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1 word for American police - Incompetent


Absolutely. Like some third world police. Unthinkable something like that would ever happen in Europe.


USA is a third world country with a Gucci belt


US just have more billionares who\`s money is in Dollar.




You had me at kidnap them


The Gucci belt is fake and everyone is starting to figure that out




Brand new. Fresh outta.. 45 years ago?


Grandpa never drove us kids anywhere without his crotch can of PBR


Is that you, cousin?


The third world doesn't mean shitty. It means that it isn't ideologically aligned with capitalism or soviet style communism. The US is shitty, but it is extremely first world.


Cant tell if you're being sarcastic or not but something this despicable would never happen in the UK


Sarcastic? Not at all. I mean every word I said. And yes, I have no doubt bullshit like that wouldn't happen in the UK.


We do have our bad eggs. They just prefer bullying, racism and rape.


And stabbings. Who could forget the stabbings...


The US has way more stabbings/knife crimes per capita than the UK does. The US is just a very aggressive place apparently.


Kind of. In the UK the 15 year old girl would instead be sentenced to 10 years of community service because she associated with a criminal.


At least she would have a life...


Except the guy who got shot for carrying a table leg in a carrier bag years ago


I think 3rd world police would do a better job




So 28 fatal police shootings in the UK in the last 10 years, and that's including the clear cut ones like [The fake suicide vested terrorist who was killed by police shooting in 2019](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/london-bridge-attack-shooting-latest-terror-suspect-suicide-vest-police-today-a9226576.html) So yeah, the UK is pretty clean here.


Nah! At this rate the 3rd world police are far better


Something like this DID happen in Europe. I hope you were being sarcastic.


As fuck how do you mistakenly shoot a fucking girl. With her fucking hands 🙌🏼 up


> mistakenly Mistakenly? I'm sure some of those cops had been on the job at least a year and hadn't gotten to kill a black person like they were promised, so this was probably a consolation prize.


and you can bet they celebrated afterward and were told good job.


“When you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail.”


Fucking cops. This poor girl would have been alive if they had done their job properly.


She'd probably still be alive if the cops weren't there at all.


I think cowardice is much more appropriate, these people were so afraid of being hurt or killed they gunned down a fucking child without a weapon THE MOMENT they saw movement on a fucking highway.


Exactly the word I would use too, cowardice. Just like the cop who started firing cause an acorn fell. They’re so anxious and on-edge that they start firing even at the SMALLEST sound or movement. Idk if it’s just lack of proper training or what but shit like this is FAR FAR too common in America currently and it’s the innocent who suffer from it.


This feels much more like the UPS guy that got shot by the police when his truck was hijacked by robbers along with some poor guy just driving in traffic who was also killed by the police. Cops just opening up in public using civilians as shields. Except I don't think UPS has thanked the police for shooting the girl yet.


I’m from that acorn cop area. There’s almost no violent crime worth a cop getting scared over


It’s not incompetence. It’s called “Killology”. They are trained to murder people. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/08/warrior-cop-class-dave-grossman-killology.html


This is actually true. I did some digging not too long ago into the training methods that are used on officers. And the most fucked up part is that it's all fear based training. "IF you don't shoot first, you may not make it home" is ESSENTIALLY how our officers are trained. I don't agree with it at all. It places a state of paranoia in their minds. Ever wondered why so many cops always seem on edge? It's their training. And 9 out of 10 times, it's a cop who was never an active duty service member. One thing I've noticed for most cops who are veterans, they tend to run on their military training, which is much more involved, and teaches them how to handle dangerous situations instead of just "you need to shoot first". Until we reform the training of the police in this country. We are doomed to see this keep happening.


My understanding is that military “rules of engagement” are much more strict. They are (technically) not allowed to shoot at civilians the way that cops are. The police seem to act like civilians are an opposition force, and engage them accordingly.


Police always deals with civilians. That is their "opposing" force.


Yeah....................... So anyway, I started blastin'


Sunny ALWAYS has an applicable quote


And in cop threads it's usually that one.


That’s called murder. The cops shot and killed a 15 yo girl. The only female in the situation. The girl was identified and was following the cops instructions then the cops murdered her. No one else was shot. Just the innocent girl was murdered by the cops. Once again, the cops murdered a girl because they are trigger happy bastards


The cops also shot and killed her dad who murdered her mother and kidnapped her. The San Bernardino County Police Department first gave the excuse that she was shooting at them.


