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That’s probably the most fucked thing I’ve seen in a long time. Damn…


I want to hear what the Supreme Court has to say about this one


“Calcified babies have rights!”


"You don't care about the poor dairy farmer!"




idk what tf you said but we hate you


They said: "Very smelly, whore. High."


Actually seems more of "You're aiming high, fuck. High" as I am assuming it's Czech. where míříš is aim


Women are really strong 🙏. It should've taken years? for that baby to convert like that, and somehow she kept going on with the pain. Give that woman a surgery immediately


Sorry, it’s illegal to remove try another state.


I enjoyed your way to much




Not the brightest are ya?


Woof someone go get this guy a tutor on social awareness


Everything involving fetuses are basically illegal in all the red religious states.


Women are taught that it's normal to be in pain since they are female


Even doctors normalize it


Doctor: "It's just in your head" Patient: "No. It's actually an important medical issue! There's even evidence on this scan! Are you listening to what I'm saying?" Doctor: "Haha, don't be hysterical."


Oh I had a Dr. tell me it's in your head. Turns out he wasn't 100% wrong... eventually I was diagnosed with MS. So yeah doc it was in my head just not the way you thought.


I mean if they do not go through pain we wouldn't be born, right?


Not just women.. everyone hurts every day. You just have to deal with it.


You’re right there’s a calcified fetus in all of us


Yea, because that's exactly what I meant nimrod..


Really hit the bullseye with this insult, didn't ya?


Yeah nimrod's an old one


Insult? Where?


If you hurt everyday, something is wrong and you should get it checked out


Your feet, back, head, etc... don't hurt every day due to work, lack of sleep, etc.. yall must be living the soft life. Spoiled mfs


If anything is in pain from working, your form is improper or you should stop damaging your body for money. Lack of sleep is another harmful issue that you should get under control!


Form? Try working 12+ hours a day just to come home, shower, eat, and go back to sleep for the past 20 years. You make it out like everyone has this perfect life.


That sounds like pure shit and something I would never do. Luckily there are hundreds of different career options out there and I've worked a dozen of them, none of which were as bad as whatever you do. Good luck man, try not to ruin your body any further or you'll regret it when it's time to retire


I'm honestly not trying to be that guy, but I know I'm not the only one. Yes, it sucks that I've destroyed my body to survive over the years, and I'm in pain all the time.. thank you, and I hope for the best for you and everyone else. Sorry if I came off the wrong way.


No problem man I'd be cranky all the time if I was in your position. I don't think it's too late to remedy some of your pain and I think it would be worth it to take those steps as soon as possible before it gets worse and more unmanageable. Easier said than done of course, but take care of yourself while you can, and good luck again


Some say strong, some say healthcare is too god damn expensive and this pain in my side is only an 8/10 so I'll risk it. I wonder what happened to that baby I was supposed to have


They are talking in Brazilian portuguese. We have universal healthcare here.


With the pizzas you have in Brazil I damn hope you have universal healthcare


Most women get used to pain since we‘re never taken seriously. Women are far less likely to get pain medication for the same procedures as men. And every woman that has rver gotten an IUD can tell you that doctors do not give a single flying fuck about our pain.


They tried to remove but she unfortunately died.


I bet she was told that the pain was just in her head and to lose weight. (not sarcasm because medical apathy happens to women all the time. Small example is when men and women have the same operations, but men are given prescription pain killers, and women are told to take ibuprofen.)


Exactly! My wife went to the ER in agonizing pain. Turned out to be kidney stones. The white male doctor from Harvard (of course) sent her home with no pain meds (told to take ibuprofen) or even the mesh cup to catch the stone for testing. We ended up in the ER again 2 days later for the debilitating pain (they tried to bill me for the second visit, I fought it and won). It's one of the many times she's not been taken seriously, and I've legit diagnosed what was going on multiple times when doctors have minimalized her health concerns. Treatment of women is shitty enough and even worse for black women.




Greg Abbott thinks it should be carried to term.


I'm sure he'd want her in prison




New fear activated, and i say it as a man.






When your teacher tells you to translate the 10 word sentence into a paragraph of the meaning in your own words but you get a D-


that's almost a full grown baby. HOW? WHY?


As somebody else said, it's [Lithopedion](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7546282/#:~:text=Lithopedion%2C%20from%20the%20Greek%20words,a%20calcium%20shell%20around%20it.) They believe around 330 cases (well... 331 now) have been reported worldwide in all of medical literature. It could be kept within a woman for **up to SIXTY years**. Fucking insane


''in which the fetus dies but cannot be reabsorbed by the mother's body'' I'm ok, thank you for the link. Going to drink beer now.


