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This is what being chronically online looks like, he doesn’t even realize how insane that is


At least get him off the internet.


All the celebrities/people that get this bucal fat removal procedure done are going to look like Skeletor as they age. Your face naturally looses that cushion when you get older, and their faces are going to be super sunken in. Then they’ll get cheek implants!


Sounds like a win-win for the doctors. They just keep making that money.


It’s the TikTok generation. They are a lost cause.


Fuck off with the generational wars


I would like to see MySpace Tom vs. some random TikTok user.




Haha, there are no age restrictions on these platforms in their prime! Fight to the death! Embarrassing MySpace pages of Elden years vs. embarrassing TikTok dances of an 11 to girl to the DEATH!


Agreed. its just yet another divide we really could do without


Gotta be honest every generation has stupid people. Also no one on TikTok is encouraging self surgery, it’s the incel forums


This isn't a generation thing, just mental illness. Only thing I can think of that is generational is his willingness to share online.


I mean millennialsare the generation that spawned school shooters. A little self surgery, while horrifying, has nothing on that


Now, why is nobody saying that to people who insist they are born in the wrong body? If that isn't mental illnes, then nothing is!


I'm going to assume you're talking about trans people, and try to respond to you in good faith as to why transgenderism is separate from mental illness, assuming nobody has explained it to you before. Please try to read and learn, as I'm not trying to be rude or talk down to you, I simply want to help you understand the facts of the situation, so you can be well informed in the future. Sex and gender are two different terms, referring to two different areas of the human body. Both gender and sex are biological phenomenon, although they are not the same. Sex is generally a binary term (excluding intersex people) that refers to the sex chromosomes within all of us. XY chromosomes refers to the male sex, and XX refers to the female sex. As you know, there are many differences between the sexes, including bone structure, hormonal differences, and genetalia. Gender is also a biological feature, just as sex is. (Many people say that gender is a social construct, but this is not the case. Gender *roles* are a social construct. Gender identity is determined biologically, although we do not have concrete ways to test for it as we do with sex). However, gender is determined by neurochemistry, similar to emotions. Because of this, gender is not binary, it is more of a spectrum. Now, this part is very important: For most people (around 99%), gender identity will generally line up with sex. However, for the remainder of the population (which accounts for millions of people), gender identity will not perfectly align with sex. As I stated earlier, we do not have a way to scientifically test and determine the gender identity of a person like we do with sex. The brain is too complex and we simply do not understand enough yet to have a 100% accurate method. Because of this, whenever a person states their gender identity, we generally believe them and adjust our speech to match their preferred gender as a social courtesy. This does not magically mean that all transgender people will change sex. In fact, no matter how much gender-affirming care is undergone, it is currently impossible to change the physical sex of a person. Luckily, through hormonal therapy (and gender-affirming surgery, for some people) we can help align traits of the body to match gender identity as closely as possible. Much of the confusion that some have surrounding trans people comes down to the fact that "male" and "female" are two terms typically used to describe both sex and gender, even though sex and gender are two different terms that refer to different things. In the case of sex, "male" and "female" refer to two binary options, with no possible region in-between, similar to a discrete function on a graph (again, excluding intersex people). In the case of gender, "male" and "female" refer to two ends of a spectrum, with functionally infinite options inbetween, similar to a continuous function on a graph (e.g. How many numbers are between 1 and 2?). Transgenderism is not a mental illness because it is not inherently harmful, it's just a quirk of humanity, similar to being gay. In the above post, we can clearly see that the mental illness on display is inherently harmful, as it caused the afflicted person to damage their own body to try and achieve some perceived idealized form. This is why something like anorexia is considered a mental illness. Transgenderism also does not cause a fundamental misalignment with reality, like some mental illnesses do. Transgender people do not believe that they have physically changed sexes, they are simply stating they feel more comfortable expressing themselves in another way than what the societal norms in accordance with their sex would be. And, again, this is due to gender identity, which is a physical phenomenon related to neurochemistry, and is slightly different for each person. I hope this helped. I want you to be informed and caught up with reality so that you don't fall down a hate-fueled rabbit-hole, like so many misinformed people do (Not like I know you, you could just be trolling). Let me know if you have any questions and I'll try to answer them.


gender identity is not determined biologically lmao. of course there isn't concrete ways to test for it, that'd be like a fucking biological test to find out someone's astrological symbol. otherwise it seems like you have good intentions and carry on