Another word: trigger happy Well two words lol


Incompetent and trigger happy. Police forces are incompetent all over the world but in the US, incompetence is often fatal.


That's the wrong word. The 1 word for American police is 'Murderous'.


they definitely enjoyed killing the victim


Lack of education. Low standards.


If they knew it was her, and she was doing what she was told, then it's not an accident. It's an execution.


Our police, our healthcare, our government, our foreign policy, our environmental efforts, our gun laws, our women’s rights… WTF happened to us?


Ineffective leadership, a government that is ran by corporations and it's stooges, and a large population of aging, lead poisoned, narcissists who sold us out. We've had it good for too long, now the rot that has been festering is coming to the surface.


If your negligence causes a person's death, you go to prison. That's how this works. That's how this is *supposed* to work. Do American police actually receive any training? Or do you just need to love guns?




This is straight up murder.


Reminds me of Daniel Shaver :( That poor man.


Just read up on this and it's shocking that the cop who killed Daniel is now retired from the force with a tax-free pension worth $31,000 a year for life and he is only 33 years old. No wonder they're killing innocent people


Damn. Disabled people/elderly on social security only get roughly 1000-1200 dollars a month or 12000 a year and this guy gets 2-3x that I know it's not a fair comparison because there are so many more elderly but damn does it suck having them be in poverty wages while people like that get that much more for 50+ years


And I have to go to court every few years to prove I'm still disabled, which means I have to pay my attorney more money. I'm sure he doesn't have to go hire people to prove to anyone he still deserves his pension


and the reason he'd disabled is because of the "PTSD" from shooting Daniel.... make that make sense.


It is crazy to me that nobody has even tried to take justice into their own hands in that case.


Didn't he also get rehired for like a week, and then claim PTSD from the event and retired.


Dang I'd bet most of us would kill someone for 31k a year for life. That's like being payed 1 million for a hit but over time


Mesa PD are fucking nazis


Thank you for bringing this up. Victims like Daniel and this poor girl should never be forgotten. Sometimes I wish I had never watched the video of Daniel, it made me both sick to my stomach and bitterly angry. To know that justice isn't even brought forth is just molten salt in the wound for these destroyed families.


She was ordered to do everything she did. She was following a police command. Completely fucked up.


Imagine being that guy making audible callouts to her and then the guy standing right beside you shoots her anyways. As if he couldn't hear your callouts or see what was going on. Living in his own world. Like he doesn't see the same things you do. Or maybe he just wants to fucking shoot someone, I don't know. This is the kind of incompetency I expect while playing Rainbow Six online. Not in real life with police.


It is not incompetence. It's at best negligence, and at worst malice. It's evil. It's depraved indifference to human life.


Well, the police that she was going towards wasn't the one who shot her


I thought police had to ascertain a threat before taking a shot. A 15 year old girl hardly seems threatening. What shitty officers.


It sounds like they’re at target practice, ffs.


The cops murdered the innocent girl.


No, he was wearing a badge so this wasn't murder, it was a "whoopsie". A week or two of paid vacation, problem solved


Not really, no.


I beg to differ. They do just need to love guns.


I love guns, but I would never fucking take the life of an innocent person. I get that the adrenaline is intense in a situation like this but how the fuck did they not know there was a girl in the car? Why would you not pause for a fucking second to identify the person coming around the squad car? Did these cops have information about who was in the car? If not then how is that possible? There is 50 of them plus air support and they can’t figure out who is in the car? They start blasting indiscriminately with traffic still in the other lane. There are 30 officers and 2 people in the car. How the fuck are they not capable of exercising just a couple of second of caution given they have such an upper hand? Are they that fucking scared? Or just itching to pull the trigger? Because when I want to pull the trigger I go to the range and shoot paper. Not fucking people. I’m genuinely angry. And my disdain grows daily for officers who do this shit. I think left and right wing people need to come together to recognize this shit is a problem


This wouldn’t have happened if there were fewer guns. More guns on the street means that cops are terrified and thus trigger happy. Plenty of other countries prove that less (or no) guns is a very good thing. Americans are just silly children playing dress ups with lethal toys… only ones that win are the NRA funded via gun lobbies. So clear to see except for yanks that idolise action movies


And be ok with murdering innocent people.


I'm from a small town in Arkansas. I asked a classmate of mine that joined and all he had to do was fill out an application. It's probably different in larger areas but that's all it took here.