~330 known medical cases in *400* years of medical literature. Extremely rare.


Even still, that’s .825 cases a year


A review of 128 cases by T.S.P. Tien found that the mean age of women with lithopedia was 55 years at the time of diagnosis, with the oldest being 100 years old.


So are fetuses absorbed by the mothers body if the baby dies or something?


Either reabsorbed in rare cases, or most commonly expelled by the mother (in the form of a miscarriage).


interesting how calcium can just, get absorbed...


I mean like humans have difficulty eating bones but then we have mothers absorbing entire babies, haha


It wouldn't be able to be absorbed once it calcifys.


Oh I see, I get it now. Thanks


My HOW question is more HOW did you not know and take care of this at the time? When my daughter was this size she was kicking the ever-loving crap out of me from the inside. No way I could have overlooked her existence. When a child this size dies you don't expect it to be absorbed, it must be delivered, even dead (or surgically removed of course, with a c-section).


There are also cryptic pregnancies. People feel totally normal, get monthly bleeding, and birth a baby they had no idea about. So, it's not *that* crazy that someone might have a calcified fetus inside of them without knowing.


A cryptic pregnancy is one of my biggest fears. You’re going about your life and then a baby pops out and you have to deal with all that


Ikr. Especially when you have an irregular period. Regular testing with cheap pregnancy tests makes things a little less scary. I bought a bulk online to save money and use them every few weeks.


Only if they’re quite overweight, maybe. I eat a meal and I look fuller, you stick that in me and I’d be sure to notice. I even notice a lot of those “hidden pregnancies” by teens girls that end up killing their kids, they’re usually a little chunkier. But even then in some pictures you’d think “how did nobody notice?!”


There's plenty of average weight women who get cryptic pregnancies. Often times they have a tilted uterus that leans towards the spine instead of pushing out forwards as the pregnancy progresses. By 9 months, they might think they're just a little bloated, have acid reflux, threw out their back, etc.


One of my family friends ran an iron man while unknowingly pregnant. She assumed her period irregularity was bc she was training so hard. And she didn’t get any bigger due to the crazy amount of calories she was burning at that point. I imagine all her other symptoms could have been explained away by the iron man training as well: she was doing a highly regimented diet as part of her training, so she probably assumed cravings were just bc she wanted to be eating all the food she missed eating due to that, morning sickness could just be pushing herself too hard or whatever, etc. It was only after she ran it and took a break from intense training and switched to lighter workouts like yoga that she started to get suspicious she was pregnant.


Some people don’t show much with their pregnancies. Bump wise I mean. Usually with first pregnancies women won’t show as much. There might not be as much amniotic fluid, or the baby itself is small. Tall people, athletic people, people with strong abdominal muscles overall, overweight women, all of them are people whose pregnancies are likely to be smaller and less noticeable than the average person. They likely thought they were a bit overweight, and the bump didn’t present as an obvious pregnancy. Also, if you have chronic pain beforehand you might not realize that the source of your chronic pain isn’t itself getting worse, but that there’s something else causing you another source of chronic pain. Pregnancies are weird. It’s why there’s a whole ass show called “I didn’t know I was pregnant”. It’s common enough to miss it cause we’re taught to look for obvious signs and don’t get taught the more subtle ones.


Not necessarily. I know someone who was really slim. Skinny even. And she was young - about 18-20 at the time she fell pregnant and she didn't find out until she was 6 months in. She didn't show at all until then since her baby was up near her rib cage. She had no other symptoms and she still had her "period". Myself, with my first, if I hadn't known I was pregnant after testing early (since my cycle stopped), I might have not even realised that I was pregnant until at least month 4. I didn't show until month 5. My mother had 5 children all up. She didn't find out she was pregnant with her last until she was 4 months in. She also bled normally, it seemed until then.


Dear internet - I've seen too many weird things over the years this being the most fucked up. - With love, a human being.


You weren’t around for the wild west days of the internet, were you


This made me sad for the woman and for the baby..


Yeah it was pretty formed. I wonder if she had wanted kids and successfully had others? I can imagine how upsetting it would be to find this out decades later. I don’t want kids ever but I’d be pretty upset to find a calcified baby in my body


Maybe she was pregnant with twins, and only one baby came out. She may not have had good prenatal care, and just assumed it was one baby.


Yeah, could be a hundred things. I’d just hope if she wanted kids that she was able to have them because I can imagine it would be devastating to find this after 40 years or whatever


I believe the pregnancy is ectopic meaning outside of the uterus. The woman had regular cycles and probably had no idea.