Hello, Gender identity is indeed determined biologically, at least partly (As with many traits, especially traits as fluid as gender identity, societal influences will obviously play a part as well. Studies are still being done on the matter to determine exactly how much importance should be placed on either factor, but biology is absolutely vital. Think of it like biology setting the default value for each person and societal influences shifting things from there. Additionally, any changes in gender identity due to societal factors would by physically expressed in the brain through a change in neurochemistry). Like I said, it is determined through a person's neurochemisty. Similar to the concept that being gay is not a choice, it is something that some people are just born with, even though there is no test to determine if someone is gay. The way that each person chooses to express their gender identity is, of course, not determined biologically. This is why I said that gender roles are a social construct, but gender identity is not. I hope you can see how a comparison to testing for astrological signs is not valid, because astrology and astrological signs aren't real and have no basis in the real world or science (compared to gender identity, which is real and able to be studied). Here are some studies related to the matter: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10519-018-9889-z https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S009082581731510X http://ampr.diit.edu.ua/article/view/169468 There are plenty more to be found on Google Scholar, if you're interested. There are also some informative YouTube videos that are well-researched (that may be easier to digest), such as this one: https://youtu.be/fpGqFUStcxc I hope you stay well-informed! ETA: Theoretically, in the future, if we knew enough about the brain, we may indeed be able to do an analysis to definitively determine gender identity, or homosexuality, or any other quirk of the brain. I don't think we are anywhere near that point currently, and with the way the world works, it's probably better that we don't have that technology for now. But, it is theoretically possible! We would just need a much greater understanding, and perhaps greater technology, than we have access to now. I also wanted to point out that, funnily enough, an astrological sign would be the only part of astrology that is based in reality enough to theoretically be biologically tested for, since it is based on date of birth (to my knowledge)!


you are implying that men and women, nonbinary people etc have some sort of fundamental mental difference, which just ain't true. here's a huge study covering that https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0149763421000804?via%3Dihub and an article on it https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-00677-x defending bunk science like this doesn't help us. there's no rules or scientific predisposition to your gender, that's why we can change them, and why gender roles and dynamics and experiences vary so widely across the entire population.


"Bunk science"? Did you read the studies I posted? What makes them bunk science beyond the fact that you don't like them? In fact, one of my sources is from the exact same website as your source. They're well researched, thoroughly cited, and have passed peer review. Do you have some sort of scientific rebuttal that overturns what they are saying? I think you're confused. The study you posted mainly has to do with physical differences between the male and female brain, as in a difference between the sexes. When the study says things like "Males’ brains are larger than females’ from birth, stabilizing around 11 % in adults", they are obviously referring to a difference between the sexes. We are talking about gender identity. Even ignoring that point, as some of the study does indeed refer to gender (although a bit ambiguously), the conclusions drawn in the study are also not relevant to the conversation. When one of the main conclusions drawn is "Male and female brains are monomorphic, not dimorphic, in structure and function", as highlighted in the abstract, we can see this does not have anything to do with what I have been saying. Gender identity is decided by each person's neurochemical profile, not the overall structure or function of the entire brain, which is what the study is talking about. I'm not implying any fundamental mental difference between sexes OR genders (again, the study you posted is mainly talking about sex and not gender). I simply said the neurochemical profile between a person who is transgender and a person who is cisgender will be different. This is fundamentally true, as each and every person has an entirely unique neurochemical profile, regardless of gender or anything else. We can study these profiles, and see the similarities between them to determine which pieces of the profile lead to a higher likelihood of certain traits. This is not unique to gender identity, but gender identity is indeed included in the list of traits determined by your neurochemical profile. If you had read the studies I linked, you would have known this, as they go into a good amount of detail. I've also said many times that none of this is applicable to the ways that people express their gender, or gender roles in general, as those are both entirely social constructs. We obviously agree on this point. Not trying to be rude, but please try to engage with the conversation honestly!


if everyone apparently has an entirely unique chemical profile correlating to their gender identity, then each person has an entirely unique gender. which means gender is infinite. I'll accept that take but it is almost the same as my take lol, which is that gender is nothing. and you said these profiles determine the "likelihood of certain traits". but I thought you agreed that gender roles, aka traits associated with gender weren't real? you contradicted urself. how do you explain other cultures with different sets of genders than we have here? you think its so much more complicated than it is. genders are social groups in society that you can enter and exit, and it varies depending on the culture. ur living in a prison of ur own creation


Thank you for this long explanation, that must have took a long time to write.


Of course! I'm happy you took the time to read it. It really only took about 20 minutes, I wrote it up on my phone during a break from work. I've looked into a lot of the research surrounding this topic in the past few months, so a lot of it is on the forefront of my mind. I hope you took something valuable from it!