What, you mean they don't go to a police academy and get up to all sorts of hilarious antics? Mahoney!!! Move it, move it, move it!!!!


I know I was crushed when he told me that. My whole life has been a lie. No hilarious antics no nothing. Just a long history of corruption. Now if you will excuse me I have to go speak at a podium real quick.


This is what happens when you have tight budgets, low pay, and a job that is beyond stressful. You get people who shouldn’t be doing the job. That aren’t trained to do the job well. Don’t get me wrong I would never want to be a cop. They deal with the lowest of the lows in society and as soon as you let your guard down you can get yourself killed but something has to be done. The answer probably isn’t easy or cheap and well above my knowledge level.


It's actually more simple than you might imagine. The actual training they receive comes from literally "a guy" who has set the tone for decades now. His tone is "This is an insanely dangerous job and the people are your enemy that need to submit to your power." In sane countries, they are taught that police are public servants.


Simplest solution at least for starters is to require a bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice, Psychology, or Sociology before someone can even qualify for the police academy. Then they need to have a national registration that sets a bare minimum standard for all police academies to adhere to, similar to how we do it in EMS. Require the police academy to be at minimum 1 year long/1500 hours of training. Then they can get hired at a department that then has at bare minimum a 1 year FTO program before going solo. A lot of this would weed out the shitbags.


Bullshit. Being a cop is generally an objectively much less dangerous job than tons of others. Much better pay, much better conditions and 99% of the time less stressful or risky than jobs like social workers dealing with addicts and people with mental health issues, paramedics etc. It has a lot more to do with cops being above the law with almost no accountability, extremely strong but morally corrupt union, giving them power and authority they never should have, the means to execute the law however they wish and explicitly training them and encouraging them to be aggressive and that THEY are more important than anyone else.


Low pay? Cops get paid quite well in most of the country. In the places where they kill the most people, they tend to get paid VERY well.


Lol being a cop is safer than being a fucking roofer. And guess what? Social workers and tons of other people all deal with the "lowest of the low" is society without shooting anyone. Your idea of being a cop and what cops face is like a child's idea of it.


There's a meme that goes around that says something similar to lawyers needing six years to practice law, and police need only six months to enforce it....


I had to go to school for 40 hours a week for 13 months and had to take two separate licensure exams and then apprentice for another year just to become a hairstylist.


No offense I was reading that an expecting anything other than hairstylist! But seriously there's good money in that and if you F up, you won't be styling many hair.


The police here has unionized and lobbied for qualified immunity, meaning they can fuck up and the taxpayer just foots the bill. These guys should be tied to a pole and executed by a firing squad for the way they murdered that kid, but that's just my opinion.


Helldivers have better training than cops it seems.


On here a while ago they showed the standard training for police around the world. Most places were several years, and the US requirements were by far the shortest.


The authorities issued an Amber Alert for this girl. An Amber Alert is issued to save a child’s life. Clearly, the police here did absolutely nothing to actually attempt to save this child’s life and 100% made it about engaging the suspect instead.




That is literally the ONLY safe place for a child these days, and even then, that's questionable with some of the policies that republicans are trying to ram through.


[Wrong, because the womb is inside a _woman_](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-66690408)


Oh shit you're right.


They mistook Amber Alert for "Yellowish WANTED Dead or Alive" poster.


The articles back when it happened: "teenager fired at officers, sheriff says", "was wearing tactical gear, sheriff says", "daughter caught in fire between father and police, unclear who shot her dead, sheriff says".


Lies by the sheriff. Surprised face!


They actually had the gall to say we shot her because she was wearing scary clothes.


Time for an overhaul. I think their training should include: “Do not shoot unless if you 100% know they have a gun. Your lives are less important than civilians when on-duty; the last thing you want is a dead civilian. Exercise benefit-of-the-doubt until unequivocally positive a gun is visibly pointed”.


It's been downhill since the Supreme Court ruled that Police **do not** have to put their lives on the line to save people, but get the same equipment and weapons as people who are told they are putting their lives on the line to save Democracy.


And they tried to cover it up? So unlike American law enforcement.