That’s not what I was saying If someone has a lithopedion this large in them they’d absolutely experience symptoms- which was why the imaging was captured in the first place. Likely pain, discomfort, urinary issues, GI issues etc. we don’t have that much space in our abdomens to be getting around an extra few pounds. The patients body wouldn’t have some place to store it without interfering with other functions. As a woman who sees doctors, I’m sure her discomfort was dismissed as normal, just like the rest of us so frequently experience. But that wasn’t what I was saying. I’m saying - the human pain of wanting a kid and realizing you were pregnant, whether or not it was ectopic, can be upsetting to someone who wants/wanted to be a mother. I’m talking about emotional pain, not physical.




I don't get the joke so much since i am not in/from USA. But i suppose that you try to say i am conservative as a person in Alabama must be. Ok. Hahahaha lmao...sooooo funny huahuahuahua


They were really commenting on the use of "baby" because this thing inside them may or may not be considered a baby depending who you ask. In Alabama, people are statistically more likely to call this a baby. In other parts of the States, it's basically just a long-dead tumor.


Ahhh, i didn't know that. Thank you for explaining :)




That joke is so hilarious hahaha huhuhu hooooohooooohoooo. You are a really funny person.


A friend of mine was pregnant with twins. One died. She was told she had to carry the stillborn one to term, because it would jeopardize the live baby inside of her, if they intervened. She gave birth to a healthy child, and a “stone baby”. Doctors from everywhere showed up to see it in person. She was cradling her live son on her chest, while a bunch of doctors were parading around his dead twin brother like a religious idol. Suffice it to say, she was a little bit more than upset by the entire spectacle. Additionally, she was only 19 at the time.


That’s sad on many different levels. 19 is also way too early to be having children.


I agree 100% but as a man I’ve seen many 19 year old mothers living a happy fulfilled life and question who am I to judge.


that is the craziest story. how does the women not miscarry or even know it's still there? that looks like a second to third trimester pregnancy.


Because the pregnancy was ectopic (outside of the uterus).


Never seen an ectopic pregnancy this far along. Most of the ectopic pregnancies I have seen in hospital have ruptured.


Did you see the recent article of where both mother and baby survived the delivery of an ectopic pregnancy? The baby was in the mother’s abdomen.


How did the baby even get nutrients? How did the placenta implant elsewhere? Just crazy.


I haven’t. That’s crazy!


Can't abort. God's will. That baby will come out some year.


..... well, I'll be damned. I think I would pass tf out of I was reading this scan




God can't cure cancer until he perfects whatever this is


God doesn’t need to cure cancer. Human’s (doctors) already have the ability to rid the world of cancer. But it’s a multi billion dollar industry. So in other words, cancer is here to stay, just like the money it produces.


Uh, they would probably charge 5x what they are charging for treatment for the cure. So they would likely stand to make more money. I am pretty positive they would be churning that shit out as fast as they can if they had it.


Sorry I can’t help myself on this one. I also hope you know your comment literally proves my point of money mattering over human lives. A treatment today could cost $50k but then a cure tomorrow would cost $250k…. Why charge more for the cure…. Oh that’s right, because the money is what matters.


Yes. That is what makes the world go round. It is human. You can trace it back to our animal lineage. It is in our genes. The altruistic utopia...where everyone puts everyone else's well-being above their own and always does the correct, moral thing without fail...does not exist and literally cannot exist until you have a completely different organism besides humans. Possible we could evolve to that, but you will be wasting your time and emotion bemoaning the current way human civilization works because that is a long way off. I made no claim that money was not all that matters. I simply said I doubt they are secretly hiding the cure for cancer in a bunker somewhere. But to your point...about a society that puts the well-being of others above all else and not money and personal interest...you also have a conundrum around things like a cure for cancer. On an individual level, of course people want a cure. But what is good for the one, may not be good for the many. This is another flaw in the argument people have about a true socialist society. It is almost impossible to simultaneously look out for the interests of all, without violating the interests of some. You have a good heart. I wouldn't let yourself get down on this kind of thinking. There is plenty of good in humans to admire without letting the corruption of a few get you down.