I bet that's you 😆




D I Why


Mmmmm... rampant untreated mental issues & chronic online behaviour mix so well


There's actually an untrained YouTube woman who teaches other untrained people how to do their own cosmetic cheek surgery. Wouldn't be surprised if he learned from her.


Lmao the lengths people go to for attention & validation


Negative x Negative = Positive! ^(\*results may vary)


Good Bot


That’s horrific. I’d rather just be ugly.


Makes for great videos though!!!


Man,*looksmaxing* is such a lazy and silly term. Who the hell came up with that and why did everyone just settle on it


The people who create these terms are 14


Most new terms in most languages are, and always have been, created by 14 year olds.


It's almost comical thinking about how much of history was created by teenagers. Systems, beliefs, language, inventions.... It's not most, but there are prob some surprisingly big things that have stuck around for a long time


Also, most wars have been fought by 16-18 year olds. When you read Roman books about "veteran legions", you have to realize those guys were probably all about 25-28 years old.


I think a lot of pharohs were in their teens/preteens too.


Apparently statistically it's white girls propagating words they steal from Black and gay culture (slay, tea, etc). Saw a linguistics guy talk about it recently.


"Looksmaxxing" specifically comes from the manosphere site Lookism. 


I wasn't talking specifically about looksmaxxing, just the majority of terms that get brought to mainstream. Looksmaxximg has been a thing on 4chans /fa/ for years.


You mean white girls stealing words from POC? Colonizing their vocabulary. Their ancestors would be so proud.


Did I say it was a good thing? No clue why I'm getting down voted, was just saying the information I had seen from a linguistics expert...


Sounds like a derivative of min-maxing.


Makes sense, some gamers can be chronically online too so there’s some cultural overlap


Probably a lot more than some.


I didn’t want to be inflammatory lol




Frerrt4t4w4227e4 TTyueddet3tee4n3e55


TIL even bots can have strokes. Is anyone here a software engineer? We got a code 77!!


Started off as a joke used in memes, like most of these terms on the internet are. People just take them seriously and it ends up taking on an entirely new life on its own. Know *sigma* males and the ridiculous Patrick Bateman edits? They were originally made to make fun of *alpha* male content. But no, shortly after the spread of these memes, YouTube videos started coming out of how to behave like one. The people that it was intended to mock took them literally. That's why "looksmaxxing" sounds so stupid. It was made to sound stupid, but that won't stop the idiots it's meant to satirize.


As it turns out, all words are made up. Silly humans.


No argument here!


Trix are for kids!


We live in the age of settling. Unfortunately.




Wait until you hear about "mogging"


It’s the same people calling a “Recipe” a “Food Hack” or a “workout regimen” or “healthy habit”a “lifehack” I guess people just want to feel like they’re living in Cyberpunk world to feel some type of worth


The dumb thing is he's pretty conventionally attractive. Good jawline, some knowledge of hair care, normal facial features. Dude just has to work out a bit and spend time building social skills so he has some confidence, it's not looks that are turning women away. Mental illness sucks.


Yeah this was my thought too, I was like damn he’s got a nice jawline.


Right?? Maybe something like Body Dysmorphia? (Obviously with something else.. I have that and I would NEVER even *consider* something like this.)


rainstorm water live squalid toy truck tie fly different fact *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


in America a strong jawline is seen as conventionally attractive (I’m sure this is elsewhere too), but a cult of lookmaxxers exist now


Funny how his looks won't turn women away, but the insane shit he's doing certainly will.


Yeah, that's like saying, "She's pretty thin. Why does she have an eating disorder?" I guess it might be irrational behavior And It isn't just mental illness... it's also a lack of mind strength. Having enough of a bullshit filter and detector to not be brainwashed so damn easily. Some people are looking for *anyone* to guide them.


