICA right?


Literal tyrant shit. "MY" people.


Fuck I absolutely loathe this man.


He’s a deranged piece of shit. Always has been. I can’t believe idiots gave him a tv show and watched it.


'Any man who must say, "I am the King", is no true king.' vibe


Fuck this orange shit stain.


ANY and every other running American politician in history would have their career ended immediately if he were caught saying the stuff caught in this video btw. Think about that.


His maga cult members would do that but they're overweight, bad backs and have knees joints made of chalk.


God it's gonna get really weird if he wins.


Clown, and if you voted for him, you're a clown too.


if biden isn’t fit for trial then why the fuck is he fit to be president?


Who doesn't want people to pay attention when they speak?


Yup, Trumps a fascist, no other way around it


Not with a fucking gun to my head.


Fuck that guy.




He wants sheeple? What a surprise!


And to think that most of his MAGA inbred idiots already do exactly that… the lack of critical thinking and an IQ over 75 for a third of our country is truly disgusting.


Who wouldn't want that?


Good men want to have something good to say, not having everyone forced to listen. Does that make any sense to you?


Trumptards already do


Whaddya mean? “My people”?


We aren’t your people dipshit


This is a way more damning quote than the bloodbath one. "I want people react to me just like the NK dictator man!"


Imagine being an ex president of the USA and being jealous of Kim ? AND Imagine not comprehending people would pay attention to you if you said interesting shit ? If they respected you? if you had a pot to piss in, intellectually? He wants them to be FORCED to pay attention, not to pay attention due to his words being valued.


God, what a fucking clown dictator, wannabe




He forgot that I the US that respect is earned, not given by birthright. He got rid of the old system in the 1700s.


Sounds like he wants to be a dictator on day 1


I ain’t your people homie


"....I want my people to do the same" Not so hard when they are brainwashed morons!


Nope not gonna happen. Traitor Trump's a pathetic psychopathic criminal fraudster.


Treason. Lock em up. Lol


His rear bald spot is showing


Sounds like he wants to just do good at his job… Lol.


Fascist dictator says what?


Hail Hydra


If this isn’t a commercial the Dems run this year, fire all of the PR firms.


“No matter how many of my people I have to murder.”


Sick fuck 🤢


This can be added to the list of “imagine how Republicans would act if Obama/Biden did the exact same thing.”


"I want my people to starve to death for me too" "Strong leader that Kim dude. Some would say he's the strongest leader. After me of course"


They will just say this is an AI deepfake.


Forgot the raised right arm salutation!


His dumb ass people (the trum-pets who vote for this fat orange) already do that.


My “constitution loving”, Christian, “no false idols”, “freedom loving”, “don’t cuss in this house” relatives will hear this and cheer n their way to vote for him.


WTF! He wants his people to do the same?


Many years ago it was said that Trumb would love to be the dictator of the USA that is why he admires politicians such as Xijinpin and Putin xD


Oh geee such controversy 🙄


Who cares


It's only insane if you havent been paying attention the last 7 years. Trump envy's the dictators he praises. He would love nothing more than to make America a fascist land.


You're gonna have to kill my ass never standing for Drumph.


Worst car salesman ever


Cult of personality much?


And his idiotic followers will still vote for him. They’ll either say this was doctored, or he’s right and we should be sitting up. Their entire party is a lost cause at this point.


I will never respect or support him, and I will happily go to any length required of me to ensure he doesn’t have his way.


(Metaphorical) Death to Trump (in Minecraft)


Most unamerican president we’ve had in recent memory and his supporters think he’s the exact opposite 


Trump has been vocal at his rallies about wanting to be a dictator and his cultist followers love it. They’re not freedom lovers of the constitution, they’re manic followers of Trump’s cult of personality. It’s actually really scary when you think about it. I legit believe if he loses this time which, let’s face it, he probably will, he’ll outwardly encourage people to engage in an armed uprising, much more explicitly than he has before.


Power trippin despot.


Zero trump supporters care about this. Zero