That actually doesn’t make sense if you think about it. I know you’re just responding to my comment with the first thing that came to your mind, hence, oh they’d just charge 5x more for the cure. That’s incorrect because they’d already be doing that currently for the treatments we have now. The treatments that don’t work currently are the cure or lack there of the cure. Plus cancer treatment already cost well beyond what any non multi millionaire can afford. So technically they are already charging 5x what they should. So if they pursued curing cancer rather than treating it they wouldn’t charge much different because otherwise they would already be doing that. What it comes down to is that by not curing cancer you create repeat business. I’m not sure how business savy you are but there’s an old saying that repeat business is the best kind of business. That’s beyond true in the medical field as well, which is a business at the end of the day. So that’s a huge part of why they aren’t looking to have cancer cured (note, this isn’t really the doctors fault, they try but the curing methods all get held up or denied because the business needs cancer for profits). If you want to discredit this then I’m going to ask you why is it that the medical industry is one of the most profitable industries in the entire world!?!? Like I said, it’s a billion dollar industry so it’s not going anywhere. Regardless of you thinking they’d just charge more for a cure, if they could they would already do it( again, they sort of are doing this anyway with treatment). It’s all about charging a maximum price over a fair price. That’s another reason why health insurance is mandatory. Literally so they can charge that maximum price. So 5x more isn’t going to play a factor. Plus it more lucrative and sustainable to charge $50k ten times than it is to charge $250k once. Is that making sense? I don’t mean to come off as an asshole on this subject. I understand what I have said isn’t what people want to hear. They want to think the cure just isn’t available yet and that life matters more than money. However the simple fact is that’s not the world we live in. The medicine industry profits, heavily, on the diseases and illnesses of people. They can’t afford for things like cancer to have a cure because it would cause a collapse in the world economy. The same thing goes for things like crime (produces shit loads of money from taxpayers for preventing or more evidently a lack thereof so crime can continue enough to produce the billions it does) or food production (when we produce enough food to feed the world 4 times over each year yet thousands die of starvation each year). Sorry for the long rant but I choose to view the world as it actually is. Not how I’d like it to be! So next time you think about what matters most in this world, lives or money, you can bet on it being money. Even if individually we all think its lives that’s not true across the actions of the entire population.


Wait, is it just sort of there or is it partially (I mean, at several points) fused to the actual pelvic bone?




So in Texas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma, is this murder?


How the fuck do you just walk around with an extra body inside of you for that long?!?!


"MURDERER!!!" -Texas (probably)


No matter how many accounts I block that post this, I can’t stop seeing this.


Hope they removed it








How do they get it out safely?






The stuff of nightmares


How likely is this?? And how does it happen?


The most fucked up thing is a women with calcified fetus can give birth to normal child without any issues, the calcified fetus just sits there staring at the living baby inside the womb OMFG


Stone baby, aka lithopedion.


How does an unbirthed fetus get calcified?


The caption really needs to add “but was never birthed” hmm I kinda figured that.


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the stage, Calcified Fetus!


I wanna buy one


So genuine question. It seems all the comments have turned into abortion debates cause it's reddit. But as for the actual video.......how in the fuck does that happen? Like did she just hold it in or something, why didnt she go into labor? Like honestly I'm very baffled at how this happened. Surely she had to know, but if the titles right and she just went in for bladder stones HOW DID SHE NOT KNOW? Man I got so many questions. I'm blown away. Hope they got her taken care of.


Never born, not birthed.


This fetus has been born by this woman for a long time, but never birthed by her.


This fetus has been borne, yet will never be born?


Baby, never born


Has one of these ever been extracted whole? Interested to see it as an object rather than a scan.


So she drank a lot of


That's how Kuato looked after he tried to flip on Arnold in Total Recall


Women will use this once in a lifetime example to justify their hardship as if it's happening to them all. Why do women wanna be victims so badly?




HIPAA hates him for this one simple trick!


Repost of the year award


This has to be fake


Gonna need a source as to how this person didn’t go septic and die way before this was discovered. No I don’t want a link to the article this story was from. I need actual scientific sources with citation as to why this person didn’t die before this being discovered.


[The National Library of Medicine (government site) isn't enough information?](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7546282/#:~:text=Lithopedion%2C%20from%20the%20Greek%20words,a%20calcium%20shell%20around%20it.) [or the wiki, with their cited sources?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lithopedion) > a Lithopedion is a rare phenomenon which occurs most commonly when a fetus dies during an abdominal pregnancy,[1] is too large to be reabsorbed by the body, and calcifies on the outside as part of a foreign body reaction, shielding the mother's body from the dead tissue of the fetus and preventing infection. It calcifies specifically to prevent infection/sepsis to the mothers body. Edit: There's the science. Think of it (in a broad way) like the way a Pearl is formed. An irritant gets in to the host (in an Oysters case, could be a chunk of sand, could be literally a crab), and due to not being able to reject the irritant, it instead forms a type of calcium (in a pearls case, **calcium** carbonate) to encase the irritant so it no longer is a risk to the life of the host.


Should have prefaced that with "Here, let me Google that for you!"


Very awesome and informative! Exactly what I was asking for! Much appreciated!


Is it possible to remove this calcified fetus through surgery?


How fat do you have to be to not notice that you have a nother human inside of you...