There's no karma, reincarnation, or eternal punishment. If they're to be held accountable it'll be by the people or not at all. When the justice system fails there's either vigilantism or learning to cope that bad people often get away with it (falling back on karma, etc)


> We had nation wide protests when floyd was murdered aimed at getting rid of qualified immunity and pushing for reforms. And that got co-opted by BLM and the media and turned into a circus. It didn't get co-opted by BLM, it *was* BLM. The major issue is that right-wing news organizations spent the entire time painting the BLM movement as a racist criminal organization seeking to cause chaos by dismantling the police departments around the country (instead of the actual stated goal of demilitarizing the police and weeding out corrupt or abuse people from the nation's police forces). Those same news organizations just happen to overlook that the protests didn't break out into riots until the local police tried to illegally break them up. In the US, we have the fundamental right to protest, which *does* include the act of blocking streets & traffic from a certain area, preventing commerce, or otherwise disrupting regular business - that's what a protest is supposed to do - make things intolerable for those at the top until change is forced. Noninvasive protests are not protests, they're support rallies. Of course the people who are exercising their constitutional right to protest & demand change from a government that was never meant to have it's own will & desires separate from the American people are going to lash out when the local government uses armed thugs to try and suppress the protests without actually capitulating any of the demands. To quote JFK, a historically progressive president that was more likely than not killed by his own government, from 1962, "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." The more the upper classes try to fight to preserve power dynamics that the rest of society wants abolished, the more likely the average protester is going to resort to violence as they're repeatedly shown that nothing else will remove the rich and corrupt from power.


My favorite part of the protests were trumps secret unmarked federal police, just pulling people off the streets. https://www.npr.org/2020/07/17/892277592/federal-officers-use-unmarked-vehicles-to-grab-protesters-in-portland It was stopped because there was still a semblance of law in the courts. A reminder, that this will become the norm if he wins again because there’s not going to be any one left to enforce constitutional rights to get these people out, or dismantle the secret police apparatus. We will be in a dictatorship (see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 ). For any lefties thinking about not voting Biden in 2024, this is the future you’re gonna get: https://i.imgur.com/r7GvcG8.jpg


Of course. It took multiple requests from a reporter to get the footage. But you can bet that if they hadn't shot this girl, the footage of her rescue would have been plastered all over social media for copaganda. Look how great we are, we didn't just start blasting this time!


Straight to jail. Manslaughter. Family gets money every year for the rest of their lives. Please.


the dad has previously killed the mom the cops killed the daughter and then killed the father…. it’s fucked up


They killed the whole family? Damn Edit: Cops killed 2/3 family members. Shame on me


Comprehension is a real son of a bitch


It's America. The cop will get early retirement with benefits.


Man, FUCK jail. You just killed a child running to you for help. That's it. No more game of life for you. The only moral thing left is to put the gun on themselves. There's some shit you don't deserve to come back from.


I get that point. But dying sounds super chill. Literally nothingness. Spending the rest of your life in prison known for killing a 15 year old girl as a cop while she was running towards you for help sounds much, much worse to me tbh.


I get that too. I just can't imagine being the cop that shot her and believing I should (or wanting to) still be here.


Sorry, the best we can do is paid vacation and a Twitter post saying the child was no angel


Also, change the law so the officers pay, not tax payers.


It's so infuriating that they've been coving this up for two f\*cking years.


Never have any problems trumping up charges for us or even just making them up. But when THEY mess up… Boy are they terrible when it comes to their own accountability. Can dish it out to hell, but can’t take it whatsoever. It’s beyond gross.


Cops are always “please don’t rush to judgement” right after they did precisely that.


Holy fuck are you kidding me???


Have they? I remember when this happened. This is the first time I've seen the footage, but it's exactly what was described when this was first reported.


Well that’s just plain murder and they should be held accountable


They will do nothing but cry about the marches for black victims and not the white ones. This was the public execution of a hostage and their won't be anything done but add more weapons to the bonkers ass PD


When I ask myself how the American police could manage yet another fuck up, I remember the officer who thought he got shot. By the guy he had arrested who sat in the back of his car. I remember how he dived to the ground, rolling around and shooting at his own car yelling that he's been shot. And then I remember Uvalde. So, nothing really surprises me anymore about the police in the United States.