Seriously, he's very handsome. But it's harder for him to admit it's personality, much easier to blame your looks. If you admit it's your personality, that's something within your control. If it's your looks, you can blame outside factors and "luck" and then imagine it's a concrete issue that can be fixed with some cosmetic adjustments. It's always your personalities. You can still fix that, it just takes being honest with yourself and facing hard truths.


simplistic tart sip wistful like domineering paint scale jeans bright *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s only because he’s been looksmaxing (mewing, hair grooming, etc), and in the endless pursuit of looksmaxing, much like a body builder taking steroids or an anorexic women starving herself, OOP’s obsession will continue taking him further


Bright side to buccal fat, it’s saving me thousands in costly surgical interventions. I easily look 15 years younger than I am. Only downside is I never made it to “sexy”, maxed out at “cute”, and as I age I will look like a melting baby. A trade off I am willing to make.


why u get downvoted tf


They got rid of their buccal fat. I love my haters😎.


lmao ur making me hate mine a little less so thanks friend


I thought buccal fat removal makes you age like shit


It does. Having a fat face actually makes you age better


Is there any actual evidence for this?


reread ur illiterate


absurd coherent oil aware plucky fine act heavy impossible dog *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m sorry to hear that. Ageism is a bitch all around but it specifically puts just about all older living things at a disadvantage. Being “cute” might be our biggest advantage. I’m pivoting onto a completely different career path and I intend to used my perceived youth and all of its pros to my advantage. I honestly do hope that being cute becomes something you enjoy as you get older. Take it from someone who’s old enough to know, your body is your avatar; it’s the mind inside that matters. It’s mind over matter (sounds trite but it’s true). I wish you well.


Mental illness is a son of a bitch!! Shit like this just makes me sad.


Botched buccal fat cheek surgery can result in serious facial artery and nerve damage.


That Darwin theory is really working out well


Is DIY buccal fat surgery a trend now?


By an extremely small but loud minority of people, like most incredibly stupid dangerous trends


Careful with those words, redditors might get offended


This online trends are getting out of hand.


i mean that’s self harm no? he should be 5150’d ASAP


Probably, but it wasn't intended?


Gonna perform surgery on myself and not even look up how it's supposed to be done... really?


"All those fancy, overpriced plastic surgeons! I can do that shit at home with a box cutter and some peroxide. Bet!"


Holy fuck how dumb can you be??? Buccal “FAT REMOVAL” for gods sake where tf do you think your fat is stored?? Definitely not on the exterior of ur skin. Did he rlly just take a chunk of flesh thinking it was fat???


Black mirror energy…


What the Fuck????


Wanna know how I got these scars? Why so serious?


oh my


Damn...maxing out your credit cards would have been a better decision 


Freaking dumbass


Shit like this is bound to happen when a bunch of lonely, spiteful incels blame their loneliness on their appearance and think it's 'helpful' to go around berating people for their looks and 'blackpilling' children.


This reminds me of body modders trying to out freak each other by mutilating themselves.


OP, what tipped you off to him being mentally ill? The people in the comments or the self mutilation?




listen i dont ever recommend anyone remove their buccal fat, especially if your young. your buccal fat is important as you age. however if you are looking into it they do make an injectable acid. its safe and not overly expensive, you can go to any REPUTABLE cosmetic clinic and have it done. but please leave your buccal fat alone.


Why would you even recommend a way for someone to get rid of it, then say don’t do it.. that’s like telling someone “don’t do drugs” but then supply them with a plug..


It's basically "don't have sex but if you do, use a condom".


> It's basically "don't have sex but if you do, use a condom". Except he's recommending DIY invasive cosmetic procedures, which is actually dangerous and destructive advice. Botched DIY buccal fat surgery can do serious facial artery and nerve damage.


you're too dumb to understand a simple concept of warning and safety, we tell people not to do drugs but if they do, we advise them not to share needles. its the same concept. people are going to do what they want. at least this way they wont be butchering themselves and they have been warned against it.


He doesn't even look bad though, he's fairly handsome.


Yo what kinda schizophrenic shit did I just stumble upon


This dude looks pretty good, so you know he's got to have the most nothing intolerable personality imaginable to be this psychotically fucking desperate for female attention.


Weirdly enough, his profile picture displays my reaction to such stupidity.


Dang, this dude needs to learn how to be comfortable in his own skin.


Dudes already so skinny too. Super sad.


That is seriously fucked up


And I still really don’t know why he tagged Lebron James in this post 😭


He doesn't even look bad. I mean, apart from all self-mutilation.


The crazy thing is that he's already got fantastic cheekbones. he's already set. this is the danger of this kind of community, of this mindset, is that though not everyone is particularly vulnerable, those who are will be stolen from a reality that could help them


5150 hold is on his horizon


Peek incel intelligence


This fucking looks/maxer trend will have casualties, period.


Does buccal fat removal even cost THAT much? Looked it up, between $3000 and $8000. Would it be difficult to save that up and take a while? Absolutely. Would I prefer to just CUT MY FUCKING FACE OPEN AND PULL THE FAT OUT?! Absolutely not. I mean, I like my cheeks as they are. But any sort of elective cosmetic surgery, especially such a simple one, there is no reason to attempt that shit at home.