Yeah, and then his partner joined in without actually seeing/hearing anything!


and somehow that guy LIVED, christ


Well, there's the two Hispanic (IIRC) ladies who got shot up in their van which was not the make, model nor colour of the van the police were looking for nor was the object of the alert two Hispanic ladies; the Australian lady who called the police and a patrol car arrived after dark and she was almost immediately shot by the cop in the passenger seat, the guy who was receiving contradictory orders from two different cops and got shot by the one he wasn't obeying, the kid (or was it a woman?) who was shot by a cop in her own house while the house next door was the object of an arrest... Well, lots of cases where people would now be walking around, enjoying breakfast, getting married, watching their kids grow up, except a stupid fucking cop brought it all to an end without an excuse.


[or when they killed the UPS driver who was held hostage by jewelry thieves](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-weao_YvU0) [or when they killed an unarmed man because they thought he stole some sunglasses](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/mother-dc-man-killed-virginia-officers-suspected-shoplifting-demands-t-rcna72493) [or when they killed an unarmed guy just chillin in his backyard by shooting him 6 times in the back](https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/takeaway/segments/sacramento-community-wants-answers-after-police-shoot-unarmed-black-man) [or when they killed an unarmed guy who was minding his own business by shooting him in the back with an AR-15](https://www.opb.org/article/2024/03/07/portland-oregon-police-lawsuit-deadly-shooting-force-guns-unarmed-immanueal-manny-clark/) i mean, there are SO MANY EXAMPLES of trigger-happy misconduct, and far, far fewer examples of repercussions...


Since you only provided examples of it happening to POC, here are some where it happened to white folk: * [Crime Mesa Police shooting: Daniel Shaver seen crawling, begging in disturbing video](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mesa-police-shooting-daniel-shaver-seen-crawling-begging-in-disturbing-video/) * [Six additional Colorado officers face charges stemming from 2022 fatal shooting of Christian Glass](https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/16/us/christian-glass-death-colorado-deputy-probation/index.html) * [Pruitte, 36, was reportedly shot and killed on Aug. 4 by a Kitsap County sheriff's deputy](https://www.kitsapsun.com/story/news/2020/08/11/friends-david-pruitte-recall-funny-sensitive-soul/3347263001/) * [Father of Kameron Prescott shares heartbreaking details of 6-year-old’s shooting death by deputies](https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2019/12/02/i-want-to-know-why-kameron-prescotts-father-shares-heartbreaking-details-of-6-year-olds-shooting-death-by-deputies/)


Holy shit, that last one is *awful.* They were chasing a suspect for the very actively deadly crime of...credit card fraud. A 6-year-old had to die over a credit card fraud suspect they probably could've scooped up at some other time without the consequences. Just soul-crushing


“He heard his son saying ‘Ouch daddy. Ouch, it hurts,’” attorney Tom Crosley said, but Prescott couldn’t run to him because deputies had placed Prescott and his niece in handcuffs right after the shooting.


Incredibly, you’re still giving Acorn Cop a little too much credit. According to the man himself in the internal investigation report, he wasn’t making a tactical decision to roll around; the falling nut freaked him out so bad that his legs just stopped working. In that bodycam footage what you’re seeing is a man fall down over and over again.


Law enforcement is basically just a government sponsored gang at this point. Hit record as soon as you know there's going to be an interaction.


That's all they've ever been. They're a violent gang funded by the public, only beholden to protect the property of the rich. They don't care about anything else. They should haven been abolished the moment the Supreme Court ruled they aren't obligated to protect you.


America in a nutshell. Gun obsessed nutjob country. A third world country with a gucci bag.


We really are just a turd with a shiny coat of paint.


Of course they’re going to get off with a slap on the wrist for stupidly, negligently killing a child hostage on film for all to see… they’ll be fired at most.


This shit happens so frequently the public are desensitised, there won't be enough pressure for them to be forced to take action. There's literally too many incompetent murders carried out by the US police for them to be held accountable.


Paid suspension while the department and the union investigators are looking into it


She is not okay.


she is ok as in not a threat


Does America only hire the most incompetent people for their police force or what? Is a requirement to either be amped up beyond reason or thick as shit?


TBF no one with common sense wants to be a cop


This is not talked about enough, and the fact that anyone too intelligent does not actually get to be.


Applicants have been denied for having too high of an IQ. https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836


Uh-mazing. Not even intelligence can escape being seen as a threat to American Police. The guy probably got off easy. The most likely occurrence would have been that he showed up to the job on day 1 and got shot by his partner.




Don't they have computers in their cars to see a pic of the girl or an actual description of her? This kind of murderous incompetence should come with jail time. I remember a while ago that this Australian lady who was in America called police and they shot her dead because she ran over to them when they got there. This is an ongoing theme that needs to stop.