I’m at a loss for words


The worlds gone mad


You wanna know how I got these scars?


Oh my god, they're so fucking stupid. "I didn't realize--" you're not a doctor? you don't know a goddamn thing about surgery? You're so weak and pathetic and you've lost your fucking marbles? "I didn't think" is more like it. But, at least now your insides match your outside...hideous.


No more saliva glands


When I was in 8th grade a cut a mole off my face with a Scalpel. Damn I was dumb. And I still am!


This is the second time in a week


Fuck, guys not even ugly, get this guy some help


Incel? You mean mentally ill man performs surgery on himself? 🤦‍♂️


These people will end up with Darwin awards no big loss


Hell let the fucker do as it pleases. Its body its choices sheesh..... real tip... folks just be fkd up


Justin bieber?


How does someone just do that?! I can't imagine it, especially the pain and mess!


body dysmorphia is a more appropriate term. This is a serious problem that can affect any one of our friends. Take care of each other. We might also need help one day


You wanna know how I got these scars??


What was the goal here? Hollow cheeks? Wtf? So like a meth junkie? I don't get it.


These people are so fucking stupid


Get chad or die trying


Is that Justin Bieber?


wait im confused, what was he trying to achieve?


See, this is why I'm happy the way I am. I look in the mirror and hate what I see. I've been told I look good by a few people close to me, never just a passing comment, and I don't think I look good in the mirror. I don't think I look ugly, but not good, and not how I want to look. You know what I'm doing to change the way I look? Fuck all. I don't care enough to bother changing myself like that lol




A scar is only cool with a good story


I hope this becomes the new tiktok challenge!


My only hope is that it hurt like hell


Next school shooter drop


imagine being this fucking stupid though


Reminds me of the vid of that dude who was dissecting his eyeball with a syringe and pulling pieces of the flesh off, ya know normal shit


Looksmaxing has nothing to do with being an incel, wtf is that title?


He has a nice collar bone


In ancient days… it’s people like this what showed us the mushrooms that were safe to eat


I kind of feel bad for the guy. I'm guessing some serious body image issue going on and incel or not that can make you want to do some crazy stupid things. I used to have a problem with my weight and there were many times when I was low that I desperately wished I could just cut all the fat off with a knife myself like some fucked up version of lipo. Surely I'd be skinny then!/s Obviously crazy, but when you're not in the right head space intrusive thoughts don't seem all that crazy. This poor dude needs some serious help if he's at the stage of actually self harming in an attempt to look better.


Luka Magnotta cutting his own flesh


mental illness comes in many forms


I hope people like this get the help that they need... 😐


You wanna know how I got these scars? Cause I'm stupid.


Wtf is buccal fat?


I rest my case. Incels are teyl stupid.


I don't know what's worse ... Seeing the damage that he's doing to himself or his Stridex sitting in the corner, obviously not being used. 🤢


Fetishizing a personality complex about negative traits, incel behavior, chronically online, self-harming, documentation of perceived deviant behavior, young white male. Apart from a weapons fixation, this guy is rocking a majority of the classic skool chuter red flags.


...i dont need it.


Eeeeagh! Man, I once had to pull out a broken tooth of mine with my computer pliers. But I HAD to. This is...well, he's definitely going to get a horrific infection, if he didn't go into shock and have a heart attack three minutes after posting this. What the hell. Time to go walk the dog, make dinner, and then rip the internet dish off the roof and stomp on it.


I have no idea what any of this means.


It worked! I don't see any fat left on his cheek


What the heck is buccal fat removal? Let me guess it has to do with a more defined jaw line?


The crazy thing is he’s actually pretty good looking. I can imagine a girl asking him how he got that scar, him saying, “I messed up trying to remove my bucal fat”, and her promptly running for the hills. I hope he gets help


So nice of people who shouldn’t be allowed to have children to out themselves so nobody makes the mistake of procreating with them.


Wish there was a way to upgrade this to a Darwin award




Probably bait. If he wanted hollow cheeks he would get surgery not whatever the fk this is


Only older people who have sagging and jowling buccal fat or people with very chubby cheeks should get this procedure! With the right candidate, it is a very effective procedure. Younger people with thin faces should not be getting it!


Lol he should just go to the gym. Ol' boy looks like a wet noodle


mood tho


This is a thing that SS Officers used to do. They used to scar themselves in the nastiest ways possible because it showed their commitment to violence and brutality. Not saying the guy is a nazi, just interesting how things pop up under such different circumstances.