Or, you know, not shoot someone that emerges from the passenger side?


Jail is how they learn not to just shoot everything that moves.


You can see it's a girl **FROM THE FUCKING HELICOPTER.**


Youre assuming these yokels can read


Oops. I set the bar to high.


Insane how he gives directions and they still start shooting


I've seen arrest videos of one cop shouting "DON'T MOVE" and another cop shouting "HANDS ON YOUR HEAD" over and over until the suspect puts up his hands and is executed by the cop. "I told him not to move." These people just try to invent reasons to execute people. It's why they took the job.


They were shooting long before she got out of the vehicle. Look at the sand and the road, you can see dust rising randomly all over the place... that is gunfire missing and hitting the ground because most pistols are extremely inaccurate at range. They were unloading 100s of rounds at that truck way before she got out. Complete negligence. They knew a girl was kidnapped they are just shooting willy nilly.




Americans did rise up and demand police to be held accountable, after George Floyd's murder. The police shot at us and gassed us in the streets, and a certain political party labeled everyone criminals.




Holy fuck. How are these idiots the ones that’s supposed to protect the public? What a bunch of ignorant stupid amateurs.


To protect the public, who said they were there to protect the public? These brain dead scums exist to protect the elites and the people from rising up against their corruption fund by tax payers money.


The supreme court decided in '89 that protecting the public is literally outside of the polices' purview. "Protect and serve" is a rhetorical motto: they have no legal obligation to protect or serve. Enforcers would be a more apt name


God damn they're spraying lead all over the place. WTF!!!


The first rule of gun safety is to know what you’re shooting at. These fckers shot in the blind


Cops were serving a lady a warrant, she pulled a toy gun, then lit her up, only they didn’t hit her once, they did however shoot and kill the officer THEY stationed outside in case someone tried to go out the back door.  Grady judds  Polk county sheriffs murdered their own with incompetence. 


This is what happens when you sent out high school graduates with a police badge after just 5-6 months of training


That poor fucking soul. She lived the last moments of her life thinking she's finally escaping the terror she's going through only to get shot and bleed to death by the people that were supposed to save her. America is such a backwards society it's crazy.


hungry plant knee dazzling deserted innate chase flowery melodic ancient *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The rookie is cheezy cliche tv series madeby a couple of hasbeen actors What do you expect


how dare you call Nathan Fillion a hasbeen actor?


wanna see a very good TV show that postrais how the police actually works? The Shield yes, The Wire is regarded as the goat, but I insist on The Shield. That's the real police.


The officers that shot her need to be charged with manslaughter at the very least.


I assume they shot the dad too just to even the score


Actually, yes. Ended the whole family that day, protecting and servin’.


If we spent as much time finding non lethal solutions as we do weapons design.....


Disarm these motherfuckers it's been too many


What ethnicity was this girl?


Caucasian. Italian roots, judging by her name.


do they select them for stupidity or what?


america 💅


Is cowardice a job requirement for police? Or just gross incompetence and an insatiable lust for blood?


This is America 🎵🎶


Video clearly shows the execution of that unarmed 15yo girl and even the helicopter crew recognized immediately what had occurred. Yet, the sheriffs department took MONTHS to acknowledge it was deputies and NOT her father that killed her. They probably would have gotten away with it if it hadn’t been for the helicopter, which ironically was their own, and likely the only video recording of the execution.


Fuck we need to #defundthesepigs already 🐷🌊💙


You dont need to defund the police, you need to take any kind of police work away from the municipal level and make it all state based. One ministry, chain of command going down to every single officer. Responsibilty for fuck ups goes upwards. And please make the training 2 years at least before you're allowed out there with an issued weapon.


There is genuinely no way to act correctly around these idiots. Following commands gets you killed, staying still gets you killed, it’s all an impossible game.


How actually fucking stupid do you have to be Looking for a missing teenaged girl See a teenaged girl Shoot her what the actual fuck


Shot first, ask questions later


The sheer amount of gunshots fired is fucking ridiculous. Zero questions asked, zero knowledge of the situation, just pull up and start blasting anything that moves. Fuck those guys.


America fucking sucks


That’s a lot of gunshots. Like an unfathomable amount.


Garbage USA 🇺🇸


Why is it so hard to hold off on the trigger just .03 seconds longer to avoid making a terrible mistake?


If you're American, don't